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Panjim i May 14, 2011 i Postal Reg. No. Goa 101 i Price Rs. 3.00 i Air Surcharge Rs 2 i Pages 16+10

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JOIN POlITIcs As MIssION, BeDI Tells YOuTh >> P4


8 New fIsh sPecIes fOuND Off BAlI >> P12


Mamata, Jaya ride wave of change Left Front loses 34-year-old hold over West Bengal l AIADMK trumps DMK in TN; Cong gets Assam, Kerala l

PTI New DelhI, MAY 13: Mamata Banerjee stormed the Red bastion terminating the Left Front’s 34-year stranglehold on West Bengal, while Jayalalithaa knocked DMK out of power in Tamil Nadu with a landslide victory in the assembly elections whose results were out Friday. Congress added to Left’s drubbing by snatching power in Kerala by a slender margin while it scored a spectacular hattrick in Assam bagging a near two-third majority to retain power. However, the party tasted defeat in Puducherry at the hands of a rebel who had left the party only a few months

ago and tied up with AIADMK to secure twothirds majority in the 30member assembly. Riding a wave of change in a state where Left ideology ruled the roost for over three decades, Banerjee along with allies Congress and SUCI gave a severe drubbing to the Left Front. The Banerjee-led alliance captured three-fourth majority by winning 227 seats in the 294 seat assembly. Banerjee, Railway Minister at the Centre, did not contest the elections. Trinamool Congress won 184 seats, while Congress bagged 42. The other ally SUCI got one. On the rival side, the

WesT BeNgal (294)


TMC+CONg+sUCI 227 lEFT 63 OTHERs 4 BJP 0

TaMil Nadu (234) AIADMK+ AllIEs 203 DMK+CONg+AllIEs 31 BJP 0 OTHERs 0

assaM (126) CONgREss OTHERs AgP BJP

78 33 10 5

Kerala (140)

UDF lDF BJP OTHERs WOMEN POWER: Jayalalithaa flashes the victory sign after she re-emerged as queen on Tamil Nadu’s political turf while Mamata Banerjee (right) basks in glory after humiliating the Left Front in West Bengal. CPI(M), which headed the Left Front, has won 40 seats. The CPI(M) suffered humiliation when a number of


Tamil Nadu lived up to its ‘winner takes all’ reputation as Jayalalithaa swept back to power with a landslide vic-

tory with her alliance winning 203 seats in the 234member assembly. While the >Continued on pg 10

Puducherry (30) AIADMK+AllIEs 20 DMK+CONg+AllIEs 10 BJP 0 OTHERs 0

its bigwigs, including Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, bit the dust. Shortly after defeat, Bhat-

tacharjee resigned. With defeats in West Bengal and Kerala, the Left will have power only in Tripura.

eD slaps Rs 7 lakh fine on Babush

No detentions; RTe in phases P11

heRAlD RePORTeR PANJIM, MAY 13: In a sensational development, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) has imposed a fine of Rs 7 lakh on Education Minister Babush Monserrate who was caught carrying cash and currency in excess of Rs 22 lakh last month, at the Sahara International Airport at Mumbai. Sources in the ED informed Herald that Babush admitted to carrying cash, >Continued on pg 10

heRAlD RePORTeR PANJIM, MAY 13: Education Minister Babush Monserrate said that the Education Department would go ahead with implementation of the ‘no detention of students from classes I to VIII, from academic year 2010-11’ and implement the Right to Education in a phased manner, ‘after emerging from a meeting with the Chief Minister, here on Friday. “We are starting the implementation of the Act from the forthcoming academic year.

NO TURNINg BACK The RTE Act will be implemented in a phased manner. The ‘no detention’ rule stands for academic year 2010-11. Directions have to be obeyed by all. — Education Minister Babush Monserrate Certain sections of the Act will be implemented,” Monserrate told reporters after meeting Chief Minister Digambar Kamat at his residence on Friday. Warning schools not to disobey the directives given by Education Department on implementing the Right to Education Act, Education

Minister Babush Monserrate said the Act would be implemented in phases, while sticking to his guns to implement the Act from the forthcoming academic year. Minister said that the circular is a part of the government plan to implement RTE in a phased manner in the State. >Continued on pg 10

72 68 0 0

SC quashes speaker’s decision to disqualify 16 MLAs in K’taka

Not our popularity but your posters that cost us the elections. Don’t you have proof readers???

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Absence of land has come in the way of commencing work at the dumping site. Things would start moving once the civic body comes in possession of the additional land --- Fomento Green CEO Sridhar Kamat

Goa I Saturday 14, May 2011

The civic body has drawn up plans for door-todoor garbage collection. We would do this in Comba ward and another ward near the dumping site, on a pilot basis to experiment the concept. --- MMC CEO Prasanna Acharya

WILL THE MMC ACQUIRE ADDITIONAL LAND, BEFORE THE MONSOON FURY PLAYS HAVOC AT SONSODO? NCP’s cat and mouse game Benaulim MLA Mickky Pacheco has let the cat out of the bag after nearly one year. Remember the massive convention organized by Mickky at Betalbatim under the NCP banner earlier last year. Well, those who attended the convention watched with raised eyebrows, how the crowd started slipping out from the venue, as soon as NCP supremo Sharad Pawar took to the podium to address the gathering. Congress leaders were quick to fire a salvo to accuse the NCP of “hiring” the crowd for the convention. Well well now more than a year later, Pacheco has blown the cover on the trade secret. He disclosed that people attended the convention, not because of the NCP, but out of love and support for him. Still doubting? Mickky points out that crowd exodus began after his address at the convention and before Pawar could begin his blah!

Look who’s talking (Konkani) In this English summer – where politicos jostle for space to fight for English as medium of instruction – PWD Minister Churchill Alemao surprisingly rooted for Konkani, his mother tongue, after making a case for English as the medium, all season. In fact, Alemao created a flutter when he stopped the compere from conducting the proceedings in English. The occasion was the release of a Konkani film VCD ‘Kiteak Upkarta’ when Alemao insisted that the compere speak in Konkani since the function pertains to a Konkani VCD. And, the PWD Minister made it a point to insist on the VCD producer Steffi Goes to address the media in the mother tongue. Steffi obliged, but had to literally struggle in her brief address.

Change of heart & confused mind United Goans Democratic Party ideologue Radharao Gracias English stance found himself in a tight spot, when cornered to explain the party’s stand on MoI, with two partymen Adv Anacleto Viegas and Prashant Naik strongly rooting for Konkani. Radharao was prompt to wriggle out of a scribe’s query that Anacleto and Prashant were only expressing individual opinion, and not that of UGDP. When the scribe insisted on an unequivocal answer, vis-à-vis Anacleto-Prashant’s Konkani stance, a visibly agitated Radha lost his cool and hit out at the journo’s alleged Hindutva-BJP leanings, throwing the entire conference room into a tizzy. But he concluded with his inimitable jest, Radharao begged to differ on a suggestion that Anacleto may have changed his heart now on the medium of instruction. “Anacleto’s heart still lies with my sister-in-law. He has only changed his tongue”, Radha laughed.

Class War While going hammer and thongs against former chief minister Dr Wilfred De Souza in the ding dong retaliatory attacks between PWD Minister Churchill Alemao on him on the medium of instruction row, the Varca strongman unwittingly kicked up another row – by publicly showering praises on former chief minister and BJP leader Manohar Parrikar, for supporting a minority school in Benaulim. While trying to justify his statement that Dr Willy only used his ‘community’ for his selfish ends. But, recognising the potential storm it could foment in party circles, Alemao quickly changed his tune to add that Chief Minister Digambar Kamat had the same mind like Parrikar, to work for the people’s welfare. And, while he attacked Dr Willy and Uday Bhembre, saying both come from the “high class” with a common agenda to keep the poor and common man backward, a scribe was overheard saying that even Parrikar and Digambar come from the same “class” a la Willy and Bhembre.

BaBa’s Black sheep Call it a sheer coincidence or otherwise, detractors of Margao Municipal Chairperson Sushila Nayak have suddenly become active in a bid to dislodge her from office – immediately after the Margao Mayor got a brand new Toyota Corola Altis. Dissenting voices have been doing the rounds in the municipal corridors to bring a no confidence motion against the Margao Mayor. This group, includes a couple of black sheep City Fathers very closely associated with Chief Minister Digambar Kamat. Now, questions are doing the rounds whether this group of City Fathers would dare to sign on the dotted line, when they are well aware that expressing no confidence in Sushila would implicitly show lack of confidence in the ‘Baba’ as he had handpicked her to lead the civic body as part of his political scheme of things.

Heaps of garbage, abundant stink and apathy on the part of the Margao Municipal Council continue to haunt the Sonsodo garbage dumping site, even after a year having lapsed since the MMC filed an affidavit before the Panjim bench of the Bombay High Court. Guilherme Almeida sifts through the issues surrounding the dumping site, with an eye on the approaching monsoons which would aggravate the problem.


onsodo, the perennial eyesore torturing Madganvkars, is back in the new for being inconspicuous. Yes, essentially nothing is happening there. One year ago, Margao Municipal Council filed an affidavit before the Panjim bench of the Bombay High court assuring to install a waste treatment plant at Sonsodo by April 30, 2011, raising hope that people would be finally free from the stink. April 2011, having done nothing, the civic body filed yet another affidavit before the High court stating that the treatment plant would be complete in all respects by May 30, 2012. Shockingly, more than three months since the Margao Civic body signed Concession Agreement with Fomento Green Waste Management Services Pvt Ltd, for setting up waste treatment plant at Sonsodo, just nothing

moved. Barring a trommel installed for segregation of existing waste by Fomento, the situation remains unchanged. Even the trommel is not operating to its optimum capacity for want of alternate land to cart away rejects from the dumping site by civic body, as mandated by the concession agreement. Interestingly the civic body has tendered transportation of Sonsodo garbage which is to be dumped at landfill opposite the KTC bus stand, without mandatory clearances from the Goa State Pollution Control Board. The main problem due to which nothing is moving is the MMC’s failure to speedily acquire 57,000 sq mts required to set up waste treatment plant at the dumping site, the process for which seems to have started belatedly. With the existing dump yard almost saturated with waste, both Fomento and the

civic body hope to commence work at the yard once the municipality comes in possession of this additional land. That things are moving at a snail’s pace was evident by the fact that Fomento submitted the Rs two crore Performance Guarantee to the MMC more than two months after the signing of the agreement. The

civic body as well as the High Powered Committee headed by Chief Minister Digambar Kamat took time to finalise Ahmedabad-based consultant P U Asnani to monitor the work of the treatment plant. And, with the non-materialization of proposed waste treatment plant, Fomento is bracing up to cover the exist-

ing garbage mound with tarpaulin to stop the flow of leachate in the adjoining water nullah as per the high court directions. Says Fomento Green CEO, Sridhar Kamat: “Absence of land has come in the way of commencing work at the dumping site. But, the company has already placed orders

for heavy machinery. Things would start moving once the civic body comes in possession of the additional land”. And, if Kamat is to be believed, the treatment plant costing Rs 7.5 crore would finally see light of the day around February-March 2012 if everything works out as per the plans.

Compost or waste transportation?


n a bid to cart away rejects and other waste from Sonsodo, the Margao Municipality has tendered work of transportation of “Compost” from Sonsodo to fill up the low lying area of Madel, opposite the KTC bus stand, acquired for parking and triangular piece of land at old market circle acquired for the rehabilitation of the displaced kiosk owners. What has come as a surprise is that the civic body has initiated tendering process sans sanction from the Goa State Pollution Control Board since it has to be examined whether the waste at Sonsodo is indeed compost or waste mixed with pollutants. The entire exercise will cost the civic body around Rs 60 lakhs for transportation of around five cubic metres of “compost” from

Sonsodo to the acquired low lying fields of old market-Madel. “The municipality has not sought any clearance from the Goa State Pollution Control Board before taking up transporta-

tion of the waste/compost from Sonsodo to old market”, admitted MMC Chief Officer, Prasanna Acharya. “But, I would like to clarify that the civic body would transport compost to the acquired land only after re-

ceiving green signal from the GSPCB”. Says Fomento Green CEO, Sridhar Kamat: “There is need to treat the waste at Sonsodo as a problem. The responsibility of carting away rejects from Sonsodo lies with Margao Municipality as per the Concession Agreement. But, there’s need to take people and all stakeholders into confidence before dumping rejects in the low lying areas of Madel and old market”. Sources in the know said sample testing of the waste in the past had revealed the presence of toxic material, including lead and arsenic, though in less quantities. It is learnt that Chief Minister Digambar Kamat has been briefed on the MMC’s move to transport the rejects to Madel and old market.

Margao may be garbage free within next six months if the wheels of bureaucracy move smoothly

After months of hard bargaining and negotiations, the Margao Municipal Council inked a Concession agreement with Fomento Sociedade on February 1, 2011 to rid the Sonsodo waste of the stink. Much water has flown down River Sal since then, but there’s no perceptible change on the ground at Sonsodo in the last three months. Guilherme Almeida conversed with MMC Chief Officer Prasanna Acharya and Fomento Green CEO Sridhar Kamat regarding their plans and solutions to the vexed Sonsodo garbage problem. Herald: It’s three months since Fomento inked an agreement with the MMC to tackle problems surrounding Sonsodo garbage dump. But, there seems to be no changes on the ground. Comment. Sridhar: One would see changes at Sonsodo only as and when the plant is commissioned. We have already started the ground work by placing orders for the required machinery. We have placed order for the Electrically Operated Traveling (EOT) crane as it takes eight months for its production. Similarly, the company has placed order for a stationary crane, additional trammels, etc. This machinery is not available off the shelf and we have placed pucca purchase orders with advances with the manufacturers even though we have not received a single paisa from Margao civic body. As far as the shed is concerned, we will build a football ground size shed. The fabrication work has

Fomento Green CEO, Sridhar Kamat commenced at the factory. The moment we get the land and we will commence civil construction subject of course to the monsoons. Herald: What exactly are Fomento’s plan for Sonsodo? Sridhar: The whole plan is to get rid of waste at the dumping site in a scientific manner. There are two aspects, which we have to take note of while putting our plan in place. First, there is an existing dump at the site which needs to be cleared. For that, we have commissioned a trammel, but it is the responsibility of the Margao Municipality to cart away

rejects from the site. The MMC has been cooperative. We understand that land acquisition is a tedious process. Herald: When can the people of Margao see a turnaround at Sonsodo? Sridhar: If we get the 57,000 sq mts of land by June 15, it would require minimum eight months to commission the plant, taking into account the monsoons. If we are on schedule, the plant should be in operation around FebruaryMarch 2012. Herald: Is Fomento also keen in the collection of door-to-door garbage from city households? Sridhar: Yes. We understand that unless there is an integrated system put in place, a clean Margao cannot become a reality. The waste generated in the city needs to be segregated at source. Whether we do the collection work by ourselves or partner with civic body, needs to be discussed. We are trying to work out certain things in consultation with civic body.

waste before obtaining Herald: Margao municiNOCs from concerned aupality had filed an affidavit thorities. We are following in the high court last year due process. that the treatment plant at Herald: MMC does not Sonsodo would be in place seem to have made any by April 30, 2011. What has headway in garbage collecgone wrong with your tion from the city hotels plans? and households. Acharya: Basically, Acharya: The civic body when we filed the affidavit has drawn up plans for doorin the high court last year, we thought that we would Chief Officer Prasanna to-door garbage collection. We would do this in Comba be able to clear the existing Acharya waste dump. We were not sure how ward and another ward near the dumpmuch time it would take to complete the ing site, on a pilot basis to experiment the work. We have now decided to shift the concept. This plan which is at the concepplant to the additional land. Proceed- tion stage, would be placed before the ings to acquire the additional land are High Powered Committee headed by Chief Minister Digambar Kamat. presently underway. Herald: When can the citizens expect Herald: Fomento has maintained that much progress could not be made a clean Margao, free from garbage and at Sonsodo for want of land as MMC has litter? Acharya: If the proposed plan of failed to cart away rejects from the yard. Acharya: We may not agree with Fo- door-to-door garbage collection is a sucmento on this issue, we are not at fault cess, Margao should be free from and are bound by collective decisions. garbage within next six months. Once Any action on our part should not harm the pilot project shows positive results, the interests of Margao. Presently, it the same would be extended to the rewould not be prudent to cart away maining 20 wards.

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Goa I Saturday 14, May 2011


CCP’s parks project rejected HERALD REPORTER PANJIM, MAY 13 : Corporation of the City of Panjim (CCP) plans for renewal of parks, gardens and open spaces by availing funds under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Development Mission (JNNURM)

has been rejected by the Ministry of Urban Development has been rejected for being a non priority project . The Rs 18.77 crore project was revered for being “nonpriority project.” A government officer who wished to remain anonymous told Herald that the Goa Govern-

ment pointing out that it is a less priority project and hence it should reconsider it. Ironically, all three projects submitted by the CCP to Ministry of Urban Development e-governance Rs 15.5 crores, urban renewal Parks, gardens & open spaces Rs 18.77 crore and

heritage conservation Rs 10.53 crore are non-priority projects and may meet the same fate. However it was not known why the CCP which was desperately in need of funds for major infrastructuraldevelopmentprojects in the city, chose to concentrate on non-priority projects. When contacted Mayor Yatin Parekh said getting funds under JNNURM is a collective effort and Chief Minister as well as MLA of Panjim should take equal initiative.

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MARGAO: Ruling that it is high time that the Margao Municipal Council arrange its records properly and comply with section 4 of the Right to Information Act, State Chief Information Commissioner M S Keny has directed MMC Public Information Officer to pay a fine of Rs 5000 as penalty for delay in providing information. Directions were issued to Director of Accounts for execution and recovery of penalty from the PIO in two installments from July and August 2011 salary. While imposing the penalty in a complaint filed by Jose Joe Carneiro, a resident of Sirvodem, State Chief Information Commissioner hoped that MMC PIO will not be recalcitrant in the discharge of his statutory duty under RTI in future.

Another calf killed by leopard MARGAO: Yet another calf, barely a week old, fell prey to a leopard attack in Cavorim Chandor on Thursday morning. This is the second calf to be killed by a leopard in the last two months, and both the calves belonged to Andrew D’Silva, a dairy farmer from Ghottmorod which lies at the foothills in the village. In fact, D’Silva, who is acknowledged as the highest milk producer in Salcete, has lost nearly dozen calves to leopards over the last two years. In the instant case, the week old calf was tied a little away from the mother as it was in the habit of constantly drinking milk. On Thursday morning when D’Silva, and his two helpers went to milk the animals, they found the mauled calf.

Seamen call on CM MARGAO: A delegation of Goan Retired Seamen Welfare Association led by President Ifrona Dias called on Chief Minister Digamber Kamat here on Friday and apprised him of sufferings of Seamen and their families and requested him to pursue solution to heir problems with Union Minister forshipping. After the meeting, Dias informed that the Chief Minister has asked for details including the number of seamen enlisted from Goa, to peruse the issue. “We have drawn attention of Chief Minster about the promise made by late Dr Leo Barnes in his Diwali Message to come out with a pension scheme of Rs 500 to the seamen in 1998. We also explained to Kamat that NUSI hospital used to give 50 per cent of medical grant to seamen in the past, but since it has changed to NUSI Wockhard the present grant is reduced to 20 per cent, which seamen claim to be unfair”, he said.

Man ends life in Ponda MARCEL: A 35-year old man from Mestawada-Curti in Ponda hanged himself to death on Friday evening. Ponda police said Umesh Naik was reportedly mentally unsound and was missing since Thursday. The body was found hanging from the ladder of the government water tank along the Curti bypass (NH4A). Ponda police is investigating the case.

Woman dies in mishap MARCEL: A trip to attend a marriage ceremony ended in tragedy when a two-wheeler skidded off the road at Amlai-Panchawadi, Shiroda, on Friday morning, killing a woman and injuring her husband. According to Ponda police, Santosh Naik (42) and his wife, Santoshi (40) from Sanvordem were proceeding towards Shiroda on their two-wheeler (GA09-C-4155). As they reached Amlai at about 10.45 am, Santosh lost control and the vehicle fell into a culvert. Santosh escaped with minor injuries, while his wife was first rushed to the Shiroda PHC and later shifted to Hospicio at Margao. She expired in the afternoon. Ponda police is investigating the case.

Vehicle seized in assault case PORVORIM: Porvorim police has seized a vehicle in connection with the assault on Penha da Franca Panch Umesh Phadte on Thursday night. Phadte, who is undergoing treatment at Goa Medical College treatment at Bambolim, told Porvorim police that two masked persons alighted from a car (GA-03-H-1312) outside his residence in Housing Board colony and assaulted him. They later fled from the scene. Acting on the information provided by Phadte, police located and detained the car belonging to advocate Umesh Naik of Nerul. However, Naik has informed the police that his car was at his residence when the incident reportedly took place.

HSSC results on May 18 PANJIM: Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education will declare results of Higher Secondary School Certificates (HSSC) examinations on May 18 at 3.30 pm. Official from Goa Board said that the date for results of Secondary School Certificate (SSC) will be announced subsequently after HSSC results. This time, the results will consider marks and grade for the students while from next academic year, the board will adopt grading pattern.

Attempts are being made to break the ongoing movement against corruption by branding the activists as RSS and BJP members. We have no connection with these organizations. -- Arvind Kejarival

Goa I Saturday 14, May 2011

Students are centred towards studies and careers, paying little attention to community development and social work. In countries like Germany, students are not awarded BA degrees until they dedicate one year to community development. -- Kiran Bedi

Movement is against corruption, not party politics: Kejarival Goans urged to form Lokayukta Bill panel


MARGAO, MAY 13 : Rubbishing reports that the activists around India Against Corruption are connected to RSS and BJP, social activist Arvind Kejarival has said the ongoing movement is a fight against corruption and warned that people will not vote for the party trying to block passage of the Lokpal Bill, which envisages bringing office of Prime Minister and Judiciary under its purview, while addressing a public meeting at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao, on Friday. Activists will take up the next fight for decentralization of powers to panchayats by empowering gram sabhas with powers to decide the village destiny and to bring about reforms to ensure the right to recall and reject elected representatives. “Attempts are being made to break the ongoing movement against corruption by branding the activists as RSS and BJP members. We have no connection with these organizations. Our fight is only against corruption”, he said. He said the draft bill pre-

Santosh Mirajkar


Arvind Kejarival addressing a public meeting at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao, on Friday. pared by Civil Society has made provision for merger of the CBI and Central Vigilance Commission with the Lokpal, saying these agencies have lost credibility and are not independent of the government. “There is no recovery mechanism in the Prevention of Corruption Act. We have proposed recovery sys-

tem from the accused officials as well as from their families”, he said. Saying that corruption in the country has increased post globalisation-liberalisation-privatisation, Swami Agnivesh said that corruption has given a picture that India is up for grabs, for sale and loot by the mining and other mafia.

PANJIM, MAY 13: Activists of India Against Corruption (IAC), on Friday urged the people of Goa to form a panel for drafting Lokayukta Bill for Goa before 2012 assembly elections, while addressing a massive meeting at Azad Maidan, on Friday. The activists also demanded that the State government arrest the assailants who severely attacked Nilesh Gaonkar, spearheading the anti-mining agitation at Cavrem-Quepem. “Goa should stress on Lokayukta Bill for its State… People of Goa should form a committee for drafting the Lokayukta Bill and unfold a new citizen’s plan…General public should give their views for the Bill,” celebrated policewoman Kiran Bedi said. She also insisted on starting a youth movement for Goa. Activists including Arvind Kejriwal and Swami Agnivesh were in Goa, as

part of an all-India awareness campaign against corruption by the IAC. Kejriwal, who activated India’s Right to Information movement said that they have written to the Director General of Police Aditya Arya demanding arrests of assailants who attacked the anti mining activist at Cavrem and also the mine owners who are suspected of beingthebrainbehindtheattack. “We, the anti-corruption crusaders, have been attacked many-a-times. We are not only physically attacked but there have been also attempts at character assassination ,” Kejriwal said. The activist recalled how attempts were made by accusing Hazare and his team of corruption, days after Hazare broke his fast-untodeath, after Central government agreed to their demand to give equal representation from civil society in drafting the Lokpal Bill.

Ill health keeps Anna away HERALD REPORTER PANJIM, MAY 13: Anna Hazare, crusader against corruption, could not make it for the public meeting held at Azad Maidan on Friday due to his health problems. Anna was supposed to start his nationwide anti corruption campaign from Goa today. Former IPS officer Kiran Bedi told reporters that Anna was unwell due to the hot weather. The meetings in Panjim, Vasco and Margao were addressed by other anti corruption crusaders, which were attended by a large number of people including local activists, youths and others.

Join politics as mission, Bedi tells youth M Prabhav

HERALD REPORTER VASCO, MAY 13: Former IPS officer and noted social activist Kiran Bedi on Friday encouraged youth to get into politics as a mission and passion, and not for business or profession. "Politics without basic positive community development and social work is corrupt politics. Youth aspiring to join politics should build their foundation on community development and social work," said Bedi. Bedi was addressing an interactive session with youth during her visit as part of the nationwide campaign 'India Against Corruption' at Shantoshi Maata Temple, New Vaddem, Vasco. “Youth should not take to

A volunteer affixes a badge on former IPS officer and noted social activist Kiran Bedi on her arrival at Dabolim airport. .

politics is a business or profession, but politics should be mission and passion for them,” said Bedi, who previously served as SP Traffic in the State. “Even Mahatma Gandhi was in politics but he never used it as business or profession, but as passion for a social cause,” she added. Advising youth to begin their political carrier with positive social work and community development, the former Ramon Magsaysay Awardee said people would automatically give their mandate to good leaders. Commenting on the present education system, Bedi

GHA firm in opposing ‘no detention’ circular HERALD REPORTER PANJIM, MAY 13: Goa Headmasters Association’s Executive Committee today decided to stick to its stance of opposing the ‘no detention’ circular for the academic year 2010-11. GHA President Sanjiv Sawant said that schools cannot promote students in absence of the proper guidelines. The association, which has all school headmasters as its members, has decided to meet on Monday May 16, at Panjim to chalk out their final stand on the issue. He said that education department should hold back the circular unless guidelines are given to the schools. Sawant said that at present the schools are following education department guidelines for I-VII students while guidelines of Goa Board of Secondary and higher secondary education are followed by class VIII. He said that the associa-

tion was not opposing Right to Education (RTE) act, as there are 31 sections in it. The education department has implemented only section 16. Once RTE is notified, teachers will be trained and also there will be continuous and comprehensive evaluation of students. GHA chief said that they had already made their stand clear against implementation of section 16 for the bygone academic year. “We had submitted memoranda to Chief Minister and Education minister on the issue, which they ignored,” he added. The state Education department via a circular dated May 6, had implemented section 16 of RTE, directing all the schools in the state not to hold back or expel the child till the completion of elementary education from classes I to VIII, effective from academic year 2010-11.

NGO calls it a vote bank politics


PANJIM, MAY 13: We The People, a state level NGO, has accused state government of indulging in vote bank politics by partially implementingRighttoEducation (RTE),Act2009,whichforcedinstitutionstopassallstudentsfrom classes I to VIII. The NGO has said that state education department should have implemented Section 16 of the act, which deals with ‘no detention’ of students till class VIII, only after proper evaluation of students. “We oppose the curtailed and hasty implementation of RTE act for the state. Government is trying to fool people by showing carrots of elementary education till class VIII without being held back,” We The People’s President Pravin Faldesai said. He alleged that government by adopting such policies is targeting votes of parents for the forthcoming

We oppose the curtailed and hasty implementation of RTE act for the state. Government is trying to fool people by showing carrots of elementary education till class VIII without being held back,” We The People’s President Pravin Faldesai said.

State Assembly elections. “By ignoring the entire Act, only one section which deals with ‘no detention’ of tudents was examined by government. This act of education department is incomprehensible and absolutely illegal,” Faldesai added saying that there should be wide discussion in this regard and decision has to be taken after examining all pros and corns of the act. “As per section 29 of the Act, it is the responsibility of state government to appoint and specify by a notification an academic authority who shall lay down the curriculum and evaluation procedure for elementary education,” Faldesai said. He said that government has not given effect to any of

the aforementioned provisions and is arbitrarily trying to force implementation of only one section. The NGO has demanded state government to withdraw its circular over ‘no detention’ policy and to review and change its decision of implementation of only one section of RTE act. Education department in a May 6 circular has asked all schools not to hold back or expel any student from schools till class VIII. The circular was made effective from academic year 2010-11 forcing schools to promote all those students who failed for that year, GHA has shown strong opposition to the circular stating that it should have come prior to declaration of results.

regretted that politicians had deliberately sidelined community development projects. “Students are centred towards studies and careers, paying little attention to community development and social work. In countries like Germany, students are not awarded BA degrees until they dedicate one year to community development,” said Bedi. “Community projects have been deliberately neglected in our education system, because politicians don't want a new nursery of youth in community service, which enable them to be good leaders,” she added.

Sancoale chapel burgled HERALD REPORTER VASCO, MAY 13: Burglars broke into Our Lady of Health Chapel, at Sancoale and desecrated a statue, besides stealing another statue and cash from the fund box, sometime between Wednesday night and Friday evening. Speaking to Herald, Chapel committee member Philip D'Souza said the chapel had been locked for two days following a tiatr near the chapel on Wednesday. "Today evening at around 5.45 pm, when one resident went to collect his electrical appliance from the chapel, he found all three locks of the chapel broken," D'Souza said. "It was found that one statue of Our Lady of Heath is missing, while another statue was desecrated. Cash of about Rs 200 was also missing from the fund box."

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There is no meaning in today’s inauguration when a priest had blessed and inaugurated the bridge on April 27. Moreover, people from outside the village were hired for the event as the locals didn’t support the same. People of Majorda would teach --- Mickky Churchill a lesson for his act.

Churchill opens road at Majorda amidst protest by Mickky’s men HERALD REPORTER MARGAO, MAY 13: Tension gripped Majorda Friday evening as PWD Minister Churchill Alemao alongwith Power Minister Alexio Sequeira inaugurated the Majorda road under bridge, amidst protests by local MLA Mickky Pachecho and his supporters. Armed with black flags,

placards and banners, Pacheco’s supporters tried to approach the bridge site, but were kept at bay by a strong posse of policemen led by Deputy Superintendent of Police Umesh Gaonkar and his team. Shouting slogans against the PWD Minister, the supporters showered praise on Pacheco and

booed both the power and PWD ministers. At the venue of the inauguration, Churchill was greeted by his supporters with shouts of Viva Churchill, even as the minister showed victory signs as he and Alexio Sequeira inaugurated the bridge by cutting the ribbon and unveiling the plaque. While addressing his supporters after the inauguration, Alemao said the bridge has been “legally” inaugurated by him and added that he does not care for threats when people and God are with him. He thanked engineers and other people for supporting the work and assured to take up all pending works of the village. On the other hand, Pacheco said the inauguration was done by Alemao by hiring people from outside the village and added that people of Majorda would teach them a lesson. He demanded to know why the

GBA warns govt over regional plan maps HERALD REPORTER PANJIM, MAY 13 : Goa

Bachao Abhiyan and its affiliated groups have given an ultimatum to the government to either keep land use taluka maps plans open for 30 days prior to notification as per the government order, else the GBA and groups will take on the government, as decided at its meeting Friday. A memorandum to this effect will be handed over to the Chief Secretary demanding a structured meeting before Goa’s Statehood Day on 30 May, 2011. Goa Bachao Abhiyan, various individuals, RP village committees and groups of activists working for participatory planning for their villages and towns as part of the Regional Plan 2021 were present at the meeting, which decided to seek legal counsel to identify and stall malpractice in the process of planning in parallel to other activities. The meeting was held in the wake of notification, withholding and subsequent release of surface utilization plans of three talukas – Sattari, Ponda and Quepem. The Regional Plan village committees, individuals, representatives of various groups, while venting out their anger against the government, came out very strongly on several issues such as lack of transparency, denial of information, illegal land conversions, illegal licenses under old RP, zone plan changes, no notice of projects sanctioned in villages etc. “The government has decided to make corrections to the boundaries after notification of plan, giving scope for many other changes after notification,” Convenor of the GBA Sabina Martins said. “Introduction of new policies without 30 days mandatory public inspection before notification is suspect, especially when the Government skips its own process without explanation,” she added.


names of the Power Minister, Urban Development Minister Joaquim Alemao and Cortalim MLA figure on the plaque. “There’s no meaning in today’s inauguration when a priest had blessed and inaugurated the bridge on April 27. This only goes to show that the Congress is communal,” he said. Majorda Sarpanch Visitation D’Silva bitterly protested over the inauguration, demanding to know why her name does not figure on the plaque despite being the village head. Colva ZP member Nelly Rodrigues also protested. The area near the road under bridge was literally turned into a fortress, with the Goa police mobilising a huge force to tackle any untoward incident. Superintendent of police, South Tony Fernandes was present at the venue closely monitoring the situation. That the police did not take any chances was evident by the fact that the official vehicle was provided with an armed escort by the elite Eagle force.

Goa I Saturday 14, May 2011

I am not fooling the seaman with the promise of hike in pension. I have taken up their cause with the Union shipping minister and others. It will take some time to solve their pension prob-- Sardinha lem.

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The influx of drugs into Goa is from domestic sources, through domestic carriers and supplied to dealers of various nationalities in Goa. ­—­Edit

Vol. No CXI No. 133 I­Goa I Saturday 14, May 2011

At present, FPI in Goa lacks supply of raw materials, finance and marketing support.


Promoting the food processing industry

People’s injection needed to tackle drugs


ood Processing Industry (FPI) in Goa constitutes of 12 large scale units and over 1,000 small and medium enterprises of which many are seasonal in nature and in the unorganized sector. Activities are as diverse as marine and fishing (frozen and canned), milk and its products, snack foods, meat based products, biscuit, bread, confectionary, mineral water and beverages, nuts (cashew) among others. To give a boost to FPI in the state, the government has constituted a task force under the chairmanship of Nandkumar Kamat. At present, FPI in Goa lacks supply of raw materials, finance and marketing support. For FPI to thrive, we need to give special thrust, as it promotes agriculture in the state. This can be done by revisiting industrial and biotech policies with additional incentives to FPI, capital contribution scheme with special preference to food processing industries, capital incentive subsidy on the lines of biotech policy but with higher limit, power tariff to be lowered for SMEs operating in cold-chain logistics and perishables including cold storage and setting up of Goa food processing development council to promote investments in FPI. Large units have their own quality control lab and infrastructure, the micro and small units are unable to invest in infrastructure for quality control. Goa


team from the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) swooped down upon a German supporting actor, who worked as an extra in the controversial movie Dum Maro Dum (DMD) and arrested him and his supplier on a drugs charge. Ralph Diersmanm, who did a two bit role in Dum Maro Dum, was caught at the Anjuna flea market, while waiting for a delivery of 11 packets of hashish, amounting to Rs five lakh. The pair was escorted to Goa during their remand period for further investigation and were lodged in the Porvorim lock-up. Interrogation further revealed that Ralph was supposed to deliver the courier to his customers in Goa, while Krishna confessed of being a ‘habitual carrier.’ “They smuggled drugs to Goa from Himachal Pradesh and Nepal. Their main market was northern coastal belt Anjuna, Vagator and Calangute,” said the source. While this is a story that is routine in the life of the Goa police, it’s important to focus attention on the fact that deliveries of drugs to Goa is not just from Russian and Israeli sources, with Nigerians used as pushers. The influx of drugs into Goa is from domestic sources, mainly the towns of Kulu and Manali, through domestic carriers and supplied to dealers of various nationalities in Goa. So, while the customs and the ANC tries and plugs loopholes at the airport and perhaps at the port too, drugs are entering Goa in the simplest manner possible. In cars and buses from Sawantwadi, through the Patradevi check post, in the North Goa taluka of Pernem. It is this check post that needs to be monitored. Unfortunately, the check posts to the north of Goa have points of major slackness and corruption. It is common knowledge that trucks passing through these posts routinely bribe those manning the posts, making this one of the most lucrative check posts in the state. Goa’s entire drug mechanism needs an overhaul. The team needs to be changed. Good honest officers need to be handpicked and posted to the ANC and big time arrest and seizures need to be made. But the real work lies elsewhere and this can’t be done by weapons alone. The destruction of the society in the North Goa villages of Baga, Anjuna, Vagator and Chapora is serious. Children are dropping out of school to push drugs, homes are being rented to store drugs, while motorcycle pilots ferry carriers or are carriers themselves. Importantly, the danger is as much from within as from the outside. Boys from Kulu and Manali bring in drugs of pure quality from their home towns and push them into the market here. They have started marrying Goan girls and assimilating themselves into the villages as locals. The menace has to be fought as much socially and legally. Citizens groups need to be formed. Activists need to get into the act. This is a far more serious invasion than a builder building a controversial housing project. The drug infusion will destroy Goa’s future in a manner much more brutal than the rape of Goa’s greenery and natural resources. This is a fight that should be treated at least at par, if not more seriously than the other fights in Goa’s countryside. The call is to school teachers, to parents, to panchayat members, to shack owners and, to motorcycle pilots. The call is to every fisherman who goes to sea and every fisher woman who then sells the fish in the market. The call is to the village poder, the bus driver, the bar man, the barber and the vegetable seller. Each one of you has to be watchdogs to see and report. This is the level of community policing that is required. It is only then that day to day information will filter through and drug peddlers and dealers can be checked.Goa needs a social transition and social transformation to fight drugs. This will not come from the government. We have to seize the initiative and prepare the fluid that will go in to a very powerful people’s injection, to nullify the effects of that drug poisoned needle, which goes into the vein of every suspecting youth in Goa.

dr sangam Kurade has one government sponsored food and drugs laboratory operating at Bambolim. The state food and drugs administration has granted approval under the drugs and cosmetics rules 1945 for setting–up two private approved testing laboratories — Neucon Laboratories and Chokshi Laboratories, based at Verna. Both are engaged in the analysis of pharmaceutical products and need to evolve into pro-food. For this to happen — infrastructure of these labs needs to be upgraded through ministry of food processing industries (MOFPI) schemes and government of Goa food safety and standards act, which is being implemented and will help in enforcement and adherence to standards by operating units. In Goa, the port, railway container yard, airport and container freight station (Verna) are located within a 10 kms radius. But companies prefer to import/export through Mumbai (Nava Sheva Port) because of bottlenecks in infrastructure in Goa and time delays in clearance.

In 2010-11 about 1,400 containers of frozen fish was exported through Goa. Quick-response at ports is a must for quick-clearance of cargo. Clearance is given in hours in Mumbai, but it takes days in Goa. A state-of-art centre for perishable cargo (CPC) is available at Dabolim airport, with handling capacity of about 20 tons of perishable/general cargo per day. The Container Corporation of India (CCIL), who have been appointed as the custodians of CPC have handled 650 tons of fresh / pre-processed cargo from Goa (approximately two tons per day) to Middle-Eastern markets in 2010. There is an urgent need for a phyto pathologist for issuing phytosanitary certificate, which is absent in Goa. Certificates have to be issued in Mumbai. This is expected to boost exports to five tons per day in immediate future. The Mopa airport container handling needs to be pre-planned to handle 50 tons per day of perishables. Goa can become the logistics hub for exports from Goa, south Maharashtra and north Karnataka. This would give a boost to ancillary units in FPI and agricultural activity in the state. Dr Sangam Kurade is the managing director of Zuari Foods and Farms. He has done his Ph D in food technology from University of Tennessee (USA) and is actively associated in promoting FPI in Goa.


Intellectual property is murder


mong the terms of a so-called free trade agreement between the European Union and India is a requirement for data exclusivity which will eviscerate India’s generic drug industry. Data exclusivity means that clinical trials conducted before marketing by the company that originally produced the drug cannot be applied to meet government safety or efficacy requirements for the generic version. Each separate company that wants to market a generic version of a patented drug will first have to conduct its own clinical trials as a precondition. That directly contradicts one of the arguments commonly put forward by patent apologists—patents are an antidote to trade secrets because they require openness as a condition of obtaining a patent. Data exclusivity is a death sentence not only for those in India who can’t afford to pay tribute to the owners of stategranted patent monopolies, but also for the people of such countries as South Africa and Brazil, where the availability of cheap medicine for treating HIV depends on the output of India’s generic drug industry.

Kevin Carson Let’s be clear on something: Those who call this abomination a free trade agreement are liars. It’s like calling the Nuremberg Laws a civil rights act. Basic research on which drug development is based is carried out at government expense in publicly funded universities. Half of the overall cost of drug R and D is taxpayer-funded. In the United States, under the terms of legislation passed in the 1980s, the patents on drugs are given away—free of charge— to drug companies that produce and market them. Most of the actual R and D cost for developing drugs comes not from testing the version of a drug actually marketed, but from securing patent lockdown on all the other major possible variants. An example is the bio tech firm Monsanto’s patents on high-yield varieties, one of the ostensible benefits of the so-

called Green Revolution. Such varieties, as Frances Moore Lappe, are accurately called high-response varieties. They’re not resilient under normal conditions experienced by local farmers, native varieties were developed over the course to become hardy under local conditions. They’re engineered to produce high yields under artificial conditions like use of synthetic fertilizer and government-subsidised irrigation water. The practical effect is to shift production from widely distributed small subsistence holdings to large-scale commercial production for the export or urban markets. Under pressure of eviction and state-subsidised competition, people who were able to feed themselves on their own land now lack the purchasing power to buy food from the landed oligarchs’ agribusiness plantations.. The words intellectual property should be emblazoned on the standards of two horsemen of the apocalypse: Pestilence and famine. Violating copyright and patent claims is sometimes called theft by apologists for IP. The exact opposite is true – Intellectual property is theft. But more than that, it’s murder.



PEOPLE’SEDIT Schools are nurseries of competencies Tennyson Xavier Fernandes


hy do the children go to school? Is it just to memorize facts and figures like excellent performing parrots or to be trained as competent human beings for life? Evaluation on the basis of examinations is a trauma for the children. The schools in Goa should train the children in various skills like reading, writing, listinening and effective public speaking. They should also train the kids in number skills, business skills such as sales, and advertising and financial skills. They should train the children about politics, as Goa needs competent politicians to manage and govern the state effectively. Training the kids about how to look after the environment and other skills that will help them to become good citizens of our country is important. I am blessed with three school going children. As a father, teacher and a trainer, my focus has always been that my kids learn skills that will help them to become competent human beings. My eldest son Coleridge wants to be a space scientist and also wants to play for the Indian football team as a goalkeeper. The former Indian goalkeeper Brahmanand Shankwalkar and the Don Bosco High School football coach Francis Rapose are training him. To develop diving and jumping skills, he has been undergoing training in gymnastics with SAG’s coach Iftekhar. To develop thinking and decision making ability, he along with his sister Christabel undergoes training in chess. To help him to relax and develop concentration, he is being trained in yoga by the SAG’s yoga coach Kumar. Educating children is a great mission. The schools in Goa should help the children to prepare for life by training them in various skills instead of evaluating them on the basis of the painful memory tests. Am happy that the Minister for Education and the Directorate of Education has taken the first step by taking a policy decision on prohibiting schools in Goa from failing students from classes I to VIII and for implementing the system of Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE). However, the CCE, which is described as a child friendly method of evaluation, needs to be implemented with great care by the teaching community in Goa so that the children master new skills that will help them to become competent citizens of our country.

WEEKEND INBOX Anti-mining activist

Land acquisition law

The attack on anti mining activist has revealed that the mining companies are the losers in the struggle to get mining activities back on track. It was been observed that none of the Congress leaders or the local MLA have condemned the attack on Nilesh Gaonkar, thus raising an eyebrow whether the Congress leaders get a chunk from the mining lobby. This incident itself is a victory to Cavrem villagers. Support from other anti mining activists or organisations is the need of the hour. Together, they can wipe out mining activities across Goa. The villagers of Cavrem cannot walk alone and as they walk, they must make the pledge that they shall march ahead and not turn back. Claudius Fernandes, Quepem

The Congress Government has woken up now to introduce bill for land acquisition law Herald, May 13) after Rahul Gandhi arrested by the UP Government for demanding better compensation for the people for acquiring their land. The government should also pass a bill for stopping sale of lands to outsiders or even foreigners in the country. Many states in our country have also stopped selling land to people other then their own people, but in Goa, in the absence of such a law, the Government of Goa has already finished Goa by selling the land to non Goan. If we go to other states, we Goans cannot buy any land there, but in Goa, land is easily available, who ever pays better

price. This should be stopped immediately. Will the Chief Minister listen? Marcos Alemao by email

Bridging the English gap I correct exam papers of pharmacy college students. The level of English of some of these students is appalling! Some of them do not know the spellings of simple English words – for example, ‘roal’ for ‘role’, and the construction of some of the sentences is such that you have to read them a few times before you understand that it does not convey any proper meaning! I do not completely blame the students – I feel sorry that our education

system has done them injustice. Now, whichever MoI the system chooses, and whether it passes everyone up to standard eight or not, I sincerely hope that the system will make the students thorough in English at least by the time they finish standard eight, if not earlier. Because, all the teaching, the text books, and Q and A in all professional colleges are all only in English! Raj Vaidya, Panjim

MOI and Brar The visit of Brar from Delhi to Goa is an eyewash. The in-charge of Goa desk of the Congress has no absolute powers, but is only fooling the public by dragging the issue. If the issue is to be referred to Delhi, then he must have come to Goa to

enjoy his summer holidays at state’s cost. A man from Punjab must have not known that Goans have successfully overcome worst stormy weathers and this particular issue will see the light of the day, much before the coming elections. Goans will no longer have to run to the high command in Delhi to settle our problems, for we will be in a position to settle in Goa itself. This is the time we all Goans must unite, forgetting the past differences and boycott the Congress and other nationalist parties from Goa, to form our own United front, Goan government. Is there any sense to have a Chief Minister, a puppet in the hunch of the high Command, who has no powers even to his likes and dislikes? This person is no help to us. Rocky Dias, Raia

Restricted Margao garden It’s the vacation season and time for children to go out and have fun, to beat the heat. Unfortunately, entry for the Margao Aga Khan Municipal Garden is restricted during the daytime. The authorities should consider keeping the garden open especially for kids during the day. The rides at the children play area need to be upgraded and safety aspects should be looked at. Private motorised rides for children could be installed as added attraction for the benefit of children. Security needs to be beefed up inside the garden premises with enhanced CCTV cameras and other surveillance equipment. Allwyn George, Carmona

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Editor-in-chief: Mr R F Fernandes. Editor: Sujay Gupta (Responsible under PRB Act). Regd Office: St Tome Road, Panjim, Goa. Tel: 2224202, 2228083, Fax: 6658510 (all Editorial); 2230535, Fax: 2225622 (Advertising); Margao: 2737689. Mumbai Office: 16-A, Bell Building, 2nd Floor, 19 Sir PM Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400001 (Tel: 22840702/22844908). RNI No: 43667/83.

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Goa I Saturday 14, May 2011

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“ biznews SNAPSHOT AI extends short term promo fares PANJIM (HBD) -- Air India's short term 'promotional fares offer' for travel in economy class on its domestic network has been extended till May 19, 2011. “The promotional fares are available on 107 sectors” said the Air India spokesperson, while adding that the promotional fares have been a hit and will substantially contribute to the company's market share. These special fares are available to 23 destinations from Delhi and 11 destinations from Mumbai. Similarly, fares from the other four major metros to other cities are also covered under the scheme. Fares from Goa to Delhi, for example, is Rs 6122 and Goa to Mumbai, Rs 3100. A complete list of all sectors covered under the scheme has also been put up on our website – www.airindia.in

2G scam: Money trail to Mauritius NEW DELHI: A team of CBI officers would be leaving for Mauritius next week to track the trail of money invested in various telecom companies involved in the 2G spectrum allocation scam, CBI told the Supreme Court today. Senior advocate K K Venugopal appearing for the investigating agency said the team would be leaving on May 16 and will file its report before the court on the investigation done by it. A bench of justices G S Singhvi and A K Ganguly directed the agency to file its report on the probe into the money trail by May 31 and posted the matter for further hearing on July 6. The bench also directed the CBI to expedite its enquiry against a journalist who had allegedly tried to bribe an Enforcement Directorate official who was inquiring into 2G scam.

Wockhardt to license protinex REUTERS: Drugmaker Wockhardt Ltd is in talks with a group of multinational firms to license its nutrition brand after a bid to sell the nutrition business met with opposition from unsecured lenders last year. The firm, which is currently fighting a winding-up petition in the Bombay HC, is looking to license its nutrition brand, Protinex, for about Rs 400 crore. Wockhardt is in talks with Abbott, GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare and Heinz, but no deal has been concluded yet, the report said. The company declined comment when contacted by Reuters. Earlier this month, the Delhi High Court had approved the demerger of the nutrition business of Wockhardt's unit Vinton Healthcare Ltd. In 2009, Wockhardt had agreed to sell its nutrition business to US-based Abbott for $130 million, but terminated the agreement last year. The firm is currently fighting a petition filed by the trustees to the foreign currency convertible bonds issued by the Wockhardt for winding up the company.

Building dreams on wheels

MUMBAI: The BSE Sensex moved up 195 points to 18,531 as investors welcomed poll results in states which showed strong support for Congress and its allies, notably Mamta Banerjee-led TMC's routing the Left in West Bengal, and picked up stocks at lower levels. Besides, investors were encouraged by global cues, especially in Europe where stock markets were up after Germany showed strong economic growth.

Sachin Ambadoskar

From building luxury coaches, ambulances, hearse vans, police and prisoner vans, bank cash vans, house-on-wheels and the latest a mobile court, Ultratech— a bus body building unit in Verna industrial estate, has added a new dimension to four wheeler machines. Bharati Pawaskar spoke to V N Kochkar, managing director of Ultratech, who built the company with an initial investment of Rs 19 lakhs n Tell us about Ultratech Ultratech took off as a bus body building unit in 19941995 at Verna industrial estate, on a 4,000 square metre plot. We starte with an initial loan of Rs 19 lakhs from MSFC (Maharashtra State Finance Corporation). In 2009-10 Ultratech did business to the tune of Rs 3.5 crore. We are also into repairs, maintenance and reconditioning of buses. n Before you took the plunge, did you have enough experience? Prior to starting my own production unit I worked with Automobile Corporation of Goa Limited (ACGL) for six-and-a-half years. I was trained for bus body designing at the Fuji Heavy Industries Japan, for various

models of TATA vehicles with whom ACGL had a collaboration agreement. The trips to Japan helped me when I began the Ultratech unit. n What types of vehicles do you build at the Ultratech factory in Verna? We do anything that can be ideally built on a chassis. When the temporarily registered chassis comes to us according to the instructions of the owner we shape the body of the vehicle. It could be a luxury coach, tourist bus, ambulance, hearse van, delivery van, staff carrier, police and prisoner van, bank cash vans, ATM money transfer vans, mobile hospital, house-on-wheels… you name it and we have made it. Further, Ultratech has built a

mobile hospital for Siemens, which was built for MKC Roko cancer charitable trust, Punjab-Amritsar and Himalayan Institute hospital trust, Dehradhoon-Uttaranchal and an ambulance for the fire service station at Ponda. n What was the most challenging job till date? The mobile hospital we built for Siemens in 2007 was the most challenging. It had machines like X-ray, sonography, memography as well as pathology laboratory, dark room, air conditioner and generator. We had to use puff insulation to take care of the medical apparatus. n Who are Ultratech clients? Our core clients are tour operators— J P Nunes,

The Body Shop: V N Kochkar chats with one of his technicians on the shop floor Paulo Travels, SITA, GTDC (Goa Tourism Development Corporation), Chowgules and government bodies i.e Goa Police, GMC (Goa Medical College). Besides, we have been doing bus body building and repair work for the over 10 years for Kadamba Corporation. Prior to 108 emergency vans, GMC had placed an order of 202 trauma accidental assistance vehicles which we built in 2003/4. n What about the staff? Do you have an expert

team? We do not have any special expert team in place, as when required , special expertise is called in from outside. Apart from the managerial and supervisory staff we have 25 regular workers in the production sector and another 35 on contractual basis. Majority of the job work is completed in the factory. n What is the future growth plans for the company any new ventures? Presently, we have applied

for accreditation with CIRT Pune and they audited our factory. Further the Government of Goa has sanctioned orders for building mobile courts in the state. The government has given us a green signal but we are yet to begin work. It will be the first of its kind for us. We are presently studying the proposal. Based on our earlier experiences of building mobile theatres and canteens, the project will be prepared.

steel Delta Corp buys 51% stake in Essar production up 60% 5-star Daman Hospitality

Skype deal risk for video tech Cos




PANJIM, MAY 13: Delta Corp, owners of offshore Casino Royale and King’s Casino in Goa, have bought 51% stake in under construction five-star deluxe hotel, Daman Hospitality, for Rs 50 crore, the company said in a press release. The company said it will further infuse Rs 40 crore to complete the project, which it terms as strategic for its pan-India presence in the


MUMBAI, MAY 13: Edelweiss Tokio Life, which has received final regulatory approval to commence business, today said the insurer will try and start business from July, depending on product approvals. "We have already submitted four products, both under traditional and unitlinked portfolio, for regulatory approval. As soon as we get the approvals we will start selling it to the public, which may be in July," a company spokesperson said. Aban Offshor, 599, 609.9, 590.25, 601.3 Abb Ltd., 863.05, 872.8, 855.2, 863.3 Abg Shipyard, 363.95, 369.75, 359.5, 364.9 Acc Limited, 985, 1003.6, 977.05, 997.35 Adani Enterp, 641.65, 664.65, 631.8, 639.65 Aditya Birla, 810, 845.5, 807.55, 820.75 Allahabad Ba, 196.5, 198.65, 193.55, 197.65 Alstom Proje, 582.1, 594.65, 574.05, 585.25 Ambuja Cemen, 133.6, 137.25, 132, 136.25 Andhra Bank, 139.6, 142.9, 135.15, 141.55 Ashok Leylan, 49.05, 50.3, 48.75, 49.55 Asian Paints, 2745, 2798.5, 2745, 2768.4 Axis Bank Li, 1210.5, 1259.8, 1208.65, 1244.7 Bajaj Hindus, 68.6, 70.7, 68, 69.3 Bank Of Baro, 884.9, 889.8, 871.2, 883.55 Bank Of Indi, 392.5, 403.6, 389.2, 395.9 Beml Limited, 652.05, 666.85, 639.2, 659.3 Bharat Elect, 1717, 1742, 1704, 1718.9 Bharat Forge, 341, 344.5, 337.25, 340.8 Bharat Petro, 667, 667, 649.35, 660.4 Bharti Airte, 363.1, 374.2, 363.1, 367.75 Bhel, 2019.7, 2052, 2002.5, 2031.05 Bhushan Stee, 445.05, 460, 441.4, 454.45 Biocon Limit, 344.35, 365.95, 344.35, 359.45 Bombay Dyein, 344, 350, 338.25, 346.15 Bosch Limite, 6799.85, 6850, 6725, 6752.15

gaming and hospitality industry. The five-start deluxe hotel is expected to be completed in six to eight month's time. The hotel consisting of 176 rooms will also have outdoor pools, three bars and four restaurants including spa and health clubs and a highend shopping arcade, the release said. Delta's recently bought ship, MV Horeshoe Casino, from US-based Harrah's Corp is expected to arrive in

India by end of June. Originally a textile firm, Delta Corp restructed in 2009 and transformed itself into a hospitality, gaming, real estate and aviation player. The textile business was de-merged into Arrow Textiles Ltd. The company also owns a minority stake in Advani Hotels & Resorts that owns 'Ramada Caravela Beach Resort' and also operates offshore Casino Goa onboard 'MV Caravela'.

MUMBAI, MAY 13: Essar Steel announced that it has recorded over 60% growth in crude steel output during the month of April 2011 compared to same month a year ago. Essar Steel, operating from India's largest, single location production facility at Hazira in Gujarat said its crude steel production increased by 60.7% at 3.97 lakh tonnes in April 2011 as compared to 2.47 lakh tonnes in April 2010.

HELSINKI, MAY 13: Microsoft's $8.5 billion acquisition of Skype is likely to boost videoconferencing from workers' desktops, posing further risks to video technology providers like Polycom and Logitech. The cheaper end of the $3 billion videoconferencing equipment market is already suffering from inroads that Skype and other video applications are mak-

ing in the market, historically controlled by standalone conferencing devices in offices. The pressure on dedicated videoconferencing devices, excluding top-end telepresence rooms, will only increase, said Gartner analyst Jeffrey Mann. Dominic Dodd, analyst at Frost and Sullivan, agreed. "Some of the more narrowly focused companies will likely struggle," Dodd said.

Indian commitment to Afghanistan touches $2 b


Sensex up 195 points

Rajaratnam is subject to a potential $172.6 m criminal penalty, twice his $63.8 million of gains on stocks such as Goldman Sachs Group Inc and Google Inc.


Edelweiss Tokio Life to start biz from July

Nagesh fills one litre bottles with petrol and diesel at a road side shop on the outskirts of Hyderabad on Friday. India's finance minister warned economic growth would likely miss the government's nine percent target as rising commodity prices, especially oil, and stubborn inflation slow activity. The government says it needs double-digit economic growth to overcome crushing poverty in the nation of 1.2 billion people.

e-tendering in 17 departments of the Madhya Pradesh government has clicked, with more than 4,500 tenders worth Rs 9,400 crore cleared in the last fiscal. More than 4,500 bids were awarded following the etendering in FY 2010-11.

Goa I Saturday 14, May 2011

KABUL, MAY 13: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Friday outlined a slew of measures to assist in Afghanistan’s reconstruction efforts, a day after committing an additional $500 million for various developmental projects in the war-torn nation that would take the total Indian aid to $2 billion. Addressing a joint session of the Afghan Parliament, Singh said India and Afghanistan face similar development challenges. “India is ready to partner the Afghan people as they

Brigade Ente, 90.9, 90.9, 88.5, 89.6 Cairn India, 335, 340, 334.5, 338.45 Canara Bank, 581.1, 591.25, 566.1, 568.95 Central Bank, 125.1, 129.35, 125.1, 127.4 Century Text, 321.65, 329.8, 321.5, 326.65 Cesc Ltd, 284.85, 293.45, 283.85, 289 Chambal Fert, 80.9, 82.3, 80.35, 81.1 Chennai Petr, 215.5, 221, 212.05, 218.15 Cipla Ltd, 303.8, 312.5, 300.1, 308.2 Colgate Palm, 905, 935, 905, 919.45 Container Co, 1117.05, 1132.75, 1117, 1126.65 Crompton Gre, 241.15, 244.4, 237.5, 242.95 Cummins Indi, 715, 720, 705.15, 710.15 Dabur India, 98.2, 100.6, 98.2, 99.45 Deccan Chron, 80.8, 82.25, 78.2, 78.95 Dish Tv Indi, 67, 68.75, 65.3, 67.95 Divi’s Labor, 711.95, 713.9, 704.25, 706.35 Dlf Limited, 227, 234.9, 226.45, 232.95 Dr. reddy’s, 1617, 1678.2, 1603.15, 1651.65 Edelweiss Ca, 34.4, 35.7, 33.6, 33.8 Educomp Solu, 416.2, 446.5, 416.2, 441.4 Eih Limited, 82.6, 84.9, 82.6, 84.15 Engineers In, 293.5, 298.5, 285.3, 285.95 Essar Oil Lt, 130, 131.45, 126.5, 129.2 Essar Shippi, 98, 101.9, 98, 99.35 Exide Indust, 158.6, 164.4, 157.5, 163.1

rebuild their country in accordance with their own priorities and national circumstances,” he said. “Many of Afghanistan’s priorities are also our priorities. Many of your problems are also our problems.” Singh said the people of India feel privileged to see their development cooperation receive such a warm welcome in Afghanistan. “Nothing would give us greater satisfaction than to see Indian resources being utilised for more roads, more electricity, more schools, more hospitals or more community projects - activities that directly benefit the com-

Federal Bank, 436, 443, 432.7, 439.3 Financial Te, 850, 857.65, 836.15, 840.65 Gail (india), 459, 466, 455.2, 459.15 Gammon India, 105.6, 107.4, 104.55, 104.95 Glaxosmithkl, 2320.55, 2349, 2320.15, 2339.5 Glenmark Pha, 270.1, 276.45, 270.1, 274.1 Gmr Infrastr, 37.25, 37.85, 36.75, 37.4 Godrej Indus, 192.05, 197, 192.05, 193.9 Grasim Indus, 2329.9, 2367, 2310, 2346.05 Great Offsho, 236.9, 236.9, 226.3, 231.1 Gtl Infra.Lt, 35.55, 35.55, 34.7, 35 Gujarat Mine, 137, 139, 135.1, 137.05 Gujarat N R, 46.45, 49.8, 46.45, 49.4 Gujarat Stat, 98.95, 106, 98.75, 104.15 Gvk Pow. & I, 23, 23.55, 22.75, 23.4 Hcl Technolo, 501.15, 512, 499.9, 504.75 Hdfc Bank Lt, 2232, 2290, 2225.85, 2251.05 Hdfc Ltd, 650, 655, 640.75, 644.7 Hero Honda M, 1750.2, 1812.65, 1750.2, 1798 Hindalco in, 196, 202.2, 195.5, 197.95 Hindustan Co, 32.65, 33.3, 32.5, 32.95 Hindustan Ma, 59.9, 60.75, 59.6, 59.75 Hindustan Pe, 390, 395, 380.75, 384.45 Hindustan Un, 299.3, 311.9, 297.55, 306.65 Hindustan Zi, 130, 134, 128.8, 131 Housing Dev, 153.8, 162.6, 152, 159.65

mon Afghan people,” he said. “We will increase development outlays towards capacity building and skill development,” the Prime Minister said in his address, heard with rapt attention by Afghan President Hamid Karzai. He said the government will help through more scholarships for Afghan students for studying in India, institution building efforts, social development and higher investment in the health sector by way of a medical package. India will provide buses for Kabul and other municipalities in

Icici Bank L, 1055, 1096.4, 1045.3, 1073.05 Idea Cellula, 66.1, 68.5, 65.1, 67.35 Ifci Ltd, 48.5, 50.4, 48.5, 49.8 India Cement, 88.6, 90, 88.1, 88.45 India Infoli, 78, 80.4, 76.4, 78.3 Indiabulls F, 157.05, 160.55, 153.15, 155.45 Indiabulls R, 117, 119.75, 115.5, 117.6 Indian Bank, 230.05, 235, 229.05, 232.25 Indian Hotel, 80.35, 83.1, 80.35, 82.3 Indian Oil C, 350.25, 357.5, 341.7, 343.6 Indian Overs, 146.45, 155.95, 146.45, 155.3 Indus Dev Ba, 134.9, 139.1, 133.4, 137.65 Indusind Ban, 246.25, 254.4, 245.45, 252.55 Infosys Tech, 2883.2, 2912, 2871.25, 2878.35 Infra. dev., 130.2, 133.25, 128.3, 131.35 Ispat Indust, 21.3, 22.6, 21, 22.3 Itc Ltd, 183.75, 191.9, 182.45, 189 Ivrcl Infras, 73.1, 75.6, 72.1, 74.9 Jai Corp Lim, 158, 165.7, 158, 161.45 Jaiprakash A, 84.4, 89.7, 84.35, 87.45 Jet Airways, 482.25, 486.6, 463.15, 470.45 Jindal Saw L, 182.5, 182.5, 177.5, 178.6 Jindal Steel, 634, 645, 620, 640 Jsw Steel Li, 913.05, 949.8, 909, 935.8 Kotak Mahind, 412, 424, 412, 419.95 Lakshmi Mach, 2235, 2284.8, 2205.05, 2224.5

Afghanistan. Singh said India plans to upgrade the agricultural department at the Kabul University to an agricultural university, donate tractors to farmers and give scholarships for the study of agricultural sciences. He said India will significantly enhance its commitment for the Small Development Projects Scheme across Afghan provinces to further facilitate development at the grassroots with the involvement of local communities. The Prime Minister also unveiled a plan to help in the preservation and revival of

Lanco Infrat, 33.8, 34.45, 33.2, 33.85 Larsen & Tou, 1508.5, 1549.9, 1490.05, 1528.5 Lic Housing, 215.8, 224.7, 214.85, 222.4 Lupin Limite, 424.2, 446, 416.1, 440.15 Mahanagar Te, 44, 45.45, 43.3, 44.6 Mahindra & M, 687, 699.05, 675.8, 690.85 Maruti Suzuk, 1219.2, 1237, 1215, 1222.45 Max India Lt, 175.15, 178.25, 171.55, 173.4 Moser-baer (, 41.5, 43.7, 41.1, 43.1 Mrpl, 74.1, 75.5, 72.6, 74.35 Nagarjuna Fe, 30.05, 30.65, 29.95, 30.35 National Alu, 87.7, 88.85, 87, 88.4 Neyveli Lign, 103.1, 105, 102.5, 104.2 Ntpc Ltd, 174.9, 176.85, 173.25, 175.05 Oil And Natu, 303.35, 310.5, 303.35, 304.65 Omaxe Limite, 132, 135.7, 130.9, 135 Oriental Ban, 328.3, 333.9, 324.8, 329.95 Pantaloon Re, 243.65, 244, 238, 240.9 Parsvnath De, 41.1, 44.5, 41.1, 42.4 Petronet Lng, 134.2, 137.15, 134.2, 135.35 Power Fin Co, 216.8, 216.8, 212.1, 215.9 Power Grid C, 101.3, 102.7, 101.05, 101.35 Praj Industr, 76.5, 78.3, 75.45, 77.5 Punj Lloyd L, 59.5, 64, 59.5, 62.65 Punjab Natio, 1079.95, 1101.9, 1065.25, 1083.15 Rajesh Expor, 87.3, 89.45, 86.5, 88.55

Ranbaxy Labs, 475.1, 494.8, 472.05, 490.15 Rashtriya Ch, 81.15, 82.3, 80.75, 81.35 Reliance Cap, 512.1, 537.3, 510.1, 526.65 Reliance Com, 91.25, 92.95, 90.1, 90.9 Reliance Ene, 1075, 1075, 1042, 1053.94 Reliance Ind, 587, 620, 580.25, 598.35 Reliance Ind, 945.25, 962, 937.95, 948 Reliance Pow, 116, 117.9, 115, 115.75 Rolta India, 135.9, 137.45, 133.25, 136.4 Satyam Compu, 76.65, 77.8, 75.5, 75.7 Sesa Goa Ltd, 290.15, 299.9, 288.15, 297 Shipping Cor, 105.6, 109.7, 105.6, 108.6 Siemens Ltd, 882, 887, 868.35, 872.7 Sintex Indus, 186.7, 186.7, 179.6, 181.7 Sobha Develo, 261, 272, 261, 266.95 State Bank O, 2644.4, 2680, 2615.1, 2649.65 Steel Author, 153.9, 156.3, 152.5, 154.7 Sterlite Ind, 168.95, 172.9, 166.15, 168.8 Sun Pharmace, 427.25, 437.95, 424.2, 427.3 Sun Tv Netwo, 394.4, 419.85, 375.55, 409.4 Suzlon Energ, 50.75, 53.5, 50.75, 52.8 Tata Communi, 215.2, 226, 211.05, 223.15 Tata Consult, 1112, 1142.3, 1112, 1127.1 Tata Motors, 1193.6, 1234.2, 1187.15, 1211.05

Afghanistan’s archaeological and cultural heritage and restoration of the historic Stor Palace in Kabul. “The total outlay on these and other additional initiatives that we will take in consultation with the government of Afghanistan in the next few years will amount to $500 million. This will take our total commitment of assistance to around $2 billion,” Singh said. India is the sixth largest donor to Afghanistan, which is trying to rebuild the warravaged nation after suffering from Taliban-led militancy. Tata Power C, 1223.05, 1244.5, 1206.35, 1230.4 Tata Steel L, 586.1, 602, 584.8, 594 Tata Teleser, 16.5, 16.9, 16.15, 16.65 Tech Mahindr, 660, 679.9, 660, 672.85 The Ge Shpg., 283.95, 286.5, 279.1, 284.5 The Phoenix, 195.25, 210, 195.25, 199.95 Thermax Ltd, 600, 606.9, 590.25, 599.75 Titan Indust, 3938, 4024.85, 3932.75, 3977.8 Torrent Powe, 243.05, 247, 243.05, 245.35 Triveni Engg, 38.5, 39.75, 37.65, 38.75 Tv18 India L, 78.6, 80.25, 78.5, 79.3 Uco Bank, 98, 100.9, 96.6, 99.3 Ultratech Ce, 1030.05, 1061, 1027.1, 1050.85 Union Bank O, 316, 332.9, 314.55, 325.2 Unitech Ltd, 36.4, 37.3, 36, 36.8 United Phosp, 163, 171.3, 160.8, 168.8 Videocon Ind, 192.95, 196.3, 191.3, 192.95 Vijaya Bank, 70, 75.25, 70, 74.1 Voltas Ltd, 166.55, 167.5, 161.3, 165 Wipro Ltd, 433, 445.2, 432.5, 442.55 Yes Bank Lim, 293, 299.8, 287.65, 295.85 Zee Entertai, 131.3, 135, 130.8, 131.45

Goa I Saturday May 14, 2011

9 www.oheraldo.in It occurred to my father that we had to make quality products, which in turn would give us an opportunity to move up the value chain. — Solomon Diniz


In the past, bamboo weaving was a major art form in Goa, but it is now dying due to a lack of patronage. — Dadu Mandrekar

Sachin Ambadoskar


Last weaver standing Intricate lattice work done with bamboo and cane, which was once used to adorn a corner in the house or used as a lampshade to give rooms a cosy atmosphere, is soon becoming a rare find. Bharati Pawaskar visits Mandrem and Bicholim, where the tradition of working on bamboo could, in a few years, be a thing of the past

INTRICATE ART: A resident of Dhulapi weaves life into bamboo t 65, her hands swiftly weave intricate patterns on the yerwan (basket used during weddings), topple (basket), hatari (mats used for drying rice and wheat), daali (small mats used in homes) and supli (tray for cleaning rice husks). But for Champa Pawar, the art that she learnt as a child, which would have helped her add to the income of the family, is now futile as the cost of the raw material is


rapidly rising. Bamboo is now as high as Rs 50 a stick, while the hatari needs 10 to 12 bamboos and fetches Rs 1,000, depending on the size (it is measured in footsteps). Tople retails at Rs 150 to Rs 200, sup at Rs 50, yerwan at Rs 150 and daali at Rs 500. In Madrem, Shubhangi Matondkar, 50 years old from Madhala Maaj, who loves the art and can weave letter holders, pen holders, fans and more, has to restrict herself to a few special orders. Her

educated children – Yogesh, Shubha and Vivek –are ashamed of the family tradition of bamboo weaving, synonymous with the Mahar community they belong to, and are reluctant to be known for this art. Her sister-in-laws Vimal and Geeta have not given up the profession despite the paltry sum each article fetches. There are a few people in Dhulapi, in Old Goa, where this art is still practiced, albeit by just a few individuals. Bamboo is one of the

oldest arts practiced in Goa and the exhibits are a blend of Portuguese and Indian style. Dadu Mandrekar, who worked

as assistant craftsman in the department of craft and industry for 25 years, used to teach bamboo weaving to the

youth. He belongs to the Mahar community and has photographed and documented the art extensively. He said, “The art needs a shot in the arm by the government, if it is to be revived and rejuvenated. In the past, bamboo weaving was a major art form in Goa, but it is now dying due to a lack of patronage. I am willing to teach the next generation the art, provided the government gives the artisans money and views it with respect.” The state govern-

ment has bamboo plantations at Kodal in Sattari, where good quality bamboos are available. In the past, bamboo articles were used to store food grain, sell fish or dry food items. In the villages, a number of utility items made out of bamboo are still used, like valli and supli (for washing and cleaning rice). C D Verghese, who has worked in Cochin and Bengal for 19 years, heads the Bamboo Craft Centre at Bicholim and has trained more than a

1,000 students in the last 35 years said, “In north Goa, 5,000 craftsmen are engaged in the art of bamboo craft. Some of the students trained at the centre have gone on to start their own enterprises. Goa has seven to eight varieties of bamboos and if utilised wisely five bamboos can fetch Rs 5000.” The art of bamboo making it on its last legs, restricted to just a few families and communities across Goa. It may not be long before it breathes its last.


Taking Goan liquor brands to the world

Making a splash Herald Pic

There’s a new trend in Goa – private pools and Desjoyaux a French company based in Parra, is one of the best there is when you want a luxurious pool built. Kurt Bento dives in to get the details aul and Manisha Chadda decided that the pool in their seven villa complex wasn’t private enough. So, they built a pool right outside the living room. For Paul, this served two purposes. “I felt comfortable since I would be close by when my daughter was in the pool. Besides, it looks nice, having one that’s just outside our house,” he explains. Paul and Manisha are not the only ones to have added a pool to their homes. All over Goa, private pools are the rage and pool building companies in Goa are laughing the way to the bank. On an average, there are two pools being built per month in Goa, at private residences, which means that the business of pool building has stepped up to a whole new level. Enter Desjoyaux, leading pool builders, who started operations in France in 1966.


The Diniz brothers’ vision has seen the company grow from a bottling unit in the 1970s to a manufacturing global brand, says Kirth George n the 1970s Alleluia Diniz, a first-generation entrepreneur entered the alcohol industry as a trader. In a short while, he was appointed as one of the distributors for Arlem Breweries, which was a dominant beer brand at the time. His acumen for business and the success of the beer helped him forge a flourishing manufacturing business. Today, Adinco Distilleries is run by second generation Diniz brothers Truman, Solomon and Wilfrid, who specialise in production, marketing and logistics. Reminiscing about the past Alleluia says, “Around the 70s and 80s, profits in trading had begun dwindling and we had to think out of the box to expand the business.” With a strong distribution network in north and south Goa, Solomon Diniz, who looks after business development says, “It occurred to my father that we had to make quality products, which in turn would give us an opportunity to move up the value chain.” In 2000, the company got their first manufacturing license and Adin-

I In 2006, they established a minimal presence in Goa, while the material was sourced from their showroom in Mumbai. It was only in 2009 that the company decided to set up a showroom, complete with a pool. Since then, “we have built over 40 pools for various hotels, residential complexes and private residences,” says Vijay Shetye, who handles operations in Goa. What makes them special is the kind of material and products used, something that impressed many people including Paul Chadda. “They don’t use tiles, which means that the pool doesn’t look dirty after a few years. The grouting on normal pools tend to get dirty and the tiles start to crack, but with Desjoyaux, those problems don’t arise.” Another advantage of getting a pool made from Desjoyaux is the fact that one doesn’t need a pump room.

“We have come up with a pump that sits at one end of the pool, herby consuming less electricity,” Shetye adds. The company is constantly doing research into new technologies at their French headquarters, which is why all their products are produced and patented by them. They have a modern filteration system, a water testing kit to reduce excessive amounts of chlorine, should the need arise, and most importantly, a 10 year guarantee on their pool. With two pool building teams, the company is able to comfortably build around two pools a month, with the basic price of pools starting from six to eight lakhs and going up to approximately Rs 25 lakhs. With 11 more pools in the making, Vijay is confident that the company’s stature will only rise as the months go by. By the looks of it, he could be right.

Herald Pic

co’s 2000, an entry-level brandy was launched. Besides, they also had a bottling agreement with Kesar Enterprises and a manufacturing partnership with Mohan Meakin for producing Dr’s Reserve No1 brandy for the company’s Kerala market. Eight years in the manufacturing business from 2000-2008 helped Diniz gain experience and knowledge needed in bottling and manufacturing, which helped pave the way for the launch of premium product manufacturing. “It was only in 2009 the company decided to get into niche products,” explains Solomon. This move, apart from bringing in higher margins also gave the company a sense of being different. In 2008, several brands including Fire and Ice, a fruit fusion liqueur; Colonial brandy; Old Oak, a premium whiskey and Cabo—a coconut-based white rum popular in the Carribean, were launched, produced at their distillery in Quepem. Among all the products Solomon has a special attachment to Cabo, as it is named after his mother’s

LIQUID DREAMS: Truman Diniz on one of his quality checks at the distillery birth place, Cabo de Rama. Besides being the exclusive owners of this rum, the company also has the global trademark rights. The blind tasting sessions of Cabo have put it at par with Malibu, possibly the most popular brand of coconut based white rum. A hectic schedule in 2008-2009, wherein the company made huge investments in development of new products is now looking to consolidate its position in the market. In 2009, Adinco entered into an agreement with Flavour Chimica, Italy for technical support and Nouveau Impex of Andhra Pradesh, owners of the brand Voodoo. Despite aggressively pursuing niche brands and increasing manufac-

turing capacity, Adinco has managed to expand to new domestic markets and presently has its presence in Karnataka, Daman and Andhra Pradesh apart from the islands of Mahe, Yaman and Karekal in Puducherry. Further, the company is looking to improve its packaging, after which they plan to tap markets in Canada and South Africa. “This is expected to take place by 2015,” explains Solomon. The company sells 4,000 cases per month and 70 per cent of the consumption is the local market. Solomon adds, “In the past we focused on high volume low margin, but with time we are moving towards low volume higher margin products”.

10 www.oheraldo.in


It is for the investigating agency to find out who and how the illegal sand mining activities have caused loss to the public exchequer. The investigating agency cannot shift their burden upon the complainant insisting that the complaint. -- JMFC

‘Churchill is suffering from amnesia’ HERALD REPORTER MARGAO, MAY 13: Saying

that PWD Minister Churchill Alemao is suffering from amnesia, South Goa MP Francisco Sardinha on Friday hit back at PWD Minister, Churchill for his statement accusing him (Sardinha) of fooling Goan seamen with promises of a hike in pension. Sardinha said that government should respect

wishes of the people demanding grants for English medium primary schools. Reacting to Alemao’s statement that he has been fooling people, Sardihna pooh poohed the statement saying there’s still three years to go for the Lok Sabha polls and rubbished the statement accusing him of fooling Goan seamen with promises of a pension scheme.

Goa I Saturday 14, May 2011

It would be sad and shocking if anyone from the mining industry is involved in the attack on Gaonkar. Resorting to armed attacks and seeking short sighted gains would only serve to alienate the local communities from the -- Shivanand Salgaocar mining industry.

Agnivesh consoles Gaonkar


MARGAO, MAY 13: “Nilesh tum sangharsh karo, hum tumare sath hai; pura desh aap ko sath dega”, were the used by Swami Agnivesh to console injured antimining activist Nilesh Gaonkar when he and Arvind Kejarival called on him at Hospicio hospital on Friday noon. The two social activists, who have come to Goa, to launch Anna Hazare’s campaign against corruption, have demanded the immediate arrest of the assailants and the mine owner. After interacting with Nilesh, wherein the later handed a bunch of documents to Agnivesh, the Swami said the cowardly

Santosh Mirajkar

HAVE COURAGE MY SON: Swami Agnivesh consoling injured anti-mining activist Nilesh Gaonkar at Hospicio hospital on Friday noon. attack on Nilesh is an attack on the people of India. “Along with the assailants who attacked Nilesh, the concerned mine owner should be immediately placed under arrest”, Swami Agnivesh demanded.

He expressed satisfaction that Goan society, which was looked upon as happy and merry making society, is increasingly coming out to fight against social evils, be it corruption or mining mafia. “Nilesh Gaonkar is a classic example that the youth of Goa are ready to sacrifice and pay a price for the state. We and the entire country is with the anti-mining activists”, Swami Agnivesh said. Referring to the attack on Nilesh, Arvind Kejarival placed three resolutions before the participants at the Ravindra bhavan, Margao, demanding the immediate arrest of the assailants, the mine owner and the closure of the mine in question, which was adopted unanimously.

Statements of witnesses recorded HERALD REPORTER VASCO, MAY 13: Verna po-

lice on Friday recorded the statements of witnesses in connection with the assault on activist Nilesh Gaonkar. Pressure has been mounting on the police to arrest those involved in the assault on Gaonkar, who is spearheading the agitation against mining activities at Cavrem-Quepem. "We have recorded the statements of witnesss and investigations are in process," Vasco police PI Braz Menezes told Herald.

FROM PAGE 1 Mamata, Jaya ride wave of change


Born 11-09-1951

Died 13-05-2011


“Your Life was love and Labour, Your love for your family True, You did your best for all of us, We will always remember you, As we look upon your picture, Sweet memories we recall, Of a face so full of Sunshine, And a smile for one and all.

Wife of Gabriel Francis Gomes (Prop.MILSON BATTERIES). Daughter of late Xavier Afonso and Lauriana Rodrigues. Mother/Mother-in-law of Steve/Femy, Elson/Valerie, Esther/Samuel. Grandmother of Yannis, Yohann, Conrad & Sarah. Sister/Sister-in-law of late AnaMaria/late Pedro, Isabela/late Rafael, Jose Marie/Amalina, Marianinha/Joaquim, Elvira/late Felix late Mariano Luis/Ricardina, Carmelina/Victor, Maria/late Joaquim, late Inacio/Arcanja, Ana Daria/Octaviano. Sister in law of Peter/Eugenia, Piedade/Domnic, Cajetan/Fatima. Funeral cortege will leave her residence on Sunday the 15th of May 2011 from Models Estate-2, Caranzalem for Eucharistic Celebration at 10:30am at St Micheal Church, Taleigao. NO CONDOLENCE VISITS PLEASE

Relatives and friends please accept this as the only intimation.

goanrites@gmail.com 9822122003/9822136397

DMK and its allies won 31 seats. State Congress President K V Thangkabalu, who made a dramatic entry into the contest after the alleged bungling over his wife’s candidature, lost the Mylapore seat by nearly 30,000 votes. The 2006 elections was a rare one for Tamil Nadu when for the first time it had a minority government. The DMK had then won 96 seats and the government survived on outside support from Congress and others. The AIADMK had won 61 seats in the 2006 elections. Jayalalithaa and Chief Minister Karunanidhi won in Srirangam and Tiruvarur respectively by huge margins. After his party’s debacle, Karunanidhi tendered his resignation. After a see-saw battle, Deputy Chief Minister M K Stalin emerged winner in Kolathur constituency by a margin of 2,423 votes. Stalin, son of Karunanidhi, garnered 65,462 votes defeating his nearest AIADMK rival S Duraisamy who got 63,039 votes. Assam provided a surprisingly huge victory when the party returned to power for the third time. Congress vastly improved on its performance of 2006 when it had got 53 seats in the 126-member assembly by bagging 78 seats today. The main opposition party AGP was reduced to a rubble when it won only 10 seats. It had 24 seats in the earlier assembly. The defeat of the Left in Kerala was not as resounding as in West Bengal when the Left Democratic Front was neck and neck in the race for power and ultimately yielded by a slender margin to the Congress-led UDF. The UDF won 72 seats, two more than the half way mark in the 140 member assembly. The LDF won 68 seats. Ageing Marxist veteran V S Achuthanandan’s single-handed campaign against corruption appears to have played a leading role in curbing the UDF’s tally. The 87-year-old Chief Minister helped CPI(M) emerge as the single largest party with 45 seats against Congress’ 38. Puducherry broke the Congress’ hold on power when it voted an alliance of N Rangasamy Congress and AIADMK which got two-thirds majority in the 30-member assembly of the Union Territory. The NR Congress, headed by former Chief Minister N Rangasamy who left Congress a few months ago, bagged 15 seats while ally AIADMK won five seats. The ruling Congress was reduced to seven seats, while ally DMK won two. A lone Independent was successful.

No detentions; RTE in phases “Directions of the Education Department have to be obeyed by all. Whatever has been told in the circular has to be done,” Monserratte said referring to the latest circular which has asked the schools not to detain students from classes I to VIII. He informed that the State government will be forming an advisory body which will work towards implementation of this Act. The infrastructure required for schools to implement Right to Education (RTE) Act in Goa will take time and in the interim period the Act will be implemented in a phased

manner. The circular, to be effective from academic year 2010-11, issued by the Education Department directing all the schools, ‘not to hold back or expel any students from the school till class VIII’, has faced opposition from Goa Headmasters’ Association since the Section is implemented without proper guidelines. Opposing the same, NGO like ‘We The People’ have also accused State government of indulging into vote bank politics by partially implementing RTE Act. “Government’s directives have to be followed in toto. There is no question of complaining. Let anyone oppose it but the implementation will go ahead. The decision will not be revoked,” the minister said. Monserrate along with battery of other officials including Education Secretary V P Rao, Director of Education Celsa Pinto and others met the Chief Minister. When asked, if the Congress party has intervened just to find out a solution for Medium of Instruction (MOI) issue which has cropped up after the RTE Act implementation in the State, the minister replied, “I would not say that the Congress party is trying to get itself involved in academic issue. For me, the party is intervening to find a solution for this issue. It is there to see how RTE could be implemented in the State,” Monserrate said. The minister said that the Delhi meeting which will be attended by Union Human Resources Minister Kapil Sibal and Union Minorities Minister Salman Khurshid will sort out the issue. Monserrate said that the State government’s stand, till now, is the same as was enunciated on the floor of the House. The minister had told the State legislative assembly that the government would retain Konkani-Marathi as medium of instruction. Responding to a question, Monserrate refused to speak about his personal stand. “Forget my personal stand. What is important is that there should be a consensus on the issue,” he said. He said that he had apologised for participating in the FORCE meeting at Azad Maidan because he felt his presence had boosted their agitation. “That’s why I apologised,” he added.

ED slaps Rs 7 lakh fine

but out of his ignorance of the law. Only April 2, Babush was detained at the Mumbai airport by Customs for carrying currency beyond permissible limits and later released after nearly 12 hours of questioning. According to Customs, Babush was carrying Rs 22 lakh in different currency and was on his way to Dubai along with his friend and son, when he was intercepted by Customs officials before boarding the flight. He was carrying travellers cheque worth US Dollars 25,000, Dinar 75,000 and Rs 63,000 in Indian currency. When contacted by Herald, Babush admitted he had heard of the fine but said had not received any written intimation. “Yes I have heard of the fine imposed but cannot confirm as I have not got anything officially,” he said. He also said that he had committed the mistake since he was not aware of the amount of foreign currency one could carry while travelling on a tourist visa. “If I am guilty I have to pay the fine. The rules cannot be changed for anybody,” he said.

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india SNAPSHOT PM calls up Mamata, Gogoi

KABUL: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, on a visit to Afghanistan, today called up Trinamool Congress supremo Mamata Banerjee and Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi to congratulate them on their poll triumphs. Banerjee’s Trinamool Congress ended the 34-year reign of the Left Front in West Bengal, while the Congress led by Gogoi in Assam looked set for a record third term as the results of the state assembly polls poured in. Addressing her supporters in Kolkata, Banerjee said, “The Prime Minister has talked to me over phone. He has congratulated us. He is overwhelmed with our triumph.”

People of Tamil Nadu have trounced money power and crowned democracy. The voters had sent out a lesson that in future none can win elections by “misusing their authority. — Vaiko

Jubilation time Celebrations at Mamata’s and Jaya’s residences Gloom descends on CPI(M) headquarters

May 13, Cong 2nd time lucky NEW DELHI: May 13 has again brought a bit of luck to the Congress when it got governments in two states and its ally Trinamool Congress swept to power in West Bengal. However, it was not as lucky in Puducherry where it lost power and saw DMK ousted from power in Tamil Nadu. It was May 13, 2004 that had proved to be a turning point for the Congress under Sonia Gandhi when the UPA under her leadership had come to power for the first time by ousting the BJP-led NDA from power. At that time, Gandhi had punctured the ‘feel good’ balloon of the BJP as also the talk of “India Shining” after the then Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee had advanced the Lok Sabha polls scheduled by October.

democracy has triumphed: Vaiko CHENNAI: MDMK, which preferred to boycott the assembly polls after failing to clinch a seat-sharing deal with AIADMK, today hailed the defeat of DMK, saying democracy “has triumphed over money power”. In the last five years, Tamil Nadu under the DMK’s ‘dynastic rule’ was experiencing frequent power cuts, rise in essential commodity prices, failure of law and order among many others, MDMK chief Vaiko said in a statement. “People of Tamil Nadu have trounced money power and crowned democracy,” he said. People’s power had turned into a “giant wave” and swept away DMK government, Vaiko said.

Trinamool Congress supporters take out a victory rally after the party’s thumping win in the West Bengal assembly elections in Kolkata on Friday. Left Front chairman and workers and supporters (grass and flowers). PTI KOLKATA/CHENNAI, MAY 13: As Trinamool Congress and AIADMK today appeared all set for the victory in West Bengal and Tamil Nadu Assembly polls, jubilation erupted at Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee and AIADMK leader Jayalalithaa’s modest residences, while gloom descended on the CPI(M) headquarters where Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee was closeted with party leaders. Trinamool Congress

sang, danced and smeared each other with green gulal to the shouts of the ‘Ma, Mati, Manush’ slogan coined by the TC supremo and waved party flags before Banerjee’s Harish Chatterjee Street residence. Sweets were handed out and conches were blown as the area wore a festive look. Securitymen had a tough time, but there was no disorderliness. Many women party supporters were seen wearing saris printed with the party’s symbol ‘Jora ghasphool’

Hordes of mediapersons from abroad were here to cover the historic win of the Trinamool Congress which fought the Assembly elections in alliance with the Congress. The scene was in total contrast at Alimuddin Street, the CPI(M) party headquarters, as trends indicated a debacle for the Left Front after 34 years of uninterrupted rule. CPI(M) sources said that the chief minister was with party leaders at the party headquarters.

CPI(M) state secretary Biman Bose had yesterday asserted that the Front would secure nearly 200 of the 294 seats. The Left Front would meet at 4:30 pm to review the election results. Meanwhile, bursting of firecrackers and distribution of sweets, besides merry making were the order of the day at Jayalalithaa’s Poes Garden residence as she was leading by 3,000 votes in Srirangam constituency while the party was leading in over 170 seats.

SC blow to ruling BJP in K’taka Congress taunts Quashes Speaker’s decision to disqualify 16 MLAs PTI NEW DELHI, MAY 13: In a major blow to the ruling BJP in Karnataka, the Supreme Court today quashed Assembly Speaker’s decision to disqualify 16 MLAs ahead of the no confidence motion last year which had ensured survival of the Yeddyurappa government. A bench headed by justice Altamas Kabir while quashing the speaker’s decision said basic constitutional values and principles of natural justice were not observed by Speaker K G Bopaiah in disqualifying the 11 rebel BJP and five independent legislators. The apex court passed the order while setting aside the Karnataka High Court order upholding the Speaker’s decision, aggrieved by which the disqualified legislators had moved the apex court. The apex court ruling

came on an appeal by four of the 11 disqualified BJP MLAs in Karnataka against the high court order upholding the Speaker’s decision. The apex court bench had reserved its verdict on the appeal on February 11 after hearing at length counsel for the four MLAs - Gopala Krishana Belur, Shivanagaouda

dyurappa’s government. The MLAs were disqualified as it was apprehended that they would support the no-trust motion against the government during the voting. The 16 MLAs had withdrawn their support to the government on October 6 last year and were sus-

order set aside The apex court passed the order while setting aside the Karnataka High Court order upholding the Speaker’s decision, aggrieved by which the disqualified legislators had moved the apex court. Naik, Shanker Linge Gowda and Bellubbi, besides lawyers for Chief Minister B S Yeddyuruppa and the Assembly Speaker. Eleven rebel BJP MLAs and five independent ones were disqualified by the Speaker on the eve of the voting on a no-trust motion against Chief Minister Yed-

pended on October 11. In their appeal, the MLAs had contended that their disqualification had raised substantial questions of constitutional and administrative laws of public importance having serious implications for the democratic representative government and involving an

interpretation of the provisions of the Tenth Schedule and the rules made thereunder. The legislators had submitted that they had made a categorical statement in their replies to the showcause notice issued by the Speaker before their suspension that they had no intention at all to leave BJP or the membership of its legislature party and that their letter to the Governor was aimed at “cleansing the image of the party by getting rid of Yeddyurappa as Chief Minister.” According to the petition, democratic dissent, without any intention of leaving the party but in the hope of saving its image and reputation by getting rid of a “corrupt” Chief Minister, cannot be regarded as voluntarily giving up the party membership as such.

India can now boast of 4 women CMs


ith Mamata Banerjee and J Jayalalithaa set to capture power in West Bengal and Tamil Nadu respectively, India could for the first time boast of four women Chief Ministers. Shiela Dikshit of Delhi has the distinction of the longest serving woman Chief Minister in post-independent India having been at the helm of affairs for the past 12 years. BSP supremo Mayawati has singlehandedly secured power in the largest state of Uttar Pradesh four years back and her victory at that time was seen as a defining moment in Indian politics. The politically crucial state is going to polls next year. Mamata has in fact emerged as the ‘giant killer’ for ending the 34-year-old

Left front rule in West Bengal on the single plank of doing away with the ‘misrule’ of Marxists. It was a ‘Mamata wave’ that swept away the Left rule in West Bengal as the Trinamool Congress leader, who floated the party over a decade back after parting ways with Congress, showed that she alone was the staunch opponent of the CPI(M). Jayalalithaa was out in the cold for the last five years in Tamil Nadu as also at the Centre, had her sweet revenge on Karunanidhi’s DMK despite setbacks in the last two Lok Sabha polls and would be ruling the state for the next five years. Jayalalithaa’s single point campaign plank was to end the “family rule” of the DMK in the backdrop of the 2G

spectrum allocation scam. Incidentally, Sucheta Kripalani of the Congress was the first woman Chief Minister of independent India having been at the helm of affairs in Uttar Pradesh in the early sixties. Nandini Satpathy of the Congress was the Chief Minister of Orissa in early seventies while Shashikala Kakodkar of the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party was Chief Minister of the then Union territory of Goa for most part of the seventies. Congress’ Anwara Taimur was in the top executive post of Assam for a year in early eighties while the tenure of the late Janaki Ramachandran, wife of the Late M G Ramachandran, was the shortest. She was Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu for less than a month in 1988.

BJP, Left

PTI NEW DELHI, MAY 13:Expressing happiness over the Assembly election results for five states, Congress today chose the occasion to taunt BJP and Left parties asking them to learn the "right lessons" and stop attempts to destabilize the UPA government. "In this election more than 828 assembly seats went to polls. A national party (BJP), which claims to form government there...could not win seats even in double digit. "The other party (CPIM), which aided, abetted and supported BJP inside and outside Parliament also could do no better," senior party leader Pranab Mukherjee said adding it was reduced to double digit figure in West Bengal. Noting that the verdict of these elections was for both "stability and change", Mukherjee said there were certain political parties,

which wanted to destabilise the UPA government and they could not reconcile to the fact that after their efforts to destabilise the government in 2008, people gave increased mandate to the UPA bringing it back to power. "For last one year, efforts were made to destabilise not only the government but through it destabilise the system and bring in instability.... I hope political parties would draw right lessons from the results and behave. In Parliamentary democracy election comes after every five years. Responsible parties are expected to wait for that period," he said. Mukherjee said if any party, after its defeat in general elections, tries to destabilise the government, it destabilises the system in that process and brings instability as was witnessed from 1996 to 2004. He recalled that during the NDA rule, when Congress was in the Opposition, it did not bring any no-confidence motion.


Goa i Saturday, 14 May 2011

The DMDK had not demanded a role in the next government. My party could have gone ahead and fought elections on its own “if we had wanted to.”But that would have allowed the DMK to come back to power, and “we wanted to prevent that. — Vijayakant

SP wins Pipraich assembly bypoll PTI LUCKNOW, MAY 13: Samajwadi Party candidate Rajmati Nishad today defeated her nearest rival Jitendra alias Pappu Jaiswal (Independent) in Pipraich assembly bypoll by a margin of 26,683 votes.


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Both attacks were suicide attacks. The first suicide bomber came on a motorcycle and detonated his vest among the Frontier Constabulary men." -- Charsadda police chief

Goa, Saturday 14, may 2011

General Kayani, who has been courted for nearly three years by the US' most senior military officers in an effort to persuade him to launch an attack against the Haqqani network in North Waziristan, was even more unlikely to do so now. -- Pakistani official

Taliban kill 80 in Pak AFP SHABQADAR, MAY 13: Pakistan's Taliban Friday claimed their first major attack to avenge Osama bin Laden's death as 80 people were killed in a double suicide bombing on a paramilitary police training centre. Around 140 people were wounded, 40 of them fighting for their lives, in the deadliest attack this year in the nuclear-armed country, where the government is deep in crisis over the killing of the Al-Qaeda chief by US forces on May 2. In the fallout over the uni-

lateral raid and in another sign of damaged ties with wary ally Washington, an official said Pakistan's senior military officer General Khalid Shameem Wynne had cancelled a visit to the United States. Pakistan has vowed to review intelligence cooperation and one local security official denied a CNN report that US intelligence agents had interrogated three of bin Laden's widows, who were apprehended in the raid and taken into custody. CNN said the women were interviewed as a group despite Washington's desire to question them separately, and were openly "hostile" to

the US officials. Pakistan's intelligence agency, which CNN said also attended the meeting, was not immediately available to comment on the report. Friday's explosions detonated in northwest Pakistan as newly-trained paramilitary cadets, dressed in civilian clothes, were getting into buses for a 10-day leave, police said. "This was the first revenge for Osama's martyrdom. Wait for bigger attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan," Pakistani Taliban spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan told AFP by telephone from an undisclosed location.

Pakistani security officials examine the entrance of Frontier Constabulary main training centre following a suicide and bomb attack in Shabqadar town, some 30 kms north of Peshawar on Friday.

Spain mourns quake victims AFP

LORCA, MAY 13: Spain mourned Friday the nine people killed when an earthquake wrecked swathes of the historic southern city of Lorca and forced thousands to flee their homes. Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero headed to Lorca to visit the most devastated areas and join an open-air funeral mass, along

with Crown Prince Felipe and his wife Letizia. Two days of mourning have been decks flying into the streets. Some buildings were flattened. The Red Cross said the quake forced some 15,000 of the city's 93,000 inhabitants from their homes. Thousands spent their second night away from their residences. Most were able to sleep in hundreds of tents supplied by the Red Cross.

US to push Pak army harder to break ties with militants: report PTI NEW YORK, MAY 13: PostOsama bin Laden, the US will push Pakistani army harder than ever to break relations with other militant leaders who American officials believe are hiding in Pakistan with the support of the military and intelligence service, a media report claimed today. These leaders include Mullah Muhammad Omar, the spiritual head of the AfghanTaliban; as also those from the allied militant network of Sirajuddin Haqqani; and Lashkar-e-Taiba, the group that the US holds responsible for the terrorist attacks in Mumbai in 2008, the New York Times reported quoting an unnamed senior American official as saying. Emboldened by the May 2 raid that killed bin Laden in

his Abbottabad hideout in Pakistan, American officials say they now have greater leverage to force Pakistan to cooperate in hunting down Taliban and Qaeda leaders so the United States can end the war in Afghanistan. But the paper warned Pakistan's powerful army chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani appears unlikely to respond to growing international demands for action to root out other militant groups. Quoting a confidant of the General, it claimed that Kayani is likely to pursue a strategy of decreasing Pakistan's reliance on the US, and continuing to offer just enough cooperation to keep the billions of dollars in American aid flowing. The Times said that since

the raid on May 2, Pakistani officials were anxiously waiting to see if any new intelligence about al-Qaeda in Pakistan spills from the American raid that could be used to exert more pressure on them, and what form that pressure might take. The daily said US was demanding answers from Pakistan on how bin Laden was able to stay in the garrison city of Abbottabad. But those who have spoken to Gen Kayani recently said that demands to break with top militant leaders were likely to be too much for the military chief, who is scheduled to address an unusual, closed-door joint session of Parliament today to salvage his reputation and explain the military's lapses surrounding the American raid, the report said.

8 new fish found off Bali


cientists from Conservation International have discovered eight new fish and one new coral species off Indonesia's Bali island. The new species include eels and damsels, the colourful little fish that dart among coral branches and help give reefs their dazzling appearance while playing a key role in reef ecology. "We have carried out a marine survey in 33 sites around Bali island. We have identified 952 reef fish, and among them we discovered eight new species," team senior adviser Mark Van Nydeck Erdmann said.

The surveys were carried out off the popular tourist island's northeast coast at Tulamben, a well-known recreational dive site, as well as Nusa Dua, Gili Manuk and Pemuteran, at depths of 10 to 70 metres (11 to 77 yards). Erdmann said the new fish species had not been named but they were in the genuses of Siphamia, Heteroconger, Apogon, Parapercis, Meiacanthus, Manonichthys, Grallenia and Pseudochromis. In their two-week marine survey which ended Wednesday, the team also found a new species of Eu-

phyllia or bubble coral. Tulamben is the grave of the US Army Transport ship Liberty, which was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine in 1942. Indonesia is a massive archipelago of 17,000 islands which form part of the socalled Coral Triangle, an area of rich marine biodiversity deemed vital to the health of the seas and global food stocks. In November last year a team of scientists discovered several new species in Indonesia's eastern Papua region, including an eyeless cave fish and a frog that carries its offspring on its back.

13 www.oheraldo.in Pakistan’s spin bowlers, led by four-wicket Saeed Ajmal, gave them early control of the first Test against West Indies on Thursday. Off-spinner Ajmal ended the opening day with four for 63 from 29 overs, as West Indies, electing to bat, reached 209 for nine in their first innings. Mohammad Hafeez, bowling off-spin, supported with two for 22 from 13 overs, and Abdur Rehman captured two for 46 from 26 overs.

Salgaocar Jrs top Margao, May 13: Salgaocar Jrs blanked Betalbatim

Sporting 2-0 to emerge champions in GFA U-16 South Zone finals at Curtorim ground, Friday. There was no score at full time. Salgaocar’s keeper Muzawar was rock solid. Clins Mendes scored a brace.

Bandfol win

Margao, May 13: Bandfol defeated Youth of Sarzora 1-0 to march into the semi-finals of Sucaldem Cup football at Sucaldem ground, Chinchinim, Friday. Ansen scored.

Areal ahead Margao, May 13: Sao Jose de Areal beat Don Bosco Oratory 3-2 in Ambelim soccer at Ambelim ground, Friday. Sao Jose de Areal led 1-0 at half time. Aggie Antao, Raymond Fernandes, scored for Areal. Roger Azavedo and Wilson Barbosa reduced the margin.

Mixed luck for Goan boxers

Calangute, May 13: Goan Boxers had a mixed day at 38th Boxing Federation Monnet Cup 2011Championship at Calangute Association ground, Friday. Maliksab Chapparband (Goa) was beaten 8-2 by Abhishek while Mitlesh (Goa) scored an 11-9 victory over Akash Rana. Anshuman (Goa) was beaten 12-2 by Ahshini Metei.

Goa I Saturday, 14 May 2011

25 years after taking over at Man United with the goal of knocking Liverpool ‘off their perch’, Sir Alex Ferguson’s long-held dream is likely to become reality on Saturday.

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Sporting Clube de Goa founder and president, Peter Vaz admitted that his team must win Saturday's match against Royal Wahingdoh to be sure of promotion. Irrespective of the result, Peter said that he is keen on building a full-fledged new stadium.

Goa I Saturday, 14 May 2011

An East Bengal victory or a draw on Sunday against Dempo is good for Salgaocar as we still have to play Dempo in Goa which could be like a final. -- Salgaocar coach Bencherifa

Lajong pip Mohammedans, regain I-League spot Sporting must beat Royal, says Peter


Panjim, May 13: Shillong’s Lajong Football Club beat Mohammedan Sporting 1-0 in the Second Division ILeague at Shillong, Friday. They topped the League and qualified for next year’s Senior I-League. Knowing that a draw would be enough to get them to next season’s I-League, Shillong Lajong thought it best to better the result. An ice-cool Lalhlimthara slotted home the solitary goal for Lajong in the 53rd minute to make the difference between the two teams and open the I-League doors for them. The win helped Lajong to finish at the top of the table with 16 points from 7 matches while Sporting finished on the 7th spot with 4 points from 7 matches. Ar-Hima defeated a lacklustre Southern Samity 3-0

to keep alive their slender chances of qualifying. Ar-Hima finished their engagements on 11 points with a goal-difference of 3, the same as Vasco SC. Meanwhile, with the AFC Ad-Hoc Committee for Professional Indian Football deciding that only the clubs which meet the AFC club licensing norms would gain promotion to the I-League, the substantiation of the documents submitted to AIFF will take place next month. If the teams occupying the top two spots at the end of the final rounds of the Second Division fail to come to terms with the laid criterion, there will be no relegation in the I-League. Meanwhile, Seikhohao Tuboi of Shillong Lajong has been suspended for having represented two clubs in a single season without undergoing the essential transfer rituals.

SAI girls football selections PANJIM: The Sports Authority of India will conduct football selection trials for induction of football girls at SAI Hostel, sports complex, Mapusa on May 16 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Those between the age group of 14 to 18 are eligible. Participants may bring along two passport size photographs, original birth certificates with two attested copies, school bonafide certificates, sports achievement certificates (original alongwith two attested copies) and residential proof with two attested copies. Forms are available at Peddem sports complex, Mapusa. Those interested may report to Satish Bhagal, SAI co-ordinator, Mapusa.

Pilerne inter-village soccer PANJIM: Pilerne Sports Club will organise their 18th intervillage Pilerne Panchayat football rolling trophy tournament from May 17 at Marra ground, Pilerne. The last date to register is May 15. Details may be obtained on 9822164185, 9822144767 or 9922050612.

Santosh Trophy selections MARGAO: The 32 players selected for the Santosh Trophy have been asked to report to coach Peter Valles for the final selection trials on May 14 at Nehru Stadium, Fatorda at 8.30 a.m. The Kingfisher Goa Football team which will be travelling to Guwahati to participate in the National Championship will be taken through the spirit of Panjim in road parade. The team will be announced on May 16.

3-a-side at St Cruz PANJIM: Cardozo Boys will organise their 1st All-Goa 3-aside soccer tie-breaker tournament on May 15 at St Agostinho ground, Marrod, St Cruz at 7 p.m. The winners will walk away with Rs 6,000 while the runners-up will have to settle for Rs 4,000. Details may be obtained from Manuel on 9823827873.

3-a-side at Arpora CALANGUTE: Chimot Boys of Nagoa, Arpora will organise their All-Goa 3-a-side tie-breaker on May 15 at Rauta Vaddo ground at 10 a.m. Those interested may directly report at the venue.

AGENCIES Panjim, May 13: Sporting Clube de Goa founder and president, Peter Vaz admitted that his team must win Saturday's match against Royal Wahingdoh to be sure of promotion and irrespective of the result, he said that he was keen on building a full-fledged new stadium. "Let's qualify first," said Peter Vaz. "We need a win at all costs. We're still trying to build a ground with our own facilities against all odds." Peter grieved over the ground conditions in Shillong, where the final round of the I-League Division II are being played.

“The grounds in Shillong are so bad. It rains over there and the waterlogged situations makes it difficult to play, but this is Indian football." Joseph Pereira's injury has ruled him of the crucial match, but Peter believes the performance of the foreigners will be vital. “Joseph Pereira's injury is a blow to us, but in the end the team's performance depends more on the foreigners. If the foreigners do not perform, the team does not perform in Indian football.” "Churchill or East Bengal are doing well because their foreign players are doing

Anything can happen: Karim AGENCIES Panjim, May 13: Salgaocar are not in the driver’s seat anymore with regards to the I-League title race as they have dropped far too many points in the last five outings where they have amassed a mere four from a possible 15. Karim Bencherifa, head coach of Salgaocar, praised the efforts of his boys and with three matches to go, he has asked his players not to feel the pressure of being involved in the race for the League title. “At the moment, I have asked the players to play the football they know of, with no pressure. Coming so close in the title race, no doubt I am very proud of this team. Our players do deserve something. Things are getting tight and that gives us the hope. Anything can happen to be honest. Our focus is just to win our next game against Indian Arrows,” said Bencherifa. The weekend shall also see the clash of the titans when East Bengal host Dempo in what could turn out to be a key moment in the title race. Bencherifa opines that a Dempo victory


I Arrows v. Salgaocar E Bengal v.Dempo Pune v.Mumbai JCT v. Chirag JUNE 1 FIXTURES HAL v. E Bengal Chirag v. V Kerala Churchill v. Pune ONGC v. Mumbai Dempo v. Air India I Arrows v. M Bagan JCT v. Salgaocar would make his team’s chances of winning the title more improbable. “The pressure is on East Bengal and Dempo as well as they play five matches in a very short period which is physically and mentally exhausting.” “Statistically speaking, an East Bengal victory or a draw on Sunday against Dempo is good for us as we still have to play them in Goa which could be like a final. A Dempo victory against East Bengal would mean that things are out of our hand,” said the former coach of Mohun Bagan. Salgaocar travel to the National capital without Thoi Singh who is suspended for the game against Indian Arrows on Sunday.

I-League fixtures rearranged AGENCIES Panjim, May 13: With Dempo having recovered well after their 9-0 thrashing at the hands of Nasaf to be one of the two teams to progress into the next round from Group A of AFC Cup as they downed Al Ansar 2-1 the I-League fixtures will now have to be rescheduled. The Indian champions next face Iraq’s Duhok in a one-legged away tie on May 24 and this has left the All India Football Federation (AIFF) with little choice but to consider postponement of the final round of I-League. As per the current fixture list, Dempo are to play against East Bengal on May 15 and thereafter face Mum-

bai FC (May 19), HAL (May 23), Pune FC (May 26) and Air India (May 29). With Dempo being involved in the title race and the relegation battle hotting up as well, the AIFF will have to ensure that the matches of Round 26 are to be played on the same day. “We have written to the clubs on this and are awaiting their response on the same,” informed Sunando Dhar, the I-League CEO. However it is learnt that several clubs haven’t agreed to the above proposal given that visas of foreign players and coaches is set to expire while the bigger issue is that the contract signed by the players ends on May 31. Given that most of the play-

ers have already decided whether to stay with a particular club or move on to some other team, the question of as to who would pay the salary for the month of June has also arisen. “Would the player be loyal to us on the field of play when he knows that some other club is set to pay his salary for the month of June? What if he gets injured in the last match? Are we expected to pay for his treatment given that we are aware of his move to some other club?” questioned a club official. Meanwhile, Churchill Bros Administrative Manager Macario Rodrigues stated that he will be attending the meeting in New Delhi on Monday morning.

well. Mohun Bagan's foreigners are not doing well, so they are struggling." Peter praised one of Sporting's junior players Jovel Martins, who has been promoted to the senior squad, for his contribution in the team's Second Division campaign. "Our Under-19 player Jovel Martins is doing really well and credit must be given to our scouting system, that helps us to come across such talented youngsters.” "Most of our players have their contracts intact with the club. Most of the side has been retained and we'll look to make some additions if we qualify," he concluded.

6th Frank Pires memorial soccer semis: Rossman Cruz SC, Nagoa v. Saligao United, Siridao church ground, 4.30 p.m. Sucaldem Cup soccer: Fatima Boys, Baida v. Youth of Dramapur, Sucaldem ground, Chinchinim, 4.30 p.m. 17th Sao Jose de Areal Villagers Cup soccer: Margao SC v. Davorlim SC, Padribhat ground, Sao Jose de Areal, 4.45 p.m. Siolim Sodiem super soccer: Siolim Sodiem SCA v. Friends Xl SC, Vaddem, St Anthony's church ground, Siolim, 4.45 p.m. Exhibition soccer: Candolim Veterans v. Bardez Veterans, Dr Gustavo Monteiro Stadium, Candolim, 4.30 p.m. 3-a-side tie-breaker organised by Nairalem Morod Boys, Caranzalem, 3 p.m.

SNAPSHOT 5-a-side soccer at Anjuna MAPUSA: Gaum Waddo Boys will organise their AllGoa 5-a-side football tournament on May 22 at Pedro Bhatt, Anjuna. The winners will walk away with Rs 5,000 while the runners-up will have to settle for Rs 3,000. Details may be obtained from Kiran on 9764437520.

3-a-side soccer at Adem PANJIM: Campus Club will organise their 3rd All-Goa 3-a-side soccer tie-breaker at Adem ground on May 14 at 7 p.m. The winners will fetch themselves Rs 9090 while the runners-up will get Rs 6060.

Cricket tourney at Adem PANJIM: Campus Cricket Club will organise their 3rd All-Goa cricket tournament at Adem ground on May 14 and 15. The winners will take home Rs 15151 while the runners-up will have to be content with Rs 8989 alongwith trophies. Spot entries will be accepted.

Bambolim tennis tourney PANJIM: Bambolim Boys will organise their 2nd AllGoa hard tennis cricket ball tournament at GMC ground on May 15. Details may be obtained from Kashinath on 9850419582.

Veterans football tourney in Panjim PANJIM: Friends Sporting Club, Carambolim, will organise their 2nd Friends Veterans All-Goa football tournament from May 29 at Don Bosco School ground, Panjim. Those born on or after 31/5/1971 are eligible. Last years winners Customs and Central Excise alongwith runners-up Salgaocar will be seeded directly into the quarter-finals. The winners will walk away with Rs 15,000 while the runners-up will have to be content with Rs 10,000 alongwith trophies. The last day to register is May 20. Details may be obtained from Franky on 9822580211, Derryl on 9689939826 or Sameer on 9421151086.

3-a-side at Taleigao PANJIM: Santissmo Boys will organise their 2nd 3-aside soccer tie-breaker at Santissmo Park, behind St Michael church, Taleigao on May 14 and 15 at 7 p.m. Details may be obtained on 9637505343 or 9765804775.

GFA registration PANJIM: The Goa Football Association has decided to extend the last date for the receipt of registration forms from collective and provisional members upto May 20. Thereafter, forms can be submitted alongwith a late fee of Rs 1,000 upto May 31. The GFA will not accept forms after the last date, stated Alberto Colaco, who has finally taken over as general secretary after the controversy over the selection procedure.

Cricket tourney at Canca PANJIM: Authentic Sports Club, Verla, Canca, will organise their 4th All-Goa tennis hard ball cricket tournament on May 21, 22, 28 and 29. Limited entries will be accepted. The last day to register is May 19. The winners will be richer by Rs 10,000 while the runners-up will have to be content with Rs 5,000. Details may be obtained from Vasudev on 9850458310 or Jayesh on 9823564284.

15 www.oheraldo.in


Man United manager Sir Alex Ferguson was charged with improper conduct by the FA over remarks about referee Howard Webb. Fergie’s comments that Webb was the "best man for the job" prior to Chelsea game were largely innocuous but FA said it contravened rules about commenting on refs in the build-up to matches.

Goa I Saturday 14, May 2011

The Blues must spend again on new players during the close season if we want to regain the Premier League title from Man United. -- Chelsea captain John Terry

It’s Karthik calling for Kings XI Punjab PTI Indore, May 13: Dinesh Karthik smashed a quickfire 69 as Kings XI Punjab overcame initial and middle over stutter to thump Kochi Tuskers Kerala by six wickets to keep themselves in contention for a play-off berth in the IPL here today. scoreboard Kochi Tuskers Kerala: Brendon McCullum lbw b Bipul Sharma 32, Mahela Jayawardene run out (Hussey) 76, Ravindra Jadeja lbw b Chawla 17, Brad Hodge c Marsh b Bipul Sharma 4, owais Shah run out (Hussey/Gilchrist) 23, parthiv patel c Karthik b Srivastava 0, Raiphi Gomez lbw b Harris 2, R Vinay Kumar not out 1. Extras: 23. Total: 178 for 7. Fall of wickets: 1-93, 2-122, 3-129, 4165, 5-165 (patel, 18.2 ov), 6177,7-178.Bowling:Harris 4-0-42-1, Bhatt 4-0-36-0, Bipul Sharma 4-0-32-2, Srivastava 4-034-1, Chawla 4-0-30-1. Kings XI punjab: Adam Gilchrist patel b Singh 9, paul Valthaty b Singh 17, Shaun Marsh c & b Singh 42, Dinesh Karthik c Jayawardene b Singh 69, David Hussey not out 21, Mandeep Singh not out 15. Extras: 8. Total: 181 for 4. Fall of wickets: 1-25 2-31 3-142 4-145. Bowling: Rp Singh 4-0-254, S Sreesanth 3.5-0-38-0, Vinay Kumar 3-0-28-0, Brad Hodge 2-026-0, parameswaran 2-0-23-0, Raiphi Gomez 1-0-12-0, Ravindra Jadeja 3-0-27-0. Man-of-theMatch: Dinesh Karthik.

Chasing a stiff 179, KXIP made a struggling start with openers Paul Valthaty (17) and Adam Gilchrist (9) falling cheaply inside five overs for just 31 runs before Karthik and Shaun Marsh (42) helping their side win the match with seven balls to spare with a 111-run third wicket stand in 9.3 overs. David Hussey (21 not out from 15 balls) finished the run chase in style with a six off Ravindra Jadeja as KXIP reached 181 for four in 18.5 overs to take his side to their fifth win in 11 matches. Karthik smashed seven fours and five sixes in his 33ball knock while Marsh hit five fours and two sixes from 30 balls to set up the win on a batting-friendly pitch at the Holkar Stadium which was hosting the first IPL match. PacerRPSinghgrabbedasuperb 4/25 to threaten to win the match for KTK but the KXIP batsmen were up to the task. With the win today, KXIP remained in contention for a play-off berth as they jumped to sixth spot with 10 points with three matches remaining. KTK, on the other hand, were virtually knocked out of the tournament with 10 points from 12 matches. They have two matches remaining. The KXIP opening stand

yielded just 25 runs in 2.5 overs with Valthaty falling victim to R P Singh after making a promising start, hitting two sixes in consecutive balls in the third over. Valthaty's middle stump was knocked off as the ball went through the gap between bat and pad. The KXIP opener, who faced 10 balls and hit a four and two sixes, failed once again after promising a lot early in the tournament.


SaTurday Blackburn v. Man utd (11:45), Blackpool v. Bolton (11:45), Sunderland v. Wolves (11:45), West Brom v. Everton (11:45) Sunday arsenal v. aston Villa (15:00), Birmingham v. Fulham (15:00), Chelsea v. newcastle (12:30), Liverpool v. Tottenham (15:00), Wigan v. West Ham (15:00) Time in GMT

FA Cup FINAL ToDAy Manchester City v. Stoke

Herald 21x3 14.05.11 Today’s fIxTures

Royal Challengers v. Kolkata Knight Riders 4 p.m. Mumbai Indians v. Deccan Chargers 8 p.m.

16 www.oheraldo.in


Rafael Nadal strolled into the Rome Masters semi­fi­ nals with a 6­1, 6­3 victory over Marin Cilic. Andy Murray scored a 1­6, 6­1, 6­1 victory against Florian Mayer. Caroline Wozniacki reached the semis beat­ ing Jelena Jankovic 6­3, 1­6, 6­3. Li Na of China made it to semis with a 6­3, 6­1 win over Greta Arn.

With seniors rested, Gambhir leads

Dhoni, Sachin, Zaheer out of ODIs; Parthiv, Saha, Badrinath in PTI Chennai, May 13: Captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni and Sachin Tendulkar were among the seniors who were rested as the national selectors today recalled Tamil Nadu batsman S Badrinath and Bengal wicketkeeper Wriddhimaan Saha in India’s 16-member ODI squad for the tour of the West Indies. Karnataka paceman Vinay

Kumar also found a berth while Amit Mishra, Rohit Sharma and Ishant Sharma made a comeback to the team which will be captained by Gautam Gambhir. Young Suresh Raina was named his deputy. Leg-spinner Piyush Chawla and the temperamental paceman S Sreesanth, both of whom featured in India's World Cup-winning squad, were dropped from the

team announced by BCCI Secretary N Srinivasan after a meeting of the selection committee here. The three seniors -- Dhoni, Tendulkar and paceman Zaheer Khan -- who have been rested for the ODI series and the lone Twenty20 match, would be available for the Test series. The series starts with the Twenty20 match on June 4 followed by the five one-day-

ers, starting June 6. The three Tests are scheduled from June 20. Opener Virender Sehwag was not considered for selection as he will undergo a shoulder surgery which will him rule him out for four to six weeks. Paceman Ashish Nehra was also not considered as he is recovering from finger injury sustained during the World Cup.

Ambati Rayudu, who has been a prolific scorer in the ongoing IPL, failed to get the nod with the selectors preferring to go the more experienced Badrinath. Pacer Praveen Kumar, who was unlucky to miss the World Cup due to an elbow injury, returns to the side along with Ishant. With Dhoni rested, the selectors have included two wicketkeepers for the series in Saha and Parthiv Patel.

The all-rounder's slot has expectedly gone to Yusuf Pathan.


Gautam Gambhir (Captain), Suresh Raina (ViceCaptain), Parthiv Patel (Wicketkeeper), Virat Kohli, Yuvraj Singh, S Badrinath, Rohit Sharma, Harbhajan Singh, R Ashwin, Praveen Kumar, Ishant Sharma, Munaf Patel, Vinay Kumar, Yusuf Pathan, Amit Mishra, Wriddhiman Saha.

Goa I Saturday, 14 May 2011

I would advise rather than dictate my world champion wards as a rigid approach will not work with the high-profile side. -- India cricket coach Duncan Fletcher



Saturday, 14 May 2011








Information Technology







email us at: goasheartbeat@herald-goa.com

Together through Thick and Thin Tondd cholta toxe hatui cholonk zai - Anonymous

The family is one of nature's masterpieces - George Santaya

A Closer Look at the Joint Family BY NOMRATHA FERNANDES With its emergence, nuclear families have HERALD FEATURES taken over the first and most influential hen a conversation includes the topic of a joint family, one always compares it to the institution in anyone’s life – the family. Its nuclear family, forgetting that by itself, it is a beautiful concept. While some are for, forerunner, the joint family seems to be on others are not quite against, but happy with their nuclear setup, surprisingly more others long to be in the verge of extinction, but is it really? On the one. eve of World Family Day which is celebrated One main reason for the break-up of joint families in Goa is the problems over division of the ancestral house and annually on May 15, Herald gets chatting about the property and of course, family disputes. As the family the nostalgia of the joint family line is patriarchal, pressure to divide large ancestral houses among the brothers lead to squabbles, and the eventual abandoning of the family. At a time when transport was not as dense as the present times, newly wedded couples chose the cities to live in. This was due to the need to be close to the workplace and school. The cities also offered more lucrative jobs. Another reason for the break-up of a lot of joint families is the emigration of family members to Western countries. Ancestral houses are usually large and difficult to maintain, especially long distance. They call for the spending of plenty of money on repairs and maintenance, which most families can not put up with, for whatever reasons. Post-Portuguese Goa saw the beginning of this trend, which brings us to the present times, where joint families are few, far-flung and remote. Their existence is one in a hundred and along with their descent, joint family values too seem to have changed; though the basic values are about the same, when living in a joint family, they are more stressed upon. As a child, if the mother and father are not reminding you to wash in between your nails before a meal, the aunt or uncle will pitch in. Later, as a teen, when you have problems over schoolwork or with friends, assistance came in the form of advice from the elder members of the families. Says Louella D’Souza, who lives in a joint family, “All of us The more the merrier: A typical scene at a Goan family get-together cousins get together and help each other with our homework. If someone is good at science, another is at Maths. modern day privacy needs of a family. Joseph Rodrigues (name changed I cannot study without their company.” This besides, various other for privacy reasons), who lives in something-of-a-joint-family-setup could gestures were made and received in a joint family setup. not see life any other way. Along with his mother, his father, his married A percentage of this goodwill still exists in nuclear families, for the brother with wife and child, they make a happy family. He states that most part, especially during holiday time when families live with each living besides and having experiences with persons of so many ageother. The in-flow of cousins and summer plans and naughtiness doesn’t groups at the same time has toughed him to face the outside world. seem to end. Activities include climbing trees, flinging stones at mango “The chore list is different for those living with just their parents. Here trees hoping to get a bunch to fall off, learning to ride the bicycle and there is a baby and a mother and a brother and a father to think about acquiring the much-needed art of socialising, with both boys and girls. before making any decisions,” he says. In such a scenario one finds it Besides the summers, the religious festivals of Goa, most notable hard to continuously compromise, but after weighing it out, he states Ganesh Chaturthi for the Hindus and Christmas for the Christians, witness he would never have it any other way. “Its dramatic and I love it…one the reunion of families. A collection of mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, big connected web with an active person on each end…a small shrug and everyone is aware,” he chuckles. His thoughts and words would cousins and grandparents flood ancestral houses, all in celebration. While these are temporary experiences of the joys of living in a joint echo a lot of others living in such family setups. Like the saying the more the merrier, former or present, it applies to family, modern day version of joint families exist too. The houses have been turned to large flats or the large houses have been tweaked to suit joint families.


A Squeeze of Freshness

Even the Off-season is Happening BY CLARON MAZARELLO As the foreign tourists s the tourist season ends, so does a lot of the nightlife in Goa, but on a different note, May brings wane out of the state, the in Goa in domestic tourists. With Graeham Hamilton (ex- o f f - s e a s o n UB40 fame) finishing with his shows for this season, w i t n e s s e s a whole Goan musician Shane Ballantyne donned a new avatar at his recent performance at the flea market. He just com- different scene, in music pleted his gig with a number of Indian blues musicians and fashion. Here is a look at the tribute to Robert Johnson Show in Bangalore. Playing alongside Lew Hilt from HFT and friends, soulful singer Carolyn Reeves from Connecticut, USA belted out some classics. Another distinct feature of the close of the tourist season is the dwindling of live music and beach parties on these outskirts of the Baga-Calangute beach strip. During Goa’s off-season most parties are held at the aforementioned areas. Among new age electronic music, Osteris from Greece, an artist playing dark sounds with hard baselines performed at Anjuna, alongside DJ Karran Khanna. Amongst statistics suggesting that Indian tourists spend more than international tourists, another observation here is how both these kinds perceive and understand parties and a party atmosphere. A prime example of this difference is noticed on the dance floor. When a European tourist takes to the floor, she will be surrounded by domestic male tourists, regardless of her age or the fact that she has a husband besides her. The fascination here is with the colour of the woman’s skin. It poses as an interesting novelty. Because foreign, particularly European tourists are a common sight in Goa, Goans are used to it. For the rest of India however this is a culture shock. “The people of Goa are not like this at all,” asserts Donata, an Italian regularly spending time in Goa for more than a decade. “Even earlier when there were naked hippies on the beach, the Goan folk would just leave them alone. It was like they understood that these foreigners were so caught up in their material and corporate world that they came here to be free from all these ties and that’s why they were probably behaving weirdly,” she analyses. Fashion and exposure to such trends, apart from music again have helped bridge this gap. Then again, while the poor wear torn clothes, the elite buy expensive stuff. Torn-more-neatly is a design incorporated from the down-to-earth hippie fashion world. And one is shunned while the other is praised for wearing almost the same. Maybe hippie fashion is indeed the missing link here. Conclusively however, in the words of the chorus of a classic song from Alanis Morrisette - Canadian-American singer-songwriter-guitarist-producer-actor with many accolades to her name, “Isn’t it ironic?”


Teaching to the Beat of the Drum Music isn’t just a form of entertainment but a great way of communication and percussionist Bondo is using his drum beats to spread a beautiful, melodious message. Bondo will be organising an interaction with the public at the Don Bosco’s School, Panjim on May 15 HERALD FEATURES n this age of digitisation of every little thing, music too has not escaped the clutches of the digital web. But still, though techo music and digitally enhanced rhythms have become quite the craze, there are many who are drawn to pure, unadulterated music, straight from the instruments. Bondo is one such individual who enjoys this music and is trying to promote the joys of playing an instrument. Bondo has captured the hearts of many with the beats of his drums and has travelled far and wide to perform for various concerts, even performing at the Commonwealth Games last year. Having achieved fame and the love of many music lovers around the world, he now feels that it is time to spread some of the knowledge he has gained along his musical journey, to anybody who is eager to learn, especially the young. Sharing his experiences and the evolution of percussion is something he has wanted to do for a long time “I wanted to interact with the people of Goa and this was a great opportunity, I will be performing on my percussion instruments and demonstrating the various styles of playing the instruments, speaking about the evolution of my music,” he explains. And being open to any participation from the people, he has invited everybody to come along with their musical instruments and jam up with him. “Music can be made from anything, and I would be really happy to see any young talent come up for the event to make music with me. I want the younger generation to realise the joy of playing an instrument and play pure music,” explains Bondo. Speaking about the music scene in Goa today, Bondo, who has been in the music field


Photo by Siddesh Mayenkar

What better way of cooling off and keeping yourself hydraded than a refreshing glass of tangy, homemade lemon juice?

for the past two decades, says that there is a lot of talent but there is a real need to widen the scope of Goan music. “There are a lot of musicians in Goa but I feel they should work towards bringing their music to a higher level, move out of the state and see how things function there and work on bettering their skills, aim higher and get new inspirations,” he comments. He also sheds light on the fact that although there are various genres of music, the balance of the various kinds of music in Goa is not perfect: “In other parts of the world, there is a time and place for every kind of music, but here, until lately, there has not been a very wide range of genres, but I am happy to see that times are changing, and many younger generation musicians are getting into the various fields of music. This will hopefully bring about a change,” he concludes.











Information Technology

info ‘nf’un zone

Saturday, 14 May 2011

WHAT’S UP IN GOA?? ‘Right To Information (RTI) will be the topic of the workshop organised by Asha Family Responsibilities and Rights Association in collaboration with the Lions Club of Aldona. It will be held on May 15 from 4.30pm onwards at the Aldona Parish Centre Hall, Aldona. E-mail trustasha@yahoo.co.in. Call 2256445 or 9822166876. A workshop in cold ceramics, organised by Ramdas Gadekar will be held from May 23 to 28 at Sunaparanta – Goa Centre for the Arts, Altinho-Panjim. E-mail info@sgcfa.org. Call 2421311. ‘Pogo Mad’ and ‘Smart Potato’, live summer workshop for kids will be held from May 9 to 29 at Kids.Com Playgroup and Counselling, Va g a t o r - A n j u n a . C a l l 9923393844 or 9158528453. ‘Art is all around us’, an art and craft workshop will be held from May 23 to May 28 May at Chinchinim. Registration closes on May 19. Call 9766374445 or 9860082466. Collector’s Day will be celebrated by the Museum Of Christian Art on May 15 at the Museum. It will allow collector’s to showcase their collections. Registration closes on May 10. E-mail museumofchristianart@gmail.com. Call 2285299. Free public sessions on rhythmic breathing, organised by the Rhythmic Breathing Club, Goa will be held in the month of May. Registration is open. E-mail veebee200303@yahoo.co.in. Call 9422443421. Free Summer Special animation classes, organised by Arena Animations will be held during the course of May at MGM Animations Academy, Panjim. It will cover creative art and sketching and computer fundamentals. Registration is open.







email us at: goasheartbeat@herald-goa.com

HOROSCOPE E-mail mgmanimations @gmail.com. Call 2225153, 9823013484, 9823611824, 9423885224 or 7709425857. The image of the 7th century saint, Saint Dymphna, patroness of mental health, epilepsy, sleepwalking, incest victims, etc will be kept open to the public on the feast day which is May 15 from 8.30am to 11.30pm at the house of Lida Joao, Bainfol, Assolna. Call 2773333. Know Thy King, a 12-hour journey through some of Goa’s best King Cobra habitats, organised by Herp-active will be held on May 22. E-mail ophidian_nirmal@yahoo.co.in Call 9822586918. Discover Margao Treasure Hunt, organised by Goan Shutterbugs and the Margao Cricket Club will be held on May 15. The reporting time and briefing will be at 9am and the flag off will be at 10am. Visit www.goanshutterbugs.com. Call 9822151419. ‘Role of Judiciary in Good Governance’, lecture II of the series of lectures on Good Governance, organised by the International Centre Goa will be held on May 20 at 6pm at the International Centre Goa, Dona Paula. It is free and open to all. Call 9765404391. Chinese cooking and fruit carving classes, organised by Clube Harmonia de Margao will be held from May 16 to 20 at the Clube. There will also be classes on paper and stocking flower-making, crochet-making and massages for healthy living. Call 2714818. Sunday Brunch, organised by Alila Diwa Goa will be held on May 10 from 12pm to 4pm at Alila Diwa Goa. Call 2746800. ‘Art Expo’, organised and painted by Piety D’Silva will be inaugurated on May 16 at 5pm by Pratapsing Rane at the Kala Academy, Campal-Panjim. Call 9822185185.

Sometimes quitting is just understanding your capabili21 Mar - 19 Apr ties and acting accordingly. You need to get something started today, if only to appease your desire for action. It's an auspicious day for new beginnings -- at least as far as you're concerned -- so do something unprecedented!

Taurus Pay careful attention to the finishing touches today -- make a 20 Apr - 20 May positive impression. Your colleagues are key to your success today -- even if you're not at work, or even in between jobs. Develop that social network so that it can fill in gaps and help you get where you need to be.

An ambitious Gemini friend is ready to step in and lend a hand or just be your 21 May - 20 Jun cheerleader. You should snap into action if you want to make the most of today's fantastic energy -planning is all well and good, but without some kind of push, it just sits there collecting dust.

Take your ego out of your latest project -- let other people in on the fun. Stuff 22 Jun - 23 Jul is hard to take around the house today, so get out there and mix it up socially or at work. You might never quite click, but you may also find a smart solution to an issue that has been bothering you.

Do your reVirgo Is it a friend's search! Once birthday? Douyou get a clear ble check! Depicture, you'll tails could throw know how to ap- 23 Aug - 22 Sep you off track 24 Jul - 23 Aug proach things. today. You've Who needs to hear from you? been operating on a superficial Don't rack your brains too hard level for too long -- now is the -- you should figure it out be- time for you to step things up fore long, and today makes it a bit and make sure that your easier than ever to get in touch people are taking things just with them and show them how as seriously as you are. it is.

Get yourself out into the world and gain inspiration from 23 Sept - 22 Oct typical, mundane objects. Your aesthetic sense is off the charts right now -- so make the most of it! Rearrange your space, make sure that your work projects look their best and just generally make your surroundings more beautiful.

Scorpio It's perfectly okay to ask for the attention you deserve -- feel 23 Oct - 22 Nov confident about it. Something or someone is just beyond your grasp -- how frustrating! You may find that you're better off walking away and coming back refreshed, rather than stretching yourself too thin.

Sagittarius If a friend is

Capricorn E v e r y d a y items and common conversations will take on heavier 22 Dec - 20 Jan a meaning today. Watch out for new challengers -- you need to reassert your authority, or at least make sure that your people are lined up behind you. It's not too hard to swat away the competition, as long as you can see them first.

Aquarius Review your budget. A very small change could make a 21 Jan - 19 Feb very big difference. Cultural differences don't bother you as much as they do most other people, and today brings out that distinction in a big way. You may shock a friend or even yourself with a new favorite thing or person.



going down a bad path, you don't have to fol23 Nov - 20 Dec low. Separate yourself. You need to let yourself follow your hunches -- the big picture is everything! See if you can get your friends to help out as you explore the bigger picture and really get things done.



Just ride out the day, focusing on the things you can 20 Feb - 20 Mar control -- like your temper. Someone close needs a hand -- and it's up to you to give them what they need. It's a good time for you to step up and make sure that your good energy is put to the right use. Pisces

DID YOU KNOW? The natural phenomenon of the Midnight Sun

crepuscular Pronunciation kri-puhs-kyuh-ler Function Adjective Meaning 1: of, pertaining to, or resembling twilight; dim; indistinct 2: Zoology appearing or active in the twilight, as certain bats and insects Example Sentence What better setting to convey one’s deepest, most brilliant of emotions than the crepuscular light of the night’s sky.


The midnight sun is a natural phenomenon occurring in summer months at latitudes north and nearby to the south of the Arctic Circle, and south and nearby to the north of the Antarctic Circle where the sun remains visible at the local midnight. Given fair weather, the sun is visible for a continuous 24 hours. The number of days per year with potential midnight sun increases the farther poleward one goes. Midnight sun at North Cape, Norway begins today, May 4 and will go on till July 31.


Funny Quote

“Most turkeys taste better the day after; my mother's tasted better the day before.” – Rita Rudner DAILY GROOK CLONE PRONE by Francis Rodrigues plan to buy in the future a new brain off the shelf, it seemed that i was sure getting a head of myself!




Tongue Twister Saturday 34° C | 26° C

Partly Cloudy

Dawn 05:44

Sunset Dark 18:56 19:19

Sunrise 06:07

Moon rise 15:52 High —

Low 01:44

Fresh fried fish, fish freshly fried, I tried fresh fried fish


Riddle Me This

Moon set 03:07

What do people sing in their bathtubs?

TIDES High Low High 08:31 13:58 19:49

D Tide timings are for Mormugao Harbour. For Panjim/Calangute add 20 mins. For Colva add 30 mins

Last ‘Riddle Me This’ Answer: Go sky diving

19:00 Pyaar Kii Ye Ek Kahaani 19:30 Pyaar Kii Ye Ek Kahaani 20:00 Geet 21:00 Star Screen Awards 2009

21:00 Main Hoon Na

09:50 Stakeout 12:10 Another Stakeout 14:25 Spider-Man 3 17:10 Toy Story 19:00 Toy Story 2 21:00 Toy Story 3 23:15 Shanghai Noon

11:30 In & Out 13:15 Anacondas Trail of Blood 15:00 House of Wax 17:15 Reality Bites 19:15 Along Came Polly 21:00 Friday the 13th 22:45 Land of the Lost

12:00 Skystar 12:30 Ram Aur Shyam 16:00 Pyar Ka Sapna 20:00 Lakshya

10:55 Perfect Stranger 13:00 Redline 14:50 Men in Black II 16:35 Charlie's Angels 21:00 The Winning Season 23:15 Godzilla 12:00 Viewers Choice : Break Ke Baad/ Qahar/Karma 16:00 Balidaan 20:00 Vivah

11:00 Paa 14:30 Gharwali Baharwali 18:00 Vinashak 22:00 C.I.D 23:00 Crime Patrol: Dastak

10:00 Navya 10:30 Navya 12:30 Saath Nibhana Saathiya 14:45 Saath Nibhana Saathiya 15:30 Kuch Kuch Hota Hai 19:30 Love U Zindagi 20:00 Maayke Se Bandhi Dor 21:00 Comedy Ka Maha Muqabla 22:00 Pyar Mein Twist 22:30 Aap Ki Kachehri

09:00 55th Idea Filmfare Awards 2010 12:00 C.I.D 16:00 C.I.D Classics 17:00 C.I.D Classics 20:00 Adaalat 21:00 Comedy Circus Ke Tansen

10:00 Aamdani Atthanni Kharcha Rupaiya 14:00 IPL 4 H/ls 15:00 Deewane Huye Paagal 19:00 IPL 4 Extraaa Innings 20:00 Indian Premier League 4 23:30 IPL 4 Extraaa Innings

10:30 Chhoti Si Zindagi 13:30 Movie 16:30 Movie 19:30 Preet Se Bandhi Yeh Dori... Ram Milaayi Jodi 20:30 Chhoti Si Zindagi 21:30 Dance ke Superstars

10:00 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 10:45 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 15:30 Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo 16:00 FIR

10:00 Leverage 11:00 Leverage 12:00 Top 20 Countdown 13:00 Most Daring 14:00 Guinness World Records New Zealand 14:30 Guinness World Records New Zealand 15:00 Wipeout 16:00 Most Daring 17:00 Top 20 Countdown 18:00 Wipeout 19:00 Most Daring 20:00 Guinness World Records New Zealand 20:30 Guinness World Records New Zealand 21:00 Top 20 Countdown 22:00 Sleepy Hollow

IDIOT BOX 16:30 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 18:00 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 18:30 Papad Pol 19:00 Mrs. Tendulkar 19:30 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 20:00 Gutar Gu 20:30 Gutar Gu 21:00 Ring Wrong Ring 21:30 Ring Wrong Ring 22:00 Ring Wrong Ring 22:30 Lapataganj

10:00 Geet 12:00 Geet 12:30 Geet 13:00 Apne 17:00 Pyaar Kii Ye Ek Kahaani 18:00 Pyaar Kii Ye Ek Kahaani 18:30 Pyaar Kii Ye Ek Kahaani

10:00 Mr. Sunshine 10:30 American Idol 12:00 Community 13:00 Family Guy 14:00 Friends 14:30 Friends 15:00 Mr. Sunshine 15:30 Raising Hope 16:00 Dexter 19:00 Mr. Sunshine 19:30 Raising Hope 20:00 Desperate Housewives 21:00 The Good Guys 22:00 Mr. Sunshine 22:30 Raising Hope

10:00 Paddle Pop: Elemagika 11:00 Chhota Bheem 12:00 Shrek 2

14:00 Chhota Bheem Aur Krishna 15:30 Looney Tunes Marathon 17:00 Chhota Bheem 18:00 Kumbh Karan 19:00 The New Adventures of Hanuman 20:00 Chhota Bheem Marathon 22:00 Mr. Bean The Animated Series Marathon

11:00 Internazionali Bnl D'italia 12:30 Internazionali Bnl D'italia 13:55 Internazionali Bnl D'italia 15:10 Asian 5 Nations Rugby 17:10 Barclays Premier League 19:15 Sea Master Sailing 2011 19:30 Ace 2011 20:00 Roland Garros H/l 21:00 Roland Garros H/ls 22:00 Barclays Premier League

09:00 Premier League Preview 09:30 World 10-Ball Championship 2011 14:30 Planet Speed 2010/11 14:58 Sportscenter Weekend 15:00 Sportscenter Week In Review 15:30 Premier League Preview 16:00 Scorecast Saturday 16:30 Primetime Premier League 17:10 Barclays Premier League 19:15 Full Time 19:45 Barclays Premier League 21:45 Bloopers 22:00 Sec Women's Gymnastics 10:00 NBA 12:00 WWE: Superstars 13:00 UEFA Champions League Magazine Show 13:30 UAE National Race Day Series 2010/2011 14:30 FIM European Speedway Grand Prix H/ls 15:30 WWE: Superstars 16:25 Moto GP 19:30 WWE: Smackdown 21:30 ATP 1000 Masters 23:30 ATP 1000 Masters

10:00 Australia Tour of England 2010 H/ls 14:00 2011 Commonwealth Bank Series H/ls 16:00 2011 Commonwealth Bank Series H/ls 17:00 Best of Britain 17:30 Best of Britain 18:00 Vb Series 19:30 Vb Series 21:00 Pakistan Tour of England 22:00 India Cricket Weekly 2011 22:30 STAR Mail 2010

10:00 Inside 11:00 Super Factories 12:00 Brilliant Beasts 13:00 Big, Bigger, Biggest 14:00 Adventure Wanted 15:00 Striker! 16:00 Alien Worlds 17:00 Engineering Connections 18:00 Big, Bigger, Biggest 19:00 How to Stop a Hurricane 20:00 Death of the Universe 21:00 Hubble's Final Frontier 22:00 Big, Bigger, Biggest

12:00 Traveller Band : Market Values - Bangkok 12:30 Traveller Band : Travel Sick - Wild West 13:00 Endurance Traveller 14:00 Traveller Band 14:30 Traveller Band : David Rocco's Dolce Vita 15:00 Paul Merton in India : Delhi 16:00 Traveller Band : Travel Sick - Wild West 17:00 Traveller Band : Spanish Food Safari 17:30 Traveller Band 18:00 Walking with Monsters 19:00 Battling Terror 19:30 Battling Terror : The Taliban 21:00 Remembering 9/11 : The Twin Towers

Instructions for Sudoku 9 x 9 letter: To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in each of the nine vertical columns, in each of the nine horizontal rows and in each of the nine boxes


HERALD CROSSWORD - 858 Across 1- Actor Omar; 5- Eat away; 10- Appropriate; 13- Bust maker; 14- Harsh; 16- Flight formation; 17- Traitorous; 19Connections; 20- Chip in; 21Servant; 23- Palm Pilot, e.g.; 24- Competent; 26- Plains native; 27- Blood vessel; 29- Offensive; 32- It may be floated; 33- Soup spoons; 36- Portly; 41- Endangered equine; 42Editor's mark; 44- Began; 48Bearish; 50- Calculus calculation; 51- Movable barrier; 53Old Ford; 54- Traveling bag; 58- Et ___; 60- Genetic material; 61- Pathfinder; 64- Do something; 65- Eye membrane; 66- Sand hill by the sea; 67- Bruce ___ was a famous kung-fu movie star; 68- Irritably impatient; 69- 1999 Ron Howard film; Down 1- Med. specialty; 2- Airdrop; 3- Previous to birth; 4- Beat it!; 5- That, in Tijuana; 6- Kidney-related; 7- Egg-shaped; 8- It's owed; 9Della's creator; 10- Fly; 11- Knight's banner; 12- Exam taker; 15- Dusk, to Donne; 18Scorch; 22- ER VIP; 23- Amigo; 25- Reporter's credit; 28- Chemical ending; 29Shoppe adjective; 30- Capital of Lebanon; 31- Nine-digit ID; 34- Not much; 35- Made a hole; 37- "As if!"; 38- CIA forerunner; 39Used; 40- Conscious; 43- A Kennedy; 44- Of religious rites; 45- Daze; 46- Add fizz; 47Blame; 49- Actual; 51- Profits; 52- Shoelace tip; 55- And so on; 56- Horse's gait; 57- Ex-

posed; 59- Fill with cargo; 62- Sea arm; 63Accelerate;













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email us at: goasheartbeat@herald-goa.com

Saturday, 14 May 2011



Sorbet Splash by Wendell Summer Collection at The Park Bangalore by Goa’s Ace Fashion Designer HERALD FEATURES endell Rodricks showed a zesty summer Sorbet Splash Collection of loungewear at The Park Bangalore. Blended into a feni cocktail are lime green, chilli tomato, hot fuchsia, whitesand, black iron ore and curaçao blue, creating a heady summer emotion. Against a backdrop of lazy ‘susegado’ serenades of Brazilian Bossa Nova, Latin cha cha and Parisian blues spliced with Goan rave and Carnival Stomp, DJ Troy from Goa blended a fine sorbet of delicious music. Coupled with clothes that are at all times hot, fluid, comfy, body hugging, flirty, sensual, breezy, lounge, resort and totally Wendell Rodricks, the Wendell Rodricks Sorbet Splash collection from Goa was The Park's shimmery tribute to a stunning summer. Applauding the vibrant-coloured collection were Bangalore's A list including Prasad Bidappa, Stanley Pinto, Waseem Khan and from Mumbai, ace choreographer Sharmila Roy Chowdhary Khanna who booked two dresses immediately post the show.


Ceazar Menezes

Parvish Kamat

V M Prabhudessai, director of the Sports Authority of Goa with his wife

Pandurang Phaldesai

Pratapsing Rane Nitin Kunkolienkar


Photos by Siddesh Mayenkar

Pavithran Nambiar, GM, Goa Marriott Resort with Reema Kamat

Maria Aurora Couto and a friend

Harshvardhan and Urvija Bhatkuly

Kedar Dhume, editor, Viva Goa

Manoj and Meghna Caculo

Nivedita Dempo


Ragini MMS Cast: Raj Kumar Yadav, Kainaz Motivala Director: Pawan Kripalani Rating:


kta Kapoor’s new offering is making noise for the right and wrong reasons. The stand-off between the real Ragini and Ekta, angry locals pulling down hoardings of this film, even blackening the faces of the lead pair on its posters, usage of a popular song from Jewel Thief, censors finding a few scenes very explicit, the threesome party hosted by Ekta a few days ago... Ragini MMS is the most discussed film of recent times. The horror genre hasn’t been tapped to the fullest in India. Most horror films made in Bollywood are just not petrifying enough to make you break into a cold sweat. What works in favour of Ragini MMS is the fact that first-time director Pavan Kirpalani chooses a scandalous, real-life story and garnishes it with sex and horror. It can’t get more lethal than that. Ragini MMS has been shot as if in real time, in an unconventional way. The film is voyeuristic in nature. But, of course, not all of the film is sex and scandal. There’s a ‘third person’ watching the act as well, plus there’s a story behind this haunted mansion. However, it’s terrifying enough to make you jump on your seat. The movie teases the viewers at different points as the sequence of events unravel. Scenes remain silent and still; not for long though, but long enough to make you fret. There are ample blood curdling moments and also sequences that spice up the proceedings. Though the film is short in duration, with a running time of approx 100 minutes, you still feel that things could’ve been spruced up towards the middle of the second half. Yet, all said and done, this is a minor blemish that doesn’t really take away much from the efforts of the rest of the film. Both Raj Kumar Yadav and Kainaz Motivala are truly wonderful. Shedding all inhibitions aside, the actors deliver striking performances. The steamy scenes between them look realistic and those explicitly intimate moments only add to the realistic mood of the film. On the whole, Ragini MMS amalgamates components of horror, paranormal and sex seamlessly. It titillates, it petrifies, but most importantly, it tells you a story which is daunting, imaginative and unconventional. The lethal combo of sex and horror should entice not just the average moviegoer, but also Gen X and the more evolved audience that values and embraces innovative themes and new genres of cinema.

Stanley Ka Dabba

Cast: Partho Numaan, Divya Dutta, Amole Gupte Director: Amole Gupte Rating:


ilm-maker Amole Gupte is passionate about cinema with kids as the central characters, which is very evident from the stories he wants us to hear. He chooses to get into their little world, depict their joys, sorrows, concerns... Stanley Ka Dabba is a slice-of-life film about school kids, it makes you appreciate friendship, besides exploring the relationship that kids share with their teachers. Yet, the film also delves deeper. It talks of tiffins and recess breaks and how an orphan’s life undergoes a sea-change when confronted by a selfish, cold-blooded teacher, only because the orphan can’t afford a lunch box to school. Simplistic, honest and sensitively told, Stanley Ka Dabba takes you back to your school days. Here’s a small film with a big heart. A remarkable film with a rock-solid script, this heart-warming experience should not be missed at any cost. He arrives in school much before any of his classmates to drum away his blues on empty benches. He stuffs himself with water instead of the nutritious food that his schoolmates relish during the lunch break. He covers up for his lack of social rank with the finesse of the most seasoned diplomat. He’s Stanley (Partho) who loves to be amongst friends and win the appreciation of his peers and colleagues. He uses his sparkling wit and innocent wisdom to astound everyone around him. With this film, Gupte peeps into the psyche of a school kid. His Stanley tugs at your heartstrings while facing this heartless world. At home, at school, in fact life is a challenge for this kid every single day. While the story doesn’t move much initially, it takes a humorous turn when the kids start hiding themselves and their dabbas from the insatiable Hindi master (Gupte). But the events thereafter strike like lightening, leaving an indelible impression. As a storyteller, Gupte deserves distinction marks for turning a superb script into a superb film. Besides, his ability to draw natural, sparkling and wonderful performances from the kids warrants ovation. Partho is a wonder kid. Uninhibited, spontaneous and lovable, this child actor is the star of the show, the soul of the enterprise. The remaining kids pitch in amazing performances as well, especially the kid who gets the most delicious meals in his dabba. The supporting cast delivers remarkable performances as well. On the whole, Stanley Ka Dabba is a sincere, noble, well-intentioned film that tells a moving story with earnestness. One of the finest films of our times, this emotional journey is a must watch. Thumbs Up! www.bollywoodhungama.com











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email us at: goasheartbeat@herald-goa.com

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Jolie’s New Tattoo is a Tribute to Brad Pitt



Aamir to host Indian Oprah?


ngelina Jolie has confirmed that her new tattoo is a tribute to her partner Brad Pitt. The actress was at the Cannes Film Festival promoting her new movie Kung Fu Panda 2 at the festival. She explained that the latitude and longitude tattoo is in reference to the birthplace of Pitt. The tattoo which was first seen when Jolie visited the Tunisian-Libyan border last month has been a subject of debate. Some argued that the coordinates of the tattoo pointed to Algeria. That got them to suspect that the actress was planning on adopting another child from the North African nation. But Jolie denied that the tattoo is an indication that she is planning for another adoption and told the reporters that she does not intend to adopt any more children for the time being. The actress has six children – three biological and three adopted – with Pitt. As for Kung Fu Panda 2, Jolie revealed that her children loved the new movie. She said, “The kids loved it!’ They laughed out loud, hysterical… We talk very openly in our house. Orphanage and birth parents are happy words in our house.”


s Aamir Khan likely to host a talk show just like The Oprah Winfrey Show? Speculations are rife that Siddharth Basu’s Big Synergy is planning to launch a show which would be India’s answer to the Oprah Show and will be hosted by Aamir. Since Aamir was always keen to do TV, but not a game show, this might interest him. Siddharth Basu, however, refuses to confirm the news. “We have been in talks with several top stars for various shows. Right now, we have no plans to confirm anything about our forthcoming shows.” If Aamir makes it for the talkshow then it might be Khan wars on small screen as Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan are already hosting shows.

Designers give Thumbs Up to Ash’s Cannes Outfits


t is thumbs up from designers for Aishwarya Rai who walked the red carpet in a beige one-shoulder Elie Sahab outfit on the opening day of the 64th Cannes International Film Festival. “I think Aishwarya’s outfit is very elegant and trendy. It is very sophisticated and reflects maturity. I would say it’s the perfect mix of east and west,” said designer Leena Singh of designer duo Ashima-Leena. The actress completed her look with her hair tied up, simple earrings and Jimmy Choo clutch bag in her hand. Aishwarya has been attending the French film festival since 2002 as the global face of L’Oreal. The designers feel that the 37-year-old actress’s stylish and classic look this year is much better than her previous ones. “She is looking great. It seems she has lost a lot of weight and looks fitter. It is definitely a better option than the outfit she wore on Cannes last year. It’s classic and stylised,” said designer Charu Parasher. Even on day two of Cannes, Aishwarya’s icy gown in white and blue by Armani was stunning. Ash walked the red carpet at the Sleeping Beauty premiere and was one of the best dressed on the second day of Cannes film festival. She completed her look with a bold, big watch which looked more like a cuff, and a clutch in steel tone.

James Marsden to star in Belgian Thriller Remake


n a story that is sure to play out like a much more dramatic version of Clue, it has been revealed that James Marsden, Patrick Wilson, Wentworth Miller and Eric Stonestreet will all star in a remake of the 2008 Belgian thriller The Loft. A Nightmare on Elm Street remake writer Wesley Strick is behind the script which tells the story of five married friends who share a loft where each of them bring their mistresses. When the body of an unknown woman is found in the loft, they begin to suspect one another of murder. Erik Van Looy, who directed the original film, is also helming the English-language remake. While three of the cast members have dealt with various types of thrillers in their career, this will be Stonestreet’s first step onto darker territory.

Early HIV Therapy can cut Virus Spread to Partners


Flying Robot to track Security Threats


deadly new flying robot, named Aeryon Scout, promises to replace the CCTV camera and track down criminals and security threats with greater effectiveness. Users simply point to a place on Google Maps on its touch-screen cont ro l l e r a n d t h e robot flies there at 30 mph to record high quality video that can be beamed to an iPhone in real-time. The robot, manufactured by Canada-based Aeryon Labs Inc, is touted as the world’s most sophisticated intelligence system. It can go up to 500 ft above the ground and can zoom in to a close-up from 300 metres away, meaning it may not even be seen while on a mission. The four rotor blades also ensure it is practically silent when hovering. It beams its pictures to any electronic device, be it a remote computer or even an iPhone. The Scout and its laptop-style control panel fits into a suitcase so it can be deployed easily over any crowd and carried away covertly. One of the most ingenious features is that the camera is self-correcting, so even if you are flying along at speed, it will stay locked on the target. The Scout also has potential uses for the military and general surveillance missions. The company is currently seeking permits to fly the Scout in the US and has already spoken to a number of law enforcement and security agencies.

IV-infected people with relatively healthier immune systems can dramatically reduce the transmission of the virus to their sexual partners if they are treated immediately with oral antiretroviral drugs, says a large-scale clinical study. The US National Institutes for Health (NIH) trial, known as HPTN 052, found antiretroviral treatment to be 96 per cent effective in reducing sexual transmission of HIV. The results are the first from a major randomised clinical trial to indicate that treating an HIV-infected individual can reduce the risk of sexual transmission of HIV to an uninfected partner. “Previous data about the potential value of antiretrovirals in making HIV-infected individuals less infectious to their sexual partners came largely from observational and epidemiological studies,” said NIAID Director Anthony S Fauci. “This new finding convincingly demonstrates that treating the infected individual and doing so sooner rather than later can have a major impact on reducing HIV transmission,” he added. Led by study chair Myron Cohen, director of the Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the trial began in April 2005 and enrolled 1,763 couples, all at least 18 years of age. The study was conducted at 13 sites in Botswana, Brazil, India, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Thailand, the United States and Zimbabwe. In its review, the researchers found a total of 39 cases of HIV infection among the previously uninfected partners. Of those, 28 were linked through genetic analysis to the HIV-infected partner as the source of infection.

Seven infections were not linked to the HIV-infected partner, and four infections are still undergoing analysis. Of the 28 linked infections, 27 infections occurred among the 877 couples in which the HIV-infected partner did not begin antiretroviral therapy immediately. Only one case of HIV infection occurred among those couples where the HIV-infected partner began immediate antiretroviral therapy.

Pain of Social Exclusion can be Deep, Long-lasting


stracism or being boycotted by your community may not leave outer scars but it can cause pain that often is deeper and lasts longer than a physical injury. “Being excluded or ostracised is an invisible form of bullying that doesn’t leave bruises, and therefore we often underestimate its impact,” said Kipling D Williams, professor of psychological sciences at Purdue University. “Being excluded by high school friends, office colleagues or even spouses or family members can be excruciating. And because ostracism is experienced in three stages, the life of those painful feelings can be extended for long term. “People and clinicians need to be aware of this so they can avoid depression or other negative experiences,” said Williams. When a person is ostracised, the brain’s dorsal anterior cingulate cortex – which registers physical pain, also feels this social injury, Williams said. The process of ostracism includes three stages – the initial acts of being ignored or excluded, coping and lastly resignation. “Being excluded is painful because it threatens fundamental human needs such as belonging and self-esteem,” Williams said. “Again and again research has found that strong, harmful reactions are possible even when ostracised by a stranger or for a short amount of time.” Courtesy: Agencies

Editor –in-chief: R F Fernandes. Editor: Ashwin Tombat. Chief Editor-Features: Christina Viegas.

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