Herbal Collective June'16

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The Better living with herbs and natural health

June, 2016

Herbs for Male Menopause Foot Amputations Threaten Diabetics Prostate Health & Sexual Performance Herbalist Publishes Neem Book


Herbal Help for Men


elcome to our June issue – it’s all about men

Publisher’s Note

this time. Ladies, step aside as the articles in this issue are geared towards assisting men with herbs, homeopathic remedies and more that they can use towards greater health. Of course, women can read this issue too to guide the men in their life. Our statistics show us that 70% of the people who read the magazine are women. We would love to see more men get involved and benefit from the power of herbs. Men have been brought up where they are not supposed to admit that they need anything or that they need help with their health. When they get affected by stress in their life and their health takes a tailspin, it’s really good to know there are herbs that can make a difference. Just like women, as more and more men realize the power of herbs, they won’t hesitate to use them.

And when they realize what herbs and other supplements can do for them in the bedroom, it’ll be wow for them and they’ll pay more attention. As June is Father’s Day I want to wish all our fathers a Happy Father’s Day. But this will be the first day I won’t be wishing that for my father as he passed away at the end of March at age 89. I know that he had a good long life. Enjoy the articles in this issue, it’s not just about men’s health. You can learn about herb gardening, enjoy the recipes, likely be shocked about the number of foot amputations from diabetes complications in Canada, and learn about the power of Neem and a new book by expert herbalist Klaus Ferlow. You’ll also discover some healthy herbal recipes, learn how circuses are phasing out performing elephants and much more. Have a good read and be sure to pass it on to others who may benefit. Sincerely Marilyn Zink

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Herbal Collective June,’16

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Contents The Theme: Men’s health - best herbs and remedies

Columns and Departments

In the Kitchen Solve men’s life crisis............................................4 Pad thai, Quinoa avocado salad....................11 Two herbs effective for men’s health.............5 Flower Remedies Prevention is key to prostate health...............8 Flowers solve mid-life crisis...............................5 Prostate health and sexual performance...15 Herb Gardening Herbal inspiration for the garden.................14 Features Herbalist publishes Neem book......................6 Foot amputations threaten diabetics..........12 Circus phases out performing elephants...16

The Herbal Collective published by Pro Write Publishing Publisher/Editor - Marilyn Zink Contact: 250-729-1593 info@herbalcollective.ca, www.herbalcollective.ca Contributors

Klaus Ferlow, Sarah Brune, Don Ollsin The Herbal Collective is published every month by Pro Write Publishing and distributed through social media, various platforms and the Herbal Collective blog and email list. Advertising deadline is around the 21 of every month. The opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those of the editor. Different viewpoints are welcome. All editorial material is copyrighted. Any medical advice is given solely for information purposes only and no responsibility is assumed on the publisher’s part. Copyright © 2016

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Bach Flowers

Solve that Mid-Life Crisis

By Sarah Brune


hether it is a result of their upbringing or an inherited tendency to take more risks, men as a whole tend to pay a great deal less attention to their health than women do. In general, men are reluctant to admit they need help with their health, despite suffering from the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle. The aim of the Bach Flower Remedies is to promote and maintain mental and emotional health in all situations and stages of life. Positive thinking and emotional health give you a head start whenever you are faced with a specific problem. Once men are in their middle years, 40 to 60-age range, they begin to look back on their lives and wonder if they have achieved their dreams/ambitions, and feel as though time is running out. This can bring on anxiety, depression. resentment, plus physical symptoms such as tiredness.

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Herbal Collective June,’16

As the individual’s emotional state is the single and entire cause of the problems associated with a mid-life crisis, the Bach Flower Remedies can be particularly helpful. Some examples are: · Walnut can help to make changes and break old unwanted links to ways of life that are now past. · Larch can assist with a loss of confidence. · Elm is for those who feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities. · Wild Oat is for those who are dissatisfied at not being able to find a worthwhile and fulfilling role in life. · Mimulus for the fear of getting older. · Oak for the man who tries to ignore the crisis and plod on with his everyday work, often extending himself beyond the point of breakdown. Sarah Brune is a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner, author and educator and is based in the Comox Valley, BC. For more information ~ www.BachFlowersCanada.com ~ 250 331 3228.

Two Herbs Effective for Men’s Health By Don Ollsin We in the Pacific North Northwest are blessed to have both of these herbs readily available to us. Last fall I was able to harvest nettle root. This spring I was able to collect pine pollen. Both I made into tinctures.

Nettle Root

The latest research on nettle root focuses on its usefulness for prostate inflammation and benign prostate hyperplasia. There've been many clinical studies about nettle root that demonstrated its improvement in both of these conditions. BPH is age-related and related to the number of cells triggered to grow in the prostate. Nettles’ benefit for the prostate gland is its work on the hormonal level. Enlarge prostate usually occurs in men over 40. Androgen male hormones like testosterone have been shown to cause an large prostate in endless studies. The main culprit is an extremely potent substance called dihydrotestosterone which in excess causes pathological prostate growth. Estrogens may also cause swelling of the prostate gland. These hormones travel in a free state as well as being bound to proteins. One such binding protein is called sex hormone binding globulin SHBG and its role is to help with hormonal balance in the body. SHBG binds or attaches to hormones and carries them to different receptor sites where they can be utilized differently. In men, estrogen and dihydrotestosterone bound to SHBG are carried to the prostate gland in excessive amounts. This can result in enlarge prostate. Nettle root can interfere or block a number of these hormone related chemical processes. It can block the SHBG from binding to the hormone or in some cases it can stop it from binding to the receptor site of the prostate. It appears that many of the intercellular processes that trigger the prostate to grow and enlarge seem to be inhibited by the nettle root. In one study a nettle root extract showed 30% inhibition of prostate growth in five days another reported inhibited prostate growth in mice by up to 52%. In these studies the average urinary flow increase while urgency and frequency decreased. There were also fewer side effects from taking the herb versus taking a drug.

Pine pollen tincture, photo by Don Ollsin

Pine Trees and Pine Pollen The most androgenic part of pine trees is the pollen. Pine pollen is a yellow flower like substance produced in millions each year by pine forests. Unlike the majority of flowering plants, pine trees are wind pollinated. Traditional Chinese physicians prescribe pine pollen for moistening the lungs, relieving rheumatic pain, relieving fatigue, increasing endurance, strengthening the immune system, improving the skin, strengthening the heart, strengthening the G.I. tract and stomach, for increasing mental agility, for prostate problems, increasing agility, and decreasing weight. Interesting that many of these actions are consistent with the intake of exogenous testosterone. What Western researchers have found supports the Chinese use of pine as an anti-aging and vitality enhancing medicine for men. Pine pollen is extremely high in androgens and the amino acids that support healthy endocrine function. Androgens are very potent chemicals and active in very small amounts. Pine pollen tincture is effective in increasing strength, vitality, libido and optimism. Sexual stamina and erectile function both increase. These effects are reported among many users. The nettle root and the pine pollen work synergistically to increase the effectiveness of both herbs in enhancing male health and reducing male problems like enlarged prostate, erectile dysfunction and lack of sexual stamina. Don Ollsin is an herbalist and provides educaational programs. www.herbalhealingpathway.com Herbal Collective, June,’16


People Profile

Herbalist and Neem Crusader Publishes Book


t would probably be an understatement to say Klaus Ferlow thinks the Neem tree is the most amazing herbal plant available. That’s because his personal and professional experience as a master herbalist has uncovered the Neem tree’s amazing attributes. “The Neem tree is one of the few medicinal miraculous tree’s that provides better plant health, better human health, better animal health,” says Ferlow. “There’s no other tree that offers as much as the Neem.” Ferlow has been so impressed with the Neem that he wrote a book on it titled Neem, Nature’s Healing Gift to Humanity. The book has been getting rave reviews and is available on Amazon as well as at www.neemresearch.ca, which is a site developed by Ferlow. Ferlow first heard about Neem in 1994 when he watched a show on the Nature of Things with David Suzuki. At the time there were no Neem products in Canada. Ferlow, who battled psoriasis on his scalp since he was 16, discovered the benefits of Neem after using a cream specially developed for his manufacturing company Ferlow Botanicals. He had given up hope that anything would work for his psoriasis. “It’s an auto-immune disease where you’re told you have to live with it. I basically gave up.” Klaus says he tried the first few batches of Neem cream with his wife massaging it on to his scalp every day. After nine weeks his skin gradually cleared up and healed over. He applied Neem oil to psoriasis on his elbows and that healed completely within three weeks. Then a Neem shampoo, soap and conditioner were manufactured followed by Neem tincture. “The next thing was, what about a Neem toothpaste,” says Ferlow. “Two were developed,’ The Neem product line was distributed by Ferlow Botanicals to their clients – a group of respected natural health practitioners such as naturopathic 6

Herbal Collective June,’16

doctors. It quickly became the top selling line from coast to coast. After many years experience with Neem and travelling to countries where it grows, Ferlow got the idea for the book from his long term customers. “They said, you have so much experience working with Neem, why don’t you write a book about it.” So he started writing and doing in depth research for the book – it became a labour of love over five long years. Many times his loving wife Rose didn’t see much of him. “She is my strongest supporter,” he says. “Writing the book was a labour of love and passion.” The road to getting the book published was a challenge. He tried working with a publisher and that didn’t work out. Then another person almost hijacked the book and tried to take the copyright away. So he went to an editor he knew initially and was told it would take longer but he was willing to be patient. The style the book is written in is meant to attract the average reader as well as the educated

Daily Foot Amputations Threaten Diabetics


n B.C. there is more than one foot amputation every day as a result of a diabetic foot ulcer. Specialized devices that relieve pressure on foot ulcers reduces the risk of amputation – a logical direction for the health of British Columbians and the health care system. This year 463,000 people in British Columbia are living with diabetes and another 755,000 have prediabetes. The increasing rate of diabetes and its complications pose a serious burden on the province’s publicly funded health-care system and our economy. Among these complications are diabetic foot ulcers, which currently impose direct health-care costs of $98-120 million and indirect costs of $11-18 million in British Columbia. The Canadian Diabetes Association has released a new report which addresses how to prevent amputations and the need for foot care supports, specialized devices that help heal diabetic foot ulcers and the cost of offloading these devices.

In recognition of World Foot Health Awareness Month this May, the Canadian Diabetes Association has released a new report, Impact of offloading devices on the cost of diabetic foot ulcers in British Columbia, addressing amputation prevention and the need for foot care supports, including specialized devices that are used to help heal diabetic foot ulcers. These devices include total contact casts, custom braces and orthoses. The Canadian Diabetes Association (CDA) estimates that funding such devices could save the Government of British Columbia between $14-23 million a year, compared to when the public has no access to these devices. The mortality rate for people experiencing diabetic foot complications is worse than rates of some forms of cancer; in fact, the five-year mortality rate for those with a neuropathic ulcer is higher than that of Hodgkin’s disease, breast cancer or prostate cancer.

professional. “This book is written for the consumer, it’s not written for academics,” says Ferlow. “It’s written to draw people in. I’m very happy I had the right person. But you have to be patient.” It took two weeks to get a website planned and Ferlow is happy to rely on professional people to help promote the book. “I believe this book has merit because the time is right,” he says. “Neem grows even in the desert. It can stand up to 50 degrees Celsius. There is no other tree like this.” Ferlow’s passion for the Neem tree shows in his enthusiasm to share it with people he meets. “I never thought 23 years ago that this would become my life’s work,” he says. He hasn’t had a single negative testimonial and the testimonials he’s had are from people who are highly knowledge and qualified about the Neem tree and its benefits.To learn more about Neem, visit www. ferlowbotanicals.com

Ever Felt Captivated... ...by the herb with the fresh, clean aroma and delightful mauve-blue flowers? Then check out this book chock full of everything you want to learn about lavender Learn more at.

www.herbalcollective.ca/source/shop Herbal Collective

June, ‘16


Prevention is Key to Prostate Health by Klaus Ferlow, HMH, HA nfection, enlargement and cancer are three


common prostate problems. Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in Canadian men, accounting for almost one in four diagnoses. Statistics reveal that one in eight men will develop prostate cancer during their lifetime; after age seventy, one in 28 will die from it. These grim statistics should act as a wake-up call for men! Are men really listening?? Symptoms of an enlarged prostate gland typically appear in men after 50 years of age, but in many cases they develop earlier and could start as early as 30 - 40 years! An enlarged prostate does not necessarily indicate cancer, but it is a symptom that should not be ignored. Unfortunately many men have the attitude that they are "bullet proof" and that they don't have a problem it is always somebody else.....my neighbor, uncle, brother, colleague, friend etc. because admitting it would be weakness!! However smart women (many of them are smarter than men anyway!) are finding out about his problem and hopefully can convince him to do something about it the "natural way!" It is not common for the prostate gland to become enlarged as a man ages. This condition is referred to as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and its exact cause is still not known and it is believed that high level of estrogen might be the reason for it. Both prostate enlargement and cancer are linked to hormonal changes that occur as men get older, called "andropause" which is similar to the menopausal changes that occur in women. Statistics show that approximately 75% of males between 30 and 40 will develop enlargement of the prostate. This increases to 90% of men in the age of 65 and over years!


Early detection can make it possible to catch prostate cancer before it spreads to other sites in 8

Herbal Collective June,’16

the body. Careful rectal examination of the prostate gland, however inconvenient it may be, is the simplest and most cost-effective way of detecting prostate cancer. It is suggested that every man should have an annual digital rectal examination, beginning at age35 - 40. A blood test to detect elevated levels of substance called prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is an excellent screening test for prostate cancer. PSA is currently the most valuable "tumor marker" available to diagnose prostate cancer and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. A PSA level between 0 - 4 is considered to be within normal range, and a level over 10 is assumed to indicate cancer until proven otherwise. If a man's PSA level is found to be high, the test should always be repeated.


Here are some symptoms to watch out for. You need to be checked out by your health care practitioner if you experience any of them: . a weak, hesitant or interrupted flow of urine . difficulty in controlling the flow of urine . pain or straining to maintain a stream of urine . blood in the urine or semen . a sensation of incomplete emptying of the bladder . frequent urination, especially at night!! . infection of the bladder . pain or stiffness of the hips, thighs & lower back


Prevention is key to prostate health! Good dietary habits and supplements can help to avoid most problems associated with this potentially troublesome gland. The following are simple guidelines to clean up your diet and environment, and to enrich your nutrition and supplementation. It may be possible to follow each and every one of these recommendations, but a few alterantions to your current practices can make as significant difference! Watch out for: ~a weak, hesitant or interrupted flow of urine Try to Avoid: daily consumption of red meat, refined poisonous white sugar and table salt (use cane sugar and himalayan salt), excess alcohol, coffeine, tobacco, white enriched bleached flour products,hydrogenated fats (deep-fried vegetable

Avoid the 3 Common Problems

oil), margarine (one molecule away from plastic), processed and junk food, pop drinks. Also chemicals added to food (artificial preservatives such as BHA, MSG, nitrites, sodium benzoate, processed meats and sausages, artificial coloring and flavoring, and sweeteners such as aspartame, neotame, Nutrasweet,Equal, Splenda, and saccharine (e.g. Sweet ‘N Low), found in diet sodas, diabetic food and other processed low-calorie foods . fluoride (did you that almost 98% of all cities and municipalities in B.C. are now fluoride free thanks to the work of HANS= Health Action Network, Vancouver, B.C?), chlorine, aluminium and Teflon cookware, and amalgam mercury dental fillings

TRY TO INCLUDE: *Zinc, the single most important nutrient for a healthy prostate gland since certified organic pumpkin seeds are an excellent source. *other nutrient-rich seeds are hemp, flax, sunflower, sesame *Unrefined, cold pressed nut and seed oils such as flax, hemp, walnut, evening primrose, sesame, fish oil, all GMO-free *certified organic fresh leafy green vegetables, whole grains and raw wheat germ (includes freshly pressed juices of carrots, green vegetables, wheatgrass, citrus fruit, mangoes

*Chickpeas, pistachios, almonds, Brazil nuts, lentils, beans, oatmeal *Apples, onions, tomatoes, watermelon, grapefruit, papaya, carrots, sweet potatoes, turnip *Additional nutritional supplements such as vitamin C, B6, B-complex, bee pollen, echinacea, ginseng, buchu, goldenseal, *Uva ursi, chaparral, parsley, St. John’s Wort tea, horsetail bath. Of the herbs listed, Saw Palmetto is the most commonly used for protection the prostate. Studies have shown it to be an effective alternative to prostate surgery. Men using it also experience an increase in libido and ability to function better sexually. It must be used long-term to shrink the prostate, but many men notice an improvement within six weeks. Saw Palmetto can be used to increase strength and muscle mass, and it works best when combined with exercise programs. And remember: Good Prostate Health Begins With Prevention! Words of Wisdom A wise man should consider health as the greatest of human blessings and learn how by his own thought to derive benefits from his illnesses. Hippocrates, Greek father of medicine Klaus Ferlow, author, innovator, lecturer, writer, researcher, founder of Ferlow Botanicals and NEEM RESEARCH, Honorary Master Herbalist, Professional Herbal Advocate, board member of Health Action Network Society, member of the Neem Foundation, Bombay, (Mumbai), India, Plant Savers, International Herbal Association, co-author of the book “7stepstodentalhealth”, author of the book “Neem: Nature’s Healing Gift to Humanity.” Copyright @2000, all rights reserved, www.ferlowbotanicals.com, www.neemresearch.ca, neemresearch1@gmail.com

Dr. Doug Kuramoto Naturopathic Physician

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Herbal Collective June,’16


Remove Cause Silent Inflammation


n Jan., Mike, came to see me about his painful hands and feet. He said, “Doc, you’ve got to help me. I’m in so much pain every day. First thing in the morning when my feet hit the ground, it feels like I’m walking on razor blades. My hands hurt when I try to open the jars of peanut butter and jam that I like to put on my toast. I’ve had to give up my favourite activity, golf. Even if I ride a cart, I still have to hit the ball and my hands kill me just gripping the clubs. My life is miserable!” I asked Mike if he was willing to make some changes to his diet and take a few supplements if it would get rid of his pain. He assured me he would do ANYTHING. We began with a little education on the topic of pain and inflammation. I explained to Mike that by the time he felt the pain in his hands and feet, silent inflammation had been going on in his body for years. Silent inflammation is below our level of perception so it can be going on for years and years without us feeling its insidious damage. Although inflammation is vital for us to deal with infections and any trauma, if it is chronic, subtle damage can be affecting our organs, joints, arteries, nerve cells, and immunity. This is why inflammation is the common denominator in many chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, allergies, autoimmune diseases, and cancer. When you look at the above list, arthritis almost seems insignificant in comparison. But it is usually because the arthritis is painful that it gets our attention. The fantastic news is that what you do to manage inflammation, also decreases your risk for all the conditions listed. So, what did we do for Mike? We began by removing foods that promote inflammation. These include sweeteners and refined starches, hydrogenated fats, and vegetable oils. We had Mike reduce animal products, alcohol, and coffee as much as he could. Testing was also done to identify and remove foods that Mike was sensitive to and these were primarily wheat and dairy. Next we replaced some of his foods with anti-inflammatory foods. These include lots of bright coloured fruits and vegetables, whole grains, grass fed meats, fermented foods for their probiotics, and olive, coconut, and flaxseed oils. 10 Herbal Collective June,’16

Mike expressed his concern that he would not be consistent if he had too many supplements to take. So, I told him the three most important ones for his condition were a high quality fish oil, a strong curcumin product, and a product that has glucosamine and MSM. We also, used low intensity laser to help with the repair of the cartilage in his joints. This cutting edge technology reduces inflammation and stimulates the healing of any tissues, nerve, bone, muscle, cartilage, tendons, or ligaments. This is a tough program, but Mike was determined to follow it 100%. He was highly motivated to be able to get back to golfing, gardening, and playing with his three grandchildren. When he came in for his one month follow up visit, he was so happy to report that his feet were completely pain free and his hands were 95% better. He said, “I am absolutely amaze at how fast things improved. I have to tell you I was skeptical on my first visit, but I thought I had nothing to lose. Thank you for giving me back me life.” Dr. John Yim is a naturopathic physician in Nanaimo. He can be contacted at VitaCare Natural Health Clinic. 250 755-1930, www.vita-care.ca

Got a Recipe to Contribute? Email info@herbalcollective.ca

Pad Thai

1 12 ounce package flat rice noodles 2 garlic cloves, minced 1 inch piece ginger, peeled and minced ½ teaspoon crushed red pepper, or 2 tablespoons chili sauce 3 tablespoons sesame oil 3 tablespoons soy sauce 1 cup of bean sprouts 3 green onions, chopped 1/4 cup cilantro 3/4 cup peanut butter 3-4 eggs

Quinoa and Avocado Chimichurri Salad 3 cloves garlic minced 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar ½ teaspoons red pepper flakes ½ teaspoons dried oregano salt freshly ground pepper ¼ cup chopped cilantro ¼ cup chopped fresh parsley 2 avocados, peeled, pitted, and sliced 1 cup roasted red bell pepper 1/2 cup corn 2 cups Quinoa Combine lemon juice, vinegar, garlic, salt, red pepper flakes, oregano, and black pepper in small bowl. Whisk in oil, then stir in cilantro and parsley. Add roasted red bell pepper, quinoa and avocado to a bowl and dress with chimichurri sauce. Garnish with feta cheese and serve with flaxseed crackers if desired.

Saute both the garlic and ginger in a frying pan over medium heat. Push to side of pan. Crack eggs and cook omelette style, remove from heat when done. Cut into thin strips. Combine the red pepper or chili sauce, green onions, sesame oil, soy sauce and peanut butter and saute with the garlic and ginger. Cook the rice noodles in a pot of boiling water five minutes. Drain and add to peanut sauce. Add bean sprouts and mix in with the noodles and sauce, cooking for another 3 minutes. Granish with cilantro. Herbal Collective



Best Herbs for Male Menopause


e all know women go through menopause but does it happen to

men too? Is it a myth or reality? Men go through hormonal changes just like women, only with men it’s called andropause. Symptoms include; low energy, depression or sadness, decreased motivation, lowered self confidence, difficulty concentrating, low libido, irritability, insomnia, increased body fat, reduced muscle mass and feeling of physical weakness. Herbs have been used for centuries with their potent abilities to reduce male andropause symptoms. A man can choose the herb or herbs that most appeal to him, depending on his situation. There are herbs that increase libido, increase erections or promote energy and endurance. Here are the top eight herbs that benefit male health. They are not all specific to men, as women may find some of them, like the adaptogens, beneficial as well.

Tribulus terrestris: This herb is a natural aphrodisiac, having been used for centuries to stimulate libido and promote normal testosterone levels. The plant contains a compound, protodioscin, that is a precursor to testosterone and is a blood vessel dilator. So it allows more blood to reach the penis resulting in a normal, full erection. 12

Herbal Collective June,’16

Suma This herb is a ground vine with the root used as an herbal tonic for improving hormone balance, improving libido and sexual response. Men who have andropause or general sexual dysfunction are among the most popular consumers of suma root.

Ashwagandha This herb is an adaptogen meaning that it helps the body adapt to stress while also balancing hormones. It has been used for over 3,000 years to remedy various sexual issues. Some research suggests that Ashwagandha, when combined with Tribulus terrestris, may promote fertility in men. The herb encourages higher energy levels while promoting sperm quality.

Maca Known as the Peruvian ginseng, maca is native to Peru and has been used for centuries as an aphrodisiac and to enhance sexual endurance. Research has consistently shown that men benefit from an increased erectile response while taking maca. Positive effects on ejaculation rates have also been reported.

Avena Sativa Ever heard of wild oats? That’s exactly what this is and it has benefits for producing testoerone, increasing energy and endurance and improving prostate health. It contains compounds that may stimulate the luteinizing hormone which is responsible for activating the production of testosterone. It

is also reported to help with a healthy sexual response, increased libido and orgasm frequency.

Tongkat Ali This is another herb with powerful aphrodisiac qualities. It has been shown to stimulate libido, improve semen quality and muscle growth.

Nature’s Potent Panacea

Catauaba This herb is similar to Tribulus terrestris in that it promotes a strong and longer lasting erection by increasing blood flow to the penis. It may also increase the brain’s sensitivity to dopamine, a neurotransmitter that enhances the pleasurable effects experienced during sex.

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Muira Puama Native to Brazil, studies have shown this herb promote blood flow to support a normal erection. It also increases sexual desire and satisfaction. In some circles it is known as the ‘Viagra of the Amazon.’ The roots of the tree were studied by the UCLA School of Medicine. The study showed a significant improvement in both erecticle function and sexual desire. This herb has been widely used as an aphrodisiac by both men and women.

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Herbal Inspiration for the Garden


ooking for herbal inspiration for your garden? Culinary herbs are often the favorite for growing but there’s a big wide world of herbs to grow. When you’re looking for new herbs to grow, it’s a good idea to think about what growing these herbs would mean to you. Thinking about themes for your garden can really help to clarify things and create a plan for an herbal garden that is both beautiful and useful.

Flowering and Aromatic Herbs If you love looking at the beautiful flowers of herbs and enjoying their aroma, then these are the plants to grow. These include herbs like lavender, catmint, purple sage, Anise hyssop, Echinacea aka purple coneflower, bergamot and many others. If you have a passion for lavender, try growing different varieties. Or perhaps growing a selection of purple flowering herbs set off with the pink daisy like petals of Echinacea is more to your liking. Many of these herbs can also be harvested for their set, dried for displays or used in bath and beauty products.

Tea Herbs For someone who enjoys herbal tea, growing a selection of tea herbs can be very enjoyable. There are always fresh leaves to pinch from herbs like lemon balm, lemon verbena, peppermint or spearmint, bergamot aka bee balm, German chamomile or Anise hyssop. Prune the branches and dry the leaves to store them for later use. Bergamot also has stunning red flowers and Anise hyssop has bright purple flowers so these are also enjoyable as flowering herbs. The mint family likes a combination of sun and shade with slightly moist soil while the other types of herbs enjoy full sun. 14

Herbal Collective, June’16

Culinary Theme Herbs Let’s say you have a particular leaning towards foods that you want to enhance with herbs. If it’s Italian, then growing herbs to spice up these foods is the way to go. Herbs that give an Italian flavor include Greek oregano, sweet marjoram, basil, thyme and rosemary. Maybe it’s Mexican foods you prefer. These include cilantro, oregano, thyme, parsley and mint. Or perhaps it’s Mediterranean foods that are preferred. The herbs to grow are rosemary, thyme, oregano, cilantro, basil and sage. As you can see there is some overlap. One way to grow these themes is to create a half wagon wheel designed garden and grow the herbs for a specific theme in each of the spokes. There are many ways to get creative with growing herbs.

How Prostate Health Affects Sexual Performance


othing heals the body... no medicine, no herb or any other remedy. Supply the body the proper nutrient and the body WILL heal itself. When my brother-in-law acquired prostate cancer from a bad living, he completely refused natural (nature's) methods. He went the medical route (radiation). The cancer went into remission but came back with a vengence as cancer usually does. He died an agonizing and mizerable death! A gentleman with prostate cancer (psa of 1800) and later cancer of his total body, given less than eight days to live and funeral arrangements already made was pronounced cancer-free in sixty days. How did this occur...? He accepted nature`s methods... specifically powerful plant enzymes, powerful specialized probiotics and other whole food nutrients. (See the full story on our site below). Prostate Health and Sexual Performance Males are becoming more and more aware of the need to look after their health. Their egos are finally slowly starting to fall away. It seems that increased education is improving this number. And of course, seeing more and more men getting prostate cancer and many dying from it. It does not have to be this way. More and more men are looking into healthy alternatives, from products for prostate health and sexual performance, to remedies for blood pressure, heart problems, cholesterol, arthritis and bone density. It is agreed that there are two key areas where men’s natural health products play a unique and consistently strong role – sexual performance and prostate health. There are two areas that men will come to discuss with you first hand, and will also buy products for themselves. The quest for alternative remedies to enhance sexual performance has been steadily growing over the past few years, a trend initiated in part by the popularity of performance enhancement medication. (eg. Viagra) Thank goodness a lot of men do not want to take these drugs and are looking for a natural alternative. They realize it’s a chemical and has impactive side effects. The demand for natural products to

treat prostate conditions or to sustain prostate health has been increasing as the population ages. A lot of formulations focus on the prostate, and there is more of a push by doctors for herbal remedies versus pharmaceuticals. The Canadian Cancer Society reports that prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer) A report from the Herbal Foundation confirms that in an American study, Saw Palmetto is the “option of first choice for men with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)”(inflammation of the prostate), and now findings are that Saw Palmetto is not as effective as once thought. Europe has been a strong proponent of natural remedies in treating BPH. In Italy herbal remedies are used five times more often than synthetic drugs and in Germany more than 90 percent of men and their physicians choose natural remedies over synthetics for treating BPH. Our approach has proven very effective in reducing the concerns of men about their prostate health. We believes that understanding the cause of the problem can provide you with a much better and more effective way to prevent poor prostate health. Yes – most of the prostate problems are caused by the bowel – you just have to look at the anatomy of a male and you will see that when you have any enlarging of the sigmoid area of the large intestine, it will put extreme pressure on the prostate gland, restricting blood flow, restricting proper flow of the urinary tract and affecting many other prostate health issues. Cleansing the bowel with a specialized ‘Herb Cocktail’ and establishing ‘Friendly Flora’ helps wipe out bad bacteria that sets up house-keeping in our colons. With the daily use of powerful‘Enzymes’ when we eat, we ensure proper digestion. This reduces the chance of undigested amino acids ending up in our colon and putrefying – which causes toxic putrefaction within and enlargement of the colon that can result in poor prostate health! Learn more on our our sites… www.LeadingEdgeHealth.org Educational product site www.IdealHealth4Life.info. Louis Hoolaeff HR HC ACS Herbal Collective June’16


Circus Phases Out Performing Elephants


fter enduring years of criticism from animal rights activists, Feld Entertainment, the parent company of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey, announced in March 2015 that it would phase out the use of endangered Asian elephants in its circus performances within three years. Then, less than a year later, the company said it was expediting the process and would be retiring the 11 elephants still travelling for circus shows even earlier—by May 2016. These last working circus pachyderms are now able to join 31 of their predecessors at the Center for Elephant Conservation, a 200-acre elephant refuge in central Florida created by Ringling Bros. in 1995 to care for, conserve, breed and study Asian elephants. “There’s been somewhat of a mood shift among our consumers,” says Alana Feld, the company’s executive vice president. “A lot of people aren’t comfortable with us touring with our elephants.” No doubt, part of the reason for that mood shift has been the advocacy work of groups like the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)—each which has campaigned tirelessly to halt the use of Asian elephants in America’s iconic circus act. Testimonials from former circus employees and photographic evidence provided by these groups helped convince the U.S. Department of Agriculture to fine Ringling Bros. $270,000 in 2011 for violations of the Animal Welfare Act. 16 Herbal Collective June,’16

Some of the documented abuses include Ringling Bros. elephants getting whipped and beaten by trainers and “yanked by heavy, sharp steeltipped bull hooks behind the scenes, prior to performing.” A PETA investigator who travelled with Ringling Bros. for several months documented many of the circus’ elephants swaying and rocking continuously— “neurotic and abnormal behavior typically seen in animals who are suffering from extreme stress, frustration, and boredom.” Meanwhile, baby elephants were “torn away from their mothers and subjected to violent training sessions [to] learn how to perform tricks.” PETA adds that at least 30 elephants, including four babies, have died prematurely from accidents or disease while travelling with Ringling Bros. since 1992. While circus fans will certainly miss the elephants’ presence in the ring heralding the opening of each show and performing synchronized dance routines, they’ll be glad to know that these lovable and endan-

gered animals will no longer suffer abuse or be exploited for their entertainment value. That said, Ringling Bros. does continue to use lions, tigers, zebras, llamas, goats, horses, camels and dogs in its circus performances—a fact that animal rights activists remain unhappy about. For its part, PETA wants Ringling Bros. to pull all of its animals from their performances immediately. “Tigers and lions spend most of their lives in cramped transport cages,” the group reports, adding that these and other animals travelling with the circus “are denied everything that is natural and important to them.” CONTACTS: Ringling Bros., www.ringling.com; Center for Elephant Conservation, www.ringlingelephantcenter.com; PETA, www.peta. org; HSUS, www.hsus.org; ASPCA, www.aspca.org. EarthTalk® is produced by Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss and is a registered trademark of the nonprofit Earth Action Network. To donate, visit www.earthtalk.org. Send questions to: question@earthtalk.org.

Natural Health Directory The Natural Health h Directory is a resource for our readers who are looking for practitioners, products,

Click on the link for each page to get more information on each particular business. To Get Listed; http://www. http://herbalcollective.ca/order or info@ herbalcollective.ca or call 1-250-7291593.

Health Food Stores

Health Food Stores

4-180 Central Ave, Duncan, www.lynnsvitamingallery.ca


education, herb farm or other herbal and natural health information. Each listing links to a listing on the Herbal Collective website with links and contact information to that particular business.

Lynn’s Vitamin Gallery....................tel 250-748-4421

Herbal Products

www.herbalcollective.ca/directory-herbal-products.html AnneMarie Gianni Skin Care - natural, organic ingredi ents free of chemicals and preservatives Ferlow Botanicals, www.ferlowbotanicals.com, info@ferlowbotanicals.com.....................604-322-4080 Laughing Lichen Wildcrafted Herb & Tea

www.laughinglichen.ca, laughinglichen@gmail.com..............1-778-884-2371 Find medicinal mushrooms at www.Purica.com Wild Oil of Oregano, www.wildoiloforegano.com www.wildtamanuoil.com

Flower Remedies

Sarah Brune, Bach foundation registered practitioner, author, educator....www.bachflowerscanada.com.. .......................................................250-331-3228

Nanaimo Hpnotherapy Center......250-739-4609 www.nanaimohypnotherapycenter.com

Natural Foods and Supplements

www.herbalcollective.ca/directory-natural-foods.html# Offers a wide selection of natural health products and nutritional supplements....................................905-695-0631 Canadian Bio Supplements Quality manufacturer of natural health products backed by over 5 years of clinical trials...................306-291-0871

Naturopathic Doctors


Pacific Holistic Center, Dr Doug Kuramoto. In Parksville................................................ 250-954-1955


www.herbalcollective.ca/directory-reflexology.html Pacific Institute of Reflexology Directory Chris Shirley, www.pacificreflexology.com....... ......................................604-875-8818 or 1-800-688-9748

Advertise Here for Pennies a Day! Email info@herbalcollective.ca

www.roadtomillionaireminds.com Herbal Collective June,’16


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