The Better living with herbs and natural health
April/May 2013
Spring into Herb Garening Herbs to Lift Depression Benefits of Licorice Make Herbal Medicine Lou Corona Visits the West
Bring Your Spring Plans to Life Spring is finally here, yay! I have been itching to get into my herb garden this spring. The first step was to cut away all the dead wood and allow the Publisher’s Note new growth to come through. It started Mid-March and some of the herbs have been growing vigorously ever since. I started growing herbs years ago and grew the commonly known culinary herbs. Then I branched out (sorry, couldn’t resist) and grew medicinal herbs, flowering and scented herbs, ground cover herbs, shade herbs, unusual herbs and anything else I could get my hands on. At one time I grew more than 50 different herbs in my garden. If you are planning on starting an herb garden or adding to what you have, be sure to read the article on spring herb gardening in this issue. One herb that I’ve noticed in many formulas and which I’ve enjoyed as a treat is licorice. This herb has many benefits but it should also be used wisely. Did you know the part used from licorice is the root?
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Read about our Herb Profile on licorice in this issue. We will be doing an herb profile for each issue so if you have any suggestions, please let us know. Also, our theme this issue is on how hormonal imbalances can lead to depression in women. I am speaking of mild depression here, not a serious depression which needs to be treated medically. Mood swings and mild depression can often have a simple biological cause, so it’s important to address those so you can function better in your life. Herbs are awesome for that, along with supplements which you will notice from the article in this issue. We also have a pet health column on using herbs for pets. If you have a particular concern regarding your pet, please email us and we will see if it can get answered in this column. We also introduce you to homeopathy, how snakes affect your life and show you how to prevent and eliminate bowel problems like colitis and cancer. We hope you enjoy your spring and also want to wish all the moms out there Happy Mothers Day in May. Plus, we have a contest where our readers can win prizes!! See below for details.
Contest! Win Prizes!! How would you like to win a prize, just for being a reader? Just answer the simple questions in our quiz on page 21and email the answers with your name and address to The winner’s name will be drawn and a prize will be sent to you. First Prize - Aloe Vera trial kit Second Prize - gift certificate from Leading Edge Health Third Prize - Bach Flower Reflections book by Sarah Brune
See Contest
Quiz on Page 21
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Contents The Theme:
This theme this issue is on women’s health regarding breast cancer and depression - specifically how hormonal imbalances can affect a woman’s mood. Hormonal Effects on Depression.........................4 Signs of Estrogen Dominance.............................7 Rethink Breast Cancer......................................14 Exercise Slashes Breast Cancer Risk..................15
Is Homeopathy for you.....................................12 Prevent & Eliminate Toxic Intestine...................16 Make herbal medicine for good health.............18 Lou Corona visits Western Canada....................21 How Aloe Vera helped me...............................22 Make easy herbal vinegar.................................23
Columns and Departments Herb Gardening
Spring into Herb Gardening...............................4
Herb Profile
The Benefits of Licorice......................................8
In the Kitchen
Herb/Fruit Infused Water, Tuna Burger.............11
Pet Health
Barley grass for animal friends..........................10
Swallowed any Snakes?....................................20
Page 4
Page 11 Page20
The Herbal Collective published by Pro Write Publishing Publisher/Editor - Marilyn Zink Contact: 250-722-7108, 1796 Alice Rd., Nanaimo, B.C., V9X 1V5, Advertising Sales: Call: 250-722-7108 Contributors
Germana Rovinelli, Louis Hoolaeff, Chanchal Cabrera, Maureen Glowasky,
The Herbal Collective is published every second month by Pro Write Publishing and distributed through health food stores, book stores, restaurants, gardening centers, natural practitioners, drugs stores and other locations that endorse a healthy and environmentally sound approach.Advertising deadline is around the 15th of every second month. Subscriptions are $20.95 a year. The opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those of the editor. Different viewpoints are welcome. All editorial material is copyrighted. Any medical advice is given solely for information purposes only and no responsibility is assumed on the publisher’s part. Copyright © 2012
Please Support Our Advertising Sponsors Hedd Wyn,, Salvestrols, Columbia Bakery..............................................11 Doug Kuramoto, Pacific Holistic.......................12 Colin Gillies, homeopath..................................13 Louis Hoolaeff, Hypnotherapy, CHLY radio, Aloe Vera,
Spring into Herb Gardening By Marilyn Zink
stepped into my herb garden just before spring arrived and noticed fresh new shoots poking through the ground. My chocolate mint is coming back and fresh shoots from the catmint have been coming along for the last week or so since the end of February. The winter has been mild here on the west coast so many perennial herbs are starting to grow early. The culinary perennial herbs like sage, rosemary and thyme grow throughout the winter and are always available to harvest, though in smaller amounts. Even my lavender has grown throughout the winter though it grows much slower and the plants are smaller than in the summer. Other perennials like the previously mentioned mint along with parsley are starting their growing cycle again. It won’t be long before the catmint puts on a
New shoots of catmint are pushing up in early spring. Photo by Marilyn Zink
vigorous show of growth and blooms start coming.
Herbal Collective April/May, 2013
If you have an existing herb garden this is the time to cut back on all the dead growth that is still hanging around. If you are just starting an herb garden you might wonder how best to get it going. If the climate is fairly mild, the perennial culinary herbs can be planted in the ground now. Start seeds indoors though and give plants 6 weeks or more to mature before moving them outdoors. The rule of thumb is to put tender plants outdoors just after the May long weekend. From all indicators it looks like we might have an early spring. Did I just hear a chorus of cheers? It’s great to get the garden going. If you are planning to plant the more tender herbs like basil or sweet leaf stevia then it’s best to wait until after the May long weekend with those, regardless if you start from seed or from an established plant. You can put the more tender herbs in pots out
during the day as long as it’s warm enough. But still the tenderest herbs like basil cannot be put out until it’s hot enough, at least 20-25 degrees Celsius. If you do put out a tender herb during the day and forget to take it in at night, that can kill the herb. This is especially true is the area you live in is prone to late frosts. So think about the type of herbs you would like to grow. Then plan according to what each plant needs, not what you want. Then be sure to give the herbs enough room to grow, whether they grow up or out. Catmint, for instance, can grow up and out quite rapidly taking up a fair amount of space. To get started check out the Herbal Theme Gardens online book or our Herb Garden Sanctuary ecourse. Herbal Theme Gardens helps you to plan and organize an herb garden according to themes and sections, a method I find quite effective. The Herb Garden Sanctuary ecourse goes in-depth into the many different types of herbs that can be grown and how to grow them.
Lemon balm in early spring - Photo by Marilyn Zink
Grow a Great Herb Garden
Grow herbs for foods, condiments, vinegars, cosmetics, medicinal use and much more.
For more information visit Herbal Collective April/May, 2013
Hormonal Effects and Depression in Women By Marilyn Zink omen are under more stress and pressure than ever these days. Added to that, as women age their hormones are shifting as their daily demands increase. They have to deal with an often difficult workplace, the demands of running a home and raising a family and in many cases care for aging parents. This ‘toxic stress’ can cause or multiply hormonal imbalances that affect a woman’s mood as well as mental function. It’s often the hardest kind of stress because it is so powerful and constant – it’s hard to get away from.
Insufficient Serotonin Lack of serotonin can cause depression too as this is the neurotransmitter that is necessary to have a positive mood. Popular drugs for depression such as Prozac and Zoloft work to conserve the body’s inadequate supply of serotonin. But it makes far more sense to increase serotonin levels by giving the body what it needs naturally through diet and exercise. Perimenopause and menopause can add to that stress level as many women feel disoriented and confused by what is happening to them. Estrogen Dominance Estrogen dominance is common and can add or even cause symptoms of depression, particularly during perimenopause. Estrogen dominance was coined by Dr. John Lee to describe the effects of estrogen in a woman’s body when it is not balanced by progesterone. A woman can have deficient, normal or excessive estrogen and still suffer from estrogen dominance as she does not have enough progesterone to balance her body. Women are exposed to more estrogen than ever before due to chemicals in the environment such as plastics, chemicals in cosmetics, pesticides and other 6
Herbal Collective April/May, 2013
products that cause xenohormones. Estrogen is tightly regulated in the body so even small changes can make a difference in how a woman thinks and feels As perimenopause is also a time when women find their true voice, old unresolved emotional issues come to the surface. It’s vital that women find their voice but it can also add to feelings of sadness and being overwhelmed. A healthy woman has a balance of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. The important organs that help balance these are the liver, adrenal glands and thyroid. This article outlines biological effects contributing to mild depression. Those suffering from a deeper depression should consult a doctor for advice while doing everything they can to alleviate symptoms.
Herbs Black cohosh - increases dopamine levels, a feel good compound that can alleviate feelings of depression. Ashwagandha – this is an adaptogenic herb that helps the body deal with stress. It is particularly good for adrenal fatigue. Common symptoms include memory loss, fuzzy thinking, exhaustion, anxiety, panic attacks, troubled sleep, muscle pain, headaches, dizziness, eye problem, inability to handle everyday stress, feeling overwhelmed, irritability, PMS, depression, hair loss and a craving for sweets. (See the Dec/Jan’13 issue of the Herbal Collective for a full article on Ashwagandha and adrenal fatigue). Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex) – this is an excellent herb for balancing female hormones. Research shows the herb affects the pituitary gland to increase production of the luteinizing hormone and decrease production of the follicle-stimulating hormone. This reduces levels of estrogen and increases levels of
progesterone. Dandelion – this herb can help with PMS symptoms that contribute to depression. Dandelion is a diuretic so it can help alleviate the bloated feeling of PMS in women who try it before their periods. Dandelion is also very good at clearing the liver and stimulates the flow of bile. As excess estrogen is stored in the liver, dandelion can help clear the hormone that contribute to symptoms of depression. Maca – this herb is an adaptogen also known as Peruvian ginseng. It is particularly useful for perimenopausal and menopausal women as it helps alleviate symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes and night sweats. Rhodiola – research has shown that this herb helps fight stress and depression. Scandinavian researchers who gave 89 people with depression a placebo or 340 milligrams of rhodiola found the herb group experienced a significant improvement in standard tests for mood and depression after six weeks. Rhodiola is also reported to slow down the breakdown of serotonin.
Supplements Important supplements can make a difference in a person’s mood and how they cope on a day to day basis. Vitamin B 6 The B vitamins are critical for helping the nervous system to deal with stress and depression. The B vitamins are also linked to providing energy in the body, as an energetic person will exercise more and this is key to lifting depression. Fish Oils The brain needs a balance of essential fatty acids (EFA) for good health and mood regulation. Essential fatty acids like fish oils provide lubrication to the body as well. Evening Primrose Oil This is another EFA that is particularly good for PMS and also mood swings in women. It won’t work right away – studies that have shown the best benefit were of women taking the supplement for five cycles or more. Evening Primrose Oil contains
prostaglandins which help treat mood swing, fluid retention and breast tenderness.
It’s not a supplement but a critical part of life. Exercise has so many benefits and lifting the mood is just one of them. Exercise is a natural stimulant for dopamine and serotonin, both feel good hormones in the brain. Find an exercise you love to do and keep doing it. The body is meant to move!
Signs of Estrogen Dominance If you suspect that estrogen dominance is causing your depressive feelings or mood swings, it’s important to understand the signs and symptoms. The following are symptoms of a high estrogen to progesterone ratio. * Unwanted hair growth * Irritability * Breast tenderness * Weight gain * Cyclical migraines * Headaches * Mood swings Herbal Collective
April/May, 2013
Herb Profile
The Benefits of
By Marilyn Zink
caught the sign briefly as I was driving through Coombs, a funky little spot on Vancouver Island. ‘Licorice’ it stated temptingly, hinting it was at a Dutch Delicatessen just down the road. I started looking for the sign, figuring it wasn’t going to be easy to find in the hodge podge of businesses that are scattered in the area. Then I saw it, a big sign in screaming red letters. “LICORICE” A second later I noticed the sign for the delicatessen and turned in.
As I walked into the charming Dutch delicatessen I noticed all sorts of Dutch paraphanalia such as Dutch delft dishes and little signs that state the Dutch person’s philosophy to life. “You can tell a Dutchman but you can’t tell him much,” stated one in particular. As the daughter of a Dutch immigrant, I can vouch for that one. But licorice candy was what I came to get and licorice is what they had in spades. There was soft licorice candies, hard licorice, soft and sweet, 8
Herbal Collective April/May, 2013
spongy and sweet (spongy??) soft and salty, hard and sweet, hard and salty, really hard and salty plus Double Zout (salt). “Holy moly – that last one has bite! Then there was licorice in all shapes and sizes. Licorice bears, hats, the ubiquitous cat, squares, circles, cones, coins and diamonds. Me, I’m a diamond kind of girl. You? There was also the natural, original and organic licorice that
went for a pretty price because there were no added ingredients. I should back up here and tell you that the Dutch are known for their licorice candies. As a daughter of Dutch immigrant parents, I was always familiar with Dutch delicatessens sporting loads of licorice choices. My mother always got the flat diamond shapes that are slightly tangy. I liked it for its ability to soothe sore throats and helps with coughs. In herbal circles we know that licorice comes from the root of a plant. Licorice has a reputation for treating colds, coughs and sore throats and is approved as a cold and cough treatment by the German Commission E, the European counterpart to Health Canada and the FDA. Back in 1946 a Dutch pharmacist (there’s those Dutch again), noticed that licorice candies and cough remedies were quite popular with customers who had gastrointestinal problems. The customers told him they were getting better, longer-lasting relief from the licorice candies than from ulcer medicine. Unfortunately it was discovered that licorice extracts caused swollen ankles and other signs of water retention. This is due to the glycyrrhetinic acid in licorice. Since then, deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) has been produced and is safer to take. This has been used in mouthwash for canker sores as well as treating herpes sores. This is due to licorice stimulating cell production of interferon, the body’s own antiviral compound. Laboratory studies have shown that licorice fights disease causing bacteria such as staphylococcus and streptococcus as well as the fungus Candid albicans that causes vaginal yeast infections.
There are many different types of licorice candy. Photo by Marilyn Zink
Licorice also has anti-inflammatory and antiarthritis properties. Those with arthritis who want to try licorice should discuss it with a physician first. People can overdose from consuming too many licorice candies though many licorice candies in North America are made with anise, which has a similar flavor. Real licorice is available in specialty shops like the Dutch delicatessen I visited. Licorice as a medicinal treatment does have contraindications and should be avoided by pregnant and nursing women and by those with high blood pressure or problems with water retention. Symptoms of overdosing on too much licorice include headache, facial puffiness, ankle swelling, weakness and lethargy.
Did You Know?
Looking for a Herbal or Natural Health Solution?
Most licorice candies aren’t actually made from licorice. Instead, they are made from anise, the seed of an herb that has a similar flavouring to licorice and is commonly used in baking.
Natural Health Directory at
The real licorice in licorice condiments is more likely to be found in specialty stores such as a Dutch delicatessen rather than
Visit the
Herbal Collective April/May 2013
Barley Grass for Animal Friends According to Statistics Pet Health Canada, there are approximately 3.5 million By Carola Schleuss dogs and 4.5 million cats in the country. According to Dr. Becker DVM, from the United States, there are 86 million pet cats and 78 million pet dogs, and according to the Animal Cancer Foundation there are 12 million new cancer diagnoses in dogs and cats each year which means 1 of 3 die of cancer. Not surprising, when we are told to feed them food from bags or cans, and are told we need to vaccinate and put them on medications which stop fleas, ticks, lice, parasites and heartworm. There are only a few veterinarians who are educating their patients on the importance of feeding their animal friends real food, keeping their immune and digestive systems strong, which prevents disease or reduces an infestation. With a resilient constitution and strong immune system there would be almost no need for chemical therapies such as vaccinations or other chemical medications used for so called prevention of fleas. Food is the foundation because it supports all body systems, especially the immune system, and if the immune system is not healthy then cancer may happen; key to wellness is strong metabolic functions. It is sad that only a few veterinarians feel safe practicing holistic medicine due to the pressures of the veterinarian association which seems to be against using nature to provide a healthy homeostasis. I began looking into animal wellness about 18 years ago when our cat Kimba, who we adopted from the SPCA, battled with flea and parasite infestation, which became very frustrating because they kept coming back after each chemical treatment. I was in my first year of a holistic nutrition program in Santa Cruz California and one of the required readings was called Native NutritionEating According to Ancestral Wisdom by Ronald F. Scmid, N.D. There were two chapters which I found very interesting. Dr. Francis M. Pottenger did a 10 year study on two groups of cats, feeding one group raw and the other cooked - the results were life changing! Dr. Weston Price, a dentist, spent one
Herbal Collective April/May’13
year traveling around the world looking at people who ate their indigenous diet vs. those who ate refined foods. Very insightful! In both these studies,, when eating mostly raw and a natural whole food diet, unaltered or refined, Dr. Weston Price and Dr. Pottenger did not see any kind of dental decay, gum disease or degenerative diseases such as cancer or diabetes. Food plays the most important role in our health and whole foods rich in their complexity of nutrients are essential for over all well-being. I love herbs for this reason; they are full of nutrients and can easily be added to your animal friend’s meal. Barley grass is a nice way to support the immune system along with a whole food diet. Barley grass is high in B vitamins, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine and cobalamin, folic acid, Vitamin C and E. Minerals, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, cooper, phosphorus, manganese, zinc and other minerals and trace minerals. Barley grass contains high levels of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is why plants are green, which makes chlorophyll the “blood” of the plant. Chlorophyll helps build oxygen-carrying red blood cells, detoxifies the liver and blood, has anti-bacterial properties, is anti-inflammatory and is rich in Vitamin K. Vitamin K is necessary for blood clotting and inhibits growth of calcium oxalate crystals which cause kidney stones, enhances adrenal activity which supports the immune system. Barley grass: Hordeum vulgare. Part Used: stem Effective Form: fresh juiced or powdered Properties: known as a super green food, rich in chlorophyll, anti-oxidants, and is antiageing. Medicinal use: Helps keep the immune system strong, neutralizes heavy metals such as mercury, provides liver/blood health through its gentle cleansing properties and regulates blood sugar. Taste: sweet and salty Energetic: cooling. Cautions: none Suggested Dosage: ¼ - 3 tsp.per day. Carola Schleuss, CNC Certified Nutrition Consultant
Blackberry Lemon Thyme Infused Water Handful of fresh or frozen blackberries 2 small sprigs of lemon thyme Stevia sweetener (optional) Put the berries and herbs in a bottle or jar. Fill 3/4 full with water and then add ice, about 6-8 cubes. Shake lightly and put in fridge . The ice acts as a strainer when the water is poured. Stevia is a zero calorie herb that is a powerful sweetener. Add it in small amounts and use it to taste as needed. It does not need to be added but you may wish to do so to enhance flavour. When the water is used up, add more. I’ve found that the same berries and herbs can be used several times over to provide a subtle yet refreshing flavour. Option: Orange and Lemon Balm Water Peel one orange and cut slices. Add several sprigs of fresh lemon balm to jar with orange slices. Add water, shake and allow to steep before drinking.
Tuna Burger with Ginger and Cilantro 1 can tuna 1 large egg 1 tbsp. panko bread crumbs 2 tsp. ginger, freshly grated 2 tbsp. fresh cilantro, freshly chopped 1 garlic clove, minced In large bowl, stir ginger, garlic, cilantro and soy sauce. Stir in tuna, egg and panko until evenly combined. With moist hands, shape into patties. Set on a plate, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 20 minutes. Preheat a non-stick frying pan on stove or barbecue over medium heat. Brush patties wit some oil and fry, flipping once. Blend 1 tsp. ginger and 1 Tbsp. green onion with lemon juice and mayonnaise. Spread mayo over cut sides of buns and add tuna burger with sprouts or lettuce.
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Herbal Collective April/May,’13
Is Homeopathy for You? By Colin Gillies
omeopathy is a complete system of medicine that is scientifically based and founded on natural laws. It is based on the principle that ‘like cures like’ (i.e., a substance that produces symptoms in a healthy person will cure a person with those symptoms when sick) – Law of Similars. Quinine, the active ingredient of cinchona bark, is known to cure malaria; cinchona (China) given medicinally to a healthy person will produce similar symptoms to malaria. Homeopathy can be used to treat minor acute ailments as well as chronic diseases. care of any invaders that may threaten to cause the Homeopaths believe there is a balancing organism to deviate from health. mechanism that keeps us in health provided that However, when the organism’s defenses are the stresses on our constitutions are neither too overwhelmed due to susceptibility whatever the case prolonged nor too great. (hereditary, emotional, environmental, This mechanism etc.), it may need some help to restore ”This mechanism is called the is called the equilibrium. vital force” ‘vital force’. It When overwhelmed, the body in is believed to its attempts to maintain homeostasis be an energetic tries to isolate disease where it causes the least substance independent of mechanical and chemical amount of disturbance away from more important forces, that literally gives life and is absent at our organs (e.g. skin conditions, nonmalignant tumors). death. It is dynamic, animates the body, regulates its Inappropriate suppression or palliation of disease functions and homeostasis, restores equilibrium and symptoms can cause the disease expression to go functions in health and disease. deeper and affect more critical organs. Disease (‘dis-ease’) is then primarily a disturbance A homeopath does not try to name the disease nor or derangement of the vital force. Homeopaths necessarily rely on pathological reports but attempts understand that disease, as is commonly recognized, to understand the person, determine the deviations is not a thing but only a condition of a thing (for from the normal state of health and develop a example, a tumor or a viral infection is not the ‘picture’ of the disease state based on the totality of disease but a result of the disease). The disease expresses itself in an individual by the totality of Dr. Doug signs and symptoms that arise in sickness. Kuramoto Conventional medicine believes it must fight the Naturopathic Physician disease bearing agent which it sees as the main cause of disease; homeopathy believes it must strengthen Pacific Holistic Center the organism’s defense mechanism in order to fight the disturbance. 595 Campbell St. 525 Pioneer Crescent The cause of disease is not always known (except Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 3G9 Parksville, B.C. V9P 1V1 Ph: (250) 753-0280 Tel: (250) 954-1955 in cases of food poisoning or physical injury, for Fax: (250) 753-0277 Toll Free : 1-888-266-5512 example). Typically the bodily defenses act and take
Herbal Collective April/May, 2013
the signs and symptoms. The signs and symptoms include mind, emotional and physical expressions of the disease so is holistic and individualized. With this ‘picture’ of the diseased state the homeopath, based on the Law of Similars, selects the medicine that produces that same state in a healthy person. Homeopathic medicines are derived mostly from mineral, plant and animal products. The medicines are highly diluted and potentised (vigorous shaking) in accordance with homeopathic pharmacopeia. The medicines are scientifically tested on healthy people to determine the effects of the medicine, referred to as ‘Provings.’ These Provings, together with clinical evidence, forms the homeopathic material medica from which medicines are selected to treat disease in accordance
with the Law of Similars. As the medicines are highly diluted they are safe and do not produce side effects. Homeopathic medicines act at an energy level. Higher potencies do not have any molecules of the original substance left due to dilution but retain electromagnetic signals of the original medicine with dramatic biological effects. As a disease is a disturbance of the vital force at an energetic level, homeopathic medicines also act at an energy level to stimulate the vital force to overcome the disease. Should the disturbance at the energetic level be removed by the medicine then the disease expression in terms of signs and symptoms is also removed. Colin Gillies is a homeopath practicing in Qualicum Beach, B.C. Call 250-947-0288.
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Herbal Collective April/May’13
Rethink Breast Cancer Avoid chemicals, animal proteins, synthetic hormones By Alexander Mostovoy, H.D., D.H.M.S.,BCCT
Board rd Certified Clinical Thermographer he ever growing cancer rates have become acceptable in today’s society; however, we should not accept this simply out of complacency. We need to look at cancer statistics and rethink our entire approach. Only 90 years ago 1 person in 8 was afflicted with cancer, today it is estimated that 40% (or 3.2 people in 8) are going to get cancer during their lifetimes. Over the same period of time, we have spent trillions of dollars in research and medical care but the results are often far from productive. While there is an enormous need to find the cure for cancer, I would like to see the focus shift towards prevention. There are simple and effective ways of lowering the risk of cancer, and of breast cancer in particular. Even women with family history or those who have inherited genetic predisposition can significantly reduce the incidence of breast cancer if they follow these simple but effective instructions:
1. Starting from young age pre-adolescent girls: The increasingly lower age of menarche (onset menstruation) among girls due to improper diet and inadequate levels of exercise and physical activity raises the risk of breast cancer. Proper dietary measures, weight control along with appropriate amounts of physical activity will decrease the risk factors in the future years for these young women. Young women in their teenage years becoming sexually active should avoid the oral contraceptives. Even the weakest pill contains seven times the amount of estrogen naturally occurring in your body. Research has determined that the single greatest risk factor for future development of breast cancer is lifetime exposure of the breasts to estrogen. It would appear that controlling the influence of estrogen on the breasts would be the single most important method of primary breast cancer prevention. 14
Herbal Collective, April/May,’13
2. Women of child bearing age: This age group needs to know that breastfeeding can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer by up to 59% even if there is a family history, or if one has the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. (1) Further, multiple pregnancies along with breastfeeding provides additional risk reduction.
3. Women in perimenopausal stage (late 30s to menopause) Women in this stage, along with any other group can certainly benefit from reducing their exposure to carcinogens and environmental factors. However, these are hard to avoid and do not necessarily have a direct causative relationship to cancer but act as catalysts when combined with an improper diet. Protein as a micronutrient may play a significant role in cancer development. Specifically the type of protein one eats can promote cancer growth. Protein derived from commercial animal sources contributes to cancer while protein from plant sources appears to inhibit this process. Studies have shown that the high intake of casein, which accounts for 87% of commercial dairy protein, promotes cancer development.
Reduce unnecessary exposure to X-ray radiation. The Journal of Clinical Oncology, July 2006 reported that women who are genetically predisposed to breast cancer with BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes, have at least one chest x-ray, were 54% more likely to develop breast cancer than those who had never had one. It is not hard to see that a certain segment of the female population becomes more susceptible to cancer by early exposure to regular X-ray screening. Additionally, X-ray radiation is cumulative. The more frequent the exposure, the exponentially higher the risk.
The good news is that breast thermography has become more widely available today. This non-invasive test does not use any radiation but rather measures the surface temperature of the breast providing a physiological assessment. This method can provide women of all ages with a risk assessment of their breast health and can identify areas of concern early in its development. Regular breast thermography examinations can establish a baseline that can be a reference point for monitoring breast health over a long period of time. Any deviation from normal or baseline points to increased risk can be dealt with to resolve the issue at hand before any serious problems develop. Breast thermography is a wonderful screening method that can warn of a pending problem far in advance.
4. Women in post menopausal stage These women need to understand that weight gain increases the incidence of breast cancer. The inverse is also true, a reduction in weight by at least 22 lbs can reduce their risk of breast cancer by 40% and if they have managed to keep the weight off for at least four years the risk is reduced by 60%. Obesity and high levels of insulin in the blood also increase the risk for cancer. My personal preference
for cancer protective diet is a plant based diet. The typical Western diet with its incessant emphasis on protein is one of the major causes of cancer and cardiovascular disease - the two leading causes of death in our society. Over-estrogenic activity has been wreaking havoc for years now and certainly contributes to the rise of incidence in breast cancers. Excess estrogen is a global ecological problem that affects all people today, men women and children alike. However, one needs to understand that some estrogens are cancer protective, while some are cancer permissive – they are not all created equal. Keep your E-2/16 ratio in check (ratio of good to bad estrogen). A simple urine test can provide you with this information. The lower the amount of (bad) estrogen, the slower the potential growth of cancer. The most important advice for preventing cancer is to maintain and enhance your liver’s ability to metabolize estrogens from different sources. This can be done through proper nutrition and requires very specific concentrations of nutrients and occasional liver support and detoxification. For additional information please go to Or visit
Exercise Slashes Breast Cancer Risk form of exercise will affect the endocrine system by balancing one's hormone levels, increasing the levels of HGH (human growth hormone) naturally while aiding the lymphatic system in detoxification of the body. Physical exercise represents a simple, non-invasive, non- chemical, inexpensive means of cancer prevention.
Studies show that three to four hours per week of regular exercise can decrease your risk of breast cancer by up to 50%. Lean body mass (muscle) does not generate estrogen like fatty tissue. Any
We have learned and continue to learn more and more about cancer, however to this day the cause of cancer remains a mystery to science and medicine. In spite of raising incidence we should not become complicit and accept the inevitable. It is up to all of us to accept responsibility for our own health and start by practicing preventive healthcare. Simple and effective means of protecting our health are actually much easier and more effective than dealing with the full blown disease. Herbal Collective
April/May, 2013
Prevent and Eliminate a Toxic Intestine
nzymes are the workers in our body—they carry out every chemical reaction. To have a healthy body, we need both workers (enzymes) and building materials. The building materials are proteins (amino acids), minerals and vitamins. All of these are necessary to build a healthy structure. Enzymes create digestion. Without digestion, we create the one and only real disease—intestinal toxemia. Generally, intestinal toxemia manifests itself as one or more of the following: Fatigue, nervousness, gastro-intestinal conditions, endocrine disturbances, neuro-circulatory abnormalities and headaches, arthritis, sciatica and low back pain, allergy, asthma, eye, ear, nose and throat disease, cardiac irregularities, and pathological changes in
the breasts. Toxemia is further implicated in high blood pressure, thyroid gland disorders, nervous system disorders, mental symptoms (including mental sluggishness, dullness, stupidity, loss of concentration and/or memory, mental lack of coordination), irritability, lack of confidence, excessive and useless worry, exaggerated introspection, hypochondria and phobias, depression and melancholy, obsessions and delusions, hallucinations, suicidal tendencies, delirium and stupor. Let’s look at the causes of Intestinal Toexmia After we chew our food… when it reaches the cardioid portion of the stomach, a process happens there that forms hydrochloric acid that does a few things towards digestion.
Enzymes & Probiotics Is Our Immune System We age, acquire illness and disease because we run out of enzymes! Our EducaƟonal Health Program will teach us to super charge our immune system, rejuvenate our skin, eliminate illness and dis-ease and keep us youthful well into the prime years of life. Learn the actual cause of illness and how any illness can be eliminated. Our Philosophy is to -- Clean the Body and Feed the Body! Many people have aƩained “DramaƟc TransformaƟons’ in their lives. This program is also a great beneŌ for our pets. Learn How to AƩain & Retain Our Health Receive an informaƟve, colorful and educaƟonal newsleƩer with Raw Super-Food recipes. 16
Herbal Collective April/May, 2013
Some newsleƩer features - How death-bed cancer was eliminated in 60 days - MS, thyroid and liver cancer completely gone. - Prostate cancer eliminated - Improved eyesight These are just a few of the numerous features.
Receive a valuable giŌ just for requesƟng our newsleƩer. Call us...(250)220-1262 Follow our blog... A great program to help others while EARNING an INCOME
1. The process of making hydrochloric acid alkalinizes the blood. Since blood cannot tolerate an alkaline condition, it dumps the alkalinity through the pancreatic duct into the small intestine and thus the small intestine is alkalized . 2 Secondly, it creates an acid nvironment, so if there is any bacteria or such in the food, it destroys them. 3 It creates an environment that converts pepsinogen into pepsin (a digestive enzyme found in the gastric juice of the stomach). This changes the proteins in the food into substances called peptides. The pepsin reacts on five amino acids (four of these are Essential Amino Acids, which the body cannot produce and must be supplied by various foods). These steps are very important, without which is the start of the breakdown of health. The four Essential Amino Acids are: Tyrosine, Tryptophane, Phenylalanine, and Methonine (a sulfur-bearing amino acid that is essential for the transport of oxygen). The other three Amino Acids are the neuron-transmitting amino acids, but ALL are essential! If we do not have the PeptidePolypeptide conversion with these four Amino Acids in the lower curve of the stomach, they go into the alkaline environment of the small intestine and we will never get the value from them they become they become toxins. This is where all bowel toxemia comes from. An intestinal
toxin, Indole, is formed from Tryptophan by protolytic bacteria; the toxin Phenol is formed from Tyrosine; the toxin Skatole is formed from the bacterial action of Tryptophan; the toxins Putrescine and Cadaverine are formed from the putrefaction of Tryptophan; and the toxin Tyramine is a putrefactive product of Tyrosine. All these bacteria are acting on these undigested Amino Acids. Enzymes are the key in exposing the amino acids through digestion, so the PeptidePolypeptide conversion can take place. When we have that, we do not have putrefaction. If we were eating the food raw as God made it, it would have those enzymes in it.
When we chew our food, it activates those enzymes and the food then is digested as it sits in the cardioid portion of the stomach. But humans have learned to cook the food and thus kill the enzymes—lack of proper digestion is where all of the trouble begins. This is why enzymes are one of the most important elements of life! Follow our educational blog… - More at: www. See ad… ‘Enzymes and Probiotics is Our Immune System.’ Submitted by Louis Hoolaeff, a health educator in Victoria, B.C.
Make Herbal Medicine for Sustainable Health By Chanchal Cabrera
here is a lot of ‘buzz’ these days about sustainable food sources and the environmental necessity of eating locally and seasonally sourced foods. Most thinking people, including even some politicians and food suppliers, now recognize the inherent problems in eating strawberries in January when you live in the cold and snowy north west. The carbon footprint involved is unconscionable and many people are switching to shopping at farmers markets or through community supported agriculture (CSA) programs in order to know their farmer and feel more connected to the source of their food. Many people are choosing to grow at least some of their own foods and even schools are building food gardens to teach children the importance and the pleasure of picking and eating something you grew yourself.
Herbalist Chanchal Cabrera fills herbal capsules. Photo contributed.
And yet there is little to no conversation about the sustainability of our medicines. There are currently around 120 pharmaceuticals in North America derived directly from plant material as a source or starting point for drug manufacture. These are obtained from around 90 different plant species. Of all the other pharmaceuticals, the vast majority are petrochemical derivatives, mostly
Herbal Medicine
Remember... Deadline is
Workshops and classes with Chanchal Cabrera MSc
Spring/Summer 2013
May 15’13
for the
Medical Herbalist
INNISFREE FARM IN COURTENAY, 250-336-8767 Classes & Workshops The Herbal Apothecary Make and take home an herbal first aid kit June 8th, 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Herb walks and Plant ID April 7th, May 15th, June 19th, September 19th, 6.30-8 p.m.
FoundaƟons in Herbal Medicine * Botany & Plant ID * Herbal First Aid * Herbal ConsƟtuents * Uses and ApplicaƟons * Dosing & Safety 4 Monday evenings and one Saturday - 20 hours
Community Herbalist CerƟficate Program *Advanced studies program with pracƟcal tools for herbal health. *Taught by three clinical pracƟƟoners for a solid foundaƟon of medical & herbal knowledge (10 wkds, 150 hrs)
Chanchal Cabrera Chanchal Cabrera has held held the has theFaculty Faculty Chair in Chair inBotanical BotanMedicine at the ical Medicine at the Boucher Institute Boucher InsƟtute of of Naturopathic Naturopathic MediMedicine since 2004, cine since and and has over2004 20 years has over 30 years of clinical experience clinical experience with a specialty in managing cancer and with a specialty in chronic disease. She managing cancer is a certified and chronicMaster disease. Gardener and a She is a cerƟfied certified Horticulture Master Gardener Therapist. and a cerƟfied HorƟclture Therapist.
For more information and to register, please call 250 336-8767 or online at
Herbal Collective April/May
June/July’13 issue of the Herbal Collective Book your Ad Today Email info@
through a benzene intermediary molecule. And of course, even when starting from naturally occurring plant material, petrochemicals are used as solvents, diluents, carriers etc. in the process of discovering and proving the drug, as well as oil being used to make the petri dishes, pipettes and all the other paraphernalia of a research lab or a production facility. We cannot escape the role of petrochemicals in the pharmaceutical supply chain or medical care altogether. So what will happen to our drugs as oil runs out? Peak oil refers to the point in time when the maximum rate of petroleum extraction is reached, after which the rate of production is expected to enter terminal decline. There is no absolute agreement on this date as new deposits are discovered and new extraction methods allow us access to previously unavailable deposits, but it generally considered by experts in the field that out of around 2 trillion barrels of oil that will ever be available, about half has been consumed already.
Students listen during a course at Innisfree Farm in Courtenay. Photo contributed
We are losing plant species art a rapid rate, more and more all the time. Never has the practice of herbal medicine and the disciplines of ethnobotany, ethnopharmacology and natural products research have never been more relevant. This is a body of knowledge that is irreplaceable and will save peoples lives. We don’t need to see peak oil as the only good reason to protect and preserve and promote herbs as medicine. The unaffordable costs, the ghastly side effects, and in many places the complete lack of health care insurance, private or state, all contribute to a compelling reason to empower yourself by studying at least the rudiments of self care and family care.
Horsetail vinegar - a source of minerals for salad dressing. Photo contributed
In other words, we are starting a steady decline in all the products developed and promoted in the past 100 years that derive from this dwindling resource. And drugs are one of them. Not only that, but the 90 or so plant species that are made directly into pharmaceuticals represent just a fraction of the 250,000 plus species that are estimated to exist. We don’t know much about most of them and don’t even know what indigenous wisdom is embodied in the species that modern logging and agriculture cause to go extinct.
I am grateful to modern drugs like antibiotics that save lives but when they are not available I want and need to know that I can use use lichen (old man’s beard), bearberry, elderflower and garlic for infections. 3 indigenous herbs and 1 that is very easy to grow. This is practical, simple, effective, safe information. Herbs are inherently democratic – of the people, for the people and by the people. You can learn enough to grow, harvest and use herbs for healing, safely and effectively. If you want to learn how to take better care of your family, to make your own herbal remedies, to grow and pick your own medicines, then join me on 4 Monday evenings and 1 Saturday in April. Chanchal Cabrera is a medical herbalist at Innisfree farm in Courtenay, B.C.,, or call 250 336 876 Herbal Collective April/May, 2013 19
Have You Swallowed Any Snakes?
here’s an old Zen parable about a foolish peasant who was sent to Hypnotherapy visit his masters house. ByGermana Rovinelli
The master brought him into the study and offered him a bowl of soup, but just as the peasant was about to drink it, he noticed a small snake in his bowl. Not wanting to offend his master he drank it anyway, and within a few days fell so ill that he was brought back to the house. The master again took him into his study and prepared some medicine in a small bowl, which he then gave to the peasant. Just as the peasant was about to drink the medicine, he noticed another snake in the bowl. This time he pointed it out and loudly complained that this was the reason he was sick in the first place. Roaring with laughter, the master pointed to the ceiling where a large bow was hanging. “It is the reflection of the bow you are seeing,” he said, “there is no snake at all.” The peasant looked again and, sure enough, there was no snake in his bowl, only a reflection. He left the house
HYPNOTHERAPY Live a better life with hypnotherapy. * * * * *
Eating Disorders Phobias Depression Weight Loss Past Life Regression and more
Ask me about becoming a Certiſed Clinical Hypnotherapist 250-591-5327 250-714-4369 Over 20 years experience 20
Herbal Collective April/May, 2013
Photo credit: cotinis / / CC BY-NC-SA
without taking the medicine and regained his health within the day. When we accept limitations about our world and ourselves we have swallowed imaginary mental snakes. And they are always real…until we find out otherwise. Once your subconscious mind has accepted a belief or idea, whether true or not, it will continually feed you thoughts to support that belief. Let’s say you unconsciously believe that it’s hard to establish a loving relationship. This belief, repeated to yourself, soon becomes imprinted on the subconscious mind. Once imprinted, it will feed your mind with thoughts such as, “ I’ll never meet someone I like,” “It’s impossible to meet a good partner,” “Relationships never work,” and so on. When you meet someone special your thoughts become, “ He’s probably not that nice,” “Why bother trying? It won’t work,” or “She’d never be interested in me.” Furthermore, your mind is convinced that “it’s hard to have a good relationship,” will magnify any incidents that support this belief and will ignore or dismiss incidents that indicate the opposite. Our mind will distort our perception of reality to make it conform to our beliefs. This “cause and effect pattern” impacts every area of our lives. You may struggle with anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, addictions and other self-sabotaging behaviors that can be linked to post-hypnotic suggestions (mental snakes that make us sick). When we (you and your hypnotherapist) clear the problems your life changes. I personally have witnessed people who struggled with their issues for 30-50 years, experience relief and recovery from their problems using hypnotherapy. Your subconscious mind is very powerful. You can remove the obstacles to your health and happiness using hypnotherapy. Call Germana Rovinelli Office 250-591-5327 Cell 250714-4369 or email
World Renowned Holistic Health Educator Lou Corona in Western Canada At the age of twenty one Lou was suffering from a multitude of illness ranging from asthma to a tumor, eventually coming to a place where he was able to heal himself from chronic asthma, severe allergies, major constipation, candida, debilitating arthritis, a cancerous tumor and severe acne.
• Acid reflux • Allergies • Arthritis • Asthma • Cancer • Chronic fatigue • Diabetes • Fibromyalgia • Excess weight • PMS • IBS • Inability to reproduce.
Lou’s continuous self-transformations and love/guidance for those that are seeking to get well and stay well is enough to inspire millions or people transform personal and planetary consciousness. Now hundred of thousands are experiencing these profound teachings as well as personal transformation Lou at age 60 that opens up to a comLou undoubtedly defied the munity of joyful, radiant Lou is in Parksville May 25-26, odds and was then guided beings whom are increasKelowna May 28, Edmonton May 30 ingly in love with the gift to ‘The 4 Principles’ during a near-death experience. Master the Art of Living with of life – it’s a choice! After getting this undeniable Find out how we can use 4 Simple Principles wake-up call he was men4 key principles to tored from a very mastercompletely transform & ful individual on how to implement these simple yet revitalize our life. profound teachings into his life so that it made sense. Parksville…at the Tigh Na Mara Resort… After six months of personal coaching/mentoring, everything Lou had previously suffered from, dissolved. Saturday – an afternoon of Lou's story and his amazEver since, Lou has been living a radiant and healthy ing feats of strength and stamina. FREE! 1-5 p.m. lifestyle, empowering, inspiring, educating, and motiSunday – Empowerment Training –1-5 p.m. vating others about 'The 4 Principles'. An exclusive event for those who want greater indepth of 'The 4 Principles'. During this event we'll Over the past twenty-three years Lou has facilitated focus more on exactly HOW we can maximize our seminars, classes and workshops about the life-changhealing potential. A paid event with limited seating… ing tools that have consistently brought about radiant get your ticket reservation early. health, freedom and transformation for hundreds of thousands of people around the globe. Many of the Call Leading Edge Health for tickets… people who have integrated 'The 4 Principles' into 250-220-1262 their way of being have overcome conditions such as: Follow our blog…
Contest! Win Prizes!! How would you like to win a prize, just for being a reader? Just answer the simple questions in the ads on the pages given, then send your name and address to page 2 for prize list. Pg 2- What is one thing that Pure Leverage does? Pg 4 - What is the name of the skin oil? Pg 5 - What can you grow herbs for? Pg 5 - What are Salvestrols? Pg 8 - What is the name of the book on the spaghetti fork?
Pg 16 - What does the headline say in the ad? Pg 18 - What is the name of the herb course in the middle column? Pg 20 - What can hypnotherapy do? (5 bullets) Pg 21 - Where is Lou speaking in Parksville? Pg 22 - What can aloe vera do for skin? Pg 23 - What are the radio station for CHLY? Pg 24 - When is the Body, Soul & Spirit Expo in Nanaimo? Three winners will be drawn. So do it today. Make sure you join our newsletter at to get notified. Herbal Collective April/May, 2013
How Aloe Vera Helped Me! Elaine’s Story
By Elaine Michaud
In Dec 2007 I was told I had cancer: A rare type of cancer, Olfactory Neuroblastoma, a type of cancer which is in the sinus area. and had invaded my right frontal brain lobe. It was also in my throat and in the lymph nodes in my neck. It was diagnosed as inoperable! The radiologist and the oncologist, along with several other doctors, decided on a course of radiation and chemotherapy. So, five days a week for six weeks I received radiation treatments, along with six sessions of chemo. It only took three sessions of chemotherapy to land me in hospital. The radiation burned the inside of my throat so badly that I could not drink water let alone eat. The burning was so severe that one week later the doctors placed a tube feeding in my stomach. For the next six weeks I was in and out of the hospital.
Discover the Power of Aloe Vera Experience: ~better health, ~smoother skin, ~enhanced digestion ~ improved immune function ~ better weight and energy levels
Feel the difference quality makes. Marguerite, Ladysmith Maureen, Courtenay Elaine, Campbell River
250-924-4440 250-338-7105 250-202-3915 22
Herbal Collective April/May, 2013
One day, while I was in the hospital waiting for even more treatments, I overheard my radiologist say that mine was a “bleak case”. Still, every day the doctors would send me for more radiation. The attendants put me in a mask that kept my head from moving: Then the radiation beams were once more shot at my many tumors. Long before this, in 1983, I was introduced to a juice made from a specific type of Aloe Vera. This variety is Barbadensis Miller. It is known as the true healing species of the vast varieties of the aloe plants. My whole family started drinking this juice every day. For years, I had been suffering with a stomach ulcer and then suddenly it was gone! In addition, I found drinking a glass of aloe juice every morning gave me extra energy to keep me going all day: I no longer had allergies. So, as I was not able to eat because of the radiation of my throat, I would pour undiluted Aloe Vera juice into my feeding tube. I felt it gave me all the nutrients (over 300 nutrients) I needed to sustain me until I could eat. Once I was able to swallow, I started drinking warm diluted Aloe Vera juice which helped heal my throat and prevent sores in my mouth in conjunction with brushing my teeth with Grace Hydrating as tooth paste. I had been told that I could lose some of my teeth from all the radiation but that didn’t happen! Bleak Case? Maybe! I knew when I did the research on this type of cancer that the outcome was not expected to be favorable but I knew in my soul that I would beat the odds. And, I have! Disclaimer: Each individual is different and no claims can be made for how aloe vera will affect a person’s health. This is one person’s story. Editor’s Note: According to Elaine’s mother Maureen Glowasky, “she should never have lived. The doctors never expected her to.” Aloe Vera has been researched and studied by Dr. Ivan Danhof, Ph.D, MD, who is considered the foremost expert of the aloe vera plant and its healing abilities. Often quoted as the ‘Father of Aloe,’ Dr. Danhof was the first to identify more than 300 biologically active components in the aloe vera plant in the late 1970s and later went on to publish a book, Remarkable Aloe, in 1984.
Make Easy Herbal Vinegars Making herb flavoured vinegars is an enjoyable way to make use of fresh or dried herbs. Simple equipment found in any kitchen can be used to make herb vinegars using a base such as balsamic, cider, malt, rice, sherry, red or white wine vinegar. Make sure all items used such as utensils, bottles, or any containers have been washed in hot, soapy water and rinsed. Use non-reactive containers including the jars and lids used for steeping the vinegar. A wide variety of herbs can be used such as; basil, bay, borage, salad burnet, chervil, chives, dill, fennel, garlic, lavender, lemon balm, lemon verbena, lovage, marjoram, oregano, parsley, rose geranium, rosemary, sage, savory, shallot, spearmint, sweet cicely, tarragon and thyme. Wash the herbs gently and pat dry with a paper towel. Discard any leaves or stems that are brown or otherwise unhealthy. Strip leaves from stems though small sprigs can be used. Put in a clean jar and pour selected vinegar over herbs to steep. If you are using spices, you will need to heat the vinegar just to boiling water to release the essential oil. Spices used in vinegars include; allspice, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, peppercorns, nutmeg and seeds of anise, dill, caraway, celery, coriander, cumin and mustard. You may wish to use a combination of herbs and spices. Use mild vinegars with mild herbs like lavender, lemon balm, lemon verbena, chervil, burnet, borage and sweet cicely. A more robust vinegar can be used with stronger flavoured herbs such as garlic, oregano and rosemary. Experiment with combinations. Salad burnet goes nicely with chives. Rosemary and peppercorns steep well in balsamic vinegar. Once the vinegar has been made let the mixture steep in a dark place at room temperature. Shake the jar every couple days and taste the vinegar after a week. If you prefer a stronger flavor, let it stand for another one to two weeks, shake occasionally. When the vinegar is to your liking, strain it and pour into clean, sterilized decorative bottles. Cap and label. Fruits can also be added to homemade vinegars. These include fruits like; berries of all types, black currants, apricots, cherries, dates, figs, kiwis, citrus fruits, mangos, nectarines, oranges, papayas, peaches, pears, persimmons, pineapples, plums, tangerines and watermelons. Cut up fruit and put into a steeping container. Pour
enough vinegar to completely cover the fruit. Follow the same steps for steeping herbs and spices. When the taste is to your liking, strain the mixture and pour into a stainless steel pan. Add Ÿ to 1 cup sugar or 3 tablespoons to ž cup honey to each 4 cups of vinegar. Bring it to a simmer, stirring frequently and cook for 3 minutes. Do not boil. Skim off any foam that develops, let the vinegar cool and pour into bottles. Herbs and spices can be used to provide extra flavouring to fruit vinegar. The Radio Malaspina Society is the non-profit that operates community access radio station CHLY. For over ten years, CHLY has been broadcasting from studios in downtown Nanaimo. CHLY reaches a population of 1.5 million residents of Canada’s West Coast. Through the vital support of our membership, local businesses, and the students of VIU-Malaspina Campus, we are growing stronger every day. Within our broadcast range, your radio station can be heard at 101.7 on the FM dial, and worldwide at
A few shows you may find interesting: see the full schedule on
Character Driven, Mondays at 2pm Changes, Tuesdays at 11am Living for the Health of It, Tuesdays at 2pm Project Bliss, Tuesdays at 8pm A Sound Constitution, Thursdays at 10am Altered Egos, Saturdays at 10am
Herbal Collective April/May, 2013
We still have some great exhibit space available...