FREE Take One!
Right: Quilt made by Sandy Brown to be raffled in support of programs at the Klamath Senior Center. On display at the Center.
SENIOR CENTER CLOSED NO BINGO Please attend the county fair & park at the Senior Center!
Active Seniors
The Official monthly publication of the Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Center
AUGUST • 2018
SENIOR Center receptionist Joanne Campbell
Contact Information General Information Joanne Campbell: 541.883.7171 Donations - Shawn McGahan 541.883.7171 ext. 136
Meals On Wheels Assistance Contact Klamath Lake Counties Council On Aging at 541.205.5400
Transport Dispatcher - Cindy Dupart 541.850.7315
ll content for this publication has been provided by the Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Center. For questions, suggestions and general information regarding this publication, please contact the Klamath Basin Senior Center at 541.883.7171. Thank you.
Where are we located?
Bingo Information Linda Breeden: 541.883.7171 ext. 115
Medicare Counseling 541.883.7171
Volunteer Opportunities 541.883.7171
Executive Director-
Marc Kane: 541.883.7171 ext. 117
The Klamath Senior Center is located at 2045 Arthur street
TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome: Letter from Marc Kane, Executive Director Features:
Board Approves New Budget AAA Increases Funding For Meals On Wheels Senior Center Initiates Travel Training Program Bulletins:
Find Your Purpose Klamath Hospice Volunteer Opportunities How The Senior Center Is Funded Writer’s Corner Bulletin: Balance and Stability Class Calendar of Events
Looking to make a contribution to your community in support of your elderly neighbors. Join our 140 volunteers that are the foundation of the Senior Center. Training is provided. Call us at 541-883-7171.
4 5 6 7
Bulletins: Muffin Mondays Grief Support Group Calendar of Events Continued
Bulletins: Sandy Brown’s Quilt Advertise in Active Seniors Bulletins: Tai Chi Classes SAIL Classes Feature: SHIP Talk Donor Report
Feature: Nancie’s Corner Bulletins: SPOKES Unlimited Schedule
9 10 11
Legal Services for Seniors (60 or Older)
Bulletins: Lake County Senior Citizens Association Event Schedule Feature: Tips for Talking with Your Doctor Bulletins: Meals-On-Wheels Drivers needed The YMCA Wild West Show Senior Excursion Menu
Produced in conjunction with the Herald and News
14 15
AUGUST • 2018 | Active Seniors • 3
reached at 541-883-5336. Law officials will not likely be able catch these thieves
because the contact information they give is generally bogus, but acquiring a
Air quality, lack of precipitation and summer
case number from law enforcement may be of some use to you if you have the
heat have certainly been the talk of the town
opportunity to file a claim with others.
this past month and it appears will continue to be for the remainder of the summer . As
The Senior Center will be closed on Saturday, August 4th. There will be no
I am writing this we expect temperatures
in the nineties and the air quality index is 213 (very unhealthy). While we don’t
Bingo games that evening. Residents are encouraged to attend the County Fair Marc Kane, Center Director
recommend that residents venture out of
their homes in such conditions we do encourage the use of the Senior
Center if necessary as an oasis of cool and cleaner air, not to mention the availability of a good lunch meal and opportunities to socialize and exercise. The combination of high temperature and very bad air can be life
that weekend and feel free to use the Senior Center parking lot.
Finally, please note the notices in the paper this month soliciting volunteers
for Meals-On-Wheels drivers. We really need your help. Call the Center for an application at 541-883-7171.
threatening to some older adults. If some temporary relief is needed during
To make a fully tax-deductable contribution to the Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Center
the day we are here to lend a hand.
Call (541) 883-7171
We have received a number of calls this past month reporting possible scam
activities that seem to be targeted at older adults. One report describes a caller who pretends to be in touch with one of your relatives such as a
or mail this form to : P.O. Box JE, Klamath Falls, OR 97602
nephew or granddaughter that is allegedly in a crisis. Some callers actually
themselves with a great deal of personal information that may make the
Street Address:
solve the issue and it can be deposited or wired to some location. Another
Amount of Contribution:
suggesting that a tax bill must be paid immediately or your property may
My check is enclosed payable to KBSCC.
have the nerve to pretend they are your granddaughter and have armed
caller sound credible. Next of course the caller suggests that money will
City: State: Zip:
scam involves callers pretending represent the Internal Revenue Service and
Does your employer have a matching gifts plan? Yes No
be seized.
Or charge my contribution to my:
How should you respond to these callers? First, never give them what they
want and the best course may be to just hang up. Local law officials generally suggest this as the numbers that scammers call from cannot generally be
Card # Exp. Date CSC Recurring monthly contribution: Yes No Signature
traced back to them. An option is to turn the tables on them and try to
acquire from them as much information as possible, such as a return phone
number or the account information they may want you to send money to.
Turn all this information over to the local law enforcement authorities. When calling the County Sheriff ’s Office the number is 541-883-5130
(select option 9), or if you are in the City the local police office can be
KBSCC is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation
4 • Active Seniors | AUGUST • 2018
Board Approves New Budget AAA Increases Funding For Meals On Wheels
At its June meeting the Senior Center Board of Directors approved a new budget for the year beginning July 1st, and late in July the Klamath Lake Counties Council On Aging (our local Area Agency On Aging (AAA)) granted additional funds to meet the ever growing demands of the Meals-OnWheels (MOW) program. With the new AAA funding the center anticipates overall revenue for the next year of $1,121,085. AAA funding and other government funding generally require local matching contributions. The Center must raise $122,000 in matching funds for its meals and health promotion activities each year and more as the program expands. Information about donating is presented on page 3 of this publication. The number of meals served by the Senior Center is expected to increase by more than 25% this year. The Center sites three factors that drive the significant increase in meals deliveries. First, Klamath County has a higher proportion of seniors aged 65 or over than any other Oregon County. Second, the “baby boomers” are now being dubbed the “silver tsunami” – the fastest growing sector of the population. Third, the incidence of poverty stricken or low income households with older adults is significantly higher here than in most areas. The AAA and the Senior Center are working closely together in an attempt to meet increasing demands and avoid waiting lists for services. Volunteerism plays a significant role is the Senior Center’s ability to meet the needs of our local older adults. According to Center auditors volunteers now provide as much as $300,000 of value in labor for the Center. The Center is now working with a coalition of other agencies to develop a central volunteer program for the County. Volunteers are increasingly hard to recruit so collectively coalition members hope to develop a more effective and efficient program to the benefit of all providers needing volunteers to serve the County’s older adults.
Senior Center Initiates Travel Training Program
Utililizing support from Federal transportation grants the Oregon Department of Transportation, Rail and Public Transit Division, awarded the Klamath Senior Center funding for a mobility management program to include a travel training program for those utilizing the center’s transportation program. This program is aimed at providing the center’s transportation patrons with support that may be needed to enhance the ability and confidence of riders in using both the center’s transportation services as well as other components of the larger area transportation services program to include use of services from other providers such as the Basin Transit Service (BTS) and the Klamath Tribe’s Quail Trail service. The Klamath Senior Center operates six transportation vehicles and employs six drivers funded from multiple sources including United Way, local donations, fares, and substantial funding from Special Transportation Funds ( STF, cigarette tax dollars) and Federal Section 5310 funding from the Federal Department of Transportation. BTS operates a local transit service with fixed route buses and a para transit program known as Dial-A-Ride funded by a local tax base, STF and other government funding. The Tribe’s Quail Trail primarily provides inter community service throughout much of the County Starting July 1, 2018 the State of Oregon initiated a payroll tax to further support transportation services. That additional funding will also be available to local providers of transportation services with planning for disbursement already underway for distribution in the Spring of 2019. BTS One of the Senior Center drivers, Selena Matthews, has been appointed to take the lead in implementing our driver training program. So if you use our services or are a new patron please welcome her efforts to assist you in better understanding the larger transportation services program offered by our community. Your participation is voluntary and offers many benefits. Selena will be available to offer personalized coaching and will even ride along with you if needed on a BTS bus to learn the schedules, fares and such things as how to use transfer privileges. A ten ride free bus pass (compliments of BTS) will be offered to all who participate in Selena’s training program. Following is an excerpt from a report from the Transportation Research Board of The National Academies which summarizes the benefits and importance of travel training. Comments are welcomed from all interested persons about our programs. Please address them to Marc Kane, the director at the Klamath Senior Center. Why Get Involved with Travel Training? * Travel training for older adults creates substantial benefits for individuals and organizations, and these benefits are significantly larger than the costs. In fact, the list of benefits is long and extensive. Individual travelers can realize increased mobility and independence. Public transportation providers, many of whom face severe resource constraints, can expect financial benefits. A large number of individuals could use travel training, and this number is expected to grow dramatically in the near future.
The benefits to the transit providers can also be quite substantial, as follows:
The numerous benefits travel training provides for individual travelers include the following:
Travel training programs typically create more capacity on paratransit vehicles for riders who have no other travel options than the paratransit services.
Increased tripmaking, both short term and long term, leading to enhanced mobility and independence.
Meals-On-Wheels Drivers and “runners” that partner with drivers are urgently needed to meet the expanding demands of the MOW program.
Improved travel attributes, such as greater flexibility with times of travel, no need to make advance reservations, and less dependence on family and friends for rides.
Interested persons are urged to contact the Senior Center for an application. Drivers are paid mileage and all volunteers receive appropriate training and support.
Personal development, such as increased confidence in travel abilities and more control over one’s own activities and schedule.
Quality of life improvements, such as aging in place, getting out more often, reduced isolation, and freedom to travel spontaneously, according to individual needs or desires.
Economic benefits, such as lower costs for riders and avoiding the costs of nursing homes.
There can be substantial cost savings to the transit agency or cost avoidance for the transit agency if travel training can encourage paratransit riders to use fixed route services instead of the paratransit services. Travel training can benefit transit agencies by increasing the use of public transit and contributing to a mobility options philosophy (providing people with more options).
Travel training generates good will among transit’s funders with its emphasis on cost control and among transit’s consumers with its efforts to improve their mobility. Benefits like these are likely to have even more relevance in the future. Census Bureau projections indicate that the number of adults age 65 and older will grow from about 40 million in 2011 (13 percent of the population) to about 87 million in 2050 (about 21 percent of the population). Increases in life expectancy mean that this growth in the older adult population will be even more dramatic for people age 85 and older. The population of oldest adults (85 years of age and older) in the United States will increase from about 5 million in 2011 (1.6 percent of the population) to about 18 million (4.5 percent of the population) in 2050. These projections suggest that concerns about the mobility of older adults could be even greater in the future.
Reprinted from the Executive Summary of TCRP Report 168, Transit Cooperative Research Program, Travel Training for Older Adults, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES.
Find Your Purpose
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES FOR EVERYONE Have you considered giving back to your community? Volunteer Opportunities At The Klamath Senior Center: • Meals-On-Wheels Drivers and Kitchen Helpers • Transportation Drivers Using Senior Center Vans • Computer and Tech Skills Instructors
• Gift Shop Clerks and Helpers
• Bingo Callers and Floor Helpers (Thursday and Saturday Evenings)
Visit Our WEB Site at
Now recruiting for a new volunteer Volunteer Coordinator Contact Marc Kane, Executive Director at 541-883-7171 Ext 117 Citizens For Safe Schools Volunteer Opportunities Mentor One Child, Change Two Lives For only one hour a week, you can give valuable time to a child in need in the Klamath Basin. Spend time simply “hanging out”; going bowling, volunteering, going for a walk, playing games, checking out Crater Lake… the possibilities are endless! Simply showing a youth that you care enough to give your undivided time to them each week can make a lasting difference in their young life. We have a list with children waiting to be your friend! Contact Bill Patterson, Executive Director, P.O. Box 243, Klamath Falls, OR 97601, 541-882-3198 to apply as a volunteer.
The School Guardian Project at Ponderosa Middle School and the Citizen Advisory Board of the Coalition for Safe Learning Environments (CSLE) is looking for volunteers. This groundbreaking initiative in support of public schools is helping locate opportunities for the community in our schools. Commitment levels vary from 1 hour a month to board member support, and as many hours as volunteers would like to donate to our local students. For more information please contact: Bill Patterson: FIND YOUR PURPOSE IS A RECURRING COLUMN. WE INVITE ANY AGENCY THAT HAS VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES TO SUBMIT INFORMATION TO BE PUBLISHED IN FUTURE COLUMNS. WE ARE ESPECIALLY INTERESTED IN OPPORTUNITIES FOR SENIORS AND VOLUNTEER EVENTS THAT BRING SENIORS AND OTHERS TOGETHER TO SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY. PLEASE SUBMIT REQUESTS TO MARC KANE AT THIS EMAIL:
AUGUST • 2018 | Active Seniors • 5
Klamath Hospice Volunteer Opportunities
VOLUNTEER OPENINGS Treasures Thrift Store Volunteer staffed with volunteers who donate their time to sort merchandise, run the cash register, and assist our community. All proceeds benefit Klamath Hospice patients and families. Treasures is open Monday - Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Patient/Family Volunteer Offer additional support for Klamath Hospice families through reading to patients, social visits and more.
Bereavement Volunteers Provides a friendly shoulder to lean on; offering support through phone calls or home visits. Caring Companion Impart a supportive and calming presence during a patient’s final hours Life Stories Everyone has a story, help
Start Today! Call Jennifer at 541-882-2902
Bulletin How The Senior Center Is Funded 2018/2019 BUDGET
Klamath Lake Counties Council on Aging State/Federal Transportation Grants Other Government Funding Foundation/Organization Grants Bingo Fundraisers (net after payouts) General Contributions and Fundraisers United Way Program Donations from patrons Concessions/rents/fees/interest Refunds/Single Payments/Misc TOTAL
$ 341,065 $ 166,489 $ 121,426 $ 100,000 $ 168,000 $ 45,000 ** $ 39,330 $ 70,000 $ 65,975 $ 3,800 $1,121,085
** Your Individual or Corporate Contribution Is Needed. Make One Today!! The Center Provides more than 80,000 meals, 12,500 specialized transportation rides, 8500 health promotion classes each year and many more activities to area seniors.
6 • Active Seniors | AUGUST • 2018
Writer’s Corner
Expressions of Heart and Mind
Mumkin’s Recipes For Life...
Please submit something for us to consider printing in our next issue. Submittals should be sent to the attention of Marc Kane, Executive Director, Klamath Basin Senior Citizens Center.
On The Canal By Joan Carroll
A bullfrog spoke this morning But not to me His bloated burp spanned the canal And drew me in I thought my silence might warrant more But was rebuffed As I walked on, a throaty honk Reminded me Just who was who
GRANDPA’S CABIN By Sharon Hudson
The moments you capture this summertime Will live forever in your heart and mind! Sharon (Johnston) Pappas©
What’s Your Gift?
By Sharon (Johnston) Pappas © What is YOUR gift We have at least one Something to share Before each day is done
Maybe it’s the gift of love Prayer, a kind word, a hug, or smile Always ready and willing To go that extra mile
Are you a helper, a fixer Do you teach or preach Making a difference In every life you reach
Do you quietly give A dollar or two Seeing a need You could help someone through
Look around… Look within There’s so much to do Open the gift… That has been given to you!
The cabin was built In the forest so green. The road leading to It was rugged and mean.
Inside was neat, and Had a wonderful smell. It was warm and inviting. It was grandpa’s I could tell.
When you got there Everything changed. There were five little Cabins all neatly arranged.
Grandma and I went up to see Him on a Friday afternoon. To bring supplies and to Listen to grandpa’s new tune.
They all had chimneys And a shake style roof. I took some pictures, so I could bring back proof.
His guitar would sing, And so would he. I loved to listen, and It made me feel happy!
The chimneys had smoke Curling upward to the sky. The aroma was welcoming, and I think someone was baking a pie.
We brought with us a List of grandpa’s needs, Including adventure stories Considered good reads.
Grandpa’s cabin was the one on The end, facing the west. They all looked the same, But grandpa’s was the best!
We spent the night, made breakfast, And came back the next day. We stopped and saw the elk, and Went to the beach on our way.
What wonderful times, Those days were. I can still see them vividly, They have not become a blurr!
Balance and Stability Class By Judith Jensen
The Missing Link: The New Frontier of Movement Improvement.
Maybe you haven’t even heard about fascia? Fascia is the glue that holds us together. It packages everything. It holds our muscles and bones in place so we can move. What if fascia holds things in place too much, holding them hostage? Tina Mahacek is presenting a new series of lessons on fascial release to allow bones to better align for movement improvement. As usual there will be fun and laughter while you learn these new skills.
Location of Ongoing Senior Center Classes: Monday and Wednesday 10:30-11:30+ Klamath Lutheran Church 1175 Crescent Ave Behind Klamath Union High School. (Go to back entrance of church, down six stairs) For information call Tina: 541274-1555
LET US INTRODUCE OURSELVES MBK Senior Living is proud to be the owner/operator of Crystal Terrace (formerly Quail Park). This change brings in a renewed commitment to providing the utmost care and support to Crystal Terrace's resident and families.
Call or stop by for a tour today!
541.238.2518 • Independent Living • Assisted Living • Memory Care
8 • Active Seniors | AUGUST • 2018
Calendar of Events MONDAY
SAIL 8:45-9:45 and 10:15-11:15
Balance & Stability at KLC 10:30 Dancing 1:00-4:00 With The Take Four Band
Keep Moving! Follow The Blue Scheduled Activities Come Be A Crafter! Look For Lavender Entries Support Us! Look For Green Fundraising Activities
Craft Class 9-11 Behavioral Health 10:00-1:00 SAIL 10:15-11:15 Golden Age Bingo/Cards 12:30 County Library 1:30-4:00
SAIL 8:45-9:45 and 10:15-11:15 County Library 9:30-1:00
Pickle Ball 1:00
Want To Be Musical or Artsy - Follow the PINK Colored Entries
Qi Gong 4:00-5:00pm Tai Chi 5:00-6:00pm
Classes/Support Groups for development and information.
Bingo Fundraiser OPEN 4:30/CALL AT 6:00
Line Dancing 7:00pm
SAIL 8:45-9:45 and 10:15-11:15 Library 9:30-1:00 Legal Services 10-12 Vets/ Muffin Mondays 10:00
Tai Chi Intermediate 8:00 Beginner 2 9:00 Beginner 1 10:00 Advanced 12:10 Behavioral Health 10:00-1:00 Pickle Ball 2:00 Ukulele 6:45 PM
SAIL 8:45-9:45 and 10:15-11:15
Craft Class 9-11 Behavioral Health 10:00-1:00 SAIL 10:15-11:15 Golden Age Bingo/Cards 12:30 County Library 1:30-4:00
Speaker: Rich Ortiz-Brats, Brews, and Blues Festival August 11th
Balance & Stability at KLC 10:30 Golden Age Club Bingo/Cards 12:30 Yoga 5:00-6:00
SAIL 8:45-9:45 and 10:15-11:15 Library 9:30-1:00 Legal Services 10-12 Vets/ Muffin Mondays 10:00
Tai Chi Intermediate 8:00 Beginner 2 9:00 Beginner 1 10:00 Advanced 12:10 Behavioral Health 10:00-1:00 Pickle Ball 2:00
Speaker: Tamera Bancroft, RN-Nurse on the Go
Balance & Stability at KLC 10:30 Golden Age Club Bingo/Cards 12:30 Movie - Black Panther 12:30
Balance & Stability at KLC 10:30 Dancing 1:00-4:00 With The Take Four Band Qi Gong 4:00-5:00pm Tai Chi 5:00-6:00
15TH SAIL 8:45-9:45 and 10:15-11:15 Balance & Stability at KLC 10:30 Dancing 1:00-4:00 With The Take Four Band Qi Gong 4:00-5:00pm Tai Chi 5:00-6:00pm
Yoga 5:00-6:00
SAIL 8:45-9:45 and 10:15-11:15 County Library 9:30-1:00 Dementia Care Giver Group 10:00-12:00 Pickle Ball 1:00
CENTER CLOSED NO BINGO Please attend the county fair & park at the Senior Center 11TH
Bingo Fundraiser Paper Only Night OPEN 4:30/CALL AT 6:00
Line Dancing 7:00pm
SAIL 8:45-9:45 and 10:15-11:15 County Library 9:30-1:00 Pickle Ball 1:00
Craft Class 9-11 Behavioral Health 10:00-1:00 SAIL 10:15-11:15 Hearing J.D. Howell 10:15-12:00 Golden Age Bingo/Cards 12:30 County Library 1:30-4:00
Line Dancing 7:00pm Bingo Fundraiser 4:30/call 6:00 OPEN 4:30/CALL AT 6:00
Abbreviations with KLC indicate classes will be held at Klamath Luthern Church 1175 Crescent Ave Klamath Falls
Muffin Mondays!
Grief Support Group
Veteran’s Group
Every Monday 10:30-11:30 a.m. Senior Center, 2045 Arthur St.
Coffee • Muffins • Conversation For more information: Jennifer Smith • 541-882-2902
Every Tuesday 4:00 p.m
Klamath Hospice, 4745 S. 6th Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon We are here to help you:
increase your understanding of grief Gain support • Find hope • Adjust to loss Gain self-awareness • Lean coping skills For more information: 541-882-2902 •
AUGUST • 2018 | Active Seniors • 9
AUGUST HOT LUNCHES MONDAY-FRIDAY 11:30-12:30 2045 Arthur St., Klamath Falls OR 541-883-7171 - Need Meals-On-Wheels ? Call 541-205-5400
SAIL 8:45-9:45 and 10:15-11:15 Library 9:30-1:00 Legal Services 10-12 Veterans/ Muffin Mondays 10:00
Tai Chi Intermediate 8:00 Beginner 2 9:00 Beginner 1 10:00 Advanced 12:10 Behavioral Health 10:00-1:00
NO Board of Directors meeting
Craft Class 9-11 Behavioral Health 10:00-1:00
SAIL 8:45-9:45 and 10:15-11:15 County Library 9:30-1:00 Pickle Ball 1:00
Bingo Fundraiser 4:30/call 6:00 OPEN 4:30/CALL AT 6:00
Line Dancing 7:00pm
SAIL 8:45-9:45 and 10:15-11:15 County Library 9:30-1:00 Pickle Ball 1:00
Line Dancing 7:00pm
SAIL 8:45-9:45 and 10:15-11:15 SAIL 10:15-11:15 Golden Age Bingo/Cards 12:30 County Library 1:30-4:00
Yoga 5:00-6:00
Pickle Ball 2:00 Ukulele 6:45 PM
Balance & Stability at KLC 10:30 Dancing 1:00-4:00 With The Take Four Band Qi Gong 4:00-5:00pm Tai Chi 5:00-6:00pm
SAIL 8:45-9:45 and 10:15-11:15 Library 9:30-1:00 Legal Services 10-12 Veterans/ Muffin Mondays 10:00
Tai Chi Intermediate 8:00 Beginner 2 9:00 Beginner 1 10:00 Advanced 12:10 Behavioral Health 10:00-1:00
SAIL 8:45-9:45 and 10:15-11:15
Craft Class 9-11 Behavioral Health 10:00-1:00
Balance & Stability at KLC 10:30 Golden Age Club Bingo/Cards 12:30
Pickle Ball 2:00
Balance & Stability at KLC 10:30 Dancing 1:00-4:00 With The Take Four Band Qi Gong 4:00-5:00pm Tai Chi 5:00-6:00pm
SAIL 8:45-9:45 and 10:15-11:15 Library 9:30-1:00
Tai Chi Intermediate 8:00 Beginner 2 9:00 Beginner 1 10:00 Advanced 12:10 Behavioral Health 10:00-1:00
Balance & Stability at KLC 10:30 Golden Age Club Bingo/Cards 12:30 Movie - Overboard 12:30
Yoga 5:00-6:00
Veterans/ Muffin Mondays 10:00 Balance & Stability at KLC 10:30 Golden Age Club Bingo/Cards 12:30
Pickle Ball 2:00
SAIL 10:15-11:15 Golden Age Bingo/Cards 12:30 County Library 1:30-4:00 Bingo Fundraiser 4:30/call 6:00 OPEN 4:30/CALL AT 6:00
SAIL 8:45-9:45 and 10:15-11:15 Balance & Stability at KLC 10:30 Dancing 1:00-4:00 With The Take Four Band Qi Gong 4:00-5:00pm Tai Chi 5:00-6:00pm
Sign-up at the front desk Must attend both classes
Yoga 5:00-6:00
Abbreviations with KLC indicate classes will be held at Klamath Luthern Church 1175 Crescent Ave Klamath Falls
Active Seniors Ad
Ad Sizes Sizes
Quilt made by Sandy Brown to be raffled in support of programs at the Klamath Senior Center. On display at the Center.
Rate Open Rate
1 year
1 YearRate Rate
1/8 page
1/4 page
1/2 page Full page
2 P W
Call 541-885-4410 more information Includes SEO Boost on
The Official monthly publication of the Klam
Tai Chi Classes
TAI CHI CLASSES - KF Senior Center Klamath Falls Senior Center Tuesday Beginning 10:00-11:00am (set 1) 9-10 am (Set 2) Intermediate 8:00-9:00am (Set 3) Advanced 12:10- 1:10pm (Sets 1-4) Mel Murakami, Wednesday Tai Chi Instructor Evening Class at 5:00 pm
Call 541 274-1555
SAIL Classes
Stay Active and Independent for Life
Everyone needs exercise in order to function properly. Those who retire and think they can take it easy, soon realize that their bodies need exercise to stay healthy. SAIL classes make it fun and easy to get the exercise we need. The SAIL program emphasizes fall prevention with exercises that strengthen your legs and improve balance and coordination. Give SAIL a try. Your body will thank you! There are 7 classes every week. All classes are at the Senior Center. The program is the same for all seven classes, so you can choose the classes that best fit your schedule.
Mon. Wed. & Fri., - 8:45 to 9:45 Mon. Wed. Thurs. & Fri. - 10:15 to 11:15 Call me, Mary Noller for more information at 541-281-3810. Mary Noller & Suzan Phipps are the Certified Instructors. A two dollar donation is suggested.
(Senior Health Insurance Program)
These past couple of columns I’ve discussed the new Medicare cards, possible fraud and fraud and abuse in particular. It seems the timely to finish up this line of thinking with information regarding billing mistakes in general. For my old readers we introduced this resource exactly two years ago, but for the new readers, it’s valuable information you may not have or know how to address– namely quality of care. Did you know that Medicare will address this issue? To do so it contracts with an agency to handle a myriad of quality of care issues? The agency is called Livanta. This organization reviews hundreds of complaints each week from Medicare patients about the quality of care received from hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, rehabilitation facilities, home health agencies, hospices, ambulance companies, doctors, nurses, and other providers who receive Medicare funds. Livanta’s independent physician reviewer analyzes the complaint made, the medical records of the care in question and any other relevant documentation collected to determine if the standard of care was met. Some examples of concerns may be: 1. You received the wrong medication 2. You received an infection while in the health care facility 3. Your condition changed and was not treated. 4. You received inadequate discharge instructions. 5. You were discharged too soon. 6. You were forced to stop care before you got all of your treatment 7. You received the wrong treatment. 8. You think the billing is in error. One of the most compelling reasons for submitting a quality of care complaint is not only to address your own situation, but you might help improve care for all future Medicare patients of the involved provider. Livanta can be reached at 1-877-588-1123 and service is free. If you decide to make a call, be sure and have your Medicare number, date of service, name of provider and other pertinent information with you. You can also go to the website at Just click on BFCCQIO in the upper right hand corner, then click into area 5, and choose Oregon. Complaints should always be carefully considered and not made without good cause. However, it’s wise to be well informed and check out this valuable resource. Finally, we urge you to call the Senior Center at 541-883-7171 to make an appointment to review your situation and see if we can help. The service is free and your information is private. Respectfully submitted, Anne Hartnett, SHIBA Coordinator
541.882.6476 4509 S. 6th Street, #110 Klamath Falls, OR 97603 “Turning 65 Soon?” Call us to learn about all of your options for Medicare
Your Local Health & Medicare Agents Since 1980
10 • Active Seniors | AUGUST • 2018
Donor List
Sometimes donations come in forms others than cash and checks, and I am pleased to acknowledge the donation by Sandy Brown this month of her extraordinary quilt. Great quilting takes hours and hours of dedication and skill making such a donation to be valued in the thousands of dollars. We’ll be raffling the quilt over the next several months and the proceeds will support our health promotion services to include our meals programs. THANK YOU Sandy
Are you struggling with anxiety, depression, or grief? You are not alone. Drop in at the Klamath Senior Center between 10am and 1pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays and talk to Kathleen Rutherford, LMSW, at no cost to you. Or call 541.883.7171 to make an appointment at the Senior Center.
Brown. See page 9 for a picture of this great quilt and this gracious contributor. A big thanks to all our individual contributors for their monetary support and to those who make donations when participating in programs that don’t expect to be acknowledged by name. We are grateful to all who support the Senior Center. June Donations of $4,713.06 were received from the following organizations and individuals: Jordan Cove J. Sheila Scott Rev. Liv Tr Geraldine Schindler Ernie Palmer Burl Parrish Lynette Harvey Dorothy Winters Jon Schnebly Rose Chapman Duckworth Family
Mary Ellen Sargent Linda Bourcy James Cope Patricia Henderson Howard McGee Donna Maloney Wanita Staley Jonny Jones Wilma Petrik Samuel Hawley
Etta Holly Joyce Moore Alan Duyff Charles Stanfield Rose Kruezer Catherine Ryser Mary Waters Golden Age Roger Dionne Goria Kanna
2210 North Eldorado Avenue | 541.883.1030 Call today if you experience any of the following symptoms: • Anxiety
• Depression
Unidentified contributions in June for Meals, Transportation and Other Services amounted to $3,919.00.
• Substance Abuse • Loneliness
The Senior Center would like to especially recognize the following individuals for their regular and/or recurring gifts during 2017 amounting to at least $600 for the year. They were the following:
• Suicide Risk • Alzheimers or Dementia
Amy Haack Burl Parrish Cheryl Gibbs Chris & Susan Kandra Dorothy Winters
Ernie Palmer Faith Tabernacle George Nitschelm Geraldine Schindler Howard McGee Jon Schnebly
Lynette Harvey Marta Stephens Mary Ellen Sargent Patricia Henderson Rose Chapman
The Center continues to encourage you to be a recurring giver. These types of gifts are so important to the Center because they add stability to our funding. They also send a clear message to everyone that you have trust in
• Grief and Loss
• Feelings of isolation
Klamath Basin Behavioral Health is here to help you with these challenges and more. Medicare, Medicaid, and most insurance plans accepted. A sliding fee scale is available. No one is turned away for inability to pay. All services are confidential.
the Center, its future and its importance to our senior neighbors. You can become an on-going or recurrent giver by authorizing the Center to charge to your card periodically, such as monthly. You can also contribute
2210 North Eldorado Avenue Klamath Falls, OR 97601
by mail, personal visit or with a single telephone call to the Center. There is a giving form on page 3 of this publication. The IRS has determined that we are a tax exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code. Our Federal Tax ID # is 46-0716639. 541.883.1030
12 • Active Seniors | AUGUST • 2018
Nancie’s Corner Blues Zones Reporter Health and Wellness Counselor
Many grow and harvest their own vegetables and forage for wild greens some of which they use for herbal tea. Both heated and unheated olive oil is used frequently on salads or vegetables. They consume small amounts of dairy, meat, fish and pasta, moderate amounts of wine and 2-3 cups/day of Turkish style, strong coffee. What sets this area apart is the emphasis on potatoes, goat’s milk, wild foraged tea, legumes (especially garbanzo, black-eyed peas and lentils), lemon in everything and honey. They use honey to treat colds, insomnia and to heal wounds. And, because they live remotely, they’ve been able to resist a Western diet. Other non-food focused behaviors that help to increase longevity are: • Ikarians eat slowly often with a large group of family and friends; • They nap at least five-days a week which decreases their risk of heart disease; • And, interestingly, an earlier research study found that Ikarian males between the ages of 65-85 were still having sex, meaning less stress that translates to healthier eating according to the researcher. Perhaps by now, you are over all this Blue Zones talk. It hasn’t convinced you to make changes and, darn it, you just may be resisting. So, I’ll share my story to see if it resonates. From January through March this year, I had multiple digestive tract tests due to ongoing abdominal pain and heartburn. Not surprising, most was related to aging, but what was found convinced me to further alter my diet. With a focus on legumes and occasional small amounts of salmon or chicken, I consume mostly vegetables in any form— raw, cooked, roasted (with olive oil), lots of salads with olive oil and lemon. No beef, no bread or sugar in any form (well, at times I do cheat). I’ve lost 20 pounds although that was not my intention at the outset. More importantly, my abdominal and heartburn issues are erased. From another point of view, it is an alkaline vs acid approach. If you’d like to meet with me for consultation on fitness and/or Blue Zones, please leave your name and phone number with the receptionist at the Senior Center. Nancie Carlson, Health & Wellness Counselor
SPOKES Unlimited 1006 Main Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 541-883-7547 v/tty
All support groups follow confidentiality guidelines.
Looking at Ikaria, Greece – A Heart Healthy Blue Zone None of this will surprise you about Ikaria, Greece if you’ve been reading my columns. Citizens there live eight years longer than we do with half the rate of heart disease and almost no dementia!
SPOKES Unlimited Schedule
August 2018 4th
KCTP Gone Fishing Event 9:00 am-3:00 pm, Moore Park Pavilion Come join us for a day full of fun and activities. Students will learn how to fish, get to practice fishing, as well as a multiple other activities. Open to students in the Klamath County School district enrolled in special programs (Transitions, Alternative, GOALs, and Bridges). Free registration, lunch provided, and all participants receive a goodie bag.
20th SPOKES Board of Directors Meeting 4:00 pm-5:00 pm, SPOKES Office, 1006 Main Street 21st
American Council for the Blind Meeting 12:00pm-2:00pm, Red Roosters Grill and Pub, 3608 S. 6th Street
Social Security Workshop Free Independent Living Skills workshop to learn about eligibility, required paperwork, and medical records in order to start your SSA application. Workshop limited to 15 people, come early as admittance is first come, first served.2:00-3:30 pm, SPOKES office
All meetings/events listed are held in a wheelchair accessible location. Please notify SPOKES 48 hours in advance if you need an assistive listening system, sign language interpreter or materials in an alternate format. Call 541-883-7547 v/tty.
Legal Services for Seniors (60 or Older)
Legal services are available for seniors with a social or economic need through local Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) and are available for legal issues related to:
Income and public benefits Housing Guardianship actions Long-term care
Health care Protection from abuse or neglect Utilities LEGAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES Age discrimination
FOR SENIORS (60(60 oror older) FOR SENIORS older)
Mike Spencer will be working with Mark Runnels, another Klamath Falls attorney, to provide these services in Klamath and Lake Counties. If you want to meet with one of them, please call:
Mike Spencer 541‐891‐9426 or Mark Runnels 541‐891‐2956 LegalLegal services are available for seniors with awith social or economic need need services are available for seniors a social orof economic *Legal services provided do not generally include litigation, drafting estate through local Area on Aging (AAAs) and are available for legal through local Agencies Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) and are available for legal planning documents or the like. These services issues relatedrelated to: are issues to: available at a reduced rate.
Income and public benefits care care Income and public benefits Health Health Housing Protection from from abuseabuse or neglect Housing Protection or neglect Guardianship actions Guardianship actions Long-term care care Long-term
Utilities Utilities Age discrimination Age discrimination
AUGUST • 2018 | Active Seniors • 13
Lake County Senior Citizens Association Event Schedule August 2018 Events:
1st three Tuesdays, 7:30 AM, Klamath Falls Trips for Medical & Shopping (Stop in to sign up only $20 donation)
Help Support Our Senior Programs
Have Fun - Win $$$
First Tuesday, August 7th, join us for Tuesday Friends at 2:00 PM. Friday, August 14th is our Birthday Lunch. Come and join us for lunch & Birthday Cake.
Every Tuesday & Thursday the Outback Thrift Store is open 1:00-4:00PM. Also open on the second Saturday of the month from 10:00-2:00PM.
Tuesdays & Thursdays join us for the Strong People Program! 10:00-11:00AM (Register at the Extension Office.)
Wednesday 12:00-1:00 PM Lakeview Lions Club – Lunch Meeting.
Bingo Mondays at 1:00PM (right after lunch) Tuesdays & Thursdays stop in for a puzzle swap. (Bring some to trade/share and take something new for you!) We rent rooms evenings & weekends. For space during working hours, just call to reserve a space for your crafting group, card players, nonprofit, etc. We appreciate donations. We have plenty of space to share, call and see how we could work together.
• Health and Exercise Classes and Pickleball Court • Meals Programs • Social Events • Library
• Educational and Arts Classes • Transportation • Entertainment • Information and Assistance • Host to the Golden Age Club
We serve hot meals to everyone Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It’s only $7 for those under 60 and we request a $5 donation for those over 60. We provide home delivered meals weekly. Lunch is served at noon. Join us! Seniors and disabled may request local medical transportation with advance notice.
Klamath Farmer’s
You can reach us at: 11 North G Street, Lakeview Oregon 97630 • (541)947-4966 x101
Online Marketplace
We have a Volunteer position open for someone qualified to take Blood Pressures on Monday’s before the lunch hour.
Thursday Pick-up at:
Herald and News 2701 Foothills Blvd
Do you want year-round access to local produce, meat & eggs? • Mark Fay, M.D. Scott Stevens, M.D. Physician/ Surgeon of the Eye Physician/ Surgeon of the Eye
Edwin Tuhy, O.D. Optometrist
Go to
to order fresh food direct from local farmers • Orders Due: Every Tuesday by 10pm • Pickup: Every Thursday from 5 - 7pm
Jennifer Sparks, O.D. Optometrist
2640 Biehn St. • 541.884.3148 •
New Patients Welcome
For more information contact:
14 • Active Seniors | AUGUST • 2018
Tips for Talking with Your Doctor
Article respectfully submitted by Klamath Hospice
The YMCA Wild West Show Senior Excursion
Effective doctor-patient communication is one of the keys to good health, but is not always easy. It will take time and effort on your part, as well as your physician’s. Some suggestions to make the most out of your next doctor visit might include: • Keep a list of concerns in order of importance. Be willing to schedule a follow up appointment for concerns that are not able to be addressed during this visit. • Write down a list of all medications, vitamins, and supplements that are currently being taken. • Write down any important health and life changes since the last visit. • Bring a trusted friend or family member for support. Sometimes this person will remember things that you may not. • Take notes if necessary or ask your friend/family member to do so on your behalf. • Be aware of how you can access your medical records in order to keep track of test results, diagnoses, treatment plans and medications in order to stay prepared for future appointments. • If you are unclear regarding a diagnosis or treatment plan, ask questions. Possible questions to ask your physician include: • What do my symptoms mean? • What caused this condition? • How serious is it? • What are the best treatment options? • Are there side effects of treatment? • What is the short-term and long-term prognosis? Good communication takes time and effort, but it is well worth the investment.
Meals-On-Wheels Drivers and “runners” that partner with drivers are urgently needed to meet the expanding demands of the MOW program. Interested persons are urged to contact the Senior Center for an application. Drivers are paid mileage and all volunteers receive appropriate training and support.
The Sisters Wild West Show Saturday, August 18
Rounding up all Seniors, we are heading to: The Sisters Wild West Show in Sisters OR Saturday, August 18 There will be a variety of Arts, Crafts, Antiques, and Food. Sisters will have a western facade town and demonstrations. Entertainment will be Western Skits and Gunfights. Wear your western wear and have some good ole fashioned fun! Trip Details You will need to bring money for lunch and shopping We will leave the Y parking lot at 7:30am sharp and return around 6pm $33.75 for Y Members $39.75 for Community Registration Deadline August 13 Participants: 10 minimum and 14 maximum
THE YMCA OF KLAMATH FALLS 1221 S Alameda Avenue Klamath Falls OR 97603 (541) 884.4149
AUGUST • 2018 | Active Seniors • 15
Carlson’s Furniture
August 21, Tuesday Mac & Ham, Veggie, Salad Bar , Dessert August 1, Wednesday Turkey Gravy, With Potatoes, Veggie, August 22, Wednesday Liver & Onions, Veggie, Salad Bar, Salad Bar, Dessert Dessert August 2, Thursday Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, August 23, Thursday Veggie, Salad Bar, Dessert Spaghetti, Garlic Bread, Veggie, Salad Bar, Dessert August 3, Friday
Polish Sausage, Sauerkraut, Veggie, August 24, Friday Salad Bar, Dessert Roast Pork & Potatoes, Veggie, August 6, Monday Salad Bar, Dessert Baked Pasta, Garlic Bread, Veggie, August 27, Monday Salad Bar, Dessert Beef Stew, Veggie, Salad Bar, August 7, Tuesday Dessert Potato Bar With, Broccoli And Cheese, Veggie, Salad Bar, Dessert August 28, Tuesday Potato Bar, Veggie, Salad Bar, August 8, Wednesday Chicken Strips, French Fries, Veggie, Dessert
as easy as one, two, three with a Lift Chair from
• Press a button to lift or fully recline the chair • In stock in four beautiful colors
The Brosmer Lift Chair matches other rocker recliners and wall loungers that we have in stock. Stylish good looks and plushly padded deep comfort make this lift chair stand out from it’s competitors. Covered in a durable, easy to clean action velvet. Easy credit terms make The Brosmer affordable for almost any budget. Stop in to Carlson’s Furniture today!
Locally Owned by the Carlson Family for over 57 Years!
2B 1525408
g Floors!
Salad Bar, Dessert
2405 South 6th Street 541-884-1335
Hours: Mon-Fri 10am-6pm • Sat 10am-5pm
Remember . . .
Davenport’s is there to help as you search for the right way to honor your love one’s memory We can help you select Urns in large or small, simple or elaborate to capture your memories for all time. ENPORT’S CHAPEL V A D Trusted
Since 1978 • of the • GOOD SHEPHERD
The Different Funeral Home
New Location: Klamath Memorial Park • 541-883-3458 •
August 29, Wednesday Chicken & Rice, Casserole, Veggie, August 9, Thursday Salisbury Steak, Mashed Potatoes & Salad Bar, Dessert Gravy, Veggie, Salad Bar, Dessert August 30, Thursday August 10, Friday Chicken Fried Steak, Mashed Fish & Chips, Veggie, Salad Bar, Potatoes & Gravy, Veggie, Salad Dessert Bar, Dessert August 13, Monday August 31, Friday Pizza Mac, Garlic Bread, Veggie, Au Gratin, Potatoes & Ham, Veggie, Salad Bar, Dessert Salad Bar, Dessert August 14, Tuesday September 3, Monday HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Chili Dogs, Veggie, Salad Bar, Dessert, Birthday HAPPY HOLIDAY! Cake & Ice Cream CLOSED FOR LABOR DAY August 15, Wednesday Roast Chicken, Veggie, Salad Bar, Dessert
September 4, Tuesday Mac & Ham, Veggie, Salad Bar, Dessert
August 16, Thursday September 5, Wednesday Chicken Fried Steak, Mashed Bbq Chicken, Sliders, Veggie, Salad Potatoes & Gravy, Veggie, Salad Bar, Bar, Dessert Dessert August 17, Friday Beans & Ham, Cornbread, Veggie, Salad Bar, Dessert August 20, Monday Mexican Dinner, Burritos, Spanish Rice, Veggie, Salad Bar, Dessert
NOTE: The menu is subject to change, depending upon availability of supplies. Tea, coffee, milk & juice are available at each meal. Sugar free desserts and salads available for diabetics.
Happy Birthday! Oregon has given you the gift to shop around for a new Medicare supplement during your birthday month. • No health-related questions or exams • Get the same coverage • Lower your premiums
We don’t believe one size fits all and you shouldn’t either. Futurity First works with dozens of carriers representing hundreds of products so we can create a plan that’s perfect for you!
This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Call Futurity First Linda Clarkson (541) 973-2122
700 South J Street | Lakeview, OR 541.947.2114 | 1.866.543.4325 g rg
Lakeview Gardens offers a home for seniors, for Long term Care and now Assisted Living! Medicare skilled Care, physical Therapy and Rehab are still offered in our new home setting.
Restoration Weekend Golden Ticket Giveaway. Total of $8,000 in Cash and Prizes!!! Saturday August 25th 12-9pm Hot Seat drawings every half hour giving away CASH, FREE PLAY, 3 GOLDEN TICKETS and 1 GRAND PRIZE! 3 Golden ticket winners will receive a two night stay in the New Sleep Inn Hotel, $500 Cash, $100 Free play and for you and one guest Free Dinner for both nights!
Each winner will get a special entry into The Grand Prize that is drawn on Saturday August 25th! The winner will get $1,000 CASH, Two nights stay in the New Sleep Inn Hotel and For you and one guest free Dinner for both nights. That’s not all! You’ll get to pick someone to receive $1,000 Cash as well or keep it for yourself!
X Kla-Mo-Ya Casino