Hc octnov'13

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The Better living with herbs and natural health

Oct/Nov 2013

Green Tea for Weight Loss Immune Boosting Herbs Reconnective Healing Fall Herb Garden Celiac Disease


Stay Healthy with the Right Herbs this Fall Every year people get sick in the fall and winter with Publisher’s Note predictable regularity What makes the difference between those who stay well and those who get sick? Are they around sick people more? Less active? Less aware? I like to think that the healthy people are more aware about how to take care of themselves Fix Link

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They eat healthy and are proactive about taking the right herbs and supplements as soon as they feel that tickle in their throat. In this issue of the Herbal Collective we show you the right herbs to take for your immune system. Also, what to use and for which purpose. Do you have a cold or flu coming on? Do you know what to do? We'll show you that plus you can learn about homeopathic remedies for the flu. Elsewhere in this issue you’ll learn how essential oils can help you fight the ‘super bugs,’ and 3 flower remedies when you are fearful, overwhelmed, depressed, tired or stressed. Plus how green tea can help you lose weight and signs of celiac disease with two delicious recipes to try – Chocolate Semifreddo and Carrot Ginger Soup. We also show you how to grow herbs in the fall – hardy culinary herbs like rosemary and thyme that also are useful medicinally for treating cold or flu symptoms and boosting the immune system. Rosemary is useful for treating headaches while thyme contains the ingredient thymol, which is an effective anti-bacterial and anti-viral. So dive in and please let us know what you think. If you have suggestions for articles or topics you would like to see covered, please email us at info@ herbalcollective.ca


Shamanic practitioner jforester@cranialsacral.ca



Contents The Theme: The theme is on the immune system - preventing and treating colds and flus. Herbs for viruses and immunity..........................8 Homeopathy’s track record for flu.....................14

Columns and Departments Herb Gardening

Growing the fall herb garden..............................4

Herb Profile

Green Tea proven for weight loss.....................19

In the Kitchen Features

Growing the fall herb garden..............................4 Breakthrough study on Reconnective Healing....6 Signs of Celiac Disease.....................................10 Winning way to quit smoking...........................13 Ancient wisdom for modern health...................16 Elder Care Co-op Considered...........................17 Powerful effects of enzymes and probiotics......20 Natural Health Directory..................................23

Chocolate Semifreddo/Carrot Ginger Soup.......11

Flower Essences

What can flower remedies do?..........................13

Pet Health

Seaweed tonics nourish the body......................18


Subconscious mind drives us forward...............22

Please Support Our Advertising Sponsors The Herbal Collective published by Pro Write Publishing Publisher/Editor - Marilyn Zink Contact: 250-722-7108, 1796 Alice Rd., Nanaimo, B.C., V9X 1V5 info@herbalcollective.ca, www.herbalcollective.ca Advertising Sales: Call: 250-722-7108 Contributors

Germana Rovinelli, Sarah Brune, Ian Gartshore, Carola Schleuss, Louis Hoolaeff

The Herbal Collective is published every second month by Pro Write Publishing and distributed through health food stores, book stores, restaurants, gardening centers, natural practitioners, drugs stores and other locations that endorse a healthy and environmentally sound approach.Advertising deadline is around the 15th of every second month. Subscriptions are $20.95 a year. The opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those of the editor. Different viewpoints are welcome. All editorial material is copyrighted. Any medical advice is given solely for information purposes only and no responsibility is assumed on the publisher’s part. Copyright © 2012

Judy Forester, www.cranialsacral.ca...................2 Lobelias Lair, www.lobeliaslair.com...................4 Triangle Healing, www.trianglehealing.com.......5 Wild Oil of Oregano, www.wildoiloforegano. com, www.wildtamanuoil.com...........................5 Energy All Around, www.energyallaround.com..7 Maureen Glowasky, aloe vera, www.maureenglowasky.com.............................9 Doug Kuramoto, Pacific Holistic.........................9 Salvestrols, www.salvestrolbook.com...............15 Colin Gillies, homeopath..................................15 Sarah Brune, www.Bachflowerscanada.com.....17 Ian Gartshore, www.shorewellness.ca..............17 Germana Rovinelli, www.germana.ca..............18 Marlene Louch, www.myjavita.com/liquidheaven.com..............19 www.LeadingEdgeHealth.org...........................21

Growing the Fall Herb Garden By Marilyn Zink Fall is a prime time to plant the hardiest herbs that can grow very well over mild winters. These include the herbs garlic, parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme, chives, lavender (some types), cilantro and mint. Grow the herbs in the garden or in pots near your kitchen so you can pinch leaves as needed for fresh flavor. In the garden, a fall planting will give herbs a chance to send down deep roots over the winter. By the time you get to spring, the plants will be well established and will double in size as they are much farther ahead in their growing cycle. These are herbs that are started from plants, as starting them from seed will take too long and won’t give the plants a chance to get established before the weather cools off. If you already have herbs growing, be sure to harvest your herbs to get them ready for fall. What if it’s too late and they have already gone to seed? Harvest them anyway – make sure to prune back all

flower or seed tops, unless you want ‘volunteers’ to come up next year. This pruning will also let the plant know it will have to keep producing and you will be rewarded with a new growth spurt that you can harvest later. Mint, parsley, sage, thyme, dill, rosemary, chives and lavender tend to do quite well in mild winters. Help the herbs overwinter by providing some protection in the form of mulch. In cool climates, it is better to use mulches of crushed pea gravel, pebbles or tufa which absorbs solar heat during the day and radiates it at night. Mulches also prevent plants from getting diseased by reducing soil splash and by drying leaves quickly, so that disease organisms can’t grow. There are a few drawbacks to mineral mulches, however. It is difficult to rake leaves free, the mulch makes a good seedbed for weeds and tree sees, and you have to be careful not to mix the mulch with dirt when planting or replacing herbs.

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Herbal Collective Oct/Nov, 2013

Learn the Top 6 Herbs for Better Health www.herbalcollective.camail.html



Sage is a great herb to grow in the fall garden. Photo by Marilyn Zink Landscape cloth can help prevent weeds and those weeds that do grow are easy to remove. Some gardeners like bark mulch as it mats down and doesn’t wash away in a thunderstorm. Be sure to fertilize herbs before adding the mulch, as some bark mulches can draw down nitrogen. Hardwood bark, a byproduct of sawmills, doesn’t draw down nitrogen. Always check that the herbs you are growing are suitable to the zone you live in. Zones are rated 1-11 with zone 1 getting to -50 F. in winter and zone 11 being above 40 F. Hardy perennial herbs can be planted in zone 6-11, though zone 6 does get down to -10 in the winter. That can be too cold for herbs like rosemary and lavender. Give your herbs some protection over winter – if they are next to a sunny wall or other area away from wind, they will do much better. Putting a temporary ‘wall’ or shelter around or over the herbs can help too. Do not over water or let herbs stand in soggy soil. Plant herbs in mounds so the soil drains or plant in well draining soil. Herbs grown over fall and winter will grow much slower, though you will still be able to benefit from them. There’s nothing quite like going out in your garden in the winter to snip some chives, fresh rosemary, thyme or sage to add to the meal. You may also wish to harvest herbs to make tea, vinegars or to make bath and beauty products. While we don’t tend to think of culinary herbs such as rosemary and sage being useful for bath and beauty, they can be used for these purposes and have medicinal purposes as well.



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Breakthrough Study Affirms Reconnective Healing TORONTO, ONT breakthrough new study by researchers at the University of Arizona has shown definitively that people who have range of motion limitations in their arms and shoulders show a significantly greater level of healing and pain reduction with a 10minute one-time session of Reconnective Healing than when treated with physical therapy. This study, coupled with a highly acclaimed segment with Reconnective Healing discoverer Dr. Eric Pearl on Dr. Oz, has pushed this revolutionary form of alternative healing into the public consciousness and to the forefront of exciting new healthcare options.


of previously conceived human ability and that scientists say even has the power to transform DNA. Reconnective Reconnective Healing is a comprehensive, yet simple Healing practitioners interact with a bandwidth of vibraand easy-to-learn, healing approach, which completely tional frequencies that convey corrective information to transcends “energy healing” and its complex rituals and the body and mind. Stanford Professor Emeritus Dr. Wiltechniques. It accesses vibrational frequencies that are liam Tiller says, “When information carried through these self-correcting by nature and are accessible to everyone. frequencies is introduced, it creSo you don’t need “When information carried through these frequen- ates coherence and order within a scientific degree, a cies is introduced, it creates coherence and order the field and the body itself.” medical license or even within the field and the body itself.” The result: dramatic reports medical insurance to of regeneration instead of take advantage of this degeneration and account after remarkable new opportunity to heal from chronic pain account of seemingly unexplainable healings. A book, or serious illness – you can learn how to heal others and Science Confirms Reconnective Healing, from one of heal yourself in just one weekend. the world’s leading university scientists specializing in You can learn Reconnective Healing in Toronto, bioenergetic research, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov chroniONT, Nov. 8-10 at the Toronto Don Valley Hotel and cles many studies that show that this form of ReconnecSuites, 175 Wynford Drive, Toronto, Ontario, M3C tive Healing is scientifically measurable and a powerful 1J3, Canada.. As part of this session he will invite tool in the hands of practitioners. onstage one or more audience members with visible ailments to demonstrate what is often a spontaneous healing Founder Dr. Eric Pearl response. The founder of Reconnective Healing, Dr. Eric Pearl, has taught more than 75,000 people how to become Life Lasting Results catalysts for healings — both for themselves and othWithout physically touching people, Reconnective ers. Dr. Pearl is the author of The Reconnection: Heal Healing frequently has instantaneous and life-lasting Others, Heal Yourself — an international bestseller now results for individuals with range of motion limitations, translated into 36 languages — a book that relates his cancers, depression, AIDS-related diseases, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, rheumatoid and transformation from a highly successful Los Angeles chiropractor into the first Reconnective Healer when his osteoarthritis, chronic pain and muscle aches, and more. patients began reporting sudden healings even though he According to researchers who call it the forefront of “Information Medicine,” Reconnective Healing is a heal- physically had not touched them. Dr. Pearl and The Reconnection team have been working power that transcends imagination and the limitations ing with eminent scientists around the world to quantify, 6 Herbal Collective Oct/Nov, 2013

A Reconnection Healing demonstration with Dr. Oz. Photo contributed. validate and understand the dynamics of this profound healing methodology.

A More Comprehensive Healing “Reconnective Healing is not just energy healing, but instead a more comprehensive spectrum of healing that goes beyond energy, into levels of light and information,” explains Pearl. “Anyone can learn to access these energies once you interact with them. Reconnective Healing is not something we do. It’s something we become. It’s something we allow and help facilitate. It works by itself, as well as greatly expands the results of the modalities that today’s healing and healthcare practitioners are already using.” Pearl travels 42 weeks per year, teaching Reconnective Healing to eager tens of thousands on six continents — including medical students and doctors, other healthcare professionals, as well as the lay public. They come from all walks of life, demographics and socioeconomic classes. People are astonished at the clear and immediately observable physical effects they witness right there in the room as they work on others. After almost 20 years of practicing and teaching Reconnective Healing, Pearl recognizes from thousands of cases, that Reconnective Healing is a very real phenomenon. Yet he and the scientific world are still not certain why — or for that matter, even how — it works. “What’s important is that Reconnective Healing works,” affirms Pearl, “even if we don’t know exactly why…even if we don’t ever know exactly why.”

ent – the patient or client. The practitioners often move around their clients, varying their distance and playing with the sensations in their hands, as they observe the visibly clear and distinct physical effects it has on the recipient, until the session is complete. People who receive a Reconnective Healing usually find their eyes flutter uncontrollably and rapidly dart from side to side, fingers and/or feet twitch and arms or legs jerk or otherwise move during the session, with other readily observable physical responses — all involuntary — often outside their conscious awareness and outside of their ability to consciously control. They may have visions, or see colors — brilliant blues, vibrant greens and incandescent purples as well as intensely bright whites and luminous golds. “Often they report that these are colors they’ve ‘never seen before,’” says Pearl. Sometimes they may have no recognizable experience at all. Or their experience may emerge hours or days after the session. Everyone’s experience is unique, yet there is an incontrovertible thread of continuity in virtually each of these experiences that identifies them as that of Reconnective Healing. “Yet whether or not they’ve come back with conscious recall of the experiential aspect of their sessions, the actual reported healings experienced are remarkable,” observes Pearl. One of the most exciting benefits for the Reconnective healing practitioner is that oftentimes he or she finds that the healing frequencies correct, balance and heal not only the person on the table, but also heals the practitioner in the process. “You would think it would take more than a weekend to teach something as profound and life-changing as Reconnective Healing, but healthcare professionals who have invested years in specialty training report that they find this refreshingly brief and yet inexplicably powerful,” explains Dr. Pearl, “People are astonished at the results they achieve with their clients after only a weekend’s worth of instruction.” Even Dr Mehmet Oz said he was “flabbergasted” at what he saw.

What is a Healing Session Like? What is a Reconnective Healing session like? First, the practitioner accesses the Reconnective Healing frequencies and works with them, tending to start, at face value, with his or her hands. Then, generally, from a distance of one to several feet or further, continues to feel these frequencies that surround and permeate the recipiHerbal Collective

Oct/Nov, 2013


Herbs for Viruses and Immunity By Marilyn Zink t’s fall and with the change in seasons many people catch viruses and get sick.


But it doesn’t have to be that way! There are natural health methods you can use with herbs and supplements or other healing methods. First, there are two things you need to understand when it comes to using herbs and supplements to prevent illness and keep you healthy. The first is that some herbs are better at boosting the immune system so it can do its job at keeping you healthy. These are the herbs and supplements you should be using now to prevent illness. The herbs I am talking about are the adaptogens that help your body adjust to stress - these are helpful but not particularly meant for illnesses like colds and flu. Adaptogens include herbs like ginseng, maca, schizandra, etc. These are worthwhile to take on an ongoing basis as they do help your body’s immune system to fight off illness by helping you with stress. Herbs that work directly to boost the immune system include Elderberry for flu and Echinacea for colds. Elderberry does not attack the flu virus (which mutates every winter) but instead boosts the immune system so the body can fight the flu virus more effectively. It does this by increasing production of an important class of immune compounds called cytokines. Elderberry works best with flu symptoms like fever, malaise, aches and pains. Commercial products contain elderberry or a syrup can be made with the cooked berries. Eating the unripe, uncooked berries can produce nausea. The ripe berries are safe to eat. Avoid elderberry leaves and stems, which contain cyanide. Echinacea is most often used to boost the immune system to fight off colds and is also used for flu. Echinacea works best to prevent and treat colds and flus when taken in the early stages of disease – as soon as you feel that first twinge or cough. Echinacea has experienced some controversy in the 8

Herbal Collective Oct/Nov, 2013

Echinacea is great for fighting colds and flu. Photo by Marilyn Zink past regarding its effectiveness. But in 2007 researchers at the Universtiy of Connecticut School of Pharmacy analyzed 14 studies of Echinacea for treatment and prevention of colds They found that Echinacea reduces the severity and duration of colds by 1.4 days. They also found that Echinacea prevents cold and reduces risk by 58 per cent. The key is to take the correct dosage and take it often enough to work. Combining Echinacea with taking Vitamin C can effectively boost results for colds. Combining Echinacea with elderberry can also boost results for preventing and treating the flu. Next, when you get sick the first herbs you should be reaching for are the anti-viral and anti-bacterial herbs, as these work directly to kill off viruses. These include herbs like Oil of Oregano, Garlic and Goldenseal. Oil of oregano is a strong, direct stimulant that effectively kills viruses. It works for both colds and flu.

Garlic is well known as an anti-viral and anti-bacterial. Its’ main drawback is the strong odor it leaves on the breath. Commercial preparations eliminate the odor while still keeping its effectiveness. Garlic preparations can also be done at home. Garlic has a proven result in fighting colds. British scientists who gave 146 healthy volunteers a commercial garlic supplement or a daily placebo found that the garlic group reported fewer colds after 12 weeks. The garlic group also said they recovered quicker from the colds they did experience. Goldenseal is particularly useful for infections in the digestive tract and/or diarrhea. It kills many of the bacteria that cause diarrhea, such as E coli, salmonella, shigella, and others. Goldenseal contains berberine and hydrastine, which boost the immune system by revving up the macrophages or white blood cells that devour disease causing microorganisms. Goldenseal is helpful for colds and flu. It does help with mucous but can be drying so drink lots of fluids. It should not be taken by people who have high blood pressure. The stimulant herbs should not be taken continuously – they should be taken to prevent a suspected illness or treat illness. The stimulant herbs can be combined with Echinacea or elderberry. These should also be taken for a limited time, up to 10 days at a time. Ensure you are taking the correct dosage and taking it often enough. When you are fighting off any illness, a frequent dosage (2-3 times a day) is going to be more effective than taking it once a day. Along with taking herbs and supplements, reduce foods like sugar and white breads/pasta that cause inflammation in the body. Use more green foods and green drinks to make your body more alkaline.

Remember... Deadline is November 15 for the

December/January’14 issue of the Herbal Collective Book your Ad Today Email info@herbalcollective.ca

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See Herbal Products on page 23 for more Herbal Collective Oct/Nov, 2013


Signs of Celiac Disease What is Celiac Disease?


eliac Disease (CD) is an inherited medical disorder in which the absorptive surface of the small intestine is damaged by a substance called gluten, the storage protein found in the seeds of wheat, rye and barley. This results in an inability for the body to absorb important nutrients: protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, which are necessary for good health. More importantly, people with celiac disease who ingest gluten create antibodies that can compromise other organs in the body. Associated autoimmune-mediated disorders include Type 1 diabetes, Sarcoidosis, Sjögren’s Syndrome, Hashimoto’s disease and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, to name a very few.

How Common is Celiac Disease? It is estimated that 1 in 100 North Americans have the disease however if one is related to a celiac (parent, sibling, child) the likelihood of also having the disease increases to one in ten. Because of the genetic connection, when a celiac is diagnosed, family members are encouraged to be prescreened for the antibodies associated with CD.

Celiac Disease vs Gluten Sensitivity / Intolerance Individuals who exhibit symptoms of CD celiacs but do not produce the antibodies to gluten and / or show no evidence of intestinal damage can be considered to be gluten-sensitive or gluten intolerant. Recent estimates suggest that up to 10% of North Americans, beyond those with CD, have difficulties digesting gluten. The treatment for all three conditions is the same - the gluten-free diet!

Symptoms of Celiac Disease? The classic symptoms of the disease are indigestion, diarrhea, bloating, gas with a marked weight loss. That said, CD is often referred to as a chameleon disease because the range of symptoms can include depression, infertility, constipation, to extreme itching depending on the vitamins and minerals a person may not be absorbing and how the antibodies the body creates impact the other organs. Low iron and early onset osteoporosis have become the most common symptoms to lead to a diagnosis however, less than 5% of celiacs are diagnosed in their lifetime.

How is Celiac Disease Diagnosed? If you or your doctor suspect that you may have an intolerance to gluten, there are two simple blood tests that measure the production of the antibodies associated with the disease. Positive blood work, or persistent symptoms in the face of negative blood work, will prompt the doctor to order a duodenal biopsy (by mouth) to check for evidence of damage to the small intestine, the hallmark of Celiac disease. A person MUST be eating more than one serving of gluten-containing food per day for minimum six weeks prior to the blood test to avoid falsely negative results. Get tested before going gluten free! 10

Herbal Collective Oct/Nov,’13

The Gluten-Free Diet If you would like to learn which foods to eat and which to avoid, how to convert your kitchen, or part of it, to gluten free, where to shop and dine or how to manage that final frontier, how to communicate about your diet with family and friends, look no further than your local Chapter of the Canadian Celiac Association (CCA). Don’t let the name fool you - our dedicated volunteers are committed to supporting anyone adversely affected by gluten, with or without a diagnosis of CD and anyone else who would like to explore a life without gluten. On Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands, look to www.VictoriaCeliac.org or across Canada, www.celiac. ca. The CCA offers up-to-date and accurate Canadian information, classes on how to go gluten free, online and in-person social support. We know how to live gluten-free happily and are excited to show you how! Contact victoriaceliacs@hotmail. ca or 250-472-0141 Ellen Bayens is Vice-President of the Victoria Chapter of the CCA and Founder and President of www.TheCeliacScene.com, a comprehensive listing of celiac-trusted restaurants across Canada. Referred to as a ‘Remarkable Celiac’ by the CCA, Ellen has trained hundreds of newly diagnosed celiacs how to live gluten free. For more information on the gluten-free diet, ellen@theceliacscene.com

Get More Gluten Free Recipes

Delicious Chocolate Semifreddo

Gluten Free Recipes 10 oz. organic dark chocolate 2 tsp of stevia 1 tbsp of organic vanilla or 1 vanilla bean pod split and cleaned 2 cups plus 2 tbsp organic soy milk* 2 tbsp of organic cornstarch 2 tbsp of water Rest glass bowl on pot of simmering hot water, making sure the bowl is not in contact with the water. Place the dark chocolate in the bowl and slowly melt, set aside. In a separate pot, combine stevia, vanilla and soy milk and bring to quick boil, then turn down to low simmer. In separate bowl, whisk cornstarch and water into a slurry, then whisk into soy milk until thickened (2 to 3 minutes.) Stir thickened mix into dark chocolate. Whisk together till smooth. Line bread pan with saran wrap to prevent sticking or freeze in ice cube tray. Cool, cover, then freeze overnight or until needed. To serve, pull from freezer 30 minutes ahead and serve with fresh strawberries, coulis or cooked, pureed or strained fruit. Serves 6 *Can substitute with coconut or almond milk. One dessert or multiple small servings for spontaneous decadence! Recipe courtesy Scott Patterson of www.inspiredcuisine.ca.

Visit www.herbguide.ca

Carrot Ginger Soup 10 carrots 1 yam 1/2 a thumb fresh turmeric 1 thumb ginger 1 shallot 2 garlic cloves 1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom 1 Tablespoon curry powder 1 Teaspoon ground cumin 1 litre chicken or vegetable stock 1 can coconut milk 5 orange zest and juiced 1 Tablespoon chopped cilantro Heat the first nine ingredients in pot and sautÊ until those ingredients have some color and then add the chicken or vegetable stock. Let all of those ingredients simmer until the carrots and yams are tender. Once vegetables are tender, remove pot from heat and using a stand-up or hand blender puree until ingredients are smooth. Once smooth add the coconut milk, orange juice and zest to the soup in the blender and mix briefly. Add some fresh cilantro and serve. Recipe courtesy Inspired Cuisine, Scott Patterson scott@inspiredcuisine.ca, 778-265-3710 Herbal Collective Oct/Nov,’13 11

What Can Flower Remedies Do? What can the Bach Flower Remedies do for you? The Bach Flower remedies were created over seventy years ago by Dr. Edward Bach and his intention was that they were to be a simple system of self-healing. “I want to make it as simple as this: ‘I am hungry, I will go and pull a lettuce from the garden for my tea: I am frightened and ill, I will take a dose of Mimulus.’ (Dr. Bach – The Medical Discoveries of Dr. Bach). In 1934, Bach wrote the following concerning the way his flower remedies work: “They cure, not by attacking the disease, but by flooding our bodies with the beautiful vibrations of our Higher Nature, in the presence of which, disease melts away as the snow in the sunshine. There is no true healing unless there is a change in outlook, peace of mind and inner happiness.” So what would you like the Bach Flowers to do for you? Are you feeling fearful, depressed, tired, overwhelmed, stressed and all you want is to just be happy? Here are some comments that some Bach Flower Level One students made after taking just one remedy as frequently as possible over a short period of time.

Feeling Overwhelmed: Remedy - Elm “I found that what would usually overwhelm me I took in my stride. I let the small things bother me the most and last night when supper was not cooking as planned I didn’t worry about it and it turned out just fine. Overall Elm worked wonders for me.”


Herbal Collective Oct/Nov2013

Exhausted but Struggling: Remedy – Oak “I did not feel guilty about relaxing on the couch after school. I was impressed and more aware of selfforgiveness and selfpermission.”

Lack of Confidence: Remedy – Larch “The Larch remedy is surprisingly potent. It removed any doubt in my mind about my action, or behavior and made me much more confident in many aspects of my daily life.” The remedies assist with bringing out the positive qualities that are already within us, and help us to restore balance and equilibrium. Sarah Brune is a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner, author and educator, and has her Bach Flower Practice in the Comox Valley. For more information 250 331 3228 or BachFlowersCanada.com See ad on next page for course dates and more.

New Book Uses Herbal Supplements to Kick Smoking Habit A new book uses herbal supplements to encourage people to quit smoking. “The Winning Way to Quit Smoking’ is a revolutionary protocol is derived from a natural and holistic foundation. It incorporates health science along with complementary and nutritional therapy such as herbal cigarettes and herbal patches (to wean off nicotine) to weaken cravings. The use of various methods also give people the power to change their mindset. It is designed to slowly and systematically change smokers into non-smokers (in around six months) without the need for nicotine replacement products and antismoking drugs, which in the light of recent research may pose serious health dangers. In chapter 1, ‘Fuhgeddaboutit’!, the name of the book’s method, is geared to help you change your mindset and forget about smoking permanently, by building up your strength and willpower. It was inspired by the expression of the much loved rogue mafia boss, Tony Soprano (played by the late great James Gandolfini), from the fantastic HBO world-wide smash hit ‘The Sopranos’. Chapter 2, ‘Quit More Easily by Booting Out the Toxins!,’ looks at easy ways of detoxing - the portal to biological balance and regeneration, and the gateway to cessation. There are numerous practical methods to choose from, all of which can be immediately incorporated into your daily routine. Chapter 3, ‘Quit More Easily by Adjusting Your Health Cuisine!’ clearly explains how smoking changes your body's digestive functioning, and allows you to work out a simple program which avoids the helter-skelter blood sugar highs and lows which make you yearn for more cigarettes. The aim is also to support the organ and tissue weaknesses that smoking has created, and to help stave off further damage. There is an undercurrent strategy to help you when you reach the end of the protocol, so that you will not be worrying about counting calories. Chapter 4 ‘The ‘S’ Factor,’ explains the stress cycle created by smoking. There is an insight into the nervous system which compounds the difficulties and keeps you in the groove. Chapters 5-8 comprise the 4 Zones which you will enter.

The Prep Zone (4 weeks) - involves getting in your supplies of successful and wonderful natural support products such as "Quit Tea"; The Cutting Down Zone (8 weeks) - in which you gradually begin to lessen your daily cigarette number; The Quit Zero Zone (16 weeks) - in which you systematically continue to cut down, and the end goal - The Permanent Quit Zone. Chapter 9 ‘Weighing In’, examines how nicotine suppresses the appetite, and burns up calories quicker than normal. It allows you to understand the inevitable changes that cessation brings and gives guidance on taking positive action through a workable eating plan, specific supplements, an age old remedy, and moderate exercise programs including walking. Cutting down your daily number of cigarettes is slow and systematic, which allows you - that is your mind and body, to gradually adjust to the changes. Author Shirley Amy BSc. is an English Nutritional and Holistic Health Specialist. She holds various University and College qualifications in the fields of Health Science, Nutrition, Holistic Therapy and Aromatherapy. Her book is available from Amazon.

Are you ready to CHANGE your life, ENHANCE your career, and CHANGE attitudes around you? Find soluƟons in the system of 38 remedies... Introductory Course on the Flower Remedies of Dr. Edward Bach Experience the remedies first hand and incorporate them into your daily life October 19 & 20, 2013 - Vancouver Sarah Brune, BFRP 250-331-3228 www.BachFlowersCanada.com Herbal Collective

Oct/Nov, 2013


Homeopathy Track Record Impressive for Flu By Colin Gillies ummer has turned to Autumn which typically brings the onset of acute respiratory diseases such as colds and flu (or influenza). We have been conditioned to believe that acute illness is a bad thing and should be avoided at all cost (hence we consider having flu shots). Another way of looking at it is that acute illness is a good thing, alerting us to the fact that we are run down, stressed, need some time out, or there are weaknesses or deficiencies, etc. To take medication so that we can ‘soldier on’ does not give the body what it is craving. It does not address the underlying cause for the acute. E.g. we take: • Cold and flu tablets so one can keep going to work instead of resting in bed • Mega doses of vitamin C to prevent the onset of a cold and well needed rest • Sleeping tablets for an acute insomnia which help one get to sleep but does not address the underlying problem of high stress levels.


Building health, thereby preventing disease and illness is a better long-term solution. Disease often causes anxiety and panic and a rush to the doctor for a diagnosis and something to ‘make it better’. Looking outside ourselves and not asking questions results in a loss of personal control and a feeling of helplessness. By taking responsibility for our own health, we start creating the balance that we want in our own lives by turning to our feelings and inner sense of what is wrong. Being in control of our own health and healing increases personal strength and autonomy. By looking after our own health - mental, physical and emotional- we decrease the incidence of acutes. Homeopaths believe that the body is always striving to keep healthy and in balance. When the body is threatened by harmful external forces (Flu virus), the body responds by producing symptoms such as pain, 14

Herbal Collective, Oct/Nov,’13

fever, mucous, cough, diarrhoea. • Pain is a warning that something is wrong • Fever inactivates many viruses that attack the body • Mucous in the respiratory tract surrounds and helps carry off irritating material • A cough expels the mucous These symptoms need to be supported, not interfered with by oppression or suppression. Homeopathy has a good track record with treating the flu. As a bit of history, homeopathy developed its widespread popularity in the 19th century because of its impressive successes it had in treating the deadly infectious epidemics of that time including typhoid, cholera, yellow fever, scarlet fever, and influenza. The 1918 Spanish flu represents the largest flu pandemic killing 20 to 40 million people worldwide. At that time homeopathic hospitals still existed and also treated people. As an example of homeopathy’s success in treating this flu, Dr. T. A. McCann from Dayton, Ohio at the American Institute of Homeopathy Annual Conference in 1921 reported that 24,000 cases of flu were treated allopathically which had a mortality rate of 28.2 percent, while 26,000 cases of flu treated homeopathically had a mortality rate of only 1.05 percent. Other homeopathic doctors had similar reports. Prevention of Influenza Homeopaths use a homeopathic version of the

yearly flu vaccine. The usual protocol is to take 1 dose of the homeopathic remedy, Influenzinum, once a week for 4 weeks, followed by one dose each month during the flu season as a preventative measure (the remedy is made homeopathically each year from the three most prominent strains of flu from the previous year). Homeopathic remedies are safe and have no side effects. Symptomatic treatment At the first sign of the onset of a cold or flu take Oscillococcinum which is widely available everywhere and, is the number one flu medication in France. In fact Oscillococccinum is the most popular homeopathic remedy worldwide which is a tribute to its effectiveness. Typically the remedy is found effective taken twice a day especially in the early stages of the flu. Some also take this remedy as a preventative measure when exposed to the flu. There are a number of other homeopathic remedies considered highly useful depending on an individual’s symptoms. Remedies that may be considered are: • Aconite - this is usually prescribed when the onset is extremely sudden. Most useful in the first 24 hours • Gelsemium – it is most commonly prescribed

fatigue. It can also be used after the flu when a person feels that they haven’t returned to normal health • Belladonna – used when the symptom picture is that of a high fever and flushed red cheeks • Arsenicum Album – most often used when there is severe vomiting and other GI symptoms • Byronia – for someone who is irritable, wants to lie still and feels any movement makes everything worse. • Ferrum Phosphicum – when there is no defining symptoms • Rhus Tox – when there is severe body aches (stiffness and aching in joints) that feels better with movement • Eupatorium perfoliatum – for people who experience extreme bone pain There are many other remedies that may be useful in specific cases depending on the individual’s symptoms. The aim of homeopathy in treating influenza and other acute diseases is to: • To support the natural processes • To relieve pain and suffering • To speed up recovery Colin Gillies is a homeopath in Qualicum Beach, B.Contact him at 250-947-0288

when the symptom picture is that of great weakness and

Colin J. Gillies, Homeopath

Adv. Dip. Hom, MBCSH, MAHA, AROH Regd. Homeopaths see health as a state of opƟmal physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. By treaƟng each person as an individual, homeopathy can help with all kinds of ailments or condiƟons.

Some examples are: •Acute and childhood diseases •ArthriƟc condiƟons •Asthma and Respiratory disease •Autoimmune disease -Chronic FaƟgue syndrome •DigesƟve complaints •Hormonal issues •Mental and EmoƟonal distress •Neurological disease - Headache and AuƟsm •Skin complaints Call Colin •Sleeping problems 250-947-0288 •Urinary complaints

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For more information visit

www.salvestrolbook.com Herbal Collective

Oct/Nov, 2013


Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health Why Worry about Superbugs? By Ian Gartshore

The scene was dramatic and shocking. The year was about 1349, the Black Plague was in the process of killing nearly half of Europe’s population. Two thieves had been caught robbing the graves and homes of the plague’s victims. These thieves were crazy! Going anywhere close to such places was considered to be an act of stupidity. The judge asked them how they thought they could get away with such a daring thing. The answer would shock the listeners. The thieves were using a secret blend of essential oils, slathered on their bodies and masks, protecting them from an otherwise certain death. It wouldn’t be until about a century ago, in France, that When a hospital gave me a blood infection a year ago these oils would attract the interest of health researchI orally took a combination of essential oils that arrested ers, leading to a wide-spread fascination in the western the infection in three days. My doctor could only scratch world. Today aromatherapy is taught in medical schools in France and England and the oils are being used by doc- her head. I was happy that the lab report confirmed what my body was telling me. Happy, too, that I had not taken tors in many of their hospitals. a pharmaceutical antibiotic because my body suffered When the tsunami struck Japan two years ago, wiping no side-effects. Antibiotics, as it turns out, are a leading out most cleaning supplies and medications in a near-by cause of death. hospital, it was essential oils that kept the hospital funcWhy do pure tioning. essential oils not Two thieves had been caught robbing the graves and What was the do the same thing? blend of five es- homes of the plague’s victims. These thieves were crazy! Because humans sential oils used have co-existed by those thieves with the earth’s plants for thousands of years. Taken and that hospital? Thieves™ is comprised of cinnamon, whole, medicinal plants not only nourish –they heal us. eucalyptus, lemon, rosemary and cloves. It is used by Sadly, most commercially available “essential” oils are thousands of people around the world to kill moulds, blended, fractionated or diluted, greatly reducing their bacteria and viruses, balancing blood sugars, improving power –and can even make them dangerous to apply or immunity, and far more. consume. Buyer beware!

Superbug Infections In the meantime pharmaceutical companies are worried. They are not able to keep ahead of the curve of “superbugs,” infections that are able to defeat increasing numbers of antibiotics. Today, even in Canada where the medical establishment suppresses “alternatives,” increasing numbers of nurses and even doctors are using these oils to protect themselves. Why not? They have at their disposal the most powerful anti-bacterial agents found on the planet. 16

Herbal Collective Oct/Nov, 2013

Pure Oils Pure oils, on the other hand, can dramatically improve our health, protecting us from thousands of potentially health-destroying pathogens. Most of our homes are also home to moulds, many of which are toxic to health. All homes contain dust mites whose feces can cause asthma and other respiratory problems. All homes contain thousands of man-made chemicals, many of which have been banned in Europe. Yet most of these chemicals are either unnecessary

Elder Care Co-op Considered COWICHAN VALLEY, B.C. — Seniors in the Cowichan Valley may soon have a chance for a new way of accessing much-needed seniors’ housing, support and services while living at home, and care facilities – the co-operative way. The BC Co-operative Association is launching a program, funded in part by the Government of Canada through its Social Development Partnerships Program and the Vancouver Foundation, to support the development of elder care co-ops across Canada. The project is aimed at supporting three different kinds of co-ops: housing co-ops, aging in place and foster care co-ops, and co-op residential care facilities. In the hopes that Cowichan can be one of the selected sites for this project, Cowichan Co-operative Connections is hosting a meeting for all Cowichan seniors and support agencies to discuss what type of model would best address the needs in the valley. The co-ordinator of this Canada-wide initiative will make a presentation prior to the community dialogue. Community members are warmly invited to share their input on Friday, October 4 from 11:00 – 12:30 at St. John’s Anglican Church, corner of 1st and Jubilee in Duncan.

For more information on the community meeting, contact Rick Juliusson at rick@freerangeconsulting.ca or visit http://cowichan.coop/events/. The program, called “Caring Co-operatively,” will provide development funding of up to $20,000 for pilot co-op projects, designed and directed by seniors, senior organizations, and communities. Project coordinator and Director of Co-op Development at the BC Co-op Association, Kevin Harding, says “the project is designed to empower seniors to work together on the provision of services that they need, and that they design.” The BC Co-operative Association is a provincial association of co-operatives, and represents the more than 600 co-ops across BC. With its members, it works to build a co-operative economy. Cowichan Cooperative Connections is the Regional Co-op Council in the Cowichan Valley, supporting and developing the co-operative movement locally. Local community meeting contact: Rick Juliusson, 250-737-1687 or Rick@FreeRangeConsulting. ca. To learn more about the national Elder Care Project: Kevin Harding, Director of Co-op Devleopment, BCCA, harding@bcca.coop – 604.662.3906

Superbug Worry, from page 16 or can be replaced by natural substances such as baking soda. While chemical companies try to mimic the smell of lemon only the authentic distilled oil eats most synthetic oil-based products and kills germs without harming us. Essential oils, including Thieves, can be safely diffused to get rid of moulds –even in difficult-toreach places, eliminating even the dead spores that other cleansers don’t touch. While pharmaceuticals usually only treat the symptoms of disease, oils furnish the needed nutrients, natural chemicals and vibrational energy that heals –including damage left behind by drugs, chemicals and more. Am I worried about dying from a modern plague or virus or other health problems? Nope. Like the thieves of old I am safe. And free! If you wish to know more about these oils I am regularly hosting at-home events that I post at www.shorewellness. ca/events. These are free, educational, and often fun. Ian Gartshore is a Health Coach in Nanaimo, B.C..

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www.facebook.com/ShoreWellnessSolutions Herbal Collective Oct/Nov, 2013


Subconscious Mind Drives Us Towards Our Goals 'I know that person’s name; its right on the tip of my tongue. " The mind knows what it Hypnotherapy knows, even though the informaByGermana Rovinelli tion cannot be brought to consciousness. The brain can search through its vast association and memory banks for information while the conscious mind is doing something else. We often find when we are stumped for a piece of information, the answer comes only after we have forgotten about the matter altogether. Suddenly, the answer will flash to the surface of our awareness. "Ah-ha!" you say. "I knew I knew that name." This is the subconscious mind at work, and it works twenty-four hours a day, receiving, storing,analyzing, and processing information for you. The subconscious also serves as our memory bank. We probably have a subconscious memory of every event that we have ever experienced. Under hypnosis we are often able to access more of this memory bank than under

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Ask me about becoming a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist 250-591-5327 250-714-4369 Over 20 years experience

germana@shaw.ca www.germana.ca 18

Herbal Collective Oct/Nov’13

normal conditions. Like remembering a name to match a face, our mind can automatically search the data bank for desired information. When a musician plays the piano, for example, he or she is not consciously recalling each note, but rather activating the learned pattern that is held in the subconscious mind. This is true for all behaviour and our skills, it is particularly important in the realm of personal change work. The subconscious mind is also the seat of our emotions. We learn to respond to situations with love or fear, with trust or caution, and these emotional responses are held in patterns of the subconscious. Since emotions govern the strength, and since our desires govern our behaviours, the subconscious has a powerful effect on behaviour. If we have programmed ourselves with negative thoughts, our decisions and resulting behaviour will be undesirable. The results we have in every area of our life is directly linked to how we have programmed ourselves or been programmed by authority figures in our life. The Subconscious is a great source of energy that drives us toward our goals. It is not the captain of our ship, it is not the dictator of our life, but rather the sum total of all our beliefs about the world and ourselves. When things are going well in our life, we can thank our programming and enjoy better health and quality of life. When things aren't going well what do we do? Some people give up, get depressed, and suffer long and hard. Some people search out solutions through counseling and they are usually partially relieved by talk therapy. Then there are some people who seek out help from someone who fuses therapy with hypnosis which is called Hypnotherapy, these clients move on with their lives without the old beliefs and programs running their life. I have watched thousands of people come into my office devastated by something and after 6-8 sessions, they are free from what ailed them. Why? because I go to the sources of the problem and the solution and help them use their subconscious mind to create a harmonious life. If you are struggling with an Continued on page 22

Green Tea Proven for Weight Loss


he English word for tea is thought to be derived from the Malay word ‘the’ or the Chinese word t’e. It was originally pronounced ‘tay’ when the Dutch introduced both the word and the beverage to England around 1655. Green tea comes from the evergreen shrub Camellia Sinensis, which grows to to 15.24 metres with dark green glossy leaves. In traditional medicine from India, green tea is recorded as being a mild excitant as well as being a stimulant, diuretic and astringent. A leaf infusion used to be used as a remedy for viral infections caused by insects. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, green tea has been used as an astringent, a cardiotonic, central nervous system stimulant and diuretic. Other uses include treating flatulence, regulating body temperature, promoting digestion and improving mental processes. Green tea is known today for its antioxidant activity, as an energizer and as an aid to weight loss. For those interested in weight loss, green tea is a known thermogenic, which means it helps speed up the body’s metabolism. A double blind, placebo controlled, randomized study in 1999 found that fat oxidation increased slightly after participants ingested green tea.

Green tea contain polyphenols which have been shown to inhibit the activity of amylase, an enzyme in saliva that digests carbohydrates. Researchers theorized that green tea polyphenols may favor the slower digestion of carbohydrates. This prevents sharp spikes in insulin in the blood and increases fat burning over fat storage. Another double blind, placebo-controlled study of 60 middle-aged obese women (age 30-45 years old) who were placed on a diet of 1800 calories a day and given either a green tea supplement or a placebo supplement, showed that the green tea group lost significantly more weight. After two weeks, the green tea group had lost twice as much weight as those given a placebo on the same diet. After four weeks, the women in the green tea group lost three times as much weight as the placebo group. Compared to the placebo group, the green tea group also showed a greater reduction in waist size. (Botanical Medicine, 2002). The green tea group also showed a significant decrease in triglyceride levels compared to the placebo group. No side effects were reported, including sleep loss. To learn more about how green tea (or coffee) can help with weight loss, contact Marlene Louch at marlenelouch@gmail.com or call 250-338-7949.

Lose Weight, Gain Energy with Javita-coffee for life *Burn calories *Improve energy *Speed up metabolism *Suppress appetite *Lose weight

Lavender Love Affair

To Access See By Marilyn Zink


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Gourmet coffee infused with herbs Yerba Mate and Garcinia Cambogia Bill MacMunn 1-250-508-1127



www.myjavita.com/liquidheaven www.myjavita.com/britishcolumbia Herbal Collective Oct/Nov, 2013


The Powerful Effects of Enzymes and Probiotics …have an undeniable ability to provide optimal support to our immune system -- and make the immune system work as it was designed to. By Louis Hoolaeff HR HC ACS Why is this important? Many doctors agree that the body's own immune system is capable of healing just about anything -- if it is not suppressed, weakened or compromised. And it is a widely accepted medical belief that when your immune system is working correctly, it is unlikely we will get cancer -- or any other disease. A poor diet, lifestyle, substance abuse or exposure to harmful elements causes toxicity and inflammation in the body -- and over time, these can shut down our immune system and cause cells to mutate or turn into cancer. If our immune system is weakened, compromised or shut down, it is no longer capable of warding off cancer cells, pathogens, viruses and disease microorganisms. And if you're someone who is looking for a solution for a health condition or disease you're suffering from, what would it be worth if you could be in perfect and permanent health? What would you be willing to pay to make it virtually impossible for disease to survive in your body -- and restore yourself to vibrant health and well-being?

Enzymes and Probiotics Are Our Body’s Workers Imagine building our dream home… we purchase the best quality lumber, framing, concrete, etc... We deliver it to the job site with no workers and watch… as nothing happens without the workers? This is the frequent result of many nutritional programs. They deliver great vitamins, minerals, proteins, & fats into their bodies; but forget about the workers. Enzymes are the catalyst that allows the vitamin to be absorbed, the mineral to be delivered and the protein to be digested. Simply put they do the work! And probiotics support the enzymatic action. New & Improved Products With more research and education being done in the field of enzymes & probiotics in the last few years, it was possible for Health Canada to review their policies and create new standards and limits. We took this opportunity to reformulate our key products to exceed activity levels, diversify, clean and empower these products to new levels making them several times more powerful. You won’t believe the difference! We were considered the best in the industry before; now we have gone above and beyond. By increasing potency in each enzyme we have been able to provide a stronger, more impactful

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Herbal Collective Oct/Nov, 2013

Seaweed Tonics Nourish the Body


here are so many beautiful plants on this earth By Carola Schleuss that provide humans, and our animal friends with essential nutrition and succour. Myself, and many others, have devoted considerable time, and interest, learning about which plants and other substantive foods help provide the body with optimal health and well-being. One of my favorite family of plants are seaweeds, also known as sea vegetables; kelp, Dulse, bladderwrack etc… Seaweeds, especially kelp, in Traditional Chinese Medicine are considered to be one of the most valuable (because of it mineral/trace mineral, vitamin and sugar content) of all herbs and are used in tonics. Tonics are given to nourish and rebuild the organs and glands.

Pet Health

The flavour of seaweed is salty and salty flavour: • regulates water metabolism • regulates blood pressure • promotes blood sugar health • helps to reduce signs of aging because it keeps us tone • promotes healthy pH balance in your cells, partially the brain • supports respiratory health

• promotes sinus health • prevents of muscle cramps • promotes bone health • regulates sleep, it promotes natural sleep • supports sex hormones • promotes vascular health • assists in absorption of food particles through your intestinal tract • salt strengthens digestion and increases the flow of hydrochloric acid Salt is extremely `important to both animal friends and humans and is over 250 million years old. Salts are helpful for all biological activities and exhibit the most “grounding” descending activity of any substance ingested as food. When using salt, purchase complex salts such as sea vegetables, sea salt or Himalayan crystal salt. Commercial table salt consists of only sodium chloride 97.5% and 2.5% chemicals such as moisture absorbents and iodine. Dried at over 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, the excessive heat alters the natural chemical structure of the salt. Eating, or, feeding food which is laden with sodium or adding common table salt (sodium chloride) can cause blood pressure issues, cellulite, Rheumatism, arthritis, gout, kidney and gallbladder stones etc... Continued on page 22

Enzymes, continued plant enzyme. We realized there is a special need for an enzyme formulated and focused on the blood… cleansing and detoxifying. What many of us would define as cellular regeneration. Proteolytic? (The breakdown of proteins into smaller polypeptides or amino acids) There is incredible power in the word Proteolytic. We introduced one of the first patented proteolytic strains 20 years ago, with outstanding results. We have done it again! We now have this amazing new formula that contains 3 Proteolytic strains and 2 other powerful strains. This 5 Strain blend is classed and licensed by Health Canada as a Probiotic. They have the strength to sur-

vive the acidity of the stomach (they do no good if they die before they reach their intended destination). And we have doubled the C.F.U. (colony forming units) per serving from 6 Billion to 12 Billion while keeping incredible stability even at warm temperatures. You would be surprised at how many other probiotics this disqualifies . For detailed information on each product formula and other powerful products… Follow our blog… www.LeadingEdgeHealth.org Request our catalogue & newsletter… 'News & Views to a Healthier You' Call: 1(250)220-1262 LeadingEdgeHealth@shaw.ca Help others attain 'Ideal Health' and be 'Highly Rewarded' Herbal Collective Oct/Nov, 2013


Subconscious, from page 18 issue from, I encour encoursue or a pattern that you want freedom from age interview. ge you to contact me for a interview I have successfully helped people recover from grief, guilt, anxiety, shame, addictions, and eating disorders to name a few. Testimonial If I was to write a review,..... After taking Germana's classes on hypnotherapy, around the second or third class I realised all the years of bad programing I had in me was conflicting my life on a daily basis making me ill inside and outside. The ability to understand I am able to change my belief system that was given to me by others with just a few adjustments, simply by understanding how they were put into me was absolute relief. I knew somehow the person I was, was not the person people saw or conversed with. I knew something was not

real ...just ju not me. I am grateful daily for Germana's guidance in teaching me the way to release my anger, fears, saddness and reintroduce me to my true self. Allowing myself this gift not only to learn the value of hypnotherapy but also by taking some hypnotherapy sessions with Germana has given me the true gift of" I can see clearly now"...on that note when I struggle, a brief session with Germana can show the way to a solution like no other counselor, medicine healer or religious doctrine has...by simply showing you your belief system and having the ability to change this is completely up to you. Many grateful smiles Germana and a lifetime of friendship , I thank you humbly for showing me the light:) Kat Contact Germana at 250-591-5327 or email Germana@shaw.ca to inquire about how hypnotherapy can help you move forward in your life.

Seaweed, from page 21 Kelp: Ascophyllum nodosum Part Used: leaves Effective Form: tablets, capsules, powder, flakes, tincture, fresh Taste: salty Energetic: very cooling Properties: anti-biotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-coagulant, rich in carotene, iodine and chromium. Medicinal use: Cleanses heavy metals and toxins. Cleanses the blood (toxins can cause; rashes, eczema, psoriasis and inflammation). Softens hard masses. Helps clear yellow or green phlegm. Nourishes the kidneys. Supports the immune system. Support thyroid health; especially when blended with spirulina. Spirulina comes from plant plankton, is a micro-algae grown in clean alkaline lakes. Spirulina is high in protein (18 amino acids, 8 which are essential, essential because we cannot produce them, therefore we must get them from our food), rich in vitamins, mineral/trace minerals, enzymes and pre-biotics. Spirulina is a full spectrum nutrient rich food, one of the richest on the planet. Spirulina, spirulina plantensis. Part Used: whole organism as dried powder Effective Form: power, tablets, capsule Preparation: Mix into fresh made human or animal friend food. Humans add to a smoothie, protein drink, or just drink mixed in water Energetics: cooling Properties: Rich in vitamins especially B vitamins, anti-oxidants;

especially beta carotene. Minerals; especially calcium. Trace minerals, amino acids, enzymes and prebiotics; for healthy flora. Rich in chlorophyll. Medicinal use: A prime immune supporter. Helps cleanse the blood. Supports circulation and heart health. Supports liver thyroid and adrenal glands health. Our animal friends are in much need of full spectrum nutrients due to their unnatural diet of dry, and or, wet food lacking in vitality and the complexity of nutrients which can only come from whole foods and herbs. Even people who feed their animal friends home prepared food, almost always need to supplement with a nice blend of super greens because many domesticated dogs and cats have lived on dry or wet food for generations. The pet food industry came about around the 1950’s, in the last 60 years we have seen an increase of health problems due to deficiency and excess toxins. I make a beautiful blend of super greens for animal friends which consists of alfalfa leaf, barely grass, nettle leaf, dandelion leaf, kelp, spirulina and a digestive enzyme/probiotic. Even though this blend is for animals, humans can take it as well. I do. Carola Schleuss, CNC, CMP, Certified Nutrition Consultant, Certified Massage Practitioner www.wayoflifematters.com

Natural Health Directory The Natural Health Directory is a resource for our readers who are looking for practitioners, products, education, herb farm or other herbal and natural health information. Each listing links to a listing on the Herbal Collective website with links and contact information to that particular business. Eco-Alternatives

www.herbalcollective.ca/directory-eco_alternatives.html Salvestrols - Nature’s Defence Against Cancer Learn the link between diet and cancer in this amazing book............................................www.salvestrolbook.com

Herbal Products

www.herbalcollective.ca/directory-herbal-products.html Ayurvedic Herbs Direct Ayurvedic herbs, remedies and medicine from wellknown companies plus reference books and guides www.ayurvedicherbsdirect.com...............1-877-252-5436 Healing Bliss Botanicals Herbal products are 100% natural, cruelty free, wildcrafted, never contain any preservatives www.healingblissbotanicals.com..............1-250-338-8872 Discover the Power of Aloe Vera www.Maureenglowasky.com....................1-250-338-7105 Javita - Coffee for Life Marlene Louch, www.myjavitaheaven.com.250-338-7949 Skin Care AnneMarie Gianni Skin Care - natural, organic ingredients free of chemicals and preservatives Wild Oil of Oregano, www.wildoiloforegano.com www.wildtamanuoil.com

Holistic Health Practitioners

www.herbalcollective.ca/directory-holistic-health-practitioners.html Judy Forester, cranial sacral therapy, shamanic practitioner, jforester@cranialsacral.ca.................250-668-0375

Click on the link for each page to get more information on each particular business. To Get Listed; contact at info@herbalcollective.ca or call 1-250-722-7108.

Listings start at only $30 for 3 months. Ian Gartshore, Raindrop technique practitioner, marriage and family therapist, www.shorewellness.ca.................................250-754-0698 Bach Flowers Sarah Brune, Bach flower practitioner, www.Bachflowerscanada.com.....................250-331-3228 Life Coach Create your reality consciously. Release old programming. Live the life you want! www.knightonconsulting.com. Offices in Parksville and Nanaimo or by skype. Call for a free consult..................................250-751-5851


Germana Rovinelli - create a better life with hypnotherapy, g@germana.ca, www.germana.ca.........250-714-4369

Natural Foods and Supplements

www.herbalcollective.ca/directory-natural-foods.html# Bell Lifestyle Products Offers a wide selection of natural health products and nutritional supplements....................................905-695-0631 Canadian Bio Supplements Quality manufacturer of natural health products backed by over 5 years of clinical trials...................306-291-0871

Naturopathic Doctors


Pacific Holistic Center, Dr Doug Kuramoto. In Nanaimo and Parksville.......................... 250-753-0280



www.herbalcollective.ca/directory-education.htmll www.herbalcollective.ca/directory-education.htm Herbal Collective Aug/Sept, 2013


The Herbal Collective The

The Better living with herbs and natural health

April/May 2013

Spring into Herb Gardening Herbs to Lift Depression Benefits of Licorice Make Herbal Medicine Lou Corona Visits the West

Dec/Jan 2013

Remedies for Colds and Flu Christmas Herbs & Spices Ayurveda with Yogi Cameron Managing Heartburn with Herbs


Lavender Love Affair

Better living with herbs and natural health




By Marilyn Zink

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