Active Seniors
The Official monthly publication of the Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Council
APRIL • 2012
Contact Information General Information Judy Crist: 541.883.7171 Donations - Shawn McGahan: 541.883.7171 ext. 136
ll content for this publication has been provided by the Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Council. For questions, suggestions and general information regarding this publication, please contact the Klamath Basin Senior Center at 541.883.7171. Thank you.
Meals on Wheels Assistance and Bingo Information Linda Breeden: 541.883.7171 ext. 129
April 2011 CONTENTS
Letter from Marc Kane, Executive Director
Bingo, Bingo, Bingo
Poets Corner:
Expressions of Heart and Mind
The Lake County Senior Center
Commissioner Candidates Forums Coming to the Senior Center
Where are we located?
The Klamath Senior Center is located at 2045 Arthur street
Medicare Counseling -
Volunteer Opportunities Marc Kane: 541.883.7171 ext. 122
Donor List
Join National Healthcare Decisions Day‌ Because Your Decisions Matter
Calendar of Events
Feature: Nancie Carlson Everyday Fitness
Free, Expert, Tax Return Preparation For Seniors And People With Low Income
Showtime Vaudeville
Notice Of Meals Pricing Effective April 1, 2012
Produced in conjunction with the Herald and News
APRIL • 2012 | Active Seniors • 3
These meetings will assist in determining the need in these communities for the many services offered through the Area Agency on Aging which include the following:
Watch for Community Meeting Announcements I have been asked by a number of local residents to please dispel the rumors about the Senior Center and the Area Agency on Aging . Many think one or both of us have been disbanded, but that is far from the truth.
Information Assistance Outreach Transportation Medical Transportation Congregate Meals Home Delivered Meals Marc Kane, Center Director
During the last year the State of Oregon has instructed our Agency to restructure in a manner that would separate the functions of the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) from the Senior Center. The Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Council (KBSCC) has been the designated District 11 (Klamath and Lake Counties) AAA agency for many years and its primary function is to assess needs of area seniors and distribute funds from government funding sources to meet those needs. A recipient of those funds would be Senior Centers in both Klamath and Lake Counties where services are provided. In order to avoid a conflict of interest in this process KBSCC is now divided into two divisions, the AAA and the Senior center, each with a separate Executive Director employed part time. There are separate board meetings for each function and a new office for the AAA has been established in downtown Klamath Falls. This mandated action has been accomplished with very little, if any, extra expense. These two divisions function under the umbrella of the original corporation, Klamath Basin Senior Citizen’s Council. The District 11 AAA Office is currently conducting community meetings throughout the district in each of the following communities: Klamath Falls Chiloquin Bonanza Keno Merrill Malin LaPine
Chemult Gilchrist Crescent Beatty Bly Sprague River Lakeview
Paisley Summer Lake Christmas Valley Silver Lake Fort Rock Adel New Pine Creek
Legal Assistance Counseling Oregon Project Independence Chore and Friendly Visitors Program
Elder Abuse Prevention Family Caregiver Support Program SHIBA Med. Ins. Counseling
Many of these services cannot be fully funded and require communities to come together to share expenses and provide volunteers. These community meetings are essential to not only assessing needs, but also each community’s capacity to develop programs with the limited funds that are available. Please watch for local announcements about these meetings. The local senior center here in Klamath Falls provides a number of the services listed above both here in Klamath Falls and in a number of satellite locations throughout Klamath County. It has been struggling to keep pace with significant increases in demand for services and community matching funds have not been able to keep up with the demand. This year the center will be asking the County, City, United Way and many others to match funds that come to us through the AAA. The need is greatest with our meals and transportation programs. We collaborate whenever possible. As an example the local Food Bank has contributed much to reducing our food supply costs by providing stock from their shelves. The senior center isn’t just about meals. Many of the services listed above are provided there, but most importantly it is a place for individuals to find companionship and to maintain a sense of connectedness and attachment. As we grow older and we find our friends and family passing on this is critical to our personal well being. The center also provides dances, music, bingo, social games, library resources, computer access, exercise classes and much more. Local citizens may make individual contributions as well, and many have. Please note the contributions donor list that we will be publishing every month. Many thanks to all who have contributed. Join us! We celebrate Life! Marc Kane Executive Director, Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Center
4 • Active Seniors APRIL • 2012
Entertainment BINGO, BINGO, BINGO
Come and join the fun and play Bingo. Bingo is every
Thursday and Saturday evening. The doors open at 4:30 pm
and calling starts at 6:00 pm. The second Sunday of every
month is family day and children 10 and older may attend
PAYS $700
when accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Sunday Bingo starts at 1:30 pm and doors open at 12 noon. Third Thursday will be paper Bingo only, no machines. Pictured are Winner Amanda Meza and Bingo Manager Sherry Stutts. Amanda won the trip for two to the $100,000 Bingo Blowout at John Ascauga’s Nugget in Sparks, Nevada. Bingo Winner Amanda Meza with Bingo Manager Sherry Stutts
Remember, you can’t win if you don’t play.
Here’s How!
Active Seniors introduces a new section where
Local experts answer any question you may have!
Have a health related question? Stumped on a home improvement project? Wondering how to improve your complexion? Looking for tips and tricks for your favorite hobby? Have a local expert answer all your curiosities! No question too big or too small!
Send your questions via email to Heather Revis at: or via mail to: P.O. Box 788 Attn. Heather Revis Klamath Falls, OR 97601
APRIL • 2012 | Active Seniors • 5
Poets Corner
Expressions of Heart and Mind
Please submit something for us to consider printing in our next issue. Submittals should be sent to the attention of Marc Kane, Executive Director, Klamath Basin Senior Citizens Center.
Rocky Hillside I climbed the rocky hillside where the pines are very few, Just off the hidden forest lane in scattered groups they grew. The soil was thin and rare between emerging barren stone; Each tree had barely room enough to spread its roots alone.
Laugh A Little Bit!
The altitude was high, and so the trees were very small; No forest giants could tolerate the dearth from spring to fall. Each little pine, each little group, was perfect in its way, And snows of winter cover them, and shield them through each day. Between the trees, the grasses grew, and swayed in every breeze; Grass covered every crack and hole among the lovely trees. And flowers grew between the pines in every cleft and nook, Wherever soil began to form and that was all it took. A lovely hillside in the sun, a wonder to behold; Surely the Creator’s love, this hillside does enfold. And in a sacred place like this, in nature’s holy realm, No church or chapel equals this, a perfect hillside home. No matter where you wander, and wherever you may roam, Look closely for the beauty where Creation gathers loam. For any glade, and any wood, and any stream can be A grand cathedral, holy land, and blessed in memory.
When the day starts wrong, cause you didn’t sleep well, And the coffee you made could almost melt nails When you burned the toast, and the eggs weren’t done . . You have a terrible feeling, everything else will fail!! But just quiet down and take a minute or two – Just go find a chair – and sit. Think of all the good things you have in life… And then – laugh a little bit! The sun doesn’t shine every day of our lives, Sometimes burdens come, and we are hard hit. But no matter how bad we may think they are, Burdens lighten – when you laugh a bit! You can’t frown and laugh at the same time, The two just don’t go together. So, next time when your day starts wrong – And you don’t know how far you will get... Just tell yourself, the day will soon be over, Another new day coming, so laugh a little bit! (OR A LOT! it’s GOOD FOR YOU!)
Audrey E. Davis
Robert G. Black, February 29, 2008
Many Faces Of Joy - Audrey E. Davis The sun comes up, the day begins. We can make of the time what we will. The streams flow easily through the mountain side, The branches on the trees are still. The flowers stretch their beauty high, and there is joy in watching time pass by. A child is born and begins to grow, They look at you and instinctly you know... Their love is real and full of grace... From the smile on their lips, the joy in their face!
There is knowing that God is real. That Jesus is alive, and we know is still. Because of this, we can show love and patience too, Faith and understanding can be ours to give – As we show Jesus’ love for you. To have a friend that we hold dear, Who stands with us year after year, Who sees only the good in each of us – Never looking for the bad, Will take our hand, walk the extra mile, And knows when we are sad! These are the faces of joy I see, There is joy in life – for you and me!
6 • Active Seniors APRIL • 2012
The Lake County Senior Center
Commissioner Candidates Forums Coming to the Senior Center All candidates for County Commissioner have agreed to attend the Candidate Forums scheduled at the Klamath Falls Senior Center, 2045 Arthur Street, Klamath Falls. Each candidate will have an opportunity to introduce themselves, respond to prepared questions and engage in a discussion with seniors and others who may attend. The general public is also welcome. Candidates will all be asked to present their plans for supporting the Senior Center, especially as it may relate to maintaining the support the County has provided to the Center for its meals programs.
Some things we have coming up in April are: Tuesday, April 10th 8:00 PM Klamath Falls trip (weather permitting)
Commissioner Position # 3 Candidates Forum Tuesday, April 24, 2012 • 12:15 P.M.
Wednesday, April 11th 10:00 AM Better Breathers Meeting
Commissioner Position #1 Candidates Forum Tuesday, May 1, 2012 • 12:15 P.M.
Monday, April 13th Birthday Lunch Monday, April 16th 10:00 AM Board Meeting Wednesday, April 18th 9:00 AM to NOON Hearing Specialist (Weather Permitting) Wednesday, April 25th 10:00 AM Better Breathers Meeting If you have questions, concerns or want to make a suggestion, please don’t hesitate to call me at 541-947-4966. - Connie Steward, Director
Mark Fay, M.D. Scott Stevens, M.D. Physician/ Surgeon of the Eye Physician/ Surgeon of the Eye
Edwin Tuhy, O.D. Optometrist
Jennifer Springstead, O.D. Optometrist
New Patients Welcome
2640 Biehn St. • 541.884.3148 •
APRIL • 2012 | Active Seniors • 7
Donor List
During the month of March the Klamath Senior Center received over $ 2500 in individual donations. Memorial donations were received in memory of Nate Bean and Boyd Beynon. Other donations were received for Meals on Wheels, Congregate Meals and General Support. Additional donations (not noted below) were also received at the door for congregate meals. The generosity of all is much appreciated and is necessary to sustain our ongoing services. Joyce Moore/Farrell
Mary Lou Beynon
Jahala Shaffer
Alf & Marion Peterson
Ruth Poole
AF & Eileen Herringshaw
William & Mary Blackmore
Donald & Nena Parks
Elizabeth Western
Opal Baert
Phoebe Chavez
E. & S. Middleton
Robert & Carol Potucek
Cathy Gil/Maryann Langdon
Louise R. Williams
Hollis & Lois Kiger
Nicky Foster
Rose Kreuzer
William & Annette Mesner
McGee & Associates, Inc.
Lyle & Linda Ficken
Dorothy Winters
Marjorie Bowers
Dorothy & Weldon Page
Emma Tucker
J.M. Brashier
Donna Millburn
Fermin & Susan Melgares
Donna Maloney
Fredrick Jones
Donations may be sent to the following: Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Council, P.O. Box JE 2045 Arthur Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon 97602 SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE
Check out our In-Stock Bargains! NO ‘FOR FREE’ Gimmicks • Just Great Prices & Service ALL MAJOR BRANDS 5665 Hwy 97 N, Klamath Falls (541) 891-4215 • M-F 8am-5pm, Sat by Appt. SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE
Feature Provided for republishing by Mary Anne Keane, RN, MSN, ACHPN, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Palliative Care Services, SKY LAKES Medical Center
Join National Healthcare Decisions Day…Because Your Decisions Matter
Please help us make history, again. April 16, 2012, will be the fifth annual National Healthcare Decisions Day. The inaugural event, which was formally recognized by Congress and numerous state and local governments, included participation by 76 of the most prominent national healthcare, religious, and legal associations and organizations. By the second year, over 700 local and state organizations throughout the country also participated. At every level, the goal of this nationwide initiative is to ensure that all adults with decisionmaking capacity in America have both the information and the opportunity to communicate and document their future healthcare decisions. The first years’ results were impressive—over 750,000 people obtained resources to make their healthcare decisions known—but there remain millions of Americans to go. While making healthcare decisions is often difficult in the best of circumstances, making decisions for others is even more complicated. Each of us has the ability to guide our healthcare providers and our loved ones about what we want. Advance directives give you the ability to document the types of healthcare you do and do not want, and to name an “agent” to speak for you if you cannot speak for yourself. As Terri Schiavo’s situation vividly revealed, having an advance directive can be valuable for all adults, regardless of current age or health status. With the Patient SelfDetermination Act of 1990,
Congress affirmed the right of every citizen to set forth his or her future healthcare wishes in writing with an “advance directive.” Yet, various estimates suggest that only about 25% of all Americans have done so. Because advance directives can be created without a lawyer, for free, and relatively easily, this figure is astonishingly low. In recognition of this, National Healthcare Decisions Day strives to provide much-needed information to the public, reduce the number of tragedies that occur when a person’s wishes are unknown, and improve the ability of healthcare facilities and providers to offer informed and thoughtful guidance about advance healthcare planning to their patients. Please visit for a variety of free information (including free advance directives forms for every state) and tools to assist with thoughtful reflection on healthcare choices and ideas on how to get involved. Additionally, watch for events honoring National Healthcare Decisions Day. Finally, please share this information with your loved ones and colleagues. With healthcare, “your decisions matter,” however, others need to know your wishes to honor them. There are no wrong answers when thinking about healthcare choices and completing an advance directive. Please use April 16, 2012, to decide, discuss, and document your wishes, whatever they may be.
8 • Active Seniors APRIL • 2012
Calendar of Events All activities are at the Senior Center, 2045 Arthur Street, Klamath Falls, unless otherwise stated.
Advisory Council meets on the third Thursday of the month. Meeting begins at 1:30 p.m.
Board of Directors meets the Tuesday, May 8th. Meeting begins at 10:00 a.m.
Wills, Power of Attorney, or Medical Directives: Call for Appointments (541 883-7171). Appointments are not held at the Senior Center.
Body Recall Exercise Classes: Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Advanced classes from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., and beginner classes from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Live Music Dancing: Every Wednesday from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
AUDIOLOGY - Hear Again Includes 3-year warranty, follow-up and service for the lifetime of your aids. El i
D. u.
h Dare, A bet za
Hearing Aid Checks: Third Thursday from
Transportation: Monday through Friday,
10:15 a.m. to 12 noon of each month.
Medical appointments have priority. For more information regarding the transportation program call Cindy at 850-7315.
Blood Pressure Checks: KBSCC now has a Blood Pressure Machine in the LOBBY for checking your pressure. Ask for assistance if you need.
MS Support Group: Thursday, April 12th at 2:00 p.m. at the Ladies Aux. Lounge, Pine St.
Golden Age Club Bingo & Card Playing: Every Monday and Thursday afternoon from 12:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Gift Shop: Inside the lobby of the Senior Center, 2045 Arthur Street, Klamath Falls. It’s open Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and 1st & 3rd Thursday from 4:00 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Ballroom Dancing: Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Craft Group: Thursday at 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 am
KBSCC Bingo: Every Thursday and Saturday, doors open at 4:30 p.m. Games start at 6:00 p.m. Legal Aid - call KBSCC for referral: 541 883-7171 Family Bingo: Second Sunday of every month Tap Dancing: Every Tuesday and Friday 1:00 at 1:30 p.m. Doors open at noon. Rescheduled p.m. to 2:00 p.m. to April 15th Old Time Fiddlers: Tuesday April 10th & 24th Nickel Bingo: Every Saturday from 12:00 p.m. from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Open Pool Playing: Monday thru Thursday SHIBA Medicare Counseling (Senior Health 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Insurance Benefits Assistance Program): Computers are available for Wednesdays from 11:00 a.m. to senior use upon request 2:00 p.m. Appointments are preferred. Call 541-883-7171 to arrange an appointment. TRIPS: Kla-Mo-Ya - April 4th Hot meals are served Monday through Friday at Candidate Forums - Tuesday April 3rd, April the Senior Center (2045 Arthur Street). Serving 24th and May 1st, 2012 at 12:15 p.m. starts at 11:30 a.m. and is over at 12:30 p.m.
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APRIL • 2012 | Active Seniors • 9
Feature Lower your risk of diabetes and heart disease Are you tired of hearing about all these exercise studies, ad nauseam? More importantly, does learning about them change your behavior? Here’s another study that might motivate you to do get moving. In a February report in “Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise,” University of Missouri exercise physiologists conducted a study to determine whether physical languor (lethargy) in active exercisers produced changes in their blood sugar levels. Active, sedentary During the study (three days of regular, active behavior and three days of sedentary behavior), the participants wore glucose monitoring devices that measured blood sugar levels continuously. Pedometers and activity-measuring armbands tracked how many steps the participants took. They kept detailed food diaries. The participants lived normally for three days, walking and exercising as usual. Note, the group consisted of significant exercisers easily completing anywhere between 10,000 to 13,000 steps daily during the three days. Their blood sugar levels did not spike even after meals during this period of time. During the second portion of the experiment, the participants were asked to cut their activity substantially (some even took bed rest), decrease their step count, take elevators, not stairs, have lunch delivered to
Nancie Carlson
Everyday Fitness
them and average about three minutes per day in exercise. They ate the same meals and snacks so that any changes in blood sugar levels didn’t result from eating fattier or sweeter meals. Blood sugar levels You guessed it. There were changes. Their blood sugar levels spiked after meals with peaks increasing about 26 percent. The peaks grew slightly over the three-day period. These spikes are naturally occurring in sedentary people since the muscles need less fuel and so draw less sugar from the blood. Bear in mind cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in people with diabetes. In fact, people with type 2 diabetes are two to four times more likely to have heart disease and stroke than people without the disease. What will you choose — putting yourself at greater risk of heart disease and diabetes, or holding them at bay? Find ways to move your body, even if in small doses of 10 minutes at a time. If you are a regular exerciser, don’t worry about the days you aren’t able to exercise because the body easily adapts when you can start up again. It is the extended period of time that wreaks havoc on those who are sedentary. Reaching 10,000 steps per day can be challenging, but it is an achievable goal to work toward. Consider purchasing a pedometer. They come in many varieties and levels of complexity.
I use a Yamax “Step into Health” SW-200 — a very basic pedometer that works well for me. It costs around $20. Local retailers offer pedometers in a range of prices — from $15 to $250. Each pedometer brand offers a variety of functionality. Take a look at “Before You Buy a Pedometer” at http://walking. bybpedometer.htm. Compare pedometers at pedometers. It is fun to see how you do with a pedometer and equally challenging to get in those 10,000 steps. Give it a try! Originally published 02/15/12 in the Herald and News. Reprinted with permission from the Herald and News.
Free, Expert, Tax Return Preparation For Seniors And People With Low Income Starting Feb 1st AARP will again partnership with the IRS to provide high quality tax preparation at the Klamath Senior Center. The AARP tax representatives have the expertise to help you through many aspects of the tax preparation process. AARP tax representatives will be at the Klamath Senior Center Tuesdays and Thursdays Feb 2nd thru April 12th between 8:30 am and 2 pm. Please call for an appointment 541 883-7171.
10 • Active Seniors APRIL • 2012
Showtime Vaudeville
Showtime Vaudeville, formerly known as Senior Follies, is accepting applications for the Summer Vaudeville Show. Singers, Dancers, Actors, Jugglers, Magicians, Comedians, Clowns, Animal Acts and other Vaudeville acts are welcome.
Notice Of Meals Pricing Effective April 1, 2012 Lunch Prices Seniors 60 + $4.00 Suggested Donation
Assistance for lighting, set design props, costumes and more is needed. The show will take place July 14th & 15th , with all proceeds to go to the Klamath Senior Center. This is the only theatrical group in this area devoted to Vaudeville. It is run and Directed by Rita O’Brien Smith who has spent her lifetime career as a Professional Actress, Singer, Dancer and Director. Prior to moving to Klamath Falls, she Directed and Produced many Community productions in the Bay Area. She Founded and Directed the Castroville Community Players for 10 years. It will be set in a colorful speakeasy nightclub setting. Anyone wishing to perform or assist in the summer production of SHOWTIME VAUDEVILLE contact Rita at 541-273-7321 or
Under 60 $ $5.00 Take Out Meals $5.50 An analysis of expenses indicates that meal costs as of March 16, 2012 were $4.97 per meal and that at the previous pricing structure the Senior Center would accrue a loss of $49,636 for the year ending June 30, 2012. It has been many years since meals prices have changed at the center.
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Menu April 4, Wednesday:
Beef Tips over Rice, Vegetables, Salad Bar
April 5, Thursday: Tamale Pie,
Refried Beans, Vegetables, Salad Bar, Dessert from Crystal Terrace & Atrio Health Plans
Can Assisted Living really be different?
Can Assisted Living really be different?
More than just maintenance free, at Pelican Pointe... Assisted Living comes to life!
More than just maintenance free, at Pelican Pointe...Assisted Living comes to life! Our emphasis on exceptional well-being is evident in the options available to you. It’s easy to live to the fullest with our dedicated andistalented ready to serve you. Ourlife emphasis on exceptional well-being evidentstaff in the options
April 10, Tuesday: Happy
April 26, Thursday: Fried
Birthday! Homemade Meatballs over Noodles, Vegetables, Salad Bar, Birthday Cake & Ice Cream
Chicken, Vegetables, Biscuits, Salad Bar, Dessert from Eldorado Heights
April 11, Wednesday:
April 27, Friday: Ground Beef
Roast Beef, Whipped Potatoes, Beef Gravy, Vegetables, Salad Bar, Dessert from Pelican Pointe Pie, Vegetables, Biscuits, Salad Bar, Dessert from Eldorado Heights
April 13, Friday: Fish Patty or
Chicken Nuggets, French Fries, Vegetables, Salad Bar
April 16, Monday: Meatloaf,
available to you and it’s easy to live life to the fullest Whether currently residing in a community or living at home, with ournow dedicated andto talented staff readyPointe. to serve you. is the time consider Pelican
Whipped Potatoes, Vegetables, Salad Bar
Whether currently residing in a community or living at home, For a limited time willtoreimburse your moving expenses. now is thewe time consider Pelican Pointe.
April 17, Tuesday: SORRY, NO
No need to worry about the mover or that 30 day rent notice.
For a limited time we willletreimburse yourshow moving expenses, It can be different... Pelican Pointe you how. no need to worry about the mover or that 30 day rent notice.
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It can be different...let Pelican Pointe show you how.
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April 18, Wednesday: Chicken
Fried Steak, Whipped Potatoes, Country Gravy, Vegetables, Salad Bar
April 19, Thursday: Salisbury 615 Washburn Way, Klamath Falls, OR 97603
(541) 882-8900 615 Washburn Way, Klamath Falls, OR 97603 • 541-882-8900
Gravy over Whipped Potatoes, Vegetables, Salad Bar April 23, Monday: Polish Sausage, Sauerkraut, Baked Potato, Salad Bar
April 24, Tuesday: Hamburgers, French Fries, Vegetables, Salad April 6, Friday: HAPPY EASTER! Bar A Very Special Easter Lunch! April 25, Wednesday: Pork Chop, April 9, Monday: BRUNCH Scalloped Potatoes, Vegetables, Scrambled Eggs, Sausage Links, Salad Bar, Dessert from Pelican Country Gravy over Biscuits & Pointe Hashbrowns, Salad Bar
April 12, Thursday: Chicken Pot
Life Lives Better at Pelican Pointe!
April 20, Friday: Roast Turkey
Steak, Pasta Alfredo, Vegetables, Salad Bar Dessert from Crystal Terrace & Atrio Health Plans
Stew over Whipped Potatoes, Vegetables, Dinner Roll, Salad Bar
April 30, Monday: Mac & Cheese with Ham, Vegetables, Salad May 1, Tuesday:
Beef Tips over Noodles, Buttered Carrots, Salad Bar
May 2, Wednesday: Roast
Pork Gravy over Whipped Potatoes,Peas & Carrots,Salad Bar
May 3, Thursday: Chili,
Homemade Cornbread, Salad Bar, Dessert from Crystal Terrace & Atrio Health Plans
May 4, Friday: Sloppy Joes,
Green Beans, Jo Joes, Salad Bar
NOTE: The menu is subject to
change, depending upon availability of supplies. Tea, coffee, milk & juice are available at each meal. Sugar free desserts and salads available for diabetics.
OPEN HOUSE Friday, April 6th 11am - 2:30pm Enjoy Luxury Living ...for Less!
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* Additional meal vouchers available. Ask for details.
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