Hc DecJan'14

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The Better living with herbs and natural health

Dec/Jan 2014

Herb Blocks Sweetness Oil of Oregano’s Many Uses Avoid Holiday Weight Gain Myocarditis-Silent Heart Stalker


Stay Healthy and Avoid Weight Gain Publisher’s Note

I could hear the sob in her voice. It was barely there but I knew she was containing herself to tell the story of her daughter’s death – an important story that people needed to know about. It’s important because her daughter’s death from Myocarditis is reportedly the number 3 killer in young people after car accident and suicides. This killer is largely unknown and one woman is making an effort to spread the news to help prevent this tragedy in more young people. You can read Dominique’s story, or Nikki as she was known in this issue and how her mother was to start a Myocarditis Foundation in Canada to offer support to parents and others. There is such a foundation in the U.S. Also in this issue we want to tell you about how you can stay healthy and avoid weight gain over the holiday season. We often make justifications or kid ourselves about eating during the festive season. I always try to fill up on protein and veggies first and then I’m not so tempted by the sweet treats. I just remind myself that the extra pounds I gain Sara Namazi, DHMS, RO


will require a lot of extra work to get rid of in the New Year. What’s really interesting is that you can use herbs and products like essential oils to suppress your appetite – even an essential oil like dill. There are also amazing herbs like gymnema sylvestre, garcinia cambogia and others that are useful at helping to prevent weight gain and burn calories. Sometimes we all need a little extra help and herbs can be just what you need. Also in this issue you will learn how homeopathy challenges the body to better health, how you can keep calm in a crisis, get renewed at a wellness getaway and the many uses for oil of oregano. You will also learn some steps on how to lead children towards healthier diets. I can’t believe another year has flown by and we are standing on the cusp of a bright new year. I wish you all the best the season has to offer and bright wishes for a healthy and prosperous New Year. I also want to thank you for reading the Herbal Collective. I hope the magazine has been a source of information and inspiration for you. If there is anything you wish to know about and would like to see covered, please email me at info@ herbalcollective.ca

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Contents The Theme:

Avoid holiday weight gain with herbs and other techniques. Very merry mind games.....................................6 Food excuses.....................................................7 How to enjoy festivities without regret..............16 The herb to block sweetness.............................17

Columns and Departments Herb Profile

The herb to block sweetness.............................16

In the Kitchen

Crab cakes with arugula pesto..........................11

Flower Essences

Keeping calm in a crisis....................................12

Pet Health


Many uses for oil of oregano..............................4 Myocarditis-silent heart stalker............................8 How myocarditis affects people..........................9 Herbs vital to a healthy balance........................10 Get renewed with wellness getaway.................13 Homeopathy challenges the body to wellness..14 Help kids make healthy choices.......................18 Many benefits to Chinese medicine..................22

The Herbal Collective published by Pro Write Publishing Publisher/Editor - Marilyn Zink Contact: 250-722-7108, 1796 Alice Rd., Nanaimo, B.C., V9X 1V5 info@herbalcollective.ca, www.herbalcollective.ca Advertising Sales: Call: 250-722-7108 Contributors

Germana Rovinelli, Sarah Brune, Ian Gartshore, Carola Schleuss, Louis Hoolaeff , Colin Gillies The Herbal Collective is published every second month by Pro Write Publishing and distributed through health food stores, book stores, restaurants, gardening centers, natural practitioners, drugs stores and other locations that endorse a healthy and environmentally sound approach.Advertising deadline is around the 15th of every second month. Subscriptions are $20.95 a year. The opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those of the editor. Different viewpoints are welcome. All editorial material is copyrighted. Any medical advice is given solely for information purposes only and no responsibility is assumed on the publisher’s part. Copyright Š 2012

Natural parasite cleansing for puppies..............21


Soul healing with hypnotherapy.......................20

Please Support Our Advertising Sponsors Judy Forester, www.cranialsacral.ca...................2 Sara Namazi, www.homeopathy111.com..........2 Wild Oil of Oregano, www.wildoiloforegano. com, www.wildtamanuoil.com...........................4 Lobelias Lair, www.lobeliaslair.com...................5 Triangle Healing, www.trianglehealing.com.......5 Doug Kuramoto, Pacific Holistic.........................8 Colin Gillies, homeopath..................................15 Sarah Brune, www.Bachflowerscanada.com.....12 Ian Gartshore, www.shorewellness.ca..............16 www.honeymoonbayretreat.com......................13 Germana Rovinelli, www.germana.ca..............17 Marlene Louch, www.myjavita.com/liquidheaven.com..............19 www.LeadingEdgeHealth.org...........................19

Many Uses for Oil of Oregano Oil of oregano is a potent anti-viral and anti-bacterial herb. It is popular in the fall and winter to treat viruses responsible for colds and flus. However oil of oregano has many other uses as well. Oregano oil contains several compounds however its primary ingredient, a phenol known as carvarol, was found to be one of the most effective antibiotics known to science. In lab tests done at Georgetown University it was found to be more effective than pencillin, streptomycin and even vancomycin – considered to be the strongest antibiotic. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, oregano oil does not create resistant strains of mutant bacteria. It effectively eliminates any pathogens that cross its path. Not all oil of oregano varieties are equal. Note: Avoid contact with eyes. Do not apply undiluted on sensitive skin areas (test first). When taking orally in water, stir oil into water well just before drinking. Do not take internally during pregnancy.

Acne / Pimples: Add 1 drop Oil of Oregano to liquid face soap or cleanser in palm of hand and wash face twice daily. After cleaning, apply a very thin film of Oil of Oregano directly onto pimples morning and evening.

Arthritis / Rheumatism: Rub a small amount of Oil of Oregano on affected joints morning and evening until condition improves.

Asthma: (not intended to replace necessary medical treatment) In the event of an asthma attack rub Oil of Oregano on chest and inhale the vapors directly from the bottle. Repeat several times daily. Also drink 2 drops of Oil of Oregano in a small glass of water (stir well), 2-3 times daily.

Athlete's foot: Rub Oil of Oregano on affected areas of feet, being sure to reach areas between the toes. Repeat 2-3 times daily until signs of infection have cleared.

Boils: Apply Oil of Oregano directly onto the boil 3 times per day. Also drink 2 drops of Oil of Oregano in a small glass of water, 2-3 times per day.

Bursitis: Rub Oil of Oregano directly onto the joints 3 times per day. Also drink 2 drops of Oil of Oregano in a small glass of water, 2-3 times per day.

Candida (Candidiasis): Drink 2 drops of Oil of Oregano in a small glass of water, 2-3 times per day. For external infection on non-sensitive areas, apply Oil of Oregano to affected areas, 3 times per day. For external infection on sensitive areas, dilute 1 drop of Oil of Oregano in 3 tablespoons of a carrier oil such as extra virgin olive oil or almond oil. Apply 3 times per day.


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Herbal Collective Dec/Jan’14

Dilute 1 drop of Oil of Oregano in 3 tablespoons of a carrier oil such as extra virgin olive oil or almond oil. Dab onto the sores several times per day.

Colds: As a preventative, drink 2 drops of Oil of Oregano in a small glass of water, once per day. If a cold is starting, take 2 drops of Oil of Oregano 3 times per day until symptoms are alleviated.

Cold Sores: Dilute 1 drop of Oil of Oregano in 3 tablespoons of a carrier oil such as extra virgin olive oil or almond oil. Apply to cold sore at first sign of its occurrence. Also drink 1 drops of Oil of Oregano in a small glass of water, 2-3 times per day.


double the dosage. To help fight infection, drink 5 drops of Oil of Oregano in a small glass of water 5 times per day. Eczema: Rub Oil of Oregano on all affected areas twice per day. Drink 2 drops of Oil of Oregano in a small glass of water twice per day. Fingernail and Toenail Infections: Drink 2 drops of Oil of Oregano in a small glass of water before each meal. Apply Oil of Oregano to the nail and nail bed, as well as rubbing some on surrounding area.

Drink 2 drops of Oil of Oregano in a small glass of water, 2-3 times per day.

Dandruff / Seborrhea:


Add 2-3 drops of Oil of Oregano to shampoo in palm of hand and wash hair and scalp thoroughly. Allow shampoo to soak in for a few minutes before rinsing. Be careful to avoid contact with eyes.




Diarrhea: Drink 2 drops of Oil of Oregano in a small glass of water, 3 times per day. For severe cases, double the dose. Be sure to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.

Digestive Problems:


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Drink 1 drop of Oil of Oregano in a small glass of water before each meal.

E. Coli: For prevention, drink 2 drops of Oil of Oregano in a small glass of water twice daily. During local outbreaks,


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Very Merry Mind Games 5 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


y now, we all know that the average North American gains five to seven pounds over the course of the holidays. (Most of us have experienced this phenomenon ourselves.) There are all sorts of reasons why we fight the annual battle of the waistline bulge: cold temperatures, warm leftovers, less daylight, more office parties and family get-togethers, darker weather, and—lest we forget—free food and plenty of it! If nothing else, says Gary Marino, the holiday season shows how clever we can be at coming up with so-called “good reasons” to postpone taking care of ourselves. “I used to be the master of holiday-buffet excuses,” says Marino, producer and star of the new film Million Calorie March: The Movie, which documents his Florida to Boston obesity awareness walk. “For a large chunk of my adult life, I was one Super Bowl party away from 400 pounds. For me, the holidays provided a perfect excuse to wave the white flag and roll the dice on a successful New Year’s resolution—and that’s still the case for a lot of people. “Forget the debt ceiling in Washington,” he adds. “Most of us this time of the year are raising our weight ceiling.” While most people gamble on a successful New Year’s resolution and enjoy their holiday overindulgence, the fact is that New Year’s resolutions represent the triumph of hope over experience. “We have a 95 percent failure rate on long-term weight loss in this country,” shares Marino. “The truth is, most of our resolutions will have shaved their heads and checked into rehab Britney Spears-style by the end of February.” That’s where a basic understanding of psychology comes in handy. Since willpower is not enough, it’s helpful to know what, exactly, is going on inside your head when you try (and sometimes fail) to overcome overindulgence. “We can always find a reason for procrastinating and avoiding doing what we consider difficult or unpleasant,” says retired psychologist Dr. Howard Rankin. “That’s largely because humans aren’t usually logical. Instead, we’re emotional, psychological beings…with an emphasis on the ‘psycho.’ Fortunately, when you know beforehand the pitfalls into which your pleasure-driven 6 Herbal CollectiveDec/Jan’14

brain might cause you to fall, your odds of avoiding them improve.” First, Rankin says, it’s useful to understand psychologists’ five-stage motivation model. “As you navigate everything from holiday hors d’oeuvres to sit-down feasts, these are the stages you’ll pass through—or not—on your way to behavior change,” he says. 1. Pre-contemplation. Here, there is no acknowledgment of the need to change. This is sometimes called denial. 2. Contemplation. There’s a recognition that change needs to happen, but no commitment to action. 3. Preparation. In this stage, the person readies themselves for change. 4. Action. Here, the person finally takes some action steps. 5. Maintenance. In this ongoing stage, action steps are continued so changes can be developed and preserved. “Standing on the threshold of the holiday season, you’re probably at Stage 3,” Rankin says. “You’ll probably make it partially through Stage 4. Stage 5 is where you’re in the most danger of slipping up. If you allow excuses and rationalizations to get you off track, your new resolutions will never solidify into habits.” Since forewarned is forearmed, here are six rationalizations to watch out for as you’re fa-la-la-ing through a food-dominated season:



Here are six rationalizations to watch out for as you’re fa-la-la-ing through a food-dominated season:

Rationalization # 1: “I can’t be rude or unsociable.” Here’s what you’re thinking: I don’t want to seem rude or unsociable. Aunt So & So hates it when I don’t try her triple-decker red velvet cake. And if I don’t polish off a giant slice, she’ll hover nonstop until I tell her what was wrong with it. “Pick your spots when possible,” advises Marino. “In the example above, make the decision that you’ll enjoy your aunt’s cake since she does place such a high importance on it, but back off on other offerings. Also, remember that taking care of yourself is not being unsociable; it’s being smart.”

Rationalization # 2: “I can hide it.” Here’s what you’re thinking: I can hide my excess weight better under winter clothes. If others can’t see it, I won’t either. This is the perfect time of year to let go and indulge a little bit. “You can wear all the urban camouflage you want, but at the end of the day, do those bulky layers really make you feel better about yourself?” Marino asks. “Furthermore, keep in mind that hiding your weight gain won’t make it magically go away. If you’re anything like me, you’ll hate putting the winter coat away when you can no longer stand the heat!”

Rationalization # 3: “Winter is coming.” Here’s what you’re thinking: Shorter daylight hours and colder weather mean I won’t be able to exercise. Might as well stop now—a week or two won’t make much difference. “This excuse is especially flimsy if you live somewhere like Miami,” Marino points out. “But even for a Boston resident like myself, there’s still a gym just around the corner—and they make some great thermal workout gear these days. Denial’s a river we all need to avoid.”

Rationalization # 4: “I’ll wait ’til the New Year.” Here’s what you’re thinking: This year is almost over. I’ll wait until January 1st and start off with a clean plate, I mean clean slate. What better time to become the new me than on January 1st?

“Food addiction doesn’t have a calendar,” reminds Marino. “And the problem with a diet that starts on January 1st is January 2nd. Grab inspiration anytime you can get it. Why dig yourself deeper into a hole over the holidays? You’re only making things more challenging for yourself after the big ball drops in Times Square.”

Rationalization # 5: “I’m too busy right now.” Here’s what you’re thinking: There’s so much to do for the holidays. Shopping for gifts, getting the house in order, working out the menus, visiting family and friends… there’s simply not enough time to count calories and stay active. “It’s not about the time,” Marino states. “It’s about how you use it. The fact is, if you make health a priority, you’ll find the time to maintain a reasonable diet and to keep your body moving.”

Rationalization # 6: “I’ll be cooking.” Here’s what you’re thinking: I’m going to be cooking a lot. Staying healthy is just going to be too difficult with all that food around. I’m the chef—I have to eat what I prepare! And I don’t want to let the leftovers go to waste. “Yes, but your house doesn’t have to look like the Walmart food aisles, and you don’t need to stock up with enough food for a bomb shelter,” clarifies Marino. “Buy just enough food for the special occasion and donate the leftovers. Just don’t drop them by my house!” “Yes, it’s a struggle to stay healthy in the best of times, much less in the midst of the holiday eating bonanza,” Marino concludes. “But you have to stay aware and stay in the fight. You know what giving up is like. Many of us have lived it, and it’s no fun there. Fortunately, with mindfulness and motivation, you don’t ever have to go back.” About the Film: Million Calorie March: The Movie documents Gary Marino’s walk from Florida to Boston to raise awareness for childhood obesity, which was followed by some 70 million people. It highlights the trials and tribulations Marino encountered along the walk, as well as the difficulties faced in making meaningful change to the country’s leading health problem. Million Calorie March: The Movie can be downloaded at www.chill.com/GMM/ million-calorie-march-the-movie. Herbal Collective Dec/Jan’14 7

Myocarditis -Silent Heart Stalker Dominique’s Story who had so much to offer to the world. She was an angel in disguise. But for most of the day phrases like: kindest, sweetest, laughing, smiling, easygoing are the words that come instantly to mind. Her story began just over 20 years ago in Victoria BC on Feb. 1, 1993. Dominique, who’s nicknamed Nikki, had a birth that was something of a struggle, shaping the personality of this special soul. Nikki wasn’t ever in a hurry to do things according to some worldly perceived norm; she was four-years-old before she bothered to start talking; I guess she had nothing to complain about up to that point. For her entire life, Nikki lived with absolutely no sense of time; other than she really didn’t like having to wake up in the morning.

Good night Mom”. “Ok, See you tomorrow and don’t forget you have to pick your brother up.”

But, tomorrow never came. She had no visible signs or symptoms and seemed fine. She didn’t wake up that morning on April 16, 2013. The paramedics and everyone tried their best but she was long gone. We were in shock and disbelief as to how could this happen? What happened? How could we not notice anything was wrong with her? It wasn’t until the coroner came to our house and told us that she died because of Viral Myocarditis and there was nothing we could have done. That was when things started to come together. What made it worse for us was knowing that this is the #3 killer of young people and still little is known or can be done about it. Dominique was such a beautiful young woman

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Herbal Collective Dec/Jan’14

The greatest lesson that Nikki learned in those early years in school stuck with her to this very day; when asked how she did after her last set of exams her response was: “All I can do is my best; I’m not going to stress about it.” Nikki loved Christmas, and Halloween more than any other holidays.The things that Nikki loved the most, aside from people, would be her cat Humpy; anything Japanese like anime, sushi, clothing and art; British TV mystery’s like Miss Marple and Poirot. To quote, Nikki, “the British do it so well.” She loved going on line and could stay up all night writing poetry and short stories. She also loved drawing and music. Dominique had a certain dramatic flair about her own responses to life. Being called away from something she was into would most certainly be met with a sigh of “ Are you serious”, loud enough to be heard throughout the neighbourhood. If she was genuinely ill, everyone in the house would know just how terrible she was feeling. Dominique always said whatever she was feeling; the absolute truth at all times; which certainly could be a little disconcerting if you weren’t familiar with her. Dominique’s life is just chock full of great life lessons; about loving people, giving hugs, being cheerful, doing your best, not stressing; the list goes on. She had an innocence about her - she thought people were great. Michelle Butkus, Dominique’s Mother To learn more about myocarditis - see next page.

How Myocarditis Affects People


yocarditis is a relatively unknown silent killer of young people. It is believed this heart disease is responsible for 5 to 20% of all cases of sudden death in young adults. The disease usually occurs in young, otherwise healthy people, though anyone may be susceptible. It is a poorly understood, often undiagnosed illness marked by inflammation and damage to the heart muscle. It can rapidly lead to heart failure and death. Every year several thousand people are diagnosed with myocarditis – however the true incidence of this silent killer is unknown due to the variable nature of presenting symptoms and the lack of recognition for the disease. Symptoms Symptoms vary from fatigue, heart palpitations and chest pain or pressure. The legs may swell or there may be shortness of breath, chest pain, lightheadedness, irregular heartbeat and sudden loss of consciousness. Sometimes there are no symptoms. Diagnosis Myocarditis is diagnosed through a variety of tests. An Electrocardiogram (electrical activity of the heart), a chest x-ray, an echocardiogram, a heart biopsy or a cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan may be one of the ways it is done. Prognosis The prognosis of myocarditis depends on the cause of the disease, when the patient was diagnosed and the patient’s condition. Some patients recover completely but many have long term after effects such as chronic heart failure. Death may occur early on or result from long term complications of dilated cardiomyopathy with chronic heart failure.

Treatment Myocarditis is most often treated with medications to for heart failure. Rest and a low salt diet are often recommended. Myocarditis Foundation Information on myocarditis is still rare though there is a foundation where people can go for more information. Tragically there is no Canadian foundation at this time – no information for people to get locally and no support to families who have lost a loved one. Michelle Butkus, mother of Dominique, is putting her efforts towards fundraising for a Canadian foundation. To date $715 has been raised from the raffle of a $1,000 gift basket donated by Elizabeth Arden at The Bay in Nanaimo, B.C., Michelle’s employer. “I appreciate my managers (Tammy Feser and store manager Maureen Robertson) and my co-workers to support this event, to give me a platform to do this. They were just full on board, especially for a cause that’s not really known. That was just huge.” While the memory of Dominique’s passing is still fresh (she died this past April 16), Butkus says she wants to hold an event every year to raise public awareness and also among doctors as well. Butkus, who is married and has two a 16-year-old son, 11 year-old son and a 24-year-old daughter, says Dominque had no symptoms prior to her death though there is a history of heart disease in the family. Butkus said it’s made her more aware of how herbs and natural health products can help bolster the immune system and improve heart conditions. To learn more about myocarditis please visit the foundation at www.myocarditisfoundation.org or contact Michelle at myocarditiscanada@gmail.com

Remember... Deadline is January 17 for the

February/March’14 issue of the Herbal Collective Book your Ad Today

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Herbal Collective Dec/Jan’14


Herbs Vital to a Healthy Balance By Klaus Ferlow, HMH, HA rowing up in Northern Germany “country style”, I quickly developed a love for the bounties of Mother Nature especially berries, herbs, flowers, fruits and vegetables.


The value of herbs to our lives and to our health cannot be overstated, since our ancestors first walked the earth, herbs have formed the basis of medicine chests, cosmetics bowls, culinary spice jars, perfume vials and dye pots. Most herbs in their natural state are safe, and do not leave a residue in the body that could produce negative side effects. Drugs tend to treat or mask the symptoms or condition, while herbals emphasize a preventative approach to healthcare helping to balance and support the bodily functions. The compounds in herbs work synergistically in the body to promote healing. All plants have therapeutic properties as they contain a variety of biologically active substances. Plants undergo photosynthesis, transforming carbon dioxide into energy rich substances. The resulting carbon chains are further transformed into a variety of compounds such as lipids, alkaloids, essential oils and tannins. Through other biochemical processes, minerals and nitrates are absorbed by the roots and transformed into vitamins, trace minerals and antibiotics. Herbs can affect biological systems in our bodies at the cellular level. Ultimately these high levels of biologically active substances can produce pharmacological and therapeutic affects. The nutritional value of herbs is high and organically grown herbs (no herbicide and pesticide spraying and chemical fertilizer) offer maximum benefits. Herbs are extensively used in cosmetics, (there is a growing demand for TOXIN free medicinal herbal and personal care products worldwide) herbal creams & ointments, lotions, shampoos, toothpastes, soaps, oils, tinctures, sprays and in cooking. The multitude of uses for herbs as foods, medicines and in products emphasizes how vital botanical plants are to our health and well being. Recently however, there has been a resurgence of interest in herbs and healing. As people begin to lose faith in prescription drugs and antibiotics, they are rediscovering that herbs and herbal remedies and products are an effective and comparatively inexpensive form of healthcare. Herbal medicine represents a particular approach to healing which differs from allopathic medicine. Rather than 10 Herbal CollectiveDec/Jan’14

relieving a single symptomwith single active ingredient, herbs offer a holistic approach by striving to deal with the entire system and treating the cause. Herbal medicine can only be truly holistic if it acknowledges the social and cultural context in which the illnesses occurred, and then the desired healing takes place. (Body, Mind & Spirit). According to Chris Kilham, the medicine hunter, www. medicinehunter.com over five billion people today are still using herbal remedies for healing! The renewed interest in holistic medicine, as well as a great number of traditional therapies, has encouraged changes within the existing medical profession. Given the severe financial crisis of our medical system (many professional predict a collapse within 5 – 10 years) it is incumbent upon us all to seek out and utilize appropriate health alternatives. Let me quote you from the “Pocket Herbal Reference Guide”, by Debra St.Clair, MH (Master Herbalist): “After the ability to synthesize medicine from inert substances such as petroleum and minerals was developed, the therapeutic use of herbs diminished. The art of pharmacy turned to the production of drugs which could bring the quickest relief of symptoms, ignoring the reason that the symptoms appeared. As we look back perhaps it is time to reconsider the path. The use of substances has spawned a myriad of unexpected problems, such as suppression of the very signals that our bodies produce to alert us to a need of change. Pain itself is a call to action – a call to remedy and in balance in our lifestyle. The proficient use of herbal therapy is directly connected to our ability to sense that first signal and to adjust our lifestyle accordingly. It is when these signals are continually ignored that disease has a chance to seat itself more deeply within our bodies. The appropriate use of herbs is one of many health alternatives to our medical system.” And remember: For every disease we know, Mother Earth provides a herb to grow. Those who do not spend time every day on health, will sacrifice one day a lot of time on illness, since Health IS Wealth! Klaus Ferlow, HMH, HA, author, innovator, lecturer, researcher, writer, founder and co-owner of Ferlow Botanicals, Div. of Ferlow Brothers Ltd, Vancouver, B.C., and board member of many herbal and health organizations.

Got a Recipe to Contribute? Please email to info@herbalcollective.ca

Crab Cakes 1/4 cup mayo 1/4 cup minced onion 2 eggs 1/2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce 1/2 tsp. dry mustard 1/4 tsp. paprika 1/4 tsp. salt 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper 1 lb. crabmeat (4 cans, 120 gm) 1 cup plus 1/4 cup crushed soda crackers 2 Tbsp. butter Mix together with 1/4 cup crackers. Shape and coat with remainder. Fry in butter and oil mix. Flip when browned on one side, then brown second side. This recipe can be halved

Arugula Pesto 1/3 Cup Sunflower Seeds or walnuts (Soaked 10-20 min) 2-3 Cloves Garlic 1 cup or ½ cup parsley and arugula 3-4 Tbsp of Olive Oil Sea Salt to taste… Put the sunflower seeds or walnuts and the garlic in the food processor, then add everything else! Pulse then it’s ready to go! Use the pesto with the crab cakes, to stuff mushrooms, put it on julienned vegetables, over pasta, as a dip or anything you like. Note: If you don’t have the time or patience to soak the sunflower seeds, it can be added to the food processor and blended as is - it might take a little longer to get a smoother pesto. Add more olive oil as needed.

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Keeping Calm in a Crisis


rom time to time does your life seem to be spinning out of control? It certainly has seemed to be a recurring situation in my life recently. In the past month I have had internet and server problems, which is not so good when you are running a business with an online store. Our phone line was down; we continue to have problems with our vehicle and dishwasher, and the constant saga with elderly in-laws. The stress level raised last week with an article deadline, the internet was down again, and I was informed by a peer that they liked my website so much that they had decided to copy it – design, content and photos (which has now been resolved). To cap it off all the battery in the fire detector was low so every few seconds it beeped, and I was unable to remove the battery. My homeopath always assures me that things will pass, and sometimes things get so out of hand that one can see the funny side of it when telling others

Inner Harmony Healing All natural Bach Flower Remedies

Are you ready to CHANGE your life, ENHANCE your career, and CHANGE attitudes around you? Find solu ons in the system of 38 remedies... Introductory Course on the Flower Remedies of Dr. Edward Bach Experience the remedies first hand and incorporate them into your daily life March 1 & 2, 2014 - Courtenay, B.C. Fall, 2014 - Port Alberni, B.C. Sarah Brune, BFRP 250-331-3228 www.BachFlowersCanada.com 12

Herbal CollectiveDec/Jan’14

of all my woes. The same can be said after receiving a text from a friend describing their awful stressful day. For general stress Rescue Remedy is useful to have on hand. It can help you to face the situation in a better frame of mind, and will help to reduce your fear and nervousness. It contains: Impatiens (keeps you calm), Star of Bethlehem (neutralizes trauma), Cherry Plum (restores balance), Rock Rose (restores courage and a peace of mind), and Clematis (keeps you focused). It can be taken as often as necessary before a stressful event and will provide comfort and reassurance. Rescue Remedy often brings an immediate effect that will put you back in control Simply take 4 drops or 2 sprays either directly into the mouth, or added to a beverage of your choice (water, tea, coffee, wine, beer etc.) Take as often as needed. Testimonial Four sprays of Rescue Remedy saved my day this week when our son called to tell us his truck had broken down AGAIN while away at college. Our dog getting sick in the back seat of our car after sensing our nervous tension, when we had rushed to get back home to get ready for work on time. What a day!!! Rescue Remedy wiped away my nervous energy and gave me a sense of calm and peace. T. Nielsen

Sarah Brune is a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner, author and educator, and has her Bach Flower practice in the Comox Valley. For more information 250 331 3228 or BachFlowersCanada.com

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Natural Health Directory

See page 23 in this issue or at www.herbalcollective.ca/directory

Get Renewed with Wellness Getaway at Honeymoon Bay Retreat

Imagine waking up every morning during your week long wellness retreat looking forward to each of the new healing experiences available to you! A wellness retreat centre can offer a truly stress-free & relaxing getaway. There aren’t any ferries or planes to catch, which creates a sense of calm even before you begin. Your body & mind can start to relax. Stress-reduction can help with physical and emotional symptoms, such as memory loss, a weakened immune system, decreased energy, premature aging, weight gain, sleeping problems, muscle tension, some relationship issues, and more. Caregivers who have the primary responsibility of caring for others, as well as being workers will benefit the most from an Individualized Wellness Retreat. This can bring you out of an unhealthy cycle of perpetual survival mode. It can bring an awareness of the need for self-care on an on-going, daily basis. It can help prevent burnout and possible emotional & physical crisis that would otherwise force people to take a complete break from life’s responsibilities. Know yourself and take a small break before serious health complications occur. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!” A getaway will help to reset your whole balance with fresh air, gentle physical exercise, healthy foods, & relaxing treatments. Take the opportunity to step back from your daily routine, evaluate your lifestyle and you will begin to see things more clearly and see where you would like to make changes in your life. A personal retreat may help you improve relationships and are an important factor to our long-term health. Taking care of yourself will bring a fulfilling joy to your life, as you choose to love yourself & others. Be released from the “flight or fight” adrenaline rush experience of your daily routine. Experience a creative flow that will start to rise up from your depths. You can enjoy an all-inclusive experience on Vancouver Island. There are extreme nourishing benefits to your body, mind, & soul when you choose a location with a

health conscious chef. During your personalized wellness getaway, you will be encouraged to relax and to receive the healing benefits available to you. Find the time to take good care of yourself it may be the best decision to an optimally healthy & balanced life! Perhaps, the best way to step away from it all and find a great & joyful perspective is to enjoy a personal wellness retreat. Return to your life renewed and refreshed. Contact Honeymoon Bay for a retreat suited to you. Submitted by Jennifer Clarke, RNCP of Honeymoon Bay

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1-888-749-4252 www.honeymoonbayretreat.com Herbal Collective Dec/Jan’14 13

Homeopathy Challenges the Body to Release Toxins for Better Health


n today’s world we are exposed to a barrage of diluted amounts of toxic agents. toxic substances from air pollutants; to chemiHormesis has been formalized by what is known cals such as pesticides and food additives; to in pharmacology as the Arndt-Shultz Law and heavy metals such as mercury, lead, etc.; to polluHueppe’s Rule : high doses kill, medium doses tion through air waves from electromagnetic devices harm and low doses benefit. Homeopathy is ‘apsuch as microwaves, cell phones, smart meters, etc. plied hormesis’. When ingested in homeopathic like The majority of “healthy” people in the industrial- doses, such agents can offer health benefits. ized nations, particularly in the big cities, are mobile Whenever we refer to our environment we percontainers of toxic pollutants with as many as 100 ceive it causally and in a purely materialistic way pollutants documented to live within human tissue. that is limited to our five senses. This mode of We need to consider ways to assist the world perception prevents us from discerning much deeper population to effectively deal with the multitude of underlying levels of Nature. personal health There is another Drugs, which act through chemistry, the most superchallenges to dimension to everybe faced as a ficial level of man’s physiology, simply cannot erase thing in nature, includconsequence ing our environment pathological information residing within our cells. of the growing and our bodies. This toxicological dimension- ENERGYside-effects associated with our chemical, pharmais the deepest and most fundamental of all. ceutical and electromagnetic industries. The various forms and interactions of energy For nearly a century, toxicologists have known of comprise the main subject of the science of physics, a very strange phenomenon called ‘Hormesis.’ The which according to the National Science Education term describes the paradoxical behavior of highly Standards, has been established as the most fundamental in the hierarchy of all sciences. Thus the laws of physics must apply to other sciences and disciColin J. Gillies, Homeopath plines including chemistry, biology and medicine. Adv. Dip. Hom, MBCSH, MAHA, AROH Regd. Homeopathy is subject to the laws of physics. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity states that forceHomeopaths see health as a state of op mal physical, fields constitute the very essence of all matter in mental and social well-being, not merely the absence nature. It can be concluded that these energetic fields of disease or infirmity. By trea ng each person as an control the primary function regulating all of our individual, homeopathy can help with all kinds of ailphysiological and biochemical processes and may ments or condi ons. even constitute a blueprint of life itself. Some examples are: Every structure in the body, including the entire •Acute and childhood diseases chemistry of the body, down to the chromosomes, •Arthri c condi ons is energy-operated and driven by electromagnetic •Asthma and Respiratory disease fields (‘vital force’ in homeopathy). •Autoimmune disease -Chronic Studying human cells from a purely electrical enFa gue syndrome •Diges ve complaints gineering viewpoint determined marked differences •Hormonal issues to oscillation patterns that occur between normal and •Mental and Emo onal distress diseased cells. •Neurological disease - Headache and Au sm •Skin complaints Call Colin •Sleeping problems 250-947-0288 •Urinary complaints

12-221 2nd Avenue W, Qualicum Beach BC 14

Herbal Collective, Dec/Jan’14

It was also discovered that each group of cells emitted different frequencies specific to its organ or tissue of origin. Harmful factors such as faulty nutrition, environmental pollution containing toxic

chemicals or heavy metals, bacteria or viruses weaken and distort cellular electro-magnetic fields prior to the onset of illness and death. It can be concluded that health is nothing but a state of electro-magnetic equilibrium of body cells, while disease and death represent just the opposite – a broken energetic balance. It can be surmised that health and disease represent an ongoing “war of radiations” between the body and harmful elements. Science has found that magnetic elements in living cells are repositories for voluminous amounts of information, the pathological content of which contributes to the development and sustainment of chronic diseases. All of the major assaults (toxic pollutants, infectious agents, or physical or emotional traumas) that the body is not able to overcome become imprinted onto these cellular recordings in a CD-like fashion, and then continuously feed back into the body’s chemistry, altering it adversely. This “cellular memory” could explain the tenacity of chronic diseases and the inability of conventional pharmaceutical methods to eradicate them. Drugs which act through chemistry, the most superficial level of man’s physiology, simply cannot erase pathological information residing within our cells. It is not a prerequisite for medicines to contain a material substance in order to promote healing effects. Such a requirement is necessary only for pharmaceutical medicines, whose action is based on the principles of chemistry. However the human body also can be affected by many other factors in Nature that do not represent pharmaceutical or chemical agents per se. Instead, these factors represent energetic forces that are capable of acting at the level of our energy body. Homeopathic medicines are active energetic entities endowed with coherent and specific oscillations that cannot be explained by the limitations of chemistry. Homeopathic remedies in their higher dilutions and greater potencies do not contain any of the original substance, but only its energetic imprint. The process of homeopathic preparation is evidently capable of transferring energy and information from the subatomic domains of the original crude substance into homeopathic solutions. The physiology of all living systems is being run via computer-like electromagnetic communications. Homeopathic medicines, which contain stored diverse and specific energetic information, interact with the endogenous energetic communication sys-

tem in the living and provide stimulating and correcting signals that promote self-repair and healing by influencing cellular memory. Homeopathic preparations form two main energetic layers that become permanently imprinted into water media: one more superficial, primarily electric, and another, deeper and more subtle, mainly, magnetic layer. While normal water has no net electrical charge, water containing IE clusters (crystal like) found in homeopathic solutions, emits a small electric charge. Colin Gillies is a homeopath practising in Qualicum, B.C.

How Homeopathy Works Why and how do homeopathic medicines work? One ne hypothesis states that when a force is imposed upon a system, it reacts to nullify the effect of that force. Whereas high doses may overwhelm the system, minute doses of toxins serve to irritate and s mulate the defense mechanism, boos ng immune and metabolic capacity to a level which benefits the system as a whole. The dose deemed necessary has been termed the sufficient challenge and is very similar in concept to the miniscule doses of allergens employed by allergists to challenge and raise the body’s defense against allergenic agents. Homeopathy is the only medical system that puts the concept of sufficient challenge to widespread use. The mechanism of ac on of a homeopathic medicine can be looked at according to the ga ng theory of molecular biology (our cells can respond to and process only so much informa on at one me). If a homeopathic medicine engages the cells in a communica on process, the result will be a paral or complete cellular disengagement from the pathological connec on with the disease producing agent(s). The more specific the homeopathic energe c imprint of the actual offending agents or disease process can be, the more capable they are of engaging the cells at the ac on sites of that agent or disease process inside the body and cu ng off their corresponding ac ons (Law of Similars). In effect, a homeopathic medicine can replace the energe c imprint of cells affected by a toxin, for example, and move the body system back towards order. Herbal Collective

Dec/Jan, 2014


How to Enjoy Festivities, No Regrets By Ian Gartshore The winter solstice/Christmas/festive/New Year’s season is a great time to re-connect, work less, celebrate and (of course) eat! All too often, however, we eat too much –especially sweets! Of course sugar gives our brain’s reward centre a really lovely high, and we appreciate our hosts for the great feelings of fullness and pleasure. What we experience later on is another matter! Not only unwanted weight can be added, but we can also experience more food cravings and lethargy. It can be very difficult to stop the resulting cycle as we often later crave more sweets to boost our energy, leading to more lethargy , poor sleep and more cravings... How can herbs and essential oils help us? To begin with, when serving food for your family or friends do try to avoid using sugar and artificial sweeteners. (Artificial sweeteners often increase one’s appetite for sweets and foods, besides often not being good for us.) Some non-sweetened ideas to try: • Roasting or boiling nuts –not only chestnuts. Yummy, nutritious, filling. • Popcorn: try adding Himalayan salt, brewer’s yeast, organic butter or coconut oil, and spices such as rosemary and oregano. • Hot apple juice with a cinnamon stick (helps digestion, too) • Soups, such as chicken, left-over turkey (with lots of vegetables!), squash, tomato with herbs and others warm the body and the soul • Sweet potato baked dish with whole coconut milk, topped with chopped walnuts, unsweetened raw chocolate powder and cinnamon

access to the Young Living blended oils both Purification™ and Peace and Calming™ can be inhaled to relax those hunger cravings. The latter is great for unhappy babies (applied to their heels) and sugarloaded kids, too! Having difficulty curbing your appetite? Besides dill you might also try grapefruit, cumin, real lavender (also helpful if you suffer high blood pressure), marjoram, nutmeg, orange and sandalwood. In the form of essential oil, these can be applied to your temples, wrists, the middle of your feet and stomach. Upset tummy? Avoid those antacids! Pure, therapeutic grade peppermint oil can help you digest all that food. Place a drop in a bit of cool or warm (nonsweetened!) beverage, and slam it down! Cramps? Thyme, ginger, lavender or helichrysum can be applied over your stomach area with a warm compress

Avoiding sweets can be especially difficult when visiting the homes of others. Generally a variety of foods are offered so that one does not have to eat desserts. But those sweets always look so tempting!! Here are some great ways to reduce one’s initial temptation, and to break the sugar craving cycle if one has already indulged. The essential oil of dill is one of the best antidotes to sugar cravings. At someone’s dinner party? Head for the washroom before dessert is served, dash this on to your wrists, then breathe it in. It’s amazing how well it works. I find that dill also suppresses my general appetite. Frankincense resin is an ancient but more difficult to find source of appetite suppression. For those with

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Herb Profile

The Herb to Block Sweetness For Weight Loss and Diabetes

An herb that blocks the sensation of sweetness is being used as an aid to weight loss. Gymnema sylvestre, native to the tropical forests of India, has long been used as a treatment for diabetes. In recent years it has become popular for weight loss as its contains substances that decrease the way sugar is absorbed from the intestines. Gymnema has components like gymnemic acid that block the sensation of sweetness when applied to the tongue. This has great use when one is looking to lose weight and eat less of the high calorie sweet foods that contribute to weight gain. Clinically this has been significant as subjects in studies who had gymnema extracts applied to their tongue ate far fewer calories at a meal compared to others in a control group. Consuming capsules or tablets has not been shown to produce the same effect.

Diabetes Gymnema extracts have been used in diabetic dogs and rabbits to enhance the control of glucose. But it had no apparent effect on animals which had their pancreas removed, which suggests that gymnema enhances the production of insulin. Animal studies show evidence that it does do this by re-generating the insulin producing beta-cells in the pan-

creas. his is further backed up by studies in humans who had both types of diabetes. Gymnema extract also has positive clinical results in both types of diabetes. Patients with Type I diabetes were given an extract of the leaves of gymnema sylvestre while they were on insulin therapy. The 27 patients experienced reduced insulin requirements, fasting blood sugar levels and improved blood sugar control. As a result, it appears that gymnema enhances the action of insulin in Type I diabetes. A study of 22 Type II diabetics given the extra along with oral hypoglycemic drugs demonstrated improved blood sugar control for all patients.

Weight Loss Can Gymnema sylvestre really help with weight loss? An 8-week 2012 study in the Department of Biology at Sri Venkateswara University produced astounding conclusions to support gymnema’s role as a weight loss aid. Researchers gave the extract to obese rats that had been fed a high fat diet. At the end of the study the rats had less body weight and ate less food. Surprisingly their bad cholesterol levels had fallen, which gives insight into the herb’s possible therapeutic use for high cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Festivities, from page 16 or on the middle bottom of your left foot. Other herbs, oils and foods that can really help aid your digestion include: lemon, fennel seed, ginger, lemon balm, anise, German chamomile (can help with heart-burn, crying or colicky babies!), tarragon. warmed cinnamon sticks, and bitter herbs. Gymnema Sylvestre The best way to avoid eating too much is to chew and eat slowly. This is * Natural sweetness inhibitor wise at all times of the year! Take time * Suppresses appetite * Blocks sugar absorption between mouthfuls. Savour the tastes. * Helps balance blood sugar Enjoy your company. Be good to both * Lowers insulin production your body and your soul. The winter holiday season is a time Marlene Louch to celebrate, not regret. May it be a 1-250-338-7949 meaningful season for you and yours.

Ian Gartshore owns the health-supporting company called Shore Wellness Solutions (www.shorewellness.ca).


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Herbal Collective Dec/Jan’14


Help Kids Make the Right Healthy Choices


e need to keep our children in good health‌they are our future! We as parents need to pay careful attention‌our Kids are suffering from the Standard American Diet (SAD)‌too many processed foods, hydrogenated fats, refined sugars and starches! Help Kids Make the Right Choices! We as parents need to pay careful attention to what we feed our children and what we’re filling up their bodies with. Don’t just grab a fruit drink and say, “Oh, that’s healthy.â€? Read the label. Up there in the corner, it has a big starburst: “10 percent real fruit.â€? What that’s really saying is 90 per cent is pure sugar water. They may be fine now, eating the constant sugar, white flour and caffeine drinks – but what a shame when later on, they develop a serious illness because


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Germana Rovinelli : " Ă˜ / , ] " # Certified Personal Trainer * Clinical Hypnotherapist

Office: ?>E >D< >@?= Mobile: ?>E =<A A@BD Email: ÙZÙ Web: Ù Off: 250-591-5327 Cell 250-714-4369 g@germana.ca www.germana.ca 18 Herbal Collective Dec/Jan’14

of their poor eating habits. Have you ever thought about this? You can catch a cold, but you can’t catch cancer. You don’t catch heart disease. You don’t catch diabetes. These are things that are developed over a longer period of time. Our children are programmed to have bad eating habits, especially from all the TV commercials. All of their favorite stars and athletes all push drinking energy drinks filled with sugar, caffeine and carcinogenic food coloring. The message is_if you drink a cola you’re going to be cool. But do you know many of those athletes won’t touch that cola? They know they can’t stay at the top of their game on all those sugars. Neither can we. Even in our smaller children – it’s amazing at how they’re inundated with these messages. Watching TV, they’ll see the kids playing and having a good time while they eat that super, sugary cereal. So, when they go to the grocery store, they’re drawn to it. “Mom, I want this kind!,� they say with excitement. But we as parents need to be aware that much of it is marketing! We should not let our children develop poor eating habits. When you send your child a lunch to school, don’t pack it with a bologna sandwich on white bread with some greasy potato chips and a Twinkie for dessert. Your child is not going to be their best physically or mentally. And we wonder why some children have problems in school and why they can’t seem to concentrate. Many times, it’s because of their poor diet. There was a study done with 68 troubled teenagers. These young men were incarcerated in a juvenile detention center. They were in bad shape. It looked like they were destined for prison. But they decided to experiment with their diet. So they replaced all the colas and fruit drinks with unsweetened juice and with water. All the jellies and donuts and sweetened cereals in

the morning were totally eliminated. They changed out the snack machines with fresh fruit machines. After dinner each night, the desserts were replaced with peanuts, carrot sticks, cheese and popcorn. Three months after making those changes, the number of continually prone troubled teenagers dropped by 80%. Think about that.

ing the source rather than the symptom, then we can correct the problem and do our children greater justice. When we give our children healthy food to eat, it not only gives them the right type of good energy, it gives them a sharper mind. It gives them greater mental capacity and they do not get sick as often.

Eight in ten showed significant improvement by just changing what they ate. Practically all illness is caused by what we eat! We hear a lot about attention deficit disorder or ADD. These children seem kind of hyper and over-stimulated. We tend to just want to medicate them and change them with chemicals. And maybe that’s okay for some. But we need to pay attention to their diet. We need to make sure they’re getting the right nutrition. One study showed that 75% of the children had a problem with their blood sugar. That’s the root cause. We can medicate all day long, but if we start treat-

The Bible says in Proverb 22:6 “to train a child in the way he should go, and even when he is old, he will not depart from it. Do your part by teaching your children healthy eating habits so they will be strong and mighty! There are solutions to practically every health challenge. The aspects of aging & illness can be prevented and reversed! Help us in achieving these goals for a healthy and prosperous future! Follow our blog…www.LeadingEdgeHealth.org. Contributed by Louis Hoolaeff.

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Soul Healing with Hypnotherapy The holiday season is upon us, for some of this triggers images Hypnotherapy of a happy season. ByGermana Rovinelli For others this time of year brings up mixed feelings, grief, loss, and memories of abuse. The expectations that we have are from the subconscious and we create feelings in response to those expectations. These feelings create emotions, these emotions release chemicals that can contribute to mental illness, depression overeating, overspending, and addictive behaviours. All of the above responses to this time of year are hypnotically programmed into your subconscious mind. Traditional talk therapy cannot clear them because talk therapy utilizes the conscious mind, change does not occur on that level of the human mind. The most efficient way to clear unwanted responses to the season and events is to de-hypnotize the faulty old hypnotic program. My theory around this is we are all entitled to as much pain as we can stand, when it hurts enough we look for help. Look no further than hypnotherapy if you are ready to change. What can Hypnotherapy do specifically for you? Keep reading. Here is a list of benefits I see clients resolve in my private practice 1. Increase self-confidence 2. Eliminate depression 3. Overcome bereavement 4. Eliminate habits, phobias, and other self-defeating patterns. 5. Increase your ability to earn and hold onto money

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Herbal CollectiveDec/Jan’14

6. Overcome obsessive compulsive behaviour 7. Resolve self-image and eating disorders 8. Increase Vitality and purpose for this lifetime. 9. Improve psychic awareness-ESP, Meditation, Astral projection, Telepathy, Super conscious mind taps. 10. Add 25 to 50 years to your life naturally, with the Youthing program How does it work? Hypnotherapy utilizes the Subconscious and super conscious mind to restore balance health and harmony to the Client. This is through the Alpha state brain waves What happens to you? You enter either a light medium or deep trance, were the ego and self defence mechanisms of the ego can be put aside. This allows the Subconscious mind to assist in the process of healing. How does the therapy help you? Hypnotherapy is a form of brief therapy that allows you to get rapid change in a short period of time. Examples of traditional Psychotherapy compared to hypnotherapy are traditional counselling can assist you in becoming a Well Educated Neurotic, still being impacted by the problem. Hypnotherapy can get to the root cause of the problem and re-establish wholeness. Then update the internal selfimage and therapy is complete. Do you have to do this for the rest of your life? You do not require Hypnotherapy from a therapist for the rest of your life. You will learn self hypnosis that when used regularly will allow you to receive numerous benefits Questions @ Hypnotherapy • The fallacy of Mind Control. It is the subject, not the hypnotist that determines whether the hypnotic state is to occur. All Hypnosis is self Hypnosis • The Fear of revealing secrets in Trance: The subject always maintains this control. If I ask a client to answer a question about their past or future life experience, they can answer or not answer my question at their discretion. The Hypnotist cannot force the subject to answer. The mind is both responsible for Illness and healing success and sabotage in your life. Avoid the pit falls of negative programming and thinking. All healing comes from within. I have seminars for lay public re Soul Healing Series. This is a wonderful way to receive the benefits of hypnotherapy in a group. Each Tuesday night in November and two Tuesdays in December from 7pm-830 pm, email me for topics covered. I have opened The British Columbia Institute of Hypnotherapy and am accepting student for January – June 2014 courses. The Institute is accredited and accepted by The Canadian Hypnotherapy Association. For more information on learning hypnotherapy or becoming a client please contact Germana Rovinelli C.C.H. 250-591-5327 or 250-714-4369 g@germana.ca

Natural Parasite Cleansing for Puppies It has almost been two years (January 2012) since our beloved dog Quinoa died at the age By Carola Schleuss of 14. Quinoa came into our lives at the age of 7 weeks during a time when my friends where having babies. This special puppy became our baby. I understand we out live our animal friends but it doesn’t change the heart ache I felt when she passed and the heart ache I still feel. For the last year and a half, I could not see myself with a puppy but yet I yearned for a puppy knowing it would allow my heart to open. In August 2013 we had a friend visit from Victoria, and his friends from Nelson dropped him off at our house. The couple came in with their dog, a beautiful Red Healer (Queensland Healer), and the next thing I knew I was compelled to share my story about Quinoa.

Pet Health

After that, my heart began to open to the possibility of a puppy. While I was “out and about,” I started to see herding dogs and puppies not intending to get a herding dog, but possibly a puppy from a farm. After seeing three herding dogs in a row while I was out, I thought, “maybe I am ready for a puppy,” so I went online to see if there were any from a farm; as we wanted a non-vaccinated puppy, not treated for parasites with toxic chemicals. There she was, a Kelpie/Akbash cross, born on a farm. The Kelpie is a herding dog, and the Akbash is known as “the guardian”, which watches over the herd. We named her Greta Lupin. When she arrived home around one in the afternoon we fed her two-cups of raw goat milk, which is how much she wanted. At four in the morning she needed to go out to potty, she expelled a large golf ball size bunch of roundworms and to my surprise, this occurred three times. I immediately put her on a herbal parasite tincture made with glycerine found at my local health food store. I put 2 dropper-full in her food which consist of morning and evening feeding of bone soup, raw goat milk, raw egg yolk, 1 tbsp. Q’s Super Greens for animal friends (alfalfa leaf, barley grass, nettle leaf, dandelion leaf, spirulina, kelp and FORCO) and an additional heaping tsp. of FORCO; probiotic and digestive aid. She stayed on this diet until she was nine weeks of age, a total of two weeks. After that, we added tissue meat, organ meat and continue to add bone soup, raw goat milk, raw egg yolk, 1 tbsp. Q’s Super Greens, 1 heaping tsp. of FORCO and the parasite tincture. I will continue with the parasite cleanse for one month, wait two weeks and do it again for another month to insure the eggs did not hatch. Roundworms which Greta had are common in puppies

Greta is a Kelpie/Akbash cross. Photo courtesy Carola Schleuss

and kittens, and if they are not infested the roundworms can clear by themselves by the time they are six months old with a healthy natural real food diet. Infestation of parasites only happens if the host is weak. I wanted to make sure Greta stays strong so I chose to give her herbs which expel parasites and their eggs. Tapeworm is another common parasite in adult dogs and cats. They come mostly from eating fleas, lice, roaches, raw fish or infected prey. I feel it is important to provide foods which help keep parasites in check and provide the body with healthy liver function, strong digestion providing a strong immune system. There are three kinds of stress which affect our immune system 1. Poor nutrition 2. Emotions (human stress causes emotional stress on our animal friends) 3. Environment/Products. (Chemicals in the food, from vaccinations, medicated shampoos, flea collars, toxic chew toys, water and air). Foods and herbs that support strong digestion, healthy liver function and prevent parasite infestation are usually bitter in flavour: Pumpkin seeds, lettuce, alfalfa leaf, barley grass, nettle leaf, dandelion leaf, dandelion root, Oregon grape are just some. Other foods which keep parasites from taking over are shredded coconut, coconut milk, raw goat milk and grated carrots. Herbs which are known to expel parasites and are safe for dogs and cats are black walnut hull, wormwood, male fern, wormseed, southernwood, thyme, true cinnamon, clove, and small amounts of garlic. Keeping your animal friend healthy and free of parasite infestation will insure a healthy long life. Stay well through whole foods and herbs. Carola Schleuss, CNC, CMP, www.wayoflifematters.com Herbal Collective Dec/Jan’14 21

Many Benefits to Chinese Medicine


raditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is the most complex and mysterious component of Chinese traditional culture. Through acquiring knowledge about Chinese medicine, one can also improve one’s understanding of Chinese culture to some extent. Firstly, to understand TCM, it is helpful to start from an overview on China. China, for thousands of years until the 16th Century, was one of the most highly civilised countries in the world. This is evidenced in accounts about China from Western scholars and visitors during the 16th Century. In addition to the well-known four great ancient Chinese inventions: compass, gunpowder, papermaking and printing, the ancient Chinese achieved a high level in farming, iron and copper metallurgy, medicine, astronomy, mathematics, porcelain, silk, wine making, etc. China is a country which has used the same language, continuously recording its history, culture and medicine, from the beginning of the nation’s history. Thus, even today, ancient transcripts can still be read, researched and republished. In the old days, China had extensive communications and trade with neighbouring countries. Chinese culture therefore contained and preserved some content of the cultures of those countries. For example, China has still well-preserved the most comprehensive Buddhist scrolls, which were brought to China over a thousand years ago. Some herbal medicines originate from other countries: saffron was originally from Iran and senna was from India. China is a vast country, with various climates and environments; it is also one of the countries which have the most wild plants and animal species. The preservation of cultural heritage had become an important tradition in Chinese history. Almost all dynasties had specialised government departments responsible for the national collection of books. For example, the Siku Quanshu (Imperial Collection of Four), commissioned by the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing dynasty, was even larger than the Ming Dynasty’s Yongle Encyclopaedia (published in 1403), which was the world's largest encyclopaedia at the time. The compilation took ten years (1773-1782) and involved around 4000 scholars and workers. Over 10,000 manuscripts from the imperial collections were bound in 36,381 volumes with more than 79,000 chapters, comprising about 2.3 million pages and approximately 800 million Chinese characters. Numerous individual intellectuals also contributed their efforts to the inheritance of knowledge. One of particular relevance to TCM is Li Shizhen, who wrote the Bencao 22 Herbal CollectiveDec/Jan’14

Gangmu (Compendium of Materia Medica), which records 1,892 natural medicines systematically and comprehensively, 11,096 formulae and contains 1,160 illustrations. To write Bencao Gangmu (published in 1596), Li Shizhen referenced over 800 medical books and spent 30 years on writing and field study. Bencao Gangmu is considered a summary work of all Chinese medicine before the 16th century; it is the largest traditional Chinese medicine book and has been translated into over 20 languages. The above factors reflect the foundations and conditions of TCM’s formation and development. Every nation, through battles with diseases, accumulated specific knowledge, techniques and remedies forming their traditional medicine. Due to the above reasons, TCM stands out in particular as an extensive, developed medical system. It has survived, despite the widespread influence of modern Western medicine, whereas traditional medicines in other societies may have gradually become extinct. From this perspective, TCM can be considered a world heritage treasure. TCM is an extensive, complicated, vast system, with the following features: 1) It has a set of unique, sophisticated medical theories, including yin yang theory, five elements theory, zhang fu theory, meridian theory, qi xue theory, etc. 2) It has more than 50 different treatment therapies, including: herbal medicine, acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, tai chi, qigong, tui na, gua sha, etc. 3) Chinese medicine has been developed into different departments: including, TCM internal medicine, TCM surgery, TCM paediatrics, TCM Gynecology, TCM ENT, TCM Ophthalmology, TCM rehabilitation, etc. Recently, TCM and Western medicine combined department has also emerged. 4) TCM diagnosis techniques include: wang, wen, wen, que, meaning: watching, smelling/hearing, asking questions and feeling the pulse. 5) The major body of TCM is natural medicine. According to a Chinese medical dictionary published in 2010, TCM has 12,807 natural medicines, including herbs (11,146), animal products (1,581) and mineral products (80). 6) Another characteristic of Chinese medicine is combined usage of herbal medicine, called herbal formulae, to increase the therapeutic effect and avoid possible side effects. In Chinese medical history, the biggest formulae book, called Pu Ji Fang, published in 1406, was divided into 168 volumes and recorded 61,739 formulae. Over 90,000 formulae have been recorded recently. Contributed by Jedakang TCM Series - watch for part 2

Natural Health Directory The Natural Health Directory is a resource for our readers who are looking for practitioners, products, education, herb farm or other herbal and natural health information. Each listing links to a listing on the Herbal Collective website with links and contact information to that particular business.

Click on the link for each page to get more information on each particular business. To Get Listed; contact at info@herbalcollective.ca or call 1-250-722-7108.



www.herbalcollective.ca/directory-eco_alternatives.html Salvestrols - Nature’s Defence Against Cancer Learn the link between diet and cancer in this amazing book............................................www.salvestrolbook.com

Herbal Products

www.herbalcollective.ca/directory-herbal-products.html Ayurvedic Herbs Direct Ayurvedic herbs, remedies and medicine from wellknown companies plus reference books and guides www.ayurvedicherbsdirect.com...............1-877-252-5436 Healing Bliss Botanicals Herbal products are 100% natural, cruelty free, wildcrafted, never contain any preservatives www.healingblissbotanicals.com..............1-250-338-8872 Discover the Power of Aloe Vera www.Maureenglowasky.com....................1-250-338-7105 Javita - Coffee for Life Marlene Louch, www.myjavitaheaven.com.250-338-7949 Skin Care AnneMarie Gianni Skin Care - natural, organic ingredients free of chemicals and preservatives Wild Oil of Oregano, www.wildoiloforegano.com www.wildtamanuoil.com

Holistic Health Practitioners

www.herbalcollective.ca/directory-holistic-health-practitioners.html Judy Forester, cranial sacral therapy, shamanic practitioner, jforester@cranialsacral.ca.................250-668-0375

Listings start at only $30 for 3 months.

Sara Namazi - specializing in depression, anxiety, mental and physical chronic fatigue, hormonal disorders, www.homeopathy111.com................604-360-1215 Ian Gartshore, Raindrop technique practitioner, marriage and family therapist, www.shorewellness.ca.................................250-754-0698 Bach Flowers Sarah Brune, Bach flower practitioner, www.Bachflowerscanada.com.....................250-331-3228 Life Coach Create your reality consciously. Release old programming. Live the life you want! www.knightonconsulting.com. Offices in Parksville and Nanaimo or by skype. Call for a free consult..................................250-751-5851


Germana Rovinelli - create a better life with hypnotherapy, g@germana.ca, www.germana.ca.........250-714-4369

Natural Foods and Supplements

www.herbalcollective.ca/directory-natural-foods.html# Bell Lifestyle Products Offers a wide selection of natural health products and nutritional supplements....................................905-695-0631 Canadian Bio Supplements Quality manufacturer of natural health products backed by over 5 years of clinical trials...................306-291-0871

Naturopathic Doctors


Pacific Holistic Center, Dr Doug Kuramoto. In Nanaimo and Parksville.......................... 250-753-0280

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