Herbal Collective July'17

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The Better living with herbs and natural health

July, 2017

What’s in Your Sunscreen? Having Trouble Sleeping? Soothing Aloe Vera Cooling Witch Hazel Best Benefits of Vitamin D


How to Have a Healthy Summer temperature is soaring and doesn’t cool down at night. It’s also hard to get enough rest with the sun shining til late in the evening and the morning sun showing up bright and early. There’s so much to do and we tend to pack a lot You’re going to get a little education on sunscreens into our days. Getting enough rest with proper sleep is covered in – specifically what’s in them, what to avoid and this issue with new technology to help restless sleepwhat to look for if you want a health sunscreen. If you do get sunburned, you’ll learn the best ways ers and insomniacs achieve their goal. to treat that and heal from it quickly. Oxidative stress is something that can happen We’re going to explode some myths about the sun, in summer when we are physically or emotionally let you know that being outdoors is really good for stressed. Oxidative stress increases as we age and boosting Vitamin D levels and what those benefits you can read about new technology that changes the are to your health. stress levels for better health. We also cover how to cool the body and skin – Stress levels can also be reduced with a biofeedsometimes summer can cause heat rashes or bumps, back technology that can make an immediate differbruises and swelling from outdoor activities. Insect bites are also a concern as well though gen- ence in people’s lives. It can make an amazing diferally the biggest concern seems to be over exposure ference for unresolved health issues. See the article in this issue. to the sun. Have an amazing July! Another concern dealt with in the summer is lack of sleep or poor sleep. It’s hard to sleep when the Sincerely Yay! It’s summer. Now that it’s here it’s time to look after your skin, stay Publisher’s Note hydrated and know how to stay healthy in the nice sunny weather.

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Herbal Collective July,’17

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Contents The Theme: How to stay safe in the summer sun, get your Vitamin D and use sunscreen properly.

Columns and Departments

In the Kitchen Your ticket to a safe & healthy summer.........4 Strawberry shortcake........................................11 Benefits of being in the sun..............................6 Summer skin care..................................................6 Avoid toxic chemicals in sunscreen................7

Features Why buy chemical free cosmetics...................8 Oxidative stress - a new breakthrough.......10 How to choose the best aloe vera................12 Online farmers market launches...................13 Are you well rested?..........................................14 Cooling witch hazel...........................................15 Biofeedback brings benefits...........................16

The Herbal Collective published by Pro Write Publishing Publisher/Editor - Marilyn Zink Contact: 250-729-1593 info@herbalcollective.ca, www.herbalcollective.ca Contributors

Klaus Ferlow, Arrow Gonsalves Olena Gill, Colin Gillies, Permelia Parham, The Herbal Collective is published every month by Pro Write Publishing and distributed through social media, various platforms and the Herbal Collective blog and email list. Advertising deadline is around the 21 of every month. The opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those of the editor. Different viewpoints are welcome. All editorial material is copyrighted. Any medical advice is given solely for information purposes only and no responsibility is assumed on the publisher’s part. Copyright © 2017

Contact These Sponsors for Natural Health Solutions Gregg Turner, www.nikken.com/holistic..............................2 Olena Gill, www.indigmedicine.com.....................................4 Salvestrol, www.salvestrolbook.com....................................5 Permelia Parham, www.vibrationalhealing.ca....................6 Ferlow Botanicals. www..ferlowbotanicals.com................7 Edible Island, www.edibleisland.ca......................................11 Hedd Wyn, ............www.heddwynessentials.com...........12 Aloe vera, www.maureenglowasky.com............................13 Purica, www.purica.com..........................................................18 Herbal Collective, July,’17


Your Ticket to a

Safe and Healthy Summer By Olena Gill


ach season brings its own kind of fun and enjoyment, but with these pluses also come a special set of challenges. The arrival of summer is no exception. As the sun beats down and the air heats up, remember these 5 important tricks to help you stay safe and healthy this summer. 1. Stay hydrated, stay healthy. Water is essential to life, helping maintain a clear mind and working body. And because your body is roughly 60 percent water, it is necessary to maintain hydration levels by replenishing the water used by your body throughout the day. Mild dehydration produces symptoms including headache, decreased energy and urine/sweat output. Severe dehydration can lead to swelling of the brain, seizures, kidney failure and even death. And although many people fail to drink enough water, it is also possible to over-hydrate. To avoid over-hydration while exercising in the summer sun, sip, don't chug. A general rule of thumb for how much water to drink is 1/2 your body weight in ounces. So, a 150 lb person would try for about 75 oz of water a day. If you're looking for some creative ways to take in more water, consider herbal, caffeine-free tea or foods high in water content such as watermelon and cucumbers. 4

Herbal Collective July,’17

2. Embrace safe and healthy sun exposure. The sun can actually be healthy for you. Think about it - throughout history, people have survived while spending significant amounts of their time outdoors, so why shouldn't we be able to also? Modern research has found that while excessive exposure to sunlight can increase the risk of certain types of skin cancer, moderate sun exposure is actually less dangerous than sporadic exposure. Research has also shown that sun exposure without sunburn may significantly decrease the risk of melanoma, one of the more deadly forms of skin cancer. Research has also shown a significant difference between the sun's UVA rays, which can have negative effects on the skin, and its UVB rays, which

help your body produce necessary vitamin D. UVA rays are prominent at all times of the day, but UVB rays are specific to midday sunlight, still all UV radiation peaks at midday, so you should take precautions to avoid burning. Safe and healthy sun exposure is all about timing, exposure training and taking precautions to avoid sunburn. Go ahead and enjoy the summer sun, but protect your skin from sunburn using clothing, shade, and sunscreen. 3. Love your sunscreen. Sunscreen is important because the sun's UVA rays can damage skin. Some sunscreens prevent sunburn but not other types of skin damage, so it is important to make sure your sunscreen offers broad spectrum protection. Avoid sunscreen containing vitamin A, also called retinyl palmitate or retinol, as these may carry adverse health effects down the road. You should also avoid products containing oxybenzone, a synthetic estrogen that can disrupt your hormones. Instead, look for products containing zinc oxide, 3% avobensone or Mexoryl SX which will protect your skin from harmful UVA radiation. EWG's Best Sunscreens (http://www.ewg.org) is an excellent guide to help you pick the right sunscreen for you. With information on some 700 SPF-rated products, high ratings are given to brands that provide broad spectrum, long-lasting protection using ingredients that carry fewer health concerns. You might also want to peruse your local natural grocery or drug store for natural, safe sunscreens.

5. Repel bugs naturally. Bug bites not only itch, but they can also transmit potentially deadly diseases such as West Nile virus and Lyme disease. Choosing the right bug repellant for you is very important. DEET, a relatively common ingredient in synthetic bug repellants, can be toxic. Most recommend using DEET containing repellents sparingly, but why not eliminate the DEET altogether! The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends using repellents containing picaridin or lemon eucalyptus oil instead. In fact, natural repellents containing citronella work well also. Have a safe and happy summer! Dr. Olena Gill is a Naturopathic Physician and Acupuncturist practicing in Parksville, B.C. She can be reached at 778-762-3099 or www.indigomedicine.com . Disclaimer: Information in this article should not be construed or used as a substitute for medical evaluation or advice. See your Naturopathic Physician for proper evaluation and prescription.

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4. Protect with clothing. Clothing is one of the best ways to protect your skin from sunburn. Wear a hat to protect your delicate scalp and face from over-exposure to sun. Remember your sunglasses. They aren't just a fashion accessory; they can also help protect your eyes from UV radiation which can cause cataracts. Wearing light-colored clothing will not only reflect the sun's rays, keeping you cooler than dark colors, but will also help limit bug bites and bee stings. Herbal Collective, July,’17


Summer Skin Care


ummertime and the living is easy – until you get a sunburn or heat rash. But there are natural and herbal remedies to protect the skin in the summer.

Prevent Sunburn

First, you want to prevent sunburns. Other than covering up, the natural way to prevent sunburn is to first make sure you hydrate your body with healthy liquids and moisturize your skin. One way to do this is to moisturize the skin with shea butter, which is derived from the nut of the Shea tree in Africa. Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer and has an SPF of 8. Since it liquefies when warm, it’s best to mix it with beeswax and shea butter. It can be combined with pomegranate oil which has an SPF of 20. Vitamin E is an anti-oxidant and works to block free radicals so it helps prevent and reduce wrinkles caused by sun damage. The best natural SPF comes from zinc oxide. Zinc oxide is a fine white powder that sits on top of the skin reflecting and scattering the sun’s rays, which provides a protective layer. Watch out for zinc oxide nano particles which can be absorbed into the bloodstream. The jury is still out on whether these are truly safe.

When using commercial sunscreen products, it’s important to be aware of chemical reactions and the impact they can have on the body. See the article on sunscreen chemicals elsewhere in this issue.

Treating Sunburns

Oh,oh. You were out having fun in the sun and despite precautions, a sunburn happened. Now what? One of the best things you can do is use aloe vera gel. It is soothing, cooling and healing. Aloe vera is renowned for healing the skin but make sure you get the right kind – don’t be disappointed. See the article on aloe vera to get more in-depth information. Peppermint essential oil distilled in a base oil, cream or lotion is also cooling and heals inflammation. Lavender essential oil is also good for sunscreen and can be used ‘neat’ or directly on the skin without being diluted. It can be more effective with 5 drops blended into a small amount of lotion or cream. Witch hazel is a natural, cooling astringent that is good for treating sunburns as well as razor burns, minor sprains, bruises and bug bites. Lavender and peppermint essential oil are also good for bug bites and minor sprains.

Best Benefits of Being in the Sun Don’t be afraid of being in the sun. Being in the sun will optimize the body’s ability to produce Vitamin D. Sunscreens can block the absorption of Vitamin D by up to 95%. A fair skinned person can synthesize the development of Vitamin D in 30 minutes. Vitamin D may reduce your risk of up to 16 types of cancer – including pancreatic, lung, ovarian, breast, prostate and even skin. Yes, reduce skin cancer! Vitamin D has many benefits, such as: ~regulating insulin levels ~supporting lung function & cardiovascular health ~maintain bone and teeth health 6

Herbal Collective July,’17

~regulating calcium and phosphorus absorption ~protecting against cancer, type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis ~boosts the immune system reducing the risk of flu So enjoy a sensible amount of time in the sun – avoiding the hours between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. when the sun’s rays are the strongest. Cover up, wear a hat and use a healthy non-toxic sunscreen. Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, swine flu, hypertension, multiple sclerosis, autism, Alzheimer’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis and asthma severity.

Avoid These Toxic Chemicals in Sunscreens


ommercial sunscreens on the market can contain many chemicals that may pose a health risk. There are 10 chemicals used in sunscreens that can be absorbed into the bloodstream. These disrupt the body’s endocrine system which governs the body’s hormones – estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and thyroid. These endocrine disrupters can cause abnormal development in fetuses and growing children, affecting early puberty, premature breast development in girls, low sperm counts in men and infertility. Some chemicals can damage the DNA and cause ‘free radicals’ in the body leading to cancer. These chemical ingredients penetrate the skin indirectly causing the most lethal form of skin cancer – malignant melanoma. Watch out for the Following Ingredients. Parabens (Para-amino benzoic acid) are known endocrine disruptors and suspected carcinogens. They also go by the names methylparaben, ethylparaben and propylparaben. Phthalates are a synthetic preservative that’s a known carcinogen and and endocrine disruptor. Oxybenzone, octinoxate, avobenzene, octycrylate

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and homosalate found in most sunscreens are known for disrupting hormones in the endocrine system. Benzophenone-3, momosalte, 4-methyl-benzylidene camphor, octyl-methoxycinnamate and octyldimethyl-PABA have been found to behave like estrogen and make cancer cells grow more rapidly. Octyl methoxycinnamate (OMC) is used as a UVB filter in 90 percent of sunscreens used worldwide. Norwegian scientists found that this ingredients killed off half the mouse cells in a lab experiment. A lamp shown for two hours to simulate midday sun killed off more cells, suggesting sunlight increases the toxic effect of the chemical. Retinyl palmitate, a combination of retinol and palmitic acid, was found to speed up the development of skin tumors and lesions when applied in the sun. Safer ingredients include titanium and zinc oxide, just be careful not to use the one with nano particles.



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July, ‘17


Why Buy Chemical Free Cosmetics?


veryone hopes to have a perfect body, but unfortunately no matter what we do, our bodies never seems to be perfect. Are the nose or breast too large or too small? Is the skin too dry or too By Klaus Ferlow oily? The problems are never ending. That's why plastic surgeons can't keep up with the demand. Perhaps it is not the body, but the attitude which is the problem. It is human nature to never be satisfied: unconsciously, we keep wanting more and aiming higher. These feelings are not completely unhealthy, as long as they are not overpowering. What's in a Jar or Bottle?

In the past two decades, natural body care products including: certified organic, organic, wildcrafted, and toxin free items, have changed the way consumers look for, and use cosmetics and personal care products. Today, customers are more savvy about products and more skeptical about the marketing claims. They read labels and know what to look for and what to avoid. I remember 35 years ago, it would be difficult to find any personal care products without a long list of man-made chemicals in the laboratory on the label. Artificial colors, scents, parabens preservatives and a host of other dangerous, hazardous chemical ingredients were common. For years, the manufacturers of cosmetics and personal care products used industrial waste byproducts from the synthetic and chemical industry in their formulas. No one ever asked about the impact these poisonous ingredients had on your skin, your body and your health. Interesting enough on August 16, 2012 the multi billion manufacturer of personal care products Johnson & Johnson decided to phase out harmful chemicals are thought to cause cancer, birth defects, and even diabetes inclusive infamous formaldehyde-releasing ingredients in their baby shampoo. Here is a list of companies targeted by the 8

Herbal Collective July,’17

campaign for safe cosmetics and force them also to remove toxic chemical ingredients in their products: L’Oreal (Maybelline, Garnier, Kiehl's, the Body Shop, Softsheen-Carson, Lancome Procter & Gamble (CoverGirl, Pantene, Secret, Old Spice) Estee Lauder (Clinique, MAC, Prescriptive, Aveda) Avon Unilever (Dove, Ponds, St. Ives, Axe Gloria Vanderbilt Elizabeth Arden Beiersdorf Henkel DM Johnson & Johnson Rossmann The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has also on their website known by consumers a much loved Skin Deep database. Are you aware that as of today there are over 10.500 harmful toxic chemical ingredients used by large well known manufacturers of cosmetics and personal care products and it seems they are getting away with it!! So, to rise awareness, I began in 1998 to research the topic, and in early 1999 wrote an article “What is really in your beauty products?” which later was revised and published as “Cosmetics to die for” and finally “Hidden dangers lurking in your cosmetics and personal care products” listing 80 of the most dangerous,hazardous chemical ingredients which was a real shocking eye opener to consumers! My premise was that already there were many chemicals in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat etc, so why put additional toxic chemicals on your body? Whether using a cream, lotion, shampoo, soap, toothpaste, mouthwash or make-up, chemicals are readily absorbed into the bloodstream and will damage the liver and kidneys, creating even more health problems. My recommendation to the consumers “read the labels carefully”, and if you can't pronounce the name of the ingredients, don't buy the products, it's a chemical!

Anti-Aging Hyperbole Be skeptical about label claims. Anti-aging products in particular are prone to hyperbole. At age twenty five, the oil glands of your body produce double amount of oil as in a 50-year old, and this continues to decrease with age. As skin loses its elasticity becoming thinner and dryer especially with the elderly who mostly don't drink enough fluid wrinkles appear. The layer of fat that gives the skin its soft appearance in youth, begins to shrink and eventually does not regenerate. Also remember there are three ways people age:

neem tree Ancient Medicine for a Modern World

Ayurvedic medicine and the Indian subcontinent have long been using the amazing healing powers of the Neem Tree. Oil is extract from the kernels of the seeds and an extract is derived from the leaves. Neem is traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine to help temporarily relieve the minor skin irritations such as itching associated with eczema or minor wounds. The tincture and skin cream are Health Canada registered.

Chronological Aging: This is impossible to stop, and most anti-aging wrinkle creams do not work but, you can buy into the illusion. Environmental Aging: This happens at any age, so protecting the skin, especially from the harsh ultraviolet rays of the sun and wind is recommended. Lifestyle Aging: You are what you eat. Poor nutrition, smoking, alcohol, lack of exercise, a general positive attitude towards life and laugh a lot since laughing is the best medicine will affect how you look and feel. Drinking enough chlorine, fluoride and other chemicals free water is very important since it flushes out toxins. Words of Wisdom Health is not everything but without health everything is nothing. Dr. Bernard Jensen, DC, ND, PhD, Clinical Nutritionist references:

Klaus Ferlow, HMH, HA, author, innovator, lecturer, researcher, writer, founder of Ferlow Botanicals, Vancouver, B.C. and NEEM RESEARCH, Mission, B.C., member of the Health Action Network Society, National Health Federation United Plant Savers, International Herb Association, Neem Foundation and World Neem Organization, Mumbai, India, co-author of the book “7stepsdentalhealth” and author of the book “Neem – Nature's Healing Gift to Humanity” copyright @2001, upgraded 2017 all rights reserved. This information is offered for its educational value and should not be used in the diagnose, treatment, or prevention of disease. Any attempt to diagnose or treat illness should come under the direction of your health care practitioner.



CLEAN AND SIMPLE Our products are made without the use of Petro chemicals or Parabens. QUALITY, INTEGRITY, PURITY We formulate our products onsite using the best quality and ethically sourced ingredients in small batches made by hand. Ferlow Botanicals manufactures a variety of Neem products including: • Neem Shampoo & Conditioner • Neem Cream • Neem Oil • Neem Toothpaste • Neem Bar Soap • Neem Tinture Please contact us for more information. Neem is second to none when it comes to controlling and healing up psoriasis. Satisfied patients have sent their friends to our clinic pharmacy for this particular product and it can literally fly off the shelves. Great products, great service and a passionate commitment to Naturopathic Medicine and Holistic Health Care. Dr. Alfred Hauk, ND The Holistic Healing Arts Centre, Brantford, ON

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Oxidative Stress A New Scientific Breakthrough


ant to learn how to slow down your aging and disease process by 40% in 30 days? Clinical studies have linked Oxidative Stress as the root cause of aging & it’s associated 300 disease processes. There is a human clinical study published in the National Library of Medicine on a natural formulation concluded to reduce oxidative stress by 40% in 30 days. By testing markers in blood it was not possible to tell the difference between an 80 year old and a 20 year olds’ blood samples. The process of oxidation happens as our bodies metabolize (or process) the oxygen that we breathe and our cells produce energy from it. This process also produces free radicals which result in cellular damage. Free radicals are normal and necessary to some degree, but when the amount of the free radicals produced overwhelm the repair processes it becomes an issue. This is what we call oxidative stress.

they neutralize free radicals at 1:1 ratio. This is old technology. New Technology Activates Specific Pathways in our Body: Why take antioxidants when you can make them? Nutrigenomics is the science of nutrition and how it affects our genes. We can activate and normalize our gene expression so that it functions like it did when we were young and healthy. We can literally turn on the switch ! This new technology activates our body to make its own enzymes (indirect antioxidants) and they neutralize free radicals at 1,000,000:1 every second ! NOT 1:1 as in traditional supplements. You would literally have to eat truckloads of blueberries to get this benefit.

Setting a precedent with 26 independently funded published peer review studies on a herbal formulation by world renowned research centres including studies funded by Canada Health Institute and the Oxidation increases when we are physically and/or US Governments National Institute of Aging, this information is not to be ignored. emotionally stressed and as we age. When we are There is no other natural product with this technolyoung (under 20 & healthy) our oxidative stress levogy that has been researched to this extent. With a els are low and our body makes enough antioxidants enzymes to combat free radicals and protect our cells proven synergistic effect of 18x more potency than each ingredient on its own and patented to alleviate from damage, the proper balance is maintained. inflammation and reduce inflammatory markers this As we age our body’s production of antioxidant enzymes decreases and cannot keep up with the cell has become the damage that occurs. Oxidative stress happens when You are invited to attend the next information sesthe amount of free radicals exceed the amount of sion to find out more about this cutting edge technolantioxidants. That’s when oxidation damages our ogy that WSU concluded in it’s 2015 study ‘may be cells, proteins and our DNA (genes). the most extraordinary therapeutic and preventive breakthrough in the history of medicine.” Supplementation vs Pathway Activation Special – We have been told to supplement our diets with We are celebrating the arrival of the 1st oxidative antioxidant vitamins (vitamin C, E, carotenoids etc), breath scan tester in Canada!. Mention this article to to eat foods rich in antioxidants (blueberries, spinreceive the discounted package. Get your benchmarch ach, fish etc) and to get regular exercise. test, use product for 2 weeks and retest so you can decide These components are essential to a healthy life if this is something for you. but are not enough to protect us from oxidative Please contact Colette Houle 250-741-6655 or email stress, aging and the associated diseases. Supnutrigenomicsr4u@gmail.com plementing is known as direct antioxidants and 10

Herbal Collective July,’17

Strawberry Shortcake Ingredients for the crust: 2-3 lbs of pitted, fresh dates 1-2 cups of dried, raw mulberries 1-2 cups of raw, dried figs (white or black) 1 pinky of vanilla bean 1 tbs of cinnamon Run all ingredients through a food processor until the mixture reaches a crust-like consistency. Push the crust into the bottom of a pie pan or a cake dish, and get ready for the next layer! If you want your cake to slice smoother, feel free to add wax paper lining on the bottom of the cake. Add a sliced layer of strawberries onto your crust. Raw Cool Whip Ingredients: 2 cups of freshly prepared almond milk 1-2 frozen bananas or a half cup of raw cashews The meat of 2-3 young coconuts Note: if you want the cake to be lower in fat, use the bananas instead of the cashews and replace the almond milk with coconut water. Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender like a Vitamix. Spread this FullyRaw "Cool Whip" onto your first layer of strawberries. Add a second layer of sliced strawberries on top and get ready for an-

other layer of Cool Whip! For your FullyRaw Strawberry Cool Whip, simply use the remaining white cool whip and blend it with a few strawberries to turn it pink! Spread this layer on top of your second layer of sliced strawberries and top it with ANOTHER layer of sliced strawberries!

Strawberry Glaze:

Half to one pound of fresh strawberries Half a cup of fresh, pitted dates Blend the ingredients for the strawberry glaze and spread it on top! Add your final layer of sliced strawberries! Place your cake into the freezer for approximately 4 hours to harden it. When ready, take it out, slice it up, and enjoy! Share with family and friends!

Herbal Collective



How to Choose the Best Aloe Vera


ith so many products out there on the market today, it’s important to know that you are getting what you pay for.

You want to look for aloe vera which is organically grown, cold processed and hand filleted and the activity level of the gel is certified to be in the highest percentile required to provide your body with all the nutrients it needs to heal itself. All of this is guaranteed with Pro-Ma Aloe Juice. When the aloe vera is hand filleted, it removes the aloin, which kills cellular reproduction, this cannot be accomplished when using the whole leaf and processing it through rollers. For thousands of years people have been using inner leaf aloe vera externally for its anti-flammatory, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Aloe Vera contains high concentrations of Saccharides and taken from the fresh aloe vera plant, saccharides are a potent building block in the body’s immune system defence. Aloe Barbadensis Miller contains over 200 active ingredients in nature's most bioavailable form, including: * Polysaccharides; Glucomannans including Acemannan. * 20 out of 22 Amino Acids. * 8 Enzymes. * Vitamins including A, C, E, B6, B12 and Folate. * Minerals including Calcium, Copper, Chromium, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, Potassium, Sodium, Manganese and Germanium. Key Benefits * Assists in cellular absorption. * Supports our innate immunity. * Contains vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids necessary to keep the body healthy. * Assists in keeping gastro-intestinal function regular and healthy. Listed benefits from the book: - “Remarkable Aloe – by Dr. Ivan Danhof”. (AKA the ‘Grandfather of Aloe’) Internally: Eyes, Ears Nose & Throat ailments


Herbal Collective July,’17

Mickey Yardley, left with aloe plant, and Maureen Glowasky, right, want to share the benefits of aloe

Digestive Tract Respiratory Tract Genito-urinary tract Arthritis; Rheumatism; diabetes (both types); liver detoxification; builds the immune systems; high blood pressure; lowers cholesterol Externally: Antiperspirant Cosmetic Ingredients Skin Conditions, Rashes; Infections; wounds Sun or Age spots; anti-ageing Eye Conditions Burns The preceding should not be considered all that the Aloe can help, but in fact when we come up against an illness or a topical affliction, we should be asking ourselves: “What will Aloe do?” So why does Aloe Vera Work? The Aloe Vera plant produces at least 6 antiseptic agents: These agents are recognised as antiseptics because they kill or control mold, bacteria, fungus and viruses, explaining why the plant has the ability to eliminate many internal and external infections. The lupeol and salicylic acid explains why it is a very effective pain killer. It also contains at least 3 anti-inflammatory fatty

acids, which explains why it can be beneficial for burns, cuts, scrapes, abrasions, allergic reactions, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic fever, acid indigestion, ulcers, plus many inflammatory conditions of the digestive system and other internal organs, including stomach, small intestine, colon, liver, kidney and pancreas. B-silosterol is also a powerful anti-cholestromatic which helps lower harmful cholesterol levels, helping to explain its many benefits for heart patients. We previously mentioned the 6 antiseptic agents and 3 anti-inflammatory fatty acids and their benefits, but Aloe also contains at least 23 polypeptides (immune stimulators), which is why Aloe Juice helps to enhance and strengthen the immune system. The anti-inflammatory fatty acids can be helpful for the stomach, small intestine and colon. It naturally alkalizes digestive juices to prevent overacidity – a common cause of indigestion. It helps cleanse the digestive tract by exerting a soothing, balancing effect. A new discovered compound in Aloe, acemannan, is currently being studied for its ability to strengthen the body’s natural resistance. Studies have shown acemannan to boost T-lymphocyte cells that aid the immune system. Ask yourself; what could Aloe do for your health? Find out more at www.maureenglowasky.com

Discover the Power of Aloe Vera Experience:

~ relief from sunburn ~ smoother skin, ~enhanced digestion ~ improved immune function ~ better weight and energy levels ~healthy teeth and gums

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Visit my website below for the Top 10 Reasons to Drink Aloe Vera Juice

www.maureenglowasky.com www.facebook.com/GraceAloeVera

Online Farmers Market Launches Cow-op.ca online farmers’ market is now available in Victoria! For the last year, online shoppers in the Cowichan region have been able to buy local produce from the convenience of their own home via www.Cow-op.ca, the region’s first online farmers’ marketplace of locally grown and processed food. Now Cow-op.ca has opened its’ virtual doors to Victoria consumers who wish to enjoy a taste of the Warmland while directly supporting local family farms and businesses. Cow-op.ca has partnered with Olive the Senses, a premium olive oil shop located in downtown Victoria at the Victoria Public Market at the Hudson, to offer a convenient pick up location for weekly online orders of Cowichan-grown seasonal produce, baking, meats, sauces, spreads and more all grown, harvested, handmade, or processed in the Cowichan region. To celebrate the unique partnership and service, Cowop.ca and Olive the Senses are hosting a celebratory launch at Olive the Senses’ shop, located 1701 Douglas St. on Friday July 7th, from 2pm – 4pm. Come meet and mingle with some of the farmers and food-makers behind the Cow-op, taste their fresh seasonal greens, veggies and breads paired with Olive the Senses house-made dressings. sample other gorgeous olive oils and vinegars and the latest addition Babe’s Honey Farm honey kombuchas on-tap! “Blessed with Canada's only Maritime-Mediterranean climatic zone, Cowichan is gaining wide recognition for its’ unique terroir and taste,” explains Cow-op.ca Market Manager Heather Kaye. “The online farmers’ market model blends slow food quality and freshness with convenience.” Cow-op farmers save time by harvesting exactly what has been ordered and buyers are able to shop year-round from over 25 local farms and food processors all from their computer or mobile device with a once weekly pick up. Adds Kaye, “Not to mention, all orders are harvested fresh for the customer each week so quality, taste and nutritional value are unparalleled.” Cow-op.ca is an initiative of the Cowichan Valley Cooperative Marketplace (CVCM) developed in partnership with Cowichan Green Community in Duncan. How Does it Work? The weekly ordering cycle runs from Friday to Tuesday, when the system temporarily closes to allow farmers and processors to fulfill their orders and prepare for delivery. All Victoria orders are packed up and delivered to Olive the Senses on Thursday mornings for pick up by the customer each Thursday afternoon, between noon and 6pm. Herbal Collective



The Power of Wellness

Are You Well Rested? By: W. Gregg Turner PhD, CHT, CNLT


leep — it’s something everyone needs and wants. We have to have it but everyone’s having trouble getting it these days. Experts agree that 8.5 hours to 9. hours is the optimal amount of sleep adults should try to obtain every night. Yet folks in North America, on average, now get a little over 6 hours. Data from the National Center for Health Statistics reveal that this is a 20year trend that is increasing over time. Unfortunately sleep loss is turning into more than just a nighttime problem. Its impact can extend far into the day, affecting us in many ways: Mentally— not getting enough sleep can increase your risk for depression, and make you irritable and cranky. Physically — Lack of sleep has been linked to obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. In addition, sleep deprivation may account for as many as 100,000 auto accidents each year in the United States. More than 50% of Americans reported driving while drowsy, and about 25% had actually dozed off at the wheel. Financially — According to a February 9, 2006, ABC News article, sleep loss led to $16 billion in annual health-care costs and $50 billion in lost productivity. Sleep is the cornerstone of any good wellness program. Without it, weight-management, stress management and basic quality of life can not be achieved. So ask yourself... How have you been sleeping lately? A strategy for getting the sleep we need and staying awake during the day is crucial in a culture that demands more and more of our time. Some methods are more popular than others. 14

Herbal Collective July,’17

Napping — Permission to Nap! Naps have been shown to benefit almost every aspect of human wellness. The advantages include better heart functioning, hormonal maintenance and cell repair. Naps help increase productivity, improve coordinated motor skills, and enhance our mood and lower stress. EMF (bad energy from electrical lines, wiring etc), Caffeine, Cell phones, Computers, and other devices can interrupt our sleep cycles. Medication — in 2005, 42 million sleeping pill prescriptions were filled, and annual sales are expected to grow to $3.8 billion in the near future. While there are countless over-the-counter remedies selling at a record pace, it’s the long-lasting prescriptions — especially those labeled safe to take for months at a time — that millions are turning to. Dangers have been linked to sleeping pills, and doctors worry about significant side effects including next-day “hangovers,” sleepwalking, amnesia, addiction, and, more recently, binge eating while asleep! Some users claim to have gained more than 100 pounds that way. To ensure you get the best night’s sleep, try some of the following tips: De-stress — Work out issues during the day before you turn out the lights. Keep a journal — Keeping tabs on your sleeping time may reveal more than you think. Once you

figure out a pattern, you will know how to avoid endless tossing and turning. Exercise or take a bath — Do these three or four hours before bedtime. Heating up the body will allow it to wind down slowly and ensure that you catch some Zs later.

Herb of the Month

Cooling Witch Hazel

Plan worry time — Get your to-do list on paper so your mind is clear and you’re not doing a mental checklist of errands while in bed. Find the right bedtime — Train your body with a regular sleep schedule. Get the right mattress and sleep technology — sleeping on a mattress that provides adequate support is key to a good night’s sleep. As a side note, especially with concerns about weight management: Did you know that according to researchers from the University of Chicago and Stanford University, lack of sleep causes changes in hormones that result in weight gain? In two separate studies, scientists found that hormone levels can be affected by poor sleep, ultimately increasing appetite. Both studies tested participants for levels of leptin, a hormone that suppresses appetite, and ghrelin, a hormone that triggers hunger. After just two nights of poor sleep, leptin levels dropped and levels of ghrelin rose. Results also showed that individuals who sleep less than eight hours a night on average are heavier than those who get a full-night’s rest. We have touched on a few points here as part of much larger perspective. We thank those who contributed to this article and invite your experiences, questions and comments. We offer a complete range of nature’s solutions and benefits for well being, sleep technologies included. Just imagine living everyday as nature intended! Your comments, feedback and perspectives are encouraged and always invited. For a free phone consult contact Gregg at Solution Innovators 250-380-0702 email SolutionInnovators@ shaw.ca. www.Nikken.com/holistic www.resultsnow.ca

Witch hazel is an herb with a long standing healing history as a cooling, soothing astringent. It is not often the first thing that comes to mind when someone is experiencing sunburn, yet it is effective at reducing redness and inflammation. Witch Hazel was highly valued as medicine by Native American tribes. They used it as a decoction on cuts, bruises, insect bites, aching joints, sore muscles and sore backs. They also drank it as a tea to stop internal bleeding, ease menstrual pain, prevent miscarriage, treat colds, fevers and sore throats. The Oneida tribe reportedly introduced the plant to Theron T. Pond of Utica, New York. He was impressed with the plant’s astringent properties and started marketing a witch hazel extract in 1848 known as Pond’s Golden Treasure. The name was later changed to Pond’s Extract and it became a big hit. Witch Hazel water has been available ever since and is commonly found in drug stores. It is used as a standard home remedy for cuts, bruises, hemorrhoids and other minor skin conditions. It can also be used to treat skin conditions from poison ivy, stinging nettle and other irritating plants. It’s effectiveness for sunburn was studied by German researchers, who gave 30 people a lotion containing 10 per cent witch hazel distillate. Participants applied their treatment three times over a 48 hour period. A chromameter showed that witch hazel reduced redness and inflammation. When combined with essential oils of peppermint or lavender, witch hazel water can be more effective at treating sunburn, heat rashes and as a cooling remedy for inflammation. Witch hazel has no contraindications and is safe for external use on anyone, but it should be diluted for children under age 2. Herbal Collective July,’17


Biofeedback Brings Astonishing Benefits est valued reactions being those with the strongest responses. Once that test had run, I searched the matrix for all the most reactive items relevant to lung, bronchitis, immunity, etc., training each in turn or in groups.

Trevor May, BA, MAS, CBS

Then I selected a program that enabled me to do electrical entrainment of the organs, selecting the lungs in particular and any others that showed significant stress responses.


y mother called me one summer day 12 years ago to say that the coughing had started again. For the previous 14 years, four months out of every year, she had suffered from chronic bronchitis. She wondered if the new stress reduction biofeedback technology, I had recently acquired, could help head it off this time. With only 100 hours of formal training and no practical experience, I didn’t know what I might actually do for her, but I was keen to try and alleviate her suffering. I had invested as much in this device as one might spend on a new car and was hoping to make a career from it if possible. She came over to my place and I sat her down in a comfortable chair where I attached a head harness with eight electrodes as well as carbonized rubber straps with leads connecting to the wrists and ankles. I calibrated the device and ran the five minute test which basically consists of sending over 10,000 frequency signatures corresponding to items such as minerals, vitamins, organs, homeopathic remedies, herbal remedies, emotions, etc. to the body and measuring the reaction to them. It then ranks those reactions in order and presents them in a list known as “the matrix,” with the high16

Herbal Collective July,’17

This training involves the transmission of corrective signals back to the body to help it rebalance. The whole session lasted about an hour and a half. Her coughing ceased immediately, but I had her back for a follow-up session about a week later. My mother did not cough during that week and the bronchitis has never returned since then. A few years later, she embarked on an oral chelation program to reduce the heavy metals (particularly mercury) in her body and I believe this was also important in ensuring that the bronchitis would never return.

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Natural Health Directory

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My mother’s response to the biofeedback amazed both of us and convinced me that stress reduction could play a major role in allowing the body to heal itself from disease patterns, by fostering improved function of the immune, digestive, and other systems. By relieving the stressor, the body is freed to focus on the task of maintaining its natural balance. After all, there are countless articles and studies in the medical literature which acknowledge that stress (environmental or psychological) plays a significant role in leading to many disease states. It also demonstrated the power of communicating directly with the body using electrical frequency the same language the body uses internally. Since those early days of my practice, I have had the privilege of working with hundreds of clients embarked on their healing journey, who have wanted to use the device, now known as INDIGO, to empower them with access to their body’s knowledge as well as relieving the detected stress. My most successful clients have become actively involved in making the necessary changes to their diet, lifestyle, and emotional health, to foster lasting change and true wellness.

Create a Magical Life

By Permelia Parham What does a magical life mean to you? For me every day is magical! Yes, that means I expect magic every day, I look for magic every day and I find magic every day! Magic looks like this for me: Viewing the tide ‘all the way out’ during my morning beach walk. Summer sunshine with flowers blooming everywhere. Picnic dinners on the beach. Friends who stop by for a visit. Spending the day ‘hanging out’ in the backyard with family. Skype visits with my children who live in other Trevor’s biofeedback practice is now based on Gabriocities. la Island, but is also mobile, enabling him to make home So you visits between Nanaimo and Sidney, BV.C.. For more inmay be formation, please visit his website at quantumwellness.ca. thinking that these events Vibrational Healing seem rather Energy Balance for Better Health ordinary. What is so Special magical about them? Offer: They are magical because I decided they will be 50% OFF magical. Living a magical life makes me joyful. Individual Consultation I believe we get to choose the style of life we want Skype available to live. (Reg. cost $75) So why not choose a magical and joyful one? See magic wherever you go ~ experience magic wherever you are ~ and live a magical life! *.Feel calmer * Experience more joy Permelia Parham is a teacher and practitioner of * Achieve better balance vibrational healing. Call Permelia Parham She teaches workshops on chakra balance, adjusting energy auras, limiting beliefs and past lifetime at 250-240-2656 healing. See website at www.vibrationalhealing.ca www.vibrationalhealing.ca Herbal Collective July,’17


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Natural Health Directory The Natural Health h Directory is a resource for that particular business. our readers who are looking for practitioners, products,

education, herb farm or other herbal and natural health information. Each listing links to a listing on the Herbal Collective website with links and contact information to

Health Food Stores

Lynn’s Vitamin Gallery....................tel 250-748-4421 4-180 Central Ave, Duncan, www.lynnsvitamingallery.ca

Herbal Products

www.herbalcollective.ca/natural-health-directory-herbalproducts AnneMarie Gianni Skin Care - natural, organic ingredi ents free of chemicals and preservatives Ferlow Botanicals, www.ferlowbotanicals.com, info@ferlowbotanicals.com.....................604-322-4080

Purica, medicinal mushrooms and more,.......www.purica.com........................................................250-746-9397

Click on the link for each page to get more information on each particular business. To Get Listed; http://www. http://herbalcollective.ca/order or info@ herbalcollective.ca or call 1-250-7291593. Discover the power of aloe vera..Maureen..250-338-7105 Mickey, 250-338-1363, www.maureenglowasky.com Offers a wide selection of natural health products and nutritional supplements....................................905-695-0631 Canadian Bio Supplements Quality manufacturer of natural health products backed by over 5 years of clinical trials...................306-291-0871

Natural Health Practitioners

Olena Gill, ND, ND, www.indigomedicine.com................ .....................................................778-762-3099 Cheryl Dawn, Reiki, Karuna Reiki (r) Shamanic Energy healing, Chakra readings, Chakra balancing, www.ajourneywithyourspirit.com.................................250-652-5849 www.herbalcollective.ca/directory-naturopathic-doctors.html

Wild Oil of Oregano, www.wildoiloforegano.com www.wildtamanuoil.com.............................250-339-3015

Arrow Gonsalves, Heart Drum Beat, the House of Now, www.heartdrumbeat.com...........................250-650-9905

Natural Foods and Supplements

Pacific Institute of Reflexology Directory Chris Shirley, www.pacificreflexology.com....... ......................................604-875-8818 or 1-800-688-9748



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