October newsletter 15

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Liberty High School

Volume 32 | Issue 3

October 2015

Region 5 | Cali-Nev-Ha | Division 28 South

Table of Co US Open Car WashWrestling Tournament 4-5 3

Park Practice


Member of the Month




ontents October DCM


Contact Information Information Contact

14-15 12-13

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible’!” - Vince Lombardi

Car Wash

September 19,2015

Liberty Car Wash On Saturday, September 19, we held our very first car wash/ potluck of the 2015 -2016 school year. We had fifty members help with holding signs, washing cars, and also drying them. This gave members a chance to bond with one another as well as help raise money for our club. In total, we raised one-hundred and eighty-seven dollars to help cut RTC expenses. All of the members had a wonderful time and it definitely got them prepared for what’s to come this Key Club term.

-Lexi Ignacio (Treasurer)


RTC Park Practice

September 26,2015

Park Practice Prior to the Regional Training Conference, our Key Club spent several weeks rehearsing spirit cheers. On Saturday, September 26, exactly one week before RTC, we held a cheer practice at Silverado Park. Members gathered early that day at around 8am. Despite being assembled on a Saturday morning, Key Clubbers were able to rally their spirit for one of the last RTC cheer practice sessions. Before going over cheers, though, we played “Bippity Bippity Bop”, an icebreaker that helped us get our energy out and feel more comfortable around each other. After the last few members arrived at the park, we began our practice session. We reviewed several cheers, including “Go Liberty”, “Pride Stomp”, and “Boom Chick Clap”, along with learning a new cheer, “My Way”. By the end of the meeting, members were wellversed with their cheers and prepared for RTC, held on October 3.

-Hannah De Luna (Member)

Member of the Month

Hailey Luckert has not only been active in our club but also a spirited and sociable member. She has exceeded officer expectations and impressed us by going the extra mile, being friendly, and sharing her spirit with others. Without any hesitation, she immerses herself in social settings to make new friends while also participating in a variety of service events to benefit our school and community. Hailey surely has a positive mindset and shares this positivity with many other key club members. Because of this, she was nominated for member of the month. -Kristheana Rico (Vice President of CS)


October 3,2015

First And Final While being my first and last ever, was an amazing experience. From beginning to end, it was honestly a very incredible event to witness ranging from running up and down the halls chanting cheers and growing in volume to match the other clubs, to the giant spirit battle that took place in GVHS' quad to the workshops that were held inside the event. I learned so much on public speaking, how to be a leader, etc. Being a spirit leader, it was a very fun time to start a cheer and have that "ripple effect" amongst everyone and it felt very empowering and enjoyable, and I loved it all. Everyone put in so much hard work into our practices, and I was very overjoyed at the sight of everyone enjoying the atmosphere of it all. I am very proud of everyone --whom I now practically consider a family even if there was such a short amount of time spent knowing them. I remember when I used to be very intimidated by Key Club in Freshman year, not knowing too much about the club and solely making my assumptions based off of experience I had back then. I really regret having that ignorant mindset and I'm very saddened that this is the only year I get to experience this event, however I am very grateful that I met many of the members and bonded with them, whether from our own Liberty Key Club or another. Overall, my RTC experience was really great! I met so many other people and I felt very welcomed and I enjoyed myself from beginning to end.

-Keoni Halili (Member)

Spirit Day! Attending the Region 5 Training Conference this year was an unbelievable experience in which my words can do no justice. Especially when experiencing the event in a new aspect, as a spirit leader, I felt that I was more deeply engaged and connected with RTC and Key Club as a whole. The event lasted 12 hours this year, from 8am to 8pm, but members were expected to arrive at Green Valley High School as early as 7am in preparation for the day. The morning consisted of a general session in the gym with all of Region 5, where members of the district board introduced themselves and expressed their recognition of the service our region has accomplished, along with their prospects for us in the future. Afterwards, we were dismissed to take part in workshops, where we were educated on various topics, ranging from scholarships, organizing service projects, being a leader, and even icebreakers. Particularly after attending the workshop about the college scholarships offered by the Kiwanis CNH Foundation, I felt greatly ensured of my future with Key Club and its Kiwanis affiliations. In the early afternoon, we left the workshops knowing so much more about Key Club and how to be a more dynamic member. Next was the spirit rally, first divided into three division groups, D28 North, D28 South, and D28 West. Despite not advancing to the second round of cheers this year, I still feel greatly proud of the efforts of all the members and appreciative of everyone's undying spirit and warmth. Following the three-hour spirit session was the dance, which lasted until 8pm. During this time, members from all the schools' clubs were able to meet and bond with each other. We spent the rest of the night dancing and appreciating our time together as a unified Key Club. I feel immensely grateful for each and every person that made this year's RTC the most memorable of all my experiences, from our club's advisors and chaperones, to the officers and fellow spirit leaders, and of course, the incredible members of our Key Club! GO LIBERTY!

-Hannah De Luna (Member)

October DCM

October 14,2015

First DCM The October DCM was my first as a newly elected officer, and I was impressed by the organization of the meeting. By listening to other presidents share what activities and service events their club has been participating in, I was able to develop new ideas for events that my home club could enjoy. These new ideas will help our club improve even more. The friendly atmosphere and the equally friendly officers from other schools made me feel welcome, and I appreciated conversing with three officers from Coronado who I have known since middle school, even if it was just for a short amount of time. Additionally, learning more about Children's Miracle Network opened up more service opportunities for my home club. I look forward to our next DCM!

-Kristheana Rico (Vice President of CS)


Contact President: Kelsey Neill Email: libertykc.pres@gmail.com

Vice President KC: Christopher Ortega Email: libertykc.vicepres@gmail.com

Vice President CS: Kristheana Rico Email: libertykc.vp2@gmail.com

Secretary: Steven Cho Email: kcsecretary.lhs@gmail.com

Information Treasurer: Lexi Ignacio Email: kctreasurer.lhs@gmail.com

Historian: Kateleen Macaraeg

Bulletin Editor: Jhonncarlos Lee

Email: kchistorian.lhs@gmail.com

Email: kcbulletineditor.lhs@gmail.com

Kiwanis Advisor: Denis Pecoraro Email: pecoraro2@cox.net

Advisor: Kate Dodge

Advisor: Brittany Guerrero

Email: kjdodge@interact.ccsd.net

Email: bnguerrero@interact.ccsd.net

Liberty High School See You Next Time!

Liberty High School Key Club Cali—Nev—Ha District | Key Club International cnhkeyclub.org | keyclub.org 3700 Liberty Heights Ave, Henderson, NV 89052 (702) 799-2270

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