Active Seniors
The Official monthly publication of the Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Center
Contact Information General Information Judy Crist: 541.883.7171
Letter from Marc Kane, Executive Director
Feature: Tips For Caring for Yourself When Caregiving for Others
Donations - Shawn McGahan:
541.883.7171 ext. 136
ll content for this publication has been provided by the Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Center. For questions, suggestions and general information regarding this publication, please contact the Klamath Basin Senior Center at 541.883.7171. Thank you.
Meals on Wheels Assistance and Bingo Information Linda Breeden: 541.883.7171 ext. 129
Medicare Counseling 541.883.7171
Volunteer Opportunities Cheryl Gibbs: 541.883.7171 ext. 128 Executive Director Marc Kane: 541.883.7171 ext. 122
Where are we located?
The Klamath Senior Center is located at 2045 Arthur street
Annual Valentine’s Day Crafts and Bake Sale
5 7 9
Klamath Hospice Upcoming Events
Poet’s Corner:
Expressions of Heart and Mind
CRAFTY NEWS from CRAFTY LaDEES Seniors, How Can Falls Be Prevented?
Political Forum
Calendar of Events Bulletin:
The Lake County Senior Center Schedule
Free, Expert, Tax Return Preparation For Seniors And People With Low Income
Donor List
Volunteers Needed At The Senior Center. Spokes Unlimited February Schedule
8 10 12
Produced in conjunction with the Herald and News
FEBRUARY • 2013 | Active Seniors • 3
Welcome January has sent us off on a positive and exciting path into the year ahead. The new creative writing class has begun fully enrolled, fifteen students all together. Participants report a good experience and are very complimentary toward the instructor, Carol Imani. We are honored to have someone with such a great reputation and skills Marc Kane, Center Director at the Center to share her talents. Discussions are already under way to schedule another class in the Spring or early Summer. We’ll be looking for another sponsor(s) and will require support totaling $800 to make it happen. Thanks to the Klamath County Cultural Coalition for funding the first class. A date has been set for the start of the Seniors Computer Skills class to be conducted by a group from the Boy Scouts and led by Drew Tice who hopes to earn his rank as Eagle Scout with this project. Class will start April 6th. Those who have signed up already will be receiving a call from us this next week and will be surveyed as to their current skills and class expectations. Data collected will be used to group students together in similar skill sets and to fine tune the curriculum. There may still be some seats left in this class so those interested should call soon. I am impressed with the support and supervision these scouts receive. There have been some delays but only because the Boy Scout organization is closely scrutinizing the works of the fine young people working on the project. They have been developing manuals, presentations, and other materials and will be thoroughly prepared come class time to work with our patrons. This class is an exciting intergenerational project that will be as much benefit to the scout instructors as it will be for the participating seniors. Recently we announced there is some time and space available at the Center on Tuesday mornings and we are seeking input as to how to best use that time. A weekly Thi Chi class is being considered. No decisions have been made yet, and we would really like to hear what would most benefit our seniors. The volunteer column on page 11 lists the many activities in which volunteers can assist the Center. The success of the Center is dependent on volunteers. They are our foundation. Please call if you can help. Thank You to our many volunteers. Good news with the organizational changes we are having to make. As many know we have created a new non-profit corporation for the Senior Center as we separate the Area Agency
On Aging activities from our services. This involves working with the Internal Revenue Service on our tax exempt status and Senator Wyden’s office has helped us jump through some of the hoops with them. Our separation into two corporations should be accomplished before the end of June. A challenge, but well on its way. Thanks to all who have offered their encouragement and helped us to move ahead. Join Us! We Celebrate Life! Marc Kane Executive Director
Entertainment Klamath Senior Center Presents
The Sweet Country Sounds of
Kathy Lynn Jones
Date: Friday, February 15th Time: 11:30 p.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Come join the fun and sing along!
Please contribute to our senior programs All donations accepted and appreciated. Many of Klamath’s seniors need your help. Please mail your donation to: Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Council P.O. Box JE, Klamath Falls, OR 97602 Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Donation: Check Cash KBSCC is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation
4 • Active Seniors FEBRUARY • 2013
Tips For Caring For Yourself When Caregiving For Others Article submitted by Klamath Hospice
Caregiving for others can be extremely fulfilling, but it can also be very exhausting and stressful. It is important to practice good self-care; meaning making sure to meet your own needs so that you feel able to be a good caregiver for others. Some helpful tips from the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association include: • Remember to take care of your own health • Schedule times to eat healthy meals and snacks throughout the day • Take time to rest • Try to get some kind of exercise daily • Indulge in activities that you like to do: walking, reading, listening to music, taking a bath, praying, gardening, etc. • Create to do lists (ask others to help with them) • Talk to family, friends and/or professionals about your worries and fears, don’t bottle it up • Ask others to help you and be specific (i.e. a meal, help with laundry, providing respite, etc.) • Avoid/limit use of tobacco and alcohol • Be informed (learn about disease process, how best to care for your loved one without hurting yourself, etc.) • Use positive self-talk (i.e. tell yourself that you are a good caregiver) • Breathe • Laugh Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association, Patient/Family Teaching Sheet: “Self-Care for the Caregiver”.
BINGO! Every Thursday & Saturday OPEN at 4:30pm & CALLING at 6pm Casual meals & snacks available! Thursday blackout pays $700! Saturday blackout pays $1,000!
1ST TIME PLAYERS Bring This Ad in for a FREE Odd or Even Blackout This fund-raising event depends on volunteers. We need callers and floor help! Call us!
Klamath Basin Senior Center
2045 Arthur Street 541-883-7171
Annual Valentine’s Day Crafts and Bake Sale February 14, 2013 7:00 a.m.— 2:00 p.m. Sky Lakes Medical Center River Rooms Personalized Cookies • Cakes • Pies • Gifts Flowers • Candy • Breads • Raffles
All proceeds benefit Klamath Hospice terminally ill patients and their families. Klamath Hospice is a non-profit, United Way agency.
FEBRUARY • 2013 | Active Seniors • 5
Annual Valentine’s Day Crafts and Bake Sale February 14, 2013 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Sky Lakes Medical Center River Rooms (across from cafeteria) Personalized Cookies, Cakes, Pies, Gifts, Flowers, Candy, Raffles and MORE!
Scott Stevens, M.D. Physician/ Surgeon of the Eye
Mark Fay, M.D. Physician/ Surgeon of the Eye
Jennifer Springstead, O.D. Optometrist
New Patients Welcome
2640 Biehn St. • 541.884.3148 •
All proceeds benefit Klamath Hospice terminally ill patients and their families. Klamath Hospice is a non-profit, United Way agency. To order personalized cookies, complete an order form and deliver, fax or email to Klamath Hospice by Monday, February 11, 2013. Cookies must be picked up at Sky Lakes Medical Center River Rooms by 1:00 p.m. on day of sale.
Spring NEW Volunteer Core Training May 9 and 10, 2013 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day
Life Lives Better at Pelican Pelican Pointe! Life Lives Better Pointe! Life Lives Better Pelican Pointe! Life Life Lives Lives Better Better atat at Pelican Pelican Pointe! Pointe!
Can different? Canit really be be different? Can itit really really different? Can Can it really it really bebe different? different? More free, at Pelican Pointe… Morethan thanjust justmaintenance maintenance free, More than just maintenance free, at atPelican PelicanPointe… Pointe… More More than than justjust maintenance maintenance free, free, at Pelican at Pelican Pointe… Pointe… Assisted Living comes to life! Assisted Living comes to life! Assisted Living comes to life! Assisted Assisted Living Living comes comes to life! to life! Our emphasison onexceptional exceptional well-being is evident in thethe Our emphasis well-being Our emphasis on exceptional well-being is is evident evident in in the Our Our emphasis emphasis on on exceptional exceptional well-being islife evident is to evident in the in the options available toyou. you. It’s It’swell-being easy to live the fullest options available to easy to live life to the fullest options available to you. It’s easy to live life to the fullest options options available to you. to and you. It’s It’s easy easy to live to ready live lifelife to to the fullest fullest withavailable our dedicated talented staff tothe serve you. with with our our dedicated dedicated and and talented talented staff staff ready ready to to serve serve you. you. with with our dedicated dedicated and and talented talented staff staff ready ready to serve toyou serve you. you. Itour can be different...let Pelican Pointe show how. It It can can be be different...let different...let Pelican Pelican Pointe Pointe show show you you how. how. It can It can be be different...let different...let Pelican Pelican Pointe Pointe show show youyou how. how. Schedule Your Personal Visit Today! Schedule Your Personal Visit Today! Schedule Your Personal Visit Today! Schedule Schedule Your Your Personal Personal Visit Visit Today! Today!
615 Washburn Way, Klamath Falls, OR 97603 • 541-882-8900
615 Falls, 615 Washburn Washburn Way, Way, Klamath Klamath Falls, OR OR 97603 97603 •• 541-882-8900 541-882-8900 615615 Washburn Washburn Way, Way, Klamath Klamath Falls, Falls, OR OR 97603 97603 • 541-882-8900 • 541-882-8900
Share a moment, change a life. All new volunteers must take a two-day training if interested in becoming a Patient/Family, Life Story, Caring Companion or Bereavement Volunteer. Register or learn more about these opportunities by calling the Volunteer Coordinator at 541-882-2902.
1st Annual Klamath Hospice Remembrance Run/Walk May 18, 2013 9:00 a.m.
Wiard Park Join us in celebrating our loved ones. Event festivities include: Opening Ceremonies, Children’s dash, 1 mile Remembrance Walk, 5K Walk/Run, 10K Run, Awards and MORE! All proceeds benefit Klamath Hospice terminally ill patients and their families. Klamath Hospice is a non-profit, United Way agency. Learn more or register by visiting or by calling Tara at 541-882-2902,
6 • Active Seniors FEBRUARY • 2013
Poet ’s Corner
Expressions of Heart and Mind
When the Coyotes Quit Barkin’ By Gordon R. Ross (with a nod to Elizabeth Clark Hardy) Somewhere close To the light of dawn, When the coyotes quit barkin’ I’ll amble on. With nary a word To pards snoozin’ nye I’ll saddle my bronc And lope on by. Not much will mark The way I’ll ride But the creak of leather And some dust aside. With a dip of my Stetson To any farewell hail Towards the distant hills I’ll ride my trail. I’m off to where the cactus, Brush, and tall timber stand. To join earlier ‘pokes In the Unknown Land. To those who’ll miss me-There may be a few-Remember, life’s for the livin’. You’ve still some to do. I may drop around... You’ll see my brand, Before we cross trails Through the sagebrush ‘n sand. Where we’ll all be waitin’ To give you a hand, Ridin’ the Unseen Hills Of the Unknown Land.
Please submit something for us to consider printing in our next issue. Submittals should be sent to the attention of Marc Kane, Executive Director, Klamath Basin Senior Citizens Center.
Sometime at Eve By Elizabeth Clark Hardy Sometime at eve when the tide is low, I shall slip my mooring and sail away With no response to the friendly hail of kindred craft in teh busy bay. In the silent hush of the twilight pale When the night stoops down to embrace the day And the voices call in the water’s flow... Sometime at eve when the tide is low I shall slip my mooring and sail away. Through the purpling shadows that darkly trail O’er the ebbing tide of the Unknown Sea, I shall fare me away, with a dip of sail And ripple of waters to tell the tale Of a lonely voyager, sailing away To the Mystic Isles where at anchor lay The crafts of those who have sailed before O’re the Unkown Sea to the Unseen Shore. A few who have watched me sail away Will miss my craft from the busy bay; Some friendly barks that were anchored near, Some loving souls that my heart held dear, In silent sorrow will drop a tearbut I shal have peacefully furled my sail In moorings sheltered from storm or gale And greeted the friends who have sailed before O’re the Unknown Sea to the Unseen Shore.
Thank You Lord, for Covering my Eyes By Audrey E. Davis Thank you Lord for coveringmy leaves with all this beautiful snow! I was getting very tired of raking them up Thirty bags, already - you know! The trees are full, and when the wind blows They will all come tumbling down. I agree they are beautiful when they are green They don’t look so pretty on the ground!
The Heart Of Christmas By Teresa Rainford This is the time of year we all take a longer look at the Years Past. A longer look at our loved ones, our personal accomplishments, our financial burdens, our emotional triumphs and our new goals for the future. Maybe as we do this we should look across the miles to the Great State of Connecticut and reflect on their recent tragedies. Maybe we should bring our children, our grandchildren and our friends closer just because today we can. The time is now, not just because its the New Year, but to act on what true brotherhood and sisterhood in this country is all about. Let’s take time today to talk with a Senior Citizen, do a favor for a neighbor, hold a door for someone, or greater yet, let them bump in line at the grocery store. Look for a reason to compliment instead of criticize. Embrace new ideas like a first date and don’t fear change. Many of us lose our way; and our daily grind dwells our sense of love for one another. Small acts of kindness should be practiced by all of us at this time of year…So the end result could be as simple as this…Make your New Years Resolutions daily as many as you want and keep the spirit we all get at Christmas time in our hearts throughout the year.
But soon they will be gone, the trees will be bare Until spring is here once again. And they will provide us with beautiful shades, til snow, wind and winter will once more begin!
FEBRUARY • 2013 | Active Seniors • 7
Welcome to 2013. January has started out to be very busy and sales have been up, which is good news. We would like to thank those who have made donations of yarn, fabric and various sewing supplies through out last year and this year so far. If you have any questions about what can be donated please give us a call. We do not accept house wares or clothes. Treva and I would like to thank all of the volunteers for the hours they donate that help us out in the Gift Shop. We couldn’t make, it without you. We have several new volunteers that will be helping us out in 2013. Some will be putting their crafts in the shop and some will only be donating their time. Again we need yarn donations. It comes in and goes out very quickly, especially the full skeins. About the middle of February we will again have a table sale of various items, this will be on Wednesday February 20th. We mark down prices on items donated to the Senior Center Gift Shop. Thanks again for supporting us. Wava Weiskopf, Manager and Treva Bruce, Co-Manager
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6TH 12:00 Noon At the SENIOR CENTER 2045 Arthur Street Subject:
A Petition to place an initiative on the May 2013 Primary Ballot asking voters to decide if the office of County Commissioner in Klamath County should be nonpartisan.
Seniors, How Can Falls Be Prevented? Article provided by SPOKES High rates of head injury are sustained by young adults aged 15-24; but surprisingly, adults over 75 years old experience head injuries at twice that rate. It’s not because Seniors have taken up extreme sports. It’s happening in their own homes, in churches, grocery stores, etc. Falls can result in many injuries including traumatic brain injury. How can these falls be prevented? The following are some ideas: • Use rugs, mats or rug runners that have a lip-resistant backing. Put a rug on the floor and try scooting it around with your foot. If it doesn’t move very easily, you’re on the right track. If it moves very easily, get a different one. • Put non-slip mats in the bathtub, and/or shower. Those areas can be very slippery. • Install grab bars in the shower and/or bathtub. If your balance is a little off, you may also benefit from a shower chair with nonslid feet. • Use a step stool with a handrail to reach objects on high shelves. Do not stand on a chair. Be sure to put the step stool on a flat surface and put your foot in the middle of each step. “Reachers” can also be helpful to reach those objects. • Keep extension and phone cords out of the walking areas of your home. Avoid putting them under carpets as not only is it a fire hazard , but someone could trip over the bump it would create in the carpet surface. • Use lighting to your advantage. Arrange your bedroom so that you can turn the light on or off before getting out or into the bed. If this isn’t possible, use a flashlight. Make sure there is enough light along the stairway to see the edges of the steps clearly. • Make sure handrails are securely fastened and that steps are in good repair. Replace loose treads, affix carpet firmly to steps, hammer in any protruding nails. • Wear non-slip shoes. Wear good fitting, comfortable shoes with a tread sole while doing daily chores, or walking. House slippers are also available with a non-slip sole. Now that you have read the list, check around to see what might need improving. If you need information on where to purchase grab bars, or reachers, or where to install those bars, give SPOKES a call-541-883-7547. Seniors and Traumatic Brain Injuries There are other ways to prevent traumatic brain injuries: always use seatbelts, wear helmets when biking (motorcycle or bicycle), do not drive if you have been drinking alcoholic beverages, lock guns in a cabinet or safe. For more information on the prevention of traumatic brain injury, go to:
8 • Active Seniors FEBRUARY • 2013
Calendar of Events All activities are at the Senior Center, 2045 Arthur Street, Klamath Falls, unless otherwise stated.
Wills, Power of Attorney, or Medical Directives: Call for Appointments
Golden Age Club Bingo & Card Playing:
Tap Dancing: Every Friday
Every Monday and Thursday afternoon from 12:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
KBSCC Bingo: Every Thursday and Saturday, doors open at 4:00 p.m. Games start at 6:00 p.m.
Family Bingo: Sunday, February 10th. Open at 12:00 p.m., call at 1:30 p.m.
Old Time Fiddlers: Tuesday February 12th & 26th from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
NEW! Oil Painting & Ceramics Class: Every Tuesday 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
(541 883-7171). Appointments are not held at the Senior Center.
Nickel Bingo: Every Saturday from 12:00 p.m.
Body Recall Exercise Classes: Every
to 3:30 p.m.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Thursday from 10:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.
SHIBA Medicare Counseling (Senior Health
Movies: Tuesdays February 5th & 19th and March
Insurance Benefits Assistance Program): By Appointment Only. Call 541-883-7171 to arrange an appointment.
Open Pool Playing: Monday thru Thursday
KBSCC Board of Directors: Tuesday, February 26th, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
NEW! Creative Writing Class: Starting January 30th at 10:00 a.m. 5th at 12:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
10:15 a.m. to 12 noon of each month.
Hot meals are served Monday through Friday at Klamath County Library Services Branch: the Senior Center (2045 Arthur Street). Serving Mondays and Fridays, 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. starts at 11:30 a.m. and is over at 12:30 p.m. Thursdays 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Transportation: Monday through Friday, Computers are available for senior use upon request Medical appointments have priority. Open to the general public as space is available. For more AARP FREE TAX SERVICE: Tuesdays and information regarding the transportation program Thursdays starting February 5th. Call for call Cindy at 541-850-7315.
Blood Pressure Checks: KBSCC now has
Gift Shop: Inside the lobby of the Senior Center,
KBSCC Members’ Council: Tuesday, February 19th, 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
AAA Advisory Council: Thursday, February 21st, 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Spokes Unlimited.
Hearing Aid Checks: Third Thursday from
a Blood Pressure Machine in the LOBBY for checking your pressure from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Ask for assistance if you need.
MS Support Group: Thursday, February 14th, 1:30 p.m. Community Lounge, Pine St.
Parkinson’s Support Group: Tuesday,
2045 Arthur Street, Klamath Falls. It’s open Monday through Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Fridays 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Senior Dance Day: In the Ballroom, Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Craft Group: Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to
February 19th, Pelican Point at 1:00 p.m.
11:00 am
Senior Veterans Social Club: Thursdays,
Legal Aid - call KBSCC for referral:
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
541 883-7171
With this coupon Expires 2/28/13 All work completed by students under licensed instructor supervision
357 East Main 541.882.6644
The Senior Center will be closed for President’s Day on Monday, February 18th SPECIAL EVENTS: Kathy Lynn Jones. February 15th. Singing during lunch hour. TRIPS: Reno trip, Feb. 25, 26 & 27. Call Barbara Walker for reservations at 541-883-1431 Kla-Mo-Ya, Mondays 10:15 a.m. and Sundays 3:00 p.m.
When Caring, Quality & Commitment make a Difference Also Call Today for Your FREE Assessment, Providing Personalized In-Home Care 24/7 905 Main Street, Suite 512 Klamath Falls, OR 97601 (541) 880-5594 • Fax: (541) 273-0156
• Personal Care • Groceries • Housekeeping • Blood Pressure Checks • Appointments • Meal Preparation • Bathing • Laundry • Companionship • Home Care • Respite Care • Grooming • Errands • Medication Assistance • Memory Care • Insurance Billing • Cognition • Insured, Bonded, Licensed • OPI, SPD and PD Certified
FEBRUARY • 2013 | Active Seniors • 9
Lake Health District
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• Medicare Skilled Care • Physical Therapy • Rehabilitation
The ONLY 5-STAR RATED Medicare facility in Southern Oregon
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Some things we have coming up in February are: Every Monday from 11:00 AM to Noon - Blood Pressure checks Monday, Wednesday and Friday from Noon to 1:00 PM Hot Meals at the Senior Center (11 North G Street) Every Tuesday from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM - Senior “Game Day” Tuesday, January 8th 8:00 AM - Klamath Falls trip (Weather permitting)
Friday, February 8th - Birthday Lunch Tuesday, February 12th 8:00 AM - Klamath Falls trip (Weather permitting)
& Klamath Cremation Service serving the Klamath Basin since 1905
dignity. trust. peace of mind. 515 Pine St., Klamath Falls, OR 97601
Monday, February 18th 10:00 AM - Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, February 20th 9:00 AM to Noon - Hearing Specialist (Weather permitting) Wednesday, February 27th “Better Breathers” Meeting 11:00 AM 1st & 3rd Wednesday’s 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM - Duplicate Bridge 1st Saturday 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM - Old Time Fiddler’s 3rd Thursday’s 7:00 PM - Lake County Horseman’s Association Thrift Shop (behind Senior Center) open Monday through Friday 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM
(541) 882-1636
If you have questions, concerns or want to make a suggestion, please don’t hesitate to call me at 541-947-4966. - Connie Steward, Director
10 • Active Seniors FEBRUARY • 2013
Donor List
Bulletin Free, Expert, Tax Return Preparation For Seniors And People With Low Income Starting Feb 5th AARP will again partnership with the IRS to provide high quality tax preparation at the Klamath Senior Center. The AARP tax representatives have the expertise to help you through many aspects of the tax preparation process. AARP tax representatives will be at the Klamath Senior Center Tuesdays and Thursdays Feb 5th thru April 11th between 8:30 am and 2 pm. Please call for an appointment 541 883-7171.
A new supply of ceramics is now available in the Senior Center's gift shop. They can be purchased for use in Shirley Chapman's ceramics class at the center or for other personal use.
February is American Heart Month encouraging Cardiovascular Health Awareness
Basin Immediate Care reminds you to join the battle against heart disease.
Open mOn-Fri 8-7, Sat 9-6, Sun & hOlidayS 9-3 3737 ShaSta Way, Suite a • Klamath FallS (541) 883-2337 • Fax: (541) 883-2504
December 2012 Donations of $ 4631.75 were received from the following individuals: Elizabeth Western Robin Hawkins Robert & Marie White Joyce Moore James & Faith Buchholtz Ruth Poole Merle & Lynette Harvey Ernest Palmer Anonymous Mary Lou Beynon Marianne Ray Jahala Shaffer Louise Williams Faith Tabernacle Stanley Neitling Mike Roundy Bill Alexander Rose Kreuzer Guy & Grace Turnage Fermin & Susan Melgares Constance Schuetze Carol Darling Hollis & Lois Kiger Elvin & Sue Middleton Charles Harris Sharon Heffler Marie Trapp
Harold & Iris Godwin Mary Sutton Mary Ellen Sargent Joyce Guthrie Mary Clark Dorthy Winters Emily Arispe Helen McPherson Kruise of Klamath Gini Perdue Dorthy Rowland La Vera Petersteiner Ada Bearden
Unidentified contributions in December for Congregate Meals and Transportation Services amounted to $ 6450. The Center, its patrons and staff all thank our contributors for their support. Without contributions the Center would be unable to operate. Contributions and the services of volunteers make the Center what it is – a community collaboration in strong support of a worthy community program. We thank the individuals named above for their assistance and hope that more of our readers will recognize the value of our services with a contribution. Please note the contributions coupon on page 3. We have many uses for donations and look forward to your support.
Home of the All Day Quail Park OFFERS MORE Signature Dining 1000 Town Center Drive • Klamath Falls, OR 97601 Program (541) 885-7250 • Fax (541) 882-8882
FEBRUARY • 2013 | Active Seniors • 11
WE WANT YOU! Help needed in these areas: Office and administrative Reception Work Filing Letter writing Food Services Meals-On-Wheels Drivers Food Preparation / Serving Transportation Local drivers Long distance drivers for medical appointments BINGO Thursday and Saturday Evening Callers and Floor Help Gift Shop Shop workers for sales and organizing
Spokes Unlimited February Schedule
SPOKES Unlimited • 1006 Main Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601• 541-883-7547 v/tty 6th OCB Vision Class 1:00-3:00 pm SPOKES office 12th TBI/I Support Group 1:00-2:00 pm SPOKES office 14th Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Support Group 1:30-3:00 pm Community Lounge, 200 N 7th Street 18th Office Closed. Presidents’ Day All meetings/events listed are held in a wheelchair accessible location. Please notify SPOKES 48 hours in advance if you need an assistive listening system, sign language interpreter or materials in an alternate format. Call 541-883-7547 v/tty.
Closest to home.
Maintenance Volunteer Home Chore/Maintenance Workers Facility Maintenance/Custodial Help Volunteer Coordinator’s Office Recruiters Trainers Receptionist /Record Keepers Counselors and Support Workers / Home Visitors
Ask the Experts Eldorado Heights, an Emeritus Senior Living community, is here to answer your questions about assisted living. The question of the day today is,
When is Assisted Living the best option?
Please call us at 541-883-7171 or visit us at 2045 Arthur Street where volunteer applications are available. A criminal background check is required for all volunteers. Training is provided. All are welcome.
The best rule of thumb for deciding when to move loved ones into an assisted living community is determining if they are able to take care of themselves. Can they bathe and dress themselves? Do they remember to take medication on their own? Can they still safely operate a stove, drive a car, or clean their home? If the answer to any of these questions is “no,” it may be time to consider finding some help, whether in-home assistance or moving to a senior care community. If living on their own poses a risk to their health or well-being, it’s definitely time to consider making the move.
The Senior Center is a community of people helping people.
Our Family is Committed to Yours.
JOIN US! We Celebrate Life!
(541) 205-0013 2130 Eldorado Blvd., Klamath Falls •
12 • Active Seniors FEBRUARY • 2013
Menu February 6, Wednesday: B.B.Q.
February 21, Thursday: Hot Beef
Beef over Bun, French Fries, Vegetables, Salad Bar
sandwich, Whipped Potatoes, Beef gravy, Vegetables, Salad Bar Crystal Terrace & Atrio Health Plans
February 7, Thursday: Taco Casserole, Vegetables, Salad Bar, Dessert from Crystal Terrace & Atrio Health Plans
February 8, Friday: Fish Patty or Chicken Nuggets, French Fries, Salad Bar
February 11, Monday: Macaroni & Cheese with Diced Ham, Vegetables, Salad Bar
February 12, Tuesday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Beef Stew, Corn Bread, Vegetables, Salad Bar
February 13, Wednesday: Oven Fried Chicken, Baked Beans, Vegetables, Salad Bar, Dessert from Pelican Pointe
February 14, Thursday: HAPPY
February 22, Friday: Lasagna, Vegetables, Garlic Bread, Salad Bar
February 25, Monday: Pinto Beans with Diced Ham, Homemade Cornbread, Salad Bar February 26, Tuesday: Meat Loaf, Whipped Potatoes, Vegetables, Salad Bar
February 27, Wednesday: Teriyaki Chicken, Scalloped Potatoes, Vegetables, Salad Bar, Dessert from Pelican Pointe
February 28, Thursday: Hamburger Gravy over Whipped Potatoes, Vegetables, Salad Bar, Dessert from Eldorado Heights
VALENTINE! A VERY SPECIAL LUNCH! Salad Bar Dessert from Eldorado Heights
March 1, Friday: Augratin
February 15, Friday: Shepherds
March 4, Monday: Hawaiian Meat
Pie, Vegetables, Salad Bar
February 18, Monday: PRESIDENT’S DAY! The Center will be Closed
February 19, Tuesday: Pork Chop, Whipped Potatoes, Gravy, Vegetables, Salad Bar, Dessert from Shasta View Retirement
February 20, Wednesday: Chicken Chow Mein Over Rice, Vegetables, Salad Bar
All Days, All Ways, we are here for you
Potatoes with Diced Ham, Vegetables, Salad Bar Balls over Rice, Veggies, Salad Bar
March 5, Tuesday: Chicken Sandwich on a Bun, Veggies, Salad Bar
March 6, Wednesday: Lamb Stew with Dinner Rolls, Veggies, Salad Bar NOTE: The menu is subject to change, depending upon availability of supplies. Tea, coffee, milk & juice are available at each meal. Sugar free desserts and salads available for diabetics.
2680 Memorial Drive • Klamath Memorial Park
Family owned & operated, faithfully serving your funeral needs since 1978