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Classified deadline: tuesdays, 11:00 am • Display Deadline: Mondays, 3:30 pm • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • august 8, 2013 • The Nickel • Page 1

EagleRidge ▶ It’s a Great School! StudentS Love It! High School

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! E E R F

Number 49, Volume 32


SummEr rV OvER 150 UNITS

In Stock!


ZERO DOWN o.a.c.*


We Want . . . e d a r T r You ines Product L

All NEW ALE! and on S ODAY! K C O T S IN urs T choose yo d n a in p o St Payments Starting at Less than



per month


2117 South 6th St Klamath Falls, OR 97601


2.49% OAC Stop in for a ll the details !

(541)883-2292 www.klamathfallsnickel.com “...the Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him in truth.” Psalms 145:18

Community and WorkforCe eduCation: facebook i

Facebook is the #1 social media site - don’t be left out! Learn how to use Facebook to keep in touch with friends, family, and share what’s going on in your life. This class is for people who are new to Facebook. Students will learn creating a Facebook account, setting up your personal profile, adding friends, photos, videos, and other content. Privacy settings will also be covered. Basic computer skills required. Instructor: Patti McMann CASX701N.01 9/3 - 9/12 TuTh 6 - 8pm Bldg5, 510 $40

online Security Basics: defending your identity and Computer

This class will teach online security such as protecting your personal information and preventing exploitation of your personal computer. Students will learn the basics of how to detect and remove spyware and viruses. Basic computer and Internet skills required. Instructor: Patti McMann CISX708N.01 8/9 F 4 - 7pm Bldg5, 510 $20

Photoshop 3 Photo reconstruction

In this 2 week class students will learn the basics to editing and restoring old or damaged photos. Pull out those old pics of Grandmother and fix them up like they are better than new! The curriculum is PBL style, Project Based Learning, by which students will create a final “photo gallery” of class projects, using Stock Images, to fix scratches, water damage, torn photos and bad color. Students will learn several design tools and techniques used by Photoshop professionals. This is the perfect class for students that want to just jump right in to Photoshop and advance their skills by learning as they are creating beautiful works of art! Instructor Ric Medina is an Adobe Certified Associate Educator. CASX706.03 8/19 – 8/28 MW 6 – 8 pm Bldg6, H228 $50

flagger Certification training

Flagger and Work Zone Traffic Control covers the fundamental principles of traffic control, the five parts of temporary traffic control zones, and regulations regarding the primary traffic control devices and their proper placement. Also, correct flagging techniques will be taught and demonstrated. This course meets the requirements of the Oregon Department of Transportation construction specifications. Students will receive a certification card, valid for three years, that verifies completion of safety training that meets ODOT requirements. Pre-registration is required. Instructor: Gina Howard TEXX702P.02 8/17 Sa 10 - 2pm Bldg6, H207 $120 TEXX702P.03 9/14 Sa 10 - 2pm Bldg6, H207 $120

klamath Basin training and equipment Show

Join us for workshops and demonstrations for those in the cleaning and maintenance world. We invite anyone to come join us. Many cleaning products and other things that could be useful in keeping your buildings up to date will be shown. Also covered should be: Disinfecting - killing germs, Hard floor care - VCT and Marmoleum, Bathroom cleaning, Carpet Care TEXX706P.03


W 9 - 4pm

Bldg6, H108


How to find a JobJob Seeking Skills and tips

This course will give you some skills that are needed to find, apply and interview for a job. This class involves an introduction to resume and cover letter writing, effective application and interviewing procedures, how to properly contact an employer, local job listings and employment resources, personal hygiene and presentation; dress for success, personal interests, values and attitude review, developing realistic expectations of our local job market, identify your personal strengths, weaknesses and transferable skills, you have the job; learn methods on how to keep it and advice and tips for advanced career exploration. Classes have a cap of 10 people, so sign up quick! For questions, call Linda Reynolds, the instructor with over 20 years experience, at 541.205.5424. BUSX749P.02 8/19 - 8/29 MTh 6 - 8:30pm Bldg6, H208 $35


COURTESY Rv CENTER 1405 Crater Lake Pkwy • (541) 850-7337 (Corner of Shasta Way, next to the Klamath Falls Credit Unions)

www.KlamathRV.com • Se Habla Español *On approved credit. Title, Registration and Administrative Fees are not included in price. Pictures for illustration only.

541-882-3521 • www.klamathcc.edu

Page 2 • The Nickel • August 8, 2013 • 2117 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • fax (541)882-7716






Where to calls at The Nickel for Display Sales:


Klamath Falls Forest Estates, Unit 4

Reward $20 – Looking for an old friend named Art McGill, wife Karen, son Andy. Last known to live around Sprague River. Call Walt at 541-632-0950

IN-HOME AIDE NEEDED In-home aide/companion needed to assist with household chores, personal hobbies, medical and personal appointments, running errands, and general companionship. Monday through Friday 8-5 and some weekend work. Wages DOE. Email resume and 3 professional references to humanresources@ golddustfarms.com.

Beverly Schuster 541-331-0657 Danielle Mays 541-331-0656

is now accepting Bids for Fall Grading, approximately 10 miles of road.


Victor Jackson 541-880-3750 For Classifieds call 541-883-3750

There will be possible, free, small-boat rides from the marina; croquet; tennis; walks; etc. This is a friendly, and great, single's community summer event.

Ezell Suty FuEl

son CashickFor Cars Ask For Andy Erickson r E 1 y (541) 883-7701 Any Make, Any Model 0 d 2810 WASHBURN WAY 7 n 7 A 3r o F 1) 88 k As (54

Spread the word about the PUBLIC INVITE to the Klamath Independent Social Singles (K.I.S.S.) potluck/ barbeque, August 11, Moore Park Marina, 4 pm.

We would like to provide life enriching opportunites for singles thru contacts, activities and possible involvment in our club.

“Quality Fuel and Excellent Service at Prices You’ll Love”

Thank you St. Jude. The help that I have received through your name has changed my life forever.

Please mail all bids PO Box 520 Bonanza, OR 97623 All bids must received by Sept 9th.



Klamath Falls Forest Estates, Unit 4 is now accepting Bids for Snow Plowing, approximately 10 miles of road.


WORM GROWERS NEEDED! Great income S potential in your garage. EWe OU buy worms! Fast N multipliers! FREE 24-Hour LLA Information: www.ecologytek.E C IScom or 208-762-2414

WORK WANTED Handyman Service

VJ's Construction Please mail all bids MONEY TO LOAN Malin, OR Hope to see you there with PO Box 520 all your adult-single family, S 97623 U $$$ ACCESS LAWSUIT cash Bonanza, OR Call Van Johnson neighbors, and friends. EO received Ezell now!! Injury lawsuit dragging? All bids 541-723-5231 Nmust Please forward/e-mail to A L Need $500$500,000+ within Suty Fuel L by Sept 9th. your contacts or print and 6 E m o 48 hours? Low rates. Apply C 1 t OR CCB# 142501 7 S post in your locations. mus now by phone! 1-800-5682-7 MI Licensed, Bonded & Insured co le dC on 88 d raw 0 i sa ) n t 8321. www.lawcapital.com o r 1 a c RSVP, please, to wo o d $3 Fo tru es (54 PERSONALS 541-882-8949. us heds ons 95 10 Operated Equipment Rental vy le, n6”H, 5 ax o a F C e H 7 S y 1,2 e 8x • h tab x2 $ y WANTED iHELP 92 US ile $ s 5 ry sk, 0”W for bb ab 2 c e o O 2 Ba only hou1,42 v de x3 ree E H e'sSpecializing in home 3le n ) i Free to Good Home: N f 8 r L h a 3 en ly $ itin e! p feFalls owner excavation r ” t ( te 0 ll A o l JOHN DAVIS TRUCKING e )8 D h L r a F , 1 Single, 6 a male,esenior, c G ular Hiring et by pu s, white EL n-S t-U th l g Mountain, ea 0 (54 inBattle ic NV. csTruck and loader, r h or 6', 175 g ilt O r Se lama demolition, eretired, er lbs. ab CDL-A Drivers/ as ReMechanics/ ISC a child aor $5an$2anic driveway grading pe 1 •NeverMleave c w o K l B u a 0 S f a , Good health, no bad habits, e B WILLING r t 6 r ic rock, corral grading s ry o mal in an unattended Welder. file 97 ou basand n, me signvehicle. 2-d20easy onerthe home owner, le, MUST BE ivemiles i l y g f r i , ) e t and manure removal TO RELOCATE. Call 866-635s $ A friendly reminder ns rs fromerThe (1 t,lady ,o etsimilar. eyes, seeks with t torom with mps s, ral o Din 25 e r l for application e sig bee n f se llS uil eor te2805 N a n e b h a r a a B Call 530-398-4740. t l R reasonable Nickel. ee ror 0 r w F e r d u ,For wi www.jdt3d.net hourly rates S hF d 10 en r rro ba B dra tom ra ho rs s, typNeil s541-798-5704 aT oo mi , $ hag long OU mi t 4 0 us Upgreen Doo dowiCall w g n s E e am 4 d h n ' C g a n l r c e f N 8 e si G nal- Win Sid $3 lud ,k ak ea light we , er op rs, LLA Inc eeT irs tio ing, g or bre E l dra rtis 1 5 n be yl C nne r d e a p a e r C T s t o v h o v S 4 0 S d u te o n c el fin $2 neo e vin g ba ad Th ho en od rim ew rie MI ere $3 Sh Roo leg er each 1 larg isin en ” on c Wo teel T os ld oglst 15 h6 e e t T o t R r b h o h 6 h ce S $ d c 2 ver ach nyl $15 mp g in , G ou ig sic nt 5 up air, ea ic 4 at 1 Spru ga. reate d e vi s, s la Ba tra ga with etchable $2 ng 7S s a r 0 s 6 h e , 1 a 0 x d r l o 1 rBids d e i 2 e T Free c s 1 f 2 e 2 w B e o E ure ign e t $ g s g a f d h 2 $ lar nn gl ac ne an om r , 5 u im n an S it es ffe 00 , , a e Pr im a essu Interior/Exterior irs s) $2 rio ch h 3• fr e 3 ng $3 airs OU or( care ha s, va 0 ea urn d ” co 01 g bntag , $5 lamplass trim 0 e , Tr 4 Pr rs Wedotake idi of it all! c e E F 2 n h h i S 0 n 1 i 0 5 r y N c yc r t s g $ 1 4, 4x nne rd Pressure ho s tar es 11 washing, ”x600 cou avEach 3 v ade floo ed ugh y, $1k wa , ,$ Thursday LLA us T-1 ar Ru anda hosanding 30 ,4Published ep h ss tain ro av rin resto cre g he E ks up ort d c s i e n c e done right k t D 0 C o f e n 1 w s f h S ee o S ra $ ” lo rdy id d Clfirst 23 pic s l bra ge s ith s, he ed d ies arge oes. time. eo 2 stu South at 5 ds MI d6th Gr artS atethe rdw 75 ch r rs 500 / too n ate w 72117 v o i e Street a e a L # l h n r a a o c / l m g t e p L o 2 weeks h s 1 1 k e to c 2 SWhy 7 be put le be ca rrucwait (4) 50 e ,n ne r $ arb ith uty ch ns 586calendar lity iumress up. lampple ce tra m ac p on Coosomeone all ly Klamath Falls, 97601 tub 00 alo th fo ua Med dOR $2 , w vy d 0 ea iceelse's on 4 Raber r es, ie 0 d 3 A t s , L t ma p Q P d C t n e 9 8 when we x il je n -can 8 start in 24 of phs ho , $2 an h, bo o . gh thes ize $7 a 21 t, $5 p co heas, $2 ach es, t t 97 e 4 lum 4 m on i s 1 n g s 0 t n a 9 e s hours. onin s Fax: H lo o ta e gr c 1 dg ith 09 si a re All54work completed s se cam and nva erm lebe (541) 883-2292 (541) siz $20 cab Otime ea C W &• Gl ers os as per contract rtmlitho 882-7716 ice p pp V , a Do d w 30, smis p e t r o d a a m 2 c R e a s . 6 er u m p 22 P and no ihidden be x, 1 ran bo 4' me se ias nd up um abin fees. o www.klamathfallsnickel.com ta fra nges rful m A Aq in 0. (1) w th fra Mou entic e 2 b, c any ob i olo fro bo w t 0 o edbeat ge gs a and 89 We will w 0 chprice. r e e y h 5 5 e r l a 0 a M a e l 15 icnicth n n 0 h 0 4 n c o 0 c ,70 s n i 50 t y L intHours: n ,8 a $ i -2 6 Office 3 b n u e n , i h 4 4 w ch io ck a s c hite n) p p w $ m 3 8 , nd , $ $3 ith 2-5 pa • Tues im -888:30am - r5:00pm Ja an , $ clo ea fess f Mi te of ark8:30am - 5:30pm W itche to airs brad tub -41Fri -88 e weach oil 5 ro m M 84 y V iles Monday o 5 1 a $ y u m 0 e 9 l 4 c o (k lass ch . k s t l o i n o p 0 1 ev 6 m r r f i 5 . 0 e a i b s 5 c 3 e 2 ste ert ch s, 7.5 r nic 4 Classified C G th 6 $50Hours ay 01Nickel ad um de Mi ras, or $ l Ch ,06 l r a g o o c n $ a , $ f i , a P e i , T 2 l n p f t ll f e , l s e h f . b r s a 5 w t r t x t e 5 k o s h 40 e e l r arein Monday and Tuesday s 8:30o Display o c Advertising l p h to t wi , $7 er s s, $ hed lat ith e , seOffice ho rilManager le ion sh col e de -ho tru r wit se 53 an m nWednesday -h s ni 0 ty be r lid p s $7 n's s l D , ½Wolcott Sa es 10-2, Thursday Brooke r 6 evy Executives le apl ea te 19 ks thnear 5, o 4 f a , c o r t Mi 14 w$85 i u p i i e 1 o l s e m t r l , c o e d e i s m 1 wt la e m 5 ot F Fo r Ch traVictor Jacksonr p mald m 0 y 7x sts mp fro boo to ed 8:30-2, and Friday 10-2. Ra od le, ok o pe tulip fam 0's ck, $ g bo m b Manager fo ars tter O s, 7 Cooks, 720 ood cial bo 00. ll f ox orSales t, 500 co , 4 g w n a a a e s F e i u l 9 t n e 0 Danielle Mays n t 3 g $ , c w i S e c sa s, il ir 1 1 b rid er 00. r r lo bo t is ery 0 sp er 6 e 20led i p s Moore an op s, flo drill Anita e o l a , f i 2 e 50 p h s c f e , m ' a s r l f l a v $ T ble v r Beverly Schuster f S es ill/ cla el a e 5 n p y c p u w h t s $ e o i e v y B T om r 1 s. O all s ts , 3 wh me n rd Po ice, c Ta ) bic s Pr ith m nd 50, s Na $2 flow ed fr Ove flat ie, are se r ca and s tio ue 2 pair r s ull to s tw urio s w se a $7 tiq 00 (4 )TV' liner ollec n's ed, 4 of fram on e n d e k . r c g 1 i C elve m ean s, ne be v sts , a , $1 an lin boo ic. F olle nde oks ks. (2 ) rec p c r 5 s i l o g o Production Staff 7 e s $ l y t 3 a s c tin sc g o l c c o e m l 5 sh ood e cit s 3 l 5 p b r o ( a 9 A pla old ca e b 19 l, P 1 ed ain de rld il l x. 30 d -6 r W tio f u Maureen Hofstetter Manager . ill capa a 5 r e o i e O e p r r 6 c Q v e 0 e in . n oil eas . W p g e te o 6 D 2” pa 90 ap in b ers ors en d m yboy d co n D orig obo 1-2 Ty Pauls Designer nine-ncGraphic s ch . 4-08 6 9 c a f 1/ r w t 2 f 6 o i 54 n 5 a z 0 e er es 2 o i a a a l T 8 o t l a 1 e e i r 0 0 2 h 8 t 2 P y ed es 5,0 bo re rige 15 89 2-09 e CExp enc 20 nd, $ 41F n t Set-up and 5 r s $ f E 1 a 1 s r 3 5 u rs fe 2 r e e $ 9 4 a G i o M t f h . 5 s H ea Re e ll t ts pricing d day it appears. Deadline R ll 5 41-or8 RA -20 ect. Please read yourYad forl errors on the for classified Th d a prin oufirst 1 p, up. 5 Cachanges 7 TO r a t 0 u 4 5 r S c 3 Ltoo11:00am yTuesdays. 5 S -89This publication r . an o re e, nd nd cancellations is prior no responsibilityo after the NI er, ag en cto nsassumes n 'a a MI ac 81 dry tor All lle cofoione 20 onth St 1be-2limited l first insertion. Our liability shall to the price insertion; adjustments will be S y o x l ' t C n . & , 10 er m s du 0 Ca 54affectingathe rk r ad, te reigof air s ad. Credits must be used within 1 made only for errors materially p children vy , $20 sal althe Pa LoweRoin i iv Fovalue ch en a 5 All Proceeds go to s r . a i r e 7 V y r P a u t $ R 8 e A year. te yg d ! g h aci al S, ppr o yo 74 pp oo ox n C ne 3013 LakSupplies. a t without oc g adUplacement yta cap rts. r you County for 3 prior arrangement. We reserve the rightn A Klamath eli School sc ed, red a h ke, 849 We do not guaranteeLdisplay t a e t a e 2 n i p a c u o a e i M ge r om 31 y m lela 7-4 St G s. ind et f ctr spe fe, at any time to limit, edit BorurejectFany/all -3 which conflicts, in our opinion, with the I c 1copy lar Kla Tu 0-66 k ele e, 5- t sa ree all gun rd to f intern 4 ac F e 3 e 5 established objectives of this weekly paper. In addition, we assume no responsibility for the 5 Donations Excepted August 8&9 rid nic stre ir d Ha the h b y, . a P g k p i y f , r 0 e an s on nt, bac authenticity, validity and/or reliability of any advertising, or of the advertiser placing k h om ve lder $80 e ly r such sads, 8 am to 5 pm lac al c lad Gun ll item ointm ll you ho ay, in any of our publications. b g 3 e , l e r . a 0 il e p gr ew ir, I w Antiqu will s n ap ptly c iated 976 92 e n cha a om ec 2 k R d r n i i 2 o n r e L fic -43 O r f a g p 3 , 0 p l ©2013 - theNickel. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, , l n p s i rts ca l 2 of 00 wil is a h Fall 81-6e t alizexpress ed 1-6 photographically, electronically, or by any other means, without Pa consent cithe s $1 t ase of etheI publisher. 2 ed 54 Spe s and Ple ssag sines lama 541- v e . nDHS Parking Lot at 700 Klamath Ave. ne roje s l P un 1- s e r me Bu y, K de to yG e a Your y Wa 7 or f i re Mo Pho v Te a I Bu e le or 8 for atn -702 n s 1 @ l l 7 M Ca 1-7 83 ro c k 03 4 104 41-8 a i l : 1-5 ve 1-5 e m ro o u et f y What causes thunder? ck de Tra a po el! k fo r N i c e Th

2360 So 6th St



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Paint Paint Paint

The Nickel Print Edition is Now Online Visit Our Website and Click on the Link! www.klamathfallsnickel.com

ir pa


Call for information 1-612-834-4251

This Week’s Local Forecast






T-storms 81/54

Partly Cloudy 75/53

Mostly Sunny 76/51

Sunny 81/55

Sunny 83/55

Precip Chance: 30%

Precip Chance: 20%

Precip Chance: 20%

Precip Chance: 0%

Precip Chance: 0%

, A

Aug. 8-14

s M r a ny


l e d

Klamath Fall’s 7-Day Forecast

Volunteers Needed

the r o y! eWeather Trivia f try amil lcom s i e F nt le De ntire ents Wailab 39 E ati Av 93 P Wednesday ng 4ciMostly 8 E n Mostly Sunny Sunny 8 m N ina ) .co 81/52 83/51 F 1 e r Precip Chance: 5% 4 Precip Chance: 5% a Tuesday W


Answer: The rapid cooling and heating of air near the lightning.

e’s v e St

e R un

Saturday August 10 9 am-3 pm


5 3 lc • ( 9760 denta www.WhatsOurWeather.com

Classified deadline: tuesdays, 11:00 am • Display Deadline: Mondays, 3:30 pm • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • august 8, 2013 • The Nickel • Page 3

Martin Meinig, M.D., FACOG and Arielle Metz, M.D., FACOG are boardcertified


who founded Heartfelt


& Gynecology in Klamath Falls,

Now Accepting New Patients!

Oregon in 2007. Heartfelt Obstetrics and




women’s health, including pregnancy, childbirth and the full spectrum of gynecology, from adolescence through menopause. The doctors have a sincere interest in positively impacting our local community.


Dr. Melissa Brunner!

Routine, urgent and consultative gynecologic care Specialty obstetrical care including management of high-risk pregnancies, cesarean sections when indicated Minimally-invasive surgery and hysterectomy alternatives Medical and surgical management of abnormal bleeding No-incision female sterilization Our physicians are board certified and participate in annual maintenance of certification

Heartfelt is expanding with the arrival of Dr. Melissa Brunner later this summer. Dr. Brunner is excited to be moving to the Klamath Basin from Virginia after completing her training at The George Washington University School of Medicine in Washington, DC. With the addition of Dr. Brunner and two nurse practitioners, Amy Holweger and Cheri Monteith, Heartfelt offers same day and urgent appointments five days a week, and expanded clinic hours from 8:00am – 5:00pm. Our schedule structure also minimizes the chance of being rescheduled due to hospital emergencies. Please join us in welcoming Dr. Melissa Brunner to our community.

Urgent and same day appointments availabe five days a week 2640 BIEHN STREET • SUITE 1 • KLAMATH FALLS • (541) 205-6890

W W W. H E A RT F E LT O B G Y N . C O M

Page 4 • The Nickel • August 8, 2013 • 2117 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • fax (541)882-7716



When Every Nickel Counts, Count on

John Deere Model M New tires and battery, wide front end, telescopic steering wheel. $2,950

International TD-6 crawler tractor with homemade dozer, runs good, $1,500. 7'x12' single axle trailer, heavy-built, $350. Trailer axle and frame, new tires, $175 8'x10' yard or garbage trailer, $300. 8'x14' tandem axle tilt deck trailer, $750. 5' three point tractor blade, $275. 22' Silverstreak, project trailer, solid & sound, $1,250.

International 350 Diesel, wide front. $3,650 541-533-2211

Cash For Cars

Ask For Andy Erickson Any Make, Any Model (541) 883-7701

Buy, Sell or just Browse with The Nickel.

541-884-9494 before 7 pm.


Big R on Saturday Aug. 17th will be donating our time and efforts to support Project Spirit Horse Rescue. We will be hosting the event from 9am – 6pm which will include trying to get 4-5 now healthy horses adopted and 1-2 mules adopted. The main focus is to educate the public on the efforts of Project Spirit and the amazing works this non-profit organization does for not only Klamath Basin but all over Oregon, California, and other states.


www.malinmorgans.com Nancy@hazelwoodts.com 541-281-7857


• Immunizations • Sports, DOT Physicals • Immediate Care (Suturing, Biopsy, Casting) • Insertion and removal of: ~ Implanon ~ Nexplanon • Women’s Health Care • Well Child Check-ups

X-Ray Facility Available at Both Locations The Merrill Clinic The Bonanza Clinic 125 North Lincoln Street, Merrill, OR 541-798-5073 & 541-798-5074 M-F 9am - 1:30pm, Sat 9am - 1pm

31863 Highway 70, Bonanza, OR 541-545-1820 & 541-545-1821 M-F 2pm - 6pm

Michael A. Sheets, FNP

Family-Centered Primary Health Care

The Klamath Tribute Center More Ways to Save

Embalming only $295 Others charge as much as $395

We GuarantEE the Lowest Funeral Prices in the Klamath Basin

Call 541-884-5555 Across from Home Depot

Full Computer Service for more than 14 years in the Klamath Basin Most Trojan and/ or Virus removal, $40 CSI Computers 4755 Shasta Way 541-892-1087 Larry Nerds R' Us Prepares for Summer

Visit our shop at 1114 Main Street or Call our office at 541-850-9543

2554 Rush Avenue Malin, OR 97632



Looking to advertise for your business? Nerds R Us also offers everything from business cards & banners!

Delivery available 541-884-7973

Primary Health Care

(2) CertainTeed brand awning windows, brand new, cost $750, will sell for $250 each obo. 541-880-3832

We are offering free computer diagnostics.

3-string straw, $5 per bale

Weedy Alfalfa, no rain, 3x4 big bales, $120/ton. 530-398-4611


Any questions please call Project Spirit Horse Rescue 541-892-2921

3-string alfalfa, no rain, $15 per bale

We only charge for the things you ask us to provide



Service OccupationsPolice, Fire Fighters, EMT's/ Paramedics and Nurses get 10% off all services www.nerdsrus.us Sony Vaio laptop, Microsoft Office 2010, Pentium RCP248GH2, 448 mb of RAM, $75 obo. 541-880-3832

Antique wooden orchard ladder, 8', $40. 541-545-6827


Vintage ceramic covered wagon, set of 2, by Marston of California, 5” x 4”, excellent condition, $12. 541-545-6827


Vintage Pyrex Flameware glass coffee pot, 6 cup, stove top, includes stem & basket, great condition, $15. 541-5456827

APPLIANCES Frigidaire 5.0 cubic foot chest freezer. Excellent condition, $95. Call 541-850-8574

RECYCLE! Find Out Today How You Can Help.

Ammunition Shell Brass Reloading Supplies Reloading Equipment Firearms 541-891-7600 Browning 300 W.S.M., 8 rounds shot only, muzzle brake, lime shaver kick pad, $1,200 obo. 541-810-1484 or 541-810-1476 Fire season is in full effect this summer. Please be careful.

ks With ouR o o B e h t R Fo y d ea Get R

Back to School Sale!

Through the Month of August Save 10% off Shoes, Sandals & Backpacks Save 20% off Clothing and Wake Gear! Also check out our Football and Soccer selection to make sure you’re ready for the game!


klamath Falls

316 s. 6th st. 541•273•9527

Classified deadline: tuesdays, 11:00 am • Display Deadline: Mondays, 3:30 pm • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • august 8, 2013 • The Nickel • Page 5

Page 6 • The Nickel • August 8, 2013 • 2117 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • fax (541)882-7716




Fire season is in full effect this summer. Please be careful.

Hurry! Ad deadline is Tuesday at 11:00 am.

CASH FOR GUNS Call 541-884-9494 before 7 pm.


Cash For Cars

Ask For Andy Erickson Any Make, Any Model (541) 883-7701

Just What the Doctor Ordered...

For Sale: Laser-cast Lead Bullets Berry's Plated Bullets Brass Tumblers and Walnut Media.

ONE FULL HOUR of Professional Massage • only

Buy and Sell Reloading Dies and Equipment. Bill's Upholstery 4755 Shasta Way 541-882-9491




Herb's Guns of Klamath


OGRE's Den Airsoft is now open at

(Old Roger's Interiors Building)


Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday 4 pm - 7:30 pm

Antique iron full size bed frame; headboard, foot board & rails, $75. 541-545-6827

Saturday 3 pm – 7:30 pm

15642 Highway 66, Keno, Sales and Service.


Upgrade to 90 minutes for only $26 more. Offers expire 8/31/13. Please mention this ad at time of booking.


OREGON, UTAH, ARIZONA & FLORIDA CONCEALED HANDGUN PERMIT CERTIFICATION, $35 EACH. Get all 4 State Certifications $135 Same day. We notarize your Florida Application FREE- a $10 value.

Theresa Cox

Licensed Massage Therapist 507 Main Street • Klamath Falls Appointments @ 541-884-4247

Used 10/22 or 10/22 mgnm. in Serviceable condition for ranch truck use. Appearance, cosmetics and accessories are not important. 541-205-5648 any afternoon or evening before 7:00 pm. Sheridan 22 caliber pump air rifle with 250 pellets, $75 obo. 541-545-6827

Seasoned Firewood rounds $120, split $150 per cord. Free delivery within 20 miles of Klamath Falls. Can deliver up to 5 cords at once. Contact Abe at 541-591-4046 cell phone or home phone is 541-205-5514

1315 S. Alameda Ave

(a $60 value!)



NO Shooting, NO Tests! Carry pistol in 40 states. Need a Permit to carry in Oregon? No problem!


•Beautiful 1910 oak dresser, $475. •1900 birds eye maple dresser, $375. Both have beveled mirrors. John 541-850-3946 Like new 3 piece china tea set; teapot, sugar bowl & creamer, blue & white gingham floral pattern, $20. 541-545-6827 Round pedestal oak table & 4 matching chairs, $75 obo. 541-545-6827 Rowenta Model DA82 steam and dry iron, like new. $85 new, will sell for $35. Call 541-883-7613 after 3 pm.


$ CASH $

Certificates issued at end of each class. WALK -INS WELCOME! CLASS LOCATION 1905 Oregon Avenue Klamath Falls, Oregon Carl 541-884-2828


$199 each, New .45 ACP Semi-Automatic Pistols, Lifetime Warranty, 100% American Made. Also new revolvers, $279 541-884-2828 Traditions Black Powder Rifle. Pursuit Northwest Edition, 50 cal. 1/28. Never fired fiber optic sights $150 firm. 541-891-0149

Meet the woman of your dreams with a personal classified in the Nickel.

ELIMINATE GOPHERS GROUND SQUIRRELS MOLES • Custom Service • No Poison Bait • No Explosions • Home and Gardens • Farm & Ranch

Contact H & M Gopher Control at (855) 667-5181

For Dead Cars 541-882-7978 or


One Stop Auto Wreckers

Five Ways to Place a Classified Ad With Us: 1)walk in, 2) mail it in, 3)call it in, 4)fax it in, 5)online. Place your ad today. Phone 541-883-2292, Fax 541882-7716.

Jefferson State Pumping Providing Portable Sanitation Serving Southern Oregon Over 20 Years

Trailer Mounted with Wash Station

“Local people providing local service” Construction • Agriculture Special Events www.JeffersonStatePumping.com

541-883-1177 11030 Highway 39 “The Yard”

Classified deadline: tuesdays, 11:00 am • Display Deadline: Mondays, 3:30 pm • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • August 8, 2013 • The Nickel • Page 7





Fire season is in full effect this summer. Please be careful.

Do you need a friend? Adopt a pet!

Beverly Schuster Display Account Executive

Computer Repair MAC & PC Free Basic Diagnosis NEW*USED Computer Sales System Reloads Virus Removal Remote Service

New Business in Klamath Discounts for seniors and veterans.

At The Cottage Downtown Bly, Oregon 9 am - 5 pm Wednesday through Sunday

Specializing in Windows/ Doors Siding Decks Home Renovation Demo Jobs Handyman work Etc. NO Job Too Small!

Cyber Gaming Cafe Realm Of The UnDead 4023 S. 6th St Unit C, Kfalls, OR 97603 541-234-4911 Bring in this ad and get your labor ½ price!

Email or call for FREE estimates 541-281-7974 helgemcgee@ymail.com

MEDICAL EQUIPMENT Hospital bed, comfy mattress, adjustable with attachments, works good, $200. 541-5915428 or 541-591-0563


The Barter Shop HAPPY HOUR 6 – 8 pm Large Pepperoni pizza and a pitcher of beer for $20. 541-882-7855 OPEN DAILY 8 am – 2:30 am 7 Days 5125 Weyerhaeuser Road

Nickel Classified Hours are Monday and Tuesday 8:305, Wednesday 10-2, Thursday 8:30-2, and Friday 10-2.

Secondhand Store - Buy, Sell, Trade -


Antiques Furniture Tools Camping Fishing Collectibles Sports and Comics

Will pay $8 per battery for car batteries.

6660 South 6 St. Klamath Falls, OR 541-891-6290 th


The Marketplace of the Community www.klamathfallsnickel.com

Tulelake Volunteer Fire Department

Annual BBQ Fundraiser Saturday, August 10th 4:00 pm – 7:30 pm

4D's - $12 8D's - $15

Tulelake-Butte Valley Fairgrounds

541-892-1996 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 3 Panel Oak Door; new, unfinished interior door, 30”x79”, asking $8 obo. 541-205-2310

Find it for less in The Nickel

• BBQ Ribs • BBQ Chicken • Famous Tulelake Fire Department Baked Beans • Fresh Corn on the Cob • Macaroni Salad • Coleslaw • Beverages

Adult Meals $15

All BBQ Proceeds Directly Benefit Tulelake Volunteer Fire Department

(530)667-2997 87 Subaru Wagon

99 Honda Accord

4WD, 5 Speed

97 Chevy Tahoe

4 Cyl, AT, 132K, A/C


5 Spd, 302 #A14469

350, Auto, 4x4, 122K


93 Chevy Suburban 1500

1993 Ford

350, AT, 4x4






Lot #1





Pelican Auto Sales

On Lakeport (Just off Biehn Street)


86 GMC Van 92 Pontiac Firebird Shipping Container Auto

V8, AT, 1 Ton




20’ x 8’ Delivery Available

88 Camaro

V6, Red




1595 1,895 Lot #2 You-Pull-It Auto Wreckers $




Corner of Lakeport & Montelius




Ask For Andy Erickson (541) 883-7701

For More Information Call

Cash For Cars

Stop and Shop

cell: (541)331-0657 | desk: (541)850-6332

Any Make, Any Model

McGee Brothers Construction LLC CCB# 199875



Page 8 • The Nickel • August 8, 2013 • 2117 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • fax (541)882-7716


Classified deadline: tuesdays, 11:00 am • Display Deadline: Mondays, 3:30 pm • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • august 8, 2013 • The Nickel • Page 9

$2.00 Off

Groom Spa

Rub-a-dub-dub mud & hair clog your tub!

Total Purchase one coupon per customer

Purchase a Bath & Blow-dry for Your Shedding Dog and Receive the Deshedding Treatment FREE

Exp: 8/25/13. Not valid with any other discounts or promotions.

*Cannot be combined with any other offer or service. Expires 09/2/13

Sensational Canine Styling

541-273-1444 2065 Oregon Ave.

2609 Pershing Way • 541-882-3220 Next to Tower Drug

Groom Spa

Bring your dog in for a FREE Moisturizing oatmeal bath for itchy skin with purchase of a groom

Sensational Canine Styling

2609 Pershing Way • 541-882-3220 Next to Tower Drug

Expires 09/02/13.

BUY ONE MEAL, GET ONE HALF OFF Purchase 1 Regular Price Meal plus 2 beverages and receive second meal (of equal or lesser value) @ half price. Expires: 09/11/13 One coupon per person per visit. Not valid with any other coupons or offers. Coupon has no cash value. No change returned. Beverage not included. Taxes and gratuity not included. Not valid on national holidays. Valid only at the Denny’s location listed. At participating restaurants for a limited time only.

2947 S. 6th St. Klamath Falls, OR • 541-882-3537

1200 Wash, Vacuum $ 99 39 & Wax Hand Wash $ IncludesWash, Vacuum,

Groom Spa

Get a FREE Toenail painting with a Full Groom

Windows and Wheels

Sensational Canine Styling

2609 Pershing Way • 541-882-3220 Next to Tower Drug

Expires 09/02/13.

practically perfect Thrift store

50% Off All Clothes With this coupon. Expires: August 22, 2013

1771 Washburn Way • 541-205-3559

A portion of our proceeds support Klamath Crisis Center • Donations gladly accepted.

The Pumpkin Patch Thrift Store Christmas in August! Not Good Until August 19 No other discounts apply.

Exp: 08/31/13.

840 Klamath Ave - Corner of 9th Ave • 541-850-5217 • M-S 10-5 Donations may be brought to the store during business hours. At all other times please take donations to the Gospel Mission, 823 Walnut Ave.

Heavenly Chicken $ 99 8 With this coupon. Expires 09/11/13.

Fresh Homemade Chinese Food! Open 7 Days a Week Sun-Thurs 11:00 am - 9:30 pm, FRI & Sat 11:00 am - 10:00 pm

3249 S. 6th St. 541-882-4284

15 minutes IN/OUT Car Wash

Punch Card Purchase Buy 3 Get 4th

Expires 9/11/2013


25¢ Off

Ice Cream Cones

Vanilla • Chocolate • Swirl Expires 9/11/13

1302 Oregon Ave • 541-882-8470 M-F 10am-7pm • Sat 11am-6pm • Closed Sun

The Pumpkin Patch Thrift Store

50% OFF Total Purchase No other discounts apply. Exp: 04/18/13.

840 Klamath Ave - Corner of 9th Ave • 541-850-5217 • M-S 10-5 Donations may be brought to the store during business hours. At all other times please take donations to the Gospel Mission, 823 Walnut Ave.

Summer Special JuSt $149!

RegulaRly $349 • 20 Windows - Inside & Out • Free Sill & Track Cleaning • Free Screen Cleaning! • Free Estimate! Offer Expires 09/11/13



Page 10 • The Nickel • August 8, 2013 • 2117 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • fax (541)882-7716



5,000 watt Coleman generator, runs great, $400 obo. 541-810-1484 or 541-8101476

Craftsman portable bbq & grill with case, used 3 times, cost $190 new, now $75. 541-892-2259 Graphic equalizer, 10 band by BSR, great condition, $20.541-545-6827


Cash For Cars

Ask For Andy Erickson Any Make, Any Model (541) 883-7701

550 gallon fuel tank, hose, stand & more, $275. 541-7832450 or 541-891-2217 AA Tree Service, LLC Topping, trimming, pruning, or removal of trees or bushes, also stump grinding. Cordial, careful, quality work. Bonded and insured, CCB#149565, Call Glenn, 541-884-3969 Art Explosion, 800,034 CD clip art set with image catalog, like new, $30. 541-545-6827

Knittax Jacks 40 knitting machine attachment with 53 cards and instruction, excellent condition, ATTACHMENT ONLY, $15. 541-545-6827 New in package, approximately 560 pairs of earrings, 24k gold overlay, $100 buys all. 541-545-6827 New Victoria Secret pajama sets, size M, 2 piece, light blue cotton, $15. Size L, 2 piece, dark blue satin, $15. 541-5456827

Paying Cash For your old gold


1984 Jamboree 24' RV Chevy Van 30 cab, 40,066 miles, $8,700 obo Mini lathe, Micro-Mark, 7x14 with extras, costs $850, sell for $500 Shop Fox Radial Drill Press, floor model, ½-hp with mill/drill table, vise and clamp set, costs $750, sell for $500 Drill Press, antique Buffalo, 1/2” capacity, $100 541-205-6957 MINI-STORAGE

We Will Clean Them and Pay You

10'x20' and up, $75 per month and up. Stateline RV Park & Storage, 30138 Lower Klamath Lake Road, Tulelake, CA 530-667-4849

2972 So. 6th St., Suite C (541)882-7314

Place your ad today. The Nickel really works!

Next to Ross • Hours: Mon–Sat 9am–3pm Ad #815297 Size 2x2 Date 01-10-13 Designer JMH

Bankruptcy Local Attorney with Over 25 years of bankruptcy experience. Chapter 7 and Chapter 13

Mike Spencer

403 Main Street, Klamath Falls, OR | 541-883-7139

Beautiful SouthernOregon Region’s Finest Health Care Easy Access to Airport and Interstate Travel Regional Shopping Hub

Find out why so many people are moving here

For Sale Large 2 horse rear load horse trailer, $1,800 obo. 2003 Elkhorn 9 ½ ft slide in camper, loaded, below book, $6,500 obo. 18' Mid-jet inboard jet boat. Soft top, new paint, carpet, electrical, lights, tires and spare. Great running 4 cyl. Ford Kodiak engine with radiator. Hamilton Jet pump. Lots of storage boxes. Windshield wiper. Heavy-duty trailer. Best jet boat-best price on the market! $11,250 OBO. 7.5hp kicker motor also available for $275. 2 downriggers available for $250. Cash registers $50 and up. Like new Henry “Golden Boy” .22 LR Famous brass receiver and octagon barrel $280. .44 Mag ammo, .375 HH bullets 270 and 300 grain original store price. .22 LRHP .17 cents each. RCBS .223 dies $25. Leather holster for Ruger redhawk, $20. Several RC airplanes / jets $50-200. Semi trailer speed fairing $200 paid $1,150. Fiberglass shower with curtain, $200. Extending radio tower approx. 60' height, $425 obo. 541-273-0925 Elegant Rosewood Furniture with gold oriental design etching30”x60” coffee table, $1,400. 72” long couch, $300. (4) sturdy heavy chairs, $250 each. High Quality Ladies Dress Clothes including Chico and Elizabeth Medium/Large to 22W & size 9 dress shoes. Prices $7 and up.

Locally Owned

Tuesday, August 20, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. Shilo Inn Suites Hotel 2500 Almond Steet Klamath Falls, Oregon Reservations are not required but are appreciated.



Cement mixer. Heavy Equipment grease & hydraulic oil pump, 9 sheet rock. BBL Scaling down, tons of nearly new clothes, dishes, pots, knick knacks. Reasonable offer call at 928-916-8502 or see @ 2833 Kane.

Yard Sale Thursday & Friday 8-5pm Novena to St. Jude, May the sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world, now and forever, Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Jude maker of miracles pray for us, St. Jude helper of the hopeless pray for us, we thank thee Sacred Heart of Jesus, we thank thee St. Jude, say 9 times a day for 9 days, prayer will be answered, publication must be promised.

RUGER RIMFIRE WANTED Used 10/22 or 10/22 mgnm. in Serviceable condition for ranch truck use. Appearance, cosmetics and accessories are not important. 541-205-5648 any afternoon or evening before 7:00 pm.

Large assortment of oil paintings and lithographs, $50 and up.

Sunsetting Awning, model 900, 11 years old, extends 9'H, 20'Wx7-1/2D, paid $1,177, good condition, sell for $180. 541-884-0470 or 541891-4639

Call 541-884-2589

Top Cash Paid! Guitars Wanted

Split rails, 5' – 14', $4 – $8, discount for all. 541-892-2259 STEEL BUILDINGS: 6 only. 20x20, 25x30, 30x42, 40x80, 45x74, 60x140. Must move now! Selling for Balance Owed! Still crated/free delivery! 1-800-211-9593 ext. 42

I buy old guitars, banjos, mandolins, old tube amps, in any condition. 541-773-3575

Good buys are good news! Read The Nickel!

Auto + Home = Big Discounts!


Cultural Arts, Fine Cuisine, and Recreation


1997 Contractors pickup, Dodge 4x4 Ram 1500 short bed with lumber rack / tool box, 130,094 miles, new transmission $3,800 obo

Dental Crowns and Bridges

Jefferson Coin & Watch


Jeff Young, Agent

CALL FOR A QUOTE 24/7 Your Discounts Today!

1829 Austin St Get Klamath Falls, OR 97603 Bus: 541-885-3000 agent@jeffyounginsurance.com P097276.1

State Farm Fire and Casualty Company • Bloomington, IL

Victor Jackson Display Account Executive

cell: (541)880-3750 | desk: (541)850-6333

The Marketplace of the Community www.klamathfallsnickel.com

Classified deadline: tuesdays, 11:00 am • Display Deadline: Mondays, 3:30 pm • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • august 8, 2013 • The Nickel • Page 11

HOT AUgUST DEALS WE UNDERSTAND CREDIT AUTO SALES CAN HELP - We understand that bad things happen to good people. In this economy many people, just like you find themselves with credit challenges. We offer competitive finance rates on used cars, trucks, and SUVs - many with warranties. We can get you back on the the road and start rebuilding your credit. Serving Southern Oregon and Northern California for over 20 years.

Come See Us Today - We Understand 2003 Honda Element

2001 Chevy Tahoe




2004 Ford F350 4x4

2000 Ford F250 4x4










2005 Chevy Tahoe 4x4




2003 Ford F250 Diesel 4x4



2002 Mercury Cougar

1995 Hyundai Sonata



2000 Volvo V70

2000 Jeep Cherokee 4x4










*See dealer for details.

Dave Henry

Jim Tullos

Alex Meyjes

Will Newman



2001 Pontiac Grand Prix




1998 Chevy Blazer 4x4




Expires: 08/14/2013

Price does not include license, title and doc fees.

Ron Settlemire

We Support Our US Military Personnel! Thank You Troops! Jeff Paulson

David Gulickson

Mike Wooten

Matthew Fowler

Randy Taylor Travis Howard

541.884.3113 • 877.882.7848 Toll Free 2751 Washburn Way, Klamath Falls

Shop our entire inventory, always online 24/7 • www.CreditAuto.com

Page 12 • The Nickel • August 8, 2013 • 2117 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • fax (541)882-7716

Trust these car care professionals to handle all of your auto maintenance and repair needs. AUTO pARTS

Don’t Do It Twice – Use The Parts The Pros Use Quality parts, accessories, paints, tools & supplies. Complete lines for cars, light trucks, SUVs, RVs, HD trucks & farm equipment Including hydraulic hoses.

Klamath Falls

541-883-3473 • 2128 Washburn Way Se Habla Español Open 7 Days a Week • Mon-Sat 8am-6pm • Sun 10am-4pm

Serving You For Over 75 Years with NAPA National Warranty Program



A Commitment to Excellence Since 1946

Tune-ups • Oil Changes Transmissions • Electrical Engine Rebuilding & Machine Shop Complete Auto Repair

We Offer Pre-purchase Inspections

3032 Hilyard (541)882-0055 CAR bUying

$CASH$ FOR DEAD CARS 541-882-7978 or 541-885-2457

One Stop Auto Wreckers


My Mechanic, Inc.

bATTeRy & eleCTRiC

Ray’s Auto Electric & Battery City

A Reputation for Integrity

• Diagnostics • Electrical • Brakes • Tune Ups • A/C • Maintenance • Transmission • Oil Changes • Warranty Work

3000 Pershing Way • 541-273-5577 (next to Denny’s)

Mon-Fri 7:30am-5:30pm

Stop Sun Damage (NAPS)—Many drivers have found a clear way to protect themselves, their passengers and their wallets with the help of a film they can hardly see. The Problem “People don’t realize their skin is getting damaged from sitting near glass windows in cars,” explains Dr. Dee Anna Glaser, vice-chair of the Dermatology Department at St. Louis University. “Damage from certain kinds of ultraviolet rays is cumulative. These ultraviolet rays penetrate deep into the skin and can silently accelerate the aging process, cause wrinkles and even skin cancer.” Adds the Skin Cancer Foundation, drivers are especially vulnerable on the left side. An Answer Fortunately, drivers can apply a clear or tinted window film over the vehicle’s windows for virtually invisible protection that blocks up to 99 percent of ultraviolet rays. Lower Temperatures And Costs In addition, by reducing the interior temperature of the car, the window film can reduce the need to run the air-conditioning and so burn less fuel, saving money and the environment. Window film can reduce a car’s interior temperature by as much as 30 degrees. LLumar window films by Eastman Chemical Company can be professionally installed at more than 1,100 LLumar and FormulaOne dealers across the country. Manufactured in the U.S., they are backed by a lifetime manufacturer’s warranty. Learn More Visit www.llumar.com/skinpro tection to learn more about window films for skin protection; “like” LLumar on Facebook at www.facebook.com/llumarwindow film for The sun’s harmful rays can penetrate car more skin protection tips. window glass to harm drivers’ skin.

Oil ChAnge SeRviCe Full Service Oil Change 21 Point Inspection

Transmission Flush Cooling System Flush Gear Box Service Fleet Service

3581 Shasta Way • 541-205-5252 Mon-Sat 8am-5pm • Locally Owned

• Alternators • Generators • Starter Rebuiling and Exchange • Complete Line of Batteries for Auto, Truck and Tractor

2905 Avalon (541)883-1389 AUTO RepAiR

J&A Auto Repair Complete Auto & Truck Repair Computer System Diagnostics Foreign and Domestic

• Mufflers • Maintenance/Tune-ups • Auto Electrical

• Brakes • Air Conditioning • Engine/Transmissions

541-850-9876 • 2960 Maywood Drive #4 behind Pacific Crest Federal C.U.


Family Owned Since 1955


ASE PArtS SPEciAliSt Auto-Farm-Truck

aTV Battery Specialists Performance accessories Batteries - Filters PPG automotive Finishes mon-Fri 8am-6pm Sat 8am-5pm closed Sunday


5412935 S. 6th St.

(Between Subway & denny’s)

Classified deadline: tuesdays, 11:00 am • Display Deadline: Mondays, 3:30 pm • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • august 8, 2013 • The Nickel • Page 13





You Wanna Haul It? We Probably Got It! 7x14 14K Fabform Dump Trailer

7x18 7K Car Hauler Straight Deck


Contractor’s Package

$8,250 7x16 7K Car Hauler Strait Deck

$2,695 Dovetail

$2,895 8 1/2 x20 14K Deckover

7x14 Side and Rear Ramps



Big Haulers! 8 1/2 x 24 14K Tandem Axel

8 1/2 x 26 20K Tandem Duals



Put One On Your Hitch Today! *Registration, title, fees not included in price.


Ask For Andy Erickson C y Any Make, Any Model (541) 883-7701 n 2810 WASHBURN WAY

h 2013 y ta •x2117 S e 97601 • (541)883-2292 • fax (541)882-7716 r $ South ey $1, sOR bi-6th Street,bbKlamath Page 14 8, ail nFalls, ca ery esk, 30”We fo ly hou ,425 o OU • The Nickel • August 's B v E H e e o l d ”Lx thr 1 e! fee lls n ) i n N f r $ a 3 e r ( te 0 ll t A o l a i e p D y h l r a F F , MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS r -S -U h PETS & SUPPLIES t MISCELLANEOUS c u , 6 ra G by pMISCELLANEOUS leg sea ine ic ula n et at ec ers ch o er ab as Reg uilt Oor S Klam $5 $20 p c w l B a S e RECYCLE! B ery s of ra REMINDER: Viagra Users! OREGON, UTAH, eta ns, ur ic , file v ile n, 2-d20 yo bash Why file ARIZONA & FLORIDA - m sig , pay more?? elicareful m ter Find When camping be o sig s t l 1) t,Out 2 males left, Maltese pup$ Today t t D 5 ns ers ( i p r e m a l r e CONCEALED s, 100 milligram o in 2 ilt ro w mSixty e pies, can be seen at 1633 erHelp. be ate Bu de f use , Ra Fantablets, $229. HowneYou Can with yourNcampfire. th l i rb 0 r w HANDGUN PERMIT r w 0 e o a n Division St. $600. each p 1-800-607-2519 ba od irr dr tompgra nhooors ows,Call y $1 age ng t CERTIFICATION, o s , m t s 4 0 o 541-883-8050 e everyday. d Cu U Gree l- D ind ding Open as r w d ign enh , 8' l 3 f e $35 EACH. t s e u k $ i h a w cl , na g, W r S er Cop ers e a n s Get all 4 State s o r i I r e i r t i t o b d b yl nn e a er 3 Adorable op elvinfing Certifications $135 4 0 a d us ter ch on in dv h oo ho cen ood l Trim g Puppies For Sale! ne ge v ing b ere r a ach $3 Same day. S n t e l e n s e r R l W ee o 5 e t $300 Each la rtis h l be 5 e pWe notarize your ho $1 ch Gr 6” ce St d igh y 1 m sic 5 ve c up air, ea ic 4 at 1 Spru ga. reate Florida Application Ba tra $2 ng s ad 0 eae vin rs, $ss la r 0 s 6 h , a o c B 2x imed nd 2 re T d $1 FREE- a $10 value. for $2 larg nne gla ach new angi om 5f us an s, ) Pr im a essu $2 rio each g 3 ba age 5 e mp, ss h m fr air r(s , a n r i r o h s v g T 4 P rs c e 0 do in vint s, $ r la gla t tri 150 re NO Shooting, NO Tests! S id ry on $1 10 4x nne rd es 11 3 ade floo ed ugh y, $ k wa ph Carry pistol in 40 states. u da us -1 r ,$ eta r s R n e T i o h n o c s ass sta wr eav drin ck ta enh de Clea 0 od fic se f a 3 S o r r i o h 2 h e b ge it s, ed t s Need a Permit to carry in Gr artS atednate rdw 75 oa 5 ine ed lar p wbee carv ha e #67 Oregon? No problem! 2-l Sm rrug rbo ne e c r $1 s , e th duty ach n a l l o i n lampple ce l 8 b C olyc maintained a Well Wolf ap ce 3-5 tu 00 e 0 alo th fo , w vy 0 e i i A t s , L t m p P d t e s o 2 The Daddy Is A Blue Nose n bo je System onSunvision Tanning 1 WEEKLY CLASS t -88 21 t, $5 p co heas, $2 ach es, ph s nh ,$ sta ch, 0. ne And The Mother Is A Brindle 41 bed with tanner reg 5facial ize $28XL, EVERY SATURDAY! so stat las 20 cabi se cam and nva erm lebe a r s O e G e o PITBULL PUPPIES 2 ft. #8.5 tanning bulbs. 2 me s ca pap pp 10am-2pm et, a 757 ble, ed e 6-p rm ua m binhour LOOKING FOR hours left in iu1000 fra nge rful m A Aq 1) the in 0.bulb ta sham ous ntici( a r d h f o c w i o e c GOOD HOMES! u 89 w 0 c i 5 life. Acrylic in excellent e y y M the h col s fr c 5 e l a n M Certificates issued at l 1 n 4 n 60 n c , 4 wn ch iona cke au d condition,chi ite n), $ pi with $ s ck end of each class. -53 th h hefirmop rs CALL 541-591-6892 For Info na WALK -INS WELCOME! ran tub, 82 clo ea fess f Mi te of rim wi ch $1,000 k W t b 8 i c e m $5 pro rs o fica y m 0 ea kit ss cha ed w41 541-883-8546 ( k t o o a inu 5 . c e a i b r s , r 2 ste ert ch s, 7.5 r y 13 e Gl th 6 $50. ni $40. 8 d ldeCLASS de rad LOCATION , Pla 20 ng t. po ith c 5 ea tein 5-$ s fo lf or, sk, r o bla rT wi ns, hecontains es of to n ra The o n word “impossible” 1905 d Oregon Avenue l o i t e “Malamute Mix” ti h w , $7 er s s, $ hed o 3 e o s e o h e d l i m a 5 s c s w s s u Klamath Falls, Oregon ty be r lid p s $7 n's Sa Extremely socialable & well e 19 s th ear ions of the word “possible.” le aple ears t 4 , ce r p i e 1 s e m t k r l , n i m r 1 wt la p e me 5 ot Fo ss mannered. Beautiful animal. mald m 0 y mp fro boo to ed oks he or pe tulip fam 0's ck, $ g bo gla 541-884-2828 7 Carl as 4-1/2 month old male, O sTrek Cooks, 720 ood cial bo 00. –Mr. Spock, Star ll f , , 4 g w n a a 8 s i n l 9 n e 0 n . t 3 c www.EliteTeamUSASecurity.Com b id ili 1 slightly over 50 lbs. Shots er 00 r bo t is ery g0 sp er 6 e 20led i iro t, . an s, , e 0 2 p ce pair e, 1 n's r e r a v v $ w $5 bin . t are current. Would make an ers , vy Th om r 15s. O all p seats of rds 0 ugheach, 3 whit me n 25 .45 ACP Po ice, ca 15$199 Na $2 flow ed ideal service animal. fr Ove flat ie, are se r ca and o 5. , $New ir rs ectio $ r s 2 , f m ' a w o e r , l i Semi-Automatic Pistols, t 2 o ls n oll PRESENT OWNER WILL d ge oks Ful cto ers s. t en ned , 4 o e fra e on ur lves n w , $Lifetime 1p n a c e n C m . o Warranty, c a l i a . t h s l bo tic ol nd ok ks e e BE VERY SELECTIVE. $5 pair cle tings cen glob 3 mp 0 sh ood benc a100% r American Made. All plas old c cale e bo boo 195 l, $2,500 541-281-0978 1 eds ain de s rld id $279 in revolvers, bAlso new r W f u o . 3 ed a a . i a r e l o i e t e p r c Q n oil eas . W 66 ch , p $50 0 pa oak nte mo oy cov De rigin bo. rce541-884-2828 8 a 9 e n b ers ors o 0 h s s 6 of ac 5. 4c nd yb rd ion f o 0 o p 5. e ive g, t 2 th z -69 2 a Pla ha dit st o 00 2 0 e ,Supplies $1 1-88 • Yarn • 740 Colors of ee igera 92 -090 bo + es, $ kn skin ton y tEmbroidery e re 15, 15 Quilting DMC Floss 8 2 n d r 5 4 a $ 0 f E en 2 r a 1 9 n 5 s he . $ 3 e 2 r e l , u 4 F a G i t M t f g 5 h MUSIC/ R s e ll t ts ll 5 1-8 RA for pic ea eac of -20 Classes & Children , Adults . Th d a prin Ca r 54 TO up d up 41 2 00 INSTRUMENTS n re , -S 5 , o d I a e r es . all 22 ly, n an 2 n g N c e o I Crocheting, Knitting, Quilting, Sewing, Cross Stitch & Embroidery h a $ a e n on , ll M 0' nth or ac pie 125 4-70 dry t A 2 6 e 5 l S y x l $ ill o Lowrey Organ ' t 8 x5with a ,Jamboree & 10 er mMending 25 ssGenie, du 00 S: , 40condiir, ls rk er ad,& Ironing C ! WStill 1-8 in G Magic good a y a a a 2 4 l p w h v s w 6 $ N P o 5 o c en I x3 noMany a 5 tion,g with rai d. 800 $7 he ity, LDbench. RV 8 L k e R A 0 e ter yg d pp UI 0OBO. . you! Handmade Items a , C 9 from Local Seamstresses features! $100 , 3 ov owe! 1oo , ox an ag apac ne 3013Available s i A t L B l c t y r m d s 3 d e n y te a th ke 484 a ec r 541-892-1036 EL 25x ust ce ver d p t fo tric pee e, r ma lelaAprons, Sta Quilts, Including: Napkins & MPlacemats Gu . g 7TE 24, . M alan deli lec , 5-s saf lar Kla Tu 0-66 ee ll guns to finnterne k S e r 2 c 4 b x F r a ard e i e e et ba 53 16 x10 for ree t. 21 Tues-Thurs & Sat 9am-4pmPridry nicr, stre0 F ex OFFICE k. pai and H on th t, igh fy, 60 ll d/EQUIPMENT c e h r rs! a e 0 v lde $8 So ck com se ate 593 se re?? m dly Guns items ntmen you b a o U l l a , l e r 9 l h ay o ra c 13 ll g que sell ppoi call d. Mwa, br, rea 1 gra y m illig 9. 9 gr 60 Too Cute! i e l a Going2out of Business y ne hatie m 22 51 2 Viay paSale 9 Ant d wil r an mptl eciat R 97 2 S e 0 5 male Chugs Office Furniture ik eoccks h 10 s, $ 7-2 y. 43 2 o o n r L O r f a p t 0 W c 3 , 0 p l i a y Supplies & More! ixt ble 0-6 ryd Only litter this year, parents off 00 rts, e cal I will is ap Falls 81-6 t -62 ed on site. $350. 513 MainSSt.ta1-80 eve 41 $1 th 1-2 . n e as age ess ed jects 5 a e l e m P ss sin Call 541-205-3233 or call 541-591-2600 la -54 r v e all pen s n Pro l K e u C , 1 e e O d to a m ur B Way or i re s xt 2 e Mo Pho 7 1@f Te 219 Yo tney ag 2 r r r o o a f g Us e ll 78 Ma -70 k n s d Ca 1-7 f f e H! 03 -883 ro c 4 u t 5 S 1r-s f CA 41 i l : ve 1-5 e m a r o f u ll o u yo e t d e o ck a r T a p kel! fo r N i c e Th


Click Here!

The Nickel Print Edition is Now Online Visit Our Website and Click on the Link! www.klamathfallsnickel.com

Quilt Feathers...

Custom Machine Quilting


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948 South J Street, Lakeview


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Now Offering Cerec Same Day Fabrication of All Ceramic Crowns

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541-884-1333 • 2650 Washburn Way, Ste 200 WA


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a Cash For Cars M


millarddental.com • yourdentist@millarddental.com

d or

Classified deadline: tuesdays, 11:00 am • Display Deadline: Mondays, 3:30 pm • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • August 8, 2013 • The Nickel • Page 15





Where Pets LOVE To Be!



Public Auction Items from storage units will be sold at auction to cover unpaid fees Saturday Aug 24th , 2013 starting at 11am

The Pet Experts! Since 1975 WE'RE ALL ABOUT PETS.


Shopping & Prices Boarding & Day Care Grooming & K-9 U-Bathe Pet Foods, Toys, Treats, Supplies & Pet Gifts

Shih Apso Puppies Small breed, 7 weeks, 1 shots, 2 males, 1 female. $350. 541-273-7330 or 541-882-1308 st

Storage Units available

Flagger Certifications August Special - $100

Wedding Services by the Reverend Dave

1 day class – 4 hours Cards are good for 3 years in OR, WA, ID and MT Weekend classes available.

Will perform the services at your location of choice. Non-denominational

Call 541-891-0896

It’s all in here - The Nickel!


4141 Washburn Way (541)882-K9K9 Where to calls at The Nickel for Display Sales:

T he Nicke l s e r ve s A ltur a s, Beatty, Bly, Bonanza, Chemult, Chiloquin, Dairy, Dorris, Fort Klamath, Keno, Lakeview, Macdoel, Malin, Merrill, Midland, Mt. Hebron, Rocky Point, Sprague River, and Tulelake,LIMITED as well as Klamath Falls. TIME

Beverly Schuster 541-331-0657 Danielle Mays 541-331-0656 Victor Jackson 541-880-3750 For Classifieds call 541-883-3750

Scott Stevens, M.D. Physician/Surgeon of the Eye

Cataract Surgery including: ACRYSOF® Toric, Astigmatism Correcting IOL, Crystalens®, Accommodating IOL


Danielle Mays Display Account Executive

Mark Fay, M.D. Physician/Surgeon of the Eye

cell: (541)331-0656 | desk: (541)850-6334

Functional and Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery

Lucentis® (Ranibizumab Injection) & Avastin® (Bevacizumab Injection) for the treatment of Macular Degeneration

The Marketplace of the Community



Jennifer Sparks O.D. Optometrist


Edwin Tuhy, O.D. Optometrist

Free $20 Re-Boost for 2nd month Service w/ purchase of a new Boost phone and activation on the $55 Monthly Unlimited plan

CALL TODAY! 541.273.4808

(Botulinum Toxin Type A)

Routine Vision Exams Optical Goods Complete Medical Eye Care Outpatient Surgery in Association with Klamath Surgery Center

Klamath Surgery Center specializes in outpatient surgery. Our patients enjoy many advantages including personalized service, excellent medical care, comfortable, convenient facilities and low costs.

Free $20 Re-Boost for $20 Re-Boost for 2ndFree month Service

w/ purchase of a new Boost phone and activation on the $55 Monthly Unlimited plan

2nd month Service

w/ purchase of a new Boost phone and activation on the $55 Monthly Unlimited plan

Get it today at:

900 Main Street, Suite B

Klamath Falls FireServe, LLC LLC900 Main St Klamath Falls, OR 97601 StOffer valid from 7/15/13–8/31/13 only. Available only at participating dealers and only for new activations porting from 541-273-4808


alls, OR non-Sprint carrier; 97601 requires purchase of new device and activation on plan $50 and above. Customers responsible for all recurring charges after firs free month. Excludes sales tax. Additional terms and restrictions apply. See participating dealer for details. ©2013 Boost Worldwide, 808 Inc. All rights reserved. Boost, Boost Mobile and the Logo are trademarks of Boost. Samsung and Galaxy S are all trademarks of Samsung Electronics Offer valid from 7/15/13 – 8/31/13 only.

Available onlyrequires at participating dealers only forof newF7 activations porting from non-Sprint carrier; requires purchase device andOther activation on plan $50 above. Customers responsible forfor all recurring on-Sprint purchase new and activation on planof new $50 and above. Customers responsible all recurring Co., Ltd.carrier; The LG Electronics, Inc.,andOptimus aredevice registered trademarks of LG Electronics, Inc. marks areandthe property of their respective owners. charges after first free month. Excludes sales tax. Additional terms and restrictions apply. See participating dealer for details. ©2013 Boost Worldwide, Inc. All rights reserved. Boost, Boost Mobile and the Logo are trademarks of Boost. Samsung and Galaxyfor S aredetai all trademarks of SamsungBoost ElectronicsWorldwide, Co., Ltd. The LG Electronics, Inc., Optimus F7 are registered trademarks of LG Electronics, Other marks are the ns apply. See participating dealer ls. ©2013 Inc. All rights reserved. Boost, Boost Inc. Mobile and the Logo

2640 Biehn St., Suite 3 Klamath Falls, OR 97601


Ask For Andy Erickson (541) 883-7701

Laser Treatments for Secondary Cataracts, Diabetes, Glaucoma and Retina Repair Functional and Cosmetic Botox®

Cash For Cars


Andrews, Mary Debortoli, Lindsey and Ray Kingston, Anna Kirk, Roberta Kocurek, Janet Lahr, Harlan Meyers, Johnny Wright, Hope

Any Make, Any Model

Dog Training Classes that are FUN for you and your K-9 Friend! Kindergarten Puppy Class Super Puppy Class Beginning Class Off-Leash Control Class AKC Star Puppy Program AKC K-9 Good Citizen AKC Rally and Obedience Agility Classes Private Lessons Behavior Solutions DOUBLE – C Here for you and your Very Important Pets! Bring your pet and PAWS TODAY!

1711 Main Street Mini Storage and Laundromat

Page 16 • The Nickel • August 8, 2013 • 2117 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • fax (541)882-7716

Classified deadline: tuesdays, 11:00 am • Display Deadline: Mondays, 3:30 pm • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • august 8, 2013 • The Nickel • Page 17

7 Miles West of Chiloquin along Agency Lake

DMOLO GOLF FACILITY (The ONLY non-profit Golf Facility in the Klamath Basin)

Fees: 3 holes $5 • 6 holes $10 • 9 holes $15 Range Balls: $5 Small, $10 Large Carts for Rent: Self-Service


Call for information:


36705 Agency Lake Rd. • Chiloquin, OR

933473 2x1_5 08-08-13 JMH

New Location Grand Opening ’s Jody Texas Rib House

Klamath County Fair See Our Ad on Page 5

Best Ribs this side of the Mississippi! Tues-Sun Noon-8pm

5500 Hwy 97 N 541-273-7232

August 8, 2013

Section II


For your Home or Business Service and New Installs

Gluten Free

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7400 Kings Way 541-884-8767

2117 South 6th Street Klamath Falls, OR 97601 (541)883-2292

Number 49, Volume 31

Cooling Heating

See Us At the Fair


Summer is Here ...and bugs and rodents are a nuisance. When pests take residence in your home they can contaminate food supplies and even carry diseases that can affect the health of your family. Bugs B Gone will eliminate your problem. Protect your home with our reliable, safe, and effective pest control techniques.        

One time General Pest treatments Pest Free Maintenance Programs Guaranteed Bedbug Treatment Mole, Voles, and Gophers Wasp and Hornet Treatments Mice, Rats, and Rodents Termite Treatments Carpenter Ant Treatments

Bugs B Gone

(541) 850-2118 Coupon Code: Nickel 8 8

(541) 850-2118 www.bugsbg.com


Zone 2 Outside Perimeter of Any Size Home General Pest Control Treatment (comes with a 30 day warranty) Not valid with any other offer. Limited time offer

(541) 810-2351 CCB# 195890 CA Lic 328293

Bugs B Gone Ants, Box Elder Bugs, Flies, Hornets, Spiders, Wasps, and Yellow Jackets and much more. AG-L1002225CPO

Page 18 • The Nickel • August 8, 2013 • 2117 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • fax (541)882-7716



436 Main St. • 541-884-8373

1 bedroom apartment, utilities paid, quiet neighborhood, close to bus stop. $550/mo. $550 deposit 541-891-9032 1 bedroom, w/s paid. 2250 Union St. $375 / $300 541-281-7091 or 541-331-4863 ATTN: College Students Hot Springs Area Close to OIT, Newly Remodeled! Studio - $475/mo. Storage units, 6x20, $50/mo. Available Now! All utilities paid. Randy 541-891-2628





The Granvue has been recently remodeled with new siding and paint. All apartments received new double pane vinyl windows. There is coin-op laundry on every floor. 1 bedroom on parking lot side for $400/month + $450 deposit. 1 bedroom with balcony, $450/month + $450 deposit 2 bedroom w/ dishwasher on parking lot side for $500/month + $500 dep. Garbage, water and sewer is all paid.

Cedar Garden Apts.

2 bedroom apartments currently available in quiet non-smoking complex. Free WIFI. Located behind KFC. Please call 541-882-5989 or cedargardensonline.com

The word “impossible” contains the word “possible.” –Mr. Spock, Star Trek

Come take a look at 345 N. 5th Street #61 or call 541-882-5213.

Save $$$ with The Nickel Kingswood Apts. 1 Bedroom. Appliances, drapes, patio, etc. 541-883-2986

Klamath Basin Property Management, Inc. AVAILABLE RENTALS



Mills Addition 2 bdrm house w/ carport, stove, fridge provided Gas heat. Hookups. Trash paid, no pets. $500 + deposit


1741 Austin St. • 541-883-1995

top video lottery location • Win Up to $10,000 on Platinum Series


Open at 7:00am Daily

18 beers on tap

Only regulation size tables in town

17 Pool Tables Available Pool Table Rates

$4.00 per Hour



Applegate Trails 4520 Bristol Ave. 3 bdrm, 1bath $615 + deposit 2 bdrm., 1 bath, $535 + deposit Water, sewer & garbage pd. Income must meet guidelines. Small pets ok. ••••••••••••••

Arthur Village

1400 Arthur St. ~ Free Geo Heat ~ $550 and up plus deposit. 2 bdrm., 2 bath, townhouses Water, sewer, and garbage paid. Non-smoking. Small pets ok. ••••••••••••••

Buena Vista

2750 California Ave. View of Klamath Lake, mountains, and golf course, 3 bdrm., 2 bath. Water, Sewer, and garbage paid Non-smoking. Small pets ok. $850 plus deposit

Downtown Area Spacious 2 bdrm apartment w/ single car garage. Gas heat. Stove, refrigerator and dishwasher provided. Laundry facilities on site. Water, sewer, trash paid. No pets. $500 + deposit Clean 2 bdrm apartment w/ single car garage. Stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, gas heat. Laundry facilities on site. Water, trash, sewer paid. No pets. $500 + dep. 2 bdrm duplex w/ small fenced yard, gas heat, hookups, trash paid, no pets. Available July. $450 + dep. Suburbs Cozy 2 bdrm house w/ detached garage, gas heat, stove and refrigerator provided. Laundry hookups. Sewer and Trash paid. No pets. $550 + dep.

Avail. Now....................................................MOVE IN SPECIAL ................. $390 517 N. 4th #2 - ......................EXTREMELY CUTE .........................................Studio Avail. Now ......................................................................................................... $500



541-331-5863/541-331-6219 www.klamathapartments.com

Lake Park Towers Accepting applications from qualifying low income seniors. Clean, secure, Smoke-free building. Downtown. Equal Housing Opportunity. 541-882-2335

Avail. Now .................................................................................................... $350 5070 Weyerhauser #10 - W/S/G Paid ................................................... Apartment Avail. Now....................................................MOVE IN SPECIAL .........$370-420 Avail. 7/1 ...................................................................................................... $385

Five Ways to Place a Classified Ad With Us: 1)walk in, 2) mail it in, 3)call it in, 4)fax it in, 5)online. Place your ad today. Phone 541-883-2292, Fax 541882-7716.

Take time to laugh, it’s the music of the soul.


Trenna Morehouse,

Property Manager 541-891-7186

Avail. Now .....................................................................................................$550 Avail. Now .....................................................................................................$485 1199 California - W/D Hookups, Close to School ............................................. Duplex Avail. Now .................................................................................................... $500 1155 California - W/D/ Hookups, Street Parking ........................................... Duplex Avail. Now .................................................................................................... $500 3245 Bristol #10 - W/S Paid, Covered Parking, Storage ...................... Manuf. Home Avail. Now .................................................................................................... $600 708 Jefferson - W/S/G Paid, New Kitchen/Laundry Floor ............................. House Avail. Now .................................................................................................... $500 3 BEDROOM

1043 Old Fort Rd - On Well / Septic, Newly Remodeled ................................ House Avail. Now....................................................MOVE IN SPECIAL ................. $725 4 BEDROOM

4606 S. Side By Pass - On well/septic, storage, large yard ............................ House Avail. Now .................................................................................................... $950 136 Octavia - 3 Bath, Family Room, Great View, Deck ................................... House Avail. Now .................................................................................................... $800 “We Treat Properties As If They Were Our Own”

3 bedroom, 1 bath, 2 car garage, fenced yard. Very clean. No smoking. No pets. Trash paid. 4650 Crosby St. $750 + deposit 541-882-4507

3 Bedroom, 2 bath 2 car garage,

Large fenced back yard, $950 + $950 deposit. 541-331-2011 leave message.

3 bedroom, 2 bath home Swamp Cooler, Gas/Electric Appliances and Pellet Stove. Window treatments, washer/ dryer hookups, new lawn with auto-sprinklers. No Smoking/No Pets. Garbage paid. Near Downtown. Application and Background Check with $25 per adult fee required. Available After August 5 $800 + deposit Call for more information 541-331-3391 or 541-331-3381

4043 Austin St. #4 - W/S/G Paid, Fenced Yard ................................... Manuf. Home 1208 Martin - Garbage Paid, New Paint, W/D Hookups ................................ Duplex

3 bedroom, 1 bath (Keno) $750 + deposit 541-281-6710

503 Roosevelt St.


431 N. 7th - W/S/G Paid, Hot Water Paid .......................................................Tri-Plex

2 bedroom, 1 bath, close to OIT and hospital, fenced yard, washer and dryer included, no pets. $625 per month, plus $625 deposit. 541-331-2011

Call 541-331-6840

5070 Weyerhauser - Glen Court Apts, W/S/G Paid ......................................Studio 415 Walnut #7, 8 - Ext Basic Cable, On-Site Laundry, Downtown, W/S/G Paid Studio


2 bedroom duplex, stove, refrigerator provided. Electric heat, small patio/yard. No pets. Sewer and trash paid. $525 + dep.


Avail. Now - 7 Units Available.....................MOVE IN SPECIAL ........$310-$390



Office: 541-882-8788


Janet Pierce, GRI Principal Broker 2423 Homedale Road • Open Mon-Fri 10am - 4pm



1215 Main • Commercial Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $550 15309 Hwy 66, Keno • Commercial Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $425 1429 Oregon Ave • 1 Bdrm/1 Bath/ Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $395/$495 887 Homedale • 2 Bdrm/1 Bath/Duplex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $625/$725 1235 Owens • 2 Bdrm/1 Bath/ Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $575/$675 216 Washington• 2 Bdrm/2 Bath/Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $650/$750 907 Kane St • 2 Bdrm/2 Bath/Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $775/$875 1215 Adams • 3 Bdrm/2 Bath/Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $595/$695 2205 Oak St • 3 Bdrm/1 1/2 Bath/Duplex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $625/$725 4977 Mathers • 3 Bdrm/1 Bath/Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $575/$675 2109 Wiard • 3 Bdrm/1 Bath/Duplex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $595/$695 532 Torrey • 3 Bdrm/2 Bath/Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $645/$745 521 Jefferson • 3 Bdrm/1 1/2 Bath/Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $695/$795 813 Roseway Dr • 3 Bdrm/2 Bath/Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $995/$1095 429 Pacific Terrace • 3 Bdrm/2 Bath/Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $995/$1095 5817 Alva • 3 Bdrm/2 1/2 Bath/Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1100/$1200

Secure Mini Storage aVaiLaBLe

3 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath 1600 square feet Central vacuum, washer & dryer hook-ups, new construction, one block from school, fenced yard, carport, electric & gas heat, $760- discounted rent. No pets, non-smoking 2019 Garden Avenue. Available now 541-273-7424 Available September 1st 3 bedroom, 2 bath, fenced yard, Tulelake on the California side in the country. Pets on approval, $650 per month + $700 cleaning dep. 530-667-2703 Charming 4 bedroom, 1 bath, fenced yard, detached garage and shop. Oven/stove, refrigerator, hookups. Centrally located in Klamath Falls. Water, Sewer, Garbage paid. $750/month, $500 deposit Pet on approval with additional deposit. Mills Edition Available Now! 541-798-0129

RECYCLE! Find Out Today How You Can Help.


Classified deadline: tuesdays, 11:00 am • Display Deadline: Mondays, 3:30 pm • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • August 8, 2013 • The Nickel • Page 19



AAA Property Mgmt., Inc. 2008 Oregon Avenue Klamath Falls, OR 97601 541-883-6424 www.aaaprop.com **Ask about our specials**

HOUSES FOR RENT MINI-STORAGE 10'x20' and up, $75 per month and up.

Stateline RV Park & Storage, 30138 Lower Klamath Lake Road, Tulelake, CA 530-667-4849

6007 Marius Dr. 2 Bedroom, W/S/G Paid. $500 Rent, $500 Sec. Dep. Very Clean. 541-882-3149

***Commercial*** $350 3304 Crosby #5 small office, ½ bath, 900 sf

Save Save Save

Cash & Carry

One Day Only Sat, 8/10/13, 9am-2pm

All Sorts of Miscellaneous Odds & Ends




5665 Hwy 97 N Klamath Falls (541) 273-4215

M-F 8am-5pm, Sat by Appt.

Save Save Save

Get in shape with The Nickel's classified Sporting Goods.

Sun drenched 2 bedroom with views! Upper unit. Hardwood floors. Large kitchen with dishwasher and fridge. Separate laundry room with hookups. Nice floor plan. Storage garage outside. Nice backyard next to hills. $575 / month Please call 541-887-0178 or 541-281-7276 for more details. 0160

MULTI-PLEXES FOR RENT 882-B Homedale Rd 2 bedroom townhouse, water / garbage paid, $600, deposit $600. Very clean. 541-882-3149

Cozy & Charming

New 1 bedroom - $550 Includes space. First/Last + deposit

Has washer and dryer hookups, garage/ storage, large yard. Country like setting yet close-in town with shopping and schools. Water and sewer paid. No pets, no smoking $615 per month, plus large security deposit. Call 541-892-1098 or 541-892-9737

Please leave your name and number if unavailable.

1 bedroom unit $395/mo + dep. & Loft apartment $375.mo+ dep. 541-331-9681


2 bedroom, 2 bath double-wide, fenced backyard, carport & storage shed. $695 space & trailer, option to buy. •••••••••••• 3 bedroom, 2 bath double-wide, large dining room, carport & storage shed, fenced back yard, $795 space & trailer, option to buy. ••••••••••••

Very nice 2 bedroom, 1 bath in Moyina Heights. Downstairs 4-plex, new windows, new paint. View, patio, all appliances & hookups. No pets. Water, sewer, garbage paid. 1840 Kimberly Drive $575/$575. 541-883-7810 541-331-8900

Large 3 bedroom doublewide, air conditioner, dining room, living room & den. New carpet & hardwood floors, new vinyl in kitchen. Carport, storage shed & fenced backyard. $800/month, first/last + $500 deposit space & trailer, option to buy. ••••••••••••

1 bedroom & Loft apartment Quiet antique 6 unit building. Laundry facilities. Includes water/hot water, garbage and sewer. Close to OIT and downtown. Non-smoking, no pet, good rental references a must.


23' RV 5th wheel and 23' Bumper Pull option to buy, $425, includes space, sewer, water, electric

REMINDER: When camping be careful with your campfire.

Klamath Pacific Companies Your Premier Materials Provider & Construction Company in the Basin

KLAMATH PACIFIC COMPANY is the premier aggregate, asphalt and ready mix concrete supplier in the Klamath Basin. We also provide construction services specializing in paving, grading, crack sealing, seal coating, driveways and underground projects. OFFICE HOURS M-F 7:30am - 5:00pm Office located at: 2918 Edison Ave., Klamath Falls, OR 97603

OR License #150240 CA License #905764

PHONE: 541.884.6184

Lease or purchase 1 1/2, 2 & 3 bedroom homes. Beautiful park setting, close to town yet private, only 1 mile from Main St, on city & school bus routes. Perfect for couples, seniors, OIT students & small families.

$575 - $825

Ask about our easy Owner cArry purchase program with approved application, rental references and low down payment.

Call 541-884-5717 or 541-281-0146


Views of Mt. Shasta & Lake ewauna!

$4.00 per Hour

Bob’s “Big Top Bonanza”

2 Large bedrooms with large closets, 1.5 bath Townhouse, fireplace, dishwasher, hookups, garage. Lots of storage space. Nice large yard, trash and sewer paid. Nice neighborhood on bike/walking path. $625/$600. 541-880-0033


NEW: Carpet, & Mini Blinds. NEW: Refrigerator, Range and Range Hood.



Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save

Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save


3 bedroom 1 bath triplex, end unit.

Near town on bus route. Ask about option to buy. 541-281-0146

17 Pool Tables Available Pool Table Rates

Nickel Classified Hours are Monday and Tuesday 8:305, Wednesday 10-2, Thursday 8:30-2, and Friday 10-2.

(cross street S. 6 after Madison)

436 Main St. • 541-884-8373

Cute 1 bedroom (possibly 2). Park like setting! On partially fenced ¾ acre. Lots of trees, oil heat, remodeled bathroom, new kitchen appliances. Washer/dyer hook-ups. Large garage & out building. Water/sewer/trash paid No pets $550. + first & last Background check required Lawn care possibly provided. Not HUD approved. 541-882-0912

Klamath View Estate 1663 Greensprings Dr.

Only regulation size tables in town

***4 Bedroom*** House 402 Mountain View $1400 2 bath, 2 car garage

Cute, and very clean 2 bedroom, 1 bath mobile, washer & dryer, non-smoking, no pets, fenced private lot, shed, good credit and references. Sewer paid. $475 plus deposit. 541-884-3587 or 541-892-2118

South Suburbs 2500 Nile Street th

Quiet 2 bedroom in quiet neighborhood on dead end street. Kitchen just remodeled cabinets & doors includes designer refrigerator cabinet, pantry and counter with bar seating for kitchen sink area. Kitchen totally redesigned to include work zones; prep zone, pantry zone, cooking zone & cleaning zone. Peninsula now allows for a much nicer eating area. Pet Ok over 3 yrs (non-aggressive breeds only), Washer & Dryer available for rent. Nonsmoking. Garage with opener available for rent separately. 1160 Maple- $595 ($650$55 Limited Time Rent Special if you rent the home before next Sunday - reduction valid through lease term) Please drive by first before scheduling a showing. Please visit this home's webpage for more details at www.t-crealty.com/1160.htm Text or Call Toll Free 24 Hours 866-883-3421, enter # for voicemail Email Town & Country Realty at info@tcrealty.com - Apply at www.t-crealty.com/application.pdf More info online at www.t-crealty.com/rentals.htm


Open at 7:00am Daily

***3 Bedroom*** Apt. 2544 Union #5 $600 w/s/g/HEAT PAID 4Plx. 3601 LaMarada $675 newly remodeled, patio Apt. 2015 Oregon A $695 w/s/g & hot water paid House 2030 Del Moro $900 fenced yard, garage



3 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath. Double car garage, new carpet & appliances. Water/sewer paid. Pet may be acceptable. $750/$500. 541-892-1364

***1 Bedroom/Studio*** Apt. 2544 Union #19 $450 w/s/g/HEAT PAID Apt. 2045 Oregon #1 $500 All utilities paid, s/r ****2 Bedroom*** Dplx. 2649 Pear #3 $475 fenced yard, storage House 2220 Wantland $475 fenced back yard Apt. 2544 Union #2 $550 w/s/g/HEAT PAID House 3704 Boardman $595 stove/fridge, garage Dplx. 4135 Marion Ct. #D $650 garage/opener, s/r House 46515 Gerber Rd $750 Room for horses


18 beers on tap



top video lottery location • Win Up to $10,000 on Platinum Series


3601 LaMarada


Page 20 • The Nickel • August 8, 2013 • 2117 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • fax (541)882-7716 0162


436 Main St. • 541-884-8373

Clean 2 bedroom, 1 bath mobile. Washer and dryer, Non-smoking, no pets. Water/sewer paid. $475 rent plus deposit. 541-884-3587 or 541-892-2118 0166

ROOMMATE WANTED Housemate Wanted

to share large 2 story house. Private bedroom with 1.5 baths. Just blocks from down town full use of entire house, off street parking, washer and dryer. $400 per month + first and last. Internet and all utilities paid. 541-508-0546 Roommate Wanted Share living areas in quiet house. Private bedroom. Centrally located near shopping, and bus line, large yard, off street parking, washer and dryer, garage/ storage. No pets, no smoking inside. $350 per month all utilities paid. Includes cable. 541-892-5051




Room for rent in 2 bedroom neat, clean house. Large yard, very safe, nice neighborhood. Close to Fred Meyer. $450/month includes electric, heat, water/sewer/garbage. No smoking, no pets. 541-810-3353

Room for Rent with private bath. $200 + electric bill, all other utilities & cable paid. No smoking. Female preferred. (In Round Lake) 541-723-7215

Shasta Glen Manufactured Home Park Has a space to move your home to. $290 per space includes water and sewer. Newer park with carports and/or garages and each space accommodates a double wide. 4647 Winter Ave Klamath Falls

Roommate to share house near OIT $500 per month- includes weekly cleaning service, All utilities paid, plus internet. Male preferred Available now! No pets. 541-331-3456

MOVE IN SPECIAL 3 MONTHS FREE! A nice Family Park with a Common area, Playground, and Boat & RV storage.


We also have new and used homes available with Excellent Financing Options!

Space available for 1992 or newer double wide.

Call Toni 541-882-4834


Ask about 3 months free special.


Restrictions Apply

Aspen Mobile Village A family park 3950 Homedale Road


Grassy yard, patio. Water, sewer, trash all included. $60. week

Call 541-884-4282


Park Motel 4820 Cal 139, Tulelake, CA

top video lottery location • Win Up to $10,000 on Platinum Series


Open at 7:00am Daily

18 beers on tap

Only regulation size tables in town

17 Pool Tables Available Pool Table Rates

$4.00 per Hour

2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH Mobile Home for Rent $525 per month 1st/last/security 2705 Wiard Street Units #7 & #9 NEW OWNERS 541-817-6455


We offer extended stay. Monthly - $375 Weekly - $130.


Call for more information Debra 559-645-2462 or Jesse 541-887-7878 541riverparkinn@gmail.com

in Klamath Falls full hookups


Help the Pet

Never leave a child or an animal in an unattended vehicle. A friendly reminder from The Nickel.

Population Problem! Have your Pet Spayed or Neutered!

Johnson Builders



Non-profit located downtown has office space available to rent. 10 X 10 office, access to conference rooms, front reception area, break room. Reasonable use of fax/copy/scanning equipment and receptionist. Utilities included, (excluding parking). $200. Contact Gayle at 541.882.4449, ext. # 230 for details.



Wanted: Retired woman and 2 old dogs looking for care taking position, an inexpensive small cabin, or trailer to rent in the country. Hope to find a place where I can grow a garden. 541-620-2557 0204



COMMERCIAL PROPERTY RENT/LEASE 6,000 sq.ft./ $500 6,000 feet multi purpose space downtown, bathrooms, showers, office, HUGE great room, high ceilings and hardwood floors. Main Street location, second level Call 208-741-0826

2-3/8 acres- mostly level, outside Sprague River, septic is in, power pole within 60', 1996 30' camp trailer with 10'x12' extension, wood stove, 18'x20' metal carport, small deck, good view, outbuildings, chicken and rabbit coups, fenced garden area, neighbors well is 175', $30,000 cash. Call 541-281-0120

LOT FOR RENT Across from Big R on S. 6th St. Has power, $300. Lot is adjacent to available office space. Office space: 1,440 sq. ft., 2455 Patterson St., Ste: 2 $500. Negotiable if both are rented. 541-892-2825 Multi Use Space with shop and showroom, 2,368 square feet with additional 800 square feet storage loft. (1) man door (1) 12' roll-up door (1) 9' roll-up door bathroom FA gas heater desk counter shelving shop sink high traffic location at Spring and Esplanade $600 per month.

Call 541-508-1421 Call 541-281-5751 Own a business downtown. Street Level Main Street location. Perfect for Cappuccino, donut, or sandwich shop... $250 per month 208-741-0826

265 Acres Lakeview, OR County road frontage, 20 separate tax lots, rocked roads, forested with pine, cedar and juniper trees, well, 1,000 gallon water storage tank, gravity fed, septic system in homesite, 2 barns, cabin, power available, borders forest service. $325,000 terms considered. 541-417-0996

When Every Nickel Counts, Count on

The Nickel Works! 328 Grant St

• Post and Frame Construction SPECIAL! • Lifetime Paint Warranty $16,211 • 3-Ply nonspliced laminated columnwidth 36’ x 40’ x 12 • 50 Year Warranty ’ eave with one 12’ • 40x40x12 Eave - $23,934 side door • 30x40x10 Eave - $16,599 • 50x104x14 Eave - $45,000 • Prices include Design, Delivery AND Construction of Pre-Engineered Structures. Price subject to change. Sales tax and crew travel charges may apply.

CA# 887249 OR# 172269

2650 Washburn Way, #150B

Lisa Stewart, Principal Broker


Shelley Conrad, Broker www.facebook.com/JohnsonBuilders

Custom Shops - Barns & Arenas - Storage - Commercial Buildings


Spend your summer poolside! 3100+ sq. ft. 4 bed 3 bath Craftsman Style home



Priced Right!

$295,000 #82228

See All Of Our Listings Online at www.FNRHomes.com Debra Gisriel, Principal Broker


Classified deadline: tuesdays, 11:00 am • Display Deadline: Mondays, 3:30 pm • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • August 8, 2013 • The Nickel • Page 21




3.97 acres, 3 bedroom, 2 bath house with attached garage and partial basement. Close-in. Pasture, flood irrigated, with pump for garden and lawns. Small chicken house.

Call 541-884-1454

NEW ON THE MARKET 3 bedroom, 2 bath ranch home in Midland. Recently remodeled with vinyl windows, cement siding, new paint, newer roof. New remodeled den and bedroom.

Motivated Seller $185,000 MLS 83453

Call Dan Bailey 541-883-5867 Licensed in Oregon




  




Important Reminder! On these hot summer days it is important to make sure your pets have plenty of water and shade!


HUGE 35 acre 2,200 square foot home! Custom Built with granite counter tops throughout. Tile and slate floors, PLUS hardwood floors. 4 bedroom 2 bath With HUGE slate finished showers- both showers have multiple shower heads. Custom rock pillars in kitchen and living room. Custom rock work on lower section of home. Covered front and back decks. Metal roof. TRULY A ONE-OF-A-KIND HOME! A MUST SEE! $275,000

No reasonable offer refused. Big discount for cash. 541-783-3434

I Love It When…


T he Nicke l s e r ve s A ltur a s, Beatty, Bly, Bonanza, Chemult, Chiloquin, Dairy, Dorris, Fort Klamath, Keno, Lakeview, Macdoel, Malin, Merrill, Midland, Mt. Hebron, Rocky Point, Sprague River, and Tulelake, as well as Klamath Falls.

a in EM 1229 n-Sat Mo -4pm 10am

   

Join us at Keeper’s Corner, Klamath’s premier Antique, Craft, and Collectible Mall!

20,000 square feet of treasures for you to browse!

“The store you can’t ignore!” Antique, CrAft & ColleCtible MAll

195 East Main Street • 541-273-7553 www.KeepersCorner.net • Open Mon-Sat 10am-6pm

Parenting Matters Healthy Children Healthy Community For great parenting ideas visit:


…You Let Me Help

1-800-4-A-Child (1-800-422-4453) Call if you suspect child abuse

$4.00 per Hour

4661 Boardman Ave For Showing Call 541-273-7107 Only $163,000


Bring ALL offers! Motivated seller

home, has traces of Frank Lloyd Wright with open floor plan, wood floor to high beam ceiling windows, 4 or 5 bedrooms, 2 baths. Large 0.8+ acre lot provides home with great privacy and excellent view of lake and surrounding areas. House Includes Park-like setting with 24 mature trees include 10 pine trees over 100' tall. New PVC Membrane roof Family room 17'x24' on 1st floor All quality appliances Included New Garage Door (2 car) 8'x12' Storage Shed Low E insulated double pane windows Security System Air conditioned 220 ft. attractive brick wall in front. Paved 9'x140' driveway at rear of property Open copper hood gas log fireplace Gas furnace forced air heat Front outdoor second story 11 x 17 foot. cedar wood deck, Property includes approved 110 ft. frontage building lot with new water well. Anxious to move. Accepting New Bids.


Huge shop with with 220, Internet/Cable Central Vac and 13' ceiling, Huge 24' X 8' Storage building, Wood Shed and RV parking. Low Maintenance yard. Way below replacement cost.

This is a one-of-a-kind property and home priced to sell quick

$350,000 Reduced to $280,000! Lakeshore Dr. Artistic hillside

436 Main St. • 541-884-8373

UpDated: Furnace, Elec, Plumb, Windows, Doors, Insul, Roof, Siding. It's like a New Home $70 Monthly Utilities.

has a custom built oak kitchen & breakfast bar, lots of natural lighting with big windows, certified wood stove, central heat & A/C, covered front deck, huge back deck, huge front and back lawns with automatic sprinklers and room for garden and/or green house. Attached over-sized 2-car garage, huge shop with 2 RV doors. Property is fenced and crossed fenced, 2 sides bordered by National Forests, heavily wooded, with room for horses, livestock and animals and is full wildlife including deer and elk. River across the street from front of property with access. All 7 miles from small town.

Lived 30 Comfortable happy years at this home. Are you Next?

17 Pool Tables Available Pool Table Rates

Rookstool Moden Realty LLC

2051 Radcliffe 541-883-2292

Features Include: Quality Craftsmanship and Materials, 1,440 sq ft 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Tiled Showers, Garden tub Hardwood floors, Walk-in Closet, Central Vac, Wood Stove.

3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1600 square foot house

Covered porch and rear covered patio.

Call 541-205-4988, 541-539-0317, 541-331-1023. Will honor Realtors.

Custom Rebuilt Home On Quiet Street with Huge Shop

d y i e da f i s s as Tue l C m a y 0 0 ay da : l 1 1 sp on Di M pm 0 3 3:

Open at 7:00am Daily

3 Fenced Acres Cross Fenced, Ready for Your Horse


Home & Shop!

Only regulation size tables in town

$250,000 Will carry with $20,000 down and good credit ratings.

Short dead-end street, across from Ferguson Elementary, bus stop. Below S. 6th St. off Madison at 5818 Mack St.


This newer built in 05 $119,700 Park like setting. 3 BR, 2 BA home has recent paint & updates. 1.23 acres, work shop with a bathroom, greenhouse, garden area, storage building with concrete floor. Fenced & cross fenced. (MLS# 81299) Action Realty, 541-884-3367


40 Acres! over ½ a mile long

Garden area with fruit trees.

4 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath, family rooms, open living – kitchen – ding area, vaulted open beam ceiling & fireplace, 1,900 sq. ft., oak floors. New kitchen/garden window, new windows and exterior doors. Back porch, pantry, mud room, laundry; gas dryer hookup, updated electric panel, new gas FA furnace and water heater. Just painted in and out. 20X20 wood deck, 2 storage units, fenced back yard, trees, lawn, paved parking for RV, boat and cars.



18 beers on tap

In Home: Natural gas furnace and air conditioning. Another small shop with extra garden tool room attached.



top video lottery location • Win Up to $10,000 on Platinum Series

30 x 48 commercial shop with tall doors for trucks or motorhome, chain hoist and work benches, carpenter shop too. (An upstairs for storage over carpenter shop.)


Page 22 • The Nickel • August 8, 2013 • 2117 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • fax (541)882-7716 0210






436 Main St. • 541-884-8373

NEW ON THE MARKET Geothermal Heat 3 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath brick home in Hot Springs area. Large 2-car garage with shop. Hardwood floors upstairs and finished basement. Paved driveway Covered porch and rear patio. Motivated Seller $228,900 MLS 83449

Call Dan Bailey 541-883-5867 or Cindi Winder 541-892-1064 Licensed in Oregon

Rookstool Moden Realty LLC 541-883-3781

Very Few Available. Small acreage in town 1.73 acres180' frontage, over 420' deep Remodeled home (in progress) 1,600 square feet 3 bedroom, 1 bath Huge attic room, gas fireplace. New- electric, plumbing, cabinets, furnace, hot water tank, tub, etc. BUY IT NOW and finish it the way YOU WANT! Only $179,000 make offers See at 2640 Patterson Call for appointment


Where to calls at The Nickel for Display Sales: Beverly Schuster 541-331-0657 Danielle Mays 541-331-0656 Victor Jackson 541-880-3750 For Classifieds call 541-883-3750

Five Ways to Place a Classified Ad With Us: 1)walk in, 2) mail it in, 3)call it in, 4)fax it in, 5)online. Place your ad today. Phone 541-883-2292, Fax 541882-7716.

Auto Insurance Northern Insurance Agency

top video lottery location • Win Up to $10,000 on Platinum Series


Open at 7:00am Daily

18 beers on tap

Only regulation size tables in town

17 Pool Tables Available Pool Table Rates

$4.00 per Hour

1998 Champion

• Low Monthly Payments • No Prior Insurance? • Tickets/Accidents/DUI?

Free Quote: www.nioregon.com 4509 S. 6th St., Ste. 306 541-884-1365 custserv@nioregon.com

3 bedroom, 2 bath Single wide New Appliances New Counter tops Lots of storage Good floor plan In good condition Plus fresh paint throughout

Space #55, $19,900

MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE “FIXER UPPER” Buy and Build Equity with elbow grease at Shasta Glen Manufactured Home Park 1991 Fleetwood 3 bedroom, 2 bath double wide, with energy efficient appliances. This home features a beautiful huge open floor plan, with a family room, living room, dining room and open entertaining style kitchen all for only $24,900. Owner will carry contact on approved credit. Payments can be as low as $550 per month including space rent which includes water and sewer. Newer park with carports and/or garages.


BONANZA HIGH SCHOOL '68 REUNION Classes 1964 – 1974 Invited Saturday, August 17, 2013 “Let's Light Up Lorella Hall” Cost: $25/couple $13/single 1:00 – Social 4:00 – Dinner & Awards 7:00 – Dance & Karaoke 'till we're done

Each space accommodates a double wide.

4647 Winter Ave Klamath Falls A nice Family Park with a Common area, Playground, and Boat & RV storage.

1998 Champion

3 bedroom 2 bath New carpet, new vinyl, new paint throughout inside Excellent condition

Space #81 $27,000

Owner will carry with 10% down. Can be seen at Aspen Mobile Village 3950 Homedale Road a Family Park 541-884-4282

Call Toni 541-882-4834 or Dwight 1-503-232-7673 0232


Music by “DJ” Dan Hill BBQ Tri-Tip & Chicken Dinner (with all the fixins') Bring your own beverages! Your check will be your RSVP, send by August 11th to: Danny Lee, 1968 Reunion Chair PO Box 102, Bly, OR 97622 541-891-1572 (Please specify Tri-Tip or Chicken. Water will be available)

WANTED $ CASH FOR $ $349,000 Highly visible commercial building on South 6th - one of the busiest streets in Klamath Falls. 10,000 sq ft. Has 3 to 4 large commercial suites on main level. High-speed fiber to building. 2nd level has 2 finished apartments and additional finished area that could be more apts or other use. With all units rented, this is a real money maker. (MLS#83171) Action Realty, 541-884-3367

When Every Nickel Counts, Count on

Ammunition Shell Brass Reloading Supplies Reloading Equipment Firearms 541-891-7600

YARD & GARDEN Decomposed Granite Screen, $20/ton delivered price in Klamath Basin, 12 – 24 ton loads. Compost - $30/yard delivered price in Klamath Basin, 20 – 40 yard loads. John Robustelli Trucking 541-281-3941 No Job is too big BHS Yard Service Maintenance Repair and Removal Senior Discounts Bob 541-331-0014 or Ken 541-205-8436 Snowpro snow blower, Tecumseh 4 hp, 20”, 5 speed with reverse & chains, $150 obo. 541-545-6827 Wanted Dead or Alive Riding Lawn Mover. Please call 541-892-0894.

Beverly Schuster Display Account Executive

cell: (541)331-0657 | desk: (541)850-6332

The Marketplace of the Community www.klamathfallsnickel.com

Classified deadline: tuesdays, 11:00 am • Display Deadline: Mondays, 3:30 pm • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • august 8, 2013 • The Nickel • Page 23

t a s m c i P e o r c . o M Needs lA lRV

s t n e m n g i s n Co anted! W

Drive a Little to Save a Lot!

Price $ Price $ Price $ 2007 Shadow Cruiser 18’ Sale$13,995 125permo. 2011 Monaco Super Sport 19FS Sale$15,995 141permo. 2008 Jay Feather 21’ Sale$16,995 149permo. 10% Down, Only 144 mo, 5.99% APR, On Approved Credit

10% Down, Only 144 mo, 5.99% APR, On Approved Credit

10% Down, Only 144 mo, 5.99% APR, On Approved Credit

Price $ Price $ Price $ 2005 Sandpiper 22’ Sale$12,995 178permo. 2013 Monaco Crossover 22’ Sale$21,995 194permo. 2005 Trailblazer 23’ Sale$14,795 199permo. 10% Down, Only 84 mo, 6.99% APR, On Approved Credit

10% Down, Only 144 mo, 5.49% APR, On Approved Credit

10% Down, Only 84 mo, 6.5% APR, On Approved Credit

Price $ Price $ Price $ 2009 Prowler 25’ Sale$23,990 211permo. 2006 Weekend Warrior 2500 Sale$23,995 211permo. 2009 Montana 36’ Sale$49,995 380permo. 10% Down, Only 144 mo, 5.99% APR, On Approved Credit

10% Down, Only 120 mo, 5.99% APR, On Approved Credit

10% Down, Only 180 mo, 5.99% APR, On Approved Credit

3800 S. Pacific Hwy, Medford • Call 541-535-6113

Page 24 • The Nickel • August 8, 2013 • 2117 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • fax (541)882-7716

Free Family Fun for Everyone to Enjoy!

Mark Your Calendars to Attend the Largest Annual Event in the Klamath Basin!

Hot August Fair Specials Save 30% to 40% off all fair event tickets. Limited time only. Discounted ticket prices end September 4th!

Carnival Tickets $20 Carnival Wristband: unlimted rides for one day use. Fair-time price $28. Tickets available at Big R, Grange Co-op, and online at www.tbvfair.com

Grandstand Shows Pre-sale price $8. Fair-time price $12.

Rockin’ ER Wild West Rodeo Friday, September 6th @ 7pm

Battle of the Basin Destruction Derby Saturday, September 7th @ 7pm

Side by Side Mud Racing Sunday, September 8th @ 4pm

530-667-5312 • tulefair@cot.net • www.tbvfair.com

Classified deadline: tuesdays, 11:00 am • Display Deadline: Mondays, 3:30 pm • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • august 8, 2013 • The Nickel • Page 25

Purchase $1,195 or more and celebrate with dinner, breakfast and a night at the historic Pinehurst Inn in the heart of the southern Oregon Cascades.

Be our fan on

Jefferson Square 2834 So. Sixth Street 541-884-9033 • 1-888-884-9033 www.hollidayjewelry.com

Be our fan on

When Every Nickel Counts, Count on


YARD & GARDEN Tired of Mowing Your Lawn & Need Tree Work? Give Neil & Adam Services a call 541-810-0010 or 541-331-4184 Free Estimates Residential & Commercial Tree Cutting & Pruning, Removal of Debris, Lawn Mowing & Light Landscaping Services include Tree Cutting Debris removal Spring & Fall Clean-up Mowing Weed eating Trimming shrubs Pulling/ Spraying weeds Hauling Firewood splitting Fast, Friendly and Reliable Service

436 Main St. • 541-884-8373 top video lottery location • Win Up to $10,000 on Platinum Series


Open at 7:00am Daily

18 beers on tap

Only regulation size tables in town

17 Pool Tables Available Pool Table Rates

$4.00 per Hour

Page 26 • The Nickel • August 8, 2013 • 2117 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • fax (541)882-7716

Fully Licensed and insured. We treat your lawn as if it were our own

BOATS & ACCESSORIES 16' Hobie Cat, multi color sail, matching jib with trailer, $995. Call Gordon at 541-783-3122 Flat bottom 18' SK Panther Jet boat with 350 Chevy V-8, fresh rebuild on motor, needs restoration finishing, comes with factory trailer, Sacrifice due to medical problems. $2,200 obo. 541-892-5485

Let Us

SAILBOAT 25 foot 1978 Catalina sailboat. Ready to sail. Practically new Mercury outboard. Stove, sink, lights interior and exterior. Sleeps six. Includes inflatable and misc. gear. $ 5,500. Call 541-891-9145.



New mountain ryder XT Les Schwab shocks, super heavyduty, $50. 541-545-6827


New truck tent, paid $189, sacrifice for $75 obo. 541-545-6827


$ CASH $

RVs TRAILERS MOTORHOMES 19” flat screen TV with all attachments for camper, $135. 541-783-2450 or 541-8912217 1971 GMC model 4905 conversion bus, 8V71 Detroit engine, 10,000 miles on complete over haul, 25 amp solar charger, $15,000 obo. 541-331-6894 1978 21' Coachman Travel Trailer Self-contained, tandem axles, very clean. Must see! $1,100. Call 541-331-2938

Tent Trailer LIKE NEW 2008 Flagstaff Tent Trailer. Opens to 22.6 ft. Also includes outside gas grill & shower, heated queen and king beds. Extras, $5,000 / Trade for travel trailer. 541-892-2841

ANTIQUE / CLASSIC CARS 1966 VW Bug 1300 Series New 1641 Single Pat, New Brakes, all it needs is paint & interior done. $4,000. Cash only. 541-882-1098

2825 Broadmore St. (Behind Lithia Ford) 883-3583 • (800)779-3583


New engine stand, used once, in box, $50. 541-273-8792

Constitution & Bill of Rights

For a FREE Quote (at Fred Meyer)

2655 Shasta Way, #2 Klamath Falls, OR 97603

We Help You Save OnAuto * Home * Life Cycle * RV * Boat Business * Truck * Bond Specialty Contractors SR22 (no added charge) Many Discounts



Dead Cars 541-882-7978 or


One Stop Auto Wreckers 1985 Cadillac Fleetwood Body, interior, tires, wheel covers in excellent condition. Perfect vehicle to “trick out”. Not running, needs radiator. $1,100 as is. Call Lee's Automotive 541-883-3686

HEAVY TRUCKS & EQUIPMENT 1974 International ¾-ton 4x4 345 motor, runs good, all on butane, $2,500 firm. 1992 Dodge King Cab ¾ton with Cummings motor, needs front end, transmission and motor are good, $2,000. 530-294-5208 1991 Peterbilt extended hood carb legal (now) 3406C Cat engine, 15 speed transmission, 50 – 60% virgin rubber 1100 tires on 24.5 aluminum wheels.

1989 Olds Tornado Coupe


Current tags good through 2015. Looks good and runs good. Power windows and locks. Asking $1,000 obo.

1998 Utility refer van carb legal, 48' x 102”, air ride, swing doors, 11R tires on 22.5 aluminum wheels.

10' flatbed trailer, $200 firm.



2000 Wabash 48' x 96” refer van, carb legal, 285 / 75R tires on 24.5 aluminum wheels, $12,000.

1994 NISSIAN ALTIMA Runs great, one owner bought new. Clean. New tires, oil just changed. $1,900. Call 541-331-2938

Important Reminder! On these hot summer days it is important to make sure your pets have plenty of water and shade!

AUTO PARTS & ACCESSORIES (4) P235/60R15 Cooper tires mounted on 3 spoke pearl Chevy wheels, $375. Call 541-331-2938

Receive a Free copy of the


MOTORCYCLES & ATVs 2000 KTM 250/2003 CR250 HONDA KTM has new tires, other parts. Runs strong. $1,500 Honda has new tires, bars. Runs good. $1,500. Call Sonny 541-591-2345.

Auto or Home Insurance -And-

Call Norland Insurance

15-45x60 Leupold Windriver Spotting Scope. $125.00 541-281-8851

Turn Your Metal Trash

Into Cash!


BOTH FOR $20,000.

541-591-5059 BOBCAT BACKHOE attachment: like new condition, priced to sell. For more information call Bob Hodnefield 541-938-0118, Milton-Freewater. '94 ¾ Ton Ford Pickup 6 cyl., 5 speed, $1,200 obo. 541-891-8478


2051 Radcliffe 541-883-2292

1920's Dodge Roadster pickup, body all steel, no rust, radiator shell with emblem, $1,500. Call Bob at 541-884-2817

Pine Grove Works, inc.

Rachael Cresto, D.M.D.

Welcoming Dr. Rachael Cresto

Fred Daum, D.M.D.

Dentistry for the Entire Family! NEW Patients Welcome | Financing Available

5232 South 6th St • (541) 884-9339 Klamath Falls, OR 97603

Fax (541) 884-0454 • www.klamathdentalcare.com

• Tent Repair • Camping Bag Repair • Horse Tack Repair • Sports Bag Repair • Camping Equipment Repair

Call Mike at: 541-892-3781 1916 Pine Grove Rd. Klamath Falls

Classified deadline: tuesdays, 11:00 am • Display Deadline: Mondays, 3:30 pm • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • august 8, 2013 • The Nickel • Page 27

Flyerboard to



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tion is Registra ow! yn underwa ts e studen First-tim tend must at entation ent Ori New Stud registering before s. for classe g Upcomin on Dates: Orientati l Term) & 8 (Fal m) • Aug. 3 (Fall Ter 29 & • Aug. 24 l Term) al (F 12 & • Sept. 9 l Term) & 26 (Fal • Sept. 23

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541-88 hburn Way 3-8146

*See red em ATM. Ca ption form at rd pa MasterC expires 6 month rticipating de alers for ard Intern s after iss co ational Incorpora uance. For co mplete offer de mp tai ted. Ma sterCard lete terms, cond ls. Offer expir es 7/ is a regist itio ered tra ns and fees, see 27/13. Void wh demark of Maste the Cardhold ere prohibited. er Th rCard Int ernation Agreement in yo e Reward Card can al Incorp ur card package not be reloade orated. Copyrig . ht © of Reward Cards d with addition 2013 Mi are issue al funds, chelin No d rth Ameri by U.S. Bank, pu nor can it be use rsu d ca, Inc. All rights ant to a licen at an se from reserved .

Your Ad Could Be Here As Well, Seen By Our Website Visitors!

Only $50 per month,

with purchase of one print ad Includes link to your website

Contact Your Sales Representative 541-883-2292

Page 28 • The Nickel • August 8, 2013 • 2117 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • fax (541)882-7716


1990 Buick Century needs work, runs good, $600. obo 541-591-0690

436 Main St. • 541-884-8373

Hit Home

With Your Advertising

Looking for a way to reach homeowners with your products and services?

Marketplace to the Community ACROSS 1. 5.

10. 15. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 25. 27. 28. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 37. 38. 42. 43. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 56. 57. 59. 60. 61.

Calvous Consomme, jelled Lies Word in a holiday song Burn remedy Shade of purple Nearly bovine Ballet movement Diving feat: 2 wds. One of a couple: 2 wds. Behind Circus Delicate When Quadragesima occurs Agent 86 Corrosive Name meaning “strength” Bank job Filiety Spearhead Compromises: 2 wds. -- Pasha Emerald -Concede Smell -- -Faux pas Hob Ascended Set out “Moll Flanders” author Breadbasket Altitudinous place Maria Eva Duarte de -Blowout

62. Energy type 63. One of fifty: Abbr. 64. Browbeaten 65. Loman or Wonka 66. Duties 68. Like a fortified city 69. Sweetheart 70. Temperamental ones 71. Depot: Abbr. 73. Sickly in color 74. Cabbage 75. Hauled 76. Piggin 77. Abbr. on maps 78. A stop on the road to recovery: 2 wds. 81. Fashion magazine 82. Riffians 84. Bacilli 85. “Golden Boy” playwright 86. Thanks -- --! 87. Certain authorities 88. -- avis 90. Erects anagram 93. Perches for birds 94. Avocation 98. Wrestling hold: 2 wds. 100. Numismatics item: Hyph. 102. Kind of contract 103. Approaches 104. -- Edouard Charles Antoine Zola 105. A Muppet 106. See 107. Leggy creature 108. Judge 109. Food colors

DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 24. 26. 29. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 39. 40. 41. 43. 44. 45. 46. 51.

Tical Of a wing “Blue Angel” girl Troops’ fortified position Forcefully Object of worship Sleigh “-- Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts” Potter Flack the singer Contest Wife of Rama Cable channel Testa: 2 wds. Insect pests -- Bator Musical quality Challenge Rice or Campbell Pluvious Impulsive -- -- stone City on the Nile Saab or Tahari Inventor Nikola -Certain sibling: 2 wds. Two-fisted fellows: Hyph. Retail event: 2 wds. Troy Conduit Hurt Ford family name Type of beer Kind of offcampus house Type feature

53. 54. 55. 56. 58. 59.

Traveled Melville’s Budd Dot-com giant Fleur- -- -Disney duck Enameled tinware 60. Main Street event 62. Tendon 63. Crude dwellings 64. Class 65. Eat greedily 66. “-- Andronicus” 67. Pond bird 68. Raiment 69. English composer 70. Condemns 72. English country festivals 74. Pigment in carrots 75. Farm machine 76. Rode a bike: Var. 78. Hayes or Hunt 79. Facing 80. Safecracker 83. Pub regular 85. Cookie brand 87. Promised 88. Kind of range 89. A reptile 90. U-shaped plate 91. Lugs 92. Loud noise 93. Boris Godunov, e.g. 94. Opening 95. Italian coffee brand 96. Cite 97. Brother of Anteros 99. Triangle part 101. Prof. org.

2002 Dodge Dakota Sport

4X4, 5 speed, low miles. See at 4755 Shasta Way. Call 541-882-9491 $9,950

Estate/ Moving Sale Yes, we have brought 2 estate sales + more to our location for you! Furniture, household items, linens, jewelry, tools, mint condition sewing machine, antique desk and dresser. Old cabinets, also canning items.

Sale is Friday, and Saturday, Aug., 9th and 10th. 7 am - 3 pm Sat., at 12:00 pm is discount frenzie, 3921 Valinda Way

1987 Ford F25 PU Extended cab, 460 motor, Canopy, tow package. Wonderful Condition. $2,500 obo 541-891-9785.

Advertise in The Nickel and reach a wide range of customers you most want to target for home improvement ideas. From green solutions, landscaping, to cleaning tips, decorating ideas, remodeling and more. And watch sales improve! To advertise in the


1982 Chevy Dually Camper Special 350 4 barrel, runs and drives great. Fenders are intact, 4' extension bumper. $1,800 obo. 541-281-6576

For Sale:

YARD SALES Agency Lake Neighborhood Watch nd

Our 2 Annual Multi-Family

“Trash to Treasures” Yard Sale

2117 South 6th Street top video lottery location • Win Up to $10,000 on Platinum Series


Open at 7:00am Daily

18 beers on tap

Only regulation size tables in town

17 Pool Tables Available Pool Table Rates

$4.00 per Hour

1979 Chevy pick-up $600 obo Comes with side rails for wood hauling.


Saturday only, Aug. 10th 36565 Modoc Point Road 9am-2pm Hot dogs, chips, soda & water available for purchase 10 am – 1 pm A portion of the proceeds will be donated to our Chiloquin Volunteer Ambulance Service

(off Harlan Dr. in Sunset area)

PS: We appreciate all of you and thank you for coming!

Garage Sale Tools, toolboxes, housewares, TV's, Maytag glass top stove, misc. items

Friday, Aug. 9 & Saturday, Aug. 10 10 am – 3 pm 3100 Crosby Ave. (Front area) Listen to your heartbeat and dance.

CROSSWORD THEME Fifty-Percenters by James Barrick

Classified deadline: tuesdays, 11:00 am • Display Deadline: Mondays, 3:30 pm • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • August 8, 2013 • The Nickel • Page 29

Huge Garage Sale 88 W. Iowa St.

Huge Yard Sale (½ Acre)

Huge Yard Sale 635 Division

Friday, August 9 through Sunday, August 11 9 am – 5 pm

Cars, camp trailers, original oil paintings real wooden frames, bikes, TOOLS, tents, clothes, blankets, glass, kitchen appliances & much more!

(Corner of Montelius & W. Iowa St.)

Furniture, household goods, exercise equipment, baby items, clothes, much more

Huge Garage Sale Fishing, tools, household, shelving, real wood furniture, kids stuff & tons more.. Something for everyone!

1949 Lakeshore Dr


S. End Altamont (Behind Store)

419 N. 10th St.

(Downtown, cross street is Washington)


Antiques and collectibles, floor and table lamps, Princess House glassware, stamping and scapbooking supplies, tons of household and misc., yard tools, quality shoes (7.5), purses, jewelry, clothing (sizes 10-14), silk plants, Fri., Aug., 9th & Sat., Aug., 10th 9 am - 5 pm 1505 Madison # 57

The Nickel: 541-883-2292

The Classified experts!

The Nickel - for advertising and faxing. 541-883-2292.

The Nickel. 541-883-2292.

Danielle Mays Display Account Executive

cell: (541)331-0656 | desk: (541)850-6334

CLASSIFIE The Marketplace of the Community


The Nickel gets results!

attention: RV CONSigNmENTS NEEDED NOW! Selling Quickly

No Charge • No Fee to You!

Friday & Saturday 9 am - 2:30 pm Huge Sale


1972 GMC ½ Ton 350 C.I., 350 Auto


2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited



Most Vehicles • Conventional Motor Oil

1994 Caribou Model 10F

Not Valid with any other discounts • No coupon necessary • Code N

Sleeps up to 6 people, refrigerator, fresh water tank, shower.

2001 ½ Ton Chevy Silverado Extended Cab

Sell it now in The Nickel!

Klamath Falls, Oregon

(Corner of Shasta Way, next to credit unions)

*On Approved Credit; Title, Registration & Administrative Fees are not included in Sale Price; Pictures for illustration only.

$4,500 obo.

4 Crazy Days of Saving

Sundays & Wednesdays $27.99

Oil Change Tuesdays & Thursdays 15% Off All Services 1730 Washburn Way • 541-884-5808 • Open 7 Days

Protect your investment. Pre-treat your home before you build.

$4,500 obo. See at 3325 Altamont or call 541-880-8113


We specialize in all wood-destroying insects. Are you tired of paying high prices for your exterminating? Call Kevin Today

4 door, Amazon Green, 3.OL FFV V6 Engine, AT w/OD, AC, AM/FM radio w/ CD Player, Sliding rear window, New Bed Cover, Bed Liner, New Tires, 73,100 miles, Great condition inside & out. KBB $7,220, a steal @ $5,200.


Free estimates - call for your appointment today.


2000 Chevy Blazer 4x4, V6 automatic, good on fuel, AC, power steering, power brakes, 130,000 miles. All electric interior, nice cloth seats with leather trim. Been garaged, nice paint, privacy glass, Cooper tires with 50% tread.

$3,750 obo. 541-850-9004

$4.00 per Hour

Based & Operated out of Klamath Falls

$10,500 obo. CALL 541-281-8885


Your Local Termite Specialist!

In excellent condition.

4WD, Leather Seats, On-Star, Canopy, Premium Extras. 104,000 miles.

17 Pool Tables Available Pool Table Rates

see our website: www.klamathrv.com

3004 Raymond St.

off Independence & Peck Dr Drill press, tools, rototiller, kitchen misc., air hose, toys, & lots of misc. items!

436 Main St. • 541-884-8373

All bells and whistles, 174,000 miles.

1405 Crater Lake Parkway • (541) 850-7337

Real Nice Street Machine, $15,000 obo.

Saturday, August 10 8 am – 3 pm

Open at 7:00am Daily

Friday, August 9 Sunday, August 11 9 am – 4 pm

Friday, Saturday & Sunday August 9 – 11 9 am – 7 pm

Friday 8/9 – Sunday 8/11 9 am – 3 pm Baby items, strollers, bikes & trailer, living room tables, swings, clothes, patio set & more!


Only regulation size tables in town


18 beers on tap


top video lottery location • Win Up to $10,000 on Platinum Series


Page 30 • The Nickel • August 8, 2013 • 2117 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • fax (541)882-7716






Trade your over-stuffed garage for a pocket full of CASH! Use The Nickel!

Classified Deadline is Tuesday @ 11:00 am. Place your ad early to avoid the Tuesday rush.

Merging Households

Music Yard Sale

Unique & Interesting Backyard Sale Friday, August 9 & Saturday, August 10 8 am – 3 pm 1309 Sargent Ave.

Victor Jackson

Friday, August 10 Saturday, August 11 8 am – 3 pm

cell: (541)880-3750 | desk: (541)850-6333

5030 Reeder Road

436 Main St. • 541-884-8373

(Off Hwy 140 E)

top video lottery location • Win Up to $10,000 on Platinum Series


Open at 7:00am Daily

18 beers on tap

Only regulation size tables in town

17 Pool Tables Available Pool Table Rates

$4.00 per Hour

Display Account Executive

Mens/womens clothing, tools, furniture, antiques, household, horse tack, wedding items, Jeep & Scout parts, Bowflex, etc.

The Marketplace of the Community www.klamathfallsnickel.com

Emergency and Social Service Contact Numbers


EmErgEncy Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Sheriff Office Business . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-883-5130 city Police non-emergency . . . . . . . . 541-883-5336

Domestic Crisis Services

Klamath crisis center . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-884-0390 Domestic Violence crisis line (24 hr) 541-884-0390 rape crisis line (24 hr) . . . . . . . . . . . 541-884-0390

Emergency Social Services

Klamath Falls gospel mission . . . . . . 541-882-4895 Klamath/lake county Food Bank . . . 541-882-1223 Oregon Human Development corp . . . 541-883-7186 Salvation Army . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-884-7778 Integral youth Services . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-882-2053 community Point of contact . . . . . . . . . . .541-885-4929 Street Outreach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-850-7385

Health Services

Poison center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-222-1222 American red cross Klamath/lake chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-884-4125 Klamath county Public Health . . . . . .541-882-8846 Salvation Army . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-884-7778 Safenet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-723-3638 Alcoholics Anonymous/Al-Anon Hotline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-883-4970 narcotics Anonymous Hotline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-888-518-8166 gambling Hotline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-800-233-8479 Oregon gambling Help line . . . . . . 1-877-2SToPNoW Sky lakes medical center 2885 Daggett Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-882-6311 mental Health Division . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-882-7291

Community Resources

Klamath co Veterans Service Office . 541-883-4274 Disabled American Veterans . . . . . . . 541-884-9125 Senior center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .541-883-7171 Department of Human Services Self-Sufficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-883-5511 Humane Society - Klamath Animal Shelter 500 miller Island rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .541-882-1119 Oregon road conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511 Out of State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-588-2941 In State Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-800-977-6368 california road conditions Out of State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 916-445-7623 In State Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-427-7623 Dog control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-882-1279

Utility Emergency Numbers

Avista Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-227-9187 Pacific Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-877-548-3768 city of Klamath Falls Utilities Water & Sewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-883-5301 Amerigas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-414-3675

Yard Sale 5523 Cottage Ave.

(off Homedale) Saturday, August 10 8 am – ??? Antique dresser, baby items, electronic ball throw, & much more!

Five Ways to Place a Classified Ad With Us: 1)walk in, 2) mail it in, 3)call it in, 4)fax it in, 5)online. Place your ad today. Phone 541-883-2292, Fax 541882-7716.

Flutes, Clarinets, Saxophones, Trumpets, Trombones, Baritone, Drums Music Teacher collected too much! Lots of other household items

5431 Sturdivant Friday & Saturday August 9 – 10 8 am – 3 pm

(between Upham St. & Fairview School, white house with blue awning)

Shabby Chic Hoosier, old bin table, old cupboards & cabinets, vintage cedar chest, old lamps, desk, bookcases, benches, side tables, antique large oval mirror, chairs, vintage stereo equipment, barely used Craftsman scroll saw, many new canvases, many new frames for paintings, framed paintings & prints, fountains. Plus 100's more items; books, decor items, primitives, household items

Everything reasonably priced! Cash only!

Yard Sale

2117 South 6th Street Klamath Falls, OR 97601 541-883-2292 • FAX 541-882-7716


Display Ad Deadline:

New copy Monday at 5pm, corrections Tuesday, 10am.


Fri & Sat, 8/9 & 8/10 9 am – 5 pm

2336 Greensprings Drive

18' Fiberform boat w inboard motor & trailer, garden tractor w/ blade, furniture, appliances, tires, misc items

Life is a work of art designed by the one who lives it.

Where to calls at The Nickel for Display Sales: Beverly Schuster 541-331-0657 Danielle Mays 541-331-0656 Victor Jackson 541-880-3750 For Classifieds call 541-883-3750

DeaDliNe Tuesday, 11am. ClaSSiFieD aDS: GeNeRal MeRChaNDiSe: $11 for 1 week, $21 for 3 weeks, $36 for 4 weeks. includes border, B/W photo, 3-50 lines, New Today banner. (Color photo addt’l $3.) DealS ON WheelS: 1x3” ad, $15 for 1 week, $28 for 2 weeks. Dealer Deals on Wheels: $20 for 1 week, $33 for 2 weeks. includes color photo and border. BaSiC VehiCle aD: $11 for 1 week, $21 for 3 weeks, $36 for 4 weeks. includes border, 3-50 lines, New Today banner (no photo.) YaRD SaleS: individual sale; 1”-$12, 2”-$18, 3”-$23, 4”-$28. Commercial/ Community (multi-family ad); 1”-$20, 2”-$25, 3”-$30, 4”-$35. Real eSTaTe FOR Sale & ReNTalS: ask your Classified ad-visor for our new great pricing. PiCTuRe ClaSSiFieD Monday, 5:30pm.


ONliNe PlaCeMeNT Monday, 5:30pm.


WeBSiTe ChaRGe: included in pricing. aDDiTiONal ChaRGeS FOR: bold words, color, underline, italics, additional photos.

Billing: Classified ads must be prepaid. We accept Checks, Cash, Visa and Mastercard. if an ad is not prepaid, the ad will not run. The Nickel cannot issue cash refunds. however a check can be sent to you. if the ad was paid for with a credit card, a refund will be issued to your card. The Nickel cannot guarantee specific page or location placement of any ad. if an error occurs in your classified ad, please notify us immediately. We are responsible for only one incorrect insertion. We will credit your account for the amount of the ad for 1 week only. The Nickel reserves the right to refuse, edit or omit any portion of any ad. We will not be responsible for the authenticity and/or the reliability of any advertisement in this publication.

Check Out Our Website at www.klamathfallsnickel.com

Search and Place Ads Online, Anytime! Great Deals Are Right At Your Fingertips!

T B C K d H R K

Classified deadline: tuesdays, 11:00 am • Display Deadline: Mondays, 3:30 pm • www.klamathfallsnickel.com • August 8, 2013 • The Nickel • Page 31







Yard Sale

~~~~MOVING SALE~~~~ 2309 Linda Vista (off Loma Linda) - Sat. 8/10 -- 8-3

REMINDER: When camping be careful with your campfire.

People buy some papers to read; They read The Nickel to Buy!

8 am – 4 pm Cash Only

3264 Treeland Road Chiloquin

Fishing boat, stamping up sets, tack, bargain tables,

1954 John Deere tractor,

Yard Sale Unemployed.. All must sell!

10635 McCormick Rd Keno

Downsizing Some Furniture

(Hwy 66 past Keno Store, before Post Office, right hand side at end of street)


U (Makita), ManEOtools N A truck parts, 2 CB's, car Friday, August 9 ELL C stereo, cassettes, VHS 9 am – 5 pm S I tapes, clothes, handSaturday, August 10 M made beaded earrings, 9 am – 4 pm bracelets, necklaces 24515 Modoc S and key chains. Come U Point EO Rd. find your treasure. (in Modoc AN Point - look for L Most offers accepted! m L E white picket fence) C to -


t a r 50% OFF celeb a d ght Call Call n a i a 541-884-9383 541-884-6771 e n r East Ridge West Ridge o d a he m Every Tuesday Every Wednesday r t an the 12 noon - 2 pm 12 noon - 2 pm o 5 fas in asca $ 1,19 k n a t In n C www.WestRidgeAnimal.com e e r s ha er, b hurs rego c r Save up to 40% with your PuGolddCard inn Pine rn O GNC pro performaNCe amp ic h e t i h r t ® w isto sou vitapak proGramS h the VACCINE CLINICS

6360 South 6th Street

2128 Oregon Avenue


The Nickel Print Edition is Now Online Visit Our Website and Click on the Link! www.klamathfallsnickel.com


Out Of Town

$4.00 per Hour





17 Pool Tables Available Pool Table Rates

Click Here!

436 Main St. • 541-884-8373

s m Cu co wale d on d a s n r a cti oo o d $30 or u s r w F t e T he Nicke l se ryve s, nA ltur Where to callsuat s , a s, s The ds Nickel av le 6”H 75 he Con,295 8x10 Ho S Beatty, Bly, Bonanza, for Display Sales: he tab x2Chemult, $ y y i 1 e r e b b $ l o ry sk, 0”W ai nly ous,425 ca Beverly H ob your recovery, strength, 's Chiloquin, Fort ef B541-331-0657 ve dDairy, e x3 rDorris, Schuster h 1 ! feeAmplify e e o l n ) i n f r L $ h a lls (3 terKeno, D Fo ree rly -Site Up Faenergy, lt 0” alLakeview, performance and training with Klamath, al Mac, 6 t y u g h G Danielle Mays 541-331-0656 e b p s, or e sic gulat On Setamat these c rl s doel, Malin, Midland, Mt.abin scientifically designed, e er ch Merrill, e p c Re Buil y or of Kl Ba 541-880-3750 a Victor Jackson aw r S ic Hebron,e Rocky Sprague solutions with 30 file er iles -drPoint, ou bascomprehensive e, v 2 l i r i 0 l y f e ) $2 For Classifieds h ps, , to m itconvenient River, and(1Tulelake, as De 2call 5m ettwell as ral daily packs in each box. , t l l t o s o i w m r e r N ithin ne Bu de f use , Ra Fan lat 541-883-3750 Klamath Falls. we r w e a , a m d o a s r p s en ng r r b o o d st pg nh oo w ty s 4 0 wo st lo Cu U Gree l- D indoding de 8' er kfa $3 a w clu , na g, W r Si 5522 South Sixth Street e a n s s o r i I r i r t t o b d e ai er op elvinfing 4 0 d us nter d ch dv h e m o i r h e 3 r o h o Klamath Falls, OR 97603 c e $ T S Ro o c n eg lst 5 ea pee on W eel t l ho , $1 ch ic Gr t 16” ruce a. St ted gh p i s 5 a m r u a c a i 2 p e a www.gnc.com • (541) 850-4462 g rea B a si 4 a S str , $ ng or 10 ch Ba 2x imed nd 26 re T d for h new ngi m ,$ 5f us ch u an r s 2 o a a o ) s i r , r P i s $ r h s f Store Hours: Mon-Fri 9-7 • Sat 9-6 • Sun 12-5 a , im e ing or( va 0 ea mplass trim 0 e Tr 4 Pr rs ch es do S id ry g ht $15 ar on $1 10 4x nne rd es 11 a h $ t g w p , , Ru anda hous T-1 ar cre ks d rou avy rink ice se e d 30 St een ide Cle oo rac off w t s , h ved 52 e d a 5 d Gr artS atednate r 7 n o i e a # l r e h ty h 2Sm rrug rbo e c $1 ca se 7 ,n th ple en -586 lon for Coolyca wi y du eac all ub 0 c t a , i h 3 t s t L t 0 ma v P 0 d bo t a 2 he , 8 o e 2 n o j n 8 h $ e $ o 1. et s sta ch, p c d h as, mac ees on tat, as reg 54 ize $200 abin s l a r s s O an anv per pleb e G e c o d a p c le, et, 6-p rm ua me use ticies rful p m A tab shium abinhina . 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Fri & Sat, 7-3 s i o 7 e 0 n 3 ilin 19 bl rid nt er 00. r bo t is ery g0 sp er 6 e 20led i , 0. in . e . t ., . . . . t . . .ir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fri & Sat, 9-2:30 2 e store pa ce pair e, 1 n's s r a 5 v $ v r f a 5 y S . end of Altamont behind p w h . $ e , v T om r 1 s. O all se ts o rds 3 whit me 25 Po e, cab 50 ugh a nd Na 2 ow d fr Ove flat ie, are se 3004 2 pair 's d, $ of fl rame n St . . . . t .w .ic . r .io . . .s ., .$ .1 .w . r .o . 2 . 5 . . . .ls ., . .$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sat, 8-3 r c aRaymond r l l n o s e t s d o e u e r s. . 1 at , $ oo Cu lve n m an , 4 e f e an lingbookic. F ollecn5431 de okSturdivant ks 3 . . . . . . .s .h .e . o . d . e . . .n .c .h .r . s . t . . . . . . . .c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fri & Sat, 8-3 $5 pair cle tings cen glob t o l c o e l s l 5 e A pla old ca e b bo 19 l, o 1 eds ain de s rld id in r . W tio b ba f u pa 0 ela ch a oak ne oil p easi . Wo termore y Q coveDec igina o. 66 c 5 p n r 8 , a o $ r b 90 e 6 of s ach 5. 4-0 c nd yb rd ion f o 0 o po 5. e ives g, 2 th a Pla ha dit st o 00 n 02 n $ n i o 2 0 e , $1 1-88 5 , k k , b 70015Klamath51Ave . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . + . . . . .s . . . . . . .s . . . . . .e .nt .o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sat, 9-3 ny t e re $2 and 54 2 ture gle h, a -3 F GE Ma firs the s. $ 5 A c st i a c 0 e ll t 88 W . -Iowa St . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p . . . e . . .e .a . . . . . . o . f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fri-Sun, 9-5 R Th d a prin 12 p, p. TO n re , -S 54Division . . . . . r ., . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . 2 . 0 . 0 . . . . .c .e .s . . .a .ll . . 2 . . . . . . . .ly ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fri-Sun, 9-3 d u nd u a e 635 n n g NI e o I a a $ ch ie 25. 702 n on , ra lle M 0' th a p dry Sto ll A 1309 Sargent . .il .l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fri & Sat, 8-3 'x2 mon ty Ave . . . . ., . . . . . . . . e . . 5 . . . ., .$ .1 .8 .8 .4 . . . . . .: . .5 . .x5 . 6 . W a 0 & u 1 er 2 ss 1s d 00 C S , 40 ! ir k er d, l r till a y G a a a 2 4 l p w a h v s w 2336 eGreensprings . . .3 .6 . .n .o . . . . . S . . 0 . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fri & Sat, 9-5 cDr . e . n . . . . . . . . . . g . . . .5 . . . . . .D .IN a y, $ r 75 V P8 Lo e Ro x rai g t d e $ h i L R 0 I 3 ve we 1-80 k A 3 ot xy nd ! e ac Vista . .o . . o . . . ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sat, 8-3 tag apLinda lin 301 th La e, C 49 co d ., .o . .d . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B .U . 3 . 0 . , . . m ts. r you y2309 r e s y t a a c e k x 8 p o M ge EL , 25 ust nce liver tric spee fe, r maulela 67-4 Sta nd rnet f E c r a i l a M f l e e T 4 a l la K T 0-6 k a d . o nte 5 s 2 S 2 c 4 b e x e e e, et i 21 ba 53 16 10 r e rid nic stre . the , P gh . .fy . , . . . . . . . . .6 .0 .x .ll . .fo . / . . F .r . e . x .t. . . . . . . . . .s! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sat, 9-2 k i y , r c 0 36565 Modoc Point Rd h r t r n ba ve lde $80 se ted 593 ck l com se re?? m me you , ho ayModoc bla reaRd 24515 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . .c .ra . .1- .9 . . . . . . . . . r .a . U . m . .o . i .g .ra . . . . . . . . . . . Fri, 9-5; Sat, 9-4 l . 3 l , r a 0 1 g w g c ted 76 2 e air, ia ay ill 29. 19 10120 Yoona Bonanza . . . . 2 . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fri-Sun, 8 ia R 9 92 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V .h .y . p . .0 .0 .m . .$2 e n chDr, c 2 3 k i e 4 r 1 ts, 07- ay. L fice W tbefore , O 632 0-Keno, y e 6 s 10635 McCormick Rd, Hwy 66 past Keno Store Post 2 l l f dOffice, right hand side at end l a o 00 -6 Six tab 00 ery ed h F -281 . n e t $1 . . . . . .5 .41 e .d . j .ec . t .s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l .1 .- .8 . .e .v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sat, 8-4 of street . . . . . . . . 1 e n ro 4 ve al en

Open at 7:00am Daily

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Saturday, August 10 8 am – 4 pm

18 beers on tap

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Only regulation size tables in town

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Page 32 • The Nickel • August 8, 2013 • 2117 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 • (541)883-2292 • fax (541)882-7716

3313 Washburn Way


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