2 minute read
President’s Message

By Jon Wormley
This year’s annual meeting will be held at the Clubhouse on Monday, November 7, 2022, at 7pm. I am pleased to advise that Eric Boberg, Vice President of Operations at Heritage Golf Group, has accepted my invitation to speak to the membership commencing at 6:30pm, ahead of the annual meeting. Eric’s discussion will be on the topic of the Heritage Operating and Capital budgeting process and I am sure he will review recent spends at our Port Royal Club. Eric has agreed to take questions from the membership if time permits. Again, the Annual meeting will commence at 7:00pm. The Annual meeting has only one item on the agenda requiring members approval, that is approval of the 2021 Annual Meeting minutes. We will ask the members to waive the reading of those minutes at the meeting and move quickly to approval those minutes. You may access the minutes in the Members Portal and copies will also be available in the Sports Shop. In this month’s Newsletter we have included two ballots for your voting. The first is the Absentee/Proxy Ballot. It will ensure we have a Quorum which allows us to conduct business at the annual meeting and the approval of last year’s minutes. The second ballot is for the Election of 5 members or member spouses for our Board. Their term is for 2 years commencing January 1, 2023. The Nominating Committee has done an outstanding job in their selection of nominees. Dave Donnelly will announce the election results at our annual meeting. I wish them every success. Due to ongoing repairs on the Admin Building, the secured ballot boxes, ballots, and copies of last year’s annual meeting minutes for examination will be located in the Sports Shop on or before October 1st. I ask you to vote early and place your completed ballots in the ballot boxes. Of course, you may bring your ballot with you to the annual meeting. Do not be surprised if board members ask if you have voted and if not, they will probably have ballots available with them for voting.
The Heritage Group system upgrade continues. They have experienced a few hic-ups along the way, and you should not be surprised if a few more hic-ups are experienced. It is a steep learning curve for everyone involved. I again ask our membership for patience and understanding. Be assured upon completion we will have a significantly improved result.