He's Alive Christian News and Views august 2016

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AUGUST 2016 • Vol. 3, No. 8

He’s Alive!

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“I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen.” -Revelation 1:18a

Hearts Afire, Local Doctors Changing HEARTS the World...



By Chuck Kennedy

(Bradenton, FL July 2016 He’s Alive News) The Mission of Hearts Afire is to be a Christian Humanitarian Organization dedicated to meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of under-resourced people

worldwide. They were founded in 2006 by Dr. Joe Pecoraro, his wife Rhonda and Dr. Vilma Vega all of the Bradenton, Sarasota area. They have successfully completed 51 mission trips together with 600 team members and have served in 11 countries to date. We are honored and privileged to have such a charitable organization based in our area.

nurses, pharmacists, business people, ministers and other caring individuals — overseas to provide relief to a variety of hurting locations around the world. They are a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit organization built upon Medical Missions and Christian Outreach & Family Mis-

Dr Joe, as he is commonly called, once visited our church and shared the wonderful things God is doing through their ministry. Although they are physicians trained in medical knowledge, they know the power of prayer. His testimonies were like reading the book of Acts! Miracles combined with proper medical treatment touching the lives of people of any language or culture. They take several mission trips each year and you are invited to apply to be a part. It is not for the faint of heart nor for the comfort seeking. These

Hearts Afire is a group of people who decided to join forces to use our gifts, skills and resources to have an impact on the world. Since 2006, Hearts Afire has taken hundreds of people — physicians,

Seeking Death but Finding Life



By: ASSIST News Service

WILLS POINT, TX (ANS – July 27, 2016) -- Jinsy stared at the container of liquid fertilizer. It had failed her—she was still breathing, still living in shame and anguish, still looking for a way of escape. Her mind rolled through her options. Hanging herself seemed a guaranteed method of suicide, but could she steel her nerves enough to make a second attempt?

the overwhelming shame she felt by drinking liquid fertilizer. Somehow she survived—it seemed even death would not grant her plea for escape. But Jinsy would later realize that a compassionate God was watching over her during her attempted suicide and offered her the true path to healing.

In the midst of her agony, Jinsy still found enjoyment Jinsy’s family shared a in listening to the radio, a house with her uncle’s famfavorite pastime of many ily. Although she was the in Asia. youngest of three children, she was far from being the One particular day, the doted-on baby of the family. loving God who saved JinBy the time Jinsy was in her sy from the effects of poiearly 20s, she carried a heart son also led her to a radio filled with pain and agony.

This woman failed in her attempt of suicide, just like Jinsy did. Tragically, every year in Asia thousands of other women succeed in committing suicide. (GFA).

Co-founder Dr. Joe is taking care of a patient in the Philipines. Patients were treated with respect and tenderness just as important as any paying patient in the USA..

are trips into places many Americans have only seen in the movies. The testimonies can be found on their website at http:// heartsafire.us or you can contact them to be on their mailing list. Dr Joe, Rhonda, and Dr Vega give of their training and talents in order to bring life to those in need. It is a calling from on high that they have so obediently answered. Their valuable time and resources could be spent on themselves or more lavish lifestyles, but they have heeded the call of the Master. To take their training to those

who do not have or who cannot afford to pay. Hearts Afire ministers primarily in four areas; Healthcare and Disease prevention, Children’s programs, Ministry & Prayer Support, and sustainable products. Medical outreaches include: Rural medical clinics, Surgery, Lab testing, Educational lectures to local health care workers, Dentistry, Wound care, Eyeglasses/sunglasses, and Mosquito nets. The children’s programs... Continuation on Page: 3

Jesus is Lord!

Raised from the dead after Her Father Murdered Her By: Mark Ellis

MIDDLE EAST (ANS August, 2016) -- She was born into a strict Muslim family in the Middle East. Because she was born program she had not heard in the Muslim month before. The radio speaker, of Ramzan, her parents Gospel for Asia-supported named her Ramza. pastor Harichandra, spoke about the purpose of life. “I was a religious girl from His words brought deep my childhood,” she told encouragement to Jinsy’s Bibles for Mideast (https:// raw heart, and she felt God bibles4mideast.com/). was speaking specifically “I was always in front of to her. The light of hope the line for the Islamic pierced the darkness she practices for reciting the was living in, driving out Koran, doing prayers five the thoughts of suicide times a day, and fasting on that had plagued her so the month of Ramzan.” persistently. She also kept the tradition Continuation on Page: 3 of wearing the “abaya,” with full head and face covering.

former schoolmate surprised her one day by sharing about Jesus Christ. “She was the daughter of a pastor, ministering with Bibles for Mideast. But I

Her family was large, partly due to her father’s three wives who bore 13 children. He generated a substantial income from several trading and contracting companies.

After her graduation, Ramza’s father proposed that she marry an older, wealthy man, who already had three wives and several children.

For one year, Jinsy had repeatedly suffered sexual abuse from a relative. Filled with shame and humiliation, she hid the terrible fact from the rest of her family, too mortified to talk to anyone about her situation. In her helplessness, she tried Gospel for Asia-supported radio staff personally reply to comto handle the problem her- munications received from radio listeners and help listeners self, and she decided to end in any way they can.

Middle Eastern woman with a Bible. never accepted her message and arguments. She gave me a sample gospel (tract),” Ramza said.

Ramza was sickened by

After Ramza completed her education, a Continuation on Page: 2

PAGE 2 | AUGUST 2016 • Vol. 3, No. 8

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Holding to Convictions By Ed McGraw

A Study in Daniel 1:8-20

605 when they were prob- them to transform the ably fifteen or sixteen minds of powerful rulers Studying they verses will years old. and to bring great glory to challenge you to consider His name in a pagan land. where you may be guilty of The Prophet Ezekiel was conforming to the ways of sent to Babylon in 597, The first step in solving the world. and in 586, the temple was their problem and being destroyed. transformers was giving How can you be in this world but not of this The king’s policy was to themselves wholly to the world? train the best people of Lord. Daniel’s heart the the conquered nations to totality of his being beThis struggle is not new, serve in his government. longed to the Lord, as did but Daniel and his friends the hearts of his friends will show us the way. He could benefit from (Dan 1:8; Rom 12:1-2). their knowledge of their “Keep your heart with Introduction own people and could also all diligence, for out of it These young men were su- use their skills to strength- spring the issues of life” perior in every way, “the en his own administra (Prov 4:23, NKJV). brightest and the best,” tion. A heart that loves the prepared by God for a How can God’s people re Lord, trusts the Lord, and strategic ministry far from sist the pressures that can therefore obeys the Lord home. They were hand“squeeze” them into conhas no difficulty maksome, healthy, intelligent, formity with the world? ing the right choices and and talented. They beAccording to Rom 12:1-2, trusting God to take care longed to the tribe of Ju“conformers” are people of the outcome. It has well dah (Dan 1:6) and were of whose lives are controlled been said that faith is not royal birth (v. 3). In every by pressure from withbelieving in spite of evisense, they were the very out, but “transformers” dence but obeying in spite best the Jews had to offer. are people whose lives of outcome. When they There were several depor- are controlled by power had to choose between tations of Jews to Babylon from within. Daniel and God’s Word and the king’s both before and after the his three friends were food, they chose the Word fall of Jerusalem, and it ap- transformers: instead of of God (Ps 119:103; Deut pears that Daniel and his being changed, they did 8:3). three friends were taken in the changing! God used

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Raised from the dead after Her Father Murdered Her

the proposition, especially when she realized she would be younger than his youngest child. One evening she went to meet with her father. “I pleaded with him not to arrange my marriage now, but to send me for further studies. My father denied my request. I argued with him, for I was unable to imagine such a marriage. He did not listen to me at all,” she told Bibles for Mideast. Tearful and defiant, Ramza told her father she would run away from home before the marriage could take place. Enraged that she would argue or question his authority, he suddenly grabbed a chair and hit her on the head with one of its legs. Ramza collapsed to the ground, bleeding profusely from a broken skull. Her father and stepmother were shocked when they realized she was dead. Not wanting anyone to know, they tied up her dead body and stuffed it into a large plastic bag and placed it in the trunk of their car.

breathed life into her physical body.

“I opened my eyes like waking up from a dream. I saw the nail marks in His hands,” she says. Immediately she knew it was Ramza’s father and stepJesus, and believed in Him mother traveled many as Savior and Lord. miles into the desert until they arrived at a seclud- Then Jesus picked the ed date plantation. They young woman up in His found a dry well on the arms and brought her out property and threw Ram- of the well. He said, “I am za’s body down the shaft. the resurrection and the life; he that believes in me, Somehow – whether in the though he were dead, yet body or out of the body – shall he live (John 11:25).” Ramza had the awareness that her soul was going Jesus laid her gently on the into hell, a place of terrible ground and Ramza prosdarkness. She felt a deep trated herself before Him. thirst, but strangely, it was A torrent of tears and not for earthly water. words began to stream Her life flashed through out: “Jesus, you’re my her consciousness and she Lord and Savior. You were remembered her friend crucified and died for me. giving her the Gospel. She You are risen indeed. I am tried to reach out to grab yours. I believe in you.” ahold of it, but her hands She lifted her head to look could not touch it. She had at Him, but there was no the sense that if she could one there. He disappeared. possess it, her soul would find rest “in an amazing Now there was a certain pastor and his wife in a garden.” village nearby and the As her lifeless body Lord said to the pastor in hurtled down the well, a vision: Arise and go to a something incredible date plantation where you happened. There was “a will find a young woman strong, healthy and beau- who needs help. tiful man” standing at the Ramza picked herself up, bottom of the well. but didn’t know what to “He caught the sack of my do or where to go. “But I dead body in His hands,” was so happy. I was praisshe recounted. Then he ing and thanking Lord Jeproceeded to untie the sus. Within a few minutes, sack. He placed his hands a husband and wife from on her head and back and Continuation on Page: 3

The second step was to be gracious toward those in authority. The four men noticed that Ashpenaz was especially friendly and kind to them and recognized that this was the working of the Lord. (Joseph had a similar ex perience when he was in prison.) Instead of expecting a pagan Gentile officer to obey the Law of Moses and get himself in trouble with the king. Daniel and his friends took a wise approach and asked for a ten-day test.

The Request 8 But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way. 9 Now God had caused the official to show favor and sympathy to Daniel, Remarks: Determining not to defile himself by eating the king’s food and wholesome food. wine, Daniel seeks per mission to eat other, more The Reluctance 10 but the official told Daniel, “I am afraid of my lord the king, who has assigned your food and drink. Why should he see you looking worse than the other young men your age? The king would then

have my head because of day test. you.” The Reward 17 To these four young Remarks: The official fears men God gave knowlhe will be executed if Daniel’s menu do not fare well edge and understanding with Daniel and his three of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel friends. could understand visions The Recommendation and dreams of all kinds. 11 Daniel then said to the 18 At the end of the time guard whom the chief of- set by the king to bring ficial had appointed over them in, the chief official Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael presented them to Nebuand Azariah, chadnezzar. 12 “Please test your ser- 19 The king talked with vants for ten days: Give us them, and he found none nothing but vegetables to equal to Daniel, Hananieat and water to drink. ah, Mishael and Azariah; 13 Then compare our ap- so they entered the king’s pearance with that of the service. young men who eat the 20 In every matter of royal food, and treat your wisdom and understandservants in accordance ing about which the king with what you see.” questioned them, he 14 So he agreed to this found them ten times betand tested them for ten ter than all the magicians days. and enchanters in his whole kingdom. NIV Remarks: Daniel suggest a 10-day test. Remarks: Three years later Nebuchadnezzar declares The Results that the four young men 15 At the end of the ten are 10 times smarter that days they looked healthier all the magicians and enand better nourished than chanters in his kingdom. any of the young men who Conclusion ate the royal food. 16 So the guard took When it comes to solvaway their choice food ing the problems of life, and the wine they were to we must ask God for the drink and gave them vege- courage to face the problem humbly and honestly, tables instead. the wisdom to understand Remarks: Daniel and his it, the strength to do what three friend are healthier He tells us to do, and the than the rest after the ten- Continuation to Page: 6

FBI makes warning visits to US Christians on Jihadist “Kill Lists” By Bill Bray

CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA (ANS -- July, 2016) – The Federal Bureau of Investigation is interviewing Americans whose names have recently appeared on “Kill Lists” on a Jihadist website.

No Americans on the Islamic State “Kill Lists” have been successfully targeted and killed as Rev. Jacques Hamel was last Wednesday. However, the FBI is advising those whose names are Murdered French Priest. on these “Kill Lists” to Among them are “many” take precautions and re- An FBI agent said that so Christians involved in in- port anything suspicious. far, he is not sure what ternational student welprompts certain Americome ministries or who The Jihadist websites are cans to get listed on the are helping Muslim refu- urging American Muslims IS “Kill Lists” but “many” are Christian volunteers and ministers. Site visits to churches, homes and offices of those listed as targets on the Jihadist websites

are a routine part of FBI investigations.

Islamic State entering a town in the Middle East.

gees settle in the United States. The FBI visits are not related to the killing of an 86-year-old French priest by two young terrorist supporters of Islamic State, also known as ISIS, on Wednesday, as he led prayer in a Normandy church. The FBI visits were already underway before the priest was murdered.

to undertake “personal Jihad” missions against Christians, journalists, military personnel, police, social workers and others who are helping Muslims study or settle in the United States. The “Kill Lists” are part of the cyber war which the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (IS) is waging to bring more Islamic Jihad attacks to American soil.

According to the Pentagon, the worldwide Jihad “Kill Lists” were updated on July 24 and includes Americans living in 19 states. Here in Virginia, Americans targeted for death live in Burke, Charlottesville, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Springfield, Suffolk, and Virginia Beach. ASSIST News Service (www.assistnews.net). ASSIST News Service PO Box 609 Lake Forest, Ca 92609

Seeking Death but Finding Life

At the end of each program, Pastor Harichandra gave a phone number for any listener who wanted to contact him in response to the program. Gospel for Asia-supported radio broadcasters commonly share a phone number to provide people with an opportunity to request more information. As listeners narrate their heartbreaking situations, Gospel for Asia-supported radio staff do everything they can to help each person, whether that means praying for them, offering encouragement and counsel, or connecting them with pastors in their area who can meet with the listeners and pour into their lives.

Moreover, Jinsy read literature and a New Testament she received from the radio staff, and her heart soon urged her to welcome Jesus as her Savior.

As the program Jinsy listened to came to a close, she was unable to write down the contact number so she tuned in another day to hear the next broadcast from Pastor Harichandra. That message was just as encouraging as the first broadcast she heard. This time, Jinsy excitedly dialed the number and talked with Pastor Harichandra.

talking on the phone. Jinsy introduced them to the radio program that ministered to her in her time of deep need, and soon her other relatives joined her in listening to the broadcasts. Through the radio messages, her relatives learned how they could start their own journeys of transformation.

After Pastor Harichandra prayed for her and offered more encouragement, Jinsy felt as though a heavy burden had rolled away. She kept in touch with the Gospel for Asia-supported radio staff, and Jesus did His transforming work in her heart.

Jinsy’s parents noticed the change in their daughter’s life. They wondered why she spent so much time listening to that specific radio program and

Like many villages in Asia, Jinsy’s village lacked a local fellowship of believers. No one who knew Jesus was present to comfort Jinsy during her time of anguish, but Christ’s love healed her heart through a Gospel for Asia-supported radio program.

Even though she had no Jinsy’s shame melted away, mature believers nearby and she found courage to to speak into her life, Jintalk about her situation. sy was equipped to grow

in her knowledge of God through the broadcasts she and her family listened to and through her New Testament, which was given to her by the radio correspondents. The new friends at the radio station knew her story and helped her overcome shame and speak up about her abuse. The radio staff were always there for her, as was her compassionate Savior. While Jinsy’s life story could have ended in tragic death, it is still being written today as she lives

Hearts Afire, Local Doctors Changing the World...

show children around the world they have value by giving them love and hope. Bible story curriculum and materials are furnished by Hearts Afire and teach the children Bible stories and crafts, Christian songs and memory verses. Work is done in orphanages as well as villages.

Transforming lives on the mission field through the promotion of health care, education, and evangelical outreach. Hearts Afire shares the Gospel and love of Christ in their Ministry and Prayer Support by Prayer Teams, her life unto the Lord, Counseling, Giving Out free from shame and filled Bible Tracts, Teaching with hope. She knows the Gospel with the Evan she is valued in God’s eyes and rejoices in being called His daughter. Each year, Gospel for Asia-supported radio teams receive more than 2 million pieces of correspondence from listeners like Jinsy, many of whom share about their struggles with suicidal thoughts or deep despair. Through your prayers and support, you can help provide life-giving programming for those needing hope in their darkest hour! For more information about Gospel for Asia, please go to www.gfa.org . ASSIST News Service (www.assistnews.net). PO Box 609 Lake Forest, Ca 92609

First IS Attack in Western Church BY JULIE BOURDON

France (MNN) — The murder of the 84-yearold priest earlier this week in France has raised this question: are Christians to be the next target in the West?

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Bibles for Mideast came to me. They introduced that they are Christians and the Lord Jesus guided them to me.” She excitedly shared her dramatic experience with them. They gave her a Bible and brought her to a farmhouse where she could live with five other women.

gecube and J316 Soccer Ball, Bible Verse Memorization, Puppet Ministry, Hug Ministry, Pastor Training, Praise and Worship Services, Foot Washing, Bible Stories and more.

with 2,800 patient encounters and 787 salvations! Over the last 10 years they have successfully completed 51 missions and changed the quality of life for thousands worldwide.

Their Sustainable products area includes Church construction, Medical clinic construction, Orphanage construction, Well drilling, Agricultural education with seed provision and planting, and Painting murals in schools and churches.

Hearts Afire can be contacted through their website at http://heartsafire. us, or P.O. Box 14759 | Bradenton, FL 34280, phone 941-552-1584. You are invited to sow into their ministry with your financial gifts and/ or go on a mission trip with them. As this is being written they are currently in Kenya ministering. Please pray for this anointed organization.

In 2015 Hearts Afire volunteers completed missions in four countries, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Kenya, and Swaziland

Savior and I have become a citizen of the Kingdom of God.”

ASSIST News Service (www.assistnews.net). PO Box 609 Lake Forest, Ca sus together in our house 92609 DON’T MISS A church.” Ramza works with them at the farm as SINGLE EDITION, well as ministering for the published monthly, Lord. “I don’t want go back to my parents unless they accept the Lord Jesus Christ,” she told Bibles for Mideast. “Pray for my family members, relatives and all the people of Middle East to be saved,” she said.

contact us now:


“They are born again women. They teach me “Now I have been born more about the Word of again by accepting the God and we worship Je- Lord Jesus Christ as my

Call: 941 794-1713 website: www.hesalivenews.org

Sunday in Nigeria. Yet, believers are still brave enough to go to church and stand firm and are inviting their neighbors to come to church and reaching out to others with the Gospel.”

CIA World Factbook reveals the number of evangelic Christians is rather low.

able to record nations with Fuentes says that over the the most persecution year last two to three years, the Emily Fuentes of Open after year. ministry has witnessed Doors USA says, “Some attackers came and held But even as this begins and recorded unprecethe people hostage and to spread to the West, it dented levels of persecueventually ended up at- seems as though it will tacking and slaying the be harder to determine Pray for the perpriest who was there, with which nations are most secuted Church in Nigeria, where a knife.” under attack.

The assailants were killed. Fuentes says we have a Shortly after, Islamic State lot to learn from nations claimed responsibility. where persecution has been the norm for Chris“What makes this event tian communities for a especially notable,” Fuen- long time. tes says, “is this was the first time really that an “I think we need to be attack by the Islamic State holding onto the lessons […] was actually carried we can learn from our out in a Western Church.” persecuted brothers and (Photo courtesy of Mary sisters who’ve been facing According to Open Doors, this for a long, long time Crandall via Flickr: global persecution of and not give into a spirit https://flic.kr/p/dE635T) Christians has been inAs reported by BBC News, creasing in the last few of fear.” two men entered the years. Through the World “An average of five churchChurch during morning Watch List, they have been es are attacked every single

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Raised from the dead after Her Father Murdered Her

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PAGE 3 | AUGUST 2016 • Vol. 3, No. 8

es people to draw closer to God and causes them to have braveness really about them even to reach out to their persecutors with the Gospel.” In areas where Islamic Extremism has been plaguing Christians with violence for a while, we discover that for some extremist groups, Christianity and Western Civ-

“Everyone’s fearful just because everyone’s Western in that country. But now it’s honing in the attack even more and specifically going after peaceful people who are completely vulnerable in a church setting instead of large crowds.” Fuentes says the country must reflect on why IS is targeting Christian groups now. “I think for those who don’t know Christ it’s dismal and can seem overwhelming.”

the Gospel is flourishing.

(Photo courtesy of Open Doors) tion. And now, it seems that it is spreading into the West. But, there is a silver lining.

ilization are the same thing. That is why Christians are so often targeted in the Middle East.

“It’s interesting that while the Church is facing persecution, […] the countries where maybe there’s the most persecution, the Gospel is thriving the most. Persecution caus-

Knowing this can help us understand why fear spreads so quickly in countries like France. BBC says the major religion in France is Christianity; however the

She encourages us to cling to the lessons we can learn from our persecuted brothers and sisters: refuse a spirit of fear, and reach out to neighbors with the Gospel. In light of the presidential race in the United States, there are a lot of agendas

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PAGE 4 | AUGUST 2016 • Vol. 3, No. 8 By Louise Alleva


really looked deeply into the significance of what we were praying. Many of us have not thought to say these powerful words as part of our daily devotional time. Dr. Rutland’s book changed all of that for my husband and I. The Lord’s Prayer is now a part of our morning devotions and as I repeat it during the day, I think about what I am saying and how much it deepens my relationship with God.

Each month I pray for direction in offering insights that may help with your journey to wholeness in your life as a Christian, whether you are new, seasoned, young, or “young at heart”. This month I felt strongly compelled to begin sharing on forgiveness. It is very important, as it is the core of our walk with God. It was so important to Jesus that as He taught us how to pray to the Father, for- I am not going to do a syngiveness was one of the opsis of the whole book, key points of the prayer. but the chapter on forgiveMy husband and I have ness jumped out at me as been studying the very an excellent way to share awesome book entitled the importance of forgive“21 Seconds to Change ness as part of daily walk Your World”, by Dr. Mark with the Father. This part Rutland. He is a world re- of the Prayer says, “Fornowned Evangelical Pas- give us our debts, as we tor, teacher, administrator forgive our debtors” or in and totally in love with other versions of the Bible the Lord. Dr. Rutland’s “Forgive us our trespasses book is a deep revelatory as we forgive those who study of the Lord’s Prayer have trespassed against and the 23rd. Psalm. Sad- us.” We must recognize ly, so many of us Chris- that asking for forgivetians have been lax in ness of our trespasses is praying the very prayer as important as we forgive Jesus taught us as a spe- someone else’s poor treatcific and powerful way ment of us. Ephesians 4:32 to pray. We have memo- states “Be kind and comrized it and said it over the passionate to one another, years in Sunday school, forgiving each other, just some church services, or as in Christ God forgave bedtime prayers but never you.”

The Rebirth of a Nation by Robert Duffany

I want to talk to you about something that is vitally important in our lives - vital to our lives right now, this moment in our United States of America. When the Founding Fathers of this country assembled together to attempt the formation of a decent, righteous government which would serve (not Rule) it’s people, they were inspired by at least three directives stemming from their own lives and from the colonial people whom they had been chosen to represent. First directive: the state of affairs and affairs of state, and the condition of the people still existent in the lands from which they had emigrated. Religious (Christian and other) intolerance was rampant in most countries of Europe. The heavy hands of established church oppressors was felt by the poorest of people who sought only to live their lives in

I repeat, before healing can come from the things done to us Jesus said, “forgive me of my trespasses.” Then He instructs us to pray, “As I forgive them.” Receiving forgiveness is tied directly to granting forgiveness to others. Dr. Rutland explained, “Maybe a better way of saying this is that we ask the Lord to forgive us as much as we are willing to forgive someone else.” In the King James Version Jesus refers to forgiveness as cancelling a debt and releasing the debtor. When someone goes through this process of “inner healing”, he or she is making a choice. I choose to forgive that person of each of the incidents of pain and I ask Lord for your forgiveness of my judgements against them. I cancel the debt I have held against them and I release any hope of repayment. So how has the Lord forgiven me? Unconditionally and without question. My many sins will never be held against me and nobody will ever know what I did. “As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from me. Psalm 103:12. Can we be as gracious to the person er life for their children. Second Directive: The Founding Fathers were damant that any new central government would never - never - become dictatorial or self-seeking; never become a kingdom, never become monarchical, never become oppressive in any matter of human lives, and never cease to remain a servant - not a master - of the people who trusted that government to serve them legally, morally, and righteously.

decency and freedom. The aristocracy prevalent in most countries was separated by wide gulfs from struggling masses of commoners who barely stayed alive on dregs of the luxurious lifestyles of the ‘elite’. Poverty, illiteracy, disease, filth, and starvation filled and consumed the lives of most people, who existed in a state of pseudo-slavery derived from past centuries of feudalism and Third Directive: The serfdom. Founding Fathers believed in, and had faith These suffering, hopeless in, the Supreme Creator human beings sought esGod who graciously ruled cape from their hell of life. their own lives, and who They desired a better life had entrusted this great, for themselves and their new, shining land and all families. its people into their care. The colonies of Ameri- They listened and obeyed ca provided that escape the directives of the Holy to a better, free and un- Spirit of God moving in tarnished land where no their hearts. They hamoverlord oppressed their mered out human differlives, no church or state ences. And, they produced suppressed their belief the greatest human govin God, and where no ernment of the people, one could stop their un- by the people, and for the quenchable desire to pro- people, that has ever existvide a better, richer, free- ed on planet Earth.

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who caused so much pain as much as the Lord is to us? I can reflect on my life and many instances where I truly needed forgiveness from the hurts I caused others. For full freedom from the bondage of emotional pain, we have to allow low God deal with the situation and the person by forgiving them and releasing them unto the Lord. Unconditionally. Then we ourselves can begin a joyful life complete in Christ knowing He has already forgiven us! The whole cornerstone of any counseling ministry is stressing Jesus’s promise of the Father’s forgiveness and the unconditional love that follows. He wants us free from our hurt so we can fulfill the destiny He has already established for us. Psalm 139:14. Here again it is a choice we are making. Like the article I wrote on the prisoners who were told they were there because of their choices, we too are caught in our own prison by our choices. Choices to be bitter, to dwell on our hurts by hating and unforgiving. The only way to break free is to choose. Forgiveness is the only way, but first, Lord forgive me.

Love and Blessings. Louise Alleva, D. Min, LCPC, CTC. Louise.allea@hotmail. com for personal counseling or questions. We, the people of the United States of America, are now at a tremendous crossroads in our nation’s history. We have the opportunity to take this nation in one of two directions: either back into the same pit of horror from which it emerged from Europe centuries ago, and which still exists in various nations in Europe and elsewhere; or we can take this United States of America in the direction of a renewed nation, still embracing the righteous ideals of our creation...a re-born nation, based on the Godly, righteous principles and Holy Spirit - directed actions that moved our Founding Fathers and a God-loving group of colonial people, to form in this blessed land, a system of government still envied by the world; a renewed nation moving into a new era of human lives served by a moral and righteous government whose ends are geared to the best living conditions possible for all people, which such a government serves. Our forefathers, our soldiers, our veterans, our military legions of the past and present gave all they

HE’S ALIVE Christian News & Views Published Monthly

Published by HE’S ALIVE PUBLISHING COMPANY FAITH INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN CENTER P.O. BOX 14931 Bradenton, Fl. 34280 Phone: 941-794-1713 website: www.ficcwordchurch.org Publisher: Chuck Kennedy Designer: Rlyn Kennedy Contact information: www.hesalivenews.org 941-794-1713 email: hesalivenews@yahoo.com Email subscriptions are free. Printed subscriptions any donation. Letters to the editor are welcomed and encouraged. Help support us by shopping our list of spirit filled books and Amazon.com on our website. Check it out at www.hesalivenews.org or scan below.


That way is in 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from This nation will not go the their wicked ways, then I way of unrighteousness, will hear from heaven, and God-less indecency, and will forgive their sin, and oppression! will heal their land.” How can we ensure that LOOK AT THIS PROMthis happens? ISE! Our prayers as a There is only one way. nation of people - HIS God’s Way! He is still the PEOPLE - to God will be God of Miracles! Jesus heard! - if we exactly folChrist, God’s Son, gave low His word! His life that we might be free! Let us give of our We have failed as a nation lives that our nation - all (Christians and non-bethe people of the United lievers) to preserve this States of America - might country and people in become again...and re- righteousness and demain...free, under a righ- cency and obedience to teous, servant-govern- God’s word. We have used ment, dedicated only to our own human minds, humble service to the peo- our own self-guided directions, our own human ple it represents. imaginations and lusts, I’m speaking to Christian and devil-inspired conbelievers now. If you are duct and laws...all in willreading this, and you are ful disregard for the God not a true believer in Jesus of the universe. Christ as your Savior, you We need to trust God for cannot wholly understand our repentance, our turnwhat is happening now in around in this nation. We our country. You need to cannot do it without Him. trust God right now for We are seeing, RIGHT your salvation, and life NOW, the results in this here and now, while you country of our misguided are still living on this earth. directions based on our Then you will see the way own human efforts and for salvation of our United strengths. States of America. Continuation on Page:5 had, their very lives, their existence, so others could lead a decent life in a decent country have not sacrificed in vain!

PAGE 5 | AUGUST 2016 • Vol. 3, No. 8

The Rebirth of a Nation From Page 4

We need a Miracle! And God has stated that He will provide that miracle 2 Chron. 7:14. True humility, repentance, and prayer before the mighty Creator of ALL - God Himself - is absolutely necessary. You know, this nation, this USA, was birthed by a miracle, as we discussed. There is a precedent for such a birth. It is found in God’s Word, Isaiah 51:1-3: “Listen to me, you that follow after righteousness, you that seek the LORD; look unto the Rock from which you are hewn, and to the hole of the pit from which you are digged. Look unto Abraham, your father, and unto Sarah that bore you: for I called him alone, and blessed him, and increased him. For the LORD shall comfort Zion: he will comfort all her waste places: and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the LORD; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving and the voice of melody.”

First IS Attack in Western Church From Page 3

being pushed. The subject of terrorism has circulated through debates and speeches. However, the topic of fighting Christian persecution hasn’t really even hit the radar.

miraculous birth! The birth of Jesus was a miraculous birth!

Miracles of birth and whole peoples are still happening! And we can see another miracle in Whom did Abraham and our own country, if we Sarah give birth to? Ish- will but listen to God! mael and Isaac. Isaac is referred to here in verse The birth of the great 2. Ishmael was not a result American nation was inof God’s instruction or deed a miracle, made pospromise. God told Abra- sible by numerous interham that Sarah would give ventions by Almighty God birth to the son of Abra- to cause His plan to hapham, his wife - not Hagar, pen. Despite all odds and Sarah’s handmaid. Ishmael hardships and the snickwas a result of man’s at- ers and doubts of worldly tempt to circumvent God leaders and learned men, in God’s own plan! (Please the USA was birthed. remember this when we From that point God’s speak later about mod- plan moved onward, proern-day USA.) The prom- pelling the USA into the ise of a great nation was by position of a major world Abraham’s seed through power (1870’s) and then Sarah’s conception of to the super power she is Isaac. today. Let’s look at this: the State of Israel was formed suddenly in 1947. The modern nation of Israel was not born in 1947. It was miraculously re- born in 1947. It was born thousands of years ago. The USA was born... birthed...240 years ago. It will be re-born in 2016, if we obey God and get to the required task! The birth of Isaac was a

However, as in the history of so many peoples and nations (Rome, Egypt, Persia, Greece, and Israel of ancient times), their people drifted away from God and His plan and provision and protection, seeking their own devilish agendas.

Today, we are well along on a path of destruction of all that God instilled in this nation at it’s birth. both candidates how they Mission Network News will respond to religious c/o OneWay Ministries 4170 Ogden Ave persecution. Aurora IL 60504 USA You can find that petition at w w w. m n n o n l i n e . o r g www.opendoorsusa.com. And, of course, pray. Pray for Christians to remain strong in the face of violence — to not give in to their fear. Pray that more people would come to know Christ in these dark times.

(Image courtesy of Open Doors)

That’s why Open Doors encourages you to sign a petition for your candidate. The petition is asking


Have a ministry that meets a need? People need to know it. List your information here for only $25 an insertion, approximately business card size. Contact: www.hesalivenews.org

Have You Walked the Romans Road?

- Admit that you are a sinner. Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”

- sinners suffer, their pay is death. Romans 6:23a “For the wages of sin is death...”

the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?

- “Whosoever” includes everyone, no one is excluded. Romans 10:13 “For - God’s gift to sinners is Je- whosoever shall call upon sus Christ, He came to save the name of the Lord shall us. Romans 6:23b “...but the be saved.” gift of God is eternal life - Believe God defeated death through Jesus Christ our through Jesus and confess Lord.” now that Jesus is Lord of your life. Tell everyone you - Now give your life to are saved! God... Romans 5:8, “But God commendeth his love Romans 10:9,10 “That if toward us, in that, while thou shalt confess with thy we were yet sinners, Christ mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart died for us.” that God hath raised him -Repent of your sins and call from the dead, thou shalt upon the grace of God- Ro- be saved. For with the heart mans 2:4 Or despisest thou man believeth unto

righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” Write to us for further help. FICC PO Box 14931 Bradenton, FL 34280 hesalivenews@yahoo.com www.ficcwordchurch.org

BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!

We have gone the way of prayer, and have chosen man’s hands interfering this place to myself for a with God’s plan. house of sacrifice. If I shut up heaven that there be no We need to turn back to rain, or if I command the His plan, His decency, His locusts to devour the land, instructions as given in or if I send pestilence His Word, the Bible.Have among the people; if my we, as Christians, read, people, which are called studied, meditated on 2 by my name, (emphasis Chronicles chapters 6 and mine), shall humble them7? selves, and pray, and seek When the temple was fin- my face, and turn from ished, Solomon, the King their wicked ways; then I of Israel, the Jewish peo- will hear from heaven, and ple, kneeled down before will forgive their sin, and all the assembled people will heal their land.” and prayed an amazing If you read on in verses prayer to God, confess- 15 and 16, you’ll see that ing national sins, asking God said he had chosen for national forgiveness, this temple, that His name recognizing God as the would be there forever, Creator, Ruler, Provider, and His heart would be Forgiver, and Judge of the there forever. WOW! nation. His name and heart were WOW!!! What humility in this USA for a long time. and rededication to Al- But recently, in the last 60 mighty God! years or so, it has increasWhat happened? Fire ingly been removed by came down from heaven corrupt and unbelieving and consumed the sacri- people, government, and fices offered, and the glo- self-seeking, sinful, godry of the LORD filled the less unbelievers. house! That is called God’s acceptance of the prayer 2 Chronicles 7:19-22 states given! All the people God’s own words of what bowed themselves to the would happen to the naground before God and tion of Israel if the people worshiped Him. forsook Him: He would forsake them, remove His And the LORD appeared presence and protection to Solomon in the night from them, and allow and said, “I have heard thy

dreadful events to happen, even to the reduction of the nation to a lowly state (verse 20). Our country today has turned away from God, and He has turned away from us, allowing enemy forces to infiltrate this land, people and government; and allowing ungodly, enormous, abominable sin to devastate our lives and our children’s lives. We all know too well well what is happening. The only answer is, again, 2 Chron. 7:14. He is merciful and will once again bless this country and restore it to His ideal of greatness, if CHRISTIANS will heed and do what He commands in this verse. It is up to CHRISTIAN BELIEVERS to pray, humble themselves, confess our personal and national sins, seek His face, and turn from the wicked ways which are ravaging and destroying this nation. Unbelievers will not do this. God said, “If MY people...” That’s us - you and I! L e t ’ s D O I T ! Let’s go, Christians! Get it done! God’s promise is there! He will respond! He told us to turn this nation back to God!

The Spirit Of Truth By Madeline Duffany

I am writing because lately I’m feeling very discouraged. I guess you could say I am “stuck” - bound in one place and unable to go forward. This applies to my workplace, my place of worship, and yes, even in my marriage. Take, for instance, the church I attend. It feels so dry that I could scream! Every Sunday, the same old songs, the same old message about how sinful we are. The same old traditions. There is no joy in my life. I always feel that there is something better, something more, something that I am missing. My neighbor is always singing and speaking in tongues and is so outgoing. She takes baked goods to the “wrong side of town.” What can I do to break free without hurting my loved ones? Running away is not an option, although it is always in the back of my mind. I am a saved believer, but so sad and wilted. Signed, Lifeless

Study more of the Word Dear Life! of God at: http://www. ficcwordchurch.org/fitc- We have to stir up our faith, because the school.htm soil we are planted in (God’s Word) has to be renewed daily in us.

I liken this to a potted plant that is “rootbound”. The soil becomes dry and hard so that even the water (the Word) cannot penetrate and reach the roots. Sometimes we need a bigger pot - a big ger vision of God. The old roots take over

and continually wind themselves around and around, conforming to the pot they are planted in. When we allow God to re-pot us, we get knocked out of the old pot, our roots trimmed, and are re-potted in fresh soil! Let the Lord trim off the worldly entanglements! We don’t have room for an evil thing to get on us: we need to be totally covered, packed in, tamped down, wholly watered by the Holy Spirit’s planting of the Word of God deep into our own spirit. This way, we will produce Fruit in season! We are then a planting of the Lord - trees of righteousness! I pray that you will uproot all bitterness, get refreshed in the Word of God, and that your new leaves will be a covering for your family. Psalm 1:1,2 This is God’s Truth! Reverend MMD ----------------------Write to Rev Madeline at PO Box 14931 Bradenton, FL 34280 or by email at Hesalivenews@yahoo.com. Not all letters are from readers. Letters may be fictitious in person but true in content. We reserve the right to edit or refuse any questions submitted.


PAGE 6 | AUGUST 2016 • Vol. 3, No. 8

The Cults Series #3

BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!

By Gayle O’Connor

Before I begin, some of you might be wondering what happened to the evangelist. He is still alive and well and telling everyone about Jesus at every opportunity. We’re both looking very forward to next year when he retires and we move to a new mission field, Lord willing. We have both felt that this series was very important to get out to everyone and especially for you who may have a Jehovah’s Witness knock on your door. But please remember this. Don’t attack the person. Attack the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society if you want to attack something. They have lied time and time again and brain washed these people who are so sincere in wanting to serve God. All scripture in this series is pertaining to the Deity of Christ. Beginning with the first chapter of Hebrews, paying particular attention to verse 4, Jesus is so much more superior to the angels. And then in verse 8 God says to the Son, “Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a scepter of righteousness

is the scepter of thy kingdom.” Now, let’s take a look at Rev. 1:8 which says, “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” Verse 7 tells us that every eye shall see Jesus when he comes in the clouds, even the ones who pierced him. Who was pierced? Jesus. Who is coming in the clouds? Jesus. Verse 8, Jesus calls himself the beginning and the ending, the Almighty. Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” John 1:1-3, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2. The same was in the beginning with God. 3. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.” Isaiah 43:3 – “For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour:” 44:6 – Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts: I am the first, and I am the last: and beside

me there is no

God. All of the above scriptures and so many more support the Deity of Christ. Let me leave you with these last two: 1Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, jus-tified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. Who was manifest in the flesh? Jesus. In the first chapter of the Revelation given to John by Jesus Christ the “Organization of JWs” has changed everything in the chapter in order to make it say that Jehovah God is speaking and not Jesus. But there is a little, well no, it’s a big problem in verse 18 if Je- hovah God is speaking and not Jesus. Verse 18 says, I am he that liveth, and was dead: and, behold, I am alive for ever more, Amen, and have the keys of hell and of death. So the question is – When did Jehovah God die? If you find a JW that can answer this question I would like to know about. Now for an update on our fam-

ily members who are JWs. Around July 9th. I received a pkg. in the mail from my brother-in-law. I anxiously opened it to find Religion, Salvation, and 1 page explaining to me why John 1:1 is correct in the New World Translation. He also sent me a nice little note suggesting that if I have any more questions I should call the nearest Kingdom Hall and ask someone to visit me. He says a face to face conversation would be much more beneficial for me. The gospel has been presented to him. I trust that the Holy Spirit will continue to bring those scriptures to his mind and will not let him rest until he finally searches out 21 pages of 5 different topics all of which had been printed from the jw.org website. The topics were Jehovah’s Witnesses (their beliefs), Organization, what God’s Word really says and accepts Jesus as his Saviour. What I would like to do is send a reply to him about all the info. that I received and tell him how wrong it all is. But the Lord says “No, I will take care of it.” This is where faith comes in. We do what the Lord commands us to do and then he will take care of the rest. Praise His Holy Name! Please remember our JW family in your prayers. HE IS MIGHTY TO SAVE.

Holding to Convictions From Page 2

faith to trust Him to do the rest. Our motive must be the glory of God and not finding a way of escape. The important question isn’t. “How can I get out of this?” but, “What can I get out of this?” The Lord used this private test to prepare Daniel and his friends for the public tests they would face in years to come. The best thing about this experience wasn’t that they were delivered from compromise, as wonderful as that was, but that they were developed in character. No wonder God called Daniel “greatly beloved” (Dan 9:23; 10:11,19), for he was very much like His Beloved Son. If you want to make a living, you get training; and if you want to make a life, you add education. But if you want to have a ministry for God, you must have divine gifts and divine help. Training and education are very important, but they are not substitutes for the ability and wisdom that only God can give. God’s special blessing (Dan 1:17). These four Hebrew youths had to study and apply them-

selves, but God gave them skill to learn the material, discern ment to under stand it, and wisdom to know how to apply it and relate it to God’s truth. As students, all of us need to ask God for wisdom (James 1:5) and then work hard to do our very best. “Faith without works is dead” (2:26), and fervent prayer can never replace faithful study. Both are necessary. God’s special blessing (Dan 1:17). These four Hebrew youths had to study and apply themselves, but God gave them skill to learn the material, discernment to understand it, and wisdom to know how to apply it and relate it to God’s truth. As students, all of us need to ask God for wisdom (James 1:5) and then work hard to do our very best. “Faith without works is dead” (2:26), and fervent prayer can never replace faithful study. Both are necessary.

Proverbs 1:7 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

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PAGE 7 | AUGUST 2016 • Vol. 3, No. 8

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“Its not the “act” that condemns the man, but the act came from a condition of that man or woman’s heart.” Pastor Chuck Kennedy Proverbs 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. From Pastor Chuck Kennedy’s message: ALL ABOUT THE HEART. Contact us for your copy in CD or DVD. Any donation is welcome. Thank you.

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PAGE 8 | AUGUST 2016 • Vol. 3, No. 8 Matthew 13:47 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind:

BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome! Matthew 13:48 Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away.

Matthew 13:49 So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just,

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