Hes Alive Christian News and Views April 2017 edition

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APRIL 2017 • Vol. 4, No. 4



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He’s Alive!


The Newspaper Of Proof He’s Alive

How Can We Stop the Suicide Epidemic in America?

Every 15 minutes in 2016, someone in the United States gave up on life. That means 35,000 people took their own lives last year in this country. Suicide is now the tenth leading cause of death in America. The statistic that breaks my heart more than any other is that today more U.S. soldiers are dying from suicide than combat. A 2012 study by the Department of Veterans Affairs found that on average 22 Veterans killed themselves every day – more than 8,000 a year. Where do Christians fall in these statistics? Sadly, no different than anyone else in the U.S. My Personal Battle with Depression and Suicide In 2012 I was taking care of my elderly mother and had two married daughters and two grandchildren. I am not going to go into the details of the struggles going on in my family, but my mother was a Marine Corps Drill Sergeant during the Korean War. That probably gives you some feel for her personality and tem-

By Wendy Leonard

“I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen.” -Revelation 1:18a

perament. My daughters had both married non-Christian men, and we were all experiencing first-hand why God cautions us in the Bible to not be unequally yoked. 2Cor. 6:14 “Be ye not unequally yoked with unbelievers.” I have struggled with depression since my first

job at age 17. I had a boss who loved treating me more like an idiot than a staff member. After two years of being put down and belittled daily, I had my first total breakdown. By age 20 the doctor said I had to quit working and become somewhat... Continuation on Page: 3

ed by the Sudanese Intelligence Service. They put him in a cell with six other men, closed the door, and he recognized the door. It was the same door that he had seen in his dream two and a half years before.” He was charged with state crimes that included “espionage” and “waging war against the state”. Three Sudanese men, Rev. Kuwa Shamaal, Rev. Hassan Abduraheem, Sudan (MNN) — A huge Todd Nettleton, first and Mr. Absigh of relief and spon- shared an unsettling dulmonem taneous shout of praise dream he had in 2012. Abdumawla, could be heard around the Nettleton recounts, “In also were arworld over God’s hand in that dream, he saw a prisrested. Petr the recent release of Voice on door close on him. He received a of the Martyrs worker Petr understood that ‘this door “life sentence Jasek from a Sudanese has closed. I am in prison (Pho , which in prison. to co urtes the Sudaney of V OM) se system amounted to 20 years for world’s espionage and four years for additional charges. most hostile Rev. Shamaal was released on grounds of insufficient areas and rest- evidence. Rev. Abdura, heem and Mr. Abdumawla ricted ([L] VOM’s Todd Nettleton (Photo courtesy rcou oto Ph remain behind bars, each ek. Jas nations. tr Pe ] [R of VOM USA) A) US M VO of y tes He even- serving a 12-year sentence. Jasek was moved to five tually This is just one of those in this dream.’ In the came alongside some Su- different prisons over his stories that reads like a dream, he understood that danese believers as they 445 days, each one more New Testament letter his daughter was gradu- helped a young man in- dangerous than the last. from the apostle Paul. The ated from medical school jured during a protest in His cell mates included impossible, the improba- while he was in prison.” Sudan. Then, “He was ISIS fighters who were ble and the immutable all Unsettling as it was, Jasek arrested in December of hostile to his Christian happened in the story of a continued to serve perse- 2015, was interrogated for faith. They had spent Czech national in Sudan. cuted Christians as a field a number of hours, and weeks bullying him, beatPetr Jasek, in a two-part leader with VOM, trav- then they took him to a ing him, and mocking interview with VOM USA’s eling regularly into the prison, owned and operat- him. Eventually, his cellBY RUTH K’LAMA


* P2 -London terror nightmare

* P4 -The Faith of Rock and Roll Legend Chuck Berry

Christian Petr Jasek Imprisoned with ISIS fighters in Sudan tells his story


What’s inside?

*P8 -Pastor Greg Laurie to be Televised Internationally

mates made him face the toilet sink during their prayers. Jasek was discouraged, isolated, and afraid. It became hard to pray amid the constant chanting of the Quran in his cell. Yet, two verses stuck in his head: Ephesians 3:2021 “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever.” Philippians 4:7 “And the.. Continuation on Page: 2

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PAGE 2 | APRIL 2017 • Vol. 4, No. 4

STRASBOURG, FRANCE (ANS -- April 1, 2017) – An American Baptist preacher has filed an application to the European Court of Human Rights. In his filing March 29, Donald Ossewaarde argues his right to religious freedom has been violated, according to World Watch Monitor (www. worldwatchmonitor.org). World Watch Monitor re-

By Michael Ireland

American Preacher takes his case to the European Court of Human Rights

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under the law, says it is his “duty” to “press the case as far as I can.” Don Ossewaarde, who has European Court of Human Rights building lived in Oryol freedom across Russia in (220 miles south of Mosgeneral, and for Chris- cow) with his wife Ruth tian missionaries in par- for 14 years, was fined ticular,” said Laurence 40,000 roubles (US$640) Wilkinson, Legal Counsel for holding religious serfor ADF International, the vices at home and allegedlead lawyer ly advertising them on the supporting bulletin boards of nearby housing blocks. Ossewarde in his case. The Ossewaardes received a visit from three police “An appeal to the Euro- officers on the morning pean Court of Sunday, August 14, as they conducted a service. of Human Rights repre- They requested that the police waited until the sents a last service had finished, after resort in Ruth and Don Ossewaarde which they were driven challenging a (www.donossewaarde.com) law that ap- to the local police station. ports Ossewaarde had pears to violate the funda- Don Ossewaarde was then held weekly Bible meet- mental right of religious charged and taken straight ings at his home in the freedom in Russia. As a to court. He was declared Russian city of Oryol, 300 signatory to the Europe- “guilty” two hours later kilometers south of Mos- an Convention on Hu- and fined. cow, for many years before man Rights, the Russian After his appeal was rebeing found guilty of con- government should re- jected this week, he wrote ducting illegal missionary consider the scope of its an update on the couple’s activities by a local court. counter-terrorism laws blog: “Obviously, this is He is the first US mission- to guarantee the right to a disappointment. I was ary to fall victim to ‘count- freedom of religion for all hoping to wrap things er-terrorism’ laws that the of its inhabitants. While up here and return to my Russian government in- the new legislation aims to family as soon as possible troduced in July 2016. prevent terrorist activity, it [his wife has returned to “Freedom of religion is has had a devastating ef- America], but the issue one of the most funda- fect on religious activities is an important one, and mental rights. Nobody that cannot be considered duty demands that I press should be persecuted be- dangerous in any sense, as the case as far as I can. cause of their faith. De- Donald Ossewaarde’s case “I assured [my lawyer] spite the Russian Con- and many others prove,” that I would keep pressing stitution guaranteeing Wilkinson added. the appeal all the way to freedom of conscience In an original report pub- the highest court, and he and religion for all, Don- lished Oct. 5, 2016, World assured me that this case ald Ossewaarde has been Watch Monitor said that will play an important role charged with a crimi- two months after Russia’s in determining the future nal offence for holding a so-called “anti-missionary of religious freedom in peaceful church service in law” came into effect, an Russia, not just for foreign his own home. His convic- American missionary who missionaries, but also for... tion is a hugely concerning lost his appeal, after being development for religious one of the first convicted Continuation on Page: 6 discovered was peace and joy that comforted him through the darkest time he spent in the unknown of Sudan’s prison cell. When he turned his attention to God and to othFrom Page 1 ers, praying for them, it peace of God, which sur- ‘Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord changed his perspective. passes all understanding, God Almighty, who was It also kicked the spiritual warfare up a notch. Netwill guard your hearts and and is and is to come!’” your minds in Christ Jesus.” He thought, “If these four tleton says the ISIS fighters Jasek shared a cell with At one point, he recounted creatures can say this day were incensed. “In fact, a passage the Holy Spirit and night forever, if I just they threatened to kill put in his mind, and rath- repeat this, one day, one him. God protected him er than one about setting week, one month, one from that.” captives free, it was about year, or maybe several The Sudanese Church, too, the holiness of God. years, I might be able to was bolder. In an earlier Revelation 4:8 “And the do what these creatures interview, Nettleton told four living creatures, each do: worship God.” That us that Christians came of them with six wings, are became his celebration of from Khartoum, the Nuba full of eyes all around and discipline, and Jasek fo- Mountains, and elsewhere within, and day and night cused on God’s glory and in Sudan came to the they never cease to say, holiness. What he soon courthouse during their

Christian Petr Jasek Imprisoned with ISIS fighters in Sudan tells his story

London terror nightmare

well described the horror of it all in his gripping book Into the Darkness (published by Vintage Books), he was kept alive and eventually stretchered off to nearby St Mary’s Hospital, Paddington, where doctors fought for his life while his wife Angela walked across central London not knowing the By Charles Gardner full extent of his injuries. The transport system was LONDON, UK (ANS -closed down. March 29, 2017) --- Last week’s London terror atA nine-hour operation foltack brought back dark lowed, with another shortmemories of the dreadful ly afterwards, in which he day that Islamic terrorism lost his left leg and had struck our family. shrapnel removed from his surviving leg. His earNow commonly rememdrum was pierced in the bered as the 7/7 bombblast and he is on permaings, it was the day -- July nent medication to count7 2005 -- that my younger the effects of losing his er brother David took the spleen. But adapting to a tube (underground) train for his daily commuter David revisits the scene of series of prosthetic limbs journey to work as man- the crime shortly after the has been a particular chalagement accountant with devastation caused by 7/7. lenge. However, David refused to buckle under the weight of his adversity, determining to live life to the full. He soon returned to work, travelling by tube, and when in later years the transport system was snowbound, he walked the five miles to his office! He has since contributed (Photo: Angela Gardner) Scene to police counter-terroroutside the tube station.

Courage of tube bombing survivor who forgave the culprits

the London Evening Standard, but never made it to his offices. Instead, he endured an absolute nightmare from which he has still not fully recovered. He was sitting just three feet from Mohammed Siddique Khan, the key figure behind the plot which set off explosions on three separate tube trains as well as a double-decker bus, the carnage leaving 52 dead and 700 wounded in the worst peacetime attack the city has ever experienced. David and fellow injured passengers on the train that had just pulled out of the Edgware Road station had to endure an agonising wait of nearly an hour in the pitch darkness of the tunnel before emertrials. As police tried to prevent them from approaching the building, the believers sang Christian songs. In the days since his release, as Jasek shares his story, he continues to encourage other Christians around the world, adds Nettleton. “He has experienced God’s special, incredible faithfulness and closeness. He just is more excited than ever to serve the Lord and to do things that build the kingdom of God.” Just as it was in the early Church, there is the paradox of persecution. What should shut down and silence a minority group instead makes it stronger. Jasek hasn’t forgotten the

A London bus blown up in Tavistock Square during the 7/7 terror attack.

gency services arrived, partly explained by the fact that communication difficulties in the event of an underground disaster of this nature had been largely untested. David was bleeding to death, but thanks to the quick-thinking of Jason Rennie, a fellow South African who put his first aid training to use, and others including journalist Peter Zimonjic who has two Sudanese men still behind bars. Unfortunately, they don’t have a powerful government to advocate on their behalf. Put plainly, Nettleton says, “The Sudanese government is basically a law unto themselves. They can do whatever they want. There are not the powerful international forces drawing attention to their case, asking the Sudanese government to release them. We, as the Body of Christ, need to be that. We need to be banging the drum. We need to make sure this case is not forgotten.” If you prayed for Jasek’s release, Nettleton asks that you continue to pray for Rev. Abduraheem and Mr. Abdumawla, as well. “One

ism efforts by sharing his experiences with forces both here in the UK as well as in California. He has also supported the work of the Douglas Bader Foundation dedicated to helping those with similar injuries, and (as an ex-marathon runner and general sports lover) has taken part in disability sports. Family life is also a key foContinuation on Page: 6 of the things that we need to commit to is to continue to bang the drum for their release. Petr was pardoned by Sudanese president Omar Al Bashir. Those charges don’t exist anymore. These two men are in prison for aiding and abetting him (Petr Jasek), on this activity that now has been pardoned. So, in theory, they aided and abetted something that we now say legally didn’t happen, so they should go home, too.” Mission Network News c/o OneWay Ministries 4170 Ogden Ave Aurora IL 60504 USA www.mnnonline.org



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By Mark Ellis

for five hours. As PenaVega and her family gathered to say goodbye, they were joined by local church members who came to her grandmother’s side and prayed for five hours.

But she was facing steep odds against reaching the age of 94. “This week her lungs collapsed, her heart started failing and her stomach stopped working and she fell into a coma,” PenaVega shared. As PenaVega and her family gathered to say goodbye, they were joined by local church members who came to her grand mother’s side and prayed

DNA points to existence of God

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (ANS -March 21, 2017)At the macroscopic level, the heavens declare the glory of God, the psalmist declares. But at the microscopic level, the same glorious handiworks of a Sean McDowell Creator are displayed in wondrous dence for Intelligent Deways. “The molecular machines sign since most public that are working inside schools only teach Dareach of our bodies at this winian evolution. moment scream of a de- Johnson has always been signer,” Brian Johnson, interested in possible scione of the founders of entific evidences for God South Dakota Apologet- and as he started to look ics, told writer and apol- into the biological conogist Sean McDowell re- firmations he was “awecently. struck at how obvious it Those intricate, highly was to make a design incomplex machines inside ference based on the inner the cell are something workings of the cell.” Darwin could not see He believes the discovwhen he developed his ery of the DNA molecule evolutionary theories. produced an exceptionally “If more Christians un- strong case for Intelligent derstood the beautiful Design. DNA carries gestructure of how the dif- netic instructions for the ferent processes with- growth, development, in our bodies function I functioning and reproknow it would not only duction of all living orstrengthen their faith but ganisms. would give them a much “The first argument for greater sense of just how Intelligent Design is based amazing God’s creation on the information we really is,” he noted. find in the cell. The arSadly, many students are rangements of the four not exposed to the evi- nucleotides, ACTG, con-

ing miracles THIS WILL FLOOR YOU,” she gushed. “Our abuelita Yeya woke up completely healed!” she exclaimed. “The Doctor’s cannot find anything wrong with her. They can’t explain it. They keep run-

Alexa and Carlos PenaVega in 2014

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (ANS - March, 2017) -- Actress Alexa PenaVega can’t believe what happened when a group of prayer warriors gathered around her grandmother’s bedside as she began to go the way of all the earth. “This past week has been a struggle for my family as our beautiful abuelita (grandma) was on life support,” PenaVega said on an Instagram post. The actress said watching her grandmother’s decline was a “bittersweet experience,” partly because she led such a full and beautiful life. PenaVega’s grandmother has 12 children, more than 50 grandchildren, and 10 great grand children. She is “just the most incredible little Colombian woman inside and out.”

By Mark Ellis

Actress Alexa Pena Vega’s 93-year-old grandma hovered near death, then prayer brought an amazing healing miracle

Then God brought a miracle the doctors can’t explain! “When I say the power of prayer can bring forth the most amaz-

ning tests to try to make sense of it all.” The ASSIST News Service (www.assistnews.net).

tain specified information and convey meaning for the production and arrangements of proteins,” Johnson noted. Johnson

take in the process? In a world built on random chance, how could a mindless process “know” how to repair itself? “If during this process an incorrect nucleotide is put down an error correcting process catches the error, stops the process, plucks out the wrong nucleotide, inserts the correct nucleotide, and then allows the replication process to continue.” “Describing this process as mind-boggling is actually an understatement!” he exclaimed. In addition to DNA error correction, scientists have also discovered “proofreading” processes that make sure the information that passes through it is as accurate as possible — operating with the exacting and rigorous demands of a biblical scribe. “The complexity of these processes is simply inconceivable,” Johnson noted. Since the coding of information implies intelligence behind that coding, the mere existence of the DNA molecule points to God, and His mind-boggling processes at work processing, storing, and replicating the genetic code fundamental to all life. The ASSIST News Service www.assistnews.net

Brian Johnson with South Dakota Apologetics also pointed to the process of DNA error correction or DNA repair as a prime example of God’s handiwork. “This process is mind-boggling and is currently at work in your body as you read this,” he said. “Your body is creating new DNA at this moment in a process known as DNA Replication. During this process, the DNA double helix is split in two, kind of like a zipper on a coat. As you unzip your coat you then have two sides of that zipper. “Now pretend that the ‘teeth’ of the zipper on one side of the coat are each represented by a nucleotide letter of either a, c, t, or g. During the replication process a brand-new set of ‘teeth’ are joined to the existing set of ‘teeth’ much the same way as when you zip the coat up and the two set of ‘teeth’ are joined together to seal the coat.” But what if there is a mis-

“My son, attend to my words... for they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.” -Prov. 4:20&22

How Can We Stop the Suicide Epidemic in America? From Page 1

PAGE 3 | APRIL 2017 • Vol. 4, No. 4

of a hermit so I could get well. He was right. I couldn’t even have dinner with our parents and family for about a year. On November 8, 2012, I was involved in a verbal disagreement with the daughter who is the mother of my grandchildren. When I got off the phone with her, my mother and I had a disagreement. Then to add to the great day I was having, my husband came home and we also had a disagreement. When he and Mom had settled in for the night, I sat alone in my dark living room and thought back over my day. The Mind of Depression This is how the mind of a depressed person works. I started to compare the three disagreements, and I concluded that there was only one thing in common in all three: ME. That thought led to how everyone would be better off without me since I apparently was responsible for all this chaos. I was also experiencing pain that was seemingly incurable. I had hurt for two years straight with no relief. So I “asked” God if I could come home. One of the many ailments I was suffering from was a blood clot disorder which required coumadin treatment. If you’re on coumadin, you cannot take any aspirin-type substance because they, too, are blood thinners. You must test your PT INR regularly with coumadin, and “therapeutic” range is 2.0 to 2.9. When I took just two Tylenol, I had seen my PT INR go to 5.6. I think you know where this is going. I figured it would be very easy to go home to Jesus. I just needed some aspirin. It wouldn’t take many at that rate. Of course, because of my condition, I didn’t keep any aspirin in the house, so at midnight I consciously set off for the 24-hour grocery store up the street to buy some. I had looked online to see how many aspirin a “normal” person needed to take, so I came home and counted them out and added five just for good measure. I asked God to take me home and to forgive me for being so much trouble to my family. Then I took my pills and went to sleep. “God Didn’t Want Me Either”

When my eyes opened, I was still in my living room. I remember crying and telling myself that “God didn’t want me either.” That’s exactly what my husband woke up to as well. “Well, I guess I have to tell you what I’ve done because God didn’t want me either.” Imagine waking up to that. He came to in a hurry! My husband called the hospital, and they said judging by the timeframe he had given them, I probably had about an hour, so we headed for the ER as fast as he could drive. I paid the price for the aspirins, but it isn’t the price you would expect. Of course, the first thing they did was check my PT INR. I couldn’t believe the results. I was not only not dead; my PT INR was NORMAL! I knew without a doubt that was ALL God. There was no other explanation for normal test results. Recovery I went voluntarily to a private counselor, and I visited with her every week for three years. Depression does not come on overnight, and it doesn’t go away any quicker. The counseling was the easy part. I learned a whole lot about myself through that process. But today in 2017 I still don’t know if I’m over the effects it had on my family. When I took those aspirins, I honestly felt my family would be better off without me. I thought the arguments must be my fault because I was the only one involved in all three. However, my counseling helped me sort that out and learn that, yes, in some ways they were all my fault. I had allowed everyone to treat me like the boss I had had so many years before. My self-worth had been destroyed, and I allowed people to mistreat me. The Price Whether my logic was right or wrong, suicide was not the answer. Counseling first would have been the proper choice. The price I paid for my incorrect choice was I communicated to my family that I didn’t care about them. Things have not really changed, but I have changed. I no longer allow people to mistreat me, and I no longer accept Continuation on Page: 5

PAGE 4 | APRIL 2017 • Vol. 4, No. 4

y By Madeline Duffan Dear Reverend: Recently my friend whom I have known for about ten years said she needed to talk to me. She said, “Since it is now Spring, I am going to bloom and become what I have always desired to be.” She then proceeded to tell me that she was actually born a female, but knew she had male traits. Because I am a Christian, and assumed that she was also, I was shocked and disappointed. I always thought she was just a ‘tom boy’. I can’t handle it, and I don’t know what to do. Some friends are telling me to ‘get over it’, etc. – it’s a new day, and it’s okay and accepted. Where does it say in the Bible that God created man and woman? I don’t want to lose this friend, so, is it okay to just go along with it? Everyone else seems to be accepting of this. I guess that I was just taught wrong. God is love and grace and forgiveness, and I don’t want to be judged by others in my group. Spring in Atlanta, GA

The Spirit Of Truth

Dear Spring: If you say that you are a Christian and have asked Jesus into your heart, the Spirit of Truth sets you free. Your friend aside, you need to examine yourself and see what is in your heart. God cannot abide with sin in any form. Yes, He is forgiving, gracious, and loving; but without believing Jesus Christ and living a righteous life, we will not be with Him when we leave planet Earth. It is not okay to just go along with the crowd. Homosexuality is an abomination in God’s sight. It is sin, and it will keep you out of heaven. Satan has always tried to corrupt and destroy God’s creation. (Genesis 3:15) Right from the start, he deceived Eve and caused her to eat the forbidden fruit. She was a beautiful woman, a perfect creation, yet she did not realize it. She was not satisfied with what God had created. Think about this: What if you created something beautiful and made it with

a true purpose, and some one else ruined, changed, and destroyed it? Well, that’s what happens when we say God made a mistake in creating us. Did you know that Eve – the mother of us all – was named ‘woman’ before she was called Eve? Adam called her ‘woman’, because she was taken out of him (Genesis 2:23), and therefore she was a part of him, an extension of himself. When speaking about the creation of woman, the Bible says, “And the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man, made He a woman…” (Genesis 2:22) Apparently, it was God’s plan from the beginning to create a woman for Adam, because God, when talking about his plan, said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created He him, male and female created He them.” (Genesis 1:27)

What was the Faith of Rock and Roll Legend Chuck Berry By Brian Nixon

KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI (ANS – March 23, 2017) -- I was in the state Chuck Berry helped make famous when I heard the news that the musical icon had died. While watching a sporting event in Kansas City I received a push notification from CNN that St. Louis, Missouri native, rock and roll pioneer, and guitar legend Chuck Berry died at age 90. How Berry arrived on earth was as natural as how he departed it. Berry was born on October 28th, 1926 in Missouri to a middle class family. And ninety years later he died in the state of his birth on March 18th. Everything in between the two dates is rock and roll history. According to the St. Charles, Missouri police Berry was found unresponsive in his home. The cause of his death was reported as cardiac arrest. But Berry’s jump-start into music happened before his hit in 1956/1957.

In 1955 Berry moved to Chicago where he met blues legend Muddy Waters. Waters connected him to Chess Records. It was with Chess Records that Berry scored his first hit Maybelline, selling

over a million copies. Maybelline eventually reached number one on the Billboard charts. By the end of the 1950’s Berry’s status as a musician was rising. With songs such as School Days, Rock and Roll Music, Sweet Little Sixteen, and Johnnie B.

Goode, his station among the stars was secure: he was a bona-fide musical galaxy. As with anyone who has died, one wonders about his or her faith. Did they have one? Berry consid-

ered himself a “lapsed Baptist.” His father was a Baptist deacon. And Berry credits the church for inspiring his singing and musical start. In his biography Down Bound Train Berry talked about his “fire and brimstone” upbringing. Maybe his

BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome! God did not make Adam another man for a helpmeet. He made a woman – a man and a woman – created for a special purpose. He did not make two ‘Eves’. He did not make two Adams. He made one Adam and one Eve. Opposite sexes. The two make a whole. Your friend does not understand what a beautiful creation she is. Women bring order, a home, love, and children. Man, woman, family. Children need a Mom and Dad – not a Dad and Dad – not a Mom and Mom. To do this is so wrong and a lie to the children. I personally believe it is a mental disorder, and nothing can heal such a breach but God Himself. Pray for and love your friend, but tell her you cannot accept her lifestyle. You are a Christian, you read the Word, you know the Truth, and ... This Is God’s Truth! Rev. MMD ‘Write to Rev Madeline at PO Box 14931 Bradenton, FL 34280 or by email at Hesalivenews@yahoo.com. Not all letters are from readers. Letters may be fictitious in person but true in content. We reserve the right to edit or refuse any questions submitted. +++


Christian rearing sided too much with hell and not enough heaven. It’s hard to tell. What is known is that in his early teens Berry was in trouble with the law, even incarcerated on a few occasions. But one can’t judge faith by youthful folly. For all his personal ups and downs what can be said is that Berry valued marriage: he remained married for 68 years to Themetta Suggs-Berry, calling her his “inspiration.” His last recorded album (to be released soon) was dedicated to her. From this standpoint, some of the Christian virtues his parents taught him stuck. And maybe so, too, the faith of his fathers! What Berry really believed is unknown, but what is believed about Berry -- by millions across the globe -- is that he will be missed. The ASSIST News Service (www.assistnews.net). +++

HE’S ALIVE Christian News & Views Published the 10th of Each Month

Published by HE’S ALIVE PUBLISHING COMPANY FAITH INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN CENTER P.O. BOX 14931 Bradenton, Fl. 34280 Phone: 941-794-1713 website: www.ficcwordchurch.org Publisher: Chuck Kennedy Designer: Rlyn Kennedy Contact information: www.hesalivenews.org 941-794-1713 email: hesalivenews@yahoo.com Email subscriptions are free. Printed subscriptions any donation. Letters to the editor are welcomed and encouraged. Help support us by shopping our list of spirit filled books and Amazon.com on our website. Check it out at www.hesalivenews.org or scan below.

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PAGE 5 | APRIL 2017 • Vol. 4, No. 4

How Can We Stop the Suicide Epidemic in From Page 3 America?

the blame for what everyone else does. I fight depression every day, but I have a wonderful husband who has been and continues to be my rock. I thank God for him every day. What Can We Do? Suicide is at epidemic proportions in the United States, and we must find a way to turn those statistics around. I personally believe that the way we treat each other is responsible for a huge percentage of the suicides that occur today. We almost laugh at the phrase we all heard from our parents and grandparents: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” but I really believe we could turn this country around by applying this one sentiment. Luke 6:31 And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise

Conclusion If you struggle with depression and thoughts of suicide, please take charge of your life before it deteriorates like mine did. Seek counsel with your Pastor or a man or woman of God who understands the spiritual realm and deliverance. John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. You’ll find links to some resources below. I pray God will protect you as He did me. Suicide hotlines: •suicidepreventionlifeline.org • (800) 273-TALK (8255) • 800-SUICIDE (800-7842433)

Suicide prevention and awareness sites: • American Foundation for Suicide Prevention • SAVE: Suicide Awareness Voices of Education


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"Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving." -Colossians 4:2

God’s Word calls us to pray. Today, we ask our friends and partners to pray for the beleaguered young nation of South Sudan. More than half a million people in South Sudan face dire conditions and are currently on the brink of starvation. War and insecurity continue to create obstacles for Christian ministries and other NGOs seeking to respond to the crisis. Please pray that the gospel message of peace and reconciliation will be proclaimed and embraced at all levels of society. “Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness!

Faith International Christian Center

Invites you!


Sunday School - 9:15 am Sunday Service - 10 am Sunday Food Kitchen - 4pm Tuesday Bible Study - 6:30 pm Thursday Prayer Meeting - 6:15 pm Address: 2001 9th Street West Bradenton 34205, Florida

PHONE: 941 - 447 -4538 WEBSITE: www.ficcwordchurch.org EMAIL: ficcpastor@yahoo.com

Have You Walked the Romans Road?

- Admit that you are a sinner. Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” - sinners suffer, their pay is death. Romans 6:23a “For the wages of sin is death...” - God’s gift to sinners is Jesus Christ, He came to save us. Romans 6:23b “...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” - Now give your life to God... Romans 5:8, “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” -Repent of your sins and call upon the grace of GodRomans 2:4 Or despisest thou the ri-

ches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? - “Whosoever” includes everyone, no one is excluded. Romans 10:13 “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” - Believe God defeated death through Jesus and confess now that Jesus is Lord of your life. Tell everyone you are saved! Romans 10:9,10 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the

mouth confession is made unto salvation.” Write to us for further help. FICC PO Box 14931 Bradenton, FL 34280 hesalivenews@yahoo.com www.ficcwordchurch.org Study more of the Word of God at: http://www. ficcwordchurch.org/fitcschool.htm

You have relieved me in my distress; Have mercy on me, and hear my prayer.” (Psalm 4:1) Thank you for your love and service to the persecuted. Sincerely, Your Ministry Partners at PPF PO Box 1327 Culpeper, VA 22701-6327 Phone: 888-201-5245 · 540-829-5353 info@persecutionproject.org www.persecutionproject.org


First Liberty Institute Condemns Lawsuit Against Judge’s Courtroom Invocations

PLANO, Texas, March 22, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Yesterday evening, an activist group filed a lawsuit against Judge Wayne Mack over his practice of allowing volunteer chaplains to open his court sessions in prayer. “Judge Mack’s program is an excellent idea and a great way to serve the community,” Kelly Shackelford, President and CEO of First Liberty Institute, says. “It has already been upheld by both The Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct and the Texas Attorney General. It’s a settled issue.” The group initially complained about Judge Mack’s interfaith chaplain prayer program in 2015.



NOT SURE? CONTACT US. website: www.ficcwordchurch.org Email: ficcpastor@yahoo.com

“And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” -Revelation 20:15

First Liberty Institute, a national religious freedom law firm, represented Judge Mack in a hearing with the Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct, resulting in the commission dismissing the complaint. In August 2016, Attorney General Ken Paxton issued a legal opinion clarifying that Judge Mack’s practices are well within the bounds of Texas law and the Constitution. “The law and Constitution are on Judge Mack’s side. This senseless attack by an atheist group is truly sad,” Shackelford says.



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Griefshare is a special weekly seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life.

If you could, Would you... give $10k, $25k, $100k, or more to your favorite church or ministry? If I can show you how you can for only a few dollars a month, would you? If you have a heart to give to fund the Gospel, this is something you need to look at. Contact me: Chuck Kennedy ficcpastor@yahoo.com




We can help you publish your Christian book. Contact: Chuck Kennedy Email: ficcpastor@yahoo.com

From Page 2

PAGE 6 | APRIL 2017 • Vol. 4, No. 4

American Preacher takes his case to the European Court of Human Rights

ordinary Russian believers.” The judge said Ossewaarde’s guilt was “fully proven, since he carried out missionary activity without submitting prior notice in writing of the beginning of the religious group’s activity.” But Ossewaarde says he isn’t part of a religious group, while the law allows for “worship services, religious rites and ceremonies” to be conducted at home. He also denies advertising the meetings on bulletin boards and says he only gave out leaflets by hand. Ossewaarde added that his court-appointed lawyer had advised the couple to leave Oryol “because anything might happen to him and his family.” World Watch Monitor says the Ossewaardes are not the only Christians to have fallen foul of the new law, more commonly known as the “Yarovaya” Law (the name of one of its authors), which was formally introduced as an “anti-terrorism” measure, allowing the government to monitor extremist

groups. As World Watch Monitor reported in July, however, its impact was always likely to be felt by Russia’s Christians -- particularly missionaries, who now need a permit, and the so-called “house churches,” which, as the Ossewaardes’ case shows, are now illegal because religious activity is only allowed to take place inside registered buildings, such as churches. On Aug. 26, regional news agency Forum 18 reported that at least seven people were charged under the law in the first month: • On July 20, the first day, Aleksei Telius, a Baptist pastor, was fined 5,000 roubles (US$80) in Noyabrsk, Western Siberia. • On July 28, Vadim Sibiryev from the Hare Krishna movement was charged in Cherkessk, near the Georgia border. (He was later acquitted.) • On July 31, Ebenezer Tuah, a Ghanaian Christian, was fined 50,000 roubles (US$800) for conducting baptisms in a hospital swimming pool in Tver, 100 miles northwest

of Moscow. • On Aug. 5, Aleksandr Yakimov, leader of the (unregistered) New Generation Pentecostal community in Mari-Turek (north of Kazan), was charged with “conducting missionary activity in violation of the law.” • On Aug. 14, Don Ossewaarde was arrested and charged. • On Aug. 22, Vladimir Knaub, a Free Seventh-day Adventist, was charged in Biysk, near the eastern Kazakhstan border. • Also on Aug. 22, Irina Tishchenko, a Protestant, was charged in Kemerovo, north of Biysk. Forum 18’s Felix Corley told World Watch Monitor by email that “others have since faced trial and some have also been fined.” In analysis of these cases, Victoria Arnold from Forum 18 said the seven cases paint an “even more confused picture of how this new legislation will be put into practice.” Rolf Zeegers, from the World Watch Research unit at Open Doors, concurred, saying it was “still too early to assess the impact of the new law” but that it “could be huge.” However, Hal Freeman, an American who blogs about his life in Russia, warned against an over-simplified reading of the law. He re-

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iterated that it was introduced primarily to counter Islamic extremism and that there is nothing in the law to prevent Christians from sharing their faith, providing they keep within the legal limits. “It is important to remember that missionary activity is defined as occurring when a religious organization or its approved representative seeks to convince others to join that organization publicly,” he wrote. “The law does not address the issue of communicating truths about an individual’s faith either verbally or electronically. Even if a person preaches a message and calls the listeners to come to faith in Christ, this is not missionary activity according to the law [text underlined by the author].” The ASSIST News Service (www.assistnews.net).



London terror nightmare Courage of tube bombing survivor who forgave the culprits From Page 2

cus with growing children Matthew, 13, and Alice, 8. In addition, he is a committed member of his church where he is head server (and Angela churchwarden) and has continued to take part in theatre productions – he was actually going over his lines for the lead role of Brutus in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar when the Edgware Road bomb went off beside him. He was about to direct and perform in the play at the time, but it was inevitably postponed and in the end he took to the stage for the production (complete with prosthetic limb) exactly a year after the bombings when an Evening Standard headline described him as the “Bravest of the Brave!” David holds no grudges against the perpetrators. He takes a Christian attitude of forgiveness for those who harmed him, believing that it was not so much hate that he experienced through it all, but the love of those who rescued him and went out of their way to help him.

In an interview with the Independent last week, he said: “I still keep in touch with my particular saviours and with other amputees and injured victims. We meet up every 7/7 – also with the paramedics, prosthetists and police who helped us that day, who got us walking again, who became part of our lives. The love I have experienced has outweighed the hate.” From my perspective, I know that it was not only medical expertise, but the prayers from Christians around the world that contributed to his remarkable recovery. I had been trying to book flight tickets to attend the 150th anniversary reunion of my old school (a Christian college in South Africa) when the disaster struck, which meant that I was in touch with a lot of people who had faith in a God who answers prayer. Though battered and bruised, David is a living answer to prayer. The ASSIST News Service (www.assistnews.net).


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Chuck Kennedy FICC Pastor

Children’s Home-India, providing food, safe lodging and education. Dec. 19, 2015 1st Party in the Park...

ALL SERVICES WILL BE FICC’s WEBSITE: FICC’s CHURCH SERVICES: www.ficcwordchurch.org HELD AT THIS ADDRESS: Sunday School: 9:15 am Email: ficcpastor@yahoo.com Sunday Worship: 10:00 am 2001 9th Street West Unit B Phone: 941-447-4538 Tuesday Bible Study: 6:30 pm Bradenton 34205, Florida Thursday Prayer Meeting: 6:15 pm Like us on FaceBook

Dec. 3,2016 Charistmas Party & Grand Opening

PAGE 7 | APRIL 2017 • Vol. 4, No. 4

BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!

A Quest For New Strength By: Christina Cook Lee

Topic: Pain

Focus: Finding purpose in pain

Romans 8:37 (NKJV) Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. I experienced a lot of pain during the recovery of a traumatic head injury in a car accident that happened when I was 21. I felt robbed in many ways— due to the facial disfigurement that resulted. Today, not many people would ever guess my nose was totally smashed and my cheekbones were covered with fractures. Reconstructive plastic surgery gave me a new, smaller nose. In most people’s minds, I had nothing to complain about. Surely, other people have had much harder

things to bear—and that’s true. I don’t have a debilitating handicap like some people, but I’ll never forget the stares from people during the period of time it took for the jagged scars on my nose to heal and for the swelling and bruises on my face to go away. During the year following the accident, my sinuses progressively shut down, because my fractured cheekbones were over-calcifying in an attempt to heal. More surgery had to be done to open my airways so I could breathe normally again. It took a long time for me to accept my appearance… and it was hard dealing with people who said I didn’t look that bad. To me, it wasn’t a

question of ‘looking good or bad’—it was my own loss of identity that I was dealing with. Close to a year after the accident, I had the opportunity to go to a foreign country and spend a little time with a man who was clearly poverty stricken. He wore a soiled patch of cloth tied around his head to cover the fact that he had no nose at all. I was sure that God had arranged our meeting. It was completely obvious that he had it so much worse than I did. From that time on, I tried to accept what had happened to me and be grate ful in spite of everything. Up until then, all I could see was what I had lost—

instead of what I still had left. I have to admire our many veterans who went off to war and have come home forever changed, whether their injuries are visible or invisible. I can’t help but look at any soldier who has seen active duty and not wonder what trauma he or she is working through. Just because you can’t see any physical change in them, doesn’t mean they aren’t suffering emotionally because of what they may have witnessed. Just because an injury can’t be seen—or isn’t as bad as it ‘could have been’— doesn’t mean it wasn’t and isn’t catastrophic to the individual. Any injury is serious to the person who receives it. Post-traumatic stress syndrome and panic attacks are common and potentially devastating to people who have experienced a violent physical injury—and also to those who have been forced to live in highly dangerous circumstances and observe others being wound ed or killed. It’s hard to understand why we have to go through


Pray In JESUS Name Project

Sending Petitions to God And Government to Defend Religious Freedom

Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD

After School “Satan Clubs” Muslim “Professor”punishes target Elementary Children Christian student for Faith

While the IRS has blocked Christians conservative groups from tax-exempt status, “...Leftist groups like the Satan club got fast tracked,” reports Judicial Watch. “The principle goal of establishing the Satan clubs in public schools throughout Washington State appears to be to counter existing enterprises operated by a Christian-based group. Documents obtained by Judicial Watch include the process of establishing an after-school Satan club at Point Defiance Elementary in Tacoma. The entity behind the club is a nonprofit called Reason Alliance, which is based in Somerville, Massachusetts, and operates in Washington State as the Satanic Temple of Seattle. “Children ages 5-12 will develop basic critical reasoning, character qualities, problem solving and creative expression, according to the Satanic Temple filings included in the documents. The club logo is a pencil with devil’s horns. Records obtained by Judicial Watch from the Treasury Department show that the Satanic cult applied for tax-exempt

status on October 21, 2014 and received it on October 31, 2014. “The parent permission forms ask for the name of the child’s church and pastor, the records show. They also reveal that Starr, the Seattle Satanic Temple director, told Tacoma School District Superintendent Carla Santorno that the clubs are led by ‘caring Satanists’ and each child receives a membership card. [Dr. Chaps’ comment: Copycat non-religions like Satanism are only designed to silence Christian groups by legal scare tactics, as proven by their intent to only organize in schools with Christian clubs. Satanism is not a religion, it is simply vocal opposition to Christianity. Without their opposition to the God of the Bible, Satanists would have no reason to exist.]

A Christian student reports religious harassment in Florida, but is standing up for Jesus. “A student from Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida claims he was suspended for challenging his Muslim professor’s anti-Christian assertions, including her assertion that Jesus’ crucifixion never occurred, reports RedState. “Marshall Polston, 20, is claiming that his Middle Eastern Humanities professor also told students that Jesus’ disciples ‘did not believe he was God.’ “Polston, a self-described Christian who has toured the Middle East, says he is familiar with the Muslim culture. “Honestly, it reminded me of some of the more radical groups I researched when abroad,” Polston told the Central Florida Post when asked about his professor’s comments. “Whether religious or not, I believe even those with limited knowledge

of Christianity can agree that according to the text, Jesus was crucified and his followers did believe he was divine… that he was ‘God,’” he said. “Regardless, to assert the contrary as academic fact is not supported by the evidence,” he added. “Polston said he stands behind his assertions in the Post article, adding that he is very upset that he was suspended for voicing his opinion.”

[Dr. Chaps’ comment: For a Muslim professor to suspend a Christian student for voicing his faith in the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ is anti-Christian harrassment. The student is a hero, wrongly persecuted for Christ, right here in the USA.]

“Read your Bible, scare hell out of you.”

some of the things we do in life. It might be harder still, to believe that a loving God would allow anybody to live through some of the things our veterans have. I don’t have all the answers—but I know that God can help any person to find peace. If you’ve had some kind of traumatic experience— war or otherwise—you might still be trying to figure out how you’ll ever be able to live a normal life again. For many people, things will not return to ‘normal’ in comparison to the past…but life can go on, by drawing new strength from the power of God. Jesus Christ, Who according to historical record, was tortured to the point of being unrecognizable as a man preceding His brutal crucifixion—is a model to any person who is struggling from the effects of disfigurement and trauma. His resurrection from the dead and His Philippians 3:20-21 says, “For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, Who

will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself.” There were times I wished I had died during the aftermath of my head injuries. It took a few years before I felt like living was actually a good idea. I know God had a purpose in letting me go through what I did. He has given me peace, and He can help you, too. Declaration: I will find peace and purpose as I draw new strength from the power of God. His love and friendship will see me through my trials day by day…and someday I will understand. Christina Cook Lee publishes a daily blog called, New Strength, for people who need hope and encouragement in their recovery from depression and dependency. http://www. newstrength.wordpress. com

94% boycott Disney’s “Beauty-Beast” for promoting Homosexuality

Up to 95 percent of polled Christians will boycott “Beauty and the Beast” if they are aware the movie openly promotes homosexuality to children. A poll reported by One News Now “says 95 percent of the shoppers he tracks are less likely to see the new movie because of the “exclusively gay moment”; and he’s talking 17 percent of the overall population and a full onefourth of the practicing Christian population. (See complete survey results) “Faith-driven consumers have been very active in rewarding filmmakers who do it right – and to not reward those that don’t do it right,” he adds. “These are consumers who say faith has a major influence on their entertainment choices. They’ve made major hits out of

movies like The Passion of the Christ, the Kendrick Brothers’ movies, and even Moses and Exodus: Gods and Kings. But Stone says these financial friends or foes won’t stop at Beauty and the Beast. “It’s not just ‘I’m unlikely’ to see this movie,” the pollster explains. “[Fully 94 percent say] ‘I’m less likely to do business with Disney as a whole’ and [more than three-fourths] find that they ‘don’t meet my needs’ [at all or only slightly well].” [Dr. Chaps’ comment: Let’s boycott Disney’s bad “Beast” movie and protect kids from recruitment into the ‘gay’ lifestyle which is destructive and harmful.]





PAGE 8 | APRIL 2017 • Vol. 4, No. 4

BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!

Counselor’s Corner: IT HURTS! By: Louise Alleva

Michael Ireland

Several years ago, when I was at a low point in my life I was trying to be comforted by the scriptures leading up to Resurrection Sunday including Luke 23:34 – “But Jesus was saying, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.” Suddenly I stopped. The Holy Spirit then began to show me all of what I was forgiven of when Jesus died on that cross. Then He asked. “If you are forgiven, why do you continue to keep unforgiveness buried in your heart and allowing it to affect

your life today?” You see, this question was asked at the time I was leading a “Healing the Wounded Heart” ministry and counseling several nights a week to emotionally hurt people and their unforgiveness while I was still living in my own emotional hurts! Therefore, the moment the Holy Spirit spoke to me, I understood and said “Lord, forgive me for I know exactly what I have been doing. I have not forgiven others and I have not received Your forgiving love.” That began my lifelong journey of

Father’s Love and the freedom to walk in and truly offer wholeness to others and it continues today. A key to how our healing should begin is stated in the Lord’s Prayer. “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us”. We must forgive others, before we can receive the forgiveness He has already given us. First, choose to forgive that parent, relative, teacher, friend, or maybe even a pastor or another church community, etc. and list all the points of pain each one caused. Then ask the

Father to forgive you of the sin of false judgement, bitterness, anger, hurt you had against them all those years. Last, release the person to God and trust Him to work with that person. I have heard many clients tell me that I did not understand how poorly they were treated. They felt somehow if they forgave someone, that person would be free of punishment. The sad truth is my client was also in his/her own personal misery and because of their lack forgiveness they spent years with the effects of the pain festering in their spirit. This would come out as depression, low self-esteem, fears, unable to give or receive love, lack of trust to name a few. I would reply that they were right. I don’t understand how poorly they were treated but I do know how Jesus was treated. Yet He asked the Father to for

Harvest America Event with Pastor Greg Laurie to be Televised Internationally Live Audience

RIVERSIDE, CA (ANS, March 23, 2017) – Preparations are well underway for Harvest America 2017, which will feature a message from Southern California pastor and evangelist Greg Laurie, and top name music from artists including NEEDTOBREATHE, Trip Lee, Phil Wickham, and Phoenix native Jordin Sparks. More than 10,000 volunteers are expected to participate in street evangelism the day prior to Harvest America, and will pass out as many as 870,000 invitations throughout the region. Harvest America 2017 will be viewed from coast to coast and from continent to continent when it is broadcast live from the University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona on Sunday, June 11. “More than ever, people across the country—and around the world—are in need of hope, and that hope can only be found through the life-changing message of the gospel of Jesus Christ,” said Harvest America Executive Director John Collins announcing the event in a media release. Collins added: “The constant growth and expansion of broadcast media and technology will allow Harvest America 2017 to reach new audiences, and we’re excited about the eternal impact that could make.” Designed to impact a country desperately in need of hope, the free na

tionwide simulcast of the Harvest America outreach will be made available to thousands of host locations across the country, and it will also be broadcast live to its largest global audience to date through a variety of media including television, radio, the Internet, and social media. Laurie has encouraged Christians to proclaim 2017 the “Year of Good News,” and to preach the gospel message of Christ boldly. Harvest America serves as an opportunity for people across the country to invite their friends, families, and neighbors to host locations to have the opportunity to hear the message of good news that will be presented. Writing on his ministry website, www.harvestamerica.com, Laurie said: “In a time of fake news, distracting news, divisive news, disorderly news, and, sometimes, depressing news, we—as Christians and as leaders—want to recommit ourselves to making sure that the Good News of Jesus cuts through it all. We call upon Christians in America to make 2017 ‘The Year of Good News.’” Laurie says Christians everywhere must share the message of Jesus with everyone they can at every opportunity they can. Pastors must preach the gospel boldly and pray intentionally for national revival. “Despite the divisions and distractions dividing our nation and disorienting

give us! And the moment He died we were given the opportunity to receive forgiveness from all the sins we have committed and still commit. Once I heard in a sermon that He did not die for me but He died AS me. He took on all my sins and bore the pain of the punishment I deserved so I could become a clean, whole, child of God. You too can experience His promises of peace, joy, victory and most of all receive the Love of the Father. Just forgive, repent, and release and in the name of Jesus you would be forgiven! If you have trouble with being able to go through this process alone, I would suggest contacting a trusted, mature, Godly pastor, counselor, or elder who have experience in a “Healing The Wounded Heart” type of ministry that can help you. By forgiving someone we are free to be who we were

created to be per God’s plan as in Psalms 139:1314. “For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;” and in Psalms: 23,24 – “Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way.” Walking it out is a journey, but now you have the tools to combat an enemy who does not want to see you free and able to receive from our Lord and Savior who is always ready to be at your side. Blessings and Love, Louise Alleva, D. Min, LCPC. CTC Louise.alleva@gmail.com for questions or personal counseling +++



82,000 people attended the 2016 event at AT&T Stadium in Dallas, while 180,000 participated at host locations, there were 7,000 host locations across the country, and 25,557 people made professions of faith in Christ (Harvest America)

our culture, we believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ remains the hope of the world and is more needed in our nation now than at almost any point in our nation’s history,” Laurie said. “This is not to diminish the important good works and example that the church as a whole provides, but it is to emphasize that Jesus has commanded us to ‘go into all the world and preach the gospel’ and to ‘make disciples of all nations.’” According to Laurie, “Our message is the Good News that God loved us so much He sent His Son to this earth on a rescue mission. Jesus, who is fully God and fully man, lived a perfect life, died a perfect death, and rose again from the grave.” He continued: “We need a national miracle to heal our political, racial, and cultural divisions, and that miracle is found in the power of Jesus to change our hearts. Therefore, we commit to preach louder than our nation’s politics,

and we aim to make the message of Jesus Christ transcend the monopoly of our media. We confess our only hope of unity is on the level ground at the foot of the cross of Jesus, and our only hope of healing is in the victory achieved through His empty tomb. “The gospel is the timeless, God-honored, God-ordained message that can change a human heart for time and eternity. We accept Jesus’ command to proclaim His message, wherever we are, to whomever we are around,” he said. Laurie stated: “Because 2017 is such a critical year for America, it must become the Year of Good News.” Harvest America 2017 will be hosted in partnership with more than 400 local churches and organizations representing a variety of denominations throughout Phoenix and surrounding regions and will be nationally simulcast from the University of Phoenix Stadium, home of

the Arizona Cardinals. The Southern Baptist Convention and its North American Mission Board are partnering with Harvest America 2017, and have selected it as the focus of their annual “Crossover” outreach event, taking place just prior to the Southern Baptist Convention’s national meeting in Phoenix in June. Registration has opened for churches, organizations, and individuals interested in participating in the live national simulcast and more information can be found at https://harvestamerica.com/host-the-simulcast. Additionally, this year Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) will broadcast Harvest America live for the first time on its global family of networks which spans 174 countries and has a potential reach Along with television, radio networks across the U.S., including Bott Radio, CSN Radio, and others will carry the outreach live to more than 600 stations. Harvest America 2017

will also be broadcast live on the Internet at www. harvestamerica.com and portions of the program will be streamed live on Facebook Live at www. facebook.com/harvestamerica. Founded in 1990 by Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship® in Riverside and Irvine, California, and Maui, Hawaii, Harvest Crusade events have been attended by more than 7.6 million people worldwide, both in-person and via live Internet broadcasts. In 2012, a new nationwide simulcast called Harvest America was born, expanding the reach of the gospel even further. With a trademark ability to present a clear gospel message in a culturally relevant format, drawing on the latest in current events, contemporary Christian music, and technology, Laurie has been called the “evangelist of the future” by Billy Graham. The ASSIST News Service (www.assistnews.net).


PAGE 9 | APRIL 2017 • Vol. 4, No. 4

BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome! “Give a girl a fish, feed her for a day, teach a girl www.coffeeloft41.com to fish, feed her By Madeline & for a lifetime.” Bob Duffany

The Coffee

It’s a miracle! I got my daughter back!


By: Paula A. Struble

A MOTHER’S STORY “As a Mom, it is absolutely thrilling beyond words to watch what God is doing in my daughter’s life. This is my only child, my little girl. To watch her go through all she went through – decades of addiction, homelessness, struggle – and now, to see her really bloom, using her God-given gifts to help others in need… it’s a miracle. There’s just no other way to explain it. Only a parent who’s been through it can really understand what it’s like watching your child living so close to death. It was so hard, the pain was so deep, you hang on to your faith to get you through. I believed God could transform her, put her back on the path to being who she was created to be. Standing on that promise pulled me through. One day, when she was still caught up in the cycle of addiction, a letter came in the mail. It was the renewal notice for An-Marye’s nursing license. At the time, I didn’t know if she would ever be nursing again, but I believed. So I paid that license renewal as an act of faith. Now look where she is. Recovered, transformed, helping children through her gifts as a nurse. I am so proud of the woman An-Marye is becoming. She’s delivered and free, serving God with all her heart, I cannot put into words the joy I feel. All I can say is that I’m thankful every single day.” – Paula Struble

A DAUGHTER’S STORY “I spent 25 years of my life abusing drugs and alcohol. I walked away from my family, my parents, my marriage, everyone who loved me. My life became a roller coaster of success and failure. I finished nursing school, got my license, but I couldn’t hold a job. The dis-

Learn To Fish

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ease had taken over. I was homeless, totally demoralized, caughtup in the ugliest things you can imagine.” “Five years ago, I walked into Learn To Fish – my third try for treatment. I was in treatment for about five months. Getting clean, learning new habits, new ways to think, to cope and to relate with people. I was able to get down to the root causes of why I was using and I found freedom in a personal relationship with Christ. You don’t slip through the cracks in a program like this, because this is not just about getting clean. This is about sisterhood, learning to develop healthy relationships that you maintain once you complete the program. When you finish, you get to stay on as a volunteer, to become part of what made the difference for you, using your gifts to minister to others. Staying connected, serving others, was key for me. You have a purpose outside of yourself, a reason to stay clean. That turned into an opportunity to stay on with the ministry, to put my nursing skills to work helping the people who transformed my life. Today, I am five years clean and sober. When I think about that – wow—there was a time I couldn’t put five days together sober. For the past two years, I’ve been working as a pediatric psych nurse. I love being able to help these children. I’m still volunteering at Learn To Fish, investing a few hours every day helping young women the same way I was helped. I have no doubt, if it wasn’t for the program and the relationships I built there, I wouldn’t have made it. Now my life, my present and my future is totally transformed. I continue to grow, happily sober… getting better every day.” – An-Marye Hayward

Our Beautiful 4,000 sq. foot Recovery Center is “Nestled” or “tucked away” on the West Coast of South FL. Just minutes from the most beautiful beaches in the world. We have all the amenities you would expect to find in any upscale center.

The Coffee Loft has been in existence for five years, and is a ministry of Woodland Community Church, Sarasota, FL. Pastor Tim Passmore is Pastor of the Sarasota Church. As of April this year, the Loft will be all volunteer-based, and all menu items will be free to customers. The Coffee Loft is a ministry of Woodland Community Church and is meant to be a gathering Paula Struble said she is so proud place for the community. to see her daughter, An-Marye, But, it’s also meant to give. living out her gifting, serving others. And we want to be giving An-Marye says the strength of the more. relationships she built at Learn Starting April 2nd we will To Fish helped transform her life. become a volunteer operIf you or any Women you know ated, donation based cofis suffering from Addiction we fee bar, offering our products and services for free. have the solution. We will also be offering High quality, State of the Art our space at no cost to loTreatment for Drug Addiction cal educational and chari-

and Alcoholism truly necessary to make a full lasting recovery is no longer just available to CELEBRITIES and MILLIONARES!


One way we raise funds to cover the costs of operations through our thrift store. If anyone has furniture, appliances, cars, motorcycles, or boats you might consider donating in exchange for a Tax Deductible receipt for Their Website: the full value, you won’t have to www.coffeeloft41.com lift a finger. We’ll come pick it up and make things as easy as table institutions as well The address is: possible: as social organizations 5025 N. Tamiami Trail,

This is an opportunity to really make a difference; a chance to leave a legacy. We are currently in need of volunteers for the following: *Case management *Fundraising Event Planning *Counselling *Group Leaders *Office Administration *Marketing

Outrageous Unconstitutional Intimidation of Private Citizens Who Opposed Mosque Project in New Jersey

ANN ARBOR, Mich., March 28, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- If you speak out against building a mosque in your community, you may be slapped with a subpoena demanding all your personal documents, including emails, voicemails, text messages, and social media posts concerning Muslims, Islam, mosques, the Quran, Muslim worship or prayer services, wudu, imams, burkas, hijabs, Sharia, ji-

(PRNewsFoto/Thomas More Law Center) had, or anything else associated with or related to Muslims or Islam. This was part of the harassment and intimidation

about the future, hopeful about our community, and blessed with the opportunity to serve you.

experienced by scores of private citizens of the small New Jersey town, Bernards Township (also known as Basking Ridge),

who spoke out at public hearings against a plan to build a disproportionately-sized mosque on a small piece of residential property. The mosque project, sponsored by the Islamic Society of Basking Ridge (“ISBR”) and its president, Mohammad Ali Chaudry, was denied by Township officials for not complying with local building ordinances. On March 10, 2016, ISBR and Mohammad Ali Chaudry sued Bernards Township in federal court, claiming various violations of the Religious Land Use and Institution-

that we support. We will be simplifying our menu, shortening our hours, and closing during the summer to cut our costs. We want to continue to give, to volunteer our time, share our resources, and show our love for this community which is why we are making this transition and becoming a community bar. We are excited alized Persons Act. Shortly after, ISBR had coercive subpoenas served on private citizens whose only involvement was voicing concerns at public planning board meetings about whether the proposed mosque complied with local building ordinances. Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, commented: “ISBR is setting a dangerous unconstitutional precedent by abusing a court process to chill and trample on the First Amendment Rights of private citizens whose only involvement was to speak out against the mosque at public hearings. Because the U.S. Supreme Court

Sarasota, Fl 34234, 941.706.4047 Currently Open:


Let’s support this great ministry to our community! ++++++

has held that speech at a public place on a matter of public concern is entitled to special protection, we will ask the Federal District Court to quash the subpoenas served on our clients as a misuse and abuse of the Court’s process.” Lori Caratzola, described in the ISBR Complaint as a fervent and frequent objector to the mosque, was a prime target for ISBR’s personal attacks. She was personally mentioned over a dozen times in their Complaint. Yet she has remained steadfast in her opposition. Ms. Caratzola commented: “Being served with a Federal Court Subpoena... Continuation on Page: 11

PAGE 10 | APRIL 2017 • Vol. 4, No. 4

-London terrora wake-up call that Israel’s battle is also our battle

BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!

in Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan in walking by on the other side of the road as a wounded man lies bleeding. (Luke 10.25-37) It’s time we learnt that Israel’s battle -- for democracy, civilization and truth

By Charles Gardner

DONCASTER, UK (ANS – March 26, 2017)-- The latest London terror attack is another wake-up call for a nation that has become far too complacent in the face of current threats to our Judeo-Christian civilization. I am not referring to our police and security services, but to how we in the UK have jettisoned the biblical principles on which our once great nation was built. And it appears we haven’t got the moral backbone to successfully counter the death culture of fundamentalist Islam. This is not surprising given that Parliament -- the focus of last Wednesday’s attack -- is “celebrating” 50 years since the passing of the Abortion Act, which has led to the killing of eight million unborn babies. This is the Parliament that was quite literally built on the Word of God in the form of the Latin text of Psalm 127, verse 1 inscribed onto the stone floor of its central lobby, which translates: “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain.” And this is only the first part of the verse, which continues: “Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.” Now we have witnessed a terrible tragedy, reminiscent of the 7/7 bombings

in the capital which saw 52 killed and some 700 wounded, including my younger brother. He only survived thanks to medical expertise and the prayers of friends around the world, though the physical effects of that dreadful day continue as he struggles through a series of often ill-fitting prosthetic limbs. The March 22 atrocity, which saw 52-year-old UK-born Khalid Masood murder four people as he ploughed through pedestrians on the famous Westminster Bridge before crashing outside Parliament and stabbing a policeman to death, bears stark similarities to the January attack in Jerusalem which saw a Palestinian terrorist run over four young Israeli soldiers (three of them women) before being shot at the wheel. His cause was “jihad” (holy war) against the Jews; Muslim convert Masood’s fury was no doubt generally aimed at the infidel (unbelieving) West and those perceived as supporting Israel, whom Islamists claim to have stolen Arab land. This latest act of barbarism was also reminiscent of last July’s bloodcurdling rampage in Nice which saw 80 innocent revellers mown down by another fanatic trying to rid the world of those who refuse

Bradenton Aglow Lighthouse

Be Aglow and Burning With the Spirit Serving the Lord -Romans 10:11 (Amplified) You are invited. April 8th, Saturday, 9:30 am! Be Blessed

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Come be refreshed and filled with the Love of God For more information call President Wende Thompson: 941-720-2187 In the Fellowship Hall of Resonate Life 1820 53rd Avenue West Bradenton, Florida 34207

Meets 2nd Saturday of every month 9:30am

peace whereas his follow- tle for the soul of the naers were understandably tion, insisting on a restofrightened. ration of godly principles Nevertheless, when they in our laws and instituwoke their Master, calling tions. on his name, he calmed Jesus paid with his own the storm with a word blood to bring us peace. -- and the true nature of He is the Lamb of God, who he was came home to and when, figuratively Police surround Masood after he killed a London Police officer

UK-born terrorist Khalid Masood (pictured) dreamed of murdering someone and once held a knife to a friend’s throat. (Daily Mail)

Truck used by terrorist to run over four young Israeli soldiers (three of them women) before being shot at the wheel to bow the knee to Allah. Yet this kind of slaughter has been enacted in Israel for many years, and little notice is taken by the West as we sit in our relative comfort zones lamely imbibing the lies and propaganda that would have us believe Israel is getting its just desserts for its persecution of the Palestinians. Now London, Paris, Antwerp and other European cities are getting a taste of the poisonous medicine Israelis are forced to swallow on an almost daily basis. Displaying double standards both on a political and religious front, we do not see it as our problem when innocent Jews get stabbed and mown down by cars in the Middle East, but when evil monsters spread their tentacles to our doorstep, it’s a different matter of course. Nationally, we have acted like the religious leaders

-- is also our battle. Their troubles, their wounds, and their worries should be our concern too. Without them we would never have had a modern democracy built on the principles taught by Jesus, the Jewish Messiah. When we (the church, government and nation at large) start showing concern for their plight, perhaps then we will awake from our slumber. When we acknowledge once more our debt to Jesus, the Jew, as our Lord and Saviour -- how, in answer to prayer, he rescued us from the jaws of the Nazis, for example -- then perhaps the storm will subside. When the disciples were in the boat on the Sea of Galilee during a furious squall (Matthew 8.23-27, New Testament), it was Jesus who was sleeping – because he was perfectly at



*We will email you the most current edition each month at your request. *Fill out this form and return to us or go online at www.hesalivenews.org *No money is required but your donations, big or small, help us pay postage and expenses.

London bus blown up in the 7/7 terror attack

them with renewed force: “Who is this whom even the winds and the waves obey?” When, oh when, will the church in Britain acknowledge Jesus as Lord -- and his chosen people as our special concern. For when we bless, encourage, help and pray for them, we will become a blessed nation once more (Genesis 12.3). But if we continue to curse them by ignoring the extreme danger they face, as many did during the Holocaust, we will keep inviting judgment on ourselves. I plead with government and church: don’t wait until the streets are running with blood before acknowledging our great sin in defying the God of Israel by throwing out his precepts and betraying his people. Perhaps we need to mobilise an army of Christian soldiers to take on the bat-

speaking, we apply his blood to our hearts as the Jews of old marked the doorposts of their homes on the eve of the Exodus, we will be rescued and spared from the worst that the enemy can do. When the angel of death saw the blood, he passed over the Israelite houses and spared their firstborn. But Egypt -- that great civilization of ancient times – suffered a terrible calamity. We too have to choose between a plague of trouble and freedom in Christ. I pray for revival in our land where, as I hope to see a Christian nation reemerge, we will become the Good Samaritan who tends to the wounds of our Jewish friends and takes care of them. The ASSIST News Service (www.assistnews.net). +++


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Outrageous Unconstitutional From: Intimidation of Private Page 9 Citizens Who Opposed Mosque Project in New Jersey to turn over all my personal communications including voicemails, social media, emails, notes wherein I make any mention of anything having to do with Islam is an absolute violation of my First Amendment rights. I was a citizen exercising my right to attend public planning board meetings about a land use application that affected my community.” She continued: “Dr. Chaudry’s clear intent was to embarrass, strike fear, silence and cause financial harm to any citizen who dared oppose his nonconforming project. And if these subpoenas are allowed to stand, it will set a chilling precedent for all citizens who wish to exercise their Constitutionally protected right to free speech and to petition their government. “I was named numerous times in the Complaint, yet as a non-party, I had no standing to challenge the lies and half-truths told about me. After the Complaint was filed, mainstream media picked up and repeated these lies and half-truths.” Caratzola concluded: “I have lost days, probably weeks, devoting time to trying to find counsel only to find most attorneys are afraid of challenging an Islamic group in today’s political climate.” Attorney Karen Lugo, a specialist on constitutional law and zoning issues, echoed Lori Caratzola’s concerns:

“ISBR’s subpoena of private citizens’ communications with local government, as well as all personal email and social media statements related to ‘anything associated with or related to Muslims or Islam’ is in direct violation of speech protections enshrined in the Constitution and in Supreme Court rulings. ISBR’s blatant efforts to chill the free exercise of speech while intimidating local citizens with these subpoenas must not only be denied, but must be rebuked, by the courts.” The Thomas More Law Center defends and promotes America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and moral values, including the religious freedom of Christians, time-honored family values, and the sanctity of human life. It supports a strong national defense and an independent and sovereign United States of America. The Law Center accomplishes its mission through litigation, education, and related activities. It does not charge for its services. The Law Center is supported by contributions from individuals, corporations and foundations, and is recognized by the IRS as a section 501(c)(3) organization. You may reach the Thomas More Law Center at (734) 827-2001 or visit our website at www.thomasmore.org. +++


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He’s Alive News PO Box 14931 Bradenton, FL 34280 www.hesalivenews.org email: hesalivenews@yahoo.com

BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!

Tajik churches investigated for underage attendees


PAGE 11 | APRIL 2017 • Vol. 4, No. 4

Tajikistan (MNN) — A network of churches in Tajikistan is under heavy scrutiny. Their Tajik man crime? Having chil- (Photo courdren and teens un- tesy of Open der the age of 18 at Doors USA) religious services. In Tajikistan, it’s illegal for underage minors to engage in religious activities, even if they’re with their being a Tajik Muslim is parents. Several security more than their religion; officers attended Sunday it’s their ethnic identity. services in two towns to Because of this, Wright film and take photos for explains, “the officers evidence. were even questioning Kristin Wright, Advocacy why there were Tajik and Director with Open Doors Uzbek members in the USA, says they’re keeping churches, because they’re an eye on the still-unfold- saying, ethnically, these ing situation. “Since then, individuals are Muslim, there’s been a criminal so what are they doing at investigation against the a church service? Howevchurch and against the er, of course, you and I bemembers. These mem- lieve people should be able bers are being questioned to change their religion, on a daily basis. It’s a sit- but that’s not that easy in uation of real concern a country like Tajikistan. for Christians, not just of It’s one of the reasons why this church, but churches Tajikistan ranks at numacross Tajikistan where ber 35 on the Open Doors these severe regulations World Watch List.” really prohibit parents She adds, “Last year, it’s from even bringing their also significant that the children to church and [United States] State Deintroducing them to the partment designated TaGospel. jikistan as a country of “Right now, the authori- particular concern for the ties are planning to close first time ever, and that’s the churches and make the again because of these activity completely pro- really strict laws against hibited. So that’s obviously freedom of religion and the worst case scenario, as belief.” well as just that constant The persecution Tajik bestress the members are un- lievers face isn’t just at the der, being questioned on a government level. It creeps regular basis.” into every sphere of their Additionally, Tajikistan is lives due to “very harsh 98 percent Muslim. But Islamic extremism, most-


ly relegated to the family sphere [and] the local community where believers can face persecution from that direction as well.” But persecution hasn’t destroyed the Church in Tajikistan, and God continues to sustain them. There are several ways we, as the global Body of Christ, can come around our Tajik Christian brothers and sisters today. “We are encouraging people to pray for freedom of faith in Tajikistan and to pray for the persecuted Church. It would be amazing if Christians could be able to worship freely, share the Gospel freely, and of course, bring their children to church. We think that’s a very basic right.” Wright encourages us also to “advocate for Christians who face persecution around the world. So I would definitely encourage listeners to visit open- hesalivenews@yahoo.com doorsusa.org to find some really practical ways to get involved in advocating for the persecuted Church.”

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Jesus is Lord!

(Photo courtesy of Open Doors USA)

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PAGE 12 | APRIL 2017 • Vol. 4, No. 4

BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!

Excuse me, it is Resurrection Day, not Easter


Complimentary Food Kitchen every Sunday Afternoon

From the Editor

This is the month Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Lord of all. It has nothing to do with rabbits, eggs, or easter bunnies. Let us not lose focus. This is the most important day for Christians. It is the day Jesus arose from the dead defeating death, hell and the grave. This is the day of our victory, of life eternal proven, of the new creation’s existence, and the forgiveness of sins past. Rom 1:4 And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead:

4:00 PM Sundays!

website: www.ficcwordchurch.org

Faith International Christian Center aka The Ninth Street Mission will begin a chapel and soup kitchen every Sunday afternoon at 4 pm. Everyone is invited where hot soup will be served as well as groceries you can take with you. It is on a first come first served basis or until we run out each Sunday. Chapel begins at 4 pm and will feature a local minister sharing the Word of Faith prior to any food served. There is no admission charge nor offerings received. The meal and the groceries are free as long as supplies last. Faith International Christian Center is a non-denominational, spirit filled church established 14 years ago with the vision of bringing the uncompromised message of faith to the Bradenton area. All meetings, including the soup kitchen are presently held at 2001 9th Street West Unit B, Braden- 3616 1st St. ton, FL. Located right behind Ruby’s food mart. Call or text Pastor Chuck for more details. 941447-4538

I am taken aback when I see church advertisements for easter egg hunts. How did we get so worldly and callous to the Resurrection? 1Kings 18:21 And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word. As Christians, we should have nothing to do with the things of the world, no eggs or bunnies, no easter baskets, just celebrate our new life provided by the resurrection of Jesus the Christ. And if that spoils your fun,

W, Bradenton Fl 342085

I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.

Luke 16:27-29

He Is Alive! +++

If they do not believe the word of God, they will not believe one risen from the dead.

They have Moses and the Prophets.

They will repent if a dead man warns them!

Luke 16:30-31


The choice is ours, celebrate the truth,


Luke 16:19-20

Luke 16:22-23

you need to do some soul searching. Jesus is Lord and there is no room for compromise. John 11:25-26 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? Take a stand for your Lord and savior, keep out the traditions of men and of pagan gods.

First Believe the Word of God and then signs and wonders will follow!

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WE NEED YOU! We are looking for testimonies. It can be your life story, or individual events in your life God has done for you. Be a blessing to many.

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HESALIVENEWS@YAHOO.COM Website: www.hesalivenews.org

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