Active Seniors
The Official monthly publication of the Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Center
Contact Information General Information Judy Crist: 541.883.7171 Donations - Shawn McGahan:
541.883.7171 ext. 136
ll content for this publication has been provided by the Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Center. For questions, suggestions and general information regarding this publication, please contact the Klamath Basin Senior Center at 541.883.7171. Thank you.
Snow Removal Assistance and Bingo Information Linda Breeden: 541.883.7171 ext. 129
SHIBA Medicare Counseling541.883.7171
Volunteer Opportunities Cheryl Gibbs: 541.883.7171 ext. 128 Executive Director Marc Kane: 541.883.7171 ext. 117
Where are we located?
The Klamath Senior Center is located at 2045 Arthur street
Letter from Marc Kane, Executive Director
The Senior Dance Basin Transit Bus Tickets
Tai Chi at the Senior Center United Way Community Campaign
It’s never too late to say ‘thank you’ to our nation’s Veterans: even at the end of life
Holiday Drop-in Grief Support Group
SAIL Program Soon to Join Body Recall New Creative Writing Class Enrollment Now Open
7 10
12 14
Tuesday Night Dances Well Received Senior Transportation Services: Keno and Round Lake Service Now Available
Board of Directors News
Poet’s Corner:
Expressions of Heart and Mind
Comic Corner: The Fillers
News from the Crafty LaDees Gift Shop
Calendar of Events Donor List Bulletin:
The Lake County Senior Center
Menu Feature:
Volunteer News
11 13 15
Produced in conjunction with the Herald and News
NOVEMBER • 2013 | Active Seniors • 3
Welcome I love November for it is the month when we turn all our attention to what we have, not we don’t have, and give thanks. Last month I reported here about what the new Area Agency on Aging (AAA) has responsibility for and what the Klamath Senior Center continues to do. We now have two agencies when we once had one. The Senior Center Marc Kane, Center Director continues to be where it always has been on Arthur Street and the AAA office known as the Klamath Lake Counties Council on Aging is located downtown on 7th Street. This month we have listed in more detail a listing of all the Senior Center activities (page 9) preceded (on page 8) with a new statement of mission, goals and objectives. All the activities we have to offer are listed here, but I could never list for you all the benefits that have come out of the relationships built around those activities and which we celebrate with much thankfulness. We’d like to have your comments on our new mission statement and will strive to adapt whenever necessary to see that they reflect the needs of our senior community. Developing mission statements creates an opportunity. Just as the month of November gives rise for dwelling on thankfulness, so our work on a new mission statement causes us to examine why we exist and what we do. Just as thankfulness emphasizes community the same should be true of our mission statement. We state that we are part of a supportive community, meaning we all share two way streets of mutual respect. You will see in our goals that we first focus on who we serve and then emphasize the value of interdependent relationships (two way streets). Yes we serve the elderly community, but we also provide opportunities for seniors to demonstrate their value and to give back as well. Our mission and objectives statements also turn attention to the importance of caring for our staff, volunteers and for the facilities that we have be given to use and care for. Most importantly we hope everyone in our community who reads our mission and goals statements can vision a place for themselves here, either as a patron of service or a contributor of time, talent and support, or both. I have been ending this letter since February of 2012 with the exclamation, “Join Us ! We Celebrate Life!” Well, we truly mean it and we hope that you will find a place here. Happy Thanksgiving to you all. All of us at the Senior Center offer you a big THANK YOU for the support that truly makes us part of this great community.
Marc Kane, Executive Director Join Us! We Celebrate Life!
- The Senior Dancers -
Every Wednesday Afternoon With LIVE MUSIC by the Take Four Band 1:00 to 3:30 P.M. At the Senior Center, 2045 Arthur Street All Ages Are Welcome Refreshments will be served. Sponsored by Emmett’s Line-Up and Auto Repair Center.
Basin Transit Bus Tickets
Basin Transit Bus Tickets are now available for sale at the Klamath Basin Senior Citizens Center, 2045 Arthur Street in Klamath Falls. Monday thru Thursday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Fridays 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Please contribute to our senior programs All donations accepted and appreciated. Many of Klamath’s seniors need your help. Please mail your donation to: Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Center P.O. Box JE, Klamath Falls, OR 97602 Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Donation: Check Cash KBSCC is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation
4 • Active Seniors NOVEMBER • 2013
Tai Chi at the Senior Center
Free Presentation, Demonstration Class & Enrollment Opportunity Tuesday, November 12 10:00 AM
Local Tai Chi instructor Mel Murakami will make a presentation on Tai Chi on Tuesday, November 12, at 10:00 AM. He will bring current students for a demonstration and will provide an opportunity for enrollment in a beginner Tai Chi class to be held at the Senior Center, tentatively scheduled weekly on Tuesday mornings, 10:00 -11:00. The size of the class will be limited, so those with an interest should enroll as early as
Bulletin United Way Community Campaign Raises Funds for 19 Local Agencies
What to do? Pay my utility bill, refill my prescriptions, or buy some milk and eggs for dinner. Many families, many seniors face difficult life decisions all the time. Our United Way funds agency programs that help thousands of local people of all ages live a better life. Now is the time for all of us to help our community…the United Way. No gift is too small, 99 cents of every dollar stays local to help support these vital agencies: Boy Scouts • CASA • Food Bank • Girl Scouts • Foster Grandparents • Crisis Center • KID Center • Lutheran Community Services • The Salvation Army • Klamath Hospice • Senior Citizen’s Center • American Red Cross • SPOKES Unlimited • Friends of the Children • Citizens for Safe Schools • Integral Youth Services • Gospel Mission Chiloquin Visions in Progress • YMCA
Send tax-deductible contributions to:
UnitedWay of the Klamath Basin 136 N. Third Street Klamath Falls, OR 97601 (541) 882-5558 •
possible to secure a place in this class. Dr. Murakami will relate his experience as a practitioner of Yang style, Long Form Tai Chi and explain what he refers to as both “meditation in motion” and “balance in motion.” Relative to the latter, he states that “through the slowness of Tai Chi
Lake Health District
Long Term Care
movement, you develop greater proficiency in centering your body for enhanced balance, a balance less supported by your life-long reliance upon quick, unconscious shifts of your body. You begin to appreciate the importance of your core--the trunk of your body--in providing balance in everyday movement.
• Medicare Skilled Care • Physical Therapy • Rehabilitation
In addition to balance enhancement, Tai Chi promotes a distinct sense of day to day well-being that extends well beyond the hour of Tai Chi practice, as you stimulate the healthful flow of chi through your body’s chi meridians, similar to the mechanism of acupuncture.” The current Tai Chi class will continue to meet on Tuesday afternoons at 1:00 p.m.
Happy Thanksgiving
The ONLY 5-STAR RATED Medicare facility in Southern Oregon
700 South J Street | Lakeview, Oregon 541.947.2114 | 1.866.543.4325
NOVEMBER • 2013 | Active Seniors • 5
Feature Life at Pelican PelicanPointe! Pointe! LifeLives LivesBetter Better Life Lives Better Life Life Lives Lives Better Betterat at atPelican Pelican PelicanPointe! Pointe! Pointe!
Can different? Canit really be Can itit really really be different? different? Can Canititreally reallybe bedifferent? different? More free, at Pelican Pointe… Morethan thanjust justmaintenance maintenance free, More than just maintenance free, at atPelican PelicanPointe… Pointe… More Morethan thanjust just maintenance maintenance free, free, at at Pelican Pelican Pointe… Pointe… Assisted Living comes to life! Assisted Living comes to life! Assisted Living comes to life! Assisted AssistedLiving Livingcomes comestotolife! life! Our emphasison onexceptional exceptional well-being isisevident in thethe Our emphasis well-being Our emphasis on exceptional well-being is evident evident in in the Our Our emphasis emphasis on onto exceptional exceptional well-being well-being isisto evident evident ininthe the options available to you. It’s It’s easy to live life the fullest options available you. easy to live life to the fullest options available to you. It’s easy to live life to the fullest options options available available totoand you. you. It’s It’seasy easy totoready live livelife life tothe theyou. fullest fullest with our dedicated talented staff to to serve with with our our dedicated dedicated and and talented talented staff staff ready ready to to serve serve you. you. with with ourdedicated dedicated and andtalented talented staffready ready toserve serve you. Itour can be different...let Pelican staff Pointe showto you It can be different...let Pelican Pointe show you how. It can be different...let Pelican Pointe show you how. ItItcan canbe be different...let different...let PelicanPointe Pointe showyou youhow. how. Schedule YourPelican Personal Visit show Today! Schedule Your Personal Visit Today! Schedule Your Personal Visit Today! Schedule ScheduleYour YourPersonal PersonalVisit VisitToday! Today!
615 Washburn Way, Klamath Falls, OR 97603 • 541-882-8900
615 Falls, 615 Washburn Washburn Way, Way, Klamath Klamath Falls, OR OR 97603 97603 •• 541-882-8900 541-882-8900 615 615Washburn WashburnWay, Way,Klamath Klamath Falls, Falls, OR OR 97603 97603 • • 541-882-8900 541-882-8900
Holiday Drop-in Grief Support Group
Drop-in groups will be: November 18 December 2 December 16 5:30pm - 7:00pm This group, which is open to the community free of charge, is facilitated by the qualified professionals of Klamath Hospice. Please feel free to drop in during these times as no registration is needed. For more information please contact Klamath Hospice
It’s never too late to say ‘thank you’ to our nation’s Veterans: even at the end of life Article submitted by Klamath Hospice
Americans across the country celebrate Veterans Day on November 11, a special day to salute the men and women who have bravely served our country in the military. These fellow Americans have made profound sacrifices in defense of freedom and they deserve our heartfelt thanks and appreciation. Honoring our nation’s Veterans includes supporting them throughout their entire lives, especially at the end. As our nation marks Veterans Day, hospice deepens its commitment to increase Veterans’ access to the compassionate, high quality care available from the nation’s hospice and palliative care providers. One of the ways we’re making this happen is through hospice involvement with We Honor Veterans, an innovative program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization that we created in collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs. It surprises many Americans to learn that every day, 1,800 Veterans die. That’s more than 680,000 Veterans every year – or 25 percent of all the people who die in this country annually. There is something else that’s important for every American to do – and that is to say, “thank you” to our country’s Veterans. Not just on November 11 but all year long. Ask your friends, neighbors, coworkers and others in your community whether they have served in the military (you may be surprised how many have)—and thank those who have served for their sacrifice. If you know a Veteran who is in need of the special care hospice and palliative care bring to people facing serious and lifelimiting illness, please reach out and help them learn more about care options. Information is available from NHPCO’s Caring Connections at or by calling the HelpLine at 1-800-658-8898 or call 541-882-2902. To all our nation’s Veterans, thank you.
6 • Active Seniors NOVEMBER • 2013
Feature About SAIL
SAIL Program Soon to Join Body Recall
Preventing falls in older adults is at the forefront of our national health care agendas, as seen by the development of the Falls Free™ National Action Plan by the National Council on Aging, and the Center for Healthy Aging. Research has shown that an exercise program that includes aerobics, strengthening, and balance components is effective in preventing falls in older adults. The “Stay Active and Independent for Life” (SAIL) Program is an evidence-based intervention for prevention of falls. The SAIL Program includes a fitness class designed specifically for older adults, as well as educational materials and self-assessments. Mary Clark, who currently instructs Body Recall classes at the Senior Center, is now in training to become a certified SAIL Instructor. Body Recall is reportedly no longer recognized by our Area Agency On Aging as meeting the highest tier of approval for evidenced based training in health promotion. Mary expects to incorporate SAIL Program principles into her current classes at the end of December so that the Center will continue to have a program that meets the expectations of the Administration on Aging to provide programs that meet the new higher standards. Suzan Phipps will continue to instruct Body Recall on Thursdays and is also expected to begin her training for the SAIL program early this next year.
Body Recall Exercise Classes are: Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Thursday from 10:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.
New Creative Writing Class Enrollment Now Open
Last Spring 15 senior students met at the Senior Center for a weekly series of 6 classes with Carol Imani who provided instruction in creative writing. The Class was fully subscribed and, when the classes were completed, the students provided extraordinarily positive reviews with many commenting they were ready to enroll in the next class. Carol Imani has offered to teach yet another creative writing class beginning mid November and enrollment for the class is now open. The class size will be limited to twelve students this time around so interested persons should sign up early at the Senior Center front desk. A course fee of $12.00 will be collected at time of registration that will be returned if the class is not held. All materials necessary for the class will be provided for no additional charge. Each of the six workshop sessions will last two hours and include time to write and time to share one’s writing. Participants will be free to write in the genre of their choice, including poetry, memoir or personal essay and short story. A packet of examples of writing of each genre will be provided to class participants and discussed in class. The workshops will also include instruction in free writing (a well-loved and very effective technique for getting ideas down on the page without self-criticism inhibiting creativity.) and instruction in writing as a six stage process including pre-writing, brainstorming, drafting, editing, revision and proofreading. The project will conclude with a public reading of the writing by participants in the class, and a publication of those writings will be made available to participants, family members and others. The workshop leader, Carol Imani, has over 20 years of experience a as writing instructor to students of all ages and certainly proved her effectiveness with the class conducted at our Klamath Senior Center last Spring. She has also taught writing to seniors at the Trude Kaufman Senior Center in Eugene and in Port Townsend, Washington, where she taught a writing workshop, Poetry and PopCorn, at a nursing home.
NOVEMBER • 2013 | Active Seniors • 7
Tuesday Night Dances Well Received
Dance and Learn Opportunity
The new Tuesday night country dance and instruction event at the Senior Center was well received in late October and will continue now for the rest of the year. It more than a dance but an opportunity to learn as well. Instructor Roy Rizkovsky, who loves country music and country dancing, is volunteering to share his passion on Tuesday evenings. Here’s what Roy had to say: “I'm hosting this Tuesday Country Night Social Dance at the Senior Center mostly for us older generation. It will offer an alternative to other venues in town that play loud and high tempo types of music, leaving us older folks with-out a place to dance in the evenings. I will be playing country music from my music book of about 2000 songs. Folks will be able to request a song for me to play, from a Slow 2 Step Country to East Coast Swings and pretty much everything in between. Music won't be loud or obnoxious. If you would like to learn a country dance come and have some evening dance fun at the Klamath Senior Center every Tuesday. The doors will open at 6:30 with dancing starting no later than 7:00 pm. There will be a $6.00 Cover Charge for singles or $10.00 for a couple all to the benefit of the Senior Center. The evening will end at 9:30. Refreshments will be available. All are welcome.
541.882.1636 Nurse Owned and Operated
Senior Transportation Services: Keno and Round Lake Service Now Available
The Senior Center was successful in acquiring grant funds through a Federally funded transportation program this year to assist in expanding our services to the areas outside the Klamath Falls Urban Growth Boundary. Services have already been extended to the Falcon Heights area and beginning November 1st Keno and Round Lake residents will also be able to call the Center for transportation services. The Senior Center Transportation program offers services to individuals who are generally unable to use other services due to extraordinary support needs such as needing assistance from their doors to the vehicle and back. All Senior Center Vans are wheelchair accessible. The service is available to the general public when there is available seating. Availability is prioritized by the purpose of the transportation with rides to non-emergency medical services prioritized over other needs. Transportation to the Center itself is offered without charge to seniors aged 60 and over although a donation is suggested when there is no fee. Transportation to other locations is offered for a fee that can be reduced for persons with lower income who apply for assistance. Requests for transportation services generally have to be scheduled well advance, usually two to three days or more ahead of the day for which the service is requested as the demand is generally great. The Senior Center Transportation office can be reached at 541-883-7171 Ext 137.
8 • Active Seniors NOVEMBER • 2013
Board of Directors News New Senior Center Mission and Goals Statement Adopted
The Senior Center Board of Directors adopted a new mission, goals and activities statement at their meeting on October 23rd. Comments on the statement are welcomed.
Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Center, Inc.
Mission Statement
To build and maintain a supportive community for seniors. Goals: 1. 2. 3. 4.
To enrich the quality of life, supporting independence and vitality for seniors. To achieve and value interdependent relationships within our community. To maintain a high level of organizational self-sufficiency. To maintain facilities and equipment that are safe, well-kept and attractive.
Objectives: • To promote the physical, social, intellectual, emotional and economic well-being of seniors. • To provide and maintain opportunities for seniors to remain connected and attached to others and the community at large. • To provide opportunities promoting active and healthy lifestyles enhancing vitality, longevity and independence. • To ensure that seniors needing help with meals have access to a balanced and nutritional meal on a daily basis. • To include patrons of the Senior Center in its development and to facilitate center support through volunteerism and active participation in advisory and support groups. • To maintain a qualified and well trained group of staff and volunteers adequate to sustain the activities of the Senior Center. • To maintain safe and well maintained facilities and equipment.
JOIN US! WE CELEBRATE LIFE! Activities: The Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Center promotes active participation in all aspects of community life by providing or facilitating activities and opportunities for socialization, recreation, proper nutrition, physical and mental fitness, education and volunteerism.
NOVEMBER • 2013 | Active Seniors • 9
Bulletin Cont. Direct Activities /Services: • • • • •
Transportation services Translink Congregate meals Home delivered meals MOW SHIBA Program
• • • • •
Social BINGO games Billiards/Pool room Gift and craft store. Computer and internet access booths Information and Referral services
• • • •
Monthly newsletter for education, information Board and Committee meetings. Preventive Health Programs Medical Equipment Loan Program
• • • • • • •
Tuesday evening dance Senior Veterans Social Club Computer classes Creative writing classes Crafts Arts and Painting classes Educational events on various topics.
• • • • • •
AARP Tax Service County Branch Library Travel Trips Senior Advisory Council Office for Certified Veterans Counselor Movies
Facilitated Activities: • • • • • • •
Golden Age Club Bingo / Social Games Body Recall Exercise SAIL Program (Stay Active and Independent for Life) Tai Chi Health and vaccination clinics Hearing aide checks and servicing Wednesday afternoon dance
Other Board News: Applications continue to be received to fill board vacancies. There are two positions open at this time. The board normally meets once a month at the Center and members generally also participate in one of three task committees. Applicants can request an application from the front desk or by calling Marc Kane, the Executive Director, at 541-883-7171 Ext 117. Applications can be sent via e-mail as well as regular USPS mail.
Carlson’s Furniture
Every Thursday & Saturday OPEN at 4:30pm & CALLING at 6pm Casual meals & snacks available! Thursday blackout pays $500! Saturday blackout pays $1,000!
1st time Players
Bring This Ad in for a FREE Odd or Even Blackout This fund-raising event depends on volunteers. We need callers and floor help! Call us!
Klamath Basin Senior Center
2045 Arthur Street 541-883-7171
as easy as one, two, three with a Lift Chair from
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Locally Owned by the Carlson Family for over 55 Years!
2 Big Floors!
2405 South 6th Street 541-884-1335
Hours: Mon-Fri 10am-6pm • Sat 10am-5pm
10 • Active Seniors NOVEMBER • 2013
Poet ’s Corner
Expressions of Heart and Mind
Please submit something for us to consider printing in our next issue. Submittals should be sent to the attention of Marc Kane, Executive Director, Klamath Basin Senior Citizens Center.
MOM’S CLOTHESLINE Author Unknown Submitted By Joyce Bean A clothesline was a news forecast To neighbors passing by There were no secrets you could keep When clothes were hung to dry
It also told when illness struck As extra sheets were hung When nightclothes and a bathrobe too Hazardly were hung
It was also was a friendly link For neighbors always knew If company had stopped by To spend a night or two
It also said “on vacation” when Lines hung limp and bare It told “were back” when lines sagged With not an inch to spare
For then you’d see the fancy sheets And towels upon the line You’d see the company tablecloths With intricate design
New folks in town were frowned upon If wash was dingy and gray As neighbors raised their brow And looked the other way
The lines announced a baby’s birth From folks who lived inside As brand new infant clothes were hung So carefully with pride
But clotheslines now are of the past For dryers make work less Now what goes on inside the house Is anybody’s guess
Comic Corner
The ages of the children could So readily be known By watching the sizes change You’d know how much they’d grown
JUST THIRTY- NINE By Audrey Davis I think of all the fun I’ve had As the years have passed in my life time And I don’t think I’ll ever grow up For the past hundred years, I’ve been thirty- nine What really do the years have to do with our life? They’re hardly worth a dime We are only as old as we feel, they say So, I really only feel thirty-nine We’ll sometimes I feel seventeen again Or I try to remember how I felt back then But it isn’t easy in this day and time So, I just tell everyone, I am thirty-nine
But even thirty-nine isn’t easy, now that I’m getting absent minded I can hardly remember my name now and then I really miss that way of life So how can I be expected to know my true age It was a friendly sign When sometimes I feel only ten When neighbors knew each other best By what hung on the line
NOVEMBER • 2013 | Active Seniors • 11
Poet ’s Corner Cont. “GIMME, GIMME” I ASKED THE LORD By Audrey Davis Dear Lord, I came to you tonight To tell you all these things But first, can I ask you To give me a set of new rings? Lord, give me a new car My old one is tearing apart And I do need it Lord, you know how much And it’s a desire of my heart Lord, gimme a new dress and a pair of shoes I’ll wear them to church next week Would you gimme more money too, for the offering plate And gimme extra too, for groceries and meat Could you gimme a new TV, Lord And a vacation or two Lord, could you gimme a new motor home And Lord, could you make this one brand new THE LORD ANSWERED THIS WAY Why do you need new rings, my dear? You don’t wear the ones you have now And a ring on each finger is not for you And the ones you have are pretty good anyhow The car you have now is fine, my dear It can take you for many more miles, you’ll see And my dear, I suggest you use your car To visit and tell others of me
News from the Crafty LaDees Gift Shop
TABLES AVAILABLE FOR DECEMBER 7TH BAZARR Welcome to November. It is hard to believe that the year is almost over. The Senior Center Craft Bazaar, coming up on December 7th, has sold 30 tables as of this date. There are still tables available. If you have any questions, please see Wava in the Gift Shop or give her a call. We look forward to seeing you again and hope to have a good turnout. Remember the date is December 7th. We are getting in new items all the time. Be sure to drop by and see them. Tickets are still available for the current Afghan Raffle until November 15th. They are 3 tickets for a dollar. The drawing will be held November 18th during lunch time. There will also be another Raffle starting December 1st for Christmas. Tickets will be 1 ticket for a dollar or 6 tickets for five dollars. There will be 5 different wrapped items. As tickets are drawn, the chosen number will pick one of the boxes, and then every time a ticket is drawn that person will pick a box until all 5 boxes have been claimed. Drawing will be held December 23rd during lunch. You need to be present for this drawing. All proceeds from these Raffles will go to the Senior Center. Have a great Thanksgiving and again thank you for supporting the Senior Center. Wava Weiskopf, Manager • 541-883-7171 Ext 124
Your clothes look fine, better than some You don’t have to look expensive for my sake And if I gave you lots of extra money Would you really put it in the offering plate? Don’t ask so much of “Gimme, Gimme” Especially of things and wealth I’m sure you would be listened to more If you’d ask for happiness and health Ask for others burdens, you can share And for lost souls, you can bring to me Ask for more compassion and love to give..And Then I’ll listen to your “Gimmee, Gimmee”
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12 • Active Seniors NOVEMBER • 2013
Calendar of Events
All activities are at the Senior Center, 2045 Arthur Street, Klamath Falls, unless otherwise stated.
Golden Age Club Bingo & Card Playing: Every Monday and Thursday afternoon from 12:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Weekly by appointment with Shirley Chapman 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
KBSCC Bingo: Every Thursday and Saturday, doors open at 4:30 p.m. Games start at 6:00 p.m.
Country Dance Class NEW!: Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m.
Family Bingo: November 10th, 1:30 p.m.
Tai Chi Class:
Paper only Bingo Night: Thursday, November 14th.
Nickel Bingo: Every Saturday from 12:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Thursday from 10:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.
SHIBA Medicare Counseling (Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance Program): By Appointment Only. Call 541-883-7171 to arrange an appointment.
KBSCC Board of Directors: Tuesday,
Hot meals are served Monday through Friday at
Body Recall Exercise Classes: Every
November 27th, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
KBSCC Members’ Council: November 21st, 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at the Senior Center.
Hearing Aid Checks: Thursday, November 21st from 10:15 a.m. to 12 noon.
Blood Pressure Checks: KBSCC now has
a Blood Pressure Machine in the LOBBY for checking your pressure from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Ask for assistance if you need.
MS Support Group: Thursday, November
Oil Painting & Ceramics Class:
Tuesdays from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Computer Classes w/ Boy Scout Instructors: Dates to be announced, Saturdays 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Movies: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 12:30 p.m. (November 5th & 19th)
Open Pool Playing: Monday thru Thursday
the Senior Center (2045 Arthur Street). Serving starts at 11:30 a.m. and is over at 12:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Transportation: Monday through Friday,
Klamath County Library Services Branch:
Medical appointments have priority. Open to the general public as space is available. For more information regarding the transportation program call Cindy at 541-850-7315.
Gift Shop: Inside the lobby of the Senior Center,
2045 Arthur Street, Klamath Falls. It’s open Monday through Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Fridays 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
14th, 1:30 p.m. Community Lounge, Pine St.
Senior Dance Day: In the Ballroom,
Parkinson’s Support Group: Tuesday,
Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Mondays and Fridays, 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Thursdays 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Computers are available for senior use upon request We will be closed November 11th for Veterans Day and November 28th & 29th for Thanksgiving SPECIAL EVENTS:
Senior Veterans Social Club: Thursdays,
Kathy Lynn Jones - Singing at lunch hour- Date to Craft Group: Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. be announced. TRIPS: Legal Aid - call Klamath Lake Council on Aging,
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
November19th, Elmer’s Restaurant at 1:00 p.m.
Kla-Mo-Ya, Mondays 10:15 a.m. and Sundays 3:00 p.m.
With this coupon Expires 11/29/13 No double discounts
All work completed by students under licensed instructor supervision
357 East Main 541.882.6644
Shasta View is running a Holiday Special! Ask yourself: Why pay more for the same services somewhere else? • • • • • • • •
Room and Board Utility Meals Active Transportation Housekeeping Maintenance 24-Hour Security
LOW RENTS! from $1500 to $1800
Offer expires 11-30-13
NOVEMBER • 2013 | Active Seniors • 13
Donor List September Donations of $2121 were received from the following individuals: Audrey Davis Charles Harris Claudia Samsel Constance Schuetze Cynthia Aldrich Dorothy Rowland Dorothy Winters Elizabeth Western Elvin & Sue Middleton Eole Tomlin Ernest Palmer
Etta Holly Faith Tabernacle Geradine Schindler Gertrude Sears Golden Age Club Jean Gladden Kim Mauch La Vera Petersteiner Louise Williams Lucy Butcher Marion Switzer
Mary Brugman Mary Clark Mary Ellen Sargent Opal Baert Pat Abel Rose Chapman Rose Kruezer Samuel Hawley Susan Way Wilford Dunster
Unidentified contributions in September for Congregate Meals and Transportation Services amounted to $6732. We reported last month that August donations were well under what the usual month brings us, but it appears that reduction has been corrected. The cause remains a mystery to all of us here at the Center. We are relieved that contributions have picked up again and hope folks will give a little extra to make up for the shortfall in August. The life of the Senior Center rests on a foundation of volunteerism and the voluntary donation of funds. Thank you to all who contribute.
The Lake County Senior Center 11 North G Street – Lakeview, OR 97630
Some things we have coming up in November are: Every Monday from 11:00 AM to Noon - Blood Pressure checks Monday, Wednesday and Friday from Noon to 1:00 PM Hot Meals at the Senior Center (11 North G Street) AND Home-Delivered-Meals Every Tuesday from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM - Senior “Game Day” Tuesday, November 12th 8:00 AM - Klamath Falls Trip Friday, November 15th - Birthday Lunch
Also a special Thanks to the Sons of Norway for the donation of a transfer bench, craft materials and some glue guns.
Monday, November 18th 10:00 AM - Board of Directors Meeting
A reminder that our medical equipment free lending program can use your donation of usual medical equipment such as walkers, bathing benches, canes, and many other items so long as they are clean and in good repair.
Wednesday, November 20th 9:00 AM to Noon - Hearing Specialist
Please note the contributions coupon on page 3. We have many uses for donations and look forward to your support.
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Wednesday, November 20th Noon to 1:00 PM - Senior Center Thanksgiving Dinner Wednesday, November 27th 11:00 AM - “Better Breathers” Meeting Thursday & Friday, November 28th & 29th - SENIOR CENTER CLOSED FOR HOLIDAY 1st & 3rd Wednesday’s 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM - Duplicate Bridge 1st Saturday 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM - Old Time Fiddler’s 3rd Thursday 7:00 PM - Lake County Horseman’s Association Thrift Shop (behind Senior Center) open Monday through Friday 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM If you have questions, concerns or want to make a suggestion, please don’t hesitate to call me at 541-947-4966. - Connie Steward, Director
14 • Active Seniors NOVEMBER • 2013
November 6, Wednesday:
Salisbury Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Mixed Vegetable, Salad Bar, Wheat Dinner Rolls, Fresh Banana November 7, Thursday: Sweet & Sour Pork, whole grain Rice, Spinach, Salad Bar, fresh grapes November 8, Friday: Baked Chicken Strips, Tater Tots, Green Beans, Salad Bar, fresh pears
November 20, Wednesday:
Oven Baked Chicken, Au Gratin Potatoes, Broccoli, Salad Bar, Fresh Grapes
November 21, Thursday:
Beef Stew, Cornbread, Salad Bar, Fresh Orange
November 22, Friday:
Thanksgiving Dinner. Toasted Turkey with All The Trimmings November 25, Monday: Sloppy Joes with chips, Peas, Salad Bar, Wheat bread, Fresh Pear November 26, Tuesday: Turkey & November 11, Monday: Noodles, Veggie, Salad Bar, Fresh CLOSED FOR VETERANS DAY Apple November 12, Tuesday: HAPPY November 27, Wednesday: Fish BIRTHDAY, Baked Ham, Sweet Basket, fries, Veggies, Salad Bar, Potatoes, mixed Veggies, Salad Garlic Wheat Bread, fresh grapes Bar, Birthday Cake & ice cream, November 28, Thursday: Closed Fresh Apple For Thanksgiving November 13, Wednesday: November 29, Friday: Closed For Pork Chop, Scalloped Potatoes, Thanksgiving Spinach, Salad Bar, fresh peach December 2, Monday: Salisbury November 14, Thursday: Tuna Salad San & Tomato Soup, Salad Steak, Veggie, Salad Bar Bar, wheat bread, fresh grapes December 3, Tuesday: Chicken & Noodles, Veggie, Salad Bar November 15, Friday: Wheat Cheese Burger, Baked French December 4, Wednesday: Fries, Lettuce & Tomatoes, Salad Spaghetti, garlic bread, veggie, Bar, Fresh Orange Salad Bar
November 18, Monday:
Macaroni & Cheese w/Ham, Spiced Beets, Salad Bar, Fresh Pear November 19, Tuesday: Chicken Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Green Beans, Salad Bar, Fresh Apple
Mark Fay, M.D. Scott Stevens, M.D. Physician/ Surgeon of the Eye Physician/ Surgeon of the Eye
December 5, Thursday:
Tuna Noodle Casserole, Veggie, Salad Bar, Dessert from Crystal Terrace & Atrio Health Plans NOTE: The menu is subject to change, depending upon availability of supplies. Tea, coffee, milk & juice are available at each meal. Sugar free desserts and salads available for diabetics.
Edwin Tuhy, O.D. Optometrist
Jennifer Sparks, O.D. Optometrist
New Patients Welcome
2640 Biehn St. • 541.884.3148 •
MOVED to Klamath Memorial Park 2680 Memorial Drive Klamath Memorial Park 541-883-3458 •
NOVEMBER • 2013 | Active Seniors • 15
Volunteer News
Welcome- Welcome- Welcome FALL is upon us! Winter will not be far behind! We at the Senior Center are gearing up for the colder months ahead and are in GREAT need of volunteers to help in their neighborhoods with snow removal. This does not have to be accomplished immediately when it snows but within 8-12 hours so our seniors can
At Ultimate Mattress, We Sell Beds for Less!
access their mail, papers, etc. If interested in helping someone in your neighborhood, please call Cheryl at 541-883-7171 ext. 128 or email Please include your name, address, phone number and age bracket (21 & under OR over 21) According to the Almanac, this is going to be a very WHITE winter so the bigger our snow team the easier the job will be. Service clubs, school clubs looking for service opportunities, scouts, etc. We have a real need and you can fill it! Please VOLUNTEER today!
Twin Adjustable Bed & Mattress $ starting at
We also have a need for a transportation driver for people to get to
Queen Adjustable Bed with with Memory Foam Mattress starting at $
(in Medford). We currently have 1 in Klamath Falls, 1 in Chiloquin, and
doctor appointments, etc. TransLink drivers need additional training
2 in Lakeview but more are very much needed. For more information, call Cindy at 541-883-7171 ext. 137. It seems we are always in need of volunteers for our congregate and/
Ask about our 90 Days Same as Cash Financing!
2727 South 6th Street (next to Arby’s)
Mon-Sat 9:30am-5pm Sun 11am-4pm 541-884-REST (7378) Contact us today for details and pricing. Call (541) 882-0440
or Meals on Wheels programs-so come on by, have lunch with us, and find out where you can “fit in”. I would like to THANK both Pelican Pointe and Quail Park Assisted Living for allowing their staff to deliver meals 1-4 times per month. Their help is MOST appreciated. Other business owners-can you spare an employee for 2-3 hour to help out too? I am again recruiting for my AMBASSADOR group. These people will be available to help guide new visitors/guests around the center and familiarize them with the programs available to them. Ideally, 3-4
We offer short-term respite care for individuals recouperating from surgery, an illness or other health issues. Services include:
in attendance at center each day. Requirements: Smiley face and
• Coordination of rehabilitation services • Three nutritious meals daily • Bathing, dressing and medication assistance • 24 hour staff • Emergency response system • Transportation coordination
If you haven’t been the Klamath Basin Senior Citizens Center lately—
eagerness to help others.
just know we are not just Meals on Wheels, hot lunches, and/or BINGO. Come by and see what we are about. Cheryl Gibbs, Volunteer Coordinator, 541-883-7171 Ext 128
ATRIO KC Special Tab ad Senior Times 9.75 x 7.5 Nov.
When You Want More From Medicare You Want ATRIO Health Plans A Medicare Advantage Plan from ATRIO Health Plans gives you greater value for your health benefits. We offer a range of options to meet your needs and lifestyle, from NO or LOW monthly premium plans with excellent preventive care coverage and fitness club reimbursement benefit to our most comprehensive plans with low out-of-pocket expenses and prescription coverage. D ATRIO IS PROU TO SPONSOR els Meals on Whe
PLEASE JOIN US! Attend our “Expand Your Medicare Benefits” seminar and receive a gift as our thanks.
n Klamath Falls
n Chiloquin
Community Health Education Center
Chiloquin Community Center
at Mabel Liskey Henzel Pavillion 2200 N. Eldorado Blvd., Klamath Falls
140 S. 1st St., Chiloquin
Wednesday, Nov. 13 & 20 at 10 a.m.
Thursday, Nov. 14 at 2 p.m.
A sales person will be present with information and applications. For accommodation of persons with special needs, please call the number listed.
TOLL FREE 1 (877) 672-8620 TTY USERS 1 (800) 735-2900 OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Fri, 8 am-5 pm Pacific CUSTOMER SERVICE HOURS: Mon-Fri, 8 am-8 pm
2909 Daggett Ave., Ste. 250, Klamath Falls
This is an advertisement. ATRIO Health Plans has PPO and HMO D-SNP plans with a Medicare Contract. Enrollment in ATRIO Health Plans depends on contract renewal. The benefit information provided is a brief summary, not a complete description of description of benefits. Limitations, copayments, and restrictions may apply. Eligible for a free drawing and prizes with no obligation. You must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium. Medicare beneficiaries may also enroll in ATRIO Health Plans through the CMS Medicare Online Enrollment Center located at H6743_MKG_NP15B CMS Accepted
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• Personal Care • Groceries • Housekeeping • Blood Pressure Checks • Appointments • Meal Preparation • Bathing • Laundry • Companionship • Home Care • Respite Care • Grooming • Errands • Medication Assistance • Memory Care • Insurance Billing • Cognition • Insured, Bonded, Licensed • OPI, SPD and PD Certified
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