2016 Design Portfolio

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This portfolio and all included projects were designed by Herman L. Dickey.




Memphis Strong Families. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06 Standing Banner (AI) Symposium Agenda (ID) Symposium Folder Cover (PS) Symposium Invitation (PS)

Community Alliance for the Homeless. .07 Guiding Principles (AI) Homeless Options Card (PS) Brighter Days Logo (AI) Point-in-Time Logo (AI) Website (WIX) Business Card (ID) 8ft Table Cover (PS) World Homeless Day T-Shirt (AI)

Project Homeless Connect 2015. . . . . . . .12 8x8 Banner (AI) Event T-Shirts (AI) Rack Card (PS) “We Offer Hope” Video (PS, Sony)

Family Safety Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .09 Domestic Violence Billboard (AI)

StraightLine Mathematics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Logo (AI) Business Card (PS) Promotional Card (PS)

Project Homeless Connect 2016. . . . . . . .10

Event T-Shirt (AI) Shirt Mock (PS) Lip Balm Wrapper (AI) Event Overview (ID) Annual Summary Report (ID)

Agape Child & Family Services. . . . . . . . . . 14 HeartLight Promo Card (PS, AI) Seimer Brochure (ID) FIT Brochure (ID)


Binghampton Community Life Center. . . . 16 Logo Redesign (AI) Athletic Staff T-Shirt (AI) Daycare Staff T-Shirt (AI) Summer Camp Announcement (PS) Discount Movers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Logo (AI) Service Announcement (PS) Corinthian Hope House. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Logo (AI) Website (WIX) Executive Director Bio (ID) Purple Affair Announcement (PS) Special Event Projects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Fashion Show Program (PS) Fashion Show Ticket (PS) Celebrity Hand Fan (PS) 5

Elementary Graduation Invitation (PS) Church Newsletter (ID) Learning Center Newsletter (ID) Recording Artist Logo (AI) Catering Business Logo (AI)

Memorial Designs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 8-Page Booklet (PS, ID) 24 x 36 Poster (PS) Memorial Package (PS, ID) Video Production. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22

Commissioned to design all materials for the May 2016 Symposium for the Memphis Strong Families Initiative.

Together we can.

Symposium Agenda Promotional Folder

Retractable Banner

5x7 Invitation

The retractable banner was created using Adobe Illustrator. The folder and invitation were created using Adobe PhotoShop. The agenda and other contents for the folder (not pictured) were created using Adobe InDesign. Of course, the image of Mayor Luttrell speaking beside my work is one that I will cherish forever! 6

Commissioned to design all materials for the May 2016 Symposium for the Memphis Strong Families Initiative.

Brighter D ays Community Alliance for the Homeless, Inc.


Providing Furniture & Housing Necessities for Individuals Who are Exiting Homelessness in Memphis/Shelby County

Homeless Options App Promo

Logo - Brighter Days Program

Guiding Principles (Retractable Banners)


Point in Time Census & Survey

Memphis and Shelby County, Tennessee


Logo - Point in Time


Leading effective communny practices to end homelessness in Memphis/Shelby County

8ft. Table Cover T-Shirt for World Homeless Day 2016

Business Card The retractable banners reflecting the agency’s guiding principles were created using Adobe Illustrator. The table cover was created using Adobe PhotoShop. The business card design (set to go public in January 2017) was created in Adobe InDesign, featuring elements from PhotoShop and Illustrator. The World Homeless Day t-shirt was created using Adobe Illustrator. The Brighter Days logo was created in Adobe Illustrator for a program that provides furniture to homeless individuals who have recently obtained housing. The Point-in-Time logo was created using Adobe Illustrator and is pictured on the reflective vest worn by volunteers. The website was designed using all three platforms and WIX in June of 2016. 8

Commissioned to design a billboard in 2015 for their domestic violence awareness campaign. Two designs were submitted to the client for consideration.

Using Adobe Illustrator, these billboard designs were created for display on digital billboards during domestic violence awareness month. Because of the illuminated effect of the digital billboard, the client decided to go with the darker image (option 1). Calls from women who had never disclosed their abuse doubled as a result of this promotion.

Digital Billboard Design 9

A member of this organization has recently launched Corinthian Hope House, a DV shelter for women & children. Examples of the ongoing work for this organization are on page nineteen.

As Event Coordinator for the second year, I had the distinct privilege of branding the event - to include design of Volunteer & Team Leader shirts, production of the promotional video and customized lip balm for individuals who are experiencing homelessness.

Event Logo & T-Shirt Deisgn

Lip Balm Label 10


423 Individuals Served

PROJECT HOMELESS CONNECT is a city-wide effort to provide a wealth of necessary services to our city’s most vulnerable citizens! In one day...under one roof, individuals who are experiencing homelessness can take advantage of vital resources and services that could otherwise take months to secure. With the generosity and compassion that the residents of Memphis and Shelby County are known for, city agencies, service providers, community partners and volunteers join forces to offer a community response to a community issue. We serve because we care!

SOME RESOURCES & SERVICES INCLUDE: • Health Evaluation • Dental Evaluation • Housing Counseling • Housing Referrals • Veterans Benefits • HIV/AIDS Testing • Legal Assistance • Donated Goods • Mental Health Services • Social Security Services • Substance Abuse Services • Medicaid/Food Stamps

• Vision Screenings •Employment Services • HIV/AIDS Support • Haircare • City of Memphis ID • Other Benefits

Registration is required. Volunteers who serve on event day must be age 18 and above; however, there are volunteer opportunities (setup, care bag assembly, etc.) for those who do not meet the age requirement prior to October 20th. Each volunteer is required to attend a training session.

You can help.

Please consider a donation of socks (adult sizes), blankets, toothbrushes, travelsized grooming products, winter caps or scarves, gloves, or bottled water. For more information, contact Herman Dickey at (901) 527-1302, or via e-mail at herman@cafth.org!

Community Alliance for the Homeless, Inc. leads effective community practices to end homelessness in Memphis and Shelby County.


Event Overview


345 individuals Served


211 individuals Served



Health Care

423 individuals received assistance with resume creation/revision, job search/skills asssessments, GED program sign-up and employment opportunities from area employers.

Southern College of Optometry provided 138 eye exams, offered 71 pairs of reading glasses on the spot, issued prescriptions for 98 pairs of reading glasses, and 38 referrals for further testing.

Baptist’s Operation Outreach Clinic and Memphis Health Center saw a total of 211 individuals, not including services by other providers (listed below).

Complete Overview of Medical Services Baptist Operation Outreach


BP/BMI Screenings/Patients Seen. . . . 121 Diabetes Pre-Screening. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Appointments Made. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Medical Care on Mobile Unit. . . . . . . . . 24 Referral to ER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Flu Shots Administered. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Memphis Health Center BP/BMI Screenings/Patients Seen. . . . . 90 Appointments Made. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Vision Referrals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25

CareMore Clinic Total People Seen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Appointments Made. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 United Healthcare (Social Security/TN Care) Total People Seen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Friends for Life

Amerigroup (TN Care Insurance)

Tested. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Total Patients Seen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

Total People Seen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275

Shelby Co. Ryan White Program

Alliance Health Care (Mental Health Services)

Consultations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100

Total People Seen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Annual Event Summary Report For 2016, the primary color for the event was changed to purple with a hint of lime green. The highlight for those who attended was the “sea of purple” and it is still talked about to this day. The shirt design was created using Adobe Illustrator. The lip balm label was created using both Adobe Illustrator and Adobe PhotoShop. The event overview and summary report were created using Adobe InDesign, with elements that were created using the other Adobe platforms respectively.

The first experience as Event Coordinator came with the challenge of rebranding the event - to include design of the stage banner/backdrop, Volunteer & Team Leader shirts, rack cards for event information, and production of the event’s promotional video.

8x8 Banner (Platform Backdrop) Event T-Shirt (Volunteer & Team Lead)

Event Announcement 12

The “We Offer Hope” video helped to shed light on the organization and its commitment to ending homelessness in Memphis and Shelby County. The production of this video included heavy involvement with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Sony Movie Studio 13.0. Not pictured is the sponsor video, which was also produced using the three platforms mentioned above. This video ran for the duration of the event to display the logos of the event’s sponsors, announcements of upcoming service opportunities in Memphis, and ways to find out more on how to further engage in the organization’s efforts to end homelessness.


Commissioned to produce several designs for this nonprofit organization that serves children and families in Memphis, Tennessee over a 4.5 year span. Hanging proudly in my home office is a framed copy of the billboard for this event was signed by CeCe Winans and Dr. Geoffrey Canada! e Hom ool h + Sc ess! c Suc

Family stability is critical to individuals and the community for numerous reasons. For some families, a seemingly minor event can force them to move in with friends or relatives, live in a hotel, seek refuge in shelters or even live in their cars. Children in these families face the risks of increased school mobility, decreased school attendance and diminished school performance. The intentional goal of this initiative is to increase stability and reduce student mobility through outreach and case management services.

For more information, please call today!

Agape Child & Family Services 111 Racine Street Memphis, TN 38111 901-323-3600 - Phone 901.323-3640 - Fax

Promotional Materials for the 2014 HeartLight Event

Intervention, Prevention, & Educational Services

Seimer Program Brochure

The mock of the 4x6 event announcement above was created in Adobe Photoshop. The event poster and digital billboard were created in Adobe Illustrator (raw files no longer available). The Seimer brochure was created using Adobe InDesign.

FIT Program Brochure 14

After receiving tutorial assistance from the CEO, I was commissioned to design business cards and promotional materials for StraightLine Mathematics. The business has now moved to Philadelphia; as a result, a revision opportunity is on the table.

Business Card (Front Side) Logo The logo was created using Adobe Illustrator. The 4x6 promotional card and business card were designed using Adobe Photoshop. The logo was also used to produce a t-shirt, which was worn by Mr. Crawford and his staff while tutoring (image of shirt not available). 15

Business Card (Back Side) 4x6 Promo Card

Binghampton Community Life Center is also the home of First STAR Learning Academy. It was an honor to design apparel and other projects for this client for over ten years - initially on a volunteer basis, and on a contractual basis over time.

LC Logo Redesign

Center Staff T-Shirt When the designer of the original logo relocated, I used Adobe Illustrator Daycare Staff T-Shirt to recreate the existing logo in a scaleable format for upcoming projects, beginning with the staff t-shirt design pictured. Summer Camp Promo


Discount Movers operates out of Memphis, TN and Atlanta, GA. This job required retouching the existing logo, creation of 4x6 promo cards, and designing contracts and other forms. Try Moving for Less!


Initially, the idea was to use a different name for the Atlanta location. By the time the 4x6 card was produced, the client decided that it would be best to use the same business name for both locations.



The logo retouch was completed using Adobe Illustrator. The 4x6 cards were completed using Adobe PhotoShop.

Try Moving for Less!


Both cards remain in heavy distribution in both cities, and the artwork for the Memphis card has also appeared on the backs of the bus stop benches on various street corners throughout Memphis.



Logo - Memphis and Atlanta 17

4x6 Promo Card for Memphis and Atlanta

When a former member of the Family Safety Center team branched out to open a DV Shelter, she reached out for a logo design, website design, and the creation of her bio for professional speaking engagements.


Logo - Including Color & Name Revision

The name was changed to Corinthian Hope House after the initial logo was developed. The logo was changed to reflect that in Adobe Illustrator. The WIX website was designed using multiple design platforms, and the bio was done in Photoshop and released to the client as a pdf for her use. This relationship also included creative direction of the 4x6 promo for the agency’s recent launch event.

Executive Director’s Bio


The following examples are from designs for special onetime events or relationships lasting up to one year.

Hand Fan for Evangelist Robin Wright

Program & Event Ticket for PREPared Fashions Each design pictured here was created using Adobe Photoshop, and was received with rave reviews by the clients! 19

4x6 Graduation Invitation


Renaissance Times a monthly publication of Renaissance Early Head Start 990 College Park l Memphis, TN 38126 (901) 922-0886 ext. 1701

Renaissance Early Head Start Monthly Newsletter

Volume I, Issue 2

Volume 2

November 9, 2014


Renaissance Times a monthly publication of Renaissance Early Head Start 990 College Park l Memphis, TN 38126 (901) 922-0886 ext. 1701

December 2012


was told about a person who complained A story about their shoes until they saw a person without any feet. The lesson in that story is that we should be grateful for what we have.

LEAD SCREENING November 10 & 11 THANKSGIVING BREAK November 27 & 28

Pastor Barber

9:00 a. m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Prayer 9:30 a. m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sunday School 11:00 a. m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Morning Worship 6:00 p. m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Evening Praise


Center will be closed.

In This Issue

New Members Spotlight

7:00 p. m. . . . . . . . . . . . . Spiritual Enrichment

Attention Parents! Please see our Site Manager, Ms. Latonya Taylor, to schedule your follow-up for the Family Partners Agreement for the month. This is a very important, and your cooperation is appreciated. Also, if there have been any changes to your personal information, an update is needed as soon as possible to ensure that our records are accurate.

Empowering children and families to achieve a healthy, optimal and independent lifestyle

Page 2

Coming Events Page 3

7:00 p. m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . One Hour of Power


Community Spotlight Page 2


The Renaissance staff would like to express our gratitude and encourage you to keep up the great work!

Domestic Violence

HOME VISITS November 10 - 14

Let us maintain the spirit of thanksgiving, celebrate the gift of love, and praise God with expectancy for what He is about to do in the year to come. Lady Barber and I would like to wish each of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, in Jesus’ Name!!!


Because of your commitment to fulfilling your volunteer hours, we met our goal fo the month of October!


For some, Christmas is about giving and receiving gifts, but God gave us the gift of LOVE through His son, Jesus! In spite of the other gifts that will be given during this season, the gift of JESUS is the greatest gift of all.


Thank You Parents!!!

Dates to Remember

A Message from our Pastor

Renaissance Early Head Start Monthly Newsletter

Volume 2 , Issue 5

MAY 25, 2015 Memorial Day (Center will be closed.) MAY 28, 2015 There will be no extended care services offered. MAY 29, 2015 Children will be out due to a staff appreciation event. WE LOVE OUR RENAISSANCE PARENTS!

Renaissance Times a monthly publication of Renaissance Early Head Start 990 College Park l Memphis, TN 38126 (901) 922-0886 ext. 1701

Renaissance Early Head Start Monthly Newsletter

May 15, 2015


Dates to Remember


Attendance. Regular attendance is an important part of the learning and development process. It also encourages the development of other responsible patterns of behavior. As we work to enhance the lives of our children, parents are asked to please ensure that your child(ren) will be present, on time, and ready to learn each day. Important Information. Please continue to update your contact information and partnership agreement. This is a crucial part of our success in our efforts to maintain records that are up-to-date at all times. Ms. Latanya Taylor (Site Manager) is available to assist in completing this process.

Special Thanks The Site Manager and staff of Renaissance would like to thank our friends with Les Passes’ Kids on the Block for a wonderful puppet show!!! A great time was had by all who attended! We are pleased to offer pictures from this incredible presentation in this month’s edition of our parent newsletter (see page 2).

Dates to Remember HOLIDAY CLOSING: December 23, 2014 through January 2, 2015 Center will be closed.

January 5, 2015

Center will re-open for business.

PARENT MEETING December 9, 2014

Volume 2

Seasons Greetings

November 9, 2014

On behalf of the Site Manager and staff of Renaissance Early Head Start, we wish all of our students, parents, and families a joyous holiday season! As we approach the end of 2014, we also wish each of you a joyous and prosperous New Year! We are glad to have you as a part of our Renaissance family!


Parent Meeting. Parents, please plan to join us on Tuesday, December 9th for a very special meeting on budgeting. In order to take control of your financial picture, you have to start with a budget. A budget is an awesome tool to plan how you want to spend and save money. Also, please see our Site Manager, Ms. Latonya Taylor, to schedule your follow-up for the Family Partners Agreement for the month, or to update your personal information and ensure that our records are accurate.

Empowering children and families to achieve a healthy, optimal and independent lifestyle

Empowering children and families to achieve a healthy, optimal and independent lifestyle

Renaissance Learning Academy Newsletter (Monthly Editions)

Prayer Commitments Page 4

Church Newsletter

Newsletter designs pictured here were created using Adobe InDesign, using items from Adobe PhotoShop and/or Illustrator. The King’s Catering logo was created using Adobe Illustrator. This logo was used on t-shirts and chef coats for the catering operation. Future plans include using the logo on business cards and other promotional materials once the owner returns from his honeymoon.


The logo design for Gospel recording artist Kevin Davidson is one of two Adobe Illustrator designs that were submitted for review. The artist favored the circular logo that is pictured here, feeling that it best offered the simplicity that he was seeking for this project. 20

For years, clients have counted on me to create lasting keepsakes to preserve the memory of their deceased loved ones. These are just a few recent designs.

8-page Memorial Booklet 24x36 Memorial Poster These projects were created using both Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign. Each project is designed to reflect the spirit of the person whose life is being honored in the presentation. 21

Package: Memorial Booklet and Funeral Service Announcement

Video Production

Please visit YouTube to view the “Memphis Cares� video project, directed by Herman L. Dickey. This video offers a visual demonstration of how the collaborative efforts of volunteers, homeless service providers, and community leaders have led to the 76% decrease in unsheltered homelessness in Memphis and Shelby County, Tennessee. The graphic design, creative direction, script and concept for the video, and panelist interviews were all conducted by the designer, whose passion is helping individuals and families leave homelessness. Thanks! 22

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