Herbal Collective Oct'17

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The Better living with herbs and natural health

Oct, 2017

Listen to Your Gut Elderberry Flu Fighter Nourish Your Immune System Tea-riffic Drinks for Fall Butternut Squash Soup


Nourish for a Stronger Immune System


t’s another fall and the usual round of flu and cold viruses are cropPublisher’s Note ping up. That means many people are running to their doctors or taking anti-biotics or OTC drugs. Isn’t it time we started looking at this in a better way? We always talk about using preventative medicine in the herbal and natural world. So we want to consciously move towards that goal starting with nourishing the body for better immune health. It’s not about waiting til you’re sick to kill viruses. It’s about nourishing the body with the right herbs so you don’t get sick. When you do get that scratchy throat or actually get sick, you will know exactly what to do to get better faster and more effectively. Though I sometimes wonder if people want to get sick. I don’t mean they plan to get sick, I mean they are less likely to be vigilant about staying healthy.

Maybe they allow themselves to get sick because it gives them permission to stay home and take it easy, to get away from the stress of work and daily life. It’s like having a vacation without needing to go anywhere. I know there are some people who get a flu or cold every winter. It could be that they have a lot of stress in their life as that is one of the prime reasons people get ill. Or it could be that they are poorly equipped to stay healthy due to their diet and lifestyle choices. Some people may have allergies that make them more likely to get ill. The bottom line is to be informed about the cause of colds and flu’s, then take action to be as healthy as you can. You owe it to yourself and to your family. Herbs like elderberry, astragalus, eleuthro, ginger, Echinacea and more can all help you nourish your body to strengthen the immune system. Hopefully the articles in this issue on herbal and natural remedies will give you the information you need for a healthier life.


Marilyn Zink

What is Nature’s Most Potent Aphrodisiac? Can Herbs Make You Skinny? What are the Best Herbs for Colds and Flu?

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Herbal Collective Oct,’17

Contents The Theme: How to nourish the body for a stronger immune system

Columns and Departments In the Kitchen Butternut squash soup.....................................11

Listen to your gut with probiotics...................4 Herb of the Month Elderberry flu fighter............................................7 Elderberry flu fighter............................................7 Leaky gut linked to auto-immune system...8 Immune support from aloe vera...................12 Nourishing herbs for fall..................................14 Features Suffering from sleeplessness............................6 Home homeopaths use symptoms................9 Tea-riffic drinks for fall.......................................10 Desiring success?................................................13 Gum disease linked to breast cancer...........18 See page 7

See page 10

The Herbal Collective published by Pro Write Publishing Publisher/Editor - Marilyn Zink Contact: 250-729-1593 info@herbalcollective.ca, www.herbalcollective.ca Contributors

Klaus Ferlow, Olena Gill, Sarah Brune, Colin Gillies, Maureen Glowasky, The Herbal Collective is published every month by Pro Write Publishing and distributed through social media, various platforms and the Herbal Collective blog and email list. Advertising deadline is around the 21 of every month. The opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those of the editor. Different viewpoints are welcome. All editorial material is copyrighted. Any medical advice is given solely for information purposes only and no responsibility is assumed on the publisher’s part.

Contact These Sponsors for Natural Health Solutions Olena Gill, www.indigmedicine.com.....................................4 Colin Gillies.....................................................................................9 Salvestrol, www.salvestrolbook.com....................................5 Sarah Brune, www.bachflowerscanada.com.......................6 Ferlow Botanicals. www..ferlowbotanicals.com................7 Edible Island, www.edibleisland.ca......................................11 Hedd Wyn, ............www.heddwynessentials.com...........12 Aloe vera, www.maureenglowasky.com............................13 Purica, www.purica.com..........................................................17 Herbal Collective, Oct,’17


Listen to your Gut, Literally with



isten to your gut – literally and figuratively. Today, I am specifically referring to the intestinal flora that makes up the gut biome – over 400 species of living bacteria that exist and have a relationship with the rest of the human body. The more prominent species that live in the gut are L. acidiophilus, B. bifidus, Saccharomyces boulardii, and E.coli. Any bacterial strain that is called a probiotic simply means that it is beneficial to the gastrointestinal (GI) system. Why is intestinal flora important to your health? Consider your gut as a mini-ecological system unto itself, almost like a living, breathing organ. Bacterial flora are crucial in balancing the gastrointestinal system and helping maintain a strong immunity defense system by producing specific antibodies. One such example is Immunoglobulin A (IgA), which strengthens the body’s response when food allergen reactions occur. It is estimated that 80 percent of your immune system and serotonin (a neurotransmitter) receptors are actually located in the gut, which impacts moods such as anxiety and depression, as well as brain cognition. The gut is often referred to as the ‘second brain’ – having sufficient amounts of serotonin in the intestinal system can have a positive influence on mood and behavior. Imbalances in the gut can occur for many reasons – stress, poor diet, food allergies, chronic antibiotic use, and general illnesses can all contribute. GI flora also function as protective mechanisms from many disease-causing bacteria, can help reduce both food and seasonal allergic responses, and tackle many different symptoms of GI health conditions. Besides helping restore the GI system to its optimal function, replenishing the gut with probiotics can reduce the risk of overgrowth of harmful bacteria such as candida albicans, and can produce the necessary nutrients and enzymes for proper breakdown and absorption of food. Probiotics can be obtained naturally through different food sources – fermented foods such as sauer4

Herbal Collective Oct,’17

kraut, tempeh, miso, kefir, buttermilk, yogurt, other fermented vegetables such as kimchi, and cottage cheese. However, many of the bacterial strains in fermented food are transient as opposed to resident bacteria. This means that although consuming fermented products is healthy for you, they don’t remain in the gut and colonize. Nevertheless, eating for disease prevention is important, and fermented foods are outstanding sources of essential nutrients. The other option is to take a probiotic supplement which often contain strains that more resident to the gut, such as L. acidophilus as an example. I often have patients in the clinic who ask me whether commercial probiotic yogurts are sufficient sources of bacteria. Most of what you find in the grocery stores are actually not recommended, simply because they don’t contain even close to the amount of bacterial strains that the body needs or is compatible with. In addition, the added sugars, flavours and colours can all hamper health.

What about Probiotic Supplements? Fermented foods aside, not all probiotics are created equal, and no single probiotic supplement is appropriate for everyone. A common belief I hear from patients is that the higher the billions, the better they are to take. Not true. I usually reserve prescribing such extreme amounts for acute situations such as flare-ups of Crohns Disease or Ulcerative colitis. A related issue has to do with ingesting the right strains of probiotic bacteria. Testing is available to narrow down one’s bacterial deficiencies, allowing for the customization of the right type of probiotics for your needs. The state of your gut reflects the state of your health. So remember, always listen to your gut. It’s your best defense to a healthier you. Dr. Olena Gill is a Naturopathic Physician and Acupuncturist practicing in Parksville and on Gabriola Island≠, B.C. She can be reached at 778-762-3099 or www.indigomedicine.com . Disclaimer: Information in this article should not be construed or used as a substitute for medical evaluation or advice. See your Naturopathic Physician for proper evaluation and prescription.

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neem tree Ancient Medicine for a Modern World

Ayurvedic medicine and the Indian subcontinent have long been using the amazing healing powers of the Neem Tree. Oil is extract from the kernels of the seeds and an extract is derived from the leaves. Neem is traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine to help temporarily relieve the minor skin irritations such as itching associated with eczema or minor wounds. The tincture and skin cream are Health Canada registered.



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Suffering from Sleeplessness?


uffering from sleeplessness? Sleeplessness can be caused by many factors, whether it is from worry, anxiety, fear, or just the inability to shut your mind off at night. The Bach Flower Remedies can help you deal with the emotions that surround sleepBySarah Brune lessness and will hopefully assist with a good night's sleep. Do you have an active mind with thoughts constantly going around and around, which however hard you try keep returning? Try White Chestnut for a peace of mind and clear head for positive problem solving. Worry can then be replaced by trust in a positive outcome and soluEnd sleepless nights of starting at the clock with Bach tions to problems will come to mind easily. flower remedies. Are you anxious of fearful about something? If you have unknown fears try Aspen for an inner peace. For known fears try Mimulus to give you the courage to face trials and difficulties with confidence. For fears of over-concern for the welfare of others (especially family) Red Chestnut will assist you to care for them compassionately and calmly when asked to do so. Stressed out and overwhelmed by your daily workload and responsibilities? Try Elm, this remedy can help you to put things into perspective, so that you can take on only what you can cope with, and at the same time look after your own needs. Feeling over tired, exhausted and out of energy? Olive will help you regain the strength and ability to get through the day, at the same time helping you realize when it is time to take it easy. Sarah Brune has her practise in the Comox Valley and is available for consultations, and teaches certified courses. For more information: BachFlowersCanada.com or 250 331 3228. 6

Herbal Collective Oct,’17

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Herb of the Month

Elderberry-Flu Fighter


n old Austrian saying tells us to ‘tip your hat to the elder.’ Most people would think this refers to older adults, but what it really refers to is the elder tree. Elderberry was used medicinally in the ancient world but fell into obscurity with commercial medications. European and American herbalists used the berries as a laxative diuretic, to treat diabetes, to increase resistance to illness and to treat infections such as the flu. Elderberry use was resurrected in the early 1990s when researchers discovered it had remarkable flu fighting capabilities. That’s when Israeli researchers discovered the purple berry substantially limited how the virus replicates. They processed the berries into a syrup and used it to treat a flu outbreak in an Israeli kibbutz. The people who did not take it took six days to recover. But 90% of the people who did take it recovered in 3 days. Subsequent studies have shown that elderberry does not attack the flu virus. Instead it boosts the immune system by increasing the production of cytokines, an immune compound. This helps the body fight the flu virus more effectively. Prevention of Degenerative Disease Elderberries contain anti-oxidants called anthocyanins. These help prevent and reverse the cell damage at the root of heart disease, cancer and many other conditions associated with aging. Heart Attack and Stroke USDA researchers at Tufts University tested elderberry on the cells that line human arteries. Damage to those cells initiates a cascade of reactions that eventually leads to arterial blockages that trigger heart attack and most strokes. Elderberry protects the cells from damage which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Gum Disease Elderberry boosts the immune system’s ability to combat the bacteria that causes gum disease. A study reported in the Journal of Periodontology

Elderberry syrup is a great immune booster. showed that researchers at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center make a discovery by incubating infection-fighting white blood cells and gum-disease bacteria with elderberry extract. The white blood cells exposed to the extract inhibited the gum disease bacteria. Elderberry Syrup Elderberry syrup can be made by boiling 1 cup of elder berries in 2 cups of water with 1 tsp. of cinnamon, 2 tsp. of cloves and 1 tbsp. of ginger (fresh or ground, use 2 tbsp. for fresh). Simmer for 30-45 minutes, then add 2 tbsp. of honey. Take 2 tsp. a day for general health, 2 tsp. four times a day to fight flu. Contraindications: No significant side effects have been reported from using the berries. Do not consume uncooked berries as this will cause nausea and diarrhea. Elderberry leaves and stems contain cyanide, a poison which should be avoided. Herbal Collective

Octt, ‘17


Leaky Gut Linked to Auto-Immune System By Dr. Chad Larson,


ould you be surprised if I told you that the very products you might be using to rid your home of dirt, germs, grime and bacteria might actually be causing you and your family more harm than those elements would themselves? Would you be concerned if I suggested that your everyday household cleaning products could not only aggravate chronic health and immunity issues, but could even cause the onset of autoimmune related illness? Well, the good news is that these risks can be mitigated if you know what to look for and there are tests available to gauge reaction to the potentially harmful toxins and chemicals we tend to invite into our homes. The key is to understand what we’re dealing with. In his foreword to The Autoimmune Epidemic, Dr. Douglas Kerr, M.D., Ph.D. professor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, says, “There is no doubt that autoimmune diseases are on the rise and our increasing environmental exposure to toxins and chemicals is fueling the risk. The research is sound. The conclusions, unassailable.” There are several possible factors that may link chemicals and toxins to autoimmune disease. The following hold the most relevance:

Leaky Gut

Leaky gut, a condition where the protective lining of the digestive track becomes compromised, allowing bacterial toxins, partially digested food, and toxic waste to pass through. Exposure to toxins can exacerbate this condition, which often leads to autoimmune reactivity and eventually disease, if not treated. Of the more than 80,000 chemicals currently used in the United States, most haven’t been adequately tested for their effects on human health (NDRC, 2017). Not good! If it doesn’t come from nature, it shouldn’t be consumed, ingested, inhaled or exposed to the skin. Remember, our skin is an organ and it is porous, so it will absorb what it touches. If the ingredients listed on the bottle are a scientific mystery to you, it’s always safest to avoid it. Does all of this information mean that we should quit cleaning our houses and cohabitate with dirt and dust mites? 8

Herbal Collective Oct’17

No, of course not. But it should make you think twice about what exposure to harsh chemical cleaners and other products such as air fresheners and laundry detergent can potentially do to your health. The best solution for improving your autoimmune health and preventing the onset of autoimmune reactivity and disease is to use alternatives to chemical products. Baking soda, lemon or lemon oil, vinegar and castile soap are examples of great natural products that will safely get the job done. There are also an abundance of organic and natural cleaning products for sale at most grocery stores.

Chemical Sensitivities

If you have increased chemical sensitivities, an autoimmune disease or a family history of autoimmune disease; toxicity and overexposure to chemical agents should be considered and testing is recommended. Cyrex Laboratories, a clinical laboratory specializing in functional immunology and autoimmunity, offers advanced, innovative tests designed to detect and monitor autoimmune reactivities and their possible triggers. Array 11 identifies the loss of immune tolerance associated with toxic chemicals exposure from household cleaning products, makeup, lotions and more, which may lead to inflammation and autoimmune reactivity. This blood test assists in setting guidelines for the avoidance of specific chemicals to reduce the risk of igniting the autoimmune process, and monitoring the effectiveness of the clinical management of protocols.

Seek Advice

Seek the advice of your health care professional and raise any concerns with them. Proactivity is the best way to combat the effects of health issues and risk factors. Everybody can benefit from eliminating toxic elements and chemical-laden cleaning products from our environment.

Dr. Chad Larson, NMD, DC, CCN, CSCS, Advisor and Consultant on Clinical Consulting Team for Cyrex Laboratories (joincyrex.com). Dr. Larson holds a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine degree from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Southern California University of Health Sciences. He is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist.

How Homeopaths Use Symptoms


n a previous article we looked at the importance of disease symptoms and what they mean in the course of treatment. But what symptoms are important and how do they rank in terms of selecting a homeopathic remedy? In many long-term chronic conditions there may be innumerable symptoms so what are the characteristics of symptoms that help a homeopath decide on a remedy, or course of remedies, for an individual? The following bullet points are a hierarchy of symptoms which helps the homeopath make a decision on a remedy. A homeopath needs to work down the hierarchy of symptoms until his patient’s symptoms match with a hierarchy level. Do we have an etiology of the symptoms, do we have a diagnosis of the disease, is there a sudden onset of symptoms, and so on? On finding the level for an individual a limited number of remedies are indicated from which a selection would be made. Once the hierarchy level of the patient’s symptoms is determined it may not be necessary to consider symptoms lower in the hierarchy except to confirm a remedy choice. Etiology (causation) of a disease and where symptoms start from. This is usually ‘ailments from’ or ‘never well since’ a certain trauma, event or illness. It could be grief from a death in the family, a divorce, an accident, withdrawal of a teenager due to bullying or never well since mononucleosis. Diagnosis or what is the condition. Is the disease condition known – mumps, arthritis, gallstones, asthma? Take a symptom like diarrhea, so many illnesses have it. Is it food poisoning, Crohn’s disease, stage fright? Knowing the symptom is not enough; the homeopath needs to know what’s wrong. Sudden onset. A sudden onset of symptoms may lead to an immediate consideration of remedies such as Aconite or Belladonna Delusions and strange/rare and peculiar symptoms including the most recent symptom. Delusion of being poor, being pursued, being not appreciated…. Symptom that is bizarre, weird

Recent symptom. Hering’s law says that healing takes place in reverse order so that the most recent symptom goes first (a remedy matching that symptom is essential) Peculiar or strange to the disease. It is normal to have thirst with a fever so thirst is expected, but fever without thirst is characteristic. Burning pains better for heat rather than the normal better for cold. A normal symptom but excessive. Symptoms you would expect to be there but are not there or only slightly. A visibly sore throat without or with little pain. Symptom is a keynote of a remedy. Give that remedy. Symptom is characteristic by its concomitant. Vomiting and diarrhea at the same time. Alternating symptoms. As one goes away, the other one comes back Symptoms to be complete require sensation (feeling; burning, stinging), location (where located; heart, GI tract, skin) and modalities (what makes the symptom better or worse). Mental symptoms. Symptoms like poor concentration, confusion, irresolution, forgetfulness…. Emotional symptoms. Symptoms like fear, crying, anger, whining, anxious, throwing things… Physical generals. Symptoms that start with the word “I”; I’m thirsty, I’m cold, I’m nauseous, I want to sleep…. Physical local symptoms. Symptoms that start with the word “my”; my leg hurts, my throat is sore, my eyes itch, my feet are cold… Colin Gillies is a homeopath in Qualicum, B.C.

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www.colingillieshomeopath.com Herbal Collective Octt,’17


Tea-riffic Drinks for Fall When we think of good nutrition, we usually think of food. But herbal teas are an excellent way to get good nutrition and provide the body with the immune support it needs. Herbal teas are soothing, warming and cosy on cool fall days. An herb can be taken as a single herb in one tea or combined with other herbs for a more synergistic blend. Some of the most common herbal teas are chamomile, ginger, green tea, dandelion, rooibos, rose hips yarrow and nettle. As some herbs are bitter, adding a sweetener such as honey or stevia makes it more enjoyable. Ginger Chamomile Tea 1 cup water 2 tsp. ginger root, peeled and finely minced 2 tsp. raw honey or small pinch of stevia, juice of 1 lemon 2 tbsp. chamomile flowers



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Herbal Collective Oct,’17

Warm the tea pot with boiling water. Pour over the ginger, chamomile flowers and steep for 3-5 minutes. Add lemon,honey, stir and enjoy. Echinacea Ginger Tea 2 cups boiling water 1 tsp. dried Echinacea flowers 1 tsp. finely chopped and peeled ginger 1 lemon, freshly squeezed juice 1-2 tsp honey or stevia Pour the boiling water over the Echinacea and chopped ginger. Cover and steep for 10 min. Add lemon juice and honey or stevia. Strain and pour into mugs. Elderberry Echinacea Tea 3 cups distilled water ½ cup dried elderberries 2 tbsp. dried Echinacea 1 tbsp. dried ginger or 2 Tbsp. fresh ginger root 1-2 cinnamon sticks This is more like a syrup than a tea. It’s recommended to use distilled water to avoid contaminants that may be in tap water. Place water and ingredients except honey in a pot. Bring to a boil and then simmer for 45 minutes. Stir occasionally and smush the berries into the liquid. Cool for 10 minutes and then add honey. For the full step by step recipe, see https://crunchybetty.com/elderberry-echinacea-syrup-recipe/

Add a Flavorful Soup to Thanksgiving Dinner

Butternut Squash Soup

(Got a recipe to contribute? Email info@herbalcollective.ca

Warm up fall with this delicious soup. It has warming herbs to add flavor and healing properties. 2 lbs. butternut squash, peeled and cubed 1 medium onion, minced 6 cups chicken or veggie stock 1 cup coconut milk ½ cup to 1 cup chickpeas 1 knob grated peeled fresh ginger (or 1 tbsp. ground ginger) 2 cloves garlic, chopped 1 tbsp. olive oil 1 tsp. curry powder 1 tsp. cumin 1 tsp. paprika ¼ ts. dried thyme Saute onion, garlic and ginger in olive oil until onion is translucent. Combine all ingredients with 6 cups water. Cover, bring to boil over high heat. Then reduce heat and cook, covered, until squash is soft, which is 30-40 minutes. Use an immersion blender or transfer soup in batches into blender. Puree in blender and return to pot.

Don’t over blend it, you still want it to be creamy thick. Ladle into bowls and serve with a sprig of fresh thyme if desired.

Variation: Add 1 peeled, sliced apple for a touch of sweetness. Add 1/2 cup of sundried tomatoe with a distinctive flair (but not with the apple).

Herbal Collective



Immune Support from Aloe Vera


t seems we all talk animately about our immune systems when we or someone we know develop allergies, come down with cold and/or flu or is inflicted with some form of bacterial disease or virus. I guess, it’s like most things – “Out of sight-Out of mind” until of course, it comes to the fore in some illness. Wouldn’t it be great to discuss our immune system less because we have taken care of our health by taking “immune builders” on a daily basis? Well, I’m happy to say I’m in the group of people who find little need to discuss my immune system – I do take an immune system builder daily and have for over 30 years. Does this mean I never get a cold or flu? Very, very seldom and if I do, it is not as severe as it could be and it sure doesn’t last as long as it would normally – Why? I drink Pro-Ma Systems Organic Certified “Active” Aloe Vera Juice.

style. Aloe vera contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E, Folic Acid, Niacin, Biotin and Inositol. When the highest quality aloe vera is used, it ensures the body is ready to operate at its optimum level. For overall health and well-being, as well as managing stress levels, it is vital to ensure the body is Immune Support getting the necessary amount of minerals it needs to “Active” aloe vera contains polysaccharides, (bio- function properly. logical sugars), and saccharides, (naturally occurring Aloe vera contains 13 of the 17 essential sugars). “Active” aloe vera has a wide range in the minerals,(electrolytes), needed for proper nutritional size of its biological sugar molecules. balance, including sodium, potassium, calcium, A growing body of research now exists demonmagnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, chromium and strating the role of these “active” compounds and iron – ensuring an adequate amount of daily needs. indicates that these plant sugar complexes may These essential minerals are absorbed and utilized be closely linked to the healthy functioning of the immediately upon ingestion. body’s systems. Remember, if the Aloe Juice is not Aloe vera juice may assist with symptoms of many active – you may as well be drinking water – Buyer common ailments – helping relieve the body of pain Beware! associated with them. Some of these conditions include ulcers, psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, constipaOur Immune System:tion, mild burns, eczema, mild digestive complaints, (When referring to Aloe in the foregoing informa- mild gastric conditions, sunburn and immune system tion, I am specifically relating to “Active” Aloe Vera. complaints. Aloe vera leaves are reported to contain over 200 Inflammation can cause pain and harm to the body, enzymes and amino acids, plus the unique aloe vera which can lead to significant discomfort. Aloe vera polysaccharides. contains natural synthesizers that have been known Modern science has not been able to synthetically to assist in the areas of arthritis and inflammation, manufacture the polysaccharides in active aloe vera. helping to provide soothing relief, without any side They are unique to the aloe vera plant and provide effects. There have also been links to aloe vera supthe basis for many of the outstanding results to the porting joint and muscle mobility. body, both internally and externally. Packed with natural detoxifying abilities, aloe vera It’s a known fact that the body lacks the essential juice supports the digestive tract, helping to increase vitamins required to live an active, energized lifeprotein absorption and improve bowel regularity.


Herbal Collective Oct,’17

Desiring Success?

Amino acids are essential to the healthy functioning of the body. These are the building blocks of protein. Aloe vera typically provides 20 of the 22 necessary amino acids required by the human body and seven of the eight essential amino acids. These cannot be synthesized by the body and must be obtained through diet.

Disclaimer: I am not a Doctor so I only recommend from personal knowledge and years of use, the benefits I have personally experienced. I thank Pro-Ma Systems for providing the information included in this article. Email maureenk21@shaw.ca

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Desiring Success? We're Taking Applications! How many courses, seminars and workshops have you paid to attend, and the result is one more binder on your bookshelf that collects dust? The purpose of this MASTERMIND Group is to motivate you to put plans into actions, to be accountable for doing so, and get results. This is a smaller intimate commitment group that will meet for six weeks to ‘Work toward a common goal’. This particular goal is to Intentionally Create Success to achieve and attract our Ideal ____________. Fill in the personal blank (business, customer, relationship, home, weight, health). We all use the same steps but we all have individual priorities as to what those Ideal Goals are. This is a commitment group, so attendance, contribution, and assignments are a key part of this process. Date: Beginning October 2nd Get a head start on 2018 results (historically 6 weeks after your begin something new, it manifests) Conta ct us right away to get your application in. Fee is due after review of the application.. First 12 paid registrations will receive a FREE copy of Dana Smither's workbook, The Gratitude Journal. (value $35 with shipping/tx from Amazon). Best plan of action is to phone Permelia Parham, 250-240-2656 to get further details and costs. We will be studying the book The Law of Attraction by Michael J Losier click the link http://www.barbashcroft.ca/mastermind-group/ Facilitators: Barb Ashcroft ~ Changing Lives with Hope, Health & Humour, Permelia Parham ~ Vibrational Healing Herbal Collective



Nourishing Herbs for Fall


t’s time to prepare your body for the coming colder weather. That means it’s time to think about nourishing the body so the immune system can do a better job at fighting off viruses. When we use the word nourish, it’s different than stimulating the body. Stimulating herbs are often used on a short term basis to fight off viruses and kill bacteria. Nourishing is a different scenario – it’s more about nutrition, being aware of what we put into our bodies on a daily basis to help it do its job better. So this would be less simple carbs and red meats, as these foods cause inflammation. Use more fresh veggies and fruits along with lean proteins, fish and nuts. When you incorporate immune building herbs like ginger, cumin, astragalus and others into your diet, it becomes easier to nourish the immune system as well as make foods taste better. So consider using some of these herbs to prevent illness while others can be taken once you get that first sneeze or scratchy throat.


One of the most famous herbs used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Astragalus can increase white blood cell immune activity and overall immune strength at a very deep level, think bone marrow reserves. Astragalus is rich in polysaccharides, the main nutrient that feeds our bodies. It improves digestion by increases the flow of bile and digestive fluids. It increases the production of interferon, which improves resistance to viral infections, as well as 14

Herbal Collective Oct,’17

combating fatigue by nourishing exhausted adrenals. These qualities make this herb useful in treating auto-immune diseases which can be worsened with other immune stimulating herbs. This can provide more resistance to secondary infections for individuals undergoing chemotherapy and radiation. As Astragalus can activate immune cells quickly when combined with other immune stimulating herbs, it is helpful in those with weak immune systems. One important note is that astragalus is less effective once you get sick than as a preventive measure. Oral doses given over several months have been shown to increase immune substances, antibody levels, and lymphocytes. One great way to integrate Astragalus into your daily routine is to simply add it to soups and stews. Simmer a few sticks for a couple of hours, and you have a great-tasting and immune-building meal. Contraindications: Astragalus should not be taken by people who have had transplant surgery. Astragalus may interfere with the effectiveness of corticosteroid medications and may decrease the effectiveness of drugs that suppress the immune system.


A warming herb that is good for both the digestive and immune system. It is a great source of potassium and has been shown to ease motion sickness with its nauseafighting properties (also helpful for those undergoing chemo). Chinese studies show that ginger helps kill flu viruses and an Indian report has found that the herb increases the immune system’s ability to fight infection. Ginger is always recommended for an upset stomach of any kind. Gingerols, compounds found in ginger, are said to thin the blood and help reduce pain like aspirin does.

Contraindications: There are none known. Ginger is on the FDA list of herbs Generally Regarded As Safed, GRAS. Try this Teariffic drink with ginger – see page 10.


This brilliantly yellow spice is commonly found in curry powder and contains high concentrations of the potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory curcumin. This can provide enhanced immunity while inhibiting tumor growth and help treat rheumatoid arthritis and cystic fibrosis. Indian researchers tested the immune function of lab animals, then fed them a curcumin-enriched diet for 5 weeks. Subsequent retesting showed significant improvement in immune function. Curcumin has also been associated with a reduced risk of childhood leukemia, improved liver function and even protection against Alzheimer’s disease. It’s great added to soups and stews, so make sure to use it in your diet. Like a pumpkin curry or butternut squash soup. It is often used in Golden Milk. Use one tsp. of turmeric powder in a cup of warm milk of your choice. Stir thoroughly. Ginger is often added to enhance the healing qualities of this milk. Contraindications: Unusually large amount of turmeric may cause stomach upset. Check with a health care professional if taking prescription drugs.


Cumin soothes the digestive system, improves liver function, helps you absorb nutrients from other foods, and relieves abdominal bloating, gas, and colic as well as digestive-related migraines and headaches. As you thought it just tasted good! Nutritional benefits: Cumin is a good source of

iron and helps to stimulate the secretion of pancreatic enzymes. How to use it: Add this spice to black pepper and honey to flavour vegetables, boil the seeds for a warming tea, add it to legumes for spice and flavour, add it to brown rice with apricots and almonds, add it to sautéed vegetables, or use it in dips, pilafs, and soups. Cumin is often added to Mexican foods, Indian foods and African dishes. It is usually used as a powder. In addition to supplementing your body with a deep immune-booster, it also enriches the diet with vitamins and minerals.


(Urtica urens) is generally used in the spring though it can also be used in the fall, either fresh or dried. Nettle contains many important minerals such as iron, silica, potassium, manganese, and sulfur. As well as Vitamins A and C, which are also present in high amounts. Medicinally, the herb stimulates the lymph system, affecting the glands and lymph nodes. Throwing a handful of Nettle into soups, sauces, or dips is a great way to integrate it into your diet, as is steaming Nettle. A tea can also be prepared by steeping Nourishing Herbs, continued page 16 Herbal Collective Oct,’17


Nourishing Herbs for Fall Continued from page 15

the aerial parts (leaves and stems) in hot water. Also good for anemia and eczema, Nettle provides your body with the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and strong.

Rose Hips

These hips, from the Rosa spp., form in autumn and are the fruit surrounding the Rose seed. Each tiny little hip is packed with Vitamin C, a wellknown immune system booster. It is a delicious way to increase your immunity. Rose hips also support adrenal function and act to improve glandular function during times of wear and tear to the body. Drinking Rose hip tea or making hips into a delicious spread are two pleasant ways to add this vitamin to your diet. It can also be combined with other herbs to enhance it’s effectiveness.


This has been a popular immune remedy for many years and was first used by the indigenous North Americans. The root or leaves of Echinacea purpurea or Echinacea angustifolia plants have a reputation for enhancing the immune system. Research has shown that Echinacea stimulates the production of white blood cells, which fight off infection, and Echinacea’s polysaccharides (complex carbohydrates) also have an antiviral function. It also has shown antifungal properties and helps to clear the lymphatic system. This amazing herb is best taken in tea or tincture form (15 to 30 drops daily). Steeping leaves in hot water makes an excellent tea; decocting, or boiling down the root for 20 to 45 minutes is another great way to add Echinacea to your diet. For best results, start using Echinacea immediately after being exposed to a virus or when you get the first signs of illness such as a scratchy throat. Discontinue use after 10 to 14 days, as this herb is most beneficial if it is not taken on a daily basis. After two weeks of continuous use, Echinacea actually may wear on and depress the immune system.


Elder (Sambucus nigra) flowers can be used to soothe and heal the upper respiratory system. 16

Herbal Collective Oct,’17

Elder protects the mucous membranes from infection and congestion. Elder berries are high in flavonoid compounds, which act as antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immunotonic agents. Make a cough and cold syrup - see page 7. You can also gargle a cold tea made from elder flowers to alleviate a sore throat. Eleuthero This herb is known to be especially powerful in aiding a chronically depressed immune system. It is an immune stimulant and in potent dosages, can work very quickly. In traditional Chinese Medicine, every part of the Eleuthero plant has a function and use. Most Western herbalists use the root although the bark is actually higher in the plant’s most active constituent. Eleuthero can be taken in various forms and amounts depending on whether you are using it for long term support (general immune maintenance), short-term immune building, or immediate immune boosting. It can be made into a tonic or tincture, it can be encapsulated, or it can be powdered and used in any number of ways. It has a history of being very safe with very few side effects being reported. Contraindications: The German Commission E (Europe’s FDA counterpart says Eleuthro should not be taken by people running a fever or with high blood pressure.

Slippery Elm Bark (Ulmus fulva)

This herb is highly recommended to soothe sore throats and hacking coughs. Also called sweet elm, the dried inner bark is used for its mucilages, starches, and tannins. This chemical structure of the plant decreases irritation to the membranes that line the respiratory passages by coating them and creating an astringent environment. The finely powdered inner bark also can be flavored with a little cinnamon or nutmeg and used as a nourishing food for children. The most common Slippery elm bark preparation is a tea or gruel, in which the bark is steeped for 10 to 15 minutes in to release soothing mucilages that coat the throat and ease pain. Use 1-3 tsp. of powdered herb per cup of water. Blend in a little water first to prevent lumpiness. Bring to a boil, and simmer for 15 minutes, strain.

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Herbal Collective Oct,’17


Gum Disease Linked to Breast Cancer


new study linking gum disease to a 14% increased risk for breast cancer inspires a Seattle-area dentist to offer breast cancer patients a free high-tech dental screening and evaluation in recognition of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and National Dental Hygiene Month in October. Women with gum disease are 14% more likely to develop cancer according to a study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, inspiring a Seattle-area dentist to offer a free high-tech dental screening for breast cancer patients in recognition of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and National Dental Hygiene Month in October. For a complimentary screening, anyone who has been diagnosed with breast cancer can call for an appointment at Systemic Dentist at 888-338-6336 or email info@systemicdentist.com. “Studies linking gum disease to an increased risk for breast cancer and other diseases imply that a biological dentist should be a part of every cancer patient’s medical care team,” said Dr. Alireza Panahpour, one of the world’s most experienced holistic and biological dentists.“There is a strong connection between disease of the mouth and disease in the rest of the body.” Seattle-area naturopaths have been referring patients fighting chronic diseases such as breast cancer to dentists equipped with special 3-D Cone Scan technology to detect dental factors that could be contributing to the disease. The strategy is to remove any burdens on the body's immune system. The technology used for this test is a 3-D cone beam scan, regularly used by prosthodontists and biological dentists in placement of dental implants. It offers a 3 dimensional view of bone and soft tissue that is better able to detect infection of any kind, including gum disease, that is ordinarily missed during a regular dental exam. Patients may not even be aware that they have gum disease when it doesn’t hurt because the bacte18

Herbal Collective Oct,’17

Studies link gum disease to an increased risk of breast cancer.

ria is hiding deep inside of old root canals or tooth extraction site, where the nerve of the tooth has been removed. Breast cancer patients who come in for the dental screening during National Breast Cancer Awareness month will also receive a copy of Dr. Panahpour’s book, “The Good Dentist,” which includes case studies from cancer survivors that could provide a source of inspiration and hope for patients with the disease. The 3D Cone Beam Scan and evaluation will be offered at half price for those who are not breast cancer patients, but who would like to become informed of any hidden gum disease in October. This is the second test being offered to the community by Systemic Dentist; the practice also produces a Dental Culture for Healthy Hearts screening each month for the bacteria associated with both gum disease and heart disease as a public service in the fight against the #1 killer in America, and to increase awareness of the relationship between oral health and the health of the rest of the body. For an appointment for any of the community dental screenings call 888-338-6336 or email info@ systemicdentist.com.

Natural Health Directory The Natural Health h Directory is a resource for that particular business. our readers who are looking for practitioners, products,

education, herb farm or other herbal and natural health information. Each listing links to a listing on the Herbal Collective website with links and contact information to

Click on the link for each page to get more information on each particular business. To Get Listed; http://www. http://herbalcollective.ca/order or info@ herbalcollective.ca or call 1-250-7291593.

Health Food Stores


Lynn’s Vitamin Gallery....................tel 250-748-4421 4-180 Central Ave, Duncan, www.lynnsvitamingallery.ca

Herbal Products

www.herbalcollective.ca/natural-health-directory-herbalproducts AnneMarie Gianni Skin Care - natural, organic ingredi ents free of chemicals and preservatives Ferlow Botanicals, www.ferlowbotanicals.com, info@ferlowbotanicals.com.....................604-322-4080

Purica, medicinal mushrooms and more,.......www.purica.com........................................................250-746-9397 Wild Oil of Oregano, www.wildoiloforegano.com www.wildtamanuoil.com.............................250-339-3015

Natural Foods and Supplements www.herbalcollective.ca/directory-natural-foods.html#


Pacific Institute of Reflexology Directory Chris Shirley, www.pacificreflexology.com....... ......................................604-875-8818 or 1-800-688-9748 Discover the power of aloe vera..Maureen..250-338-7105 Mickey, 250-338-1363, www.maureenglowasky.com Offers a wide selection of natural health products and nutritional supplements....................................905-695-0631 Canadian Bio Supplements Quality manufacturer of natural health products backed by over 5 years of clinical trials...................306-291-0871

Natural Health Practitioners

Olena Gill, ND, ND, www.indigomedicine.com................ .....................................................778-762-3099 Cheryl Dawn, Reiki, Karuna Reiki (r) Shamanic Energy healing, Chakra readings, Chakra balancing, www.ajourneywithyourspirit.com.................................250-652-5849 www.herbalcollective.ca/directory-naturopathic-doctors.html

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