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9 Holers
By Judi Chmielowiec
This year is flying by………. We ended our month of August with a wonderful Tee Time Dinner in the Club’s Member Room hosted by Nene Shope. Our winning team for our Shamble outing was Cherie Bailey, Karen Simpson, Nene Shope and Joann Gibbs with a score of 32. Congratulations on some great teamwork! The next four months we will be playing a Scramble, just to shake things up! Did I say that? September Director of the Month, Mary Beth Strausburger, did not skip a beat. The first game, Blind Hole Event, where a hole is picked to throw out (they never pick my worst hole!!) was won by Jackie Darling with a low Net Score of 26. Awesome Jackie!! Mary Beth continued her report that there were two Chip Ins for the day – the honors go to Mary Lou Murphy with a 50-yard chip-in on Barony No. 1 and Linda Gorski (our new gal) chipped one in on Hole No. 6. We are having so much fun – and quite competitively!! September 8th, we played an Individual Stroke Play event. The honors with a Net Score of 37 goes to tie winners, Linda Gorski, and Jackie Darling. Cherie Bailey was right behind them with a Net 39. Not to be out done, Nene Shope chipped one in on Barony No. 1!! Great job ladies! Mary Beth continued the Month of September with a fabulous Girl’s Night Out event at the Beach House. She featured a Potato Bar and members brought sides and desserts. Our Nine Hole Ladies have done a great job fostering friendships and making golf and monthly parties a permanent, fun-filled feature of our group. Thank you so much, Nine Hole Ladies! We will continue September with a Low Putts game and a Scramble and Lunch for the last game of the month.