ZI DE ZI #1191 joi, 14 aprilie 2022
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ME = MAI EFICIENT Page 2 of 108
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#we-rock-on-the-same-ROAD #suntem-pe-același-drum MBDA SYSTEMS ................................................................................................ 3 . INTERVIURILE RO.A&D
... ...................................................... 8
TOP5 interviuri RO.A&D ......................................................................................... 8 . COMPETITIVENESS .ro
... .................................................... 9
TOP COMPETITIVITATE (6) .................................................................................. 9 . AERONAUTICĂ
... .................................................... 10
AEROTEH: SVP ................................................................................................... 10 Programul Avion multirol al Forţelor Aeriene Române, F-16 ................................. 11 Programul: modernizare IAR-99 ........................................................................... 11 Revitalizarea şi modernizarea aeronavelor IAR-99, M.Ap.N. ............................ 11 AEROTEH S.A. - 448560 ...................................................................................... 11 . DRONE/ANTI-DRONE
... ...................................................... 12
Proiecte prioritare de cercetare-dezvoltare ........................................................... 12 Sistemul ULTRA - 20 VTOL Multirol .................................................................. 12 Sistemul ţintă ULTRA - 20 V2............................................................................ 12 Baykar
............................................................................................................... 12
Mărul roșu” a intrat în linia de producție ............................................................ 12 Turkish drones have become a symbol of the Ukrainian resistance .................. 13 . ARME DE FOC & MUNIȚIE
... .................................................. 17
Program: Sistem armament individual tip NATO ................................................... 17 Program: Arma de asalt cal 5,56 mm cu muniţia aferentă .................................... 17 Program: Modernizare sistem artilerie antiaeriană Oerlikon Model GDF 103 la standardul sistem artilerie antiaeriană cu capacități CRAM .................................. 17 C.N. ROMARM S.A. – 13554423 ........................................................................ 17 UM Plopeni S.A. - 13741804, ROMARM ......................................................... 17 UM Mija S.A. - 2978636, ROMARM ............................................................... 18 Electromecanica Ploiești S.A. – 14361269, Romarm ...................................... 18 TOHAN S.A. - 13652413, ROMARM ............................................................... 19 UPS Dragomirești S.A. - 3180070, ROMARM ................................................ 19 . NAVAL
... ...................................................... 21
Programului de înzestrare esențial „Corvetă multifuncțională” .............................. 21 New(s) Connections&Significances ................................................................... 21 Scandalul corvetelor ............................................................................................. 22 . DEFENCE TRADE & RESOURCES
... ............................................... 24
USA ...................................................................................................................... 24 Page 4 of 108
Readout of Roundtable Meeting With Prime Contractor CEOs on Ukraine Security Assistance ......................................................................................................... 24 Insights.................................................................................................................. 25 . DEFENCE INDUSTRY NETWORKING . NATO
... .............................................. 27 ... ...................................................... 30
How many NATO member countries are there? ................................................... 31 Insights.................................................................................................................. 32 NATO – news now! Click on photos! ................................................................. 32 Jens Stoltenberg – news now! Click on photos! ................................................ 32 Mircea Geoană – news now! Click on photos! ................................................... 32 . UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ
... .................................................... 33
Fondului European de Apărare - regulament ........................................................ 35 EU Annual Reports on export of conventional arms ............................................. 36 Insights.................................................................................................................. 37 . DECIZIONAL
... ...................................................... 39
Agenda ședinței Guvernului din 14 aprilie 2022 .................................................... 40 Unele măsuri pentru diminuarea arieratelor bugetare ........................................... 45 ale unor operatori economici din industria națională de apărare ....................... 45 Theodora-Magdalena Mircea, ambasador în Cuba ............................................... 48 Răduţa Dana Matache, ambasador în Filipine ...................................................... 48 Gabriela Dancău, ambasador în Malta ................................................................. 48 Ion Naval, ambasador în Turkmenistan ................................................................ 48 Florin Marius Tacu, ambasador în Oman .............................................................. 49 Nicuşor Daniel Tănase, ambasador în Qatar ........................................................ 49 Octavian-Bogdan Bădică, ambasador în Emiratele Arabe Unite........................... 49 Achiziții publice ..................................................................................................... 49 Programul IMM PROD .......................................................................................... 49 . RO ... A&D ... Stock Exchange ... Fin
... .................................................... 50
Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur ................................................ 50 BVB - industria aeronautică .................................................................................. 51 Raport preț aur/argint ............................................................................................ 52 Natural Gas Futures Overview (USA) ................................................................... 52 Aluminum Futures Overview (UK) ......................................................................... 53 Brent Oil Futures Overview (UK) ........................................................................... 53 . INVESTIȚII & FUZIUNI & ACHIZIȚII
... ................................................. 54
Hidroelectrica este în procedură de achiziție a 2.000 MW în eolian și fotovoltaic, 54 investiție de 2,3 miliarde de euro ....................................................................... 54 Insights.................................................................................................................. 54 . MacroE
... ....................................................... 55 Page 5 of 108
Marcel Ciolacu: ..................................................................................................... 55 Cel mai important lucru este că împreună cu Banca Națională am ținut cursul euro până în cinci lei .................................................................................................. 55 Se dau bani de la stat, cresc tichetele de masă, salariul minim pe economie,...... 55 . RESURSE, chiar și de idei
... .................................................. 56
Planul Național de Redresare și Reziliență (PNRR) ............................................. 56 Insights.................................................................................................................. 57 . EVENIMENTE
... ..................................................... 57
EXPO & CONFERINȚE ........................................................................................ 57 Aprilie 2022 ....................................................................................................... 57 Mai 2022............................................................................................................ 57 Iunie 2022.......................................................................................................... 58 Iulie 2022 ........................................................................................................... 58 August 2022 ...................................................................................................... 58 Septembrie 2022 ............................................................................................... 58 Octombrie 2022 ................................................................................................. 58 Noiembrie 2022 ................................................................................................. 59 Decembrie 2022 ................................................................................................ 59 Februarie 2023 .................................................................................................. 59 Martie 2023 ....................................................................................................... 59 Mai 2023............................................................................................................ 59 . OSINT
... ...................................................... 59
INFORADAR ......................................................................................................... 59 . SONDAJE ... POLLS
........................................................ 60
ROMANIA: national parliament voting intention, 29.03.2022 ................................ 60 Cine este și ce a declarat la Congresul Partidului NOI, ........................................ 61 Francesco Şerban – noul președinte executiv................................................... 61 . SINDICATE . e-REPUTAȚIE
....................................................... 62 ... ..................................................... 63
2021 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices ............................................... 63 Preface .............................................................................................................. 63 Country Reports ................................................................................................ 64 2021 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Romania ........................... 67 . RESPONSABILITATE ORGANIZAȚIONALĂ ... ............................................... 101 Decizia … și culoarele tribunalelor ...................................................................... 101 . COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE
... ............................................ 102
HERALD INSIGHTS: SVP .................................................................................. 102 Participă la prezentarea entitățile A&D ale județului ........................................... 104 Alege județul cu un click .................................................................................. 104 Page 6 of 108
Precizează entitățile A&D ale județului ............................................................ 104 . TIMPUL: Aliat sau Neprieten?
... ................................................. 106
informații .......................................................................................................... 106 COVID-19 - Romanian Economic Impact Monitor ............................................... 106 Coronavirus - Covid-19 - Pandemie .................................................................... 107 . DIVERSE
... .................................................... 107
RO.A&D remember last week ............................................................................. 107
DISCLAIMER: THE NEWS & INTERVIEWS REFLECT ONLY THE VIEWS OF THE AUTHOR & INTERVIEWEES, NOT OF HERALD INSIGHTS FIECARE ȘTIRE ȘI INTERVIU REPREZINTĂ DOAR PUNCTUL DE VEDERE AL AUTORULUI ACESTEIA ȘI A INTERVIEVATULUI, IAR LINK-UL CONDUCE LA SURSA ORIGINALĂ ȘI LA FORMA INTEGRALĂ A ARTICOLULUI. Conținutul acestui newsletter este destinat să ofere un ghid asupra subiectelor de interes pentru domeniul de activitate A&D. Pentru căutarea și identificarea circumstanțelor specifice se recomandă consultanța de specialitate asigurată de Herald Insights.
The contents of this newsletter is intended to provide a guidance on topics of interest to the A&D industry. For the searching and the identifying specific circumstances it is recommended the expert advice provided by Herald Insights.
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TOP5 interviuri RO.A&D După numărul de vizionări CLICK pe foto pentru vizualizare:
646 522 512 454
RO.A&D #727
Neculai Banea: IAR SA - mereu pregătită pentru performanță, 2020
RO.A&D #891
Cristian Spulbăr: o retrospectivă 2020 a S. AVIOANE Craiova SA
RO.A&D #880
Cătălin Nae: o retrospectivă 2020 a activității I.N.C.A.S. București
RO.A&D #1000
Interviu Ioana Țigănescu, fondator MEDIAUNO, cu ocazia apariției #1000 al RO.A&D Project
RO.A&D #897
Mircea Mihai Obreja: ''Juristul Business Partner al Anului 2020'' Gala ACJSFB Toate interviurile pot fi vizionate AICI. Sunteți invitați să participați la interviurile RO.A&D și să vă prezentați punctele de vedere referitoare la cele mai importante subiecte A&D. Contactați-ne la heraldcons@gmail.com
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TOP COMPETITIVITATE (6) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC38x6s-bLWCR8JNH9rhmKAg
top competitiveness TOP20 DEFENSE MANUFACTURERS by Defense Revenue 2000 - 2020
TOP ROMÂNIA Decision Makers for RO.A&D Industry January 1st, 1990 - October 31st, 2021
TOP ROMÂNIA National parliament voting intention January 1st - October 26th, 2021
TOP15 producători de energie electrică • •
criterii: cifra de afaceri • profit număr angajați
Ministerul Economiei: Industria de apărare TOP25 • •
criterii: cifra de afaceri • profit număr angajați
criterii: cifra de afaceri • profit număr angajați
Sursa datelor economice românești: datele publice ale Ministerului Finanțelor. Aprecierea Dvs este importantă. Abonează-te la TOP competitiveness (RO.A&D Project .ro) pentru a afla de noul videoclip sau interviu. Page 9 of 108
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Programul Avion multirol al Forţelor Aeriene Române, F-16 Contract G2G: Portugalia, SUA
direcția generală pentru armamente .ro https://www.dpa.ro/dgarm/programe-de-inzestrare/f16 https://www.dsca.mil/major-arms-sales/romania-weapons-equipment-and-support-f-16-block-15-mlu-aircraft
Programul: modernizare IAR-99 Revitalizarea şi modernizarea aeronavelor IAR-99, M.Ap.N.
direcția generală pentru armamente .ro https://www.dpa.ro/dgarm/programe-de-inzestrare/modernizare-iar-99
AEROTEH S.A. - 448560 Vă pune la dispoziție facilitățile moderne ale unui Laborator de încercări pentru echipamentele motoarelor de aviație. Vezi detaliile la AEROTEH SVR prezentate într-un clip video.
Program prioritar cu contract de achiziție în derulare
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Proiecte prioritare de cercetare-dezvoltare direcția generală pentru armamente .ro Agenţia de Cercetare pentru Tehnică şi Tehnologii Militare (ACTTM)
Sistemul ULTRA - 20 VTOL Multirol https://www.dpa.ro/dgarm/programe-de-inzestrare/sistemul-ultra-20-vtol-multirol
Sistemul ţintă ULTRA - 20 V2 https://www.dpa.ro/dgarm/programe-de-inzestrare/sistemul-tinta-ultra-20-v2
Mărul roșu” a intrat în linia de producție https://www.puterea.ro/marul-rosu-a-intrat-in-linia-de-productie/
puterea .ro ByNina Marcu miercuri, 13 aprilie 2022, 19:45
Dacă ar fi să vorbim plastic, am spune că, în războiul dintre Rusia și Ucraina, Turcia joacă la două capete. Dar dacă n-o facem astfel, afirmăm că dă dovadă de diplomație și nu se arată solidară nici cu un stat, nici cu celălalt. Membră NATO, Turcia e vecină din punct de vedere maritim și cu Rusia, și cu Ucraina și, potrivit unei bune vecinătăți, are legături bune cu amândouă. În timp ce a calificat invazia Moscovei ca inacceptabilă, s-a opus sancțiunilor decise de NATO pentru Rusia. ... citește știrea originală și integrală utilizând link-ul ...
Baykar is a private Turkish defence company specialising in UAVs, C4I and artificial intelligence. Turcia, fostă Baykar Makina ; Bayraktar Akıncı (TİHA, vehicul aerian de asalt autonom) în dotarea Forțelor Armate Turce; https://baykartech.com/en/
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Turkish drones have become a symbol of the Ukrainian resistance https://baykartech.com/en/press/turkish-drones-have-become-a-symbol-of-theukrainian-resistance/
baykartech .com April 12, 2022, 9:54 a.m.
Istanbul, Turkey (CNN)"Those shiny tanks are being set ablaze -- Bayraktar -- that's the new craze," go the lyrics of a popular Ukrainian song dedicated to a drone that has become one of many symbols of the nation's resistance. The "Bayraktar" has become so popular that Ukrainians are now naming their pets after the Turkish-made drone. Last month, the mayor of Kyiv announced that a newborn lemur at the city's zoo would be named Bayraktar and the foreign ministry tweeted a photo of another Bayraktar, a puppy at the Kyiv police dog training center. Western and Ukrainian officials have praised Turkey's Bayraktar TB2 drones for playing a part in countering Russian attacks. Last month the British defense secretary Ben Wallace reportedly told UK lawmakers the drones were "delivering munitions" onto Russian "artillery and their supply lines." He added that was "incredibly important" to slow down and block the Russian advance. The TB2, a medium altitude long endurance (MALE) drone, has been operational for years. It's been in use by the Turkish military in northern Iraq and Syria since 2014. More recently it has been credited with helping tip the balance in conflicts like Libya and Nagorno Karabakh. But videos released recently by the Ukranian military showing its strikes against Russian military targets have gone viral, putting it in the spotlight again. The drone's success "isn't just the ability to target the Russian military," said Samuel Bendett, adjunct senior fellow at the Center of Naval Analyses Russia Studies (CNAS). "It's a public relations victory as well." According to Bendett the drone performed as expected but it is not "invulnerable." Open-source evidence suggests some may have been shot down by the Russians. The drones "are part of the Ukrainian social media campaign that is executed very well by the Ukrainian military and civilians," he said. Videos of Bayraktar strikes went viral on social media and that is "a great morale booster ... [and] a great tactical victory." The TB2 and other unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) being developed in Turkey have put the country on the drone map, along with the US, China and Israel, Bendett said. Page 13 of 108
Turkey, which maintains close defense and economic ties with both Russia and Ukraine, has been cautious about touting what has arguably become one of its most famous exports. The drone sales had been a major irritant for Russia long before its invasion of Ukraine; Vladimir Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov warned late last year that the Turkish drones would have a "destabilizing" impact in the region. A high-level Turkish bureaucrat told reporters on Friday that Russia has repeatedly complained to Ankara about drone sales to Ukraine. "They used to complain before, they are complaining right now, but we have already given the answer... these are [from] a private company and this purchase had been done before the war," he told a foreign media briefing. Ukraine was the first country to purchase the TB2s in 2019 and has ordered at least 36 drones so far. Last month, its defense minister announced the arrival of a new shipment of the drones. Selcuk Bayraktar, the chief technology officer of Baykar Technologies, is more keen to talk about his drones' technology than politics. He also happens to be the son-in-law of the Turkish president, who has emerged as a key mediator between Russia and Ukraine in the war. Bayraktar has heard the song dedicated to his namesake drone and knows the social media phenomenon it has become in Ukraine, but he measures his words carefully when discussing Ukraine. "I think it is one of the symbols of resistance, it gives them hope," Bayraktar, an engineer and graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, told CNN during a rare tour of the drone production facility in Istanbul last week. "People are resisting and defending their homeland from an illegal occupation and ... if you want independence you have to be able to stand up and resist and I think that's what the brave people of Ukraine and leadership has done," he said. "At the same time, you need technology, you need your own indigenous defense capacity, but when people's lives are on the line... I don't want to compare that to any sort of technology." On display is the "Kizilelma" (Red Apple), Turkey's first unmanned fighter jet, which has just hit the production line and is named after the Turkish mythologic expression that symbolizes the ideal -- the goal one wants to reach. Bayraktar said it is expected to begin flying next year. Industry experts say factors such as cost are what make the drones appealing. "[The] Bayraktar TB2 offers an almost perfect price and combat efficiency balance [and] has an affordable unit cost," said Dr. Can Kasapoglu, Director of Defense Research of Turkish Center for Economics and Foreign Policy (EDAM). "TB-2's competitors in the weapons market are more expensive, come with more bureaucratic and political hurdles for procurement, or come with uncertain supply sustainability." The company didn't release price information. The drone is also combat-tested which is a crucial criterion in arms transactions, he said. "When the music stops, TB2s are likely to inflict more damage on the adversary than they take," Kasapoglu added. "This is of critical importance, especially for NATO's eastern flank". Baykar Tech has signed contracts with at least 19 countries, most of which were signed in the past 18 months. Among the buyers is Poland, the only EU and NATO member to have ordered the UAVs. Turkey's defense and aerospace industry registered more than $3 billion in exports last year, a record, according to the country's state-run news agency. "It is important to strengthen defense and aviation exports to countries with whom Turkey has strategic relations," Haluk Bayraktar, Baykar's CEO and younger brother of Selcuk, told the Anadolu news agency in January. "Beyond providing an economic Page 14 of 108
gain, defense exports also provide a suitable basis for establishing strategic relations with the countries to which you export,." For Selcuk Bayraktar, this is not only a family business and a lifelong passion for engineering. He said this is about ensuring his nation's independence and technological self-sufficiency. "When I was in my 20s ... you could say we are going to be the best in soccer... [or] in baklava, in kebab, but no one could say we are going to develop a niche technology that is going to be worldwide famous." Source: CNN International
"Bayraktar" a devenit atât de popular încât ucrainenii își numesc acum animalele de companie după drona fabricată de turci. Luna trecută, primarul Kievului a anunțat că un lemur nou-născut de la grădina zoologică a orașului se va numi Bayraktar, iar ministerul de externe a postat pe Twitter o fotografie cu un alt Bayraktar, un cățeluș de la centrul de dresaj al poliției din Kiev. Oficialii occidentali și ucraineni au lăudat dronele turce Bayraktar TB2 pentru că au jucat un rol în contracararea atacurilor rusești. Luna trecută, secretarul britanic al apărării Ben Wallace le-ar fi spus parlamentarilor britanici că dronele "livrează muniții" pe "artileria rusă și liniile lor de aprovizionare". El a adăugat că este "incredibil de important" să încetinească și să blocheze avansul rusesc. TB2, o dronă de anduranță lungă de altitudine medie (MALE), este operațională de ani de zile. Este folosit de armata turcă în nordul Irakului și Siriei din 2014. Mai recent, a fost creditat cu ajutorul pentru a înclina balanța în conflicte precum Libia și Nagorno Karabah. Dar videoclipurile publicate recent de armata britanică care arată grevele sale împotriva țintelor militare rusești au devenit virale, punând-o din nou în centrul atenției. Succesul dronei "nu este doar capacitatea de a viza armata rusă", a declarat Samuel Bendett, senior fellow adjunct la Centrul de Analize Navale Studii ruse (CNAS). "Este o victorie și în relațiile publice." Potrivit lui Bendett, drona s-a comportat așa cum era de așteptat, dar nu este "invulnerabilă". Dovezile open-source sugerează că unii ar fi fost doborâți de ruși. Dronele "fac parte din campania ucraineană de social media care este executată foarte bine de armata și civilii ucraineni", a spus el. Videoclipurile cu grevele lui Bayraktar au devenit virale pe rețelele de socializare și acesta este "un mare rapel moral ... [și] o mare victorie tactică." TB2 și alte vehicule aeriene fără pilot (UAV-uri) dezvoltate în Turcia au pus țara pe harta dronelor, împreună cu SUA, China și Israel, a spus Bendett. Turcia, care menține legături strânse de apărare și economice atât cu Rusia, cât și cu Ucraina, a fost precaută în ceea ce privește ceea ce a devenit, fără îndoială, unul dintre cele mai renumite exporturi ale sale. Vânzările de drone au fost un iritant major pentru Rusia cu mult înainte de invazia sa în Ucraina; Purtătorul de cuvânt al lui Vladimir Putin, Dmitri Peskov, a avertizat la sfârșitul anului trecut că dronele turcești vor avea un impact "destabilizator" în regiune. Un birocrat turc la nivel înalt a declarat vineri reporterilor că Rusia s-a plâns în mod repetat Ankarei de vânzările de drone către Ucraina. "Obișnuiau să se plângă înainte, se plâng acum, dar am dat deja răspunsul... acestea sunt [de la] o companie privată și această achiziție a fost făcută înainte de război", a declarat el într-un briefing de presă străin. Ucraina a fost prima țară care a achiziționat TB2 în 2019 și a comandat până acum cel puțin 36 de drone. Luna trecută, ministrul apărării a anunțat sosirea unui nou transport de drone. Selcuk Bayraktar, directorul tehnic al Baykar Technologies, este mai dornic să vorbească despre tehnologia dronelor sale decât despre politică. De asemenea, se întâmplă să fie ginerele președintelui turc, care a apărut ca un mediator cheie între Rusia și Ucraina în război. Page 15 of 108
Bayraktar a auzit melodia dedicată dronei sale omonime și cunoaște fenomenul social media pe care l-a devenit în Ucraina, dar își măsoară cu atenție cuvintele atunci când discută despre Ucraina. "Cred că este unul dintre simbolurile rezistenței, le dă speranță", a declarat Bayraktar, inginer și absolvent al Massachusetts Institute of Technology, pentru CNN în timpul unui turneu rar al unității de producție a dronelor din Istanbul, săptămâna trecută. "Oamenii rezistă și își apără patria de o ocupație ilegală și... dacă vrei independență trebuie să poți să te ridici și să reziști și cred că asta au făcut curajoșii oameni din Ucraina și din conducere", a spus el. "În același timp, ai nevoie de tehnologie, ai nevoie de propria ta capacitate de apărare autohtonă, dar când viețile oamenilor sunt pe linie... Nu vreau să compar asta cu niciun fel de tehnologie"." Pe ecran este "Kizilelma" (Mărul Roșu), primul avion de vânătoare fără pilot al Turciei, care tocmai a lovit linia de producție și este numit după expresia mitologică turcă care simbolizează idealul -obiectivul pe care cineva vrea să-l atingă. Bayraktar a spus că este de așteptat să înceapă să zboare anul viitor. Experții din industrie spun că factori precum costul sunt cei care fac dronele atrăgătoare." [] Bayraktar TB2 oferă un echilibru aproape perfect între preț și eficiență de luptă [și] are un cost unitar accesibil", a declarat dr. Can Kasapoglu, director de cercetare în domeniul apărării al Centrului Turc pentru Economie și Politică Externă (EDAM). "Concurenții TB-2 de pe piața armelor sunt mai scumpi, vin cu mai multe obstacole birocratice și politice pentru achiziții sau vin cu o sustenabilitate incertă a ofertei." Compania nu a lansat informații despre preț. Drona este, de asemenea, testată în luptă, ceea ce este un criteriu crucial în tranzacțiile cu arme, a spus el. "Când muzica se oprește, TB2s sunt susceptibile de a provoca mai multe daune adversarului decât le iau", a adăugat Kasapoglu. "Acest lucru este de o importanță critică, în special pentru flancul estic al NATO". Baykar Tech a semnat contracte cu cel puțin 19 țări, dintre care majoritatea au fost semnate în ultimele 18 luni. Printre cumpărători se numără Polonia, singurul membru UE și NATO care a comandat UAV-urile. Industria de apărare și aerospațială din Turcia a înregistrat anul trecut exporturi de peste 3 miliarde de dolari, un record, potrivit agenției de presă de stat a țării. "Este important să consolidăm exporturile de apărare și aviație către țările cu care Turcia are relații strategice", a declarat Haluk Bayraktar, CEO-ul Baykar și fratele mai mic al lui Selcuk, pentru agenția de știri Anadolu în ianuarie. "Dincolo de a oferi un câștig economic, exporturile de apărare oferă, de asemenea, o bază adecvată pentru stabilirea relațiilor strategice cu țările în care exportați." Pentru Selcuk Bayraktar, aceasta nu este doar o afacere de familie și o pasiune de-a lungul vieții pentru inginerie. El a spus că este vorba despre asigurarea independenței națiunii sale și a autosuficienței tehnologice. "Când aveam 20 de ani... ai putea spune că vom fi cei mai buni în fotbal... [sau] în baclava, în kebab, dar nimeni nu ar putea spune că vom dezvolta o tehnologie de nișă care va fi renumită la nivel mondial."
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Program: Sistem armament individual tip NATO ministerul apărării naţionale .ro https://www.mapn.ro/cpresa/16950_ministerul-apararii-na%C8%9Bionale-a-primitaprobarea-prealabila-a-parlamentului-pentru-derularea-a-zece-noi-programe-de-inzestrare
Program: Arma de asalt cal 5,56 mm cu muniţia aferentă direcția generală pentru armamente .ro https://www.dpa.ro/dgarm/programe-de-inzestrare/arma-de-asalt-5-56-mm
Program: Modernizare sistem artilerie antiaeriană Oerlikon Model GDF 103 la standardul sistem artilerie antiaeriană cu capacități CRAM ministerul apărării naţionale .ro https://www.mapn.ro/cpresa/16950_ministerul-apararii-na%C8%9Bionale-a-primitaprobarea-prealabila-a-parlamentului-pentru-derularea-a-zece-noi-programe-de-inzestrare
C.N. ROMARM S.A. – 13554423
UM Plopeni S.A. - 13741804, ROMARM
Hotărâre AGA 25/2022 https://romarm.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Hotararea-Adunarii-Generale-aActionarilor-nr.-25.pdf
romarm .ro
C.N. ROMARM S.A. în 2020: cifra de afaceri 139,16 milioane RON; profit: 0,6 milioane RON; datorii: 58,35 milioane RON; angajați: 70. Clasă CAEN: 2540 - Fabricarea armamentului și muniției https://romarm.ro/informatii-despre-companie/filiale-romarm/ 4 UM Plopeni în 2020: cifra de afaceri 17,9 milioane RON; profit: -3,3 milioane RON; datorii: 73,4 milioane RON; angajați: 294. CAEN: 2540 - Fabricarea armamentului și muniției. decembrie 2021: CA cu administratori provizorii: Viorel ADAM – președinte CA; Dragoș MOCANU; Emilia Mirela DAVID; Îndemnizații 2350 lei/lună. AGA: Reprezentant Romarm: Monica Ulpiana TEIȘ.
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UM Mija S.A. - 2978636, ROMARM
Hotărâre AGA 26/2022 https://romarm.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Hotararea-Adunarii-Generale-aActionarilior-nr.-26.pdf
romarm .ro
Electromecanica Ploiești S.A. – 14361269, Romarm
Hotărâre AGA 27/2022 https://romarm.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Hotararea-Adunarii-Generale-aActionarilor-nr.-27.pdf
romarm .ro
UM Mija S.A. în 2020: cifra de afaceri 41,71 milioane RON; profit: 0,45 milioane RON; datorii: 11,47 milioane RON; angajați: 367. CAEN: 2540 - Fabricarea armamentului și muniției 6 Electromecanica Ploiești S.A. în 2020:
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TOHAN S.A. - 13652413, ROMARM
Hotărâre AGA 28/2022 https://romarm.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Hotararea-Adunarii-Generale-aActionarilor-nr.-28.pdf
romarm .ro
UPS Dragomirești S.A. - 3180070, ROMARM
Hotărâre AGA 29/2022 https://romarm.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Hotararea-Adunarii-Generale-aActionarilor-nr.-29.pdf
romarm .ro
TOHAN S.A. în 2020: cifra de afaceri 18,1 milioane RON; profit: -3,6 milioane RON; datorii: 35 milioane RON; angajați: 400. Clasă CAEN: 2051 - Fabricarea explozivilor 8 UPS Dragomirești S.A. în 2020: cifra de afaceri 18,58 milioane RON; profit: -1,70 milioane RON; datorii: 4,43 milioane RON; angajați: 175. Clasă CAEN: 2540 - Fabricarea armamentului și muniției
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Datoriile la bugetul statului ale Fabricii de Arme din Cugir ar putea fi șterse: Proiect de OUG, pe ordinea de zi a ședinței de Guvern https://ziarulunirea.ro/datoriile-la-bugetul-statului-ale-fabricii-de-arme-din-cugir-arputea-fi-sterse-proiect-de-oug-pe-ordinea-de-zi-a-sedintei-de-guvern-769666/
ziarul unirea .ro 13 aprilie 2022 Ziarul Unirea
Datoriile la bugetul statului ale Fabricii de Arme din Cugir ar putea fi șterse: Proiect de OUG, pe ordinea de zi a ședinței de Guvern Datoriile la stat al zece companii din apărare ar putea fi șterse de către ANAF, potrivit unui proiect de OUG care se află pe ordinea de zi a ședinței de Guvern de joi, 14 aprilie. ... citește știrea originală și integrală utilizând link-ul ...
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Programului de multifuncțională”
romtehnica .com Inițiat la 26.02.2018
New(s) Connections&Significances Iniţierea procedurii specifice de achiziţie pentru atribuirea acordului-cadru de furnizare a produsului „Corvetă Multifuncţională” MApN Comunicatul nr. 4 din 01-03-2018
17.06.2022 12.10.2022 ÎNCHIS14 08.04.2021
STADIU 9;10;11 Recurs Recurs 12 Cu sesizarea CCR
ÎCCJ: • 4113/2/2019 (închis); • 21131/3/2019 (închis); • 2879/1/2020 (închis cu sesizarea Curții Constituționale cu excepţia de neconstituţionalitate a dispoziţiilor art. 51 alin.5 din Legea nr. 101/2016 Legea nr. 101/2016 privind remediile și căile de atac în materie de atribuire a contractelor de achiziție publică, a contractelor sectoriale și a contractelor de concesiune de lucrări și concesiune de servicii, precum și pentru organizarea și funcționarea Consiliului Național de Soluționare a Contestațiilor); • 2879/1/2020/a1 (închis cu sesizarea Curții Constituționale cu excepţia de neconstituţionalitate a prevederilor art. 4 alin. (2) teza finală din Legea nr. 554/2004, Legea contenciosului administrativ); 10 Alte instanțe: • CAB 4113/2/2019/a1 (28.08.2019 respinge cererea); • CAB 21131/3/2019/a1 (12.12.2019 respinge cererea); • TB 21131/3/2019 (01.10.2020 restituirea către reclamantă a cauţiunii în valoare de 47.000 euro; Dispune restituirea către reclamantă a cauţiunii în valoare de 139.500 euro); • CAB 21131/3/2019 (13.07.2020 nefondat); • CAB 4113/2/2019 (02.12.2020 respinge plângerea ca inadmisibilă); • CAB 6869/2/2019 (08.07.2020 respinge cererea); • CAB 47/2/2020 (15.12.2020 respinge cererea) 11 CCR: http://ccrsearch.ccr.ro:65080/#/bpmInstanceView?domainId=74&moduleId=8 12 ÎCCJ: Vezi și CAB 47/2/2020 (amânat, recurs la ÎCCJ) 13 RO.A&D: la 05.07.2021 dosarul 2879/1/2020/a1 nu apărea pe website-ul ÎCCJ 14 ÎCCJ Detalii soluţie: Admite cererea formulată de recurenta-reclamantă Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding BV. Sesizează Curtea Constituţională cu excepţia de neconstituţionalitate a prevederilor art. 4 alin. (2) teza finală din Legea nr. 554/2004. Definitivă. Pronunţată astăzi, 08 aprilie 2021, prin punerea soluţiei la dispoziţia părţilor prin mijlocirea grefei instanţei.
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ÎNCHIS16 08.04.2021 -
Cu sesizarea CCR Dosar în fază de raport
Curtea Constituțională a României 17
RO.A&D #962 din 06.05.2021 RO.A&D #974 din 24.05.2021
Scandalul corvetelor https://www.national.ro/dezvaluiri/scandalul-corvetelor-sua-se-leapada-de-damen759285.html/amp/
național .ro 2022-04-13 17:50 Catalin Tache
Continuăm seria dezvăluirilor cu privire la ”dedesubturile operative” ale campaniei de deturnare a construcției de corvete multirol de la Șantierul Naval Constanța către Șantierul DAMEN din Galați. ... citește știrea originală și integrală utilizând link-ul ...
RO.A&D: la 05.07.2021 dosarul 2879/1/2020 nu apărea pe website-ul ÎCCJ ÎCCJ Detalii soluţie: Respinge cererea de suspendare a judecăţii recursului formulat de reclamanta Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding BV împotriva încheierii de şedinţă din 03 iunie 2020 pronunţată de Curtea de Apel Bucureşti, Secţia a IX – a contencios administrativ şi fiscal. Respinge recursul formulat de reclamanta Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding BV împotriva încheierii de şedinţă din 03 iunie 2020 ca inadmisibil. Admite recursul formulat de reclamanta Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding BV împotriva deciziei nr.1149 din 13.07.2020 pronunţate de Curtea de Apel Bucureşti, Secţia a IX – a contencios administrativ şi fiscal. Casează în parte decizia atacată şi admite cererea de sesizare a Curţii Constituţionale. Sesizează Curtea Constituţională cu excepţia de neconstituţionalitate a dispoziţiilor art. 51 alin.5 din Legea nr. 101/2016. Definitivă. Pronunţată astăzi, 08 aprilie 2021, prin punerea soluţiei la dispoziţia părţilor prin mijlocirea grefei instanţei 17 CCR: http://ccrsearch.ccr.ro:65080/#/bpmInstanceView?domainId=74&moduleId=8 15 16
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USA Readout of Roundtable Meeting With Prime Contractor CEOs on Ukraine Security Assistance https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/2999045/readout-ofroundtable-meeting-with-prime-contractor-ceos-on-ukraine-security-as/
department of defense .gov APRIL 13, 2022
Pentagon Spokesman Eric Pahon provided the following readout: Deputy Secretary of Defense Dr. Kathleen H. Hicks; Mr. Andrew Hunter, Performing the Duties of Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment; and other senior Department of Defense leaders held a classified meeting with the Chief Executive Officers of the department’s eight largest prime contractors today at the Pentagon to discuss ongoing security assistance to Ukraine and long-term readiness of U.S., Allied and partner forces. They included: Boeing Defense, Space & Security; L3Harris Technologies; Raytheon Technologies; BAE Systems; Lockheed Martin Corporation; Huntington Ingalls Industries; General Dynamics; and Northrop Grumman. Deputy Secretary Hicks delivered opening comments, highlighting that the Biden Administration is working around the clock to fulfill Ukraine’s priority security assistance requests, drawing down weapons from U.S. stocks when they are available, purchasing directly from industry for rapid delivery to Ukraine, and facilitating the transfer of weapons from Allies and partners when their systems better suit Ukraine’s needs. The deputy secretary emphasized how Russia’s invasion has highlighted the importance of frequent, direct dialogue with industry to ensure we are prepared to support three strategic objectives: • Delivering critical capabilities to Ukraine; • Enhancing the preparedness of our own forces; and • Supporting our Allies and partners in bolstering their defense capabilities. The dialogue focused on accelerating the production and fielding of systems that are critical to the Department’s ongoing security assistance to Ukraine, as well as broader efforts to increase the readiness of U.S., Ally, and partner forces. Department leaders sought to understand what challenges large companies in the defense industrial base faced in accelerating fielding of critical capabilities, and how the Department might be able to alleviate these issues. Following the deputy’s remarks, Mr. Hunter and other senior acquisition, sustainment and policy leaders moderated the roundtable portion, which focused primarily on accelerating production and building more capacity across the industrial base for weapons and equipment that can be exported rapidly, deployed with minimal training, and prove effective in the battlefield. Further discussion covered capabilities within various portfolios, including: air defense, anti-armor, anti-personnel, coastal defense, counter-battery, and communications. Page 24 of 108
Since 2021, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin III and Deputy Secretary of Defense Dr. Kathleen Hicks have engaged with more than 200 industry leaders as a part of a persistent, open communication strategy to advance the Department’s understanding of industry priorities and challenges.
Purtătorul de cuvânt al Pentagonului, Eric Pahon, a oferit următoarea citire: Secretarul adjunct al Apărării Dr. Kathleen H. Hicks; dl Andrew Hunter, Îndeplinind atribuțiile de subsecretar al Apărării pentru Achiziție și Susținere; și alți lideri de rang înalt ai Departamentului Apărării au avut astăzi la Pentagon o întâlnire clasificată cu directorii executivi ai celor mai mari opt contractori principali ai departamentului pentru a discuta despre asistența de securitate în curs de desfășurare pentru Ucraina și despre disponibilitatea pe termen lung a forțelor americane, aliate și partenere. Printre acestea s-au numărat: Boeing Defense, Space & Security; Tehnologii L3Harris; Tehnologii Raytheon; Sisteme BAE; Lockheed Martin Corporation; Huntington Ingalls Industries; Dinamica generală; și Northrop Grumman. Secretarul adjunct Hicks a făcut comentarii de deschidere, subliniind că Administrația Biden lucrează non-stop pentru a îndeplini solicitările prioritare de asistență de securitate ale Ucrainei, atrăgând arme din stocurile americane atunci când acestea sunt disponibile, achiziționând direct din industrie pentru livrare rapidă în Ucraina și facilitând transferul de arme de la aliați și parteneri atunci când sistemele lor se potrivesc mai bine nevoilor Ucrainei. Secretarul adjunct a subliniat modul în care invazia Rusiei a subliniat importanța unui dialog frecvent și direct cu industria pentru a ne asigura că suntem pregătiți să susținem trei obiective strategice: • Furnizarea de capacități critice ucrainei; • Sporirea gradului de pregătire a propriilor noastre forțe; și • Sprijinirea aliaților și partenerilor noștri în consolidarea capacităților lor de apărare. Dialogul s-a axat pe accelerarea producției și a punerii în teren a sistemelor care sunt esențiale pentru asistența de securitate continuă a Departamentului pentru Ucraina, precum și pe eforturi mai ample de a crește gradul de pregătire a forțelor americane, aliate și partenere. Liderii departamentului au căutat să înțeleagă cu ce provocări se confruntă marile companii din baza industrială de apărare în accelerarea domeniului capabilităților critice și cum departamentul ar putea fi capabil să atenueze aceste probleme. În urma observațiilor deputatului, dl Hunter și alți lideri seniori în materie de achiziții, susținere și politici au moderat partea mesei rotunde, care s-a concentrat în primul rând pe accelerarea producției și pe construirea unei capacități mai mari în întreaga bază industrială pentru arme și echipamente care pot fi exportate rapid, desfășurate cu o pregătire minimă și care se dovedesc eficiente pe câmpul de luptă. Discuțiile ulterioare au acoperit capacitățile din diferite portofolii, inclusiv: apărare aeriană, antiarmură, anti-personal, apărare de coastă, contra-baterie și comunicații. Din 2021, secretarul Apărării Lloyd Austin III și secretarul adjunct al apărării Dr. Kathleen Hicks s-au angajat cu mai mult de 200 de lideri din industrie, ca parte a unei strategii de comunicare persistente și deschise pentru a avansa înțelegerea de către Departament a priorităților și provocărilor industriei.
Insights We have healthy military-to-military forces: Pentagon Press Secretary
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Pentagon: O serie de țări NATO vor anunța în curând furnizarea de tancuri Ucrainei Stiripesurse.ro09:56
Pentagon budget 2023: US Navy confirms plans to remove carrier Nimitz from… IHS Jane's09:41
Pentagon’s Ukraine aid package includes 11 Mi-17s, 300 Switchblades FlightGlobal07:35
Pentagon huddles with top defense contractor execs on military aid to Ukraine Washington Examiner04:54
Pentagon mania 1992: Bush disowns but won’t denounce plan for world domination Workers World04:13
About That $900 You Gave Pentagon Contractors – OpEd Eurasia Review03:41
Pentagon Convenes Top US Weapons Makers to Increase Supply for Ukraine War Common Dreams03:16
Pentagon, Industry Leaders Meet to Talk Replenishing Military Weapons Stockpiles Defense One02:33
Pentagon will bolster weapons training for Ukrainians as aid expands The Washington Post02:14
Pentagon expects healthy ties with Pakistan armed forces Pakistan Observer01:58
Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby: New U.S. military aid 'will help save Ukrainian lives' PBS NewsHour - YouTube01:40
Pentagon Considers Options for Training Ukrainian Troops on Equipment NewsMax00:49
Pentagon unveils new US military aid for Ukraine including helicopters, howitzers Al Arabiya00:34
Idaho National Labs to build Pentagon’s mobile ‘nuclear microreactor’ Breaking Defense23:22 Wed, 13 Apr
Pentagon Turns to Contractors to Ramp Up Military Aid for Ukraine The National Interest23:15 Wed, 13 Apr
About That $900 You Gave Pentagon Contractors Foreign Policy In Focus22:55 Wed, 13 Apr
China, Russia Seek Space Capabilities: Pentagon Report
The Epoch Times22:39 Wed, 13 Apr
Ukrainian forces will need training on some military equipment, Pentagon says Reuters22:34 Wed, 13 Apr
The Pentagon explains why Ukraine has been able to defend itself Washington Examiner22:19 Wed, 13 Apr
Pentagon budget 2023: Services desire additional F-35 aircraft IHS Jane's19:54 Wed, 13 Apr
Pentagon summons eight biggest arms firms for talks on supplying weapons to Ukraine Morning Star19:51 Wed, 13 Apr
Pentagon's 'China, Russia threat in space' hype aims at hegemony, developing own military: FM Global Times19:03 Wed, 13 Apr
Pentagon to Host Top Arms Makers as US Aims to Pour More Weapons Into Ukraine Common Dreams18:46 Wed, 13 Apr
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Austrian Aeronautics Industries Group AAI RO.A&D #838
Austrian Defence Industry Association ADIG RO.A&D #838
Austrian Defence & Security Industry ASW RO.A&D #837
AGORIA Aeronautics, Space, Security & Defence Industries ASSDI RO.A&D #840
Belgian Security and Defence Industry BSDI RO.A&D #839
Bulgarian Defence Industries Association BDIA RO.A&D #842
Association of the Aerospace Manufacturers ALV
Defence and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic DSIA RO.A&D #850
RO.A&D #843
Croatian Defense Industry Competitiveness cluster CDICC RO.A&D #843
Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry CCCI
Danish Defence and Security Industries Association FAD
Arab Organization for Industrialization AOI RO.A&D #844
Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry EESTI
Estonian Defence Industry Association EDIA
AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe ASD RO.A&D #836
Association of Finnish Defence & Aerospace Industries AFDA
Groupement des Industries de Construction et Activités Navales GICAN
Groupement des Industries Françaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales GIFAS
Groupement des Industries Françaises de Défense Terrestre GICAT
German Aerospace Industries Association BDLI
German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association ZVEI
Federation of German Security and Defence Industries BDSV
Hellenic Manufacturers of Defence Material Association SEKPY
HASDIG - Hellenic Aerospace & Defence Industries Group HASDIG
Defence Industry Association of Hungary MVS
Federation of Aerospace Enterprises in Ireland FAEI
Italian Industries Federation for Aerospace, Defence and Security AIAD
Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries CADSI
Croatian Chamber of Economy HGK
Page 27 of 108
European Network of EURODEFENSE RO.A&D #848
Association of Italian Space Companies AIPAS
Federation of Security and Defence Industries of Latvia FSDI
Lithuanian Defence and Security Industries Association LDSIA
Nacionalinė Gynybos Pramonės Asociacija NGPA
Malta Enterprise
The Netherlands Defence Manufacturers Association NIDV
Norwegian Defence and Security Industries Association FSI
Polish Chamber of National Defence Manufacturers PIPROK
Association of Polish Aviation Industry APAI
Association of Defense Business, Weaponry and New Technologies DANOTEC
Portuguese Association of Space Industries PROESPAÇO
Portuguese Platform for Defence Industries idD
Romanian Business Association of the Military Technique Manufacturers
Romanian "Defence Industry" Employers' Organization
Romanian Helicopter Industry Association ARIE RO.A&D #841
Romanian Shipbuilders Association RO.A&D #1104
Association of Romanian Aeronautical Companies OPIAR
Association of Defence Industry of the Slovak Republic ADISR
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia CCIS
Spanish Association of Defence, Aeronautics, Security and Space Technology Companies - TEDAE
Association of Defence Suppliers Companies AESMIDE
Swedish Security and Defence Industry Association SOFF
Turkish Defense and Aerospace Industry Manufacturers Association - SASAD RO.A&D #883
National Defense Industrial Association NDIA
Aerospace Industries Association AIA
American-Central European Business Association ACEBA RO.A&D #932
American-Czech Business Council ACBC RO.A&D #932
US-Hungary Business Council USHBC RO.A&D #932
American-Lithuanian Business Council ALBC RO.A&D #932
US-Poland Business Council USPBC RO.A&D #932
American-Romanian Business Council AMRO RO.A&D #932
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CANADA (1949) GERMANY (1955) LITHUANIA (2004) POLAND (1999) TURKEY (1952)
CROATIA (2009) GREECE (1952) LUXEMBOURG (1949) PORTUGAL (1949) UK (1949)
CZECH Rep (1999) HUNGARY (1999) MONTENEGRO (2017) ROMANIA (2004) USA (1949)
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg
Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană NEWS / twitter
NATO Spokesperson Oana Lungescu
NEWS / twitter
BULGARIA (2004) FRANCE (1949) LATVIA (2004) NORWAY (1949) SPAIN (1982)
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How many NATO member countries are there? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkrE6ADx3Jk
nato 14 apr. 2022
The Alliance started with 12 member countries in 1949. However, the founding treaty allows for other European nations to join the Alliance, as long as all existing Allies agree. Any prospective member must share NATO’s core values and have the capacity and willingness to contribute to security in the Euro-Atlantic area. Today, NATO has 30 members, who are stronger and safer together. NATO countries member list: Albania Belgium Bulgaria Canada Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Montenegro The Netherlands North Macedonia Norway Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Turkey The United Kingdom The United States Watch the full length version of this video here: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SUBSCRIBE to this channel http://bit.ly/NATOsubscribe SUBSCRIBE to NATO News http://bit.ly/NATONewsSubscribe SUBSCRIBE to NATO History http://bit.ly/NATOHistorySubscribe Connect with NATO online: Visit the Official NATO Homepage: http://bit.ly/NATOhomepage Receive NATO updates via email: http://bit.ly/NATOemails Find NATO on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/NATOfacebook Follow @NATO on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/NATOtwitter Follow NATO on Instagram: http://bit.ly/NATOinstagram Find NATO on LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/NATOlinkedin Find NATO on Flickr: http://bit.ly/NATOflickr
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Insights https://www.g4media.ro/joe-biden-anunta-un-nou-ajutor-militar-de-800-de-milioanede-dolari-pentru-ucraina.html
NATO – news now! Click on photos! https://www.newsnow.co.uk/h/?search=NATO&lang=a&searchheadlines=1
Jens Stoltenberg – news now! Click on photos! https://www.newsnow.co.uk/h/?search=Stoltenberg&lang=a&searchheadlines=1
Mircea Geoană – news now! Click on photos! https://www.newsnow.co.uk/h/?search=Geoan%C4%83&lang=a&searchheadlines=1
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European Commission
The Commissioners
Press corner
High Representative/ Vice-President
Executive Vice-President Digital Age
Ursula von der Leyen NEWS / twitter
Josep Borrell Fontelles NEWS / twitter
Margrethe Vestager NEWS / twitter
Paolo Gentiloni NEWS / twitter
Kadri Simson NEWS / twitter
Adina Vălean NEWS / twitter
COMMISSIONER Internal Market Thierry Breton NEWS / twitter
COMMISSIONER Health and Food Safety Stella Kyriakides NEWS / twitter
COMMISSIONER Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič NEWS / twitter
European Parliament
President European Parliament Roberta METSOLA NEWS / twitter
President SEDE Nathalie LOISEAU NEWS / twitter
Page 33 of 108
ITRE Cristian-Silviu BUŞOI NEWS / twitter
President European Council Charles Michel NEWS / twitter
Chief Executive European Defence Agency
Jiří Šedivý NEWS / twitter
Chairman EUMC Gl. Claudio Graziano NEWS / twitter
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Capability Development Plan (CDP)
Fondului European de Apărare - regulament
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EU Annual Reports on export of conventional arms https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/eeasqap/sense/app/75fd8e6e-68ac-42dd-a078f616633118bb/sheet/c46723c7-59ed-4fb1-8359-df628f626d9a/state/analysis
europa .eu
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Insights https://www.digi24.ro/stiri/externe/refuzul-lui-zelenski-de-a-l-primi-pe-presedintelegermaniei-provoaca-nemultumire-la-berlin-decizia-este-complet-de-neinteles1904461
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România știri A&D
Florin CÎȚU
Ion Marcel CIOLACU
Nicolae-Ionel CIUCĂ
Președinte România
Președinte Senat
Președinte Camera Deputaților
Prim Ministru
NEWS / twitter
NEWS / twitter
NEWS / twitter
NEWS / twitter
Florin SPĂTARU Ministru economie
Vasile DÎNCU Ministrul apărării
Adrian CÂCIU Ministrul finanțelor
Sorin GRINDEANU Ministrul T&I
NEWS / twitter
NEWS / twitter
NEWS / twitter
Marcel-Ioan BOLOŞ iMinistrul I&PE
Marcel-Ioan BOLOŞ Ministrul C&I&D
Marius BUDĂI Ministrul muncii
Mugur ISĂRESCU Guvernatorul BNR
NEWS / twitter
NEWS / twitter
NEWS / twitter
Declaratii de avere si interese la încetarea mandatului Întâlnire de lucru între miniștrii Apărării și Economiei19 Strategie, Apărare, Industrie. De la strategia de apărare la industria națională20 Promoting competitiveness is essential in Romania. Let's do it!
10.03.2022: În câteva cuvinte, totul despre starea și viitorul industriei de apărare cu capital de stat. RO.A&D: foarte interesant, din perspectiva celor anilor trecuți de la eveniment. Un eveniment de excepție organizat de NSC 09.09.2015. 19 20
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Agenda ședinței Guvernului din 14 aprilie 2022 https://gov.ro/ro/guvernul/sedinte-guvern/informatie-de-presa-privind-proiectele-deacte-normative-incluse-pe-agenda-edintei-guvernului-romaniei-din-14-aprilie-2022
guvern .ro I. PROIECTE DE ORDONANȚE DE URGENȚĂ 1. PROIECT DE ORDONANȚĂ DE URGENȚĂ pentru reglementarea muncii în domeniul maritim https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/OUG-10.pdf 2. PROIECT DE ORDONANȚĂ DE URGENȚĂ privind stabilirea unor măsuri în cadrul sistemului de sănătate, precum şi pentru interpretarea, modificarea şi completarea unor acte normative https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/OUG-11.pdf 3. PROIECT DE ORDONANȚĂ DE URGENȚĂ privind plata diferențelor de drepturi salariale cuvenite personalului didactic din învățământul de stat pentru perioada 1 iulie 2017 - 31 august 2021 https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/OUG-12.pdf 4. PROIECT DE ORDONANȚĂ DE URGENȚĂ privind unele măsuri pentru diminuarea arieratelor bugetare ale unor operatori economici din industria națională de apărare https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/OUG-13.pdf 5. PROIECT DE ORDONANȚĂ DE URGENȚĂ privind regimul de control al operațiunilor cu produse cu dublă utilizare https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/OUG-14.pdf 6. PROIECT DE ORDONANȚĂ DE URGENȚĂ privind măsurile de punere în aplicare a Regulamentului (UE) 452/2019 al Parlamentului European şi al Consiliului din 19 martie 2019 de stabilire a unui cadru pentru examinarea investițiilor străine directe în Uniune, precum şi pentru modificarea şi completarea Legii concurenței nr. 21/1996 https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/OUG.pdf 7. PROIECT DE ORDONANȚĂ DE URGENȚĂ pentru completarea Ordonanţei Guvernului nr. 41/1994 privind autorizarea plăţii cotizaţiilor la organizaţiile internaţionale interguvernamentale la care România este parte https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/OUG-16.pdf 8. PROIECT DE ORDONANȚĂ DE URGENȚĂ privind ajustarea prețurilor contractelor de achiziţie publică/contractelor sectoriale/contractelor de concesiune/acordurilor-cadru https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/OUG-1.pdf II. PROIECTE DE HOTĂRÂRI DE GUVERN 1. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN privind suplimentarea sumei prevăzute ca justă despăgubire aprobate prin Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 217/2019 privind declanşarea procedurilor de expropriere a imobilelor proprietate privată care constituie coridorul de expropriere al lucrării de utilitate publică de interes naţional «Drum expres Craiova-Piteşti şi legăturile la drumurile existente», tronsonul 2,aflate pe raza localităţilor Bârza, Piatra-Olt, Slătioara, Valea Mare, Balş, Bobiceşti, Găneasa, Milcov şi Slatina din judeţul Olt, precum şi completarea anexei nr. 2 la Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 217/2019 https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/HG-.pdf 2. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN pentru aprobarea indicatorilor tehnicoeconomici ai obiectivului de investiţii,,Refacţie totală linia 116 Livezeni - Simeria între staţiile Merişor - Crivadia Fir 1 km 61+300 - 57+185 şi staţia Merişor liniile III dir. Fir I Page 40 of 108
şi II dir. Fir II km 62+150 - 61 +300" lucrare de utilitate publică de interes naţional https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/HG-29.pdf 3. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN privind suplimentarea sumei prevăzute ca justă despăgubire aprobate prin Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 399/2014 privind declanşarea procedurilor de expropriere a imobilelor proprietate privată care constituie coridorul de expropriere al obiectivului de investiţii "Autostrada SebeşTurda", precum şi modificarea anexei nr. 2 la Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 399/2014 şi a anexei nr. 2 la Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 947/2016 privind declanşarea procedurilor de expropriere a imobilelor proprietate privată situate pe amplasamentul suplimentar, care fac parte din coridorul de expropriere al lucrării de utilitate publică de interes naţional "Autostrada Sebeş -Turda'' - Lot 1 secţiunea A, km 0+ 300 - km 14 + 000 https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/HG-30.pdf 4. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN privind aprobarea bugetului de venituri şi cheltuieli pe anul 2022 al Societăţii Naţionale "Aeroportul Internaţional Timişoara -Traian Vuia " - S.A., aflată sub autoritatea Ministerului Transporturilor şi Infrastructurii https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/HG-32.pdf 5. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN privind suplimentarea bugetelor Ministerului Transporturilor şi Infrastructurii, Secretariatului General al Guvernului, Consiliului Naţional al Audiovizualului şi Consiliului Economic şi Social pe anul 2022 din Fondul de rezervă bugetară la dispoziţia Guvernului, prevăzute în bugetul de stat pe anul 2022 https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/HG-33.pdf 6. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN privind aprobarea bugetului de venituri şi cheltuieli pe anul 2022 al Regiei Autonome ,,Administraţia Fluvială a Dunării de Jos" Galați, aflată sub autoritatea Ministerului Transporturilor şi Infrastructurii https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/HG-34.pdf 7. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN privind aprobarea bugetului de venituri şi cheltuieli pe anul 2022 al Regiei Autonome "Administraţia Patrimoniului Protocolului de Stat", regie autonomă de interes naţional aflată sub autoritatea Secretariatului General al Guvernului https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/HG-35.pdf 8. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN privind actualizarea valorilor de inventar, precum şi modificarea şi completarea descrierii tehnice ale unor imobile cuprinse în anexa nr. 40 la Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 1.705/2006· pentru aprobarea inventarului centralizat al bunurilor din domeniul public al statului https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/HG.pdf 9. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN pentru modificarea şi completarea Normelor referitoare la provenienţa, circulaţia şi comercializarea materialelor lemnoase, la regimul spațiilor de depozitare a materialelor lemnoase şi al instalaţiilor de prelucrat lemn rotund, precum şi a celor privind provenienţa şi circulaţia materialelor lemnoase destinate consumului propriu al proprietarului şi a unor măsuri de aplicare a prevederilor Regulamentului (UE) nr. 995/2010 al Parlamentului European şi al Consiliului din 20 octombrie 2010 de stabilire a obligaţiilor care revin operatorilor care introduc pe piaţă lemn şi produse din lemn, aprobate prin Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 497/2020 https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/HGANEXE.pdf 10. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN privind aprobarea bugetului de venituri şi cheltuieli pe anul 2022 al Administraţiei Naţionale de Meteorologie, care funcţionează sub autoritatea Ministerului Mediului, Apelor şi Pădurilor https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/HG-1.pdf 11. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN pentru aprobarea repartizării sub Page 41 of 108
formă de vărsăminte la bugetul de stat a cotei din profitul contabil rămas după deducerea impozitului pe profit, realizat de Regia autonomă ,,Imprimeria Băncii Naţionale a României" pentru exercițiul financiar al anului 2021 https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/HG-2.pdf 12. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN privind rectificarea bugetului Trezoreriei Statului pe anul 2022 https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/HG-3.pdf 13. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN privind actualizarea valorii de inventar a unor bunuri imobile aflate în domeniul public al statului şi în administrarea Institutului de Arheologie ”Vasile Pârvan" din subordinea Academiei Române https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/HG-4.pdf 14. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN privind înscrierea imobilului, teren în suprafaţă de 28 mp, situat în municipiul Dorohoi, strada Grigore Ghica FN, judeţul Botoşani, în inventarul centralizat al bunurilor din domeniul public al statului şi darea acestuia în administrarea Ministerului Educaţiei prin Inspectoratul Şcolar Judeţean Botoşani şi Clubul Copiilor Dorohoi https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/HG-5.pdf 15. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN privind actualizarea caracteristicilor tehnice, adresei poștale şi valorii de inventar pentru unele imobile aflate în domeniul public al statului şi în administrarea Ministerului Educaţiei, prin instituţii din subordinea ministerului https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/HG-6.pdf 16. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN privind actualizarea caracteristicilor tehnice şi a valorii de inventar ale unor bunuri imobile înscrise în Anexa nr. 8 la Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 1705/2006 pentru aprobarea inventarului centralizat al bunurilor din domeniul public al statului https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/HG-7.pdf 17. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN pentru modificarea anexei nr. 3 la Normele metodologice pentru aplicarea Legii nr. 269/2004 privind acordarea unui ajutor financiar în vederea stimulării achiziționării de calculatoare, aprobate prin Hotărârea Guvernului nr.1294/2004 https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/HGANEXA.pdf 18. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN privind înscrierea imobilelor situate în municipiul Iaşi, strada Codrescu nr. 6 şi strada Sărăriei nr. 189, în inventarul centralizat al bunurilor din domeniul public al statului şi darea acestora în administrarea Ministerului Educaţiei pentru Universitatea Naţională de Arte ,,George Enescu" din Iaşi https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/HG-8.pdf 19. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN privind aprobarea bugetului de venituri şi cheltuieli pe anul 2022 pentru Compania Naţională Romarm S.A., aflată sub autoritatea Ministerului Economiei https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/NFHG.pdf 20. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN privind aprobarea bugetului de venituri şi cheltuieli aferent activităţii de privatizare al Ministerului Economiei pe anul 2022 https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/HG-9.pdf 21. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN pentru modificarea Hotărârii Guvernului nr. 1326/2021 privind organizarea şi funcţionarea Ministerului Economiei https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/HG-19.pdf 22. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN pentru modificarea Hotărârii Guvernului nr. 1.433/2009 privind înfiinţarea, organizarea şi funcţionarea Laboratorului Central pentru Calitatea Semințelor şi a Materialului Săditor ca urmare Page 42 of 108
a comasării prin absorbție şi a preluării activității Băncii de Resurse Genetice Vegetale Suceava https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/HG-11.pdf 23. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN pentru modificarea şi completarea Hotărârii Guvernului nr. 339/2020 privind aprobarea Programului naţional apicol pentru perioada 2020-2022, a normelor de aplicare, precum şi a valorii sprijinului financiar https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/HGANEXE-1.pdf 24. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN privind trecerea unei suprafețe de 5,76 ha teren cu destinație agricolă din domeniul public al statului în domeniul privat al statului şi în administrarea Agenţiei Domeniilor Statului, în vederea reconstituirii dreptului de proprietate https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/HG-10.pdf 25. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN privind aprobarea modelului steagului comunei Ernei, judeţul Mureș https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/HG-13.pdf 26. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN privind aprobarea modelului steagului oraşului Deta, judeţul Timiș https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/HG-14.pdf 27. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN privind trecerea unor construcţii din domeniul public al statului şi administrarea Ministerului Afacerilor Interne - Direcţia Generală de Protecție Internă în domeniul privat al acestuia pentru scoaterea din funcţiune, în vederea casării, precum şi actualizarea Anexei nr. 1 la Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 1705/2006 pentru aprobarea inventarului centralizat al bunurilor din domeniul public al statului https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/NFHGANEXA.pdf 28. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN pentru aprobarea plăţii contribuţiei financiare a Poliției Române la proiectul ,,Continuarea implementării Strategiei multianuale a EUCPN şi a Reţelei informale de abordare administrativă Secretariatul EUCPN al Reţelei Europene de Prevenire a Criminalității" https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/HG-15.pdf 29. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN privind eliberări/numiri de prefecți și/sau subprefecți 30. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN privind recunoaşterea Asociaţiei Futball Klub Csikszereda Miercurea Ciuc ca fiind de utilitate publică https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/HG-16.pdf 31. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN privind acceptarea de către statul român a donației unor bunuri mobile, ca operațiune compensatorie, din partea companiei Lockheed Martin Overseas, LLC şi darea în administrarea Ministerului Apărării Naţionale a acestor bunuri https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/HG-17.pdf 32. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN privind aprobarea pății contribuției financiare voluntare a României la Fondul Fiduciar al Curții Penale Internaţionale (CPI) destinat sprijinirii activității Biroului Procurorului Curții Penale Internaţionale pentru anul 2022 https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/HG-18.pdf 33. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE DE GUVERN privind modificarea şi completarea datelor de identificare şi a valorii de inventar, ca urmare a reevaluării, a bunurilor imobile înscrise în inventarul bunurilor din domeniul public al statului, aflate în administrarea Muzeului Naţional de istorie a României din Bucureşti, precum şi pentru înscrierea unor bunuri imobile în inventarul centralizat al bunurilor din domeniul public al statului şi darea acestora în administrarea Muzeului Naţional de Page 43 of 108
Istorie a României din Bucureşti https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/HG-12.pdf III. MEMORANDUMURI 1. MEMORANDUM cu tema: Iniţierea negocierilor pentru încheierea unui Acord între Guvernul României şi Guvernul Republicii Islamice Pakistan cu privire la eliminarea obligativității vizei pentru titularii de pașapoarte diplomatice şi de serviciu https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/MEMO.pdf 2. MEMORANDUM cu tema: Schema de ajutor de stat privind sprijinirea industriei cinematografice https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/MEMO-1.pdf 3. MEMORANDUM cu tema: Aprobarea iniţierii negocierilor şi semnării acordului dintre Guvernul României şi Organizaţia Naţiunilor Unite pentru Educaţie, Ştiinţă şi Cultură (UNESCO) privind reînnoirea Centrului Internaţional pentru Pregătire Avansată şi Cercetare în Fizică (CIFRA) ca centru de categoria a 2 a sub auspiciile UNESCO https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/MEMO-2.pdf 4. MEMORANDUM cu tema: Măsuri privind implementarea proiectului de Cloud Guvernamental https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/MEMO-3.pdf 5. MEMORANDUM cu tema: aprobarea raportului negocierii Acordului-cadru de împrumut dintre România şi Banca de Dezvoltare a Consiliului Europei, în valoare de 216 mil. EUR, pentru susţinerea proiectului privind reabilitarea patrimoniului construit şi a clădirilor cu destinaţie culturală şi a semnării textului negociat al Acordului-cadru de împrumut de către ministrul finanţelor https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/MEMO-4.pdf 6. MEMORANDUM cu tema: semnarea Aranjamentului Administrativ pentru aplicarea Acordului între România şi Republica Macedonia în domeniul asigurărilor sociale https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/MEMO-5.pdf 7. MEMORANDUM pentru stabilirea unor măsuri de eficientizare a activităţii de transport feroviar de marfă din zona Portului Constanţa https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/MEMO-6.pdf 8. MEMORANDUM cu tema: aprobarea negocierii şi a semnării· Acordului de contribuţie intre România reprezentată de Ministerul Investiţiilor şi Proiectelor Europene şi Uniunea Europeană, reprezentată de Comisia Europeană privind stabilirea garanţiei Uniunii Europene in compartimentul pentru România din cadrul programului lnvestEU, finanţat în cadrul Planului naţional de redresare şi rezilienţă al României, precum şi aprobarea Acordului de principiu pentru încheierea garanţiei reciproce intre România reprezentată de Ministerul Finanţelor şi Uniunea Europeană, reprezentată de Comisia Europeană in legătură cu Acordul de contribuţie https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/MEMO-7.pdf IV. NOTE 1. NOTĂ privind aprobarea transmiterii unei cereri către Constitui Local al Municipiului Timișoara in scopul adoptării de către acesta a unei hotărâri privind trecerea unor bunuri din domeniul public al municipiului Timișoara in domeniul public al statului în vederea dării in administrare către Regia Autonomă Administraţia Canalului Navigabil Bega Timișoara https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/NOTA.pdf V. PUNCTE DE VEDERE 1. PUNCT DE VEDERE cu privire la 6 iniţiative legislative https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/PUNCTE-DE-VEDERE.pdf Page 44 of 108
Unele măsuri pentru diminuarea arieratelor bugetare ale unor operatori economici din industria națională de apărare PROIECT DE ORDONANȚĂ DE URGENȚĂ https://sgg.gov.ro/1/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/OUG-13.pdf Având în vedere faptul că unii operatori economici din industria națională de apărare prevăzuți în anexa la prezenta ordonanță de urgență, care, potrivit prevederilor Legii nr. 232/2016 privind industria națională de apărare, precum și modificarea și completarea unor acte normative, cu modificările și completările ulterioare, se încadrează în categoria principalilor furnizori de armament, muniție și material de război pentru forțele sistemului național de apărare, denumit în continuare FSNA, înregistrează arierate bugetare, iar, în prezent, nu există surse de finanțare pentru stingerea acestor obligații, Recentele evoluții în plan geopolitic și economic, respectiv apariția unei zone de conflict în imediata vecinătate a României reclamă acțiuni concrete în vederea protejării intereselor naționale, inclusiv prin acțiuni de asigurare a unor capacități de producție și/sau servicii pentru apărare, și a unor capacități de producție și/sau servicii pentru apărare de interes strategic pentru securitatea națională în vederea satisfacerii necesarului FSNA de produse militare, sensibile și strategice, precum și a serviciilor de mentenanță necesare, În acest sens se impune întărirea capacității de apărare a României prin luarea unor măsuri urgente de redresare economico - financiară a operatorilor economici de interes strategic prevăzuți în anexa la prezenta ordonanță de urgență, astfel încât FSNA să poată fi pregătite pentru protejarea intereselor naționale de apărare ale statului român, precum și pentru a-și onora obligațiile asumate în calitate de stat membru Uniunii Europene și Organizației Trataului Atlanticului de Nord, Pentru a nu se ajunge în situația în care acești operatori economici să intre în stare de faliment, fapt care ar conduce la imposibilitatea asigurării capacităților necesare protejării, în timp real, a intereselor esențiale ale siguranței naționale, Ținând seama de faptul că volumul arieratelor a crescut semnificativ la toți operatorii economici din cauza dificultăților financiare cu care se confruntă, Întrucât penalitățile și majorările calculate pentru neplata datoriilor influențează negativ rezultatul exercițiului financiar, ceea ce concură la influențarea negativă a situației economicofinanciare a țării, Având în vedere necesitatea încadrării în țintele indicative privind nivelul plăților restante conform angajamentelor asumate în acordurile încheiate cu organizațiile internaționale, pentru evitarea riscului ratării țintei, se impune reducerea volumului de plați restante și a arieratelor operatorilor economici prevăzuți în anexa la prezenta ordonanță de urgență. Ținând cont de dispozițiile art. 346 din Tratatul de Funcționare a Uniunii Europene, potrivit cărora orice stat membru poate lua măsurile pe care le consideră necesare pentru protecția intereselor esențiale ale siguranței sale și care se referă la producția sau comerțul cu armament, muniție și material de război, precum și de faptul că măsurile propuse nu distorsionează concurența pe piața internă pentru produsele ce nu sunt destinate unor scopuri specific militare. În considerarea faptului că aceste elemente vizează interesul esențial ale siguranței naționale, se impune ștergerea arieratelor la unii operatori economici, aspect a cărui reglementare nu poate fi amânată, În temeiul art. 115 alin. (4) din Constituția României, republicată, Guvernul României adoptă prezenta ordonanță de urgență.
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Art. 1. (1) Prezenta ordonanță de urgență stabilește măsuri pentru protecția interesului esențial de siguranță și care se referă la producția sau comerțul cu armament, muniție și material de război. (2) În sensul prezentei ordonanțe de urgență, prin măsuri pentru protecția interesului esențial de siguranță și care se referă la producția sau comerțul cu armament, muniție și material de război se înțelege stingerea, prin anulare, a obligațiilor fiscale şi/sau bugetare principale și a accesoriilor acestora, datorate până la data de 31 martie 2022 și administrate de Agenția Națională de Administrare Fiscală. Art. 2 Obligațiile fiscale şi/sau bugetare, inclusiv accesoriile acestora, aferente producției sau comerțului cu armament, muniție și material de război datorate de operatorii economici din industria națională de apărare, autorizați, în conformitate cu prevederile Legii nr. 232/2016 privind industria națională de apărare, precum şi pentru modificarea şi completarea unor acte normative, cu modificările și completările ulterioare, prevăzuți în anexa care face parte integrantă din prezenta ordonanță de urgență, administrate de Agenția Națională de Administrare Fiscală, se anulează. Art. 3 (1) Prin obligații fiscale şi/sau bugetare, denumite în continuare obligaţii, se înțelege obligațiile principale reprezentând impozite, taxe, contribuții sociale obligatorii și alte sume datorate bugetului general consolidat, precum și obligațiile accesorii, datorate și neachitate până la data de 31 martie 2022, cu excepția obligațiilor fiscale principale cu reţinere la sursă şi a accesoriilor aferente acestora. (2) În scopul aplicării art. 2, operatorii economici care au evidența contabilă separată pentru producția sau comerțul cu armament, muniție și material de război trebuie să determine, pe baza acestei evidențe, pentru fiecare perioadă fiscală, obligațiile aferente producției sau comerțului cu armament, muniție și material de război și să le declare organului fiscal competent. Operatorii economici care nu au evidență contabilă separată determină și declară organului fiscal competent obligațiile aferente producției sau comerțului cu armament, muniție și material de război pe baza ponderii veniturilor corespunzătoare acestei activități în totalul cifrei de afaceri, pentru fiecare an fiscal. (3) Declararea de către operatorii economici a obligațiilor aferente producției sau comerțului cu armament, muniție și material de război se realizează prin cererea depusă potrivit art. 4 alin. (1). Art. 4 (1) În vederea stingerii prin anulare a obligațiilor prevăzute la art. 2 operatorul economic depune la organul fiscal competent, o cerere care se soluționează în termen de 30 de zile de la data înregistrării acesteia, prin decizie de anulare. (2) Cererea de anulare a obligațiilor cuprinde următoarele elemente: a) datele de identificare a operatorului economic: denumire, numele și prenumele reprezentantului legal, domiciliul fiscal, codul de identificare fiscală, precum şi numărul de telefon/fax, e-mail; b) suma totală pentru care se solicită anularea, defalcată pe tipuri de impozite, taxe, contribuții, fondul de risc și alte sume datorate bugetului general consolidat și în cadrul acestora, pe obligații principale și accesorii, cu precizarea că respectiva anulare este aferentă exclusiv producției sau comerțului cu armament, muniție și material de razboi; c) data și semnătura reprezentantului legal al operatorului economic. (3) În vederea soluționării cererii, organul fiscal competent emite, din oficiu, certificatul de atestare fiscală în care sunt cuprinse obligațiile datorate de operatorul economic până la data de 31 martie 2022, precum și obligațiile ce fac obiectul anulării, pe care îl comunică operatorului economic. Modelul și conținutul certificatului de atestare fiscală se aprobă prin ordin al președintelui Agenției Naționale de Administrare Fiscală, în termen de 30 zile de la intrarea în vigoare a prezentei ordonanțe de urgență. Page 46 of 108
(4) În cazul în care în perioada cuprinsă între data de 31 martie 2022 și data comunicării deciziei de anulare, contribuabilul efectuează plați în conturile bugetare aferente tipurilor de creanțe fiscale şi/sau bugetare ce fac obiectul anulării, se sting obligațiile exigibile în această perioadă. Prevederile art. 163 și 165 din Legea nr. 207/2015 privind Codul de procedură fiscală, cu modificările și completările ulterioare, sunt aplicabile în mod corespunzător. În acest caz, distribuirea și anularea sumelor se efectuează după emiterea deciziei de anulare. (5) În cazul în care există diferențe între sumele solicitate de către operatorul economic în cerere și cele înscrise în certificatul de atestare fiscală, organul fiscal competent solicită, în scris, prezentarea operatorului economic la sediul său pentru clarificarea situației datoriilor fiscale şi/sau bugetare ale acestuia. Solicitarea se transmite operatorului economic odată cu certificatul de atestare fiscală. (6) După clarificarea neconcordanțelor, organul fiscal, întocmește în două exemplare procesulverbal de punere de acord. Odată cu întocmirea procesului-verbal de punere de acord se eliberează, în două exemplare, un nou certificat de atestare fiscală. Un exemplar al procesuluiverbal de punere de acord şi al certificatului de atestare fiscală se comunică operatorului economic, iar un exemplar al acestora se arhivează de către organul fiscal. (7) Termenul de clarificare a neconcordanțelor şi de eliberare a unui nou certificat de atestare fiscală este de cel mult 15 zile de la data comunicării certificatului de atestare fiscală inițial. Termenul prevăzut la alin. (1) se prelungește în mod corespunzător. (8) Operarea în evidența contabilă a Agenției Naționale de Administrare Fiscală a anulării sumelor prevăzute la art. 2 cuprinse în certificatul de atestare fiscală se face în baza unei note emise de direcția de specialitate din cadrul Agenției Naționale de Administrare Fiscală. Art. 5 (1) În cazul în care la data de 31 martie 2022 sunt depuse de către operatorul economic deconturi cu sume negative de taxă pe valoarea adăugată cu opțiune de rambursare ori cereri de restituire, cererea de anulare a obligațiilor fiscale se soluționează după soluționarea cererii de rambursare ori a cererii de restituire și după efectuarea compensării potrivit dispozițiilor Legii nr. 207/2015, cu modificările și completările ulterioare. Termenul prevăzut la art. 4 alin. (1) se prelungește în mod corespunzător. (2) În cazul în care la data de 31 martie 2022 sunt depuse de către operatorul economic deconturi cu sume negative de taxă pe valoarea adăugată fără opțiune de rambursare, suma negativă se consideră solicitată la rambursare la data intrării în vigoare a prezentei ordonanțe de urgență. (3) Obligațiile aferente producției sau comerțului cu armament, muniție și material de război, stabilite ulterior datei de 31 martie 2022, pentru perioadele fiscale la care se referă obligațiile ce fac obiectul anulării, se anulează în condițiile prezentei ordonanțe de urgență. Art. 6 Începând cu data intrării în vigoare a prezentei ordonanțe de urgență, pentru obligațiile principale prevăzute la art. 3 alin. (1) nu se datorează obligații accesorii. Art. 7 Începând cu data intrării în vigoare a prezentei ordonanțe de urgență încetează orice măsură de executare silită pentru recuperarea creanțelor fiscale şi/sau bugetare ce fac obiectul anulării. PRIM-MINISTRU NICOLAE - IONEL CIUCĂ
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Theodora-Magdalena Mircea, ambasador în Cuba https://www.presidency.ro/ro/media/decrete-semnate-de-presedintele-romaniei-klausiohannis1649927226
președinte .ro Președintele României, Klaus Iohannis, a semnat joi, 14 aprilie 2022, Decret privind acreditarea doamnei Theodora-Magdalena Mircea, ambasador extraordinar și plenipotențiar al României în Republica Cuba, în Federația Saint Kitts şi Nevis, în Antigua şi Barbuda, în Saint Vincent şi Grenadine, în Uniunea Dominica, în Comunitatea Bahamas, Saint Lucia, şi în calitate de ambasador extraordinar și plenipotențiar al României în Jamaica, cu reședința la Havana;
Răduţa Dana Matache, ambasador în Filipine https://www.presidency.ro/ro/media/decrete-semnate-de-presedintele-romaniei-klausiohannis1649927226
președinte .ro Președintele României, Klaus Iohannis, a semnat joi, 14 aprilie 2022, Decret privind acreditarea doamnei Răduţa Dana Matache, ambasador extraordinar și plenipotențiar al României în Republica Filipine, şi în calitate de ambasador extraordinar și plenipotențiar al României în Republica Palau, cu reședința la Manila;
Gabriela Dancău, ambasador în Malta https://www.presidency.ro/ro/media/decrete-semnate-de-presedintele-romaniei-klausiohannis1649927226
președinte .ro Președintele României, Klaus Iohannis, a semnat joi, 14 aprilie 2022, Decret privind acreditarea doamnei Gabriela Dancău, ambasador extraordinar și plenipotențiar al României în Republica Italiană şi în Republica Malta, şi în calitate de ambasador extraordinar și plenipotențiar al României în Republica San Marino, cu reședința la Roma;
Ion Naval, ambasador în Turkmenistan https://www.presidency.ro/ro/media/decrete-semnate-de-presedintele-romaniei-klausiohannis1649927226
președinte .ro Președintele României, Klaus Iohannis, a semnat joi, 14 aprilie 2022, Decret privind acreditarea domnului Ion Naval în calitate de ambasador extraordinar și plenipotențiar al României în Turkmenistan, cu reședința la Aşhabad;
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Florin Marius Tacu, ambasador în Oman https://www.presidency.ro/ro/media/decrete-semnate-de-presedintele-romaniei-klausiohannis1649927226
președinte .ro Președintele României, Klaus Iohannis, a semnat joi, 14 aprilie 2022, Decret privind acreditarea domnului Florin Marius Tacu în calitate de ambasador extraordinar și plenipotențiar al României în Sultanatul Oman, cu reședința la Muscat;
Nicuşor Daniel Tănase, ambasador în Qatar https://www.presidency.ro/ro/media/decrete-semnate-de-presedintele-romaniei-klausiohannis1649927226
președinte .ro Președintele României, Klaus Iohannis, a semnat joi, 14 aprilie 2022, Decret privind acreditarea domnului Nicuşor Daniel Tănase în calitate de ambasador extraordinar și plenipotențiar al României în Statul Qatar, cu reședința la Doha;
Octavian-Bogdan Bădică, ambasador în Emiratele Arabe Unite https://www.presidency.ro/ro/media/decrete-semnate-de-presedintele-romaniei-klausiohannis1649927226
președinte .ro Președintele României, Klaus Iohannis, a semnat joi, 14 aprilie 2022, Decret privind acreditarea domnului Octavian-Bogdan Bădică în calitate de ambasador extraordinar şi plenipotențiar al României în Emiratele Arabe Unite, cu reședința la Abu Dhabi.
Achiziții publice Parlamentul României Lege pentru completarea Legii nr. 98/2016 privind achizițiile publice și pentru modificarea și completarea Legii nr. 99/2016 privind achizițiile sectoriale Nr. 86 din 12-Aprilie-2022 M. Of. Partea I nr. 366 din 13 Aprilie 2022
Programul IMM PROD Ministerul Finanțelor Ordin privind aprobarea Procedurii de implementare și a schemei de ajutor de stat asociate Programului IMM PROD Nr. 955 din 08-Aprilie-2022 M. Of. Partea I nr. 366 din 13 Aprilie 2022
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12.04.22 4,9412 5,9126 4,5466 285,3875
11.04.22 4,9409 5,9017 4,5230 284,8316
08.04.22 4,9419 5,9298 4,5455 282,3543
07.04.22 4,9426 5,9371 4,5378 281,2279
EURO Y21 26.03.2022
Aur gr.
US Dollar
Lira sterlină
LEI 01.01.2022
Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur 13.04.22 4,9413 5,9334 4,5622 290,0147
290,00 293,9846
grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR
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50,00 03.12.2022
350,00 17.12.2022
mil. euro
BVB - industria aeronautică herald insights .ro
AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM):
Valoare totală de piaţă: 397,99 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație
Raport preț aur/argint https://goldprice.org/gold-silver-ratio.html 21
gold price .org
Natural Gas Futures Overview (USA) https://www.investing.com/commodities/natural-gas
investing .com
RO.A&D: Raport preț aur/argint = un indicator al stabilității internaționale
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Aluminum Futures Overview (UK) https://www.investing.com/commodities/aluminum
investing .com
Brent Oil Futures Overview (UK) https://www.investing.com/commodities/brent-oil
investing .com
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Hidroelectrica este în procedură de achiziție a 2.000 MW în eolian și fotovoltaic, investiție de 2,3 miliarde de euro Hidroelectrica, cel mai mare producător de energie electrică din România are acum în analiză achiziția a trei parcuri eoliene și a unuia fotovoltaic, aflate “în diverse stadii de dezvoltare”, potrivit raportului Directoratului companiei pe anul 2021, care va fi supus aprobării acționarilor. https://www.economica.net/hidroelectrica-este-in-procedura-de-achizitie-a-2-000-mwin-eolian-si-fotovoltaic-investitie-de-23-miliarde-de-euro_576315.html
economica .net Mihai Nicuţ - mie, 13 apr. 2022, 14:06
Hidroelectrica a depus oferte neangajante de preț pentru cele patru parcuri în ultimul trimestru al anului 2021, potrivit documentului. Dacă tranzacțiile se vor și finaliza, compania, care ar urma să investească în aceste proiecte circa 2,3 miliarde de euro, ar urma să beneficieze de o producție suplimentară de 5 TWh de energie electrică pe an, care s-ar adăuga celor 17 TWh pe care îi produce Hidroelectrica într-un an normal. ... citește știrea originală și integrală utilizând link-ul ...
Insights https://adevarul.ro/economie/afaceri/fratii-paval-fondatorii-dedeman-cumparat-30farmaciile-tei-bebe-tei-1_625554105163ec42714be995/index.html
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Marcel Ciolacu: Cel mai important lucru este că împreună cu Banca Națională am ținut cursul euro până în cinci lei Inflație cu două cifre este și în Franța, și în Germania https://www.g4media.ro/marcel-ciolacu-cel-mai-important-lucru-pe-care-il-vad-eueste-ca-impreuna-cu-banca-nationala-am-tinut-cursul-euro-pana-in-cinci-lei-inflatiecu-doua-cifre-este-si-in-franta-si-in-germania.html
Marcel Ciolacu a declarat, miercuri, în contextul dezbaterilor din societate despre inflația care a depășit 10% că „cel mai important lucru pe care îl văd eu este că împreună cu Banca Națională am ținut cursul euro până în cinci lei”: „Este o influență venită din zona euro, și în Franța, și în Italia, și în Germania mai ales, ... citește știrea originală și integrală utilizând link-ul ...
Se dau bani de la stat, cresc tichetele de masă, salariul minim pe economie, se introduc vouchere – Sprijin pentru România https://playtech.ro/2022/se-dau-bani-de-la-stat-cresc-tichetele-de-masa-salariulminim-pe-economie-se-introduc-vouchere-sprijin-pentru-romania/
playtech .ro Alexandru Puiu 09:03 12.04.2022
Autoritățile române au anunțat la finele zilei de ieri toate detaliile referitoare la programul de ajutor pentru populație intitulat Sprijin pentru România. Cel puțin teoretic, aproximativ jumătate dintre români vor avea de câștigat, într-o formă sau alta de pe urma acestor măsuri. Începând cu, cel mai devreme, 1 mai, românii se vor bucura de mai multe beneficii ... citește știrea originală și integrală utilizând link-ul ...
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Planul Național de Redresare și Reziliență (PNRR) PNRR ȘTIRI LA MINUT https://mfe.gov.ro/pnrr/
20.04.2021 RO.A&D: ar fi util dacă un oficial MApN ar explica corelația dintre aceste 10 noi Programe de înzestrare și deja existentele Programe de înzestrare promovate de Direcția Generală pentru Armamente, de mulți ani, pe website-ul oficial: https://www.dpa.ro/dgarm/programe-de-inzestrare# Și care sunt prezentate pe larg în capitolele RO.A&D cu trimitere directă la datele furnizate de Direcția Generală pentru Armamente. 06.05.2021:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpGggG_LmGk 22
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Insights https://economie.hotnews.ro/stiri-energie-25495344-carburantii-ajung-9-lei-litru-dinnou-pragul-vacantei-pasti.htm
EXPO & CONFERINȚE Aprilie 2022 12.04.-14.04.2022 21.04.-22.04.2022 25.04.-27.04.2022 25.04.-27.04.2022 25.04.-29.04.2022 26.04.-29.04.2022
27.04.-29.04.2022 27.04.-29.04.2022 27.04.-30.04.2022 29.04.-01.05.2022
April 2022 April 2022 April 2022
PROWINTER, Bolzano, Italy Reitsportmesse Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany IMDEX Asia Singapore Rotorcraft Asia & Unmanned Systems Asia Singapore HANNOVER MESSE, The biggest transformation since industrialization, Germany C2ISR Week Conference The Global Airborne Intelligence and C2 Community's Annual General Meeting, London, United Kingdom Smart Manufacturing & Monitech Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan ADAS 2022, Manila, Philippines AERO Friedrichshafen - International Trade Show for General Aviation, Friedrichshafen, Germany Camp Villmark (formerly VILLMARKSMESSEN) - The Scandinavian Game Fair presenting Hunting, Shooting, Fishing and Outdoor Life, Lillestrom, Norway ISNR, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates AEROMART CHINA, Shenzhen, China, People's Republic DSA - Defence Services Asia Exhibition and Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Mai 2022 03.05.-05.05.2022 10.05.-12.05.2022 10.05.-12.05.2022 11.05.-15.05.2022 17.05.-18.05.2022 17.05.-19.05.2022 17.05.-19.05.2022 18.05.-20.05.2022 18.05.-20.05.2022
INTERPOLITEX TASHKENT, Tashkent, Uzbekistan IDEB 2022, Bratislava, Slovakia INDO PACIFIC International Maritime Exposition, Sydney, Australia International Aerospace & Defense Exhibition IADE 2022, Djerba-Zarzis, Tunisia ASEC22, Nairobi, Kenya Airportshow - Airport Build & Supply Exhibition, Dubai, United Arab Emirates IFSEC, London, United Kingdom Black Sea Defense, Aerospace and Security (BSDA) Romania KIHE 2022, Almaty, Kazakhstan Page 57 of 108
23.05.-25.05.2022 25.05.-26.05.2022 25.05.-28.05.2022 26.05.-29.05.2022 31.05.-02.06.2022 May 2022 May 2022 May 2022 May 2022
EBACE - European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition, Geneva, Switzerland 8th International Workshop on Numerical Modelling in Aerospace Sciences, “NMAS 2022” Bucharest, at INCAS KADEX - International exhibition of Arms and Technologies, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan PFERD Wels, Wels, Austria SIL Barcelona Congress, Logistics, Transport, Intralogistics and Supply Chain in Southern Europe China Sport Show - China International Sporting Goods Show, Shanghai, China, People's Republic CIDEX - China International Defense Electronics Exhibition, Beijing, China, People's Republic Space Tech Expo USA, Pasadena, United States of America IDEB - International Defence Exhibition Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia
Iunie 2022 01.06.-02.06.2022 13.06.-17.06.2022 13.06.-17.06.2022 15.06.-16.06.2022 20.06.-25.06.2022 22.06.-25.06.2022
CANSEC 2022, Ottawa, Canada EUROSATORY 2022, Paris, France BIEMH 2022, Bilbao, Spain Competitive Europe 2022, Politico, online, Brussels Interschutz, Hannover, Germany Innovation and Leadership in Aerospace (ILA) Germany
Iulie 2022 18.07.-22.07.2022
Farnborough UK
August 2022 29.08.-01.09.2022
Defence & Security 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
Septembrie 2022 01.09.-03.09.2022 04.09.-07.09.2022 06.09.-08.09.2022 06.09.-08.09.2022 06.09.-09.09.2022 14.09.-15.09.2022 21.09.-25.09.2022 27.09.-30.09.2022
ArmSecurity 2022, Yerevan, Armenia ATSO IRAQ 2022, Baghdad, Iraq ADEX 2022, Baku, Azerbaijan SECUREX 2022, Baku, Azerbaijan International Defense Industry Exhibition (MSPO) Poland AMRO Business Mission to Romania Africa Aerospace & Defense (AAD) City of Tswane, South Africa Arms and Security XVIIIș Kyiv, Ukraine
Octombrie 2022 05.10.-08.10.2022 10.10.-12.10.2022 18.10.-11.10.2022 19.10.-21.10.2022 25.10.-28.10.2022
DEFINDEX, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan ISNR 2022, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates NBAA-BACE Orlando, FL, USA Future Forces Forum, Prague, Czechia SAHA EXPO 2022, Istanbul, Turkey Page 58 of 108
Noiembrie 2022 02.11.-05.11.2022 15.11.-18.11.2022
Indo Defence 2022, Jakarta, Indonesia MATELEC - International Exhibition of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Madrid, Spain
Decembrie 2022 06.12.-08.12.2022
GDA 2022, Mishref, Kuwait City, Kuwait
Februarie 2023 20.02.-24.02.2023
IDEX & NAVDEX 2023, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Martie 2023 02.03.-05.03.2022 09.05.-11.05.2023
IWA OutdoorClassics - High performance in target sports, nature activities, protecting people, Nuremberg, Germany DEFEA 2023, Athens, Greece
Mai 2023 09.05.-11.05.2023
DEFEA 2023, Athens, Greece
OSINT = Open Source Intelligence Sau în limba română: Informații din Surse Deschise (ISD).
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ROMANIA: national parliament voting intention, 29.03.2022 https://www.politico.eu/europe-poll-of-polls/romania/
politico .eu
Ion ILIESCU 1990-1992 1997-2000
Ion C. BRĂTIANU 1875-1891
Claudiu TÂRZIU George SIMION
2019 - present
Dacian CIOLOȘ & Dan BARNA 2020-2021
Markó BÉLA 1993-2011
Varujan VOSGANIAN 1992-1995
Marcel CIOLACU NEWS - twitter
Nicolae Ionel CIUCĂ NEWS - twitter
George SIMION NEWS - twitter
Cătălin DRULĂ NEWS - twitter
Hunor KELEMEN NEWS - twitter
Varujan PAMBUCCIAN NEWS - twitter
Parliamentary parties: • PSD: Partidul Social Democrat (Social Democratic Party) • PNL: Partidul Național Liberal (National Liberal Party) • AUR: Alianța pentru Unirea Românilor (Alliance for the Unity of Romanians) • USR: Uniunea Salvați România (Save Romania Union) • UDMR: Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România (Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania) • Minorități: parliamentarians representing national minorities
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Cine este și ce a declarat la Congresul Partidului NOI, Francesco Şerban – noul președinte executiv https://ecopolitic.ro/cine-este-si-ce-a-declarat-la-congresul-partidului-noi-francescoserban-noul-presedinte-executiv/amp/
ecopolitic .ro 13/04/2022
În cadrul primului congres al Partidului „Naţiune Oameni Împreună” – NOI, unde Viorica Dăncilă a fost aleasă preşedinte, Francesco Șerban a candidat și a fost ales în funcția de președinte executiv. Francesco Ionel Serban este din Pitești, economist – are 15 ani de experiență în mediul privat, ca expert contabil judiciar, consultant fiscal, expert fiscal judiciar, la care se adaugă mai bine de 4 ani în sfera publică. ... citește știrea originală și integrală utilizând link-ul ...
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Bogdan Hossu preşedinte Confederaţia Sindicală "Cartel Alfa"
Dumitru Costin preşedinte Blocul Naţional Sindical (BNS)
NEWS - twitter
NEWS - twitter
Doru PUIU preşedinte Federația Națională Sindicală Solidaritatea Metal (FNSSM) NEWS - twitter
Constantin Bucuroiu preşedinte Alianţa Sindicatelor din Industria de Apărare şi Aeronautică (ASIAA) NEWS - twitter
European Trade Union Federations
Sorin Leonard Bărăscu preşedinte Confederaţia Naţională a Sindicatelor Libere din România (CNSLR Frăţia) NEWS - twitter
Dumitru Pârvulescu preşedinte Federaţia Naţională Mine Energie (FNME) NEWS - twitter
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers NEWS - twitter
NEWS - twitter
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2021 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices https://www.state.gov/reports/2021-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/
bureau of democracy, human rights, and labor .gov APRIL 12, 2022
The annual Country Reports on Human Rights Practices – the Human Rights Reports – cover internationally recognized individual, civil, political, and worker rights, as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international agreements. The U.S. Department of State submits reports on all countries receiving assistance and all United Nations member states to the U.S. Congress in accordance with the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and the Trade Act of 1974.
Preface For nearly five decades, the United States has issued the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, which strive to provide a factual and objective record on the status of human rights worldwide – in 2021, covering 198 countries and territories. The information contained in these reports could not be more vital or urgent given ongoing human rights abuses and violations in many countries, continued democratic backsliding on several continents, and creeping authoritarianism that threatens both human rights and democracy – most notably, at present, with Russia’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine. The Biden Administration has put human rights at the center of U.S. domestic and foreign policy. We have also recognized our nation has not always succeeded in protecting the dignity and rights of all Americans, despite the proclamations of freedom, equality, and justice in our founding documents. It is through the continued U.S. commitment to advance human rights, both domestically and internationally, that we best honor the generations of Americans who are Black, Brown, or other people of color, indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, LGBTQI+ persons, immigrants, women and girls, and other historically marginalized groups whose advocacy for their rights and for others has pushed America toward a “more perfect union.” President Biden has called the defense of democracy and human rights the defining challenge of our time. By convening the first Summit for Democracy in December 2021 – bringing together representatives from 100 governments as well as civil society and the private sector – he sparked global attention and vigor toward democratic renewal and respect for human rights. Participating governments made significant commitments to revitalize democracy at home and abroad at the first Summit on which we expect meaningful progress during the current Year of Action and before the time of a second Summit. The reports paint a clear picture of where human rights and democracy are under threat. They highlight where governments have unjustly jailed, tortured, or even killed political opponents, activists, human rights defenders, or journalists, including in Russia, the People’s Republic of China, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Nicaragua, and Syria. They document abuses of peaceful protestors demanding democracy and fundamental freedoms in countries such as Burma, Belarus, Cuba, Hong Kong, and Sudan. They highlight worrying cases of transnational repression – where governments reach across borders to harass, intimidate, or murder dissidents and their loved ones – as exemplified in the dangerous forced diversion by Belarus of Page 63 of 108
an international commercial flight for the sole purpose of arresting a critical independent journalist. But they also contain signs of progress and glimmers of hope, as the indomitable will to live freely can never be extinguished. In Iraq, people cast their votes to shape the future of their country in more credible and transparent parliamentary elections than in 2018. In Botswana, a court advanced the human rights of LGBTQI+ persons by upholding the decriminalization of same-sex relations. In Turkmenistan, all imprisoned Jehovah’s Witnesses conscientious objectors to military service were pardoned, a win for freedom of religion or belief. The stability, security, and health of any country depends on the ability of its people to freely exercise their human rights – to feel safe and included in their communities while expressing their views or gender, loving who they love, organizing with their coworkers, peacefully assembling, living by their conscience, and using their voices and reporting from independent media to hold governments accountable. There is much progress to be made, here in the United States and globally. But I know that by working together in the Year of Action and using resources like the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, we can come closer to building a world where respect for human rights is truly universal.
Country Reports AFRICA (SUB-SAHARAN) Angola Côte d’Ivoire Democratic Republic of Benin the Congo Botswana Djibouti Equatorial Burkina Faso Guinea Burundi Cabo Verde
Eritrea Eswatini
Cameroon Ethiopia Central African Republic Gabon Chad Gambia Comoros Ghana EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC Australia Japan Brunei Burma Cambodia China (Includes Hong Kong, Macau, and Tibet) Fiji
South Africa
GuineaBissau Kenya
Namibia Niger
Somalia South Sudan Sudan
Nigeria Republic of the Congo Rwanda São Tomé and Príncipe
Mali Mauritania Mauritius
Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone
Zambia Zimbabwe
Lesotho Liberia Madagascar
Singapore Solomon Islands South Korea Taiwan
Kiribati Laos Malaysia
New Zealand North Korea Palau
Marshall Islands Micronesia
Papua New Guinea Thailand Philippines Timor-Leste Page 64 of 108
Tanzania Togo Uganda
Tuvalu Vanuatu Vietnam
Indonesia Mongolia EUROPE AND EURASIA Albania Cyprus Czech Andorra Republic
Slovakia Slovenia
Netherlands North Macedonia
Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ukraine United Kingdom
Croatia Hungary Moldova San Marino NEAR EAST (MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA) Lebanon
Iraq Israel, West Bank and Gaza
United Arab Emirates
Saudi Arabia
Sri Lanka
Iran Kuwait SOUTH AND CENTRAL ASIA Afghanistan India Bangladesh
Bhutan Kyrgyzstan WESTERN HEMISPHERE Antigua and Barbuda Canada
Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
El Salvador
Costa Rica
Suriname Trinidad and Tobago
Dominica Dominican Republic
Peru Saint Kitts and Nevis
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Appendix A Notes on Preparation of the Country Reports and Explanatory Material •
Appendix B Reporting on Worker Rights •
Appendix C Additional Resources •
Appendix D FY 2020 Foreign Assistance Actuals •
Appendix E UN General Assembly Third Committee Votes 2020 •
Appendix F Universal Declaration of Human Rights •
Appendix G Overview and Acknowledgements
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2021 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Romania https://www.state.gov/reports/2021-country-reports-on-human-rightspractices/romania/
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Romania is a constitutional republic with România este o republică constituțională cu a democratic, multiparty parliamentary un sistem parlamentar democratic, multipartit. system. The bicameral parliament Parlamentul bicameral este format din Senat consists of the Senate and the Chamber și Camera Deputaților, ambele alese prin vot of Deputies, both elected by popular popular. Observatorii au considerat că vote. Observers considered the 2019 alegerile prezidențiale din 2019 și alegerile presidential election and December 2020 parlamentare din decembrie 2020 au fost, în parliamentary elections to have been general, libere și corecte. generally free and fair. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is Ministerul Afacerilor Interne răspunde de responsible for the General Inspectorate Inspectoratul General al Poliției Române, of the Romanian Police, the jandarmerie, poliția de frontieră, Direcția gendarmerie, border police, the General Generală de Protecție Internă și Direcția Directorate for Internal Protection, and Generală Anticorupție. Direcția Generală the Directorate General for pentru Protecția Internă este responsabilă de Anticorruption. The General Directorate colectarea de informații, contraspionaj și for Internal Protection is responsible for prevenirea și combaterea vulnerabilităților și intelligence gathering, riscurilor care ar putea perturba grav ordinea counterintelligence, and preventing and publică sau ar putea viza operațiunile combatting vulnerabilities and risks that Ministerului Afacerilor Interne. Direcția could seriously disrupt public order or target Ministry of Internal Affairs raportează ministrului de Interne. Serviciul operations. The directorate reports to the Român de Informații, agenția de securitate investighează terorismul și minister of interior. The Romanian internă, Intelligence Service, the domestic amenințările la adresa securității naționale. security agency, investigates terrorism Serviciul raportează Consiliului Suprem de and national security threats. The service Apărare Națională. Autoritățile civile au reports to the Supreme Council of menținut un control eficient asupra serviciului National Defense. Civilian authorities de informații și a agențiilor de securitate care maintained effective control over the au raportat Ministerului Afacerilor Interne. Au intelligence service and the security existat rapoarte credibile că membrii forțelor agencies that reported to the Ministry of de securitate au comis unele abuzuri. Internal Affairs. There were credible Printre aspectele semnificative legate de reports that members of the security drepturile omului s-au numărat rapoarte forces committed some abuses. Significant human rights issues included credibile privind: cazuri de tratamente sau credible reports of: cases of cruel, pedepse crude, inumane sau degradante din inhuman, or degrading treatment or partea guvernului; corupția oficială gravă pe punishment by the government; scară largă; lipsa de investigare și de widespread serious official corruption; responsabilitate pentru violența bazată pe lack of investigation and accountability gen, inclusiv, dar fără a se limita la violența for gender-based violence, including but domestică și intimă a partenerului și la violența not limited to domestic and intimate sexuală; și abuzurile care vizează persoanele partner violence and sexual violence; instituționalizate cu dizabilități. and abuses targeting institutionalized persons with disabilities. Page 67 of 108
The judiciary took steps to prosecute and punish officials who committed abuses, but authorities did not have effective mechanisms to do so and delayed proceedings involving alleged police abuse and corruption, with the result that many of the cases ended in acquittals. Impunity for perpetrators of some human rights abuses was a continuing problem.
Sistemul judiciar a luat măsuri pentru urmărirea penală și pedepsirea funcționarilor care au comis abuzuri, dar autoritățile nu au avut mecanisme eficiente pentru a face acest lucru și au întârziat procedurile care implică presupuse abuzuri ale poliției și corupție, astfel încât multe dintre cazuri s-au încheiat cu achitări. Impunitatea pentru autorii unor încălcări ale drepturilor omului a fost o problemă continuă.
Section 1. Respect for the Integrity of the Person A. ARBITRARY DEPRIVATION OF LIFE AND OTHER UNLAWFUL OR POLITICALLY MOTIVATED KILLINGS There were reports during the year that the government or its agents committed one arbitrary or unlawful killing. On April 16, in the city of Pitesti, several police officers tried to restrain a 63-year-old man who was arguing with security forces after being evacuated from a burning restaurant. According to surveillance camera footage of the incident, officers appeared to push the man to the ground roughly. Press reports indicated that the man immediately stopped breathing and could not be resuscitated. A representative of the forensic medicine unit in Pitesti told media that the cause of death was mechanical asphyxiation. On April 20, two officers were arrested for their involvement in the incident. As of November the prosecutor’s office attached to the Bucharest Military Tribunal was conducting a criminal investigation against two police officers and a gendarme involved in the incident for involuntary homicide and abusive behavior. There is no agency specifically designated to investigate whether police killings were justified. Prosecutors’ offices handle investigations and prosecutions against police who commit killings, while military prosecutors’ offices handle investigations and prosecutions against members of the gendarmerie who commit killings. In June, through a nonfinal ruling, the Iasi Military Tribunal imposed on a gendarme a suspended prison sentence of two years and seven months for manslaughter, battery, and abusive behavior. In 2019 the gendarme had tried to physically immobilize a 55year-old man for 10 minutes and used tear gas spray against him, as he was suspected of inappropriately touching a child. During the altercation the man became unconscious and was taken to the hospital, where he died the following day. As of November the trial of former communist-era Securitate officials Marin Parvulescu, Vasile Hodis, and Tudor Postelnicu was pending before the High Court of Cassation and Justice. The three officials had allegedly committed crimes against humanity in 1985 when, according to prosecutors, they were responsible for allegedly arresting and beating anticommunist dissident Gheorghe Ursu to death. In 2019 the Bucharest Court of Appeals issued a nonfinal ruling acquitting Parvulescu and Hodis, but Gheorghe Ursu’s son challenged the decision. On November 10, the High Court of Cassation and Justice dismissed the indictment against former president Ion Iliescu and former vice prime minister Gelu Voican Voiculescu for crimes against humanity allegedly committed during the 1989 Romanian Revolution. The court returned the case to the Military Prosecutor’s Office. According to the court, the indictment included several irregularities. The General Prosecutor’s Office announced it would redraft and refile the indictment. Page 68 of 108
As of December the investigation of former president Ion Iliescu, former prime minister Petre Roman, former vice prime minister Gelu Voican Voiculescu, and former Intelligence Service director Virgil Magureanu for crimes against humanity committed during the 1990 “miners’ riot” was ongoing. The defendants were accused of bringing thousands of miners to Bucharest to attack demonstrators opposed to Iliescu’s rule. According to official figures, the violence resulted in hundreds of injuries, illegal arrests, and four deaths. Media estimates of the number of injuries and deaths were much higher. B. DISAPPEARANCE There were no reports of disappearances by or on behalf of government authorities. C. TORTURE AND OTHER CRUEL, INHUMAN, OR DEGRADING TREATMENT OR PUNISHMENT The constitution and law prohibit such practices, but there were reports from nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and media that police and gendarmes mistreated and abused Roma, asylum seekers, minors, and other persons primarily with excessive force, including beatings. The most recent report by the Council of Europe’s Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT), published in 2019, found, “a large number of allegations of physical illtreatment (many of which were corroborated by medical evidence) by police officers were received from detained persons. The allegations consisted primarily of slaps, punches, kicks and baton blows inflicted by police officers against criminal suspects either at the time of the arrest or during questioning at a police station, apparently for the primary purpose of coercing a confession.” In August the prosecutor’s office attached to the Bucharest County Court indicted seven police officers for torture, illegal deprivation of liberty, abusive behavior, and forgery. The seven officers, in addition to two others, were originally detained on March 5. In September 2020 the officers had detained and abused two persons who admonished them for not wearing face masks. The officers reportedly handcuffed one of the individuals, took him to a field at the outskirts of Bucharest, beat him for 30 minutes, and subjected him to degrading treatment. Police officers handcuffed the other individual, transported him to a dangerous area of Bucharest, and abandoned him in a dark alley. The prosecutor’s office attached to the Bucharest Tribunal started a criminal investigation against the officers for illegal deprivation of liberty and torture. As of November the prosecutor’s office attached to the Giurgiu County Court was investigating a member of the police for abusive behavior. In April 2020 media outlets circulated a video showing the chief of police and a subordinate in the town of Bolintin Vale in Giurgiu County beating several Romani persons immobilized in handcuffs on the ground and verbally abusing them for speaking in the Romani language. In 2020 the Ministry of Interior announced it had dismissed the chief of police and started an investigation of the incident. The 2019 CPT report noted, “a considerable number of allegations of physical illtreatment of prisoners by prison staff were received, notably by members of the masked intervention groups, in the prisons of Aiud, Gherla, Iasi and Galati. The situation was particularly alarming at Galati Prison where a climate of fear was evident. The report details several allegations of physical ill-treatment including sexual abuse by staff and raises serious concerns over the lack of recording of injuries by the healthcare service and failures to investigate allegations effectively.” The 2019 CPT report stressed “repeated and numerous detailed allegations” of inmate abuse by “masked intervention groups” – prison guards who wear body armor, balaclavas, helmets, batons, gloves, which the CPT described as “designed to intimidate prisoners.” Page 69 of 108
During the year authorities’ investigations into two allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse by Romanian peacekeepers originally reported in 2017 continued. The cases involved military observers deployed in UN Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo. One case involved the alleged sexual abuse (rape) of a minor. The peacekeeper in question was repatriated by the United Nations. The other case involved alleged sexual exploitation (transactional sex). Impunity was a significant problem in the security forces, particularly among police and gendarmerie. Police officers were frequently exonerated in cases of alleged beatings and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment. Prosecutors are responsible for investigating abuses. The Directorate for Internal Review within the Romanian Police can conduct, under prosecutorial supervision, criminal investigations of abuses committed by members of the police as well as internal administrative investigations. The government took the following steps to increase respect for human rights by the security forces: members of the police and gendarmerie received training on a wide range of human rights issues, including gender equality, abuse against children, prevention of torture, gender-based violence, and preventing discrimination; police schools and academies reserved several seats for admission opened only to persons of Romani ethnicity; police schools and academies, as well as gendarmerie schools, provided training to students, noncommissioned officers, and officers on racism, discrimination, and diversity. Prison and Detention Center Conditions Prison conditions remained harsh and overcrowded and did not meet international standards. The abuse of prisoners by authorities and other prisoners reportedly continued to be a problem. Physical Conditions: According to official figures, overcrowding was a problem, particularly in those prisons that did not meet the standard of 43 square feet per prisoner set by the Council of Europe. The 2019 CPT report noted, “Prison overcrowding was not evenly spread among or within prisons, and the most serious levels were observed in closed regime, pretrial and admission (quarantine) cells.” The CPT noted that at Bacau Prison, “18 young adults in pretrial detention were held in a single dilapidated and overcrowded cell measuring a mere 26 square meters [280 square feet]. The young men were confined to their cell for 21 to 22 hours a day for months on end.” According to the National Penitentiary Administration, men and women, juveniles and adults, and pretrial detainees and convicted persons were not held together. Media outlets, NGOs, and the ombudsperson reported that prisoners regularly assaulted and abused fellow inmates, generally with impunity. The 2019 CPT report noted, “The delegation documented several cases of interprisoner violence whereby young prisoners in particular have been severely ill-treated and sexually abused by other prisoners for prolonged periods in their cells” and further noted that prison staff at several facilities appeared not to intervene, prevent, or deter prisoner-on-prisoner violence. Physical conditions remained generally poor within the prison system, and observers noted insufficient spending on repair and retrofitting. The 2019 CPT report noted, “Material conditions in all the prisons visited were generally poor (e.g., flaking walls, humid, poor access to natural light and inadequate ventilation; sanitary annexes often had mold on the ceilings and walls, rusting pipes, and broken fixtures).” The Association for the Defense of Human Rights-Helsinki Committee (ADHR-HC) stated that some pretrial detention facilities had inadequate conditions, particularly in terms of hygiene. Such facilities were often located in basements and had no natural light and inadequate sanitation. Page 70 of 108
Several prisons provided insufficient medical care, and inmates complained that food quality was poor and sometimes insufficient in quantity. In some prisons heating and ventilation were inadequate. According to the ADHR-HC, inmates did not have access to adequate counseling, and many psychologist and social-worker positions were not filled. Persons with mental disorders did not receive sufficient care and were frequently isolated from other inmates. According to the 2019 CPT report, prison authorities in some facilities kept prisoners confined to their cells for long periods without opportunity for exercise or movement. Administration: Inmates can file complaints with law enforcement agencies and judges. Independent authorities did not always investigate credible allegations of inhuman conditions. Authorities allowed prisoners and detainees access to visitors or religious observance. Independent Monitoring: The government permitted monitoring visits by independent human rights observers, and such visits occurred during the year. The ombudsperson also visited prisons as part of her mandate to monitor places of confinement. D. ARBITRARY ARREST OR DETENTION The constitution and law prohibit arbitrary arrest and detention and provides for the right of any person to challenge the lawfulness of his or her detention. The government generally observed these requirements. Arrest Procedures and Treatment of Detainees By law only judges may issue detention and search warrants, and the government generally respected this provision. Authorities must inform detainees at the time of their arrest of the charges against them and their legal rights, including the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney. Police must notify detainees of their rights in a language they understand before obtaining a statement and bring them before a court within 24 hours of arrest. Although authorities generally respected these requirements, there were some reports of abuses during the year. Pending trial, if the alleged offender does not pose any danger to conducting the trial, there is no concern of flight or commission of another crime, and the case does not present a “reasonable suspicion” that the person would have committed the offense, the investigation proceeds with the alleged offender at liberty. Depending on the circumstances of the case, the law allows for home detention and pretrial investigation under judicial supervision, which requires the person accused to report regularly to law enforcement officials. A bail system also exists but was seldom used. Detainees have the right to counsel and, in most cases, had prompt access to a lawyer of their choice. Authorities provided indigent detainees legal counsel at public expense. The arresting officer is also responsible for contacting the detainee’s lawyer or, alternatively, the local bar association to arrange for a lawyer. A detainee has the right to meet privately with counsel before the first police interview. In some pretrial facilities and prisons, however, there was no possibility for confidential meetings between detainees and their families or attorneys. A lawyer may be present during the interview or interrogation. The law allows police to take an individual to a police station without a warrant for endangering others or disrupting public order. Following amendments that entered into force in January 2020, the provision that allowed police to hold persons for up to 24 hours was replaced with a provision that imposes the obligation to release persons “at once.” The ADHR-HC criticized the amendment as leaving room for abuse because of the vagueness of the term “at once.” E. DENIAL OF FAIR PUBLIC TRIAL The constitution provides for an independent judiciary, although in practice the government did not completely respect judicial independence and impartiality. The Page 71 of 108
Superior Council of Magistrates is the country’s judicial governance body, meant to ensure judicial independence and impartiality. There were reports that judicial and prosecutorial independence was compromised by government bodies with the power to discipline or retaliate against judges and prosecutors for their decisions. Despite a May 18 European Court of Justice’s (ECJ) ruling that found the Section to Investigate Offenses in the Judiciary inconsistent with EU law, the government did not dismantle the entity. The Section to Investigate Offenses in the Judiciary was established in 2018 and has been criticized by judicial and law enforcement stakeholders for intimidating judges and prosecutors. The Superior Council of Magistrate’s investigative body, the Judicial Inspectorate, has been accused of using its authority to intimidate judges who spoke out against the Section to Investigate Offenses in the Judiciary and advocated for reform in the justice system. The Judicial Inspectorate used disciplinary measures against prosecutors and judges who sought international courts’ rulings on the Section to Investigate Offenses in the Judiciary or who had spoken publicly regarding corruption in the judicial system. On June 14, the Judicial Inspectorate opened an investigation into a judge in Pitesti who ruled that the existence of the Section to Investigate Offenses in the Judiciary was illegal, based on the May 18 ECJ ruling. On December 13, the Superior Council of Magistrates dismissed proreform judge Cristi Danilet for alleged “social media misconduct” after he posted TikTok videos in which he was practicing martial arts and trimming hedges in his yard that the council deemed indecorous. Civil society and opinion makers reported that Danilet was removed for his vocal criticism of controversial, corruption-friendly changes to the justice laws during the previous Social Democratic Party-led government. Danilet could appeal the council’s decision. A European Commission’s Cooperation and Verification Mechanism report on June 8 also noted a pattern of Judicial Inspectorate disciplinary proceedings against judges and prosecutors who drew attention to corruption. Trial Procedures The constitution and the law provide for the right to a fair and public trial, and an independent judiciary generally enforced this right. Under the law defendants enjoy the right to the presumption of innocence, have the right to be informed promptly and in detail of the charges against them, and have the right to free linguistic interpretation, as necessary, from the moment charged through all appeals. Trials should take place without undue delay, but delays were common due to heavy caseloads and procedural inconsistencies, as well as a lack of sufficient personnel, physical space, and technology necessary to enable the judiciary to act swiftly and efficiently. Defendants have the right to be present at trial. The law provides for the right to counsel and the right to consult an attorney in a timely manner. Defendants had adequate time and facilities to prepare a defense. The law requires that the government provide an attorney to juveniles in criminal cases; the Ministry of Justice paid local bar associations to provide attorneys to indigent clients. Defendants may confront or question witnesses against them (unless the witness is an undercover agent) and present witnesses and evidence on their own behalf. The law generally provides for the right of defendants and their attorneys to view and consult case files, but prosecutors may restrict access to evidence for such reasons as protecting the victim’s rights and national security. Both prosecutors and defendants have a right of appeal. Defendants may not be compelled to testify against themselves and have the right to abstain from making statements. Political Prisoners and Detainees There were no reports of political prisoners or detainees. Civil Judicial Procedures and Remedies Page 72 of 108
Judicial and administrative remedies are available to individuals and organizations for abuses of human rights by government agencies. Plaintiffs may appeal adverse judgments involving alleged abuses of human rights by the state to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) after exhausting the avenues of appeal in domestic courts. According to the civil society coalition European Implementation Network, over the previous 10 years the government had not fully implemented 97 ECHR judgements concerning significant or systemic human rights problems. Property Seizure and Restitution According to the National Authority for Property Restitution, the Jewish community is entitled to receive compensation for buildings and land that belonged to the Judaic religious denomination or legal entities of the Jewish community and that were confiscated between September 6, 1940, and December 22, 1989. Individuals are entitled to compensation only for real estate confiscated between 1945 and 1989. The government has laws and mechanisms in place to address Holocaust-era property claims. The law for returning property seized by the former communist and fascist regimes includes a “points” system to compensate claimants where restitution of the original property is not possible. Claimants may use the points to bid in auctions of state-owned property or exchange them for monetary compensation. Local authorities hindered property restitution by failing to complete a land inventory stipulated by law. In April the Association for Private Property stated that the land inventory was not completed. The government twice extended the deadline for the inventory’s completion in 2013 and 2014. There were numerous disputes over church buildings and property that the Romanian Orthodox Church failed to return to the Greek Catholic Church, despite court orders to do so. The government did not take effective action to return churches confiscated by the post-World War II communist government. There continued to be lengthy delays in processing claims related to properties owned by national minority communities. Under the law there is a presumption of abusive transfer that applies to restitution of private property but not to religious or communal property. In many cases documents attesting to the abusive transfer of such properties to state ownership no longer existed. Religious and national minorities are not entitled to compensation for nationalized buildings that were demolished. Associations of former owners asserted that the points compensation system was ineffective and criticized the restitution law for failing to resolve cases fairly, as well as for lengthy delays and corruption. While the pace of resolving restitution cases at the administrative level increased, the number of properties returned involving churches and national minorities was disproportionately low. The number of cases resolved annually has remained approximately constant over the past three years (an average of 1,300), but the number of positive decisions remained extremely low. Religious communities disputing these rulings continued to go to court and incur additional costs. As of October there were 3,852 pending requests for restitution from religious denominations. According to advocates of the Jewish community, the disappearance of entire document repositories, combined with limited access to other archives, prevented the Jewish community from filing certain claims before the legal deadlines. The National Authority for Property Restitution rejected most restitution claims concerning former Jewish communal properties during its administrative procedures. The Caritatea Foundation, established by the Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania and World Jewish Restitution Organization to claim communal properties, challenged these negative National Authority for Property Restitution decisions in court. The World Jewish Restitution Organization also reported that the restitution of heirless private Page 73 of 108
Jewish properties was not completed and that there was insufficient research concerning property that had belonged to Jewish victims of the Holocaust. The Department of State’s Justice for Uncompensated Survivors Today (JUST) Act report to Congress, released publicly on July 29, 2020, can be found on the Department’s website: https://www.state.gov/reports/just-act-report-tocongress/. F. ARBITRARY OR UNLAWFUL INTERFERENCE WITH PRIVACY, FAMILY, HOME, OR CORRESPONDENCE Although the constitution and law prohibit such actions, there were allegations by NGOs, politicians, and journalists that authorities failed to respect individual’s rights. There were reports that government authorities entered homes without judicial or appropriate authorization and unlawfully interfered with privacy. According to media reports, police and Ministry of Interior officials wrongfully ordered the surveillance of Radu Gavris, deputy chief of the Bucharest Police, to prevent him from competing for a leadership position in the police force. In January several police officers raided a restaurant where Gavris and several prosecutors were having dinner, allegedly in violation of COVID-19-related restrictions. Following the raid, the minister of interior announced that Gavris was removed from his position as anti-COVID-19 efforts coordinator. Media and the Europol police labor union suggested that police carried out the raid based on information they obtained from the surveillance.
Section 2. Respect for Civil Liberties A. FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION, INCLUDING FOR MEMBERS OF THE PRESS AND OTHER MEDIA The constitution provides for freedom of Constituția prevede libertatea de exprimare, expression, including for members of the inclusiv pentru membrii presei și ai altor press and other media, and the mijloace de informare în masă, iar guvernul a government partially respected this right. respectat parțial acest drept. Organizațiile Independent media organizations noted mass-media independente au remarcat excessive politicization of media, corrupt politizarea excesivă a mass-mediei, financing mechanisms, as well as mecanismele de finanțare corupte, precum și editorial policies subordinated to political parties and owners’ interests. Reporters politicile editoriale subordonate partidelor and civil society representatives said politice și intereselor proprietarilor. Reporterii their freedom of expression was also și reprezentanții societății civile au declarat că limited by restricted access to libertatea lor de exprimare a fost, de information of public interest issued by asemenea, limitată de accesul restricționat la the government and public institutions, informațiile de interes public emise de guvern including expenses, contracts, or bids și instituțiile publice, inclusiv cheltuielile, involving public funds, and officials’ contractele sau ofertele care implică fonduri academic records, and pandemic publice, precum și evidențele academice ale records. Reporters and NGOs often had funcționarilor și înregistrările pandemiei. to sue state-controlled ministries, Reporterii și ONG-urile au fost adesea nevoiți agencies, or local entities to access să dea în judecată ministerele, agențiile sau public information.
entitățile locale controlate de stat pentru a avea acces la informații publice.
Freedom of Expression: The law prohibits Holocaust denial and Legea interzice negarea Holocaustului și promoting or using symbols representing promovarea sau utilizarea simbolurilor care fascist, racist, xenophobic ideologies, or reprezintă ideologii fasciste, rasiste, xenofobe Page 74 of 108
symbols associated with the interwar nationalist, extremist, fascist, and antiSemitic Legionnaire movement. On February 4, a Bucharest court found former intelligence officer Vasile Zarnescu guilty of Holocaust denial and sentenced him to a deferred prison sentence of 13 months and two years’ probation. The defendant wrote articles that described the Holocaust as a “fraud.”
sau simboluri asociate cu mișcarea legionară naționalistă, extremistă, fascistă și antisemită interbelică. Pe 4 februarie, un tribunal din București l-a găsit vinovat pe fostul ofițer de informații Vasile Zarnescu de negarea Holocaustului și l-a condamnat la o pedeapsă amânată cu închisoarea de 13 luni și doi ani de închisoare. Inculpatul a scris articole care descriu Holocaustul ca pe o "fraudă".
Freedom of Expression for Members of the Press and Other Media, Including Online Media: While independent media were active În timp ce mass-media independentă a fost and expressed a wide variety of views activă și a exprimat o mare varietate de opinii without overt restriction, politicians, or fără restricții evidente, politicienii sau cei cu those with close ties to politicians and legături strânse cu politicienii și grupurile political groups, either owned or politice, fie dețineau, fie controlau indirect indirectly controlled numerous media numeroase instituții media. Știrile și poziția outlets. The news and editorial stance of editorială a acestor instituții au reflectat these outlets frequently reflected their owners’ views and targeted criticism at frecvent opiniile proprietarilor lor și au vizat political opponents and other media criticile la adresa adversarilor politici și a altor organizații media. organizations. Violence and Harassment: Some reporters throughout the country continued to be harassed, sued, or threatened by authorities they investigated or by their proxies. On December 11, Bucharest police detained Italian journalist Lucia Goracci and her crew working for Italian state television broadcaster RAI at the request of Senator Diana Sosoaca, who held them against their will in her office during a previously agreed interview regarding her antivaccination views. Goracci stated that the senator’s husband Dumitru Silvestru Sosoaca bit her hand and accused police of following the senator’s orders instead of protecting the journalist and her crew. The RAI team was released by police after the Italian embassy’s intervention. As of December several criminal investigations were ongoing in connection with this case. On May 24, the Bucharest Court of Appeals sentenced former dean of the Police Academy, Adrian Iacob, and his deputy, Mihail Marcoci, to a three-year suspended prison sentence, 120 hours
Unii reporteri din întreaga țară au continuat să fie hărțuiți, trimiși în judecată sau amenințați de autoritățile pe care le-au anchetat sau de împuterniciții lor. Pe 11 decembrie, poliția bucureșteană a reținut-o pe jurnalista italiană Lucia Goracci și echipajul său care lucrau pentru postul italian de televiziune de stat RAI, la cererea senatorului Diana Sosoacă, care i-a reținut împotriva voinței lor în biroul său în timpul unui interviu convenit anterior cu privire la opiniile sale antivaccinare. Goracci a declarat ca sotul senatorului, Dumitru Silvestru Sosoaca, a muscat-o de mana si a acuzat politia ca a urmat ordinele senatorului in loc sa protejeze jurnalista si echipajul acesteia. Echipa RAI a fost eliberată de poliție după intervenția ambasadei italiene. Începând cu luna decembrie, mai multe anchete penale erau în curs de desfășurare în legătură cu acest caz. Pe 24 mai, Curtea de Apel București l-a condamnat pe fostul decan al Academiei de Poliție, Adrian Iacob, și pe adjunctul său, Mihail Marcoci, la o pedeapsă de trei ani de
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of community service, and 80,000 lei ($18,900) in victim’s compensation for inciting a police officer to blackmail and issue death threats against a reporter, Emilia Sercan. Sercan and the National Anticorruption Directorate appealed the sentence. In 2019 Sercan received death threats after an investigative journalism article she wrote in PressOne.ro alleged several cases of plagiarism of Police Academy doctoral dissertations, including the dean’s dissertation. Sercan’s investigation led to the Police Academy losing its right to award doctorate degrees. On September 16, a group of 20 individuals armed with axes and sticks attacked and beat journalist and filmmaker Mihai Dragolea, director Radu Constantin Mocanu, and environmental activist Tiberiu Bosutar, who were documenting illegal logging in a Suceava County forest. Media outlets reported that two of the victims lost consciousness and their film equipment was destroyed by the attackers. Four of the 20 individuals were arrested and later released and placed under judicial monitoring by prosecutors. The case remained ongoing as of October. State officials filed baseless civil and criminal cases against investigative journalists, impeding the operation of some media outlets. For example, throughout the year the mayor of Bucharest Sector 4, Daniel Baluta, filed more than 30 civil court cases and administrative complaints against the Libertatea newspaper and demanded the paper stop mentioning his name in their reporting. From May 20-21, the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism interrogated senior editors and employees from Libertatea and Newsweek Romania in response to Baluta’s claims that the reporters had formed an organized crime group to blackmail him. Both outlets had published investigative journalism article regarding Baluta’s mishandling of public tenders and
închisoare cu suspendare, 120 de ore de muncă în folosul comunității și 80.000 de lei (18.900 de dolari) în despăgubirea victimei pentru instigarea unui polițist să șantajeze și să emită amenințări cu moartea la adresa unui reporter, Emilia Sercan. Sercan și Direcția Națională Anticorupție au contestat sentința. În 2019, Sercan a primit amenințări cu moartea după un articol din jurnalismul de investigație pe care l-a scris în PressOne.ro a acuzat mai multe cazuri de plagiat al dizertațiilor de doctorat ale Academiei de Poliție, inclusiv dizertația decanului. Ancheta lui Sercan a dus la pierderea dreptului Academiei de Poliție de a acorda diplome de doctorat. Pe 16 septembrie, un grup de 20 de indivizi înarmați cu topoare și bastoane l-au atacat și bătut pe jurnalistul și cineastul Mihai Dragolea, pe regizorul Radu Constantin Mocanu și pe activistul de mediu Tiberiu Bosutar, care documentau exploatarea forestieră ilegală într-o pădure din județul Suceava. Presa a relatat că două dintre victime și-au pierdut cunoștința, iar echipamentul lor de filmare a fost distrus de atacatori. Patru dintre cele 20 de persoane au fost arestate, ulterior eliberate și plasate sub control judiciar de către procurori. Cazul a rămas în desfășurare din octombrie. Oficialii statului au intentat dosare civile și penale nefondate împotriva jurnaliștilor de investigație, împiedicând funcționarea unor instituții media. De exemplu, pe tot parcursul anului, primarul Bucurestiului Sector 4, Daniel Baluta, a depus peste 30 de dosare civile si plangeri administrative impotriva ziarului Libertatea si a cerut ziarului sa nu-i mai mentioneze numele in reportajul lor. În perioada 20-21 mai, Direcția de Investigare a Infracțiunilor de Criminalitate Organizată și Terorism a interogat redactori și angajați de rang înalt din Libertatea și Newsweek România, ca răspuns la afirmațiile lui Baluță potrivit cărora reporterii ar fi format un grup de crimă organizată pentru a-l șantaja. Cei doi au publicat un articol de jurnalism de investigație cu privire la
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contracts. Local and international media freedom watchdogs, including Reporters Without Borders, called on authorities to investigate the directorate’s handling of the case and intimidating interrogation methods. In June the directorate dropped some of the charges against the reporters and sent the remaining cases to the National Anticorruption Directorate. The case remained pending as of November. Internet Freedom The government did not systematically restrict or disrupt access to the internet or censor online content, and there were no credible reports that the government monitored private online communications without appropriate legal authority.
manipularea greșită de către Balță a licitațiilor și contractelor publice. Agenții locali și internaționali de supraveghere a libertății mass-mediei, inclusiv reporteri fără frontiere, au solicitat autorităților să investigheze modul în care direcția gestionează cazul și metodele de interogare intimidante. În iunie, direcția a renunțat la o parte din acuzațiile aduse reporterilor și a trimis restul dosarelor la Direcția Națională Anticorupție. Cazul a rămas pe rol din noiembrie. Guvernul nu a restricționat sau perturbat în mod sistematic accesul la internet sau nu a cenzurat conținutul online și nu au existat rapoarte credibile conform cărora guvernul a monitorizat comunicațiile private online fără o autoritate juridică adecvată.
Academic Freedom and Cultural Events On June 1, the ECHR ordered the country to pay 60,000 euros ($69,000) in compensation to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+) rights NGO ACCEPT for failure of police and prosecutors to prevent and investigate the violent disruption of a 2013 cultural event. Despite police presence, approximately 45 far-right protesters entered a cinema, threatened viewers, and shouted homophobic slurs during an event that showcased a movie dedicated to LBGTQI+ history month. ACCEPT and five individuals took the case to the ECHR after prosecutors closed the case in 2014 and 2017 without indicting any of the perpetrators. B. FREEDOMS OF PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY AND ASSOCIATION The constitution and law provide for the freedoms of peaceful assembly and association, but the government occasionally restricted freedom of peaceful assembly. Freedom of Peaceful Assembly The constitution provides for freedom of peaceful assembly, which the government has occasionally restricted. The law provides that unarmed citizens may assemble peacefully, but it also stipulates that meetings must not interfere with other economic or social activities and may not take place near such locations as hospitals, airports, or military installations. In most cases organizers of public assemblies must request permits in writing three days in advance from the mayor’s office of the locality where the gathering is to occur. Between January and July, the government maintained anti-COVID-19 regulations that allowed public gatherings of a maximum of 100 persons. On June 22, a group of 65 NGOs sent a letter to the government complaining that religious, cultural, or sports gatherings were allowed a significantly higher number of participants than rallies and demonstrations and called the regulations discriminatory and unjustified. Regulations that entered into force in August allowed demonstrations or rallies with up to 500 participants in cities and villages with a COVID-19 incidence rate of less than two per 1,000 persons. Several NGOs and human rights activists, including Funky Citizens and the Center for Public Innovation, stated that the new regulations continued to be discriminatory and unjustified. On August 14, the gendarmerie imposed a fine on the organizer of the Bucharest Pride Parade for exceeding the 500-person threshold. Page 77 of 108
C. FREEDOM OF RELIGION See the Department of State’s International Religious Freedom Report at https://www.state.gov/religiousfreedomreport/. D. FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT AND THE RIGHT TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY The constitution and law provide for the freedom of internal movement, foreign travel, emigration, and repatriation, and the government generally respected these rights. In-country Movement: The internal movement of beneficiaries of international protection and stateless persons was generally not restricted. Asylum seekers, however, may be subject to measures limiting their freedom of movement and to detention in specific circumstances. The law and implementing regulations provide that the General Inspectorate for Immigration may designate a specific place of residence for an applicant for asylum while authorities determine his or her eligibility, or may take restrictive measures, subject to approval by the prosecutor’s office, that amount to administrative detention in “specially arranged closed areas.” The government restricted the movement of persons granted “tolerated status” (see section 2.f., Temporary Protection). E. STATUS AND TREATMENT OF INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS Not applicable. F. PROTECTION OF REFUGEES The government cooperated with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other humanitarian organizations in providing protection and assistance to refugees, returning refugees, asylum seekers, and stateless persons as well as other persons of concern, including irregular migrants potentially in need of international protection. Access to Asylum: The law provides access to asylum procedures to foreign nationals and stateless persons who express their desire for protection and the government has established a system for providing protection to refugees in the form of refugee status or “subsidiary protection” status. Safe Country of Origin/Transit: The law provides for the concept of safe countries of origin. This normally referred to EU member states but could also include other countries approved by the Internal Affairs Ministry at the recommendation of the General Inspectorate for Immigration. Procedurally, the government would normally reject applications for asylum by persons who had arrived from a safe country under accelerated procedures or who already benefited from international protection granted in such a country. Exceptions were allowed in cases where the factual situation or evidence presented by the applicant shows the existence of a well-founded fear of persecution or serious risk. The law also refers to the concept of a safe third country. The law applies to irregular migrants who transited, were offered protection, or had the opportunity to contact authorities to obtain protection in a third country considered safe. In such cases authorities could deny access to asylum procedures if the designated safe third country agreed to readmit the applicant to its territory and grant access to asylum procedures. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the government has not rejected any application for protection on a safe third country basis. Refoulement:The law establishes exceptions to the principle of nonrefoulement and the withdrawal of the right to stay following a declaration of a person as “undesirable.” This may occur, for example, when classified information or “well founded indications” suggest that aliens (including applicants for asylum, or persons granted asylum) intend to commit terrorist acts or favor terrorism. Applicants for protection declared “undesirable” on national security grounds were taken into custody pending the finalization of their asylum procedure and then deported. Page 78 of 108
Abuse of Migrants and Refugees: According to media and NGOs, several incidents of harassment, discrimination, abuses against refugees and migrants, pushbacks, and deviations from asylum procedures at border areas occurred throughout the year, although most incidents were not reported because of fear, lack of information, inadequate support services, and inefficient redress mechanisms. In February the NGO LOGS (Group for Social Initiatives, an organization that aided asylum seekers in the city of Timisoara) documented several alleged acts of violence by police against asylum seekers. According to testimonials from several asylum seekers, members of the border police and local police destroyed their phones, took their money, or used excessive force against them. The Amsterdam-based organization Lighthouse Reports and the Border Violence Monitoring Network reported that several cases of violent pushback of migrants or refugees by authorities occurred throughout the year at the country’s border with Serbia. Freedom of Movement: The law incorporates four “restrictive” measures under which the internal movement of applicants for asylum may be limited. The first two establish an obligation to report regularly to the General Inspectorate for Immigration or to reside at a regional reception center. A third restrictive measure allows authorities to place applicants in “specially arranged closed areas” for a maximum of 60 days, either to access the asylum procedure or if the asylum seeker is deemed to pose a danger to national security. There was no case of an asylum applicant being placed in a specially arranged closed area through October. Authorities may also place asylum applicants in administrative detention in a public custody center if they are subject to a transfer to another EU member state under the Dublin Regulations or if they have been declared “undesirable” for reasons of national security, pending their removal from the country. According to UNHCR, irregular migrants, persons declared as “undesirable,” asylum seekers deemed to pose a “risk of absconding,” as well as other categories of foreigners may face detention in public custody centers or in closed areas inside reception centers. Under provisions of the law to limit “abuse to the asylum procedure,” irregular migrants who submitted their first application for international protection while in custody were released from detention only if granted access to the ordinary asylum application procedure. The provisions raised concerns among UN agencies and civil society due to the ambiguity in the phrases “abuse of the asylum procedure” and “risk of absconding.” The period of detention in a public custody center could be prolonged up to a maximum of 18 months. Employment: While persons granted international protection have the legal right to work, job scarcity, low wages, lack of language proficiency, and lack of recognized academic degrees and other certifications often resulted in unemployment or employment without a legal contract and its related benefits and protections. Obtaining a legal work contract remained difficult for various reasons, including tax concerns and the reluctance of employers to hire refugees. Durable Solutions: According to UNHCR, the country has become an emergent resettlement country, having agreed to resettle small quotas of refugees every year. During the year the government accepted 200 refugees for resettlement from Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan with the support of UNHCR and the International Organization for Migration. Beneficiaries of international protection continued to face problems with local integration, including access to vocational training adapted to their specific needs, counseling programs, and naturalization. According to UNHCR, refugee integration programs relied almost exclusively on NGOs, with coordination from the General Inspectorate for Immigration. The support services or targeted integration and inclusion programs provided by local governments to refugees were limited. Page 79 of 108
Temporary Protection: The government may grant “tolerated status” to persons who do not meet the requirements for refugee status or subsidiary protection, but who cannot be returned for various reasons. These reasons include cases where stateless persons are not accepted by their former country of habitual residence or where the lives or well-being of returnees could be at risk. Persons with “tolerated status” have the right to work but not to benefit from any other social protection or inclusion provisions, and the government restricted their freedom of movement to a specific region of the country. There were no cases of individuals with tolerated status during the year. Recipients of subsidiary protection complained of problems regarding their freedom of movement to other countries due to the additional visa requirements. G. STATELESS PERSONS According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as of July there were 298 stateless persons with valid residence documents in the country. These included legal residents under the aliens’ regime, stateless persons of Romanian origin, as well as persons granted some form of international protection. Data on stateless persons, including on persons at risk of statelessness and persons of undetermined nationality, were not reliable due to the absence of a procedure to determine statelessness, the absence of a single designated authority responsible for this purpose, and the lack of adequate identification and registration of persons with unknown or undetermined nationality. The law includes favorable provisions for stateless persons of Romanian origin to reacquire citizenship. Nevertheless, a significant gap persisted due to the lack of safeguards against statelessness for children born in the country, who would be stateless because their parents either were themselves stateless or were foreigners unable to transmit their nationality.
Section 3. Freedom to Participate in the Political Process The law provides citizens the ability to choose their government in free and fair periodic elections held by secret ballot based on universal and equal suffrage. ELECTIONS AND POLITICAL PARTICIPATION Recent Elections: The country held parliamentary elections in 2020 that were considered free and fair and without significant irregularities. In 2019 the country held presidential elections that election observers also considered free and fair. Political Parties and Political Participation: The law requires political parties to register with the Bucharest Tribunal and to submit their statutes, program, and a roster of at least three members. Critics asserted that certain requirements undermine the freedom of association. These include the requirement that parties field candidates – by themselves or in alliance – in at least 75 electoral constituencies in two successive local elections or that they field a full slate of candidates in at least one county or partial slates of candidates in a minimum of three counties in two successive parliamentary elections. Participation of Women and Members of Minority Groups: No laws limit participation of women or members of minority groups in the political process, and they did participate. Societal attitudes presented a significant barrier, and women remained underrepresented in positions of authority. As of October there were 61 women in the 330-seat Chamber of Deputies and 25 women in the 136-seat Senate. Under the constitution each recognized ethnic minority is entitled to a representative in the Chamber of Deputies. An organization is required, however, to receive votes equal to 5 percent of the national average number of votes cast for a deputy to be elected. The list of organizations that benefit from these provisions is limited to those that are already part of a National Council of Minorities, which consists of organizations already in parliament. The law sets more stringent requirements for minority Page 80 of 108
organizations without a presence in parliament. To participate in elections, such organizations must provide the Central Electoral Bureau a membership list equal to at least 15 percent of the total number of persons belonging to that ethnic group, as determined by the most recent census. If this number amounts to more than 20,000 persons, the organization must submit a list with at least 20,000 names distributed among a minimum of 15 counties plus the city of Bucharest, with no fewer than 300 persons from each county. Some organizations and individuals, particularly Romani activists, claimed this rule was discriminatory. Ethnic Hungarians, represented by the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania political party, were the sole ethnic minority to gain parliamentary representation by surpassing the 5 percent threshold of all valid votes cast nationally, the threshold set for political parties. A total of 18 ethnic minority political organizations, including the Pro-Europe Roma Party, received votes equal to 5 percent of the national average for a deputy to be elected.
Section 4. Corruption and Lack of Transparency in Government The law provides criminal penalties for corruption by officials. Nevertheless, corrupt practices remained widespread despite several high-profile prosecutions. There were numerous reports of government corruption during the year, sometimes with impunity. Corruption: Corruption and misuse of public funds were widespread. For example, on October 13, investigative journalists at the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project published a report alleging that the sitting mayor of Bucharest Section 3, Robert Negoita, had between 2012 and 2014 funneled 83 million euros ($95.5 million) in public funds to a network of offshore companies linked to his family. In November former Social Democratic Party senator and minister of transportation Dan Sova received a four-year prison sentence from the Bucharest Court of Appeal for influence peddling. According to the National Anticorruption Directorate, between October 2011 and July 2014, the former minister received 100,000 euros ($115,000) from a law firm in exchange for using his influence over the director of a public company to conclude several legal counseling contracts with that law firm. Investigators alleged that this arrangement resulted in the public
Legea prevede pedepse penale pentru corupția de către funcționari. Cu toate acestea, practicile de corupție au rămas larg răspândite, în ciuda mai multor urmăriri penale de profil înalt. Au existat numeroase rapoarte de corupție guvernamentală în cursul anului, uneori cu impunitate. Corupția și utilizarea necorespunzătoare a fondurilor publice au fost larg răspândite. De exemplu, pe 13 octombrie, jurnaliștii de investigație de la Proiectul de Raportare a Crimei Organizate și Corupției au publicat un raport în care susțineau că primarul secției 3 a Municipiului București, Robert Negoiță, a investit între 2012 și 2014 83 de milioane de euro (95,5 milioane de dolari) din fonduri publice către o rețea de companii offshore legate de familia sa. În luna noiembrie, fostul senator al Partidului Social Democrat și ministrul Transporturilor, Dan Șova, a primit o pedeapsă de patru ani de închisoare de la Curtea de Apel București pentru trafic de influență. Potrivit Direcției Naționale Anticorupție, în perioada octombrie 2011 iulie 2014, fostul ministru a primit 100.000 de euro (115.000 de dolari) de la o firmă de avocatură în schimbul folosirii influenței sale asupra directorului unei societăți publice pentru a încheia mai multe contracte de consultanță juridică cu acea firmă de avocatură. Anchetatorii au susținut că acest
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company paying more than 1.3 million lei ($307,000) to the law firm. Bribery was common in the public sector, especially in health care. Individual executive agencies were slow in enforcing sanctions, and agencies’ own inspection bodies were generally inactive. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Anticorruption Directorate launched several investigations into procurement fraud related to purchasing personal protective equipment and ventilators. These investigations were ongoing. On September 21, the National Anticorruption Directorate also launched an investigation of the potential misuse of public funds for the government’s decision to purchase 120 million doses of COVID vaccine for an adult population of approximately 14 million persons. The investigation was ongoing and did not name any specific individuals.
aranjament a dus la plata de către societatea publică a peste 1,3 milioane de lei (307.000 de dolari) către casa de avocatură. Mita era frecventă în sectorul public, în special în domeniul sănătății. Agențiile executive individuale au fost lente în aplicarea sancțiunilor, iar propriile organisme de inspecție ale agențiilor au fost, în general, inactive. În timpul pandemiei de COVID-19, Direcția Națională Anticorupție a lansat mai multe anchete privind fraudele în domeniul achizițiilor publice legate de achiziționarea de echipamente individuale de protecție și ventilatoare. Aceste anchete erau în curs de desfășurare. Pe 21 septembrie, Direcția Națională Anticorupție a lansat și o anchetă privind posibila utilizare abuzivă a fondurilor publice pentru decizia Guvernului de a achiziționa 120 de milioane de doze de vaccin anti-COVID pentru o populație adultă de aproximativ 14 milioane de persoane. Ancheta era în curs de desfășurare și nu a numit nicio persoană anume.
Section 5. Governmental Posture Towards International and Nongovernmental Investigation of Alleged Abuses of Human Rights Several domestic and international human rights groups generally operated without government restriction, investigating and publishing their findings on human rights cases. Government officials generally met with human rights NGOs and were cooperative and sometimes responsive to their views. The Center for Legal Resources, an NGO that regularly visits centers for persons with disabilities and reports on alleged abuses observed during the visits, reported that directors of centers for persons with disabilities refused to grant the center’s staff access to documents on the medical, legal, and sociopsychological status of the centers’ residents despite an agreement with the Ministry of Labor granting the center the right to access such documents. Government Human Rights Bodies: The Office of the Ombudsperson has limited power and no authority to protect citizens’ constitutional rights in cases requiring judicial action. The ombudsperson is the national preventive mechanism implementing the optional protocol to the UN Convention against Torture. This gives the ombudsperson the power to conduct monitoring visits to places where individuals are deprived of their liberty, including prisons, psychiatric hospitals, and asylum centers. The Office of the Children’s Ombudsperson is empowered to examine human rights complaints made by children or their legal representatives. The Council for Monitoring the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was authorized to make unannounced visits in centers and hospitals for persons with disabilities to check if the rights of these persons were respected, issue recommendations, and submit criminal complaints. Observers reported the council’s recommendations and reports were inaccurate and noted that conditions had not Page 82 of 108
improved significantly since the council’s establishment in 2016. Human rights activists and media regarded the institution as ineffective and believed that the inspectors who drafted the reports lacked the necessary human rights expertise. Each chamber of parliament has a human rights committee tasked with drafting reports on bills pertaining to human rights. The National Council for Combating Discrimination is the government agency responsible for applying domestic and EU antidiscrimination laws. The National Council reports to parliament. It operated with the government’s cooperation and, for the most part, without government interference. Observers generally regarded the National Council as effective, but some criticized it for a lack of efficiency and political independence.
Section 6. Discrimination and Societal Abuses WOMEN Rape and Domestic Violence: Rape, including spousal rape, of both women and men, is illegal. The law provides for five to 10 years’ imprisonment for rape and two to seven years’ imprisonment for sexual assault. If there are no aggravating circumstances and the attack did not lead to death, police and prosecutors may not pursue a case on their own, but they require a survivor’s complaint, even if there is independent physical evidence. In some cases the government did not enforce the law on rape and domestic violence. Several human rights activists reported that some police officers tried to dissuade survivors of rape or domestic violence from pressing charges against their aggressors and, in some cases, refused to register criminal complaints submitted by victims. In some instances, police delayed action against sexual abusers. According to media reports, after being notified regarding cases of domestic violence, some members of police ignored the problem or tried to mediate between the victims and their aggressors. The law classifies family violence as a separate offense and stipulates that when murder, battery, or other serious violence is committed against a family member, the penalty is increased. The law also states that, if the parties reconcile, criminal liability is removed. The law on equal opportunities for men and women includes cyberviolence among the forms of domestic violence and defines it as the occurrence of online harassment, online messages that incite hate based on gender criteria, or the nonconsensual publication of private graphic content that aims to humiliate, scare, threaten, or reduce victims to silence. The FILIA Center for Gender Studies and Curriculum Development – an NGO that aims to promote gender equality – stated that there were no regulations to implement these amendments. Gender-based violence, including domestic violence, continued to be a serious problem that the government did not effectively address. The law provides for the issuance of provisional restraining orders by police for a maximum of five days and restraining orders by a court for a maximum of six months upon the survivor’s request or at the request of a prosecutor, the state representative in charge of protecting survivors of family violence, or, if the survivor agrees, a social service provider. Violation of a restraining order is punishable by imprisonment for six months to five years, but the Center for Gender Studies and Curriculum Development stated that some judges may issue lesser sentences because of overlapping legislation. The court may also order an abuser to undergo psychological counseling. The center stated that police lacked procedures for the implementation and monitoring of restraining orders. A law that entered into force in May established an electronic monitoring system for individuals under a restraining order. The law directs police and the National Page 83 of 108
Administration for Penitentiaries to procure the necessary hardware and make the monitoring system operational by March 2022. Courts prosecuted very few cases of domestic violence. Many cases were resolved before or during trial when the alleged survivors dropped their charges or reconciled with the alleged abuser. Other Harmful Traditional Practices: According to reports by media and NGOs, bride kidnapping occurred in some communities and was underreported. On August 22, Buzau County police started a criminal investigation for illegal deprivation of liberty against several persons who kidnapped a 14-year-old girl with the intention of forcing her to marry a 19-year-old man. On July 2, the Constanta Court issued a nonfinal ruling sentencing three persons to three and four years’ imprisonment for illegal deprivation of liberty after they attempted to kidnap a 16-year-old girl to force her into marriage. According to media reports, the girl’s family had promised to arrange a marriage between her and one of the kidnappers’ sons, but the girl refused the arrangement. Sexual Harassment: Criminal law prohibits sexual harassment, which it defines as repeatedly asking for sexual favors in a work or similar relationship. A victim’s complaint is necessary to initiate a criminal investigation. Penalties range from fines to imprisonment of three months to one year. The law on equal opportunities for women and men defines sexual harassment as the occurrence of unwanted behavior with a sexual connotation, which can be expressed physically, verbally, or nonverbally and has the effect or result of damaging a person’s dignity and, in particular the creation of a hostile, intimidating, degrading, humiliating, or offensive environment. The government did not enforce the law effectively. According to reports by NGOs, police often mocked victims of sexual harassment or tried to discourage them from pressing charges. Reproductive Rights: There were no reports of coerced abortion or involuntary sterilization on the part of government authorities. According to several NGOs and observers, there were infrastructure and information barriers to an individual’s ability to maintain his or her reproductive health, including the lack of community health care and age-appropriate sex education for adolescents. Some women, especially those from poor, rural, or Romani communities, had difficulty accessing reproductive health services due to a lack of information, ethnic discrimination, and poverty. According to the NGO Mothers for Mothers, 25 percent of pregnant women consulted a physician for the first time only after the onset of labor. Access to government-funded contraception and family planning services was limited because of insufficient funding and training for health professionals. According to the World Health Organization, as of 2020, 71.8 percent of women of reproductive age had their need for family planning satisfied by modern methods of contraception. According to a report released by Save the Children Romania in February, of the 199,720 births in 2019, 17,933 occurred among mothers between the ages of 15 and 19, while 749 occurred among mothers younger than 15. NGOs, health professionals, and social workers identified underreported child sex abuse and limited access to information regarding reproductive health and contraception as the leading factors contributing to high teenage pregnancy rates. Several NGOs reported that the school curriculum lacked sufficient lessons on reproductive health. Parent and religious associations regularly thwarted attempts to introduce such lessons into the curriculum. Observers reported that throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, some maternity hospitals were open only for patients infected with COVID-19, making access to reproductive and prenatal care more difficult. Although home birth is not prohibited by law, regulations forbid health professionals from providing home birth services. According to UNICEF, skilled health personnel attended 94.8 percent of deliveries in 2018. Page 84 of 108
The government provided access to some sexual and reproductive health services to survivors of sexual violence, but some women had difficulties accessing these services. Emergency contraceptives were available in pharmacies without a prescription, but according to the Center for Gender Studies and Curriculum Development, they were not affordable for all women. Discrimination: Under the law women and men have equal rights. The government did not enforce the law effectively. Women experienced discrimination in marriage, divorce, child custody, employment, credit, pay, owning or managing businesses or property, education, the judicial process, and housing. Segregation by profession existed, with women overrepresented in lower-paying jobs. There were reports of discrimination in employment. Women experienced discrimination in access to pension benefits and retirement (see section 7.d.). SYSTEMIC RACIAL OR ETHNIC VIOLENCE AND DISCRIMINATION Under the law discrimination and harassment based on ethnic or racial criteria is punishable by a civil fine unless criminal legal provisions are applicable. According to the criminal code, public incitement to hatred or discrimination against a category of persons is punishable by imprisonment or a criminal fine. Special laws criminalize the spread of anti-Semitic or anti-Roma ideas and symbols, as well as ideas and symbols related to fascist, racist, and xenophobic ideologies. Committing any crime on basis of the victim’s ethnicity or race represents an aggravating circumstance, which carries a higher penalty. Prosecutions based on discrimination and violence against racial or ethnic minorities were rare. Romani groups complained that there were instances of police harassment and brutality, including beatings. On May 3, according to the RomaJust Association of Roma Lawyers, police detained two Romani persons and took them to the police precinct in Baia village, Tulcea County. At the precinct, police officers severely beat and humiliated the two Roma for hours and used racial slurs against them. According to RomaJust, the victims suffered multiple injuries that took two months to heal. RomaJust reported that prosecutors started an investigation against police, which revealed that police officers from the area had a habit of beating Roma suspected of committing crimes. Discrimination against Roma continued to be a problem. NGOs reported Roma were denied access to, or refused service in, some public places. Roma also experienced poor access to government services, a shortage of employment opportunities, high rates of school attrition, and inadequate health care. According to a report released by the ADHR-HC in December 2020, Roma faced discrimination in the criminal justice system. Some lawyers refused to defend Romani persons, while police, prosecutors, and judges held negative stereotypes of Roma. A lack of identity documents excluded many Roma from participating in elections, receiving social benefits, accessing health insurance, securing property documents, and participating in the labor market. According to the Ministry of Interior, as of October, 63,777 persons older than 14 residing in the country did not have valid identity documents. Romani rights activists reported that most of these persons were Roma who could not acquire legal identity documents because they resided in informal settlements and housing. Roma had a higher unemployment rate and a lower life expectancy than non-Roma. Negative stereotypes and discriminatory language regarding Roma were widespread. Despite an order by the Ministry of Education forbidding segregation of Romani students, several NGOs, including the Center for Advocacy and Human Rights, continued to report that segregation along ethnic lines persisted in schools. The Center for Legal Resources reported that some teachers used discriminatory language against Romani students. Media and NGOs reported that on June 3, a sixth-grade Page 85 of 108
student of Romani ethnicity threw himself out of a second-floor window of his school following repeated discrimination by his teacher and classmates. Researchers and activists reported a significant number of the remaining Romani Holocaust survivors who applied for a pension were denied because of unreasonable administrative barriers raised by the pension offices, problematic standards, lack of knowledge regarding the Holocaust and Roma, and burdensome requirements. According to researchers, despite historical evidence, in hundreds of cases, authorities considered that Roma were resettled and not deported, and consequently granted them smaller pensions. Ethnic Hungarians continued to report discrimination related mainly to the use of the Hungarian language. Ethnic Hungarians reported that the government did not enforce the law that states that ethnic minorities are entitled to interact with local governments in their native language in localities where a minority constitutes at least 20 percent of the population. There were continued reports that local authorities did not enforce the law requiring localities with at least a 20 percent minority population to have bilingual road signs. On July 19, media reported that a doctor in the Satu Mare County Emergency Hospital berated an elderly ethnic-Hungarian woman for speaking Hungarian while at the hospital. The patient, who spoke poor Romanian, was struggling to explain her symptoms to the doctor. According to the results of the most recent census, 37.6 percent of the population in Satu Mare County was ethnic Hungarian. The management of the Satu Mare County Emergency Hospital initiated disciplinary proceedings against the doctor. In February unknown persons vandalized the Hungarian writing on a welcome sign located in the city of Cluj-Napoca and painted the Romanian flag on the Monument of Szekler Martyrs in the city of Targu Mures that commemorates several Hungarian revolutionaries. During a rally on March 29 in the city of Pitesti by the Alliance for the Unity of Romania Party, several hundred participants chanted, “Hungarians out of the country!” The Miko Imre Association for Minority Rights stated that government authorities have not provided forms and information related to the COVID-19 vaccination campaign in Hungarian. CHILDREN Birth Registration: Children derive citizenship by birth from at least one citizen parent. Although birth registration is mandatory by law, it was not universal, and authorities denied some children public services as a result. Most unregistered children had access to schools, and authorities assisted in obtaining birth documents for unregistered children, but the education of unregistered children depended on the decision of school authorities. The law provides simplified birth registration for children whose mothers do not have proper documentation to register their children. Child Abuse: The law prohibits violence against children, but this has not been interpreted as prohibiting all corporal punishment. Child abuse, including emotional, physical, and psychological violence and neglect, continued to be serious problems. Media outlets reported several severe cases of abuse or neglect in family homes, foster care, and child-welfare institutions. In January media outlets carried a video recording showing an educator employed by a residential center for minors in Rosiorii de Vede, Teleorman County, humiliating, hitting, and inappropriately touching several institutionalized children. According to a report by the NGO Save the Children Romania, parents widely use corporal punishment to discipline children. The government has not established a mechanism to identify and treat abused and neglected children and their families. Child, Early, and Forced Marriage: The legal age of marriage is 18 for both men and women, but the law permits minors as young as 16 to marry under certain circumstances. Illegal child marriage was reportedly common in certain social groups, Page 86 of 108
particularly among some Romani communities. NGOs reported cases of Roma girls as young as 11 being sold into marriage by their families. Child protection authorities and police did not always intervene in such cases. There were no public policies to discourage child marriage. Sexual Exploitation of Children: The law provides one- to 12-year prison sentences for persons convicted of sexual acts with minors, depending on the circumstances and the child’s age. Sexual intercourse with a minor who is 14 to 16 years of age is punishable by a one- to five-year prison sentence. Sexual intercourse with a person younger than 14 is punishable by a two- to nine-year prison sentence and deprivation of some rights. The law also criminalizes sexual corruption of minors (which includes subjecting minors to sexual acts other than intercourse or forcing minors to perform such acts), luring minors for sexual purposes or commercial sex, and trafficking of minors. Pimping and pandering that involve minors is an aggravated circumstance and increases sentences by 50 percent. The law allows authorities to maintain a registry of individuals who committed sexual offenses against or exploited adults and children. Child pornography is a separate offense and carries a sentence, depending on the circumstances, of up to seven years’ imprisonment. The maximum sentence is increased to nine years if the perpetrator was a family member or guardian or if the child’s life was endangered. In July the Judicial Inspectorate, an autonomous disciplinary unit within the Superior Council of Magistrates, released a report on the way the justice system handled cases of child sex abuse. According to the findings, prosecutorial offices and courts had different opinions on the age of consent, and consequently, in some cases, sexual intercourse with minors as young as 12 was treated as the lesser crime of sexual acts with minors instead of rape. Child-protection NGOs noted that some judges lacked awareness of the issue and showed bias against victims, who often come from socially disadvantaged groups. Investigators found it hard to prove sexual coercion of minors because of a lack of infrastructure, such as child-friendly interview rooms and the use of widely recognized methodologies developed by child psychologists to conduct forensic interviews with underage victims. Institutionalized Children: During the year there were several media reports of abuses in centers for institutionalized children, including sexual abuse, physical violence and degrading treatment by colleagues or staff, and trafficking in persons. Numerous reports noted a lack of adequate food, clothing, medical treatment, and counselling services. Lack of hygiene, inadequate living conditions, insufficient food, and lack of physical therapy was a problem in many residential centers for children with disabilities. On January 5, the president of the National Authority for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Children, and Adoption (ANDPDCA) released a video showing employees of a placement center in the town of Voluntari physically abusing a child and threatening him with psychiatric detention. The ANDPDCA president stated that staff in centers for residential institutions frequently threatened children with calling an ambulance to take them to psychiatric facilities where they would receive psychotropic drugs. According to several NGOs, including the Center for Legal Resources, psychiatrists administered psychotropic drugs to thousands of children in residential institutions or in foster care, including to those with disruptive behavior and attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder. By law unaccompanied migrant children are held in placement centers, where they have access to education and benefits other children receive. The detention of families with children is allowed by law, with preservation of family unity used as justification. Several such cases were recorded during the year. Page 87 of 108
International Child Abductions: The country is a party to the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. See the Department of State’s Annual Report on International Parental Child Abduction at travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/International-Parental-ChildAbduction/for-providers/legal-reports-and-data/reported-cases.html. ANTI-SEMITISM According to the 2011 census, the Jewish population numbered 3,271. Representatives of the Jewish community stated that the Jewish population numbered approximately 7,000. Acts of anti-Semitism occurred during the year. On September 12, media outlets reported that unknown persons vandalized a memorial located in the northern city of Bistrita, dedicated to the Jews who were deported to Auschwitz and Birkenau. Several of the victims’ names written on the memorial were covered with paint or scratched. On March 3, National Liberal Party member of parliament Daniel Gheorghe delivered remarks in parliament glorifying Mircea Vulcanescu. Mircea Vulcanescu was a convicted war criminal who, according to the Wiesel Institute, supported anti-Semitic policies as a cabinet member in the government of WWII leader Ion Antonescu. During a March 8 Senate session, Alliance for the Unity of Romanians senator Sorin Lavric made anti-Semitic statements referring to a conspiracy theory that Jews initiated and promoted communism. Lavric’s statements were made in response to Jewish member of parliament Silviu Vexler’s criticism of statements made by some members of parliament, including Lavric, that glorified Holocaust-era war criminals and members of the Legionnaire movement. The Alliance for the Unity of Romanians posted Lavric’s speech on its official Facebook page and described it as part of the fight for the country’s history and the nation’s soul. On March 18, the director of the Jewish State Theater, Maia Morgenstern, stated on social media that during a meeting with representatives of public theaters and cultural institutions, one of the participants used anti-Semitic slurs. On March 27, Morgenstern received via email a letter that included anti-Semitic slurs and death threats against her children, as well as threats to set fire to the Jewish State Theater. On March 29, police announced that they had identified the author of the threats, placed him under judicial supervision, and initiated a criminal investigation. In a declaration adopted on March 31, the parliament stated that anti-Semitic incidents were on the rise and condemned attempts to glorify Holocaust-era war criminals and the threats received by Morgenstern. Streets, organizations, schools, or libraries continued to be named after persons convicted for war crimes or crimes against humanity, according to the Elie Wiesel Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania. For example, Radu Gyr was a commander and anti-Semitic ideologist of the fascist Legionnaire movement convicted of war crimes. The Wiesel Institute requested the renaming of Radu Gyr Street in ClujNapoca. As of October the local government had not changed the name of the street. Material promoting anti-Semitic views and glorifying the Legionnaire movement appeared on the internet. According to a study released by the Wiesel Institute in April, several articles published online claimed that Jews or the state of Israel were profiting from the COVID-19 health crisis and manufacturing harmful vaccines. According to the same study, most anti-Semitic hate speech on social media included Jewish conspiracy theories. TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS See the Department of State’s Trafficking in Persons Report at www.state.gov/trafficking-in-persons-report/. PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Page 88 of 108
The law prohibits discrimination against persons with physical, sensory, intellectual, and mental disabilities. Laws and regulations mandate that buildings and public transportation be accessible for persons with disabilities. The government did not fully implement the law, and discrimination against persons with disabilities remained a problem. Persons with disabilities could not access education, health services, public buildings, and transportation on an equal basis with others. Streets, buildings, and public transportation remained largely inaccessible to persons with disabilities. Discrimination against children with disabilities in education was a widespread problem due to lack of adequate teacher training on inclusion of children with disabilities and lack of investment to make schools accessible. According to official data, 40 percent of children with disabilities were either placed in segregated schools or not placed in school at all. According to a report drafted by the World Bank for the National Authority for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Children, and Adoption, which was released in December 2020, only 21 percent of middle schools had appropriate access ramps, while 64 percent of schools needed an elevator to ensure access for students with locomotive disabilities. Limited access to justice for persons with disabilities continued to be a problem. According to a World Bank report released in December 2020, persons with disabilities faced several obstacles in the justice system, including inaccessible buildings, lack of access to information or communication, bias by employees of the justice system, legal procedures that were not adapted to the needs of persons with disabilities, and higher fees and costs related to legal services. In 2020 the Constitutional Court deemed legislation that allowed conservatorship unconstitutional because it did not include safeguards to ensure respect for fundamental rights and freedoms, had no possibility of periodic review, and did not differentiate the degree of incapacitation. Persons with disabilities placed under conservatorship did not have the right to liberty or the rights to work, vote, or consent to medical procedures. The NGO Center for Legal Resources reported that despite the Constitutional Court’s decision, as of October conservatorship for persons with disabilities had not been lifted. The Center for Legal Resources identified a series of problems in centers for persons with disabilities or psychiatric hospitals, including verbal and physical abuse of children and adults, sedation, excessive use of physical restraints, lack of hygiene, inadequate living conditions, and lack of adequate medical care. According to media and Center for Legal Resources reports, on August 1, an employee of a government-managed center for persons with disabilities in Calinesti, Prahova County, gathered approximately 30 residents in the institution’s courtyard to discipline them. The employee then hit two of the residents several times. On August 4, the center’s medical staff called an ambulance to take one of the assaulted residents to the hospital. On August 5, the resident died after being released from the hospital. The Center for Legal Resources investigated the incident and found that residents did not have access to means of communication to notify authorities of the physical punishments and abuses. According to the center, between August 1 and August 4, its employees did not notify authorities regarding the violent episode and did not request a medical examination for the injured resident. Authorities arrested the suspect, and as of November a criminal investigation was ongoing. In February 2020 the Center for Legal Resources released the conclusions of a visit made at a residential center for persons with disabilities located in the city of Husi, Vaslui County. There were reasonable suspicions that the residents of the center were subjected to physical punishment and verbal abuse. The NGO also discovered unsanitary living conditions, overcrowding, and lack of basic personal hygiene products. As of November the prosecutor’s office attached to the Huși First Instance Court was conducting a criminal investigation for illegal deprivation of liberty. Page 89 of 108
The National Authority for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Children, and Adoptions under the Labor Ministry coordinated services for persons with disabilities and drafted policies, strategies, and standards in the field of disabilities rights. HIV AND AIDS SOCIAL STIGMA Discrimination against persons with HIV or AIDS impeded their access to routine medical and dental care because in some cases medical staff refused to treat persons with HIV or AIDS. ACTS OF VIOLENCE, CRIMINALIZATION, AND OTHER ABUSES BASED ON SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND GENDER IDENTITY The LGBTQI+ rights NGO ACCEPT reported that as of October a criminal investigation was pending against several police officers who allegedly abused a transgender woman. According to ACCEPT, in December 2020 several members of the Bucharest police forcefully removed the woman from a bus following a verbal argument she had with passengers who harassed her. Police restrained her, threw her on the ground, handcuffed her, and forced her into their car. The victim stated that while in custody, police made transphobic and homophobic remarks, used physical violence, threatened to intern her in a psychiatric hospital, and took pictures while humiliating her. According to ACCEPT, hate crimes were severely underreported and authorities have not initiated prosecution in any reported LGBTQI+ hate crime case since 2006. A survey of LGBTQI+ persons carried out by the EU’s Fundamental Rights Agency in 2020 revealed that 15 percent of respondents had experienced a physical or sexual attack motivated by the victim’s sexual orientation or gender identity during the previous five years. Of the respondents who described the most recent physical or sexual attacks, only 4 percent reported the incidents to authorities due to fear of discrimination. As many as 28 percent of respondents indicated fear of a homophobic reaction, transphobic reaction, or both from police as the reason for not reporting a physical or sexual attack. The law prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation. NGOs reported that societal discrimination against LGBTQI+ persons was common but severely underreported. The legal provisions governing legal gender recognition for transgender persons were vague and incomplete. In some cases authorities refused legal gender recognition unless an individual had first undergone sex reassignment surgery. In January the ECHR ruled on a case involving two transgender persons who, between 2013 and 2017, requested the courts to recognize their gender identity. The ECHR noted that the government’s refusal to legally recognize the applicants’ gender reassignment in the absence of sex reassignment surgery amounted to unjustified interference with their right to respect for their private life. Access to adequate psychological and health services was also limited because some psychologists refused to accept transgender patients and medical staff discriminated against them. Intersex individuals faced several challenges, including extreme social stigma and frequent distrust of doctors, that deterred them from seeking medical treatment. In September the mayor of the city of Iasi tried to cancel a pride march organized by the LGBTQI+ rights NGOs ACCEPT and Rise Out by withholding final approval of the event and citing religious reasons and public opposition. Eventually, the march took place on October 1, as planned by the organizers.
Section 7. Worker Rights A. FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION AND THE RIGHT TO COLLECTIVE BARGAINING The law provides for the rights of workers Legea prevede drepturile lucrătorilor de a to form and join independent labor forma și de a se alătura sindicatelor unions, bargain collectively, and conduct independente, de a negocia colectiv și de a legal strikes. Unions can affiliate with efectua greve juridice. Sindicatele se pot afilia Page 90 of 108
regional, national, or EU union federations, but they may affiliate with only one national organization. The law prohibits antiunion discrimination and allows workers fired for union activity to challenge their dismissal in court for reinstatement. The law provides for protection of freedom of association and collective bargaining, but unions complained there was little enforcement to protect against violations of these rights. Civil servants generally have the right to establish and join unions. Employees of the Ministry of National Defense, certain categories of civilian employees of the Ministries of Interior and Justice, judges, prosecutors, intelligence personnel, and senior public servants, including the president, parliamentarians, mayors, prime minister, ministers, employees involved in security-related activities, and the president of the Supreme Court, however, do not have the right to unionize. Unions complained regarding the requirement to submit lists of union members with their registration application. Since employers also had access to the list, union officials feared this could lead to reprisals against individual unionized employees, particularly dismissals, and hinder the formation of new unions. The law requires employers with more than 21 employees to negotiate a collective labor agreement but provides no basis for national collective labor agreements. Employers refusing to initiate negotiation of a collective bargaining agreement can receive fines. The law permits, but does not impose, collective labor agreements for groups of employers or sectors of activity. The law requires employers to consult with unions on such topics as imposing leave without pay or reducing the workweek due to economic reasons. Unions may strike only if they give employers 48 hours’ notice, and employers may challenge the right in court, effectively suspending a strike for months. Although not compulsory,
la federații sindicale regionale, naționale sau ale UE, dar se pot afilia la o singură organizație națională. Legea interzice discriminarea antiunion și permite lucrătorilor concediați pentru activitatea sindicală să conteste concedierea lor în instanță pentru reintegrare. Legea prevede protecția libertății de asociere și de negociere colectivă, dar sindicatele s-au plâns că există puține măsuri de protecție împotriva încălcării acestor drepturi. Funcționarii publici au, în general, dreptul de a înființa și de a se alătura sindicatelor. Angajații Ministerului Apărării Naționale, anumite categorii de angajați civili ai Ministerelor de Interne și Justiție, judecători, procurori, personal de informații și înalți funcționari publici, inclusiv președintele, parlamentarii, primarii, prim-ministrul, miniștrii, angajații implicați în activități legate de securitate și președintele Curții Supreme, însă, nu au dreptul să se sindicalizeze. Sindicatele s-au plâns de obligativitatea depunerii listelor membrilor de sindicat cu cererea de înregistrare. Având în vedere că angajatorii au avut acces și la listă, oficialii de sindicat s-au temut că acest lucru ar putea duce la represalii împotriva angajaților sindicalizați individualizați, în special concedieri, și ar putea împiedica formarea de noi sindicate. Legea impune angajatorilor cu mai mult de 21 de angajați să negocieze un contract colectiv de muncă, dar nu oferă nicio bază pentru contractele colective de muncă naționale. Angajatorii care refuză să inițieze negocierea unui contract colectiv de muncă pot primi amenzi. Legea permite, dar nu impune, contracte colective de muncă pentru grupuri de angajatori sau sectoare de activitate. Legea impune angajatorilor să se consulte cu sindicatele pe teme precum impunerea concediului fără plată sau reducerea săptămânii de lucru din motive economice. Sindicatele pot intra în grevă numai dacă acordă angajatorilor un preaviz de 48 de ore, iar angajatorii pot contesta dreptul în instanță, suspendând efectiv greva pentru luni de zile. Deși nu este obligatorie, sindicatele și
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unions and employers may seek arbitration and mediation from the Labor Ministry’s Office for Mediation and Arbitration. Unions criticized the Labor Ministry for failing to intervene effectively in cases involving arbitration and mediation efforts. Companies may claim damages from strike organizers if a court deems a strike illegal. The law permits strikes only in defense of workers’ economic, social, and professional interests and not for the modification or change of a law. As a result workers may not challenge any condition of work established by law, such as salaries for public servants, limiting the effectiveness of unions in the public sector. Unions complained that the legal requirement for representativeness, which states that the right to collective bargaining and to strike can be asserted only by a union that represents 50 percent plus one of the workers in an enterprise, was overly burdensome and limited the rights of workers to participate in collective bargaining and to strike. In the absence of this clear majority, an employer may appoint a worker representative of its choosing to negotiate agreements. It is common for companies to create separate legal entities to which they then transfer employees, thereby preventing them from reaching the necessary threshold for representation. Unions complained regarding the government’s general prohibition on union engagement in political activities, intended to prevent unofficial agreements to support political parties, due to past abuses by union officials. Official reports of incidents of antiunion discrimination remained minimal. It is difficult to prove legally that employers laid off employees in retaliation for union activities. The government did not effectively enforce the law; however, penalties were commensurate with those for similar violations when enforcement was successful. The National Council for Combating Discrimination (CNCD) fines
angajatorii pot solicita arbitraj și mediere de la Biroul de Mediere și Arbitraj al Ministerului Muncii. Sindicatele au criticat Ministerul Muncii pentru că nu a intervenit eficient în cazurile care implică eforturi de arbitraj și mediere. Companiile pot solicita despăgubiri de la organizatorii grevei în cazul în care o instanță consideră ilegală o grevă. Legea permite greve doar în apărarea intereselor economice, sociale și profesionale ale lucrătorilor și nu pentru modificarea sau schimbarea unei legi. În consecință, lucrătorii nu pot contesta nicio condiție de muncă stabilită prin lege, cum ar fi salariile funcționarilor publici, limitând eficiența sindicatelor din sectorul public. Sindicatele s-au plâns că cerința legală de reprezentativitate, care prevede că dreptul la negociere colectivă și la grevă poate fi invocat doar de un sindicat care reprezintă 50 la sută plus unul dintre lucrătorii dintr-o întreprindere, a fost excesiv de împovărătoare și a limitat drepturile lucrătorilor de a participa la negocieri colective și de a intra în grevă. În absența acestei majorități clare, angajatorul poate numi un reprezentant al lucrătorului ales pentru negocierea acordurilor. Este obișnuit ca întreprinderile să creeze entități juridice separate către care apoi transferă angajați, împiedicându-le astfel să atingă pragul necesar pentru reprezentare. Sindicatele s-au plâns de interdicția generală a Guvernului privind implicarea sindicală în activități politice, menită să prevină acordurile neoficiale de susținere a partidelor politice, din cauza abuzurilor din trecut ale oficialilor sindicali. Rapoartele oficiale privind incidentele de discriminare antiunion au rămas minime. Este greu de dovedit legal că angajatorii i-au concediat pe angajați ca represalii pentru activitățile sindicale. Guvernul nu a aplicat efectiv legea; cu toate acestea, sancțiunile au fost proporționale cu cele pentru încălcări similare atunci când executarea a avut succes. Consiliul Național pentru Combaterea Discriminării (CNCD) amendează angajatorii pentru discriminare antiunion, deși nu are
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employers for antiunion discrimination, although it lacks the power to order reinstatement or other penalties, and employees usually must seek a court order to obtain reinstatement. The law prohibits public authorities, employers, or organizations from interfering, limiting, or preventing unions from organizing, developing internal regulations, and selecting representatives.
competența de a dispune repunerea în funcție sau alte sancțiuni, iar angajații trebuie, de obicei, să solicite un ordin judecătoresc pentru a obține reintegrarea. Legea interzice autorităților publice, angajatorilor sau organizațiilor să intervină, să limiteze sau să împiedice sindicatele să organizeze, să elaboreze reglementări interne și să selecteze reprezentanți.
B. PROHIBITION OF FORCED OR COMPULSORY LABOR The law prohibits all forms of forced or Legea interzice toate formele de muncă compulsory labor. Nevertheless, there forțată sau obligatorie. Cu toate acestea, au were reports that such practices existat rapoarte conform cărora astfel de continued to occur, often involving practici au continuat să apară, implicând Romani, persons with disabilities, and adesea romi, persoane cu dizabilități și copii. children. The government did not Guvernul nu a aplicat în mod eficient legea și effectively enforce the law and took a luat măsuri limitate pentru a preveni munca limited measures to prevent forced or compulsory labor. The law criminalizes forțată sau obligatorie. Legea incriminează forced labor, and penalties for violations munca forțată, iar pedepsele pentru încălcări were commensurate with those of other au fost proporționale cu cele ale altor serious crimes, such as kidnapping, but infracțiuni grave, cum ar fi răpirea, dar nu au fost aplicate uniform în toate sectoarele. were not evenly applied in all sectors. According to the Ministry of Internal Potrivit Ministerului Afacerilor Interne, 16 la Affairs, 16 percent of human-trafficking sută dintre victimele traficului de persoane victims officially identified in 2020 were identificate oficial în 2020 au fost exploatate exploited specifically for labor purposes. special în scopuri de muncă. În 2019, In 2019 organized-crime investigators anchetatorii de crimă organizată au reținut detained five individuals on charges of cinci persoane acuzate de sclavie modernă. modern slavery. The individuals were Indivizii au fost acuzați că au răpit și reținut accused of having kidnapped and detained several persons with a mai multe persoane cu un mediu vulnerabil vulnerable background or mental-health sau cu probleme de sănătate mintală; problems; the victims were used for victimele au fost folosite pentru muncă agricultural work without pay, starved, agricolă fără plată, înfometate și forțate să and forced to live in inadequate farm trăiască în anexe agricole inadecvate. Acest annexes. This case remained pending as caz a rămas pe rol începând cu luna of December. decembrie. Men, women, and children were Bărbații, femeile și copiii au fost supuși subjected to labor trafficking in traficului de muncă în agricultură, construcții, agriculture, construction, domestic servicii casnice, hoteluri și producție. Inele service, hotels, and manufacturing. organizate, care implică adesea membri ai Organized rings, often involving family familiei, persoane forțate, inclusiv un număr members, forced persons, including significant numbers of Romani women semnificativ de femei și copii romi, să se and children, to engage in begging and angajeze în cerșetorie și furturi mărunte (a se vedea secțiunea 7.c.). petty theft (see section 7.c.). Also see the Department of State’s Trafficking in Persons Report at www.state.gov/trafficking-in-persons-report/. Page 93 of 108
C. PROHIBITION OF CHILD LABOR AND MINIMUM AGE FOR EMPLOYMENT The law prohibits all the worst forms of child labor. The minimum age for most forms of employment is 16. Children may work with the consent of parents or guardians at the age of 15 if the activities do not endanger their health, morality, or safety. The law prohibits persons younger than 18 from working in hazardous conditions, includes a list of dangerous jobs, and specifies penalties for offenders. Some examples of hazardous jobs for children include those posing a high risk of accident or damage to health, exposure to psychological or sexual risk, night shifts, exposure to harmful temperatures, and those requiring use of hazardous equipment. Parents whose children carry out hazardous activities are required to attend parental education programs or counseling and may be fined if they fail to do so. Minors who work have the right to continue their education, and the law obliges employers to assist in this regard. Minors between the ages of 15 and 18 may work a maximum of six hours per day and no more than 30 hours per week, provided their school attendance is not affected. Businesses that impose tasks incommensurate with minors’ physical abilities or fail to respect restrictions on minors’ working hours can face fines. Many minors reportedly did not attend school while working. Minors have the right to an additional three days of annual leave. The law requires schools to notify social services immediately if children miss class to work, but schools often did not comply. Social welfare services have the responsibility to reintegrate such children into the educational system. The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection may impose fines and close businesses where it finds exploitation of child labor. The National Authority for the Protection of the Rights of the Child and Adoption (ANDPDCA) in the Labor Ministry has responsibility for investigating reports of child labor abuse, but enforcement of child labor laws tended to be lax, especially in rural areas with many agricultural households and where social welfare services lacked personnel and capacity to address child labor violations. The ANDPDCA is responsible for monitoring and coordinating all programs for the prevention and elimination of child labor. The government did not effectively enforce the law. Resources were inadequate, but penalties were commensurate with those for other serious crimes like kidnapping. Government efforts focused on reacting to reported cases, and ANPDCA dedicated limited resources to prevention programs. According to ANPDCA, 220 children were subject to child labor in 2020, and 35 children were subject to child labor between January and March. Incidents of child labor were widely believed to be much higher than official statistics. Child labor, including begging, selling trinkets on the street, and washing windshields, remained widespread in Romani communities, especially in urban areas. Children as young as five frequently engaged in such activities, but instances were frequently underreported because official statistics were limited to cases documented by police. Children whose parents worked abroad remained vulnerable to neglect and abuse. During the year the Labor Inspectorate identified four employers who exploited seasonally employed minors in the hospitality industry along the Black Sea coast, although media reports indicated additional, unreported cases. Of the 220 documented cases of child labor in 2020, authorities prosecuted alleged perpetrators in 13 cases, while an additional 103 cases remained under investigation at the end of 2020. Between January and March, 35 child labor abuse cases were investigated; of these, three were closed, 32 were still in progress, and no new criminal investigations were opened. Also see the Department of Labor’s Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor at www.dol.gov/agencies/ilab/resources/reports/child-labor/findings . D. DISCRIMINATION WITH RESPECT TO EMPLOYMENT AND OCCUPATION Page 94 of 108
Labor laws and regulations prohibit discrimination with respect to employment and occupation because of race, sex, gender, age, religion, disability, language, sexual orientation, gender identity, HIV-positive or other communicable disease status, social status, or refugee or stateless status. The government did not enforce these laws effectively, reacting to claims of discrimination rather than adequately engaging in programs to prevent discrimination. Penalties for violations were in general commensurate with those for other types of discrimination, but they were insufficient to deter violations. Discrimination in employment or occupation occurred with respect to gender, disability, and HIV status. Discrimination against Romani and migrant workers also occurred. The CNCD investigated employment discrimination cases in both the public and private sectors. During the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, media reported several cases of medical staff being discriminated against by neighbors and denied access to local shops. Following media reports, there was a wave of public support for the medical staff in question. The law mandates equal remuneration for work of equal value. Eurostat reports the pay gap between men and women in the country was 3.3 percent in 2019. While the law provides female employees reentering the workforce after maternity leave the right to return to their previous or a similar job, pregnant women and other women of childbearing age still suffered unacknowledged discrimination in the labor market. There was no systemic integration of persons with disabilities into the workforce, and public bias against persons with disabilities persisted. While NGOs worked to change attitudes and assist persons with disabilities in gaining skills and employment, the government lacked adequate programs to prevent discrimination. The law requires
Legile și reglementările muncii interzic discriminarea în ceea ce privește încadrarea în muncă și ocuparea forței de muncă din cauza rasei, sexului, sexului, vârstei, religiei, dizabilității, limbii, orientării sexuale, identității de gen, statutului de boală hiv-pozitivă sau a altor boli transmisibile, statutului social sau statutului de refugiat sau apatrid. Guvernul nu a aplicat aceste legi în mod eficient, reacționând la acuzațiile de discriminare, mai degrabă decât angajându-se în mod adecvat în programe de prevenire a discriminării. Sancțiunile pentru încălcări au fost, în general, proporționale cu cele pentru alte tipuri de discriminare, dar au fost insuficiente pentru a descuraja încălcările. Discriminarea în ceea ce privește încadrarea în muncă sau ocuparea forței de muncă a avut loc în ceea ce privește sexul, handicapul și statutul HIV. De asemenea, a avut loc discriminarea romilor și a lucrătorilor migranți. CNCD a investigat cazurile de discriminare în ceea ce privește ocuparea forței de muncă, atât în sectorul public, cât și în cel privat. În timpul declanșării pandemiei de COVID-19, în 2020, presa a raportat mai multe cazuri în care personalul medical a fost discriminat de vecini și a refuzat accesul în magazinele locale. În urma relatărilor din presă, a existat un val de sprijin public pentru personalul medical în cauză. Legea prevede o remunerație egală pentru muncă de valoare egală. Eurostat raportează că diferența de remunerare dintre bărbați și femei din țară a fost de 3,3 la sută în 2019. În timp ce legea prevede ca femeile angajate care reintră în câmpul muncii după concediul de maternitate să aibă dreptul de a se întoarce la locul de muncă anterior sau similar, femeile însărcinate și alte femei aflate la vârsta fertilă au suferit în continuare o discriminare nerecunoscută pe piața forței de muncă. Nu a existat o integrare sistemică a persoanelor cu dizabilități în forța de muncă, iar prejudecățile publice împotriva persoanelor cu dizabilități au persistat. În timp ce ONGurile au lucrat pentru a schimba atitudinile și pentru a ajuta persoanele cu dizabilități să
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companies or institutions with more than 50 employees to employ workers with disabilities for at least 4 percent of their workforce or pay a fine for lack of compliance, which many companies chose to do. In November 2020 the government re-established “sheltered” or “protected units,” enterprises that employ at least three persons with disabilities who represent at least 30 percent of the overall staff and contribute at least 50 percent of the cumulated full-time work hours. Local labor offices had limited success in facilitating employment for persons with disabilities. NGOs reported that patients suffering from cancer and tuberculosis faced discrimination in the workplace. In 2019 almost one-third of employees with cancer reported they postponed informing their employer of their illness until after treatment, and 17 percent reported a substantial reduction in job duties and responsibilities upon returning to work. The law supports tuberculosis patients by providing monthly food allowances, medical leave, and psychological support but does not contain measures to protect patients from workplace discrimination.
dobândească competențe și locuri de muncă, guvernul nu a avut programe adecvate pentru a preveni discriminarea. Legea impune companiilor sau instituțiilor cu mai mult de 50 de angajați să angajeze lucrători cu dizabilități pentru cel puțin 4 la sută din forța de muncă sau să plătească o amendă pentru nerespectarea normelor, ceea ce multe companii au ales să facă. În noiembrie 2020, guvernul a reînființat "unități protejate" sau "protejate", întreprinderi care angajează cel puțin trei persoane cu dizabilități care reprezintă cel puțin 30 la sută din totalul personalului și contribuie cu cel puțin 50 la sută din programul de lucru cumulat cu normă întreagă. Birourile locale de muncă au avut un succes limitat în facilitarea angajării persoanelor cu dizabilități. ONG-urile au raportat că pacienții care suferă de cancer și tuberculoză s-au confruntat cu discriminare la locul de muncă. În 2019, aproape o treime dintre angajații bolnavi de cancer au raportat că au amânat informarea angajatorului cu privire la boala lor până după tratament, iar 17 la sută au raportat o reducere substanțială a sarcinilor și responsabilităților la locul de muncă la revenirea la locul de muncă. Legea sprijină pacienții cu tuberculoză prin acordarea de alocații lunare de hrană, concedii medicale și sprijin psihologic, dar nu conține măsuri de protecție a pacienților împotriva discriminării la locul de muncă.
E. ACCEPTABLE CONDITIONS OF WORK Wage and Hour Laws: The law provides for a national minimum Legea prevede un salariu minim pe economie wage that is greater than the official care este mai mare decât estimarea oficială a estimate for the poverty income level and nivelului veniturilor din sărăcie și aproape s-a has nearly tripled in nominal terms since triplat în termeni nominali din 2012. 2012. Approximately one in three Aproximativ unul din trei angajați a câștigat employees earned the minimum wage salariul minim, potrivit ministerului muncii. În according to the labor ministry. Despite ciuda creșterii salariului minim, 14,9% dintre minimum wage increases, 14.9 percent of employed Romanians remained at risk românii angajați au rămas în pericol de of poverty. During the year the country’s sărăcie. Pe parcursul anului, instanțele din courts ruled in favor of female clothing- țară s-au pronunțat în favoarea lucrătoarelor factory workers who reported unjustified din fabricile de îmbrăcăminte care au raportat 50 percent wage cuts during the COVID- reduceri salariale nejustificate de 50 la sută în 19 pandemic. After receiving public timpul pandemiei de COVID-19. După ce au pressure to investigate the allegations, primit presiuni publice pentru a investiga Page 96 of 108
officials confirmed inaccurate shift reporting, unpaid mandatory social insurance contributions, unpaid overtime wages, and worker harassment and intimidation. The law provides for a standard workweek of 40 hours or five days. Workers are entitled to overtime pay for weekend or holiday work or work of more than 40 hours. An employee’s workweek may not exceed 48 hours per week on average over a four-month reference period, although exceptions are allowed for certain sectors or professions. The law requires a 48-hour rest period in the workweek, although most workers received two days off per week. During reductions in workplace activity for economic or technical reasons, the law allows employers to shorten an employee’s workweek and reduce the associated salary. In response to COVID-19 restrictions, the government extended the category of eligible furlough (technical unemployment) benefits to independently registered businesspersons, lawyers, and individuals with income deriving from copyright and sports activities. The government adopted a flexible work plan modeled after Germany’s Kurzarbeit (flexible work) program with the aim of retaining employees on payrolls with joint government and employer contributions. The plan required employers to cover half of full-time wages and the Romanian government to pay 75 percent of the difference between the gross wage and the basic wage paid to the employee, based on the number of hours worked. Kurzarbeit and technical unemployment support was extended in July and was expected to remain in effect through the pandemic state of emergency. Excessive overtime may lead to fines for employers if workers file a complaint, but complaints were rare. The law prohibits compulsory overtime. Starting during the year, the law allows for one of two caretakers of children to receive paid
acuzațiile, oficialii au confirmat raportarea inexactă a schimburilor, contribuțiile obligatorii de asigurări sociale neplătite, salariile neplătite pentru orele suplimentare și hărțuirea și intimidarea lucrătorilor. Legea prevede o săptămână de lucru standard de 40 de ore sau cinci zile. Lucrătorii au dreptul la plata orelor suplimentare pentru munca de weekend sau de vacanță sau pentru munca mai mare de 40 de ore. Săptămâna de lucru a unui angajat nu poate depăși, în medie, 48 de ore pe săptămână pe parcursul unei perioade de referință de patru luni, deși sunt permise excepții pentru anumite sectoare sau profesii. Legea impune o perioadă de odihnă de 48 de ore în săptămâna de lucru, deși majoritatea lucrătorilor au primit două zile libere pe săptămână. În timpul reducerilor activității la locul de muncă din motive economice sau tehnice, legea permite angajatorilor să scurteze săptămâna de lucru a unui angajat și să reducă salariul asociat. Ca răspuns la restricțiile covid-19, guvernul a extins categoria prestațiilor eligibile (șomaj tehnic) la oameni de afaceri, avocați și persoane fizice înregistrate independent, cu venituri provenite din drepturi de autor și activități sportive. Guvernul a adoptat un plan de lucru flexibil, modelat după programul Kurzarbeit (muncă flexibilă) din Germania, cu scopul de a păstra angajații pe salarii cu contribuții comune ale guvernului și ale angajatorilor. Planul impunea angajatorilor să acopere jumătate din salariile cu normă întreagă, iar guvernul României să plătească 75% din diferența dintre salariul brut și salariul de bază plătit angajatului, în funcție de numărul de ore lucrate. Kurzarbeit și ajutorul tehnic de șomaj au fost prelungite în iulie și se preconiza că vor rămâne în vigoare pe perioada stării de urgență pandemice. Orele suplimentare excesive pot duce la amenzi pentru angajatori dacă lucrătorii depun o plângere, dar plângerile au fost rare. Legea interzice orele suplimentare obligatorii. Începând cu anul, legea permite ca unul dintre cei doi îngrijitori ai copiilor să primească zile
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days off for periods when schools are closed; the income is capped at maximum 75 percent of the average economy wage. In July, 13 members of the Cartel Alfa trade union led a protest caravan from Bucharest to Brussels regarding low wages and poor working conditions in Romania. The protest highlighted the concerns of more than four million Romanians seeking work in other EU countries due to limited opportunities in Romania who were often vulnerable to labor exploitation as migrant workers. The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, through the Labor Inspectorate, is responsible for enforcing the law on working conditions, hours, and minimum wage rates, but it did not effectively enforce all aspects consistently. Penalties for violations of these laws were commensurate with those for other similar crimes but were not consistently applied. Labor inspectors have the authority to make unannounced visits and initiate sanctions, but the number of inspectors was insufficient to enforce compliance in all sectors. According to trade union reports, many employers paid supplemental salaries under the table to reduce tax burdens for employees and employers alike. Additionally, the Labor Inspectorate collaborated with the National Authority for Fiscal Administration to conduct joint operations to check employers in sectors prone to underreported labor, including the textile, construction, security, cleaning, food-preparation, transportation, and storage industries. These investigations often focused on underpayment of taxes rather than workers’ rights. The government did not effectively enforce overtime standards. Union leaders complained that overtime violations were the main problem facing their members, since employers often required employees to work longer than the legal maximum without receiving mandatory overtime compensation. This
libere plătite pentru perioadele în care școlile sunt închise; venitul este plafonat la maximum 75 la sută din salariul mediu al economiei. În iulie, 13 membri ai sindicatului Cartel Alfa au condus o caravană de protest de la București la Bruxelles privind salariile mici și condițiile precare de muncă din România. Protestul a scos în evidență îngrijorările a peste patru milioane de români care își caută de lucru în alte țări din UE din cauza oportunităților limitate din România, care erau adesea vulnerabili la exploatarea prin muncă ca lucrători migranți. Ministerul Muncii și Protecției Sociale, prin Inspecția Muncii, este responsabil de aplicarea legii privind condițiile de muncă, orele și salariul minim, dar nu a aplicat în mod eficient toate aspectele în mod consecvent. Sancțiunile pentru încălcarea acestor legi au fost proporționale cu cele pentru alte infracțiuni similare, dar nu au fost aplicate în mod consecvent. Inspectorii de muncă au autoritatea de a face vizite inopinate și de a iniția sancțiuni, dar numărul inspectorilor a fost insuficient pentru a impune conformitatea în toate sectoarele. Potrivit rapoartelor sindicale, mulți angajatori au plătit salarii suplimentare sub masă pentru a reduce sarcinile fiscale atât pentru angajați, cât și pentru angajatori. În plus, Inspecția Muncii a colaborat cu Autoritatea Națională de Administrare Fiscală pentru a desfășura operațiuni comune de verificare a angajatorilor din sectoarele predispuse la forță de muncă subraportată, inclusiv industria textilă, construcții, securitate, curățenie, prepararea alimentelor, transport și depozitare. Aceste anchete s-au axat adesea pe plata insuficientă a impozitelor, mai degrabă decât pe drepturile lucrătorilor. Guvernul nu a aplicat în mod eficient standardele orelor suplimentare. Liderii de sindicat s-au plâns că încălcarea orelor suplimentare a fost principala problemă cu care se confruntă membrii lor, deoarece angajatorii au cerut adesea angajaților să lucreze mai mult decât maximul legal, fără a primi compensații obligatorii pentru orele
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practice was especially prevalent in the suplimentare. Această practică a fost deosebit textile, banking and finance, and de răspândită în sectorul textil, bancar și construction sectors. financiar, precum și în cel al construcțiilor. Occupational Safety and Health: Occupational safety and health standards were appropriate for the main industries, but compliance and enforcement remained weak. Workers can remove themselves from situations they deemed dangerous to their health or safety without jeopardy to their employment. The labor inspectorate also had authority over occupational safety and health laws; however, not all workplace accidents were investigated by labor inspectors. Companies investigated minor incidents, while labor inspectors investigated more severe ones, typically those that resulted in fatalities or serious injuries. If appropriate, incidents may be referred for criminal investigation. Union leaders often claimed labor inspectors only superficially investigated workplace accidents, including ones involving fatalities, and that inspectors often wrongly concluded that the victims were at fault in most fatal accidents. In 2019 the country reported three deaths per 100,000 employees resulting from accidents at work. The construction, agriculture, and small manufacturers sectors were particularly problematic sectors for both labor underreporting and neglecting health and safety standards. The government did not effectively enforce occupational safety and health laws. Penalties for violations of these laws were commensurate with those for other similar crimes but were not consistently applied. In November 2021, four persons died at the Babeni Mechanical Factory after explosive products were handled poorly. In August 2021, two workers died and four were hurt on a construction site in Bucharest city center, after a deep ditch collapsed. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, additional risk bonuses were awarded to healthcare staff caring for
Standardele de securitate și sănătate în muncă au fost adecvate pentru principalele industrii, dar conformitatea și punerea în aplicare au rămas slabe. Lucrătorii se pot îndepărta de situațiile pe care le-au considerat periculoase pentru sănătatea sau securitatea lor, fără a le pune în pericol locul de muncă. Inspectoratul muncii avea, de asemenea, autoritate asupra legilor securității și sănătății în muncă; cu toate acestea, nu toate accidentele de muncă au fost investigate de inspectorii de muncă. Companiile au investigat incidente minore, în timp ce inspectorii de muncă le-au investigat pe cele mai grave, de obicei cele care s-au soldat cu decese sau răniri grave. Dacă este cazul, incidentele pot fi trimise spre urmărire penală. Liderii de sindicat au susținut adesea că inspectorii de muncă au investigat doar superficial accidentele de muncă, inclusiv cele care au implicat decese, și că inspectorii au concluzionat adesea în mod greșit că victimele au fost vinovate în majoritatea accidentelor mortale. În 2019, țara a raportat trei decese la 100.000 de angajați ca urmare a accidentelor de muncă. Sectoarele construcțiilor, agriculturii și micilor producători au fost sectoare deosebit de problematice atât pentru subraportarea forței de muncă, cât și pentru neglijarea standardelor de sănătate și siguranță. Guvernul nu a aplicat în mod eficient legile privind securitatea și sănătatea în muncă. Sancțiunile pentru încălcarea acestor legi au fost proporționale cu cele pentru alte infracțiuni similare, dar nu au fost aplicate în mod consecvent. În noiembrie 2021, patru persoane au murit la Fabrica Mecanică Babeni, după ce produsele explozive au fost manipulate necorespunzător. În august 2021, doi muncitori au murit și patru au fost răniți pe un șantier din centrul Bucureștiului, după ce un șanț adânc s-a prăbușit.
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COVID-19 patients or for those involved in pandemic response. Peaks in the number of critical cases of COVID-19 added pressure on hospital infrastructure, particularly in intensive care units. Medical staff and patients were hurt and killed in several hospital fire incidents over the year.
Informal Sector: Informal employment continued to affect employees in the agriculture, retail, hospitality, and construction sectors. In 2013 undeclared work represented 18.9 percent of total labor output in the private sector. In 2019 some 25 percent of Romanians admitted they had engaged in undeclared work and 44 percent knew someone who had engaged in undeclared labor. The prevalence of the minimum wage, a tight labor market, and labor taxation exemptions for vulnerable sectors have made undeclared work less attractive. As a result of a mass outflow of unskilled and skilled labor, the country has experienced a tight labor market. Over the past decade, some 2.7 million Romanians of working age (20 to 64) have moved to other EU countries seeking employment. The construction sector has a higher minimum gross wage (3,000 lei or $728) and is exempt from income tax and health and pension mandatory contributions. The law provides for temporary and seasonal work and sets penalties for undeclared labor. In accordance with EU regulations, the maximum duration of a temporary contract is 36 months. Workers in the informal sector were not covered by wage, hour, and occupational safety and health laws, and inspections.
În contextul pandemiei de COVID-19, au fost acordate bonusuri suplimentare de risc personalului medical care îngrijește pacienți cu COVID-19 sau celor implicați în răspunsul la pandemie. Vârfurile numărului de cazuri critice de COVID-19 au sporit presiunea asupra infrastructurii spitalicești, în special în unitățile de terapie intensivă. Personalul medical și pacienții au fost răniți și uciși în mai multe incidente de incendiu din spital de-a lungul anului. Ocuparea informală a forței de muncă a continuat să afecteze angajații din sectoarele agriculturii, comerțului cu amănuntul, ospitalității și construcțiilor. În 2013, munca nedeclarată a reprezentat 18,9 la sută din producția totală de forță de muncă din sectorul privat. În 2019, aproximativ 25 la sută dintre români au recunoscut că s-au angajat în muncă nedeclarată, iar 44 la sută cunoșteau pe cineva care se angajase în muncă nedeclarată. Prevalența salariului minim, o piață a muncii restrânsă și scutirile de la plata impozitului pe muncă pentru sectoarele vulnerabile au făcut munca nedeclarată mai puțin atractivă. Ca urmare a unui flux masiv de forță de muncă necalificată și calificată, țara a cunoscut o piață a forței de muncă strânsă. În ultimul deceniu, aproximativ 2,7 milioane de români de vârstă activă (20-64 de ani) s-au mutat în alte țări din UE în căutarea unui loc de muncă. Sectorul construcțiilor are un salariu minim brut mai mare (3.000 de lei sau 728 de dolari) și este scutit de impozitul pe venit și de contribuțiile obligatorii pentru sănătate și pensii. Legea prevede munca temporară și sezonieră și stabilește sancțiuni pentru munca nedeclarată. În conformitate cu reglementările UE, durata maximă a unui contract temporar este de 36 de luni. Lucrătorii din sectorul informal nu au fost acoperiți de legile privind salariile, orele și securitatea și sănătatea în muncă, precum și de inspecții.
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