Active Seniors - May 2012

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Active Seniors

The Official monthly publication of the Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Council

MAY • 2012

Contact Information General Information Judy Crist: 541.883.7171 Donations - Shawn McGahan: 541.883.7171 ext. 136


ll content for this publication has been provided by the Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Council. For questions, suggestions and general information regarding this publication, please contact the Klamath Basin Senior Center at 541.883.7171. Thank you.


Meals on Wheels Assistance and Bingo Information Linda Breeden: 541.883.7171 ext. 129




Letter from Marc Kane, Executive Director


Bly Senior Lunch


Poets Corner:

Expressions of Heart and Mind

The Lake County Senior Center



Where are we located?

The Klamath Senior Center is located at 2045 Arthur street



Medicare Counseling -

Volunteer Opportunities Marc Kane: 541.883.7171 ext. 122


Legislative Candidate Forums Coming to the Senior Center

7 9


Donor List


May is Older Americans Month!

Calendar of Events Feature: Nancie Carlson Everyday Fitness


Be Red Cross Ready!



Bulletin: Basin Transit Bus Tickets


8 10


Produced in conjunction with the Herald and News

MAY • 2012 | Active Seniors • 3

Welcome Special Members Meeting May 15th We have been busy this past month participating in many budget hearings and making appeals wherever we can for additional help with our senior meals and transportation programs. Efforts with requests from the County have Marc Kane, Center Director been successful with the Budget Committee recommending a grant of $35,000. Our goal was to raise $90,000 from the County and City combined. Requests to the City are still in process with our next presentation to the Council coming on May 7th. It is clear that we will need to seek grants from additional sources as well if we expect to meet our goal. Demand for meals has increased by better than 50% over the last three years with the Center expected to provide over 90,000 meals this next year. Progress is being made on other fronts to expand and improve services available. Later this month we expect to reach an agreement with the County to establish a new branch library within the Klamath Falls center. Many of our patrons are looking forward to this new service and we are also eager to provide this service to the general public. It is expected that this will introduce many new people to the center and will provide for expanded opportunities for intergenerational experiences. Last month I reported on necessary organizational changes requested by the State to separate the Area Agency on Aging from the other activities of the Center. New bylaws have been prepared and reviewed by legal counsel that will provide two separate boards to oversee the AAA and the Center. The membership of the Center will be asked to approve the newly proposed bylaws on Tuesday, May 15th. The new bylaws will establish a new membership council to advise the board and to focus the attention of the membership on the many services offered and needed. Members are strongly encouraged to review the new bylaws and to support the many proposed organizational changes. These changes will be necessary in order to maintain the support of the State. I am encouraging all members to attend this very special meeting on the 15th.

A new Bingo Manager will be coming on board officially at the beginning of May. She is Peggy Sue Watson and I hope all will welcome her and give her your support. Our current manager, Linda Breeden, has provided years of valuable service with a high degree of dedication. Linda will continue with the Center managing Oregon Project Independence and many other duties she takes on as the need arises. Please take a moment if you have the opportunity to thank Linda for all that she has given to our Center and which I am sure she will continue to give. I have just completed three months in service as the Center’s Director. I am pleased to report that I have experienced a high degree of satisfaction in working with an excellent staff team, a group of people dedicated to serving seniors who all have great passion for what they do. I have also found my relationship with Center patrons to be rewarding. It is a wonderful group of people I have the pleasure to work with. Join us! We celebrate life! Marc Kane Executive Director, Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Center

Please help pay for a seniors meal.  Congregate  Home Delivery All donations accepted and appreciated. Many of Klamath’s seniors need your help.

Please mail your donation to: Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Council P.O. Box JE, Klamath Falls, OR 97602 Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Donation: Check  Cash 

KBSCC is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation

4 • Active Seniors MAY • 2012

Feature Bly Senior Lunch The six volunteers at Gearhart Elementary School in Bly served lunch to 48 seniors, 17 students, and three of school’s staff on Wednesday, April 25th. They work hard, laughing and smiling, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the paper work. Every Wednesday there is hot lunch. Wednesdays are the only hot lunch days at the school where students have sack lunch brought in from Bonanza the other four days of the week by the Klamath County librarian. (The Bly branch of the library is also located at the school.) Years ago Senior lunches were served at the Fire Hall, moved to the former Senior Center, and then to the Assembly of God church. When the Bly junior high moved to Bonanza, there was some empty space in the school building. Doug Smith, the former principal of Gearhart Elementary, encouraged the library branch and the seniors to use the available space. The Senior lunch program has been at its current

location for about 4 years. May Maddock who helps to run the program, says they feel fortunate to have a rent free location. Lunch is served in the multipurpose room where people began arriving around 11:00, greeting one another, checking up on the week’s events and asking after one another’s health. At 11:30 the students arrive. As their line progresses through the kitchen they are greeted by the cooks who make positive connections with them. Most students take their trays of food back into the classrooms to eat. Just before noon Velma Stokes, one of the cooks, comes from the kitchen to greet the Seniors and to have them begin to line up for the meal. As they serve lunch, the cooks greet and chat with those moving through the line. Most of the diners are regulars with some coming from Beatty and Sprague River. “We’ve got a good community. They work very well together,” said Maddock. Lunch is served on real dishes, not paper or plastic. The aroma is appetizing and the portions are plentiful. “They’ve never run out of food yet,” commented Cindy Pollock who works at the sign up and raffle table along with Maddock. This is also a distribution point for the Klamath-Lake County Food Bank. Sterling Harris, a volunteer, picks

up bread, sweets and produce in Klamath Falls and delivers them to the multipurpose room in time for lunch. He says he is happy to do it, paying for his own gas, and getting a free lunch. One of the challenges for the cooks is the lack of a good cook stove. When their primary stove broke down about 6 months ago, they weren’t sure what they were going to do. Right now they make do with some slow cookers, and an “old fashioned” gas stove that has a temperamental oven. They have heard that a new stove will cost around $6000. This lunch arrangement seems to be a win-win for all involved. “The kitchen crew

loves seeing the kids and loves working with them,” Tracey Christensen, the head teacher, remarked. The students and staff enjoy having a hot lunch day. Overall, the students like the food they are served. “Some kids usually bring their lunches from home, but they don’t on Wednesdays”, she said. After lunch, as the seniors left, good byes and good wishes filled the air. Some checked the white board for next week’s menu on their way out.

Facts about Klamath Basin Senior Center Meals Programs The Klamath Senior Center provides senior meal sites in eight locations throughout Klamath County. In addition to congregate meal programs at each site two of the sites provides a Meals on Wheels Program delivering meals to homes as well. The Center in Klamath Falls is the principle site providing congregate meals 5 days a week and also providing Meals On Wheels including seven meals a week to home bound seniors. The other seven sites are satellite programs serving congregate meals once a week and one of the satellites also provides a Meals Wheels Programs as well. This issue of Active Senior the accompanying article features the satellite program in Bly. Demand for meals has increased dramatically as economic conditions have worsened. Once serving or delivering just over 60,000 meals County wide in 2010, the Klamath program expects to serve more than 90,000 meals next this next year. The Center is asking for additional assistance this next year from the City,County, United Way, and the community in general to meet increasing demand. Additional volunteers are also being sought.

MAY • 2012 | Active Seniors • 5

Poets Corner

Expressions of Heart and Mind

Please submit something for us to consider printing in our next issue. Submittals should be sent to the attention of Marc Kane, Executive Director, Klamath Basin Senior Citizens Center.

My Mom Told Me To!! My mom told me, when I was a little girl, that growing up should be fun. Oh, she said I would stumble and fall many times, But then I should just get up and run! My mom told me school time would be a time of learning new things So study hard and do the best you can! Knowledge would come in due time, she was sure.. But memory will fade again and again! My mom told me growing up would be the hardest thing to do. But she wanted to impress upon my heart, Some of the most important things to learn, she said Was to be honest, love others, be true.., and that is only smart. My mom told me, if I became a mother.. My life would be filled with joy and some tears, B ut raising your children she said, would be easier – When you have Jesus to calm your fears! My Mom was smart, as you can see.. She taught me things that were good for me. She showed by example of her life each day, How to behave, and what I should say. And even now, I try very hard all these things to do. . Because you see . . my Mom was right . . . AND SHE TOLD ME TOO!!! Audrey E. Davis “HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO ALL MOMS, GRANDMOTHERS AND GREAT GRANNY’S!!”

The Magic Hand by Robert R. Sherman Well, we’ve traveled many roads And camped by many streams, We’ve seen countless river canyons In the journey of our dreams. In the grandeur of the Rockies And the silence of the North, We’ve explored the mighty artistry The hand of God sets forth. For the vastness and the beauty Of a wild and untamed land Reflects the artful sculpting Of a patient, Magic Hand. And near a lonely, peaceful river Riffling over rock and sand We seek the peace and quiet Offered by a Magic Hand. And if there be a single wish We’re all allowed to make, It would be our final resting place Be near a pristine lake. Where the coolness of the evening and the stillness of the land Be guarded by the Power Of a giant, Magic Hand.

Homecoming There’s nothing at the quiet end of every busy day That gives the soul more peace than heading on the homeward way. The beauty of the landscape always says you’re getting near To doorways lit with laughter and to hearts alight with cheer.

And as you reach the threshold of that home where love abounds, You’re greeted by familiar faces, love, and welcome sounds. So then give thanks that home’s a place where someone waits for you, For in this world of pain and strife, good homes are far too few. Robert G. Black, May 1, 1984

6 • Active Seniors MAY • 2012



The Lake County Senior Center

Legislative Candidate Forums Coming to the Senior Center

Some things we have coming up in April are: Tuesday, May 8th 8:00 AM Klamath Falls trip (weather permitting) Friday, May 11th Birthday Lunch Monday, April 13th Birthday Lunch Tuesday, May 15th 9:00 AM Commissioners Making Proclamation that May is National Senior Awareness Month Wednesday, May 16th 10:00 AM Hearing Specialist (Weather Permitting)

All local candidates for Legislative House District 56 and Senate District 28 have agreed to attend the Candidate Forum scheduled at the Klamath Falls Senior Center, 2045 Arthur Street, Klamath Falls. Each candidate will have an opportunity to introduce themselves, respond to prepared questions and engage in a discussion with seniors and others who may attend. The general public is also welcome. We are expecting Senator and Candidate Whitsett, Senate Candidate Karl Scronce, House Candidate Tracey Liskey and House Candidate Gail Whitsett. Candidates will all be asked to present their plans for supporting the Senior Center, especially as it may relate to maintaining the support from the State for Oregon Project Independence and meals support from the State’s Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Agency.

Legislative Candidates (House and Senate) Forum Tuesday, May 8, 2012 • 12:15 P.M.

Monday, May 21st 10:00 AM Board Meeting

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MAY • 2012 | Active Seniors • 7


Donor List

Individual April donations are still be compiled and will be reported in our June Issue. We would like to acknowledge a major corporate gift this month. Home Depot in collaboration with the Klamath Basin Home Builders Association (KBHBA) will be donating materials, installing new carpeting and repainting the large meeting rooms at the Klamath Senior Center on Arthur Street. Home Depot has made a $5000 grant of materials and will be, along with assistance in labor from KBHBA, revitalizing the center during the month of May.



May is Older Americans Month!

Watch for Special Events To be announced locally. 05/01 • 9:00 am • Board of County Commissioners reading of proclamation 05/02 • Planting of kites along the Government building to recognize Older Americans Month 2012 05/13 • 1:30 pm • Family / Intergenerational Bingo Event at Senior Center 05/21 • 6:30 pm Older Americans Month City Council proclamation May is Older Americans Month, a perfect opportunity to show our appreciation for the older adults in our communities. Since 1963, communities across the nation have come together to celebrate Older Americans Month—a proud tradition that shows our nation’s commitment to recognizing the contributions and achievements of older Americans. The theme for Older Americans Month 2012—Never Too Old to Play— spotlights the spirited participation of people in their sixties, seventies, eighties, and beyond who remain active and engaged in social and faith groups, service organizations, sports, the arts, and countless other activities that enrich their lives and their communities.


for a generous gift. The center is continuing its campaign to seek additional funds and services in revitalizing the Senior Center building. Donations may be sent to the following: Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Council, P.O. Box JE 2045 Arthur Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon 97602

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8 • Active Seniors MAY • 2012

Calendar of Events

MS Support Group: Thursday, May 10th,

Gift Shop: Inside the lobby of the Senior Center,

Ladies Aux. Lounge, Pine St

All activities are at the Senior Center, 2045 Arthur Street, Klamath Falls, unless otherwise stated.

Parkinson’s Support Group: Tuesday, May

2045 Arthur Street, Klamath Falls. It’s open Monday through Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

15th, Pelican Point

Ballroom Dancing: Wednesday at 1:00 p.m.

Advisory Council meets on the third Thursday

Golden Age Club Bingo & Card Playing:

to 3:30 p.m.

Every Monday and Thursday afternoon from 12:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Craft Group: Thursday at 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 am

KBSCC Bingo: Every Thursday and Saturday,

Legal Aid - call KBSCC for referral:

of the month. Meeting begins at 1:30 p.m.

Board of Directors meets Tuesday, May 8th. Meeting begins at 10:00 a.m.

Wills, Power of Attorney, or Medical Directives: Call for Appointments

doors open at 4:30 p.m. Games start at 6:00 p.m.

541 883-7171

Tap Dancing: Every Tuesday (beginning May

(541 883-7171). Appointments are not held at the Senior Center.

Family Bingo: Second Sunday of every month

Body Recall Exercise Classes: Every

Nickel Bingo: Every Saturday from 12:00 p.m.

from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

to 3:30 p.m.

Open Pool Playing: Monday thru Thursday

Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., and Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

KBSCC Board of Directors: Tuesday, May 8th, 10:00 a.m.

AAA Advisory Council: Thursday May 17th, 1:30 p.m. at Spokes Unlimited

Hearing Aid Checks: Third Thursday from 10:15 a.m. to 12 noon of each month.

Blood Pressure Checks: KBSCC now has a Blood Pressure Machine in the LOBBY for checking your pressure. Ask for assistance if you need.

AUDIOLOGY - Hear Again Includes 3-year warranty, follow-up and service for the lifetime of your aids. El i

D. u.

h Dare, A bet za

at 1:30 p.m. Doors open at noon.

SHIBA Medicare Counseling (Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance Program): By Appointment Only. Call 541-883-7171 to arrange an appointment.

22nd) and Friday 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Old Time Fiddlers: Tuesday May 8th & 22nd

8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Computers are available for senior use upon request TRIPS: Kla-Mo-Ya - May 2nd

Hot meals are served Monday through Friday at Red Cross Disaster Preparedness the Senior Center (2045 Arthur Street). Serving Training: Tuesday, May 22nd starts at 11:30 a.m. and is over at 12:30 p.m.

Transportation: Monday through Friday, Medical appointments have priority. For more information regarding the transportation program call Cindy at 850-7315.

Special Meeting of the KBSCC Membership: Tuesday, May 15th, 12:15 p.m. (to amend the KBSCC bylaws)

Candidate Forums - Tuesday May 8th, 2012 at 12:15 p.m.

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MAY • 2012 | Active Seniors • 9


Nancie Carlson

Get the benefit of more exercise in less time Want a shorter workout? After years of hearing from the American Heart Association and other well-regarded health organizations that we need at least 30 to 60 minutes of moderate exercise daily — preferably on the high side of that number — a recent study indicates we might be able to get away with far less. But, of course, there’s a catch to lowering the time to work out. It’s called interval training, which consists of short bursts of intense activity interspersed with recovery periods. So, you have a choice — and believe me, interval training requires effort. Many of us don’t engage in any physical activity, even though we know its importance. Most say they don’t have time to perform 30 to 60 minutes of exercise each day. Whether that’s true or a rationalization, that’s for you to figure out. Maybe what we’d really like to know is, how little can we get away with and still receive health benefits? The six-week study,

published in January, was conducted by researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Participants in the study included both sedentary people who were healthy and middle-aged to older patients who had been diagnosed with cardiovascular disease. Speed, endurance High intensity interval training has long been employed by competitive athletes to increase their speed and endurance, but not traditionally encouraged, or for that matter studied, in older, cardiovascular patients. That said, in the Canadian study the subjects were given a gentler form of interval training. Participants were asked to work out on a stationary bicycle at about 90 percent of their maximum heart rate (roughly estimated by subtracting our age from 220) for one minute followed by a one minute of easy recovery. The effort and recovery are repeated 10 times for a total of 20 minutes. If you are 75 years old, approximately 90 percent of your maximum heart rate would be around 130-plus beats per minute — a doable range.

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Everyday Fitness

The result? Both groups experienced improvement in their health and fitness with the cardiac group experiencing significant improvement in the functioning of their blood vessels and heart. The researchers think the heart may be insulated from intensity of the intervals because the effort is so brief. Should you start a program such as this for yourself? My cautionary advice: you must see a physician before starting any exercise program if you have a heart, respiratory or any other serious medical condition. Under no circumstances should you begin a high intensity interval training program on your own if there’s any question about your health. My latest change in regimen is a combination of both distance and interval training primarily to boost my stamina which has waned as I age. It seems to take more energy these days to do the same things I’ve always done. I’m combining short bursts in my outdoor walking regimen, extending the distance and have gone back to an old Kathy Smith (remember her?) videotape

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that includes 2-minute intervals within the 25-minute aerobic portion of a 40-minute tape. Instead of shortening my time, I’m attempting to increase endurance. Your workout depends upon a lot of factors. But if time is short and you are in good health or your doctor gives the goahead, try high intensity interval training by using machines at your local fitness center. It’s easy to speed up the treadmill, bicycle, rowing, elliptical or stair machines for a minute and then return to your regular pace. Take a quick pulse rate after your first attempts to see if you are close to 90 percent of your maximum heart rate and then go for it. It is your choice. Stay with a moderate routine of 30 to 60 minutes daily, or give high intensity interval training a try to see if it fits better in your schedule. The American Heart Association recommended guidelines of 30 to 60 minutes a day are good ones. But, if you don’t have time, 20 minutes of a harder workout might do the trick. Originally published 04/18/12 in the Herald and News. Reprinted with permission from the Herald and News.


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Bulletin Be Red Cross Ready!


MEMBERSHIP MEETING NOTICE Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Council, Inc. A special membership meeting has been called to consider the amendment of organizational bylaws. Complete copies of the newly proposed bylaws are available by request at the Klamath Senior Center, 2045 Arthur Street in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Copies can also be sent via e-mail by request. Requests can be sent to or may be requested by telephone, 541-883-7171 Ext 115.

Meeting Date: May 15, 2012 Meeting Time: 12:15 p.m. Place: Klamath Senior Center 2045 Arthur Street Klamath Falls, Oregon Members are encouraged to contact Marc Kane, Executive Director, at the Center for more information

House Fire Preparedness Program: May 22nd 12:30 p.m.


Basin Transit Bus Tickets

Join the conversation on preparedness May 22nd at the Klamath Basin Senior Center. American Red Cross Readiness Specialist Michelle Thompson will discuss safety tips for individuals and families, how to make an emergency plan and build a disaster kit.

Basin Transit Bus Tickets are now available for sale at the Klamath Basin Senior Citizens Center, 2045 Arthur Street in Klamath Falls. Monday thru Thursday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Fridays 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

MAY • 2012 | Active Seniors • 11


May 18, Friday: Fish Patty or

May 2, Wednesday: Roast Pork Gravy over Whipped Potatoes, Peas & Carrots, Salad Bar

May 21, Monday: Baby

May 3, Thursday: Chili,

May 22, Tuesday: Brunch, Scrambled Eggs, Sausage Links, Country Gravy over Biscuits & Hashbrowns, Salad Bar

May 4, Friday: Sloppy Joes,

May 23, Wednesday: Sweet & Sour Chicken, Oriental Vegetables, Salad Bar, Dessert from Pelican Pointe

May 7, Monday: Macaroni &

Cheese, Baked Ham, Vegetables, Salad Bar

May 8, Tuesday: Happy

Birthday! Roast Turkey Gravy over Cornbread Stuffing, Vegetables, Salad Bar, Birthday Cake & Ice Cream

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Meatballs over Noodles, Veggies, Salad Bar, Dessert from Eldorado Heights

May 25, Friday: Pork Chop,

Potatoes, Vegetables, Salad Bar

May 28, Monday: Memorial Day

May 10, Thursday: Fried

May 29, Tuesday: Hamburger,

May 11, Friday: HAPPY

MOTHER’S DAY! A Special Mother’s Day Luncheon, Dessert

May 14, Monday: Chicken Fried

Steak, Whipped Potatoes, Gravy, Mixed Vegetables, Salad Bar


French Fries, Vegetables, Salad Bar

May 30, Wednesday: Baked Chicken, Rice Pilaf, Capri Veggies, Salad Bar May 31, Thursday: Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, Vegetables, Garlic Bread, Salad Bar

June 1, Friday: Chicken Pot Pie with Biscuits, Vegetables, Salad Bar, Dessert

May 15, Tuesday: Salisbury Steak, Potato Casserole, Veggies, June 4, Monday: Salisbury Salad Bar, Dessert from Shasta Steak, Whipped Potatoes, Gravy, View Retirement Vegetables, Salad Bar May 16, Wednesday: Chicken Enchilada Casserole, Refried Beans, Vegetables, Salad Bar May 17, Thursday: Stuffed

615 Washburn Way, Klamath Falls, OR 97603

May 24, Thursday: Swedish

May 9, Wednesday: French Dips, Vegetables, French Fries, Salad Bar, Dessert from Pelican Pointe Chicken, Whipped Potatoes, Country Gravy, Vegetables, Salad Bar, Dessert from Eldorado Heights

Can Assisted Living really be different?

Lima Beans with Diced Ham, Homemade Cornbread, Salad Bar

Homemade Cornbread, Salad Bar, Dessert from Crystal Terrace & Atrio Health Plans Green Beans, Jo Joes, Salad Bar

Life Lives Better at Pelican Pointe!

Chicken Strip, French Fries, Vegetables, Salad Bar

Potatoes with Seasoned Meat, Cheese, Tomatoes, Onions & Sour Cream, Dessert from Crystal Terrace & Atrio Health Plans

June 5, Tuesday: Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, Vegetables, Garlic Bread, Dessert from Shasta View Retirement NOTE: The menu is subject to change,

depending upon availability of supplies. Tea, coffee, milk & juice are available at each meal. Sugar free desserts and salads available for diabetics.

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Active Seniors introduces a new section where

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Send your questions via email to Heather Revis at: or via mail to: P.O. Box 788 Attn. Heather Revis Klamath Falls, OR 97601

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