Portfolio | Hervé Perraud | eng

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PORTFOLIO architecte+ingénieur

My body is truly the navel of my world, not in the sense of the viewing point of the central perspective, but as the very locus of reference, memory, imagination and integration. [...] Architecture does not make us inhabit worlds of mere fabrication and fantasy; it articulates the experience of our being-inthe-world and strengthens our sense of reality and self. PALLASMA J., The Eyes Of The Skin, p12. The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, we must think anew, and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country. LINCOLN A., Second annual meeting of Congress, 1882.

PROFILE Autodidact, archetype of the self-educated amateur, I am always exploring new ways of capturing or acting on my reality. As such, I have become fairly polyvalent. Thanks to my adaptability, my analytical mind and my understanding of various fields of practice, I can work efficiently and pragmatically answer unexpected issues derived from the complexity of our contemporary challenges.




2B, Place de la RĂŠpublique 59000 Lille





Politecnico di Milano Laurea Specialistica Quinquennale Building Engineering and Architecture

2014 - 2017

2012 - 2013

2010 - 2011


1 month

Ecole Centrale Paris BSc. et MSc., major in Sustainable Urban Planning and Building Engineering

4 months

Lycée Jules Garnier - Nouméa Classe Préparatoire aux Grandes Ecoles, major in Physics and Technology

4 months


New Lynn - Auckland, IMM Methodology Study Case | Urban Design workshop and research publication (coauthor) Energy efficiency and morphological optimization of the low-density sprawling peripheral city of New Lynn La casa di domani | Workshop and competition for Leroy Merlin Italia Transitional collective housing for people in post-imprisonment social reintegration

3 months

ar.de.a | Workshop Design and plans of some lofts and a wrightian villa, design of an apartment building’s parking lot, site visits

3 weeks


guitar | literature | sketching | photography


volunteering | travelling | fencing


English | C1

Boreal Lighthouse | BeeBreeders Light, flexible and self-sufficient cabin for Iceland’s trekkers


Italian | C1


Spanish | B1


German | A2


Burst+Locate | Social Housing SOFTWARES

4 months

3 months

French | C2


4 months

4 months

18 months

Palazzo Prinetti 2.0 | Restauration Restauration and refurbishment of the Palazzo Prinetti as a learning center


In Between | Museum extension Extension and partial refurbishment of Milan’s Museo Diocesano

SketchUp PRO

Venturi | Refurbishment Extension and refurbishment of the Severi-Correnti institute and high school






Daylight Visualizer KerkyThea




SKILL SET Concept and sketching Plans and composition Images production

Project managemnt

linkedin.com/in/herve-perraud flickr.com/photos/159433074@N02 instagram.com/hperraud



Technological details SOCIAL NETWORKING




Istituto San Candido | Refurbishment Extension and refurbishment of the San Candido’s Complesso Scolastico University - Island | Thesis project Transformation of the abandoned island of Poveglia in a university campus


Technological design Construction site

Survey and diagnosis Volunteering

Photography Driving License

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First-aid skill

Boreal Lighthouse | BeeBreeders Light, flexible and self-sufficient cabin for Iceland’s trekkers Burst+Locate | Social Housing 50 apartments and lofts and urban design mending in Locate Triulzi (MI) Palazzo Prinetti 2.0 | Restauration Restauration and refurbishment of the Palazzo Prinetti as a learning center In Between | Museum extension Extension and partial refurbishment of Milan’s Museo Diocesano Venturi | Refurbishment Extension and refurbishment of the Severi-Correnti institute and high school Istituto San Candido | Refurbishment Extension and refurbishment of the San Candido’s Complesso Scolastico Ile - Université | Thesis project Transformation of the abandoned island of Poveglia in a university campus Photography Architecture, portraits, hands, daily activity, landscapes and collages Sketching Urban sketching, architecture drafts and concept sketching

BOREAL LIGHTHOUSE | BEE BREEDERS • Program: Light, self-sufficient and flexible trekking cabin built without concrete fondations, for a nominal capacity of 10 trekkers. • Area: 100 m2 • Duration: 1 month • Contributors: Célia Mazière | Philippe Peson | Marco Meli • Project phase: Site and cultural study | Architectural design | Details • Significant skills contribution: Architectural and technological sketching | Energy efficiency | Architectural design | Technological design | Details

The Boreal Lighthouse project was presented for the Iceland Trekking Cabins competition organized by BeeBreeders. While we could have insisted upon its iconical dimension, our team focused on the projects feasibility and relevance in terms of building technology, self-sufficiency strategies and limited environmental impact. The design of the cabin is highly recognizable: softly lit, it reacts to the site’s configuration and thus blends in the landscape as a phantasmagorical halo under the aurora borealis. The Boreal Lighthouse offers a unique experience to the trekkers, as if they were themselves pioneers of some remote unexplored land. Its floor plan is derived from the Vikings’ langhùs, a longhouse that was built in the most remote areas such as the Pjooveldisbaerinn region. This vernacular archetype is characterized by a strong linearity, a large common space organized around an hearth and separated individual or double bunks generally placed on a higher level to benefit from the heat of the peat fire.

The trekking cabin’s locations in Iceland

The cabin is self-sufficient and can withstand most meteorological conditions and ground configurations of Iceland. The building strategy, concrete-free, relies on a single helicopter cargo delivery. A frame of flexible porticoes supports the cabin itself, built with light cross-laminated wood panels, with internal thermal insulation and finishings. This frame is coupled to a protective tensile fabric, a rainwater recovery system and flexible photovoltaic panels.






A’ 0





Ground floor and sleeping bunks plans D-D’





First row of ridges

Temporary fixing of the lower cross-laminated wood panel

Assembly of the cross-laminated wood panels

Assembly of the ridges


The self-sufficiency of the cabin is quite a challenge. Given the latitude of Iceland, it was difficult to rely solely on photovoltaic panels to generate the electricity and the hot water for 10 trekkers, and completely impossible in winter. As a matter of fact, firewood and even peat is a scarce ressource in Iceland.

Structural porticoes put in charge

Tensile fabric and rainwater recovery system

Therefore, to guarantee the cabin’s autonomy and depending on the site characteristics, the photovoltaic panels are connected either to a battery, either to a pump that fills a tank placed on a higher ground level which supplies a turbine during winter, the days being particularly short. To avert further electricity consumption, a small biogaz production unit transforms the black waters and the trekkers’ food waste into biogaz to fuel the kitchen’s stove. The deep geothermal infrastructures of Reykjavik generate enough hot water to heat every household. However, due to the volcanic activity in Iceland, low-depth geothermal systems remain reliable in most locations. In the cabin, the heating coils wander along the walls to create a sculptural chandelier above the kitchen table and a comforting hearth in the living room.

BURST+LOCATE | SOCIAL HOUSING • Program: Urban mending and social housing project of 50 apartments and lofts with ground floors devoted to commercial activities and public services. • Area: 11800 m2 • Duration: 4 months • Contributors: Philippe Peson • Project phase: Survey | Architectural design | Technological details • Significant skills contribution: Survey | Urban analysis | Sketching | Architectural design | Basic structural design | Technological details | Rendering

Burst+Locate is a social housing project submitted for the inter-university academic competition Abitare Locate-Triulzi. Our team implemented an architectural process that aimed at integrating the new social housing complex within an heterogenous and fragmented urban fabric, without having to renounce on user comfort. In a context of ageing population, this meant increasing the social resilience of Locate-Triulzi by connecting the green spaces and promoting soft transportation means. We first decided to limit the height and ground occupation of the new buildings, which are obtained by the burst of a block in distinct but connected elements. This provides the area with a cohesive neighbourhood character. Residents have their own private access and share urban gardens with other locals. All public services and commercial activities are located in the ground floors, easily accessible from the Via Roma and the two new accesses to the site, at the west and the south-east of the area.

Locate di Triulzi, in the south of Milano

To favor soft transportation, the ground is raised up to 3,50m. New dynamic perspectives are created from Via Roma on the new music school, a reknown institution of LocateTriulzi. This design feature allowed our team to limit the number of underground parking and storage levels, and to provide access to all buildings to the fire brigade. The outer façade of the buildings with respect to the centered piazza is opaque, with a rather traditional render, while the inner façade is glazed and warmly colored.

A-A’ Section






View from a new balcony







Access to the new residential area

Ground floor

First floor

Second floor

Third floor

Opaque faรงade

Glazed faรงade

UNIVERSITY-ISLAND | THESIS PROJECT • Program: Transformation of Poveglia island, in the southern Venetian lagoon, in a university campus. • Area: 21 500 m2 • Duration: 18 months • Contributors: Célia Mazière • Project phases: Geometrical survey | Technological survey | Decay and degradation survey and diagnosis | Refurbishment, conservation and restauration strategies | Urban analysis | Impact and feasibility study | Bibliographic search (history, venetian architecture and building technologies, education and learning paradigms) | Architectural design | Energy efficiency | Daylight design | Accessibility and escape verifications | Structural design | Technological details (ex-novo, restauration and refurbishment) • Significant skills contribution: Survey methodology | Vernacular building technologies and materials culture | Diagnosis | Photography | Daylight design | Structural design | Sketching | Architectural design | Details

University-Island is a large scale refurbishment, restauration and conservation project of the abandoned island of Poveglia into a university campus that derives from the University Island competition of YAC, which was developed as a thesis project. We had to face countless challenges: defining a relevant program for the local community stuck in an infrastructural, ecological and social crisis caused by the touristic saturation of the venetian lagoon; the visits and the surveys of the abandoned island; the interaction with local stakeholders; last but not least, the complexity of the lagoon itself. We opted for an agile architectural volumetric concept derived from an active, inclusive and student-centered learning paradigm. A qualitative tool was designed so that we could successfully implement contemporary educational practices. The offer of the campus evolves with the skill set necessary to confront the lagoon’s crisis. The students are then free to choose the skills they want to develop. Each aspect of the technological design was then confronted, such as the structural design of the steel framework, the refurbishment and consolidation nodes in the most damaged buildings, the daylight verifications and the details of the new buildings.

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Poveglia island in the Venetian lagoon


Offices and campanile



Shower Pavilion

Hospital pavilion

Hospital pavilion

Laundry Mortuary pavilion


Powder stock

Entropy of the vegetation



The spaces in which the students’ daily activities occure are located in the western historical enclave.





The fondamenta vecchia and the new architectures built along it are the axis of learning concretization. This threshold trascends the historical division.

The learning spaces are mainly located in three clusters distributed in the park to balance the historical enclave.

Rational historical grid

1 Insertion in the grid

New threshold

Three learning clusters

2 3


Traditional class

Inclusion of diversity

Informal space

Active learning


Learning CafĂŠ

Ideas colliding and creativity

The architecture results from a dialogue between an architectonic intuition and the history of the contemporary conflict surrounding the future of Poveglia in the lagoon. This motivated the implementation of a learning paradigm relevant with the resolution of the present crisis.


Fab Lab



The intuition consisted in progressively freeing the main lines of the existing architectures in the newly built learning spaces, transcending the historical division of the fondamenta vecchia into a threshold, or rather a dioptre between two worlds esthetically in tension. Thus, on the one hand, an enclave ordered by an orthogonal grid, and on the other hand a dynamic environment in which the intrinsic entropy of the vegetation is reaffirmed. We imagined an aspecialised university, a place where students would acquire the skills they consider locally and immediately useful to sort the situation in a short-term and long-term perspective. Obviously, these skills could change in the future. Thus there are three guidelines for the program: developping the eight 21st century skills (cf. Sir Ken Robinson), implementing various non-exclusive learning modalities, and promoting the necessary conditions to the emergence of creativity, namely the diversity of profiles, ideas and learning environments with an active concretization of learning.

Complementary learning modalities

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Ground floor of the university campus

A notch in the axis of learning concretization

An informal learning space

A staircase in a collision A Learning cafĂŠ


CĂŠlia in front of the dormitory

Sunset from Alberoni

The giraffe of Poveglia

Poveglia’s campanile

The three learning clusters

Side façade with the base

The horizon’s façade


Side façade with the glazed base

Cross section


Longitudinal section

TECHNOLOGICAL DETAILS V.N.1. Flat-roof window V.N.2. Foundation V.N.3. Foundation V.N.4. Main door






V.N.5. Floor-Wall V.N.6. Floor-Glazing V.N.7. Cantilever V.N.8. Flat roof-Wall V.N.9. Flat roof-Front glazing Nodes 1:5 / Sections 1:20








Cantilever and vertical bracing junction

Peripheral junction

Horizontal bracing

Fixed joint

The structural steelwork

1. Direction of the building

2. Critical period determination

3. Daylight verifications

Rendering ...

4. Slat-faรงade contribution

5. Internal lighting design


Ricoh IMAGING COMPANY, LTD. Pentax K-S1 smc PENTAX-DA L 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 AL





2B, Place de la RĂŠpublique 59000 Lille




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