Active Seniors - May 2014

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FREE Take One!

Volunteers Are Our Foundation

INSIDE Volunteers Honored at Banquet

See Page 14 for Details!

Active Seniors

The Official monthly publication of the Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Center

MAY • 2014

Contact Information General Information Judy Crist: 541.883.7171 Donations - Shawn McGahan: 541.883.7171 ext. 136

Meals On Wheels Assistance Contact Klamath Lake Counties Council On Aging at 541.205.5400


ll content for this publication has been provided by the Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Center. For questions, suggestions and general information regarding this publication, please contact the Klamath Basin Senior Center at 541.883.7171. Thank you.


Bingo Information Linda Breeden:

541.883.7171 ext. 115

Medicare Counseling 541.883.7171

Volunteer Opportunities Pat Harris: 541.883.7171 ext 113 Executive Director Marc Kane: 541.883.7171 ext. 117

Where are we located?

The Klamath Senior Center is located at 2045 Arthur street





9 11 13


Letter from Marc Kane, Executive Director


The Value of Dirt


Coping with Loss on Mother’s Day

Donor List

Writer’s Corner Writer’s Corner Continued Bulletin: Political Forum Comic Corner: The Fillers Calendar of Events Bulletin:

The Lake County Senior Center Schedule

Menu Bulletin:

Spokes Unlimited Schedule Basin Transit Bus Tickets The Senior Dancers

Feature: Fundraiser Thank You! Bulletin: Driver Safety Course Feature:

Volunteers Honored at Banquet


Volunteers WANTED


Heirloom Recipes Bulletin: Linkville House Chili Feed



8 10 12 14

Produced in conjunction with the Herald and News

MAY • 2014 | Active Seniors • 3

Welcome Looking back is something many advise not to do, just look ahead. Looking back over this past month I can understand why. I tire in the hindsight because we accomplished so much. The highlight was our first annual fundraiser which all enjoyed and found to be a success. You’ll read about it on page 14. In addition we held our annual volunteer banquet last month honoring volunteers for Marc Kane, Center Director over 18,000 hours of service. It also was well attended capped off with a musical celebration from Wild Cherry a local band led by Michael Quinn. We wouldn’t survive without our volunteers. A disappointment this past month, but not unexpected, was the continuing lack of response from the County Budget Committee to our request for a very modest $10,000 to support our MealsOn-Wheels Program. It is apparent the Commissioners expect the community will find a way to fund us other than with County tax revenues. That explains the new fundraiser and a new effort to raise funds from corporations and foundations. We are hoping the community will continue its broad base support and find ways to donate in lieu of tax support. Please note the gift coupon on this page.

activities are on-going here at the Center and involve not only our regular meals programs but daily opportunities for socialization and preventive health activities such as Body Recall, Tai Chi, SAIL and more. Most important this month is that we all, young or old, choose to connect with others across those generations. We are all social beings that require a sense of connectedness and attachment. The maintenance of relationship is as critical to our health and well being as is proper meal nutrition and the maintenance of our physical health. Seniors have a wealth of experience and wisdom to share in relationship. We just need to embrace it. Join Us! We Celebrate Life!

Marc Kane, Executive Director

To make a fully tax-deductable contribution to the Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ center

Call (541) 883-7171 or mail this form to : 2045 Arthur Street, P.O. Box JE, Klamath Falls, OR 97602 Name: Email: Street Address: City:

The board of directors will be completing its work on a new strategic plan for the Senior Center during May and June. This is a good time for the public in general to be sending comments to board members or myself relating to needs for improvement or additional services. Contact information is readily available by calling the Center at 541-883-7171 or sending e-mail to

Amount of Contribution:

May has been designated as Older Americans Month. You may recall two months ago we highlighted this newspaper with a statement by George Burns on the cover. It read, “Old, Young, just Words.” So who is this month designated for? I prefer to think it is for all of us. It is a month to honor and to be honored, or both. You choose your identity and do what needs to be done. In whatever way you choose we ask you to join with us in supporting seniors and in celebrating life.

Card #

The national theme for the May 2014 Older Americans Month celebration is Safe Today, Healthy Tomorrow. It is fitting that one activity this month will be the AARP’s Safe Driving Course for Seniors scheduled for May 17th. See page 13 for details. Other

State: Zip:

Does your employer have a matching gifts plan?  Yes  No

 My check is enclosed payable to KBSCC. Or charge my contribution to my:

 Visa  Mastercard  AMEX  Discover Exp. Date


Recurring monthly contribution:  Yes  No Signature

Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Center BUILDING AND MAINTAINING A SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITY FOR SENIORS KBSCC is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation

4 • Active Seniors MAY • 2014

Feature Invariably, when a small child is placed on a lawn or play area, that child will very shortly find a spot of good, rich dirt and will eat a big mouthful. Mom panics, and does her best to clean away the dirt, but the ‘damage’ is done. Why do all small children do this? In our advanced civilization, we are all aware of the dangers of dirt. We carefully clean everything before we eat it, and we teach our kids of the dangers of infection or tetanus if dirt gets into a cut or injury. Terms such as ‘cleanliness is next to Godliness’ reinforce our ingrained ideas that somehow dirt is ‘bad’. What never seems to be a part of any school curriculum is the inestimable value of the few inches of topsoil that covers most areas of the land. Rocks are continually breaking down and living things are dying to return the elements and compounds of their bodies to further enrich this soil. This thin, fragile layer of topsoil is the basis for the physical lives of all higher life forms. By higher life forms, I am referring to any living thing with more than two living cells to its structure. Biology, microbiology, soil science and other specialized fields all describe the incredible number and variety of onecelled organisms that abound in the soil. Each speck of soil is a microscopic world of mineral elements, chemical compounds, and biological compounds, together with untold thousands of tiny life forms. Each of these tiny lives has a purpose in the greater scheme of things, and each of these miniscule living things is a true miracle of biological life. All living things, great and small, depend on this thin layer of topsoil to maintain their physical lives and to supply their bodies with food and the vital nutrients that are necessary for life. Plants draw up the elements and compounds that they need through their roots constantly, altering them, making other compounds from them, and finally storing the resulting

The Value of Dirt by Robert G. Black

nutrients in the roots, tubers, leaves, stems, and seeds. This plant storage of nutrients is the basis for agriculture, animal husbandry, horticulture, arboriculture and many other human fields of interest. Without all of these varieties of plants, animal life and human life could not exist. But even this is not the whole story, for the world of living things that we inhabit is completely interdependent. Some of these microscopic soil microorganisms make a vitamin that is vital to the life of every higher form of life that exists, including humans. That vitamin is Vitamin B-12. Most nutritional writing now refers to this vitamin by its biochemical name, cobalamin. This name tells us that the element cobalt is the basic matrix for the formation of this vitamin. When the cobalamin is formed, the more complicated soil inhabitants, such as nematodes, eat the bacteria and other soil life forms that make cobalamin internally, thus acquiring their content of vitamin B-12. Then insects, earthworms and other soil inhabitants eat the nematodes, as well as the other soil microorganisms, getting the cobalamin present for their own bodies’ use. Next, the birds and animals eat these bugs, insects and earthworms to get their own supply of cobalamin. We eat the birds (chickens, geese, ducks, pheasants, turkeys, etc.), and their eggs so that we in turn get the cobalamin we must have from their bodies. The liver is body’s primary storage area for vitamin B-12 in the bodies of the higher life forms, and liver is an excellent source of this vitamin for human nutrition. We all owe our lives in these physical bodies to the two groups of microorganisms in the soil that are the primary manufacturers of the vitamin B-12 that all higher creatures must have. These are the Streptomyces bacteria (from which we also get Streptomycin®, and the actinomycetes. Actinomycetes (pronounced ak-tin-o-MY-seets) are soil organisms that live and grow in filaments,

and they resemble the fungi. Other less well known soil microorganisms can also manufacture this vital cobalamin. No other living creatures can make this vitamin internally. Thus, we all depend for our very lives on the soil, a fact that becomes totally lost in all of the complicated contortions that we go through in living our daily lives. Now we go back to the kids who eat dirt any time they are placed on the ground, and we can get a better idea of what is really going on. That dirt contains vital nutrients, and it contains bacterial life forms that are necessary for the proper functioning of our digestive systems. Somehow, small children instinctively realize this, and this is why every kid at some point, and despite all you can do to prevent it, will eat some dirt. Never forget that microorganisms are an integral part of our daily lives. They are necessary for the healthy existence of our physical bodies. They are absolutely essential for our continuing daily life and health. Microorganisms are everywhere: on every speck of dust, on every grain of sand, on every surface, and even in the air that we breathe. By actual count, every cubic foot of clean air contains anywhere from 40,000 to 60,000 living microorganisms, in addition to all of the smoke, dust and other pollution that it contains. Don’t stop breathing, however, for your physical body is well equipped to filter out most of this junk with every breath that you take. With all of this in mind, you might find it useful to say a prayer of thanks to your Creator. This complicated physical world, whether we realize it and understand it, or not, is yet so incredibly well organized that it supplies us with all that we need to live our lives in a well-functioning physical body. We are well blessed to live here in these physical bodies for many years to gain the knowledge, the practice and the experience that we will need for our eternal spiritual journey.

MAY • 2014 | Active Seniors • 5


Coping with Loss on Mother’s Day Article respectfully submitted by Klamath Hospice, Inc.

Grief is a natural and normal response to the loss of someone or something that we care about. It can be influenced by a number of factors including prior grief experiences, circumstances surrounding the loss, religious beliefs, and more. Grief is not a linear process with a set timeframe, thoughts, feelings or emotions. In fact, it tends to take on a life of its own sometimes, especially during specials days throughout the year (anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day..…..) with our reactions being both physical and emotional in nature. Listed below are some helpful tips for helping yourself heal. • Realize that your grief is unique. While you may share some commonalities in your experience with someone else, no two individuals are exactly alike. • Talk about your grief. There is often healing in sharing our story and experiences again and again with someone that we trust and will truly

Donor List

Campaign for Recurring Givers is Launched March Donations of $5148 were received from the following individuals: Nell Kuonen Washington Federal Foundation Carl Fischer Lynette Harvey First Presbyterian Church Geraldine Schindler Faith Tabernacle Dorothy Winters Cynthia Aldrich Bill Watson Ernie Palmer Louise Williams Patricia Palone Ramona Overson

Rose Chapman Charles Stanfield Sheryl Della-Rose Howard McGee Jahalla Shaffer Wilford Dunster Burl Parrish Dorothy Rowland Elvin Middleton Sojourners Carol Ritter Donna Maloney Linda Bourcy Barney & Glenda Hoyt James Chastain

William and Marion Switzer Donna Burnett Joyce Moore La Vera Petersteiner Samuel Hawley Rose Kruezer Pat Abel Mary Ellen Sargent (1) Elizabeth Western Guy Turnage Eleanora Staley Audrey Davis Constance Pallies

listen. • Give yourself permission. Permission to feel the multitude of emotions and to express them in positive ways, to set boundaries, and to smile and laugh. • Develop a supportive network of people in your life. Caring friends

Unidentified contributions in Marc for Meals, Transportation and Other Services amounted to $4,581 The Senior Center would like to especially recognize the following individuals for their regular and/or recurring gifts during 2013:

and relatives can provide a great deal of compassionate support and understanding; however, focus on connecting with those individuals that encourage you and acknowledge your feelings whether they are happy or sad. If it speaks to you, connect with a local support group in your area. These types of groups are a good opportunity to add an additional layer of support to your life as well as to learn more about grief and loss and coping tools to add to your own life. • Get out in nature. Plant a new tree or flowers, go for a walk, or sit by a pond or lake. All of these and more a wonderful way to rejuvenate our spirit.

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Better Hearing & Speech Month FREE*While Hearing Screening supplies last (541) 884-4428 (541) 884-4428

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Avril & Carl Fischer Bill Watson Burl Parrish Cynthia Aldrich Craig Fleck

Dorothy Rowland Dorothy Winters Elvin Middleton Ernie Palmer Faith Tabernacle

Geraldine Schindler Jahalla Shaffer Louise Williams Rose Chapman

The Center is currently campaigning to find more recurring givers. These types of gifts are so important to the Center because they add stability to our funding, but they also send a clear message to everyone that your have trust in the Center, its future and its importance to our senior neighbors. You can become an on-going or recurrent giver by authorizing the Center to charge to your card periodically, such as monthly. You can also contribute by mail, personal visit or with a singlel telephone call to the Center. New Ways To Donate: Please note the contributions coupon on page 3. We have many uses for donations and look forward to your support. The donor coupon has now been redesigned to allow for donations by credit or debit cards. With this change you will now be able to designate a recurring gift that would be charged periodically to your card. Accepted cards are VISA, Mastercard, American Express and Discover

6 • Active Seniors MAY • 2014

Writer’s Corner

Expressions of Heart and Mind

Please submit something for us to consider printing in our next issue. Submittals should be sent to the attention of Marc Kane, Executive Director, Klamath Basin Senior Citizens Center.

MOM By Sharon (Johnston) Pappas Mom’s inner strength was beyond compare She aways knew God was there As she awoke in the morning & through her prayers at night HE was her guiding light. Though challenges came her way Mom’s ‘truth’ never wavered in actions or in the words she’d say Calm & thoughtful with a hug and smile Never hesitating to go that extra mile. There was never a doubt she loved us so As we grew & out of the ‘nest’ we’d go At times, she was saddened by choices we made But held us up in the prayers she prayed. Her presence is with us every day As we ‘bask’ in the love she sends our way Thank you, Mom, you are missed it’s true We’ll Forever treasure our moments with you.

A POOL OF WATER By Sharon Pappas A pool of water reflects the sun The light of the moon when the day is done It reflects trees standing tall And leaves softly gently as they fall A blade of grass swaying to and fro Blown by the wind with no where to go My eyes are reflected as I look to see Life beneath its’ surface, hidden from me As the water ripples, a story is revealed Images of my journey now ‘whole’ and healed Disappointments and sadness fade away Leaving laughter and joy to embrace each day It’s kindness and love I wish to see As the pool of water reflects life back to me.

TACO By Audrey E. Davis You would not believe this dog we have But personally I think he’s quite “macho” His personality is sweet, when he wants to use it He is not very big – and his name is Taco He’s learned many tricks, because he’s very smart And he loves to “show off” when he can But he has one problem we can’t seem to change He really believes he is HUMAN! I tell him to sit with me and watch TV He’s always ready to do that He could tell you all about the news and weather No matter what channel we are at! Now, that’s okay and I don’t mind He’s our baby and one of our own And he can be my child, as long as he lives But if he starts “talking” He’s gone! (not really, I expect to hear talking soon) Love you much Taco.

MOTHERLY LOVE By Sharon Hudson She picked up the baby And held him near He should have been terrified But he had no fear His mother was nowhere To be found He must have fallen from her back And laid on the ground She couldn’t leave him There all alone He wouldn’t make it Till he was full grown She carried him gently And took him home It will be tough, as a Possum is born to roam She fed him formula Then baby food to start Eating time became A thing of art When he was done She would wash his face He didn’t like it And sometimes there was a chase They became good friends And got very close Love kept them together It was apparent in a high dose Their play wasn’t the usual That you would with a pet But they did some every day On that, you can bet She grew to love him And gave him motherly care He became her own and they Considered that to be fair.

MAY • 2014 | Active Seniors • 7

Writer’s Corner Cont. ENLIGHTENED By anonymous She slapped me often And put me down Made me feel guilty And gave me a mean frown Ten minutes later she was sorry For what she had done “Forgive me” she said. I did, and now she had won She threw all of my treasures Into the San Francisco bay Made me watch. All I could do Was cry and pray When I needed love She showed me how to hate She criticized me often She even used me for bait


Political Forum

Public Invited Political Forum For The Three

She wants to rob me of my dignity And self respect too I can’t let her do that. I have Earned all I get. So what do I do?

COUNTY COMMISSIONER CANDIDATES Wednesday – May 14th 12 Noon to 12:50 PM

I suppose there were sometimes that were good She must have felt guilty I think she should!

At The Klamath Senior Center 2045 Arthur Street Klamath Falls, Oregon

If similar things Have happened to you Remember there are somethings That you can do You must save yourself As I must save me From the labels and manipulation Because it is time to be free

When I needed to trust I couldn’t count on her When I needed the truth She lied and made things a blur

Inside you know you are not These terrible things Be a friend to yourself Think positive and see what tomorrow brings

When I needed support She was nowhere to be found She was usually with a boyfriend, Husband, or just hanging around

You can do things that make You feel proud Help other people Go to church and sing out loud

She gave away her sons And then blamed me It taunted me daily, but it’s Not my burden, Can’t she see?

You have to be strong And have a mind of your own Your future will be better As inside you have grown

I was terrified of her She always seemed so big The nails on her fingertips Were sharp and could dig

Seek help for yourself It is out there for you You need to find it, go for it And to yourself remain true

Lunch Is Also Available 11:15AM to 12:30PM $5.00 for Individuals Under 60 or by donation for those 60 and over or with disabilities.

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8 • Active Seniors MAY • 2014

Comic Corner


Mumkins Recipes For Life... Mumkins Recipes For Life...

Every Thursday & Saturday OPEN at 4:30pm & CALLING at 6pm Casual meals & snacks available! Thursday blackout pays $500! Saturday blackout pays $1,000!

1st time Players

Bring This Ad in for a FREE Odd or Even Blackout This fund-raising event depends on volunteers. We need callers and floor help! Call us!

Klamath Basin Senior Center

2045 Arthur Street 541-883-7171

It’s in the It’s in the Dream and Dream and

noticing, that miracles noticing, appearthat miracles liveappear life, there’s nothing livetolife, fear.there’s nothing to fear.

Sharon (Johnston) Pappas © Sharon (Johnston) Pappas ©

MAY • 2014 | Active Seniors • 9

Calendar of Events

KBSCC Bingo: Every Thursday and Saturday,

Tai Chi Class:

Paper only Bingo Night: Thursday, May 8th.

Tuesdays beginner class 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Continuing Tai Chi from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Nickel Bingo: Every Saturday from 12:00 p.m.

Yoga Class:

to 3:30 p.m.

Sunday Family Bingo is back June 15th &

Yoga class at the Community Lounge has been suspended while we search for a new instructor.

November 16th

Movies: 12:30 p.m. Tuesday May 20th - Twelve

Save the Date for the Mid-Year Bingo Extravaganza on June 28th

Years a Slave. Tuesday June 3rd - August Osage County.

SHIBA Medicare Counseling (Senior Health

Open Pool Playing: Monday thru Thursday

doors open at 4:30 p.m. Games start at 6:00 p.m.

All activities are at the Senior Center, 2045 Arthur Street, Klamath Falls, unless otherwise stated.

Body Recall/ SAIL Classes: Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Thursday from 10:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.

KBSCC Board of Directors: Wednesday, May 28th, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at the Senior Center.

Insurance Benefits Assistance Program): By Appointment Only. Call 541-883-7171 to arrange an appointment.

Hearing Aid Checks: Thursday, May 15th

Hot meals are served Monday through Friday

KBSCC Members’ Council: May 15th, 9:00

at the Senior Center (2045 Arthur Street). Serving starts at 11:30 a.m. and is over at 12:30 p.m.

from 10:15 a.m. to 12 noon.

Blood Pressure Checks: KBSCC now has

Transportation: Monday through Friday,

a Blood Pressure Machine in the LOBBY for checking your pressure from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Ask for assistance if you need.

Medical appointments have priority. Open to the general public as space is available. For more information regarding the transportation program call Cindy at 541-850-7315.

MS Support Group: Thursday, May 8th,

Gift Shop: Inside the lobby of the Senior Center,

1:30 p.m. Community Lounge, Pine St. 20th, Elmer’s Restaurant at 1:00 p.m.

2045 Arthur Street, Klamath Falls. It’s open Monday through Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Fridays 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Senior Veterans Social Club: Thursdays,

Senior Dance Day: In the Ballroom,

10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Parkinson’s Support Group: Tuesday, May

8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Klamath County Library Services Branch: Mondays and Fridays, 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Thursdays 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Computers are available for senior use upon request SPECIAL EVENTS: Kathy Lynn Jones - Wednesday May 21st from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Linkville House Chilli Feed & Fundraiser for the Senior Center - Saturday May 17th, 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. at 2437 Kane Street • $10/adults, $3/age 12 and under. AARP Defensive Driving Course: at the Senior Center May 17th, 9 to 4 Pre-registration requested.

County Commisioners Political Forum: Craft Group: Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Wednesday May 14th at noon.

Golden Age Club Bingo & Card Playing:

Legal Aid - call Klamath & Lake Counties Council

Every Monday and Thursday afternoon from 12:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

on Aging, 541-205-5400

TRIPS: Kla-Mo-Ya, Mondays 10:15 a.m. and Sundays 3:00 p.m.

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With this coupon Expires 5/31/14 No double discounts



All work completed by students under licensed instructor supervision

357 East Main 541.882.6644

10 • Active Seniors MAY • 2014

Bulletin The Lake County Senior Center

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Some things we have coming up in May are: Every Monday from 11:00 AM to Noon - Blood Pressure checks Monday, Wednesday and Friday from Noon to 1:00 PM Hot Meals at the Senior Center (11 North G Street) AND Home-Delivered-Meals Every Tuesday from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM - Senior “Game Day” Tuesdays & Thursdays from 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM - Strong People Program (12 week Program, started Tuesday, April 29th) Tuesday, May 13th 8:00 AM - Klamath Falls Trip Wednesday, April 9th 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM - Town Hall Meeting Friday, May 9th - Birthday Lunch Monday, May 19th 10:00 am to Noon - Board Meeting Wednesday, May 21st 11:00 AM - “Better Breathers” Meeting Wednesday, May 21st 9:00 AM to Noon - Hearing Specialist

Ask about our 90 Days Same as Cash Financing!

2727 South 6th Street (next to Arby’s)

Mon-Sat 9:30am-5pm 541-884-REST (7378) Sun 11am-4pm

Silver & Fit • 65 and over • Under New Management • 24/7 card access

Monday, May 26th MEMORIAL DAY – CLOSED Thursday, May 29th - Alturas Trip 1st & 3rd Wednesday’s 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM - Duplicate Bridge

123 Fit is a part of American Specialty Health which means Your Membership may be paid by your insurance.

1st Saturday 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM - Old Time Fiddler’s Thrift Shop (behind Senior Center) open Monday through Friday 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM If you have questions, concerns or want to make a suggestion, please don’t hesitate to call me at 541-947-4966. - Connie Steward, Director

925 Klamath Ave. • Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • 541.883.2348

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Emeritus Senior Living You don’t need to give up your lifestyle just because you may need a little help managing certain daily tasks. At Emeritus, you still have the independence to lead your own life in an environment of people who are deeply dedicated to your wellbeing.

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Chicken, Seasoned Rice, Veggies, Salad Bar, Wheat Garlic Bread, Dessert Pelican Pointe, Music by Kathy Lynn Jones.

May 9, Friday: Mothers Day Lunch, Chicken Cordon Bleu, Garlic Roasted Potatoes, Veggie, Salad Bar, Wheat Dinner Roll

May 12, Monday: Mac & Cheese With Ham, Salad Bar, Veggie, Dessert from Quail Park

LeT us HeLp.

◊ Notify union and fraternal organizations.

Subs, Garlic Bread, Veggies, Salad Bar, Dessert from Pelican

Strips, Fries, Veggie, Salad Bar, Fresh pear

◊ Preserves family savings and life insurance proceeds.

◊ Select the music.

May 21, Wednesday: Oven BBQ

May 8, Thursday: Chicken

◊ Ensures everything can be carried out the way you want it.

◊ Display floral tributes.

May 7, Wednesday: Meatball


◊ Gives you and your loved ones the relief of knowing it’s all taken care of.

◊ Complete the death certificate.

MAY • 2014 | Active Seniors • 11

May 13, Tuesday: Sloppy Joes, Wheat Bun, Tater Tots, Veggie,

2130 Eldorado Blvd, Klamath Falls, OR •

Garlic Bread, Salad Bar, Garlic Wheat Bread

May 23, Friday: Chili Dog, Baked Beans, Veggie, Salad Bar

May 26, Monday: Closed for Memorial Day

May 27, Tuesday: Chicken A’la King, Crunchy Noodles, Veggie, Salad Bar, Fresh orange

May 28, Wednesday: Salisbury

Salad Bar

Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Veggies, Salad Bar

May 14, Wednesday: Garlic

May 29, Thursday: Hot Pork

Sandwiches, Potatoes & Gravy, Chicken, Augratin potatoes, Veggies, Salad Bar, Wheat Dinner Veggies, Salad Bar Rolls, County Commisioners May 30, Friday: Fish Basket, Fries, Political Forum at noon. Veggies, Salad Bar

May 15, Thursday: Vegetable Lasagna, Garlic Bread, Veggie, Salad Bar

May 16, Friday: Baked Lemon

June 2, Monday: Tacos, Refried Beans, Salad Bar

June 3, Tuesday: Roast Beef,

Mashed Potatoes w/ Gravy, Calif Fish, Baked potato, Veggie, Veggies, Salad Bar Salad Bar, Dessert From Linkville June 4, Wednesday: Baked Fish House w/ Cheese, Brown Rice, Veggies, Salad Bar, Desserts from Pelican May 19, Monday: Turkey Salad Park Sandwich on wheat bread, Fruit Salad, VEGGIE, Salad Bar

at Eldorado Heights

May 22, Thursday: Spaghetti,

May 20, Tuesday: Beef & Mac, Veggie, Salad Bar, Dessert From Quail Park & Atrio

NOTE: The menu is subject to change, depending upon availability of supplies. Tea, coffee, milk & juice are available at each meal. Sugar free desserts and salads available for diabetics.

12 • Active Seniors MAY • 2014


Spokes Unlimited Schedule

SPOKES Unlimited • 1006 Main Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601• 541-883-7547 v/tty

All support groups follow confidentially guidelines.



Basin Transit Bus Tickets

3rd Cinco de Mayo Event 11:00-5:00 p.m. • Veteran’s Park 7th Oregon Commission for the Blind Vision Class 1:00-3:00 p. m. • SPOKES office 8th Multiple Sclerosis Support Group 1:30-3:00 p.m. Community Lounge, 200 N 7th Street 9th Recreation Group 2:00-4:00 p. m. Meet at Veteran’s Park, feed the ducks 13th Traumatic Brain Injury/Illness Support Group 1:00-2:00 p.m. • SPOKES office Topic: Step 5 of the 12 Step Sessions of Cognitive Skills Training. 21st Peer Low Vision Support Group 1:00-3:00 p. m. • SPOKES office 26th SPOKES office closed. Memorial Day. TBD SPOKES Board of Director’s Meeting SPOKES office All meetings/events listed are held in a wheelchair accessible location. Please notify SPOKES 48 hours in advance if you need an assistive listening system, sign language interpreter or materials in an alternate format. Call 541-883-7547 v/tty.


- The Senior Dancers -

Every Wednesday Afternoon With LIVE MUSIC by the Take Four Band 1:00 to 3:30 P.M. At the Senior Center 2045 Arthur Street

Basin Transit Bus Tickets are now available for sale at the Klamath Basin Senior Citizens Center, 2045 Arthur Street in Klamath Falls. Monday thru Thursday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Fridays 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

All Ages Are Welcome Refreshments will be served. Sponsored by Emmett’s Line-Up and Auto Repair Center.

can save y

Safer Driving

MAY • 2014 | Active Seniors • 13


Fundraiser Thank You!


Merchants and Groups For Supporting Our First Annual Dinner/Dance Fundraiser in April



Safe Driving Course


A special thanks to the Klamath Folk Music Society for the donation of wonderful music provided during our social and dinner hours and to Brian Larest our dance time disk jockey. Folk Music Society Players included: Mike Campbell Glen Justus Jim Gillam

Ryan Coleman Blood Orange Sons Arlo Woodman C.J. Pruitt

Tommy Franks Joan Daley Dean

Our gratitude is extended to the

Basin Martini Bar

for providing bar service and beverages with a donation of proceeds. The following merchants and groups provided cash and items for our raffles: Alsco Avalon Salon and Spa Bedroom Gallery Carlson's Furniture Ever Clean Soft Cloth Car Wash Green Blade Bakery Holliday Jewelry Lads of Leisure Legacy Furniture Matteo’s Coffee and Tea House Mermaid Garden Molatore Scroggins and Peterson Accountants Nibbleys,s Oregon Shakespeare Festival Periwinkle PickledBeats Ross Ragland Theatre Southtowne Commerce Center 12 Ranches Wines Waffle Hut & Eatery Webb Wilson insurance Winema Electric

And finally thanks to all those who purchased tickets and/ or attended. Over $7700 was collected and we exceeded our net goal of $6500. Proceeds will support programs at the Senior Center including the Meals-On-Wheels Program

Take the NEW AARP Smart Driver™ Course and you could reduce your AARP overallSmart maintenance Take the NEW Driver™and Course and you* could reduce your overall car insurance costs! maintenance and car insurance costs* Drive smart. Save smart.

Drive smart. Save smart. • Refresh your driving skills and know the new rules • Refresh your driving skills and know the new rules of ofthe the road. road.

• • Learn Learn research-based drivingstrategies strategiestoto help you research-based driving help you staysafe safe behind behind the stay the wheel. wheel. there are are no • • Plus, Plus, there no tests teststotopass. pass.Sign Signupuptoday! today!

CLASSRoom CouRSE $15 for AARP members | $20 for non-members To fiND AD D iTi o N A L C o u R SES i N yo u R A R EA : Call 1-866-955-6301 or visit This program is supported by a generous grant from Toyota to AARP Foundation.

May 17th

*Upon completion you may be eligible to receive an auto insurance discount. Other restrictions may apply. Consult your agent for details.

Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Center 2045 Arthur Street, Klamath Falls

You can register at the Klamath Senior Center ‘s Reception Desk or contact AARP directly. *Upon completion you may be eligible to receive an auto insurance discount. Other restrictions may apply. Consult your agent for details.

14 • Active Seniors MAY • 2014


Volunteers Honored at Banquet

April 30th one hundred and twenty two senior center volunteers were honored for their service to seniors and the community. In an opening address, Marc Kane, center director, noted that the Center’s volunteers are their foundation, and that the Center would not be able to operate without them. There are nearly 10 volunteers for every paid staff person at the Senior Center. Kane quoted from a Center audit that revealed the 18,596 hours volunteered last year to be valued in dollars and cents as $237,281. The figure makes the group of volunteers the largest supporter of the Center. Each volunteer received a certificate citing the number of hours worked. The highest number was earned by Pam Coplen who volunteers in the Center’s Translink program transporting seniors to medical appointments. She donated more than 1800 hours of her time last year. Standing left to right with certificates for hours of service are Carol Darling (776 hours), Phyllis Sagers ( 385 hours), Crystal Breeden (442 hours), Theresa Criswell (409 hours), Cheryl Gibbs (736 hours), Bernice Sharpe (839 hours) and Wava Weiskopf (1664 hours). Pictured to the right is Dick Millburn Senior Center volunteer in the Center Kitchen. He also volunteers for Meals-On-Wheels and as a server. Too humble to report his hours, no one knows just how much he gave in service, but all know it to be a big number. Also noted in the keynote address was the reserached finding that volunteering improves not only the health of those being served but the health of the volunteers themselves. Volunteers are instrumental in keeping the center’s patrons and clientelle connected to community and with a sense of attachment critical to contributing to better health, longevity and the ability to stay in one’s own home.




Drivers are assigned to existing routes delivering meals to homebound seniors five (5) days per week or filling in for a driver that is unable to drive due to illness, etc. for a day or so. Routes take from 2-3 hours per day. Runners are used to deliver food from the vehicles to the clients. Drivers are reimbursed mileage from the Senior Center to deliver the meals and return. Runners are not reimbursed but appreciated by the drivers and KBSCC. Perhaps someone applying as a Driver has a friend that would enjoy riding with them on the route and helping out! Proof of valid Drivers License and Insurance must be provided. Contact Volunteer Coordinator Pat Harris at KBSCC 541-883-7171 Ext. 113 or pick up an application at 2045 Arthur Street.


Five volunteers (women or men) needed for Community Lounge located at 7th and Pine Streets. Hours 10 am to 2 pm Monday through Friday. Duties: Greet people as they come into the facility. Responsible for selling tickets for Basin Transit and balancing funds at the end of the day and light maintenance of the facility. You will be trained by a person currently qualified in this position. Applications available at the Klamath Basin Senior Center, 2045 Arthur Street. Contact Volunteer Coordinator Pat Harris at KBSCC 541-883-7171 Ext. 113 or pick up an application at 2045 Arthur Street.


Must have a good driving record, be able to push/pull wheelchairs in and out of vehicles, houses, and over thresholds of property; know how to operate lift; perform basic vehicle maintenance check; operate a two way radio and keep accurate and readable records. Must demonstate excellent relationship skills with older clientele. Contact Volunteer Coordinator Pat Harris at KBSCC 541-883-7171 Ext. 113 or pick up an application at 2045 Arthur Street.

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Heirloom Recipes Do you ever wish that you had the recipe for your mother’s special vegetable soup or your grandmother’s apple pie. So often we don’t think about asking for recipes that are special to us and then the opportunity passes us by. We are starting what we hope will be a monthly feature to preserve those heirloom recipes for your family and our readers. Do you have special family recipes that you, your parents or grandparents made? If so we would love for you to share your heirloom recipes with us. Please submit your recipes to Klamath Basin Senior Citizens Center, 2045 Arthur Street, P.O.Box JE, Klamath Falls, OR 97602.

MOM’s Salad Dressing Chocolate Cake Submitted by Ernie Palmer

My background includes a family of 5 with a single parent in the 50’s. Times were tough. Some things were cheap however, such as oleo margarine and salad dressing (Miracle Whip). For a special treat mother would occasionally make a salad dressing chocolate cake. Rich, sweet, and super moist. Ingredients 2 c flour 1 c sugar 1/2 c cocoa, unsweetened 1/4 tsp salt (don't heap this, use a scant 1/4 tsp.) 2 tsp baking soda COMBINE THE ABOVE INGREDIENTS IN A SIFTER AND SIFT IT ALL AT ONCE INTO A MIXING BOWL THEN ADD 1 c miracle whip 1 c cold water 1 tsp vanilla

Directions: 1) When all the ingredients are mixed together, stir well. Do not over beat. 2) Pour into a buttered and floured cake pan. You can use 2 small round pans or an 8 x 10. If you use a dark glass pan, watch the heat. 3) Bake at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes or until done. Don’t be tempted to overcook this cake, and don’t poke it unless you think it is about done or it will fall. Let cool completely before frosting. I put it in the freezer for several hours before frosting. If you use the fudge frosting, make sure the cake is back to about room temperature before you pour the frosting on.

MAY • 2014 | Active Seniors • 15


Linkville House Chili Feed

Linkville House Assisted Living Presents

1st Annual

All You Can Eat

Chili Feed

Saturday May 17, 2014 • 12:30pm to 1:30pm Live Entertainment by the Old Time Fiddlers

Tickets may be purchased in advance at 2437 Kane Street, Klamath Falls OR 97603 $10 ADULT (12 & OVER $3 (12 & UNDER) MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES $5 ALL PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT OUR LOCAL SENIOR CENTER Contact: Bobbie Lindsey @ (541) 238-4633 for additional sales info

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16 • Active Seniors MAY • 2014

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This is an advertisement. ATRIO Health Plans has PPO and HMO D-SNP plans with a Medicare Contract. Enrollment in ATRIO Health Plans depends on contract renewal. The benefit information provided is a brief summary, not a complete description of benefits. Limitations, copayments, and restrictions may apply. Eligible for a free drawing and prizes with no obligation. You must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium. Medicare beneficiaries may also enroll in ATRIO Health Plans through the CMS Medicare Online Enrollment Center located at Y0084_MKG_NPKT2 CMS Accepted

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