Herbal Collective Sept'17

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The Better living with herbs and natural health

Sept, 2017

Water Hyssop for a Better Brain Wilhelminas Garden Oasis Herbs for Focus and Concentration Tips to Prevent and Manage Diabetes Stress Relief with Bach Flowers Ayurvedic Jam for Immune Support


Concentrate Better with Herbs As we enter another fall, it’s worthwhile thinking about what we can do to stay Publisher’s Note healthy for the rest of the year. With many people returning to jobs and schools stress often becomes a big factor in our mental, emotional and physical health. It can be difficult to concentrate on what needs to be accomplished when one is living under stress. That’s why dealing with stress is the number one thing you can do to get or stay healthy. That’s also why this issue deals with how to get stress under control from a natural health perspective. Bach Flower remedies are great for helping get emotions under control – whether it’s stress, apprehension, fears and anxieties. Adaptogens are herbs that help the body adapt to stress. Some of these herbs also help a person to focus and concentrate better. These include herbs like aloe vera, water hyssop and ashwagandha – that not only help you cope but promote mental clarity. Other herbs that are good

for brain function include gotu kola, yerba mate, rosemary and basil. Read about them on page 17 and decide which works best for you. Water hyssop is also the herb of the month as it works with a person to help their body heal in so many ways as well as improving neurons in the brain. Read about it on page 7. Another way to improve your mental (and emotional health) is by using the Law of Attraction (LOA) by sending out positive intentions which attract the right vibration in life. How does one do that? Learn how by attending workshops and more by reading about it on page 10. You can also ease stress by gardening or experiencing a garden someone else has created – like Wilhelmina’s garden. She has attracted the support of her neighbors by creating a garden oasis that others can enjoy – hopefully her story will inspire you to create your own garden oasis in whatever space you have.


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Herbal Collective Sept,’17

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Contents The Theme: Columns and Departments Reduce stress and be able to focus and conIn the Kitchen centrate better for fall Apple fritters for breakfast..............................11 Corn bean salsa...................................................11 Get stress relief with Bach remedies..............6 Herb of the Month Water hyssop for the brain................................7 Water hyssop for a better brain........................7 Herbs for focus and concentration...............16

Features Top tips for managing diabetes.......................4 New Ayurveda association forms....................5 Neem, the earth’s saviour...................................8 What frequency is your vibration?................10 Can aloe vera reduce stress?..........................12 Salt Spring Apple Festival ...............................13 Wilhelmina’s garden oasis...............................14

See page 12

See page 14

The Herbal Collective published by Pro Write Publishing Publisher/Editor - Marilyn Zink Contact: 250-729-1593 info@herbalcollective.ca, www.herbalcollective.ca Contributors

Klaus Ferlow, Olena Gill, Sarah Brune, Permelia Parham, The Herbal Collective is published every month by Pro Write Publishing and distributed through social media, various platforms and the Herbal Collective blog and email list. Advertising deadline is around the 21 of every month. The opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those of the editor. Different viewpoints are welcome. All editorial material is copyrighted. Any medical advice is given solely for information purposes only and no responsibility is assumed on the publisher’s part.

Contact These Sponsors for Natural Health Solutions Gregg Turner, www.nikken.com/holistic..............................2 Olena Gill, www.indigmedicine.com.....................................4 Salvestrol, www.salvestrolbook.com....................................5 Sarah Brune, www.bachflowerscanada.com.......................6 Ferlow Botanicals. www..ferlowbotanicals.com................7 Louis Hoolaeff......www.provenhealth.info...........................7 Permelia Parham, www.vibrationalhealing.ca.................10 Edible Island, www.edibleisland.ca......................................11 Hedd Wyn, ............www.heddwynessentials.com...........12 Aloe vera, www.maureenglowasky.com............................13 Holly Carnegie Letcher, www.pathways2wellness.ca....14 Purica, www.purica.com..........................................................17 Herbal Collective, Sept,’17


Top Tips for Preventing and Managing



ave you been diagnosed with Diabetes mellitus (DM)? Have you been told that you have increased cholesterol, hypertension and rising blood sugar levels, even if some of these look ‘normal’ on a lab test? Unfortunately, leaving any of these conditions untreated can lead to numerous complications – heart disease, kidney failure, blindness, circulation problems, lower extremity ulcerations and amputations, and more. It is estimated that one in ten deaths in Canada is attributable to complications of diabetes, and over 5 million Canadians are currently living with some form of diabetes, many who do not even know that they may have this condition.

What is Diabetes? Diabetes is a disease where the body experiences elevated blood glucose levels (sugar) due either an inability to produce (Diabetes Type I) or inability to manage (Diabetes Type 2) insulin, which is pumped out from the pancreas. All foods and drinks that we consume are transformed into sugar, which our body then uses for energy. Both types of Diabetes build up glucose in the blood – at too high levels, this causes widespread systemic damage.

What are the forms of Diabetes? Type I Diabetes (DM1) is a chronic problem. This often shows up earlier in life, where the pancreas is unable to pump out the insulin hormone and cause 4

Herbal Collective Sept,’17

blood sugar levels to rise uncontrollably and be improperly metabolized. This con dition is life-long and absolutely requires insulin. Naturopathic Medicine in these cases is used as a supportive measure, but not as the primary source of correction and control. Type II Diabetes (DM2) totally stems from lifestyle and diet choices. This is by far the most common form, and is absolutely preventable. Poor eating habits and lack of exercise can ultimately have a profound effect on middle age adults and beyond. Unfortunately, this condition is now becoming more prevalent in sedentary children – teenagers and adolescents. What happens is that over a number of years, the body cannot properly use up the insulin that is produced, and eventually leads to insulin resistance and subsequent mismanagement of the glucose. This, however, can be prevented wholeheartedly with re-evaluating dietary choices, weight and lifestyle management, and physical activity.

New Ayurveda Association Forms Metabolic Syndrome Along with Diabetes, a prevailing condition which being identified more often is something called Metabolic Syndrome or Syndrome X. It is usually connected with a Pre-Diabetes state and although it doesn’t quite fit the definition of DM1 or 2, it needs to be treated regardless. Syndrome X is a combination of four primary characteristics – increase in blood sugar levels, high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol levels, and excess body fat around the waist. Just like Diabetes on its own, this also increases the risk for heart disease and stroke. If you have a family history of DM2, you are more likely to have Metabolic Syndrome, with the risk increasing with age. Naturopathic Medicine utilizes many different approaches in dealing specifically with DM2 and Metabolic Syndrome. Because DM2 is a disease of diet and lifestyle, adjusting one’s intake of harmful fats and sugars, alcohols and similar indulgences, employing a whole food approach and lowering intake of pro-inflammatory foods is the place to start. It is not uncommon to include prescribed exercise and stress management as part of a customized treatment program. In my clinic, I will often order an initial diagnostic lab workup either to establish a baseline or to monitor existing blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure. Establishing optimal nutritional status is also vital, so I will typically prescribe high-potency therapeutic supplements in order to support the immune system and prevent complications.

The Ayurveda Association of Canada, (AAC) has recently formed to nurture the growth and presence of Ayurveda in Canada. It will be the official resource for Ayurveda in Canada with chapters in Alberta, B.C., Nova Scotia, Quebec and Ontario. The new board of directors is Manjiri Nadkarni as president, Neelam Toprani as vice-president, Paul Batth as secretary and treasurer and directors Ruth Lamb and Vd.Ismat Dhala. The AAC brings all Ayurveda enthusiasts together under one umbrella with a common voice and supports the practice and education of Ayurveda. Prior to the association being formed, different individual practitioners, students and other enthusiasts looking to practice or study Ayurveda often felt a lack of support or the right resources to guide them in their journey. For free registration, www.ayurvedaassociation.ca

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To tackle Diabetes and related syndromes, a multipronged approach is required. If you are struggling with this and need assistance getting back on track, give our office a call and see how Naturopathic Medicine can play a vital role in your health journey.

Dr. Olena Gill is a Naturopathic Physician and Acupuncturist practicing in Parksville, B.C. She can be reached at 778-762-3099 or www.indigomedicine.com . Disclaimer: Information in this article should not be construed or used as a substitute for medical evaluation or advice. See your Naturopathic Physician for proper evaluation and prescription.

Herbal Collective, Sept,’17


Get Stress Relief with Bach Flower Remedies


he Fall can be a very stressful and nerve wracking time of year, with the start of school – a child going off to kindergarten to an older child leaving home for the first time to start higher education. Not only does the parent get stressed and anxious, but so does the child and even the pet. I still remember my son’s BySarah Brune first day of kindergarten. I sat at home and worried about him all morning and to make matters worse we received a phone call from the school with a teary child on the end. It just broke my heart! Twelve years later he moved away to University at the tender age of 17, again it was a nerve wracking experience and I found it hard to hold back the tears. Then last year my daughter moved away which again was hard, but she has a set of Bach Remedies

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to help with the emotional ups and downs of adulthood. It is all very good being able to have instant communication via text, but not so good when my kids need to inform me of some sort of drama they have experienced e.g. Where am I? How do you operate the Dryer? I might miss the bus, Someone has just reversed into my Car…. Fortunately the Bach Flower Remedies are there to help with the emotional aspects of being a parent so that you can help from afar and defuse the so called drama and able to help with a sense of calm. For general stress Rescue Remedy is useful to have on hand. It can help you to face the situation in a better frame of mind, and will help to reduce your fear and nervousness. It can be taken as often as necessary before a stressful event and will provide comfort and reassurance. Rescue Remedy often brings an immediate effect to put you back in control. Aspen and Mimulus will help ease the fears and worries. Aspen is for fears and anxiety, when you are unsure of what could happen, those niggling anxious feelings that seem to pop up from time to time. Apprehension is replaced by a desire for a new adventure and new experiences, disregarding any difficulties that may arise with reassurance. Mimulus assists with known fears, providing one with a calm sense of courage to face difficult situations with confidence. Moving away is a big step and can be very overwhelming. Elm helps with self-assurance and the ability to put things into perspective that everything will fall into place. Larch gives one the confidence that they will be able to cope with whatever life throws your way. For protection from change and outside influences Walnut gives us the ability to move forward and adapt to everything new or different in our lives. Most importantly for the parent Red Chestnut for when you start to worry incessantly about your children. It can help you to become calm and confident that everything will work out and the niggling feelings of anxiety will be put to rest.

Sarah Brune has her practise in the Comox Valley and is available for consultations, and teaches certified courses. For more information: BachFlowersCanada. com or 250 331 3228. 6

Herbal Collective Sept,’17

Herb of the Month

Water Hyssop for the Brain


ater Hyssop or Bacopa – an herb ofted used in Ayurvedic medicine, has been shown to improve cognition in the brain by helping to reduce anxiety. It is reliable for helping to improve memory, not just in the elderly but younger people as well. This makes it an effective nootropic – a compound that helps increase cognition, focus and alertness. As this herb is also an adaptogen, a relaxed person might experience a lack of motivation to work after using it. Water hyssop (bacopa) interacts with the dopamine and serotonergic systems, but its main mechanism involves promoting neuron communication. It does this by increasing the growth of nerve endings, also called dendrites, which then enhances the rate at which the nervous system can communicate. Water Hyssop is also an anti-oxidant so it improves the immune system and can help flush toxins out of the body. It is commonly referred to as Brahmi in Indian Ayurveda, a name that is often used to describe Gotu Kola which can be slightly confusing. Besides improving the brain – water hyssop is also known to be effective for treating skin problems like psoriasis, eczema and abscess. It can also be effective for other skin issues such as acne. Water hyssop has been used in Ayurvedic ointments that can be used to reduce wrinkles. When applied generously on the skin, the herbal ointment tights the skin which can make someone look younger. As a tincture, water hyssop cleanses the skin and closes skin pores. The herb can also stimulate hair

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growth and reduce hair from falling out. It’s a potent pain reliever and can be used to treat headaches, pain in the joints, epilepsy and backache to mention a few so it is used in many preparations. Taking the herb on an empty stomach may cause nausea, cramping, bloating and diarrhea. Get the Very Best in Natural Health Education

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Sept, ‘17


Neem....the Earth’s Saviour


uman ingenuity has created wondrous developments – from fires to evolving an extraordinary complex social structure, splitting atom, reaching to the moon, mapping the human genome, evolving By Klaus Ferlow the most complex repertoire of communication connecting the world, creating a “dangerous” radiation wireless world! Man has taken apart and put together everything he could lay his hands upon or think about it. An extraordinary range of creativity has enriched our lives. Some of these activities have helped us wriggle out of situations confining all other forms of life. These are exciting times! We are today living in an age of unprecedented technology strides and some even say this is just the beginning. Internet, electronic mail and jet speed travel have conveniently helped bridge the geographical distances. The challenge before us is to link the wisdom of our past with current knowledge and advanced technology to find ecologically sound solutions to emerging global requirements such as climate change, pollution etc. Man has dominated and tried to control practically everything around him whether by nature or not. Unfortunately, in exploring nature and his power over it, he has unleashed forces and substances, which have got out of control. Poisonous pesticides are such weapons, with an unjust and immoral attitude to the rest of the living world. Hazardous, dangerous chemicals (one of the worst is glycophosate) found in our water, air (chemtrails), soil, food & drinks (MSG – Monosodiumglutamate), household and garden goods, prescription drugs, plastics, cosmetics and personal care products, electric magnetic radiation from many sources (EMF towers, cell & I-phones, microwave ovens, smart meters just to name a few. These toxic chemicals damage our body, brain, behavior and sex. Our weather pattern if we just look


Herbal Collective Sept,’17

at the last four to five years with climate change has shown signs of going haywire with hurricanes, tsunamis, thunderstorms, earthquakes, floods, droughts, forest fires, deforestation of the Amazon and nuclear radiation from the disaster of Fukushima. Melting glaciers due to global warming, ozone depletion are all realities which have begun to hit home and touch lives of people in a negative way world over. The future food security and economic independence of developing nations depend on meeting our emerging requirements with a degree of caution and an eye on growth base on environmental friendly technologies and a collaborative approach with nature. India and China together constitute 27% of all humanity, which translates into 2.6 billion people who need better food, shelter and medicines with minimum damage to the ecological integrity of our precious land and forest resources. We humans have disconnected from Mother Earth for our whole lives and therefore are depleted of the health-sustaining energy (electrons) from the earth and forgotten that we are part of our planet and as a result we are suffering from it with a large variety of health problems internally and externally. When eating healthy food and the longer we reconnect to the earth, the more our body responds with improved health. For most people our fast-paced lifestyle without proper physical activity, created a sick society and with it enjoyment of life is eroded and it has become a roller coaster. Earthing is not a cure-all, but is effective, safe and deserves through exploration and exploitation as primary health and healing tool combined with us-

ing herbal medicinal personal care products with no harmful toxic chemical ingredients. Is there any hope to get things under control again? Scientists and researchers believe that the miraculous versatile medicinal plant from India, the neem tree (Azadirachta indica A.Juss) could be one of the safe solution for solving our global problems and save our Mother Earth! As the global scenario is now changing towards the use of non-toxic plant derived botanical products base on traditional use, development of modern products from neem are in place for the control of various diseases. There is an almost unlimited potential what neem has to offer since the tree has a unique source of various types of healing compounds. Everything from the tree is medicinal: bark. cake, flowers, fruit, honey, leaves, oil, roots, timber, twigs. Neem is extremely beneficial to save the environmental pollution, offers flood control, erosion, salimation, rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems and wastelands, recommended for reforestation, useful for windbreaks in areas of low rainfall and high wind speed and protects crop, organic farming, nontoxic herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, pesticides, fertilizer, climate change, veterinarian medicine, dental care, cosmetics and personal care products, epidemics, birth control, preventing diseases. Several therapeutically and industrial useful preparations and compounds have been marketed worldwide. This created enough encouragement among scientists in exploring more information about this remarkable plant. Neem is also one of the most researched trees on earth and over two decades of research resulted in over 2500 scientific papers published promising interesting results in so many disciplines that this obscure species may be of enormous benefit to countries rich and poor and eventually each person on the planet can benefit from it. Even some of the most cautious researchers are now saying “neem deserves to be called a wonder tree” and the United Nations declared it as “the tree of the 21st century!” Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the Indian Nation was very found of neem leaf chutconrinued page 10

neem tree Ancient Medicine for a Modern World

Ayurvedic medicine and the Indian subcontinent have long been using the amazing healing powers of the Neem Tree. Oil is extract from the kernels of the seeds and an extract is derived from the leaves. Neem is traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine to help temporarily relieve the minor skin irritations such as itching associated with eczema or minor wounds. The tincture and skin cream are Health Canada registered.



CLEAN AND SIMPLE Our products are made without the use of Petro chemicals or Parabens. QUALITY, INTEGRITY, PURITY We formulate our products onsite using the best quality and ethically sourced ingredients in small batches made by hand. Ferlow Botanicals manufactures a variety of Neem products including: • Neem Shampoo & Conditioner • Neem Cream • Neem Oil • Neem Toothpaste • Neem Bar Soap • Neem Tinture Please contact us for more information. Neem is second to none when it comes to controlling and healing up psoriasis. Satisfied patients have sent their friends to our clinic pharmacy for this particular product and it can literally fly off the shelves. Great products, great service and a passionate commitment to Naturopathic Medicine and Holistic Health Care. Dr. Alfred Hauk, ND The Holistic Healing Arts Centre, Brantford, ON

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www.ferlowbotanicals.com Herbal Collective Sept,’17


What Frequency is Your Vibration?


’ve been studying and applying the Law of Attraction for many years and deliberately for the last year ~ WOW ~ I have to admit the more I send out positive vibrations, the more I’m attracting what I want in my life. If you are interested in how this works ~ read Michael Losier’s book, Law of Attraction. Quite simply the law is this: the vibration you give out is the vibration you get back. The Law of Attraction (LOA) doesn’t discern good vibes from bad vibes ~ it just matches the vibes we have. Now I know this works because when I took Michael Losier’s workshop in 2004, I started applying LOA to my life. I live in Parksville on beautiful Vancouver Island because of LOA; I found the house I wanted to live in because of LOA; I’ve manifested work because of LOA. AND ~ I’m doing what I love to do ~

teaching people how to have balance and joy in their lives. Yes, you guessed it ~ LOA!! Setting positive intentions each day keeps me focused on attracting positive vibrations. Positive vibrations keep me in the zone of attracting more of what I want into my life. What's even more exciting is these vibrations are in colour! Check out Vibrational Healing my website and Energy Balance for Better Health the workshops I offer to keep Special your vibrational Offer: frequencies 50% OFF positive and in Individual Consultation balance: www. Skype available vibrationalheal(Reg. cost $75) ing.ca Permelia Parham prac*.Feel calmer tices vibrational * Experience more joy healing - www. * Achieve better balance vibrationalhealCall Permelia Parham ing.ca at 250-240-2656



Herbal Collective Sept,’17

Neem, from page 9

ney. It is said that the secret of his health was the neem leaf! On May 12, 2017 the new World Neem Organization, Mumbai, India was registered with 14 core-founding members from Africa, Australia, Bangladesh, India, North America and Europe to educate professional and consumers alike about healing power of the neem tree and I was appointed to represent North America and Northern Europe (Germany, United Kingdom and Scandinavian countries) A Neem Wave worldwide will be created with a banner “Neem: Earth's Saviour!” LONG LIVE THE NEEM TREE! Klaus Ferlow, Honorary Master Herbalist, HMH) Dominion Herbal College, Herbal Advocate (HA) Canadian Herbalist's Association, member of Health Action Network Society,National Health Federation, Neem Foundation & World Neem Organisation, Mumbai, India and other organizations. Writer of over 70 educational articles about health, healing, herbs, nutrition been published in health and woman's magazines worldwide in print and online and the internet. Co-author of the book “7stepstodentalhealth” and author “Neem – Nature's Healing Gift to Humanity” Copyright @2017, all rights reserved. Www.neemresearch.ca, neemresearch1@gmail.com, www. ferlowbotanicals.com Information in the article is summarized for its educational value only and should not be used for the diagnoses, cure, treatment or prevention of disease, please contact your health care provider.

Apple Fritters for Breakfast 2 apples, peeled, grated and pressed to remove liquid 2 eggs, beaten 1-2 tbsp of gluten-free flour (of your choice) oil, for frying (coconut or grapeseed works great) ¼ cup ground almonds 2 Tbsp. finely chopped lemon balm Zest of one lemon 1 tsp. ground cinnamon Once you have drained as much liquid from the grated apples as possible, place in a bowl. Add the eggs and mix. Add 1-2 tbsp of flour, depending on how runny the mixture is. Add enough oil to coat the bottom of pan, set heat to mediumhigh. Make small patties from the apple mixture and cook until golden brown on both sides. Remove from pan and place on paper towel to absorb excess oil.

Corn Bean Salsa 2 cups cooked corn kernels 15 oz. can black beans (drained and rinsed) 1 diced mango ½ diced red onion 2 tbsp. each lime juice and olive oil ¼ cup chopped cilantro 1 tsp. cumin Toss all ingredients until well blended. Enjoy as is or add to a pita, wrap, taco or use as a topping for fish or chicken.

Herbal Collective



Can Aloe Vera Relieve Stress? By Maureen Glowasky


any of us these days live a busy, hectic and stress filled life. Stress can come in many different forms inluding but not limited to sadness, sorrow and worrying and these factors can change the normal balance (pH) of your body, such as an overload of acidity in our bodies. Luckily, Aloe Vera is an adaptogen, meaning it can actually help you adapt to changes in your environment by stimulating the defense and adaptive mechanisms of your body. Aloe Vera juice taken daily provides you with an increased ability to cope with all sorts of stress – physical, emotional and environmental. Now I don’t promote that you run out and purchae any type of Aloe Vera Juice and there are many of them on the market today. What’s the difference between Optimum Health’s Inner Leaf Aloe Juice and the Aloe juice you see on the shelf at your local grocery store? Many other brands claiming to be ‘Aloe Juice’ use a powdered form of Aloe Vera and water down their Aloe content to fill more bottles. A study by nutritional journal ‘Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech’ analysed nine Aloe products and found only three had satisfactory amounts of Aloe Vera. I am proud to represent Pro-Ma/Grace Optimum Health Aloe Vera Juice because our Aloe Barbadensis Miller (Aloe Vera) is grown using 100% organic farming without the use of chemicals, fertilisers, pesticides, insecticides or fungicides. Optimum Health’s Aloe Inner Leaf Aloe Juice micro pulp is 99% pure organically grown inner leaf Aloe, meaning you get a highly concentrated dose of Aloe Vera goodness. Every bottle of Inner Leaf Aloe Vera Juice is bottled under strict TGA, (Therapeutic Goods Administration), requirements, in the TGA licensed facility. The following is the accreditations and their meaning: TGA: - Is the Australian Government Department of Health Therapeutic Goods Administration 12

Herbal Collective Sept,’17

ACO: - Is Australian Certified Organic GMP: - Is Good Manufacturing Practice All accreditation require annual audits from each of these bodies.. Running a manufacturing facility with all these accreditations is highly expensive and only a selected few Australian manufacturers have these accreditation. Surprisingly many other Australian manufacturers don't even have GMP. These regulatory bodies ensure that we practice quality standards and procedures and deliver quality formulas in every bottle of Grace. I have been drinking our Aloe Vera Juice for over 30 years and have seen for myself what a positive difference it has made in my life and those of so many others, but let me share with you, how it helped my grandson from the day he was a youngster suffering with Cerebral Palsy and Asthma and of course, dealing with stress. My grandson Justin was born premature weighing 2lb. 3 oz. My daughter was told by the doctors that he had a 5% chance of survival. His lungs were not properly developed and he was susceptible to bronchitis and pneumonia. He was in and out of the hospitals for the first year of his life and it became a steady diet of antibiotics. He was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and later came the inhalers for Asthma. My daughter gave him a glass of Aloe when he had an Asthma attack

and it calmed him down enough to allow him to breathe easier. Seeing that the Aloe juice helped him, she gave Justin the juice daily and soon he was asking for it. He was drinking about 4 to 6 ounces daily. She did not get another prescription for antibiotics or inhalers. Due to his health issues, it was necessary that he was enrolled in a Child Development Center and at the beginniing he had difficulty assimilating into his new environment feeling unsure and yes, scared. My daughter turned back to Aloe Vera and started a daily regime of the juice once again and within very short order his system was able to calm down enough for him to not only attend the training but to excel. Today he is a healthy young man Maureen Glowasky and Mickey are independent distributors. Contact MaureenK21@shaw.ca

Discover the Power of Aloe Vera Experience:

~ relief from sunburn ~ smoother skin, ~enhanced digestion ~ improved immune function ~ better weight and energy levels ~healthy teeth and gums

Maureen, Courtenay 250-338-7105 Mickey, Courtenay 250-338-1363

Apple Festival The Salt Spring Apple Festival on Oct. 1 is a perfect opportunity to satisfy people who love a wide variety of apples. That’s why the 18th annual event on Salt Spring Island is known as Apple Heaven with more than 500 varieties. The event runs from 10-5 p.m. with apples to taste, apple pies and other baked goods, apple identification, face painting, music and more. Get all the details at http://saltspringmarket.com/saltspring-island-apple-festival/



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Wilhelmina’s Garden Oasis

Wilhelmina in her garden

By Marilyn Zink inding pathways snake through Wilhelmina’s garden leading those who enter on a journey of gardening delights. Bright pink dahlias beckon near the entrance while giant sunflowers nod protectively over vegetables near the rear. Corn and squash vie for attention near the entrance while farther down flowers are interspersed with vegetables and herbs like fennel, borage, oregano, thyme and sage. Small benches are scattered under a welcoming weeping willow and near a charming shed at the rear painted in mint green. Wilhemina’s garden started as a vision in February when the hard, frozen ground was covered in snow. She bought the property from the late Llody Pady, who lived in a small house on the property that



Herbal Collective Sept,’17

has since been torn down. “He loved this property and I can tell cause I’m a gardener,” says Wilhelmina. “He spent his lifetime building the soil and making compost.” The late owner had a garden that grew in the rich soil, which Wilhelmina says she notices whenever she puts a shovel in the ground. “Even though the ground was razed (from demolishing the house), I watched it during the spring to see what came up. The basic structure of the garden was here already,” says Wilhemina. “All the neighbors walked by for years and knew something beautiful was inside. I’m keeping everything that was here. It’s almost like rescuing a garden.” The garden had been hidden by a large hedge. Wilhelmina compares it to the Secret Garden, a novel and movie about a secret

walled garden. The 76-year-old, who is reluctant to give her last name, says she bought the property just so she could have a garden and play. She lives a short walk down the street in a comfortable suite yet comes to the garden almost every day. When the gate is open, people walking by are welcome to come and look around or sit for a bit on a bench. They have seen the senior working in the garden in between snow falls and have watched the garden come alive as plants grow again and new ones are added. “As soon as the neighbors realized what was happening, they were so welcoming,” says Wilhelmina. “So many of them have given me plants, It feels to me like they have given me a part of themselves.” It’s not just plants – some have

given items like gates, which Wilhelmina uses as a unique trellis, and glass, which she might use for a coldframe. Janine Grey, who lives next door and has watched the garden evolve, says neighbors love what Wilhelmina has done. “We’re delighted. She’s done a lot of work. She was out there in between snowstorms in the winter.” Wilhelmina is grateful for a water permit provided by the City of Nanaimo and has hoses located in various spots of her large garden. Wilhelmina, who raised a family in Nanaimo, moved to the U.S. travelling for years with her pharmacist husband. When she moved back to Nanaimo three years ago, she determined to give up her car and licence and walk everywhere. That’s why her location with the garden in the Old City Quarter was just right. “It’s basically about me having fun, fun. I never work hard,”

she says. “I never work until I’m tired. I putter and enjoy every minute of it. “Whenever I’m here, my gates are open and the neighbors are welcome to walk through. I intend for this to be a welcoming place and a neighborhood oasis. I’m becoming friends with all my neighbors and it’s so enriching to me.” Holly Carnegie Letcher BSc.OT, Occupational Therapist at Oceanside Pathways 2 Wellness-Holistic Health Services in cooperation with Bethlehem Centre, Nanaimo presents:

Vancouver Island Labyrinth Pilgrimage Saturday, Oct. 21- Monday, Oct. 23 A mindfulness journey in a landscape that nurtures the soul

Early Bird Deadline Aug. 15,’17 Be prepared for a transformative 3 day, 2 or 3 night travelling Labyrinth retreat. * Supports mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health & wellbeing * Join this inclusive event-20 spaces only! (Meals, transportation & lodging too)

Call Holly at 250-927-3730 For details visit www.pathways2wellness.ca Register www.bethlehemcentre.com Herbal Collective Sept,’17


Herbs for Focus & Concentration


hen you head back to school or back to work, it can be difficult to concentrate after summer holidays. Herbs can have a strong effect on helping a person concentrate. Sometimes people are amazed at the difference it makes. If you are feeling unmotivated or having difficulty concentrating, consider using the herbs in this article. It’s best to look at one herb that appeals to an individual based on their needs and use that for a period of time. Herbs take two weeks to a month to take effect, though essential oils work faster.

Water Hyssop (Bacopa)

This Ayurvedic herb can help rejuvenate the brain and the nervous system. It can help the brain learn and retain new information yet it also reduces the effects of stress on the brain. It helps the left and right sides of the brain work together, which allows one to focus better and withstand emotional stress. Bacopa relieves nervousness and anxiety, improves the immune system, and can help with insomnia.

Gotu Kola

The leaf of Gotu Kola resembles the shape of the brain, which makes sense as it is best known for its ability to improve blood circulation and memory. It balances the brain while aiding intelligence, memory, and other brain functions. It is also regarded as one of the more spiritual herbs in India.

Yerba Mate

This herb stimulates the mind and the nervous system. It also improves concentration and memory. Yerba mate does contain caffeine though most people find it does not impair their sleep like other 16

Herbal Collective Sept,’17

caffeine products. Those who suffer from insomnia, heart palpitations, or anxiety should use Yerba mate cautiously.


Ashwagandha is an adaptogen so it reduces the effect of overwork and stress but at the same time it boosts memory. It promotes mental clarity and cognitive functioning, supports the immune system and reduces nervous exhaustion. This herb is also very protective, especially in the brain where it protects against cell deterioration.


Rosemary is known as the herb for remembrance as it helps improve clarity in the mind and emotions. It also increases concentration and can immediately lift your spirits when the essential oil is inhaled. Rosemary is also used as a remedy for mental fatigue, depression, or forgetfulness. Rosemary has a wide variety of health benefits and has become increasingly more popular over the years.

Gingko Biloba

This herb is widely used in Europe for treating dementia as it is known for increasing blood flow to the brain. Benefits include improved thinking and memory, better social behavior and an improved ability to perform tasks. Researchers believe the herb improves cognitive function and protects the brain from neural damage.

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Herbal Collective Sept,’17


Chyawanprash - the Ayurvedic Jam for Immune Support

By Neelam Toprani hyawanprash is an ancient time tested Ayurvedic herbal jam widely used in India as a rejuvenative and immune booster. Historically it is believed that Seer Chyavan was the first to prepare this tonic over 5000 years ago and regained his own youth and longevity. It is often called the Elixir of Life due to its many potent nutritional benefits. The classical Ayurvedic text Charaka Samhita which is dated in the first millennium describes the formulation of Chyawanprash. Chyawanprash is made with Amla berry, honey, and ghee, spices including saffron, clove, cinnamon and cardamom. Its appearance resembles thick, sticky, dark brown jam with a sweet, sour and spicy taste. 100 gm of this jam contains about 15000 mg of Amla. Amla berry (Emblica officinalis) is a primary ingredient of Chyawanprash which makes it rich in Vitamin C. The number of herbs used may vary from 25-80. Other notable Ayurvedic herbs are Ashwagandha, Triphala, Shatavari, Brahmi, Guduchi, Punarnava, Gokshura, Bala, Long pepper and Haritaki. One teaspoon of Chyawanprash twice a day provides a long list of health benefits. It protects body against common cold, cough and flu and strengthens immune system Preserves youth and slows down aging Assists respiratory, circulatory and nervous systems Improves digestion and absorption of nutrition Rejuvenates mind and body and improves memory Contains saponins and Phyto nutrients to lower cholesterol level Source of anti- oxidants and essential fatty acids Supports fertility in women and healthy libido in men Provides a glowing and clearer skin, healthy hair and prevents wrinkles Detoxifies body by eliminating toxins from intestines, liver and blood Suitable for all age groups


Directions for use Adult dosage is one teaspoon twice a day, on an empty stomach, followed by a warm beverage or 18

Herbal Collective Sept,’17

milk. It is safe for pregnant women and growing children. It helps to improve hemoglobin level in pregnant women and provide better nutrition for developing child. Dosage of the children would be adjusted according to the body weight. Chyawanprash is not recommended to person suffering from diabetes, urinary diseases, diarrhea or other health conditions. Testimonial Chyawanprash is an Ayurvedic rejuvenative formula introduced to me by Neelam Toprani of Sewanti. This herbal jam contains 45 organic ingredients according to Ancient Ayurvedic Texts, and is new to us in Canada. I have been in this supplement industry for over 20+ years - and it is not often that something comes along that impresses me this much. I have over the past 6 years suffered with adrenal exhaustion, hypothyroidism and anemia. I am proud that I have ‘cured’ all my ailments through natural foods and alternative practitioners and without any pharmaceutical or medical intervention. Building my immune system is something that I am currently working on. Last Monday I came into work and felt tired and a little achy - like I was on the verge of catching something. After lunch I enjoyed a teaspoon of Sewanti’s Chyawanprash. Within 2 hours my energy was up through the roof - and continued this way for the rest of the day. I have continued to take this amazing elixir, and have now incorporated into my daily regime. I have been feeling strong, energetic and happy. Workouts have been fantastic - I have been able to keep up with workout partners even though I have not worked out for a couple of months. Moods have been uplifted, and sleep is also deep and restful. It is not often I find a food or supplement that has this much impact in such a short period of time. I will continue to take Chyawanprash as it has a long list of fantastic benefits. Dawn Vickery Founder - Raw Elements Inc. Neelam Toprani is CEO, Padmashri Naturals Inc. (Ayurvedic researcher and formulator Sewanti Ayurvedic Series) www.sewanti.com

Natural Health Directory The Natural Health h Directory is a resource for that particular business. our readers who are looking for practitioners, products,

education, herb farm or other herbal and natural health information. Each listing links to a listing on the Herbal Collective website with links and contact information to

Health Food Stores

Lynn’s Vitamin Gallery....................tel 250-748-4421 4-180 Central Ave, Duncan, www.lynnsvitamingallery.ca

Herbal Products

www.herbalcollective.ca/natural-health-directory-herbalproducts AnneMarie Gianni Skin Care - natural, organic ingredi ents free of chemicals and preservatives Ferlow Botanicals, www.ferlowbotanicals.com, info@ferlowbotanicals.com.....................604-322-4080

Purica, medicinal mushrooms and more,.......www.purica.com........................................................250-746-9397

Click on the link for each page to get more information on each particular business. To Get Listed; http://www. http://herbalcollective.ca/order or info@ herbalcollective.ca or call 1-250-7291593. Discover the power of aloe vera..Maureen..250-338-7105 Mickey, 250-338-1363, www.maureenglowasky.com Offers a wide selection of natural health products and nutritional supplements....................................905-695-0631 Canadian Bio Supplements Quality manufacturer of natural health products backed by over 5 years of clinical trials...................306-291-0871

Natural Health Practitioners

Olena Gill, ND, ND, www.indigomedicine.com................ .....................................................778-762-3099 Cheryl Dawn, Reiki, Karuna Reiki (r) Shamanic Energy healing, Chakra readings, Chakra balancing, www.ajourneywithyourspirit.com.................................250-652-5849 www.herbalcollective.ca/directory-naturopathic-doctors.html

Wild Oil of Oregano, www.wildoiloforegano.com www.wildtamanuoil.com.............................250-339-3015

Arrow Gonsalves, Heart Drum Beat, the House of Now, www.heartdrumbeat.com...........................250-650-9905

Natural Foods and Supplements

Pacific Institute of Reflexology Directory Chris Shirley, www.pacificreflexology.com....... ......................................604-875-8818 or 1-800-688-9748



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