HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018! JANUARY 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 1
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
He’s Alive The Newspaper Of Proof He’s Alive
“I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen.” -Revelation 1:18a PAGE 7 -
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Biotech Firm Caught Selling Heads of Unborn Babies, BY STEVEN ERTELT
A grisly case out of the state of Michigan is once again putting the spotlight on the sale of aborted baby parts. A biotech firm has been caught selling the heads of unborn babies. There is no information on whether the babies died in miscarriages or were victims of abortions. But undercover agents on behalf of the Reuters news agency engaged in transactions to purchase the heads of those babies. As part of the news agency’s examination of the industry, for example, a Reuters reporter was able to purchase two human heads and a cervical spine from Restore Life USA, a broker based in Blackburn’s home state of Tennessee. The deals were struck after just a few emails, at a cost of $900 plus shipping. Once officials were alerted, the biotech firm’s warehouse was raided. There, officials found the intact bodies of four additional unborn children. Again there is no information about whether those unborn babies died in miscarriages or abortions.
Federal agents discovered four preserved fetuses in the Detroit warehouse of a man who sold human body parts, confidential photographs reviewed by Reuters show. The fetuses were found during a December 2013 raid of businessman Arthur Rathburn’s warehouse. The fetuses, which appear to have been in their second trimester, were submerged in a liquid that included human brain tissue. In four of the photos, a crime scene investigator in a hazmat suit uses forceps to lift a different fetus from the brownish liquid. In three other photos, a marker that includes a government evidence identification number lies beside a fetus. The firm is known as Restore Life and its website
For more information, www.lifenews.com
indicates that it works very closely with universities to provide them with cadavers for research. But the investigation by Reuters makes it clear that the biotech firm moved beyond cadavers to engage in the
in the sale of parts from unborn children who may have been purposely killed in abortions. The extensive Reuters news report brings to mind the shocking discoveries of the sales of aborted
Healed of leukemia, Delivered from fatal car accident, and now Saved
from Eternal Damnation
I grew up in a home with well-meaning parents that didn’t know Jesus. In fact, not a single person on either side of my family had a personal relationship with Christ before I did. I still don’t fully know why God chose me to be the first, but I am so thankful that He did. My theology as a kid was built on a prayer we had before meals- “God is great, God
is good let us thank Him for our food, amen.” This theology was severely tested at age 15 when I was diagnosed with leukemia and told that if I didn’t get treatment, I would die. This began a 26-month long fight for my life that nearly killed me physically and totally killed me spiritually. I cursed God, I hated God, I wanted nothing to do
with God. The “God is good” theology that I had built during all those years of blessing my food was gone. I thought God was unjust and unloving. “How could HE do this to me” I kept thinking, “He must not be good at all!” To ease the pain and suffering during treatment, I learned how to escape through immorality and substance abuse. By age
baby parts by the Planned Parenthood abortion business and other abortion companies. Although the sale of body parts from aborted babies is technically illegal the law is very.. Continuation on Page:
By Chris Vercelli
19, my treatment was over but my habits remained. I was a binge drinker, a daily drug user, and I was constantly defiling my body with some form of sexual immorality. I was an aimless, careless, godless man on his way to destruction. In November of 2001 I got into what could have been a fatal car accident, yet I walked away with out a bruise. While in the hos-
pital, I felt and heard the Holy Spirt for the first time. An intense wave of peace came over me and He said to me “You’re alive for a reason. I kept you alive through the cancer. You can trust me Chris. You will do something special with your life.” When this happened every single bit of bitterness towards God was gone, instantly. Continuation on Page:
PAGE 2 | JANUARY 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 1
ny tez Duffa n o M e n adeli By Rev. M
Of Truth
Dear Reverend, It is going to be a new year very soon! I have been a Christian for a very long time now. I can’t say that things have really gotten easier – they have not … but my faith level is different! Here is an example: At times I tell my husband, “I’m just going to retire from everything” – meaning: church activities, out
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
reaches, church productions, (even making Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners!) Then, I heard the Lord say, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Gal. 6:9 Recalling all the joyful times and how happy I am in doing all the above keeps me going! I guess I’m wondering if other
people feel this way…. New Year, New Me --Dear New: Yes, we all can feel tired and discouraged, but oh! What happiness comes from doing the Lord’s work! Personally, I used to stay to myself, letting the devil tell me I was not needed; people did not like me; I
Biotech Firm Caught Selling Heads of Unborn Babies, Officials Find Four Unborn Babies in Its Warehouse
From: Page 1
convoluted and Planned Parenthood likely did its best to make its actions appear as legal as possible — although the sales of aborted baby parts is clearly unethical. Members of Congress are very concerned about the discoveries and their im-
plications. “This needs to be reviewed,” said U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn, a Republican from Tennessee who recently chaired a special U.S. House committee on the use of fetal tissue. Blackburn recoiled when
a Reuters reporter showed her some of the photo graphs, taken by government officials involved in the raid. “The actions depicted in these photos are an insult to human dignity,” said U.S. Representative Bob Goodlatte, chairman of
in front of them?!” I gasped. “Yes, right in front of them” she emphatically said. “And I felt something spiritual” about it all Chris, it was “very strange.” She didn’t know it then, but she was feeling the Holy Spirit also. When she finished telling me this, her first idea about the numbers is that they might be related to a bible verse. Turned out she was right. After opening her dusty bible that had been closed on the shelf for most of life, I flipped around to the verses relating to the four numbers. When I got to Matthew 7, I immediately felt that same feeling I had felt in the hospital room. It was that overwhelming feeling of God speaking. The word was from verses 12-14: “Whatsoever you want man to do to you, do also to them, for this is the law and the prophets. But enter through the narrow gate, for the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction and there are many who take it. But the gate is narrow and the road is hard that
leads to life and there are few who find it” This left me speechless. I knew exactly what God was saying. “Give up the lifestyle you are living or it will destroy you.” That day, I made a decision in my heart to seek God. Nobody in my world knew Jesus or the Bible so I spent the next 4 and half years trying to find out who God was. Even though I felt I was growing in my connection with God, during the first year and half I saw my life get worse with drugs, alcohol and sex. In 2003, I got arrested and put into a rehab and I knew that I was going down the wide road to destruction that God had warned me about. At that point God sent a prophet into my life in the form of my future wife Andrea. Andrea knew about Jesus and her family was a praying family. They prayed for me for 3 and a half of those 4 and a half years, and because of their prayers, God supernaturally encountered me and told me that Jesus was the way. He showed me how Jesus was diffe-
was not qualified. But then I thought, “In the Name of Jesus I will continue to press on!” I’m much happier ‘just doing’…in church and in ministry, and with my family. After all, God gave me all these talents to use for others. Listen! Singing, art, writing, drama, cooking, creating, living, being! How sad to keep all these things to ourselves. Yes, disappointments come; sometimes, ‘lessthan harmony’ exists. Not everyone is appreciative – but who are we doing these things for? Why, Jesus Himself! Be encouraged! Keep going! Happy New Year and Many Blessings! This is God’s Truth! Rev. MMD Hear Rev. Madeliene 0n wwpr 1490am radio Thursdays 8:30 am the House Judiciary Committee. A Republican from Virginia, Goodlatte said that if individuals “violate federal laws and traffic in body parts of unborn children for monetary gain,” they should be “held accountable.” Planned Parenthood has generally not been held accountable for its own actions, though two companies that sold aborted baby parts for the nation’s biggest abortion company have been forced to close down.
Healed of Leukemia, delivered from near fatal car accident, saved from Eternal Damnation
From: Page 1
All I felt was joy and gratitude. All I wanted to do was thank Him for sparing me. The next morning, I went to take a shower and I noticed the strangest thing I’ve ever seen with my natural eyes, even to this day. I had four numbers on my left upper arm, each about an inch tall. It literally looked like someone had taken a razor blade and carved them in. I thought at first that something must have cut through my clothes, but I had no tears or blood anywhere on my long sleeve shirt. I could find no explanation for how these four perfectly etched numbers got there except that something supernatural had just happened. When I showed them to my mom, she was as alarmed as me. “How could that have happened?!” She asked. “I have no idea” I said. The first thing she thought of was the scene of the accident. She told me that during the accident my car had flipped and landed on its roof, slid 300 feet and landed directly in front of 3 white crosses. “What!? Really?! Right
rent than every other prophet and how the new age gurus who teach that all roads lead to heaven were wrong. He spoke this to me in so many ways that it was undeniable. On May 20th, 2006, after experiencing years of destruction and emptiness (even during times of prosperity) God gave me the greatest gift I’ve ever been given-forgiveness for my sins, deliverance from the enemy and an infilling of His Holy Spirit. Since that day, my life has never been the same. Since that day, Jesus has been my Savior, Lord and friend. I am so thankful for those that prayed for me and for those that spoke God’s truths to me. Sometimes we don’t think it matters, but it does. People prayed for me for 3 and a half years before I gave my life to Jesus and then one day all the seeds that were sown in prayer were reaped. Keep fighting the fight of faith from the place of power- on your knees. God will honor His word prayed through you!
HE’S ALIVE Christian News & Views Published the 10th of Each Month
Published by HE’S ALIVE PUBLISHING COMPANY FAITH INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN CENTER P.O. BOX 14931 Bradenton, Fl. 34280 Phone: 941-447-4538 website: www.ficcwordchurch.org Publisher: Chuck Kennedy Designer: Rlyn Kennedy Contact information: www.hesalivenews.org email: hesalivenews@yahoo.com Email subscriptions are free. Printed subscriptions any donation. Letters to the editor are welcomed and encouraged. Help support us by shopping our list of spirit filled books and Amazon.com on our website. Check it out at www.hesalivenews.org or scan below.
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PAGE 3 | JANUARY 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 1
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
Counselor’s Corner:
FOFTH Email: Louise.alleva@gmail.com
This morning I was watching Nick prepare himself to brave an unusually chilly day outside in Florida. He was tempted to stay home because of the cold, but he made a commitment several years ago to do this activity one day a week. So, he added on another layer of clothes, bravely picked up his golf clubs and headed out the door. Monday is the day when several men get together and have an amazing fellowship time with each other. I secretly call them the FOFTH better known as the Fellowship
of the Fairway to Heaven. FOFTH is by no means a secret society, or closed to anyone who wants to join in. Many have played with this group for an occasional game or several weeks on the links, but the core players are five or six guys that have a common interest, their love of the Lord and they like to play golf. They have become buddies of all ages who laugh, get frustrated (mostly over their game), are deeply affected when someone must miss for health reasons, to life’s challenges, or if they lose someone to
By : Louise Alleva
Heaven. They pray for each other, share clubs back and forth, and when asked they’ll even offer advice, not necessarily about golf but any subject one might be dealing with at the time. And through all of this they play golf, week after week, year after year. Now you can understand why Nick put on an extra layer of clothes to deal the elements. While I was watching him go out the door, carrying his clubs, I started thinking what exactly is it that the Lord was showing me about the Fellowship of
the Fairway to Heaven. I wasn’t thinking on a broader concept like peace on earth but how amazing it is that six men have become friends and yet, though they rarely socialize with each other outside of golf day, they are still there for each other any time any day. Here is what I believe the Lord wanted me to share with you about this very special fellowship and what we can learn. First and foremost, they love God. They try to follow His Word and receive His love through their unique personalities and through life’s ups and downs. Sometimes Nick would come home frustrated over his game, and then share that he and the others prayed for one of the guys. He wants to improve his game, but most importantly he was available for comfort, support to someone. He also shared the times he received love and comfort himself.
How the Creator of ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ Got the Gospel Past CBS Execs
They sincerely care for each other. They do not take themselves too seriously and are not competitive as they joke and tease each other, especially if a ball lands in the weeds or pond, or bounces on a main street that runs by one of the holes. No one is offended by the teasing, just friendly bantering among brothers. They help each other both during the game and afterwards. I’m very proud of Nick. He has accumulated many clubs over the years and has willingly given complete sets to others from his collection. Nick and I were given walking golf carts to hold our clubs and the guys often share balls or tees with each other. Also beyond the Monday fellowship, there have been many other blessings given and received because of their respect and love for each other. As a counselor I wish I could bottle some of the dynamics of these fellows. Their love of the Father
mixed in with a healthy dose of receiving His love and believing what He says about each one of us could be mixed together as a medicine to fight loneliness, fear, low self-esteem. Then with time and rest, we would have the chance to feel safe to forgive, have joy, be at peace and free from bondage and hurt. The cure would be healing and an opening to allow our Father in Heaven through the Holy Spirit to use our gifts to bless others, be content and see ourselves as He sees us, blessed and highly favored. I’m sure the Fairway to Heaven fellowship isn’t as philosophical. They just want to play golf. But others see them and are influenced by them as individuals and as a fellowship. I see them as an amazing group of men of God and am proud that Nick is one of them. Blessings and Love, Louise Alleva, D. Min, LCPC. CTC
Watching A Charlie Brown Christmas has been a tradition for millions since it first aired on December 9, 1965. While many love the iconic Vince Guaraldi score, the humor and the animation, one part of the special has always stood out and made it unique: Linus’s recitation of the Gospel of Luke. In 2015, The Washington Post published a retrospective on A Charlie Brown Christmas. Michael Cavna explained Peanuts creator Charles Schulz’s mission in making the special: Charles Schulz insisted on one core purpose: A Charlie Brown Christmas had
to be about something. Namely, the true meaning of Christmas. Otherwise, Schulz said, “Why bother doing it?” To Coca-Cola’s credit, Mendelson says, the corporate sponsor never balked at the idea of including New Testament passages. The result — Linus’s reading from the Book of Luke about the meaning of the season — became “the most magical two minutes in all of TV animation,” the producer says. Schulz stood strong, despite efforts to talk him out of quoting from the Bible. On December 5, 2005, USA Today recounted:
[Executive producer Lee] Mendelson and animator Bill Melendez fretted about the insistence by Peanuts creator Charles Schulz that his first-ever TV spinoff end with a reading of the Christmas story from the Gospel of Luke by a lisping little boy named Linus. “We told Schulz, ‘Look, you can’t read from the Bible on network television,’ ” Mendelson says. “When we finished the show and watched it, Melendez and I looked at each other and I said, ‘We’ve ruined Charlie Brown.’ “ According to a recounting on MentalFloss.com, CBS executives told Schulz:
Have You Walked the Romans Road?
- Admit that you are a sinner. Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” - sinners suffer, their pay is death. Romans 6:23a “For the wages of sin is death...” - God’s gift to sinners is Jesus Christ, He came to save us. Romans 6:23b “...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” - Now give your life to God... Romans 5:8, “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” -Repent of your sins and call upon the grace of GodRomans 2:4 Or despisest thou the ri -ches of his goodness and
forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? - “Whosoever” includes everyone, no one is excluded. Romans 10:13 “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” - Believe God defeated death through Jesus and confess now that Jesus is Lord of your life. Tell everyone you are saved! Romans 10:9,10 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with
the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” Write to us for further help. FICC PO Box 14931 Bradenton, FL 34280 hesalivenews@yahoo.com www.ficcwordchurch.org Study more of the Word of God at: http://www. ficcwordchurch.org/fitcschool.htm
“You can’t read from the Bible on network television.” Mental Floss writer Kara Kovalchik recounted what happened next: But CBS had made a commitment to their sponsor, so they aired the special as scheduled on December 9, 1965. And, as often happens in the world of entertainment, the original gut reaction of the suits was completely wrong. A Charlie Brown Christmas drew in 15.4 million viewers, placing it second in the ratings that week after Bonanza. A few months later, Charles Schulz and Lee Mendelson found themselves onstage accep-
Used by permission from Life News, www.lifenews.com ting an Emmy Award for Outstanding Children’s Program. And so, the Charlie Brown creator persevered and created a Christmas classic that endures 52 years later. In case you don’t remember the iconic moment, here it is: For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly
host, praising God, and saying: ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth, peace and goodwill towards men.’ “That’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.” LifeNews.com Note: Scott Whitlock is a news analyst for the Media Research Center and a contributing writer to NewsBusters, its blog where this item first appeared. He is a graduate of George Mason University. This originally appeared at Newsbusters.
If you could, Would you... give $10k, $25k, $100k, or more to your favorite church or ministry? If I can show you how you can for only a few dollars a month, would you? If you have a heart to give to fund the Gospel, this is something you need to look at. Contact me: Chuck Kennedy ficcpastor@yahoo.com
We can help you publish your Christian book. Contact: Chuck Kennedy Email: ficcpastor@yahoo.com
PAGE 4 | JANUARY 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 1
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FAITH INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN CENTER Teaching the uncompromised, Spirit Filled, Word of Faith! Website: www.ficcwordchurch.org
COME JOIN A CHURCH THAT BELIEVES: “WITH GOD, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!” Follow/Like us on Facebook: Ficc Bradenton Fl for FICC’s LIVE online services.
Church Services:
Sunday Service: 10:00 am
Thursday Bible Study: 6:15 pm Tuesday Bible Study: 6:30 pm
Luke 12:36 And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately.
NOT SURE? CONTACT US. website: www.ficcwordchurch.org Email: ficcpastor@yahoo.com
“And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” -Revelation 20:15
“Read your
Sunday School: 9:15 am
FICC LOCATION: 2001 9TH Street West, Bradenton FL 34205
BIBLE scare hell out of YOU.” Luke 12:40 Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.
Luke 12:38 And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants.
Lesson: Be ready, no one knows the day or the hour of His return, so be about His business and not sleeping.
Luke 12:37 Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them.
Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International SARASOTA, FLORIDA CHAPTER
Monthly Meeting Every: 2nd Friday every month Time: 5:30 PM – Dinner 6:45 PM – Meeting Location: Duffs Buffet 6010 14th St W (Route 41), Bradenton, FL 34207 You will pay for your meal at the door as you enter. Contact Jerry Miller: 941-223-0417 for details.
dent of operations for Coronet Food Service (A contract food service that feeds college students on college campuses throughout the United States), owning his own business and managing businesses on main street in USA working to bring the Kingdom of God into the workplace. As chairFebruary 9, 2018 man, of the 11th Hour Workers Missionary Speaker: Vern Birkey Group, he is challenging Over the last 55 years Vern Birkey has been ordinary people to beworking in the business world as Vice Presi- come workers in the King-
Bradenton Aglow Lighthouse
dom of God. They believe “Ordinary People Empowered By God, Make A Difference Wherever They Are”. They want to take men and women from a life of success to a life of significance. He is ordained with Kingsway Fellowship International. He was Treasurer on the International Board of Directors of the Evangelical Churches of Haiti. Today he is presently serving as Chairman of the 11th Hour Workers Missionary Group, working alongside of International Missions, in outreaches throughout the Nations and is the Latin American Representative for the
Adrian Rogers Pastor Training Institute. In 2007 he began a Missional Minded Men’s Ministry, and Market Place Ministry, outside of the church in Sebring, Florida. Thisgroup is a gathering of Christian leaders that are reaching out beyond their churches and into their local community and throughout other nations. Vern attended Grace College of the Bible in the 60’s and graduated from the International Bible Institute and Theological Seminary with his Masters of Theology. Retired from the business world he resides with his wife Shirley in Bradenton, Florida.
Invites you :
January 13, 2018 with Esther Berry and on February 10th, 2018 with Ellen Wenger Service Starts 10 AM Free Continental Buffet: 9:30 am
WHERE: In the Fellowship Hall of Resonate Life Church 1820 53rd Avenue West Bradenton, Florida 34207 Come and be refreshed and filled with the Love of God. For more information, call or text President Wende Thompson: 941-720-2187
Be Aglow and Burning With the Spirit Serving the Lord -Romans 10:11 (Amplified)
You are invited
By Sarah Jansson
PAGE 5 | JANUARY 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 1
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
Meet Sarah Jansson, a seer prophet and evangelist who has won thousands to Jesus
My name is Pastor Sarah Jansson, besides being an ordained pastor for many years, I am also a seer prophet, a visionary, and have walked in the shoes of an evangelist for many years as well. I can honestly say that the Holy Spirit has used me to either bring salvation or rededication, plant seeds, bring healing, deliverance, or restoration to thousands of souls for the gospel over my years in ministry. Moving forward to my next season of an apostolic prophetic vision, I am now starting to birth, train, and
establish ministries outside the four walls of the church building. I am now Birthing Destinies for the Glory of God. I am happily married to an anointed Psalmist and have two sons, one daughter, and three grandchildren. I am ordained through Global Christian Ministry Forum and International Theological Seminary Ministerial Association. Along with them, I am also a certified pastoral member of Sarasota Academy of Christian Counseling.
I am a co-founder and vice president of Heart of Mercy Ministries, a 501c3 nonprofit, for over ten years now and have ministered in churches, Aglow, but mostly nursing homes, retirement centers, recovery centers, mentally challenged drop-in centers, Hospice, jail, prisons, and short-term overseas mission trips, streets, beaches, parks, and door to door, and street outreaches. My heart has been for the broken, bruised, battered, torn and overlooked in our society, and to minister, to them, spirit, soul,
and body and I love doing outreaches for the glory of God. Now my heart is also to birth, teach, establish, and raise up all those that would heed the call of God in their lives, to minister not only to those inside the buildings of the church but also those outside as well. I operate strongly in the Prophetic and teach others how to move in the gifts of the Spirit as well. I have authored several books: Out of Your Seats and Into the Streets - an evangelistic teaching
training manual. Breaking Loose - releasing the captives from the powers of darkness. The Divine Assignment - my testimony. Deep Calls unto Deep - a prophetic devotional. I am available for ministry, speaking engagements
and conferences... You can reach me at sarah_jansson@hotmail.com or facebook messenger or 941-763-2244. Donations to this ministry are welcomed, please make out checks to HEART OF MERCY MINISTRIES.
Orphan’s Heart 2018 short-term Reach Muslims mission trip opportunities with the Gospel: By Julie Bourdon
Register for
Conference 2018 (Photo courtesy of Orphan’s Heart)
DEARBORN, Mich., Dec. you with practical tools 18, 2017 /Christian News- and knowledge to bring wire/ -- Horizons Interna- Liberty to the Captives! tional is pleased to invite We are experiencing a you to Dearborn, MI, for unique time in the hisour 2018 Legacy confer- tory of the Middle East, International (MNN) – It’s hard to believe it’s 2018, but Orphan’s Heart International ence! in which Muslims are inhas been eagerly anticipating the opportunities this year will bring in ministry. A bi-annual gathering that creasingly open to hearing promotes biblically sound and accepting the Good Deanna Berkes of Or- with depends on what to emphasize the Gospel in Even if you can’t go on a mission principles and News. In fact, more Musphan’s Heart previewed a skills and abilities each their projects is through a trip, it doesn’t mean you understanding of how to lims have come to Christ few of the short-term mis- member brings to the ta- series of specialized trips. can’t be a major part of sion trips coming up this ble. There might be an Orphan’s Heart has been what Orphan’s Heart is year. She says, “We are tak- English class or a wom- planning a mother-daugh- doing. ing groups or individuals en’s outreach, for instance. ter, father-son, and senior “We’re always collecting for each of the weeks we Berkes says they will do adult trips. The idea is that school supplies to go to have listed. We’ve got trips their best to utilize what- these specific groups will each of the countries we’re to Uganda, to Romania, to ever talents the team has be able to connect in a working in. Education is the Dominican Republic, to offer. special way with mothers super important and critiGuatemala … [there are] The Gospel and short-term and daughters, fathers and cal to breaking that poverseveral different nations missions sons, and seniors they will ty cycle. And so, we collect that we are traveling to.” A lot of people might feel be working with. school supplies to send to On June 6, for instance, that a few weeks overseas Much of what takes place each country to share with they are taking a team is too short to really make on these trips is about gar- those children there so of young individuals to an impact, spiritually or nering a heart for missions we don’t have to purchase Uganda. Here, the team otherwise. But Berkes says and pursuing a deeper re- them. will work with an orphan- because there is such a fo- lationship with Jesus. “Another way is through age and a local school and cus on relationship—both Berkes explains, “It’s child sponsorship. In spread the Gospel message in the last decade than help with some AWANA between Orphan’s Heart an awesome opportuni- many of the countries that amongst Muslims, the since Islam’s inception! projects. and their partners and be- ty to kind of get to know we’re traveling to, folks Legacy Conference pro- This is greatly evidenced “We also have a trip go- tween those going and the our Lord and Savior on a can sign up for sponsoring vides comprehensive and in Lebanon, where Horiing to Romania … July 26. people they serve—there more intimate basis be- a child. It is $38 a month.” critical insight valuable to zons International’s minAnd they will also be help- really is a great opportuni- cause you’re in this op- All of those funds go di- missionaries, field work- istry and outreach centers ing orphans. We work in ty to make a difference. portunity that’s away from rectly towards the edu- ers, and home churches are overflowing with refutwo different orphanages “I feel like when folks are home, away from all of the cational, nutritional, and around the world. The gees and Muslims flocking in Romania with our min- on a short-term mission things—the daily mun- spiritual development of upcoming 2018 confer- to Jesus. istry partner there as well [trip], it’s really kind of a dane and just things that the sponsored child. To ence will feature a distin- Dont miss this outstandas a group that does foster pressure cooker of sorts we do on a regular basis sponsor a child today, guished line-up of plenary ing opportunity to be care. So you’re really be- because emotions are high and so it gives you that op- https://orphansheart.org/ speakers, extensive break- more fruitful in your mining the hands and feet [of and expectations are there portunity to refocus and child-sponsorship/?sub out sessions, and Q&A op- istry! Jesus] here, going in and that you want to see the re-center and get to focus Contact: portunities. Register now Register now at: just loving on these kids, Gospel moving and want wholly on the heavenly Orphan’s Heart and be ready to learn... legacyconference.org teaching them about the to see the Holy Spirit mov- Father.” PO Box 8190 Legacy 2018 will equip+++ Gospel and sharing the ing and it’s such an im- Here is a link to view the Lakeland, FL “For God so loved the world, that he Good News just through pactful way to get involved 2018 mission trip sched- 33802 gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever relationship and teaching.” with sharing the Gospel,” ule: 863-687-8811 https://www.orphansheart- https://orphansheart.org/ The exact projects these Berkes says. believeth in him should not perish, but trips.org/public/Missionteams will be involved One of the ways they hope TripsCalendar.aspx +++ have everlasting life.” -John 3:16
PAGE 6 | JANUARY 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 1
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
Make a Commitment,
not a
By Carol Round GROVE, OK (ANS – January 1, 2018) -- “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans” -- Proverbs 16:3 (NIV). How many of us make New Year’s resolutions but fail to follow through? We resolve to lose weight and get healthy. We promise ourselves we’ll pay off debt and save money. We plan to give up habits detrimental to our well-being. Most of the time, most of us don’t accomplish what we yearn to do. Why do we begin a New
Year full of hope and promise, only to fall back on old habits and ways of thinking? Is it because we’re trying to accomplish our goals without the help of the One who has our best interests at heart? Instead of resolutions, what if we made commitments? What would that look like for each of us? What if we saw ourselves through the eyes of God’s Holy Word? Would that make a difference? What if our first commitment was to grow spiritually? Would that lead to
healthier physical and fiscal habits? Would we drop pounds and fatten our bank accounts so we were physically and fiscally able to help others? In the “Eight Laws for Spiritual Growth,” teaching pastor Tom Holladay offers the following help: 1. Spiritual growth is intentional. We must commit to reading and studying the Bible, participating in study groups, seeking out mentors, attending church services on a regular basis and focusing on becoming a disciple of Je-
sus Christ. Spiritual growth is not accidental. 2. Spiritual growth is incremental. Just as we grow physically with age, we mature spiritually by taking baby steps. 3. Spiritual growth is personal. We can’t compare ourselves to others. “There is no one-size-fits-all for spiritual growth,” Holladay says. 4. Spiritual growth is practical. To be a disciple of Jesus, we must embrace the spiritual disciplines listed in number one. 5. Spiritual growth is rela-
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tional. We only grow in community with others. In Hebrews 10:24-25, Paul writes, “Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another… (NLT).” 6. Spiritual growth is multi-dimensional. “We are to grow warmer through fellowship, deeper through discipleship, stronger through worship, broader through ministry, and larger through mission,” he says. 7. Spiritual growth is seasonal. “Nobody grows at a constant pace all the time. Plants don’t grow constantly; they grow in spring and summer and then are dormant in fall and winter,” Holladay explains. 8. Spiritual growth is incarnational. “The final truth,” he adds, “is that growth is not about what you can accomplish; rather, it’s about the person of
Jesus Christ living inside you.” Galatians 2:20 says, “My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Instead of making resolutions in 2018, make commitments. Write Proverbs 16:3 on an index card and post it in a prominent place as a reminder. Carol’s latest book, “Growing Confidently in Your Faith,” is perfect for spiritual growth beginning in the New Year. Go to www.carolaround.com for more information. The ASSIST News Service (www.assistnews.net). +++
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PAGE 7 | JANUARY 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 1
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
St Petersburg, FL based SEAR loses license to operate as NGO in Viet Nam, prayers sought
By Rex B. Almquist
St Petersburg, FL Jan 2018 - Pray for SEAR staff in Viet-Nam, as things have really changed in the last three months. What the government of Viet-Nam wants to do, is to replace our Christian staff with government people, who do not know the Lord, and are communist. SEAR corporation papers, and the SEAR Board of Directors will not allow this to happen. The police in Viet-Nam are no longer allowing SEAR staff to bring children / youth to church, as long as they work for SEAR. The police have asked our staff to retire in order to be permitted to bring the young to church. This has caused problems for SEAR USA, as all funds come from churches and Christian individuals. Churches and
SEAR is South East Asia Relief
individual Christians will not support social work only. This goes against SEAR USA policy, and SEAR corporation documentation.
It is my understanding, at this point SEAR staff have retired, and SEAR has lost its license to operate as a licensed NGO in Viet-Nam. I have told our Viet-Nam
staff SEAR will continue to honor CBN OP contract through March 2018. I will leave for Viet-Nam, January 6th, and do not know how the police and
Group Says Several Vaccines are Based MICAIAH BILGER
Life News, www.lifenews.com
on Cells From Aborted Babies “Using Them is a Moral Evil”
An Australian group recently urged the government to grant religious freedom exceptions to parents who do not want their children to have vaccines made from aborted baby body parts. It is a difficult ethical dilemma for pro-life par-
ents, and the AustralianVaccination Skeptics Network says the government should not penalize parents’ decisions. In Australia, families who do not vaccinate their children do not receive childcare subsidies, Yahoo 7 News reports. AVSN said
the government should make an exception to that policy for families who object on religious grounds. “To use vaccines prepared with the products of abortion is a moral evil, and a direct violation of the teachings of pro-life religions, which include
Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Buddhism,’’ the group said. Vaccines that use cells derived from aborted babies include rubella vaccines, hepatitis A vaccines, varicella vaccines and the rabies vaccine. AVSN said it is not opposed to vaccines,
Abortion Clinic Tells Undercover Caller It Aborts Babies Up to 21 Weeks & 6 Days One Day Before Viability BY: STEVEN ERTELT
Life News, www.lifenews.com
Another abortion business has been caught indicating it will do late-term abortions on viable or almost-viable unborn babies.
In another undercover call released today, a caller asks the Women’s Med Center abortion clinic in Ohio if it would do abortions after 20 weeks. A staffer admits
the abortion center will kill unborn babies in abortions who are just one day under viability — even if both baby and mother are perfectly healthy.
In a joint statement, Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, and Tara Shaver, the prolife activist making the calls, said: “In Ohio, late-
other government officials will receive me. The SEAR mission really needs your prayers during this time of trial. 2018 is the 25th year SEAR USA will be in Viet-Nam. I will be going into Viet-Nam this January 2018, Lord willing, to visit SEAR staff, and the youth and children SEAR have been helping monthly. SEAR will follow through with needed support to make sure all those now being helped with schooling, or vocational training, will be able to complete their training. I will also, of course, be meeting with government officials etc., regarding the above. Pray as always, that boys and girls will be able to hear the gospel in Viet-Nam, whether SEAR remains in Viet-Nam or it is “pro-choice” for parents. “A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 2009 (Cth)2 should be amended immediately, to reinstate the right to conscientiously object to vaccinations on religious and secular belief, or conscience grounds,” it said. But Australian Medical Association President Michael Gannon dismissed the group’s concerns as mere “conspiracy theories.” “The AMA will not let ¬religious freedom be used in a completely irrational and ¬unscientific fashion,’’ Gannon said. A number of vaccines have been developed using tissue from aborted babies. The pro-life organization Children of God for Life keeps track of them and the ethical alternatives available in the United States and Canada. “There are 47 vaccines li-
not. The SEAR mission will be searching for the Lord’s will for the future, looking at Cambodia, and possibly Burma, and looking, especially at needs among youth and children from various countries, now living among us, locally in Florida. God bless you. Working together for His Kingdom; South-East Asian Relief, PLEASE CONTINUE, AS THE LORD LEADS, TO SUPPORT THE MISSION SEAR WITH PRAYERS AND FINANCES, DURING THIS DIFFICULT TIME. SEAR USA P. O. BOX 15025, ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA, 33733
term abortions are legal and are being performed on healthy mothers carrying healthy babies up to 21 weeks and 6 days of pregnancy. The state of Ohio has recently made a great stride to protect babies with Down syndrome from abortion but there is still work to be done to protect healthy babies after 20 weeks of pregnancy who are routinely being aborted.” “We urge Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown to support the federal Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act to ensure that babies who feel pain receive protection from barbaric and unnecessary late term abortions.” The federal bill is expected to come up for a vote in mid-January and would ban abortion after 20
weeks. Father Pavone noted that Sen. Brown, who is up for re-election in 2018, has a 100 percent rating from Planned Parenthood, voted against a partial-birth abortion ban in 2000 and more recently, voted against even considering the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act in 2015. Today’s call is part of an ongoing series that Priests for Life and Abortion Free New Mexico are working on to demonstrate to Americans that late-term abortion is legal and does not require dire circumstances for the baby or the mother. As the calls reveal, healthy babies are aborted at least up until 32 weeks.
censed in the U.S., eight of which use aborted fetal cell lines yet only three of them have no moral option. Those three are associated with chickenpox vaccine but in reality, even those did not have to be produced with aborted fetal material,” said Executive Director Debi Vinnedge, previously. Last year, a U.S. Congressional investigative panel found that fetal tissue often was used to developvaccines for “economic, not scientific reasons.” “Almost 75 specific vaccine formulations have been approved by the FDA for use in the United States and not a single one has been produced using freshly isolated human fetal tissue. Eleven of these vaccines rely on fetal cell lines for historic reasons, yet all of them could be produced using animal cells,” according to the report.
PAGE 8 | JANUARY 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 1
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
Drive-by shooting missed us by the grace of God Ashley Joy Carrillo
It was Friday the 29th of December at 8:50 pm in Pomona, CA as my family and I were sitting in our living room watching TV. All of sudden gun shots went off! Adrian and I grabbed our son who was playing with his train set and we quickly took cover in our room on the floor. After some time, when we felt it was safe, Adrian muted the TV. Then we heard the screams. My husband called 911 as I held my son and prayed. Now I’m telling this to share how awesome and faithful my God is! The car that was shot at is normally blocking our driveway, but it wasn’t tonight. If it had been, those bullets would have easily come towards our home. The target was some new people who had moved into our neighborhood. They usually smoke, do drugs and drink in our driveway. It has made us uncomfortable because our neighborhood is a family friendly area. This was a target hit on whoever shot at them, but like I said, by the grace of God, for what ever reason tonight they
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19, 2017 /Christian Newswire/ -- In a year that abortion businesses attempted to expand in America, the actual number of abortion facilities decreased by 27 clinics over 2016 totals. Closures far outpaced newly opened abortion facilities in 2017. In all, 49 abortion facilities - 35 surgical and 14 medication only clinics closed or halted abortion services. Only eight new surgical abortion facilities were opened, along with eleven new medication abortion facilities. These encouraging statistics and more were verified through an annual survey of abortion facilities conducted by Operation Rescue staff, this year with the assistance of Abortion Free New Mexico. “Operation Rescue’s annual surveys provide the
were not in our driveway. None of my neighbors were home at the time either, but thank God Adrian was home with me, who has been getting off at 1 am this past week. I am thankful that no one besides the intended target was harmed. Of course, I am sorry for the one who did get hit, though it could have been much worse. #ThankYouJesus for always watching over us and also to the #PomonaPolice who blessed our son with 2 gifts! One person was shot, and his condition is still unknown. Please pray for him and for our neighborhood.
2017 Abortion Facility Survey: Abortion Clinic Numbers Keep Dropping
most complete and accurate picture of abortion facilities available - straight from the horse’s mouth,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. In 2017, there are 704 abortion facilities remaining in the U.S. Of these, 490 offer surgical abortions, often along with medication abortions. There are 214 facilities that offer only medication abortions. Forty-five percent of all states had at least one abortion facility that closed or halted all abortion services this year. “We rejoice that the abortion cartel is imploding and closing down. We are making progress. But they are not going down without a fight,” said Troy Newman. “We continue to work and pray that we will soon see an end to abortion in our nation.
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PAGE 9 | JANUARY 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 1
Secret Christian Camp in Russia Shares the Gospel By Steven Ma
MISSION VIEJO, CA (ANS – December 29, 2017) -Though Christmastime is beloved for us, it’s also bitter sweet. We know that there are millions around the world that can’t celebrate Christmas because they live in a country of conflict or oppression. There are also millions of others who don’t celebrate Christmas because they have not heard of the hope, joy, love and peace that Jesus brings. Yet because of your faithful prayers and gifts, we at Guideline International Ministries (https://www. guidelines.org/) have been able to share the message of Jesus with many who would otherwise never known about it. In Russia, Christians have been experiencing growing persecution from the
government. Recent laws have made it illegal to share your faith or meet in a home church group. Yet despite the darkness and the danger, our missionaries in Russia still risk everything to demonstrate the love of God. Earlier this year, they held a secret Christian camp for kids. Hidden in the woods, kids slept in tents, participated in games and activities, and heard the message of Jesus. Some were from alcoholic families. Others were so poor and hungry that they ate 5-7 meals a day at the camp. Many of you prayed for that camp and for those children. Many of you donated this year, and those funds were used to put on this camp. Because of you, 15 children are celebrat-
ing Christmas this year, knowing the love, joy and peace of our Savior. Your continued faithfulness in prayer and giving will sustain our programs so more people will encounter Jesus and follow
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
him. Despite having most of our broadcast licenses taken away by the Russian government, we’re finding new ways to share about God through streaming devotionals online. But God is calling us to so much more. In the past few months, He’s revealed opportunities that we believe He wants us to step into in 2018, including projects which would enable us to reach millions of Muslims. To step up to the bold vision of God, we need to step up in our faith, commitment and sacrifice. We’re set on fol-
lowing God wherever He wants to take us. We’re asking you to join us. This is an important moment in history. God is moving around the world in big ways, and this is your opportunity to be a part of it. Will you join us in taking a step of faith and sacrifice into the new year? You can contact us for more information at www.guidelines.org The ASSIST News Service www.assistnews.net
Children enjoying the camp.
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PAGE 10 | JANUARY 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 1
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
Thinking what gift you can give? Try Spirit filled books
and support He’s Alive News. All proceeds go to support the production and distribution of the paper. By author: Rick Renner Book Size: 6.00 X 9.0000 Book Type: Paperback Page Count: 224 Price: $14.99 Description: Most Christians live and die, never knowwing the fellowship and companionship of the Holy Spirit. They have heard about the Holy Spirit and may even know doc trinal answers regarding the Third Person of the Godhead. But knowing about the Holy Spirit and personally knowing Him in daily fellowship are two very different things. The fulfillment of the God-conceived desires that you have dreamed of and that your heart has yearned for lies hidden in the keys within the pages of this book. As you read with an open heart, the Heavenly Father will reveal the ministry of the Holy Spirit to you. And as you act on what you learn and yield to His life-transforming work in your own life, you will set yourself squarely on the path that leads to your dreams becoming reality! God’s Healing Word: A Practical Guide to Receiving Divine Healing (Book and CD) By author: Trina Hankins Book Size: 7.50 X 9.5000 Book Type: Paperback / softback Page Count: 208 Case Count: 24 Price: $20.00 Description: I didn’t die. I lived! And now I’m telling the world what God did. Psalm 118:17(MSG) “If the healing power contained in God’s Word can heal me of a brain tumor, you too can be well! He has sent His Word to heal you.” – Trina Hankins. Included in this practical guide to receive your healing, you will find these helpful tools: • Testimonies and practical teaching designed to help you know God’s will and to overcome obstacles that may hinder you from receiving your healing • Healing scriptures and confessions to strengthen your faith in over 80 different translations • CD of healing scriptures and confessions read by Mark Hankins accompanied by beautiful, anointed music. You can “school” your way into faith for healing by studying and meditating on scriptures on these topics: Healing is God’s Will; Healing Through God’s Word; and Redeemed from the Curse of Sickness. Learn how to act on God’s Word and use your authority to receive and maintain your healing. Author: John G. Lake Book Size: 4.00 X 6.0000 Book Type: Paperback Page Count: 96 Price: $4.99 Description: This exciting account of John G. Lake’s many adventures begins with the miraculous healing of four family members including his wife’s brush with death. Once Lake grasped the revelation of Jesus’ healing power, he traveled around the world proclaiming God’s healing message. It was during his ministry at Lake’s Divine Healing Institute in Spokane, Washington, that the city was documented by the United States Government as “...the healthiest city in the world...” “Our church had diligently taught us that the days of miracles were passed. Believing this, eight members of the family had been permitted to die. But now, with the light of truth flashing in our hearts, we saw that that was a lie. A lie invented no doubt by the devil, and diligently heralded as truth by the Church, thus robbing mankind of their rightful inheritance through the blood of Jesus Christ.” Discover what belongs to you and stir up your faith in God’s unchanging power. Live the life-changing adventures of God’s general, John G. Lake! Author: Kenneth E. Hagin Sr. Book Size: 5.50 X 8.5000 Book Type: Paperback Page Count: 112 Price: $9.95 Description: This classic treasury of some of Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin’s bestloved messages on faith is relevant to every believer’s faith life. Topics include: • How Faith Comes • What It Means To Believe With the Heart • How To Train the Human Spirit • The God-Kind of Faith • And more!
By author: Rick Renner Book Type: Paperback / softback Page Count: 96 Publisher: Harrison Price: $4.99 Description: Do you have a dream so big it seems impossible, yet it consumes your thoughts? Have you considered that God has planted His thoughts deep inside your spirit and soul, and those thoughts are trying to surface? If the divine design etched deep within you is starting to form an image, inspiring to you to make it happen, Turn Your God-Given Dreams Into Reality will help you identify God’s plan for your life and show you how to move your dream from the realm of dreams to the realm of reality! By author: Charles Capps Book Size: 3.50 X 5.5000 Book Type: Paperback Page Count: 48 Price: $1.99 Description: You know Jesus died for your sins, sickness, and death, but did you also know He crucified and was resurrected so that you could prosper? God’s Creative Power for Finances by Charles Capps provides clear Bible teaching and reveals God’s promises regarding His will for your finances. Learn to use the authority of God and the promises in His Word to change your financial situation. This pocket size book will teach you the principals of sowing and reaping, faith, and spiritual authority. God wants the best for His children; He doesn’t want you to lack, but desires you to prosper in every area. By author: Charles Capps Book Size: 4.25 X 7.0000 Book Type: Paperback Page Count: 160 Price: $7.99 Description: With over 1 million copies sold, Tongue: A Creative Force is a classic book on the power of the spoken word. Charles Capps has influenced the lives of millions of Christians with his clear, concise teaching on the ability of the spoken word to change circumstances. What we say does matter, and does make a difference. Charles Capps teaches us how to agree with the Word of God, how to speak faithfilled words, and how to see our lives change in the process. Equally appropriate for new and seasoned believers, this book can put you on the path to radical, positive change! Words Are The Most Powerful Force In The Universe The words you speak can cause you to experience freedom and increase, or cause you to live a life of bondage and lack. Most people do not realize the power of their tongue. It is the ultimate creative force, and this dynamic potential is inside of you. Author: Kenneth Copeland Book Size: 3.50 X 5.5000 Book Type: Paperback / softback Page Count: 47 Price: $1.99 Description: Worry. It’s the enemy’s way to subtly steal from you...kill you...destroy you...while convincing you that you’re doing the “responsible” thing. It’s the tool he uses to make sure you’re so focused on the problem that you don’t see God’s answer to your victory! Don’t allow this dangerous habit to cripple your faith, weaken your resolve, or cause you to stumble any longer. In this powerful call to action, Kenneth Copeland shows you how to break the worry habit once and for all—and put the devil under your feet where he belongs. By author: Charles Capps Book Size: 6.00 X 9.0000 Book Type: Paperback Page Count: 272 Price: $15.99 Description: Time Is Running Out! The Earth Lease Is About To Expire! Could this be the end of the world as we know it? In the midst of cataclysmic natural disasters and great moral decay, God is unveiling new revelation from the Scriptures ...
Author: Buddy Harrison Book Size: 4.00 X 6.0000 Book Type: Paperback Page Count: 96 Price: $4.99 Description: When You Must Have a Miracle Have you ever been at a critical point in your life or in a situation that looked almost hopeless? Maybe you even wondered if God could really take what seemed impossible and make it possible? Our God is the God of the impossible, but He expects us to do our part and pray. In Praying for the Impossible, Buddy Harrison shares from his life experiences how he petitioned his heavenly Father through prayer and saw God move on his behalf. It’s not enough to know what to pray for - we must know how to pray. Harrison effectively explains that different needs require different types of prayer, and each has it’s own guidelines. Praying for the Impossible contains solid, biblical teaching on the prayer of supplication and how we as believers can petition the Lord on our behalf. You will learn: • The value of writing your own petition to God • The different forms of prayer and how to use them • How to get your prayers answered • How to make certain your prayer is in line with God’s Word. What is your need? What is your miracle? With the life-changing principles in this prayer manual, you will find your dreams are a reality as you begin by Praying for the Impossible. Author: Dodie Osteen Book Size: 4.00 X 6.0000 Book Type: Paperback Page Count: 76 Price: $2.00 Description: God has given Dodie Osteen a mighty ministry of love and compassion. In every service, people are blessed, lifted and moved and she lovingly and courageously prays for the sick, casts out demons, and ministers with tears of compassion to hurting people. Many testify of healing and deliverance as a result of her anointed ministry. Dr. Reginald B. Cherry, M.D.: “After studying Dodie Osteen’s medical records carefully, I told her and Pastor Osteen that, considering the kind of cancer she had, they could never fully appreciate the magnitude of her healing.” Dr. Richard W. Walker, M.D. “As a member of Lakewood Church since 1979, I’ve known Dodie Osteen before her illness, during her illness, and after her healing. I have personally witnessed God’s miracle power in her life.” Dr. D.L. Moore, M.D. “I reviewed all of Dodie’s reports, and I must tell you that knowing all the doctors and having seen all the tests and x-rays has made a tremendous impact on me. It is one thing to read about miracles, but another to watch one happen.”
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PAGE 11 | JANUARY 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 1
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Operation Outcry -Sidewalk DARKNESS All-New Film in Hugely Successful Franchise Lands in Theaters March 30, 2018 counseling at abortion centers works Pure Flix Announces Theatrical Release Date For GOD’S NOT DEAD: A LIGHT IN
Starring David A.R. White, John Corbett, Shane Harper, Ted McGinley, Jennifer Taylor, and Tatum O’Neal
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., Dec. 19, 2017 / PRNewswire/ -- PURE FLIX, the leading independent faith and family film studio, announces the completion of principal photography for GOD’S NOT DEAD: A LIGHT IN DARKNESS, scheduled to release in theatres next Easter on March 30, 2018. Filmed on location in Little Rock, Arkansas, GOD’S NOT DEAD: A LIGHT IN DARKNESS stars David A.R. White (GOD’S NOT DEAD), Emmy Award® and Golden Globe® nominee John Corbett (MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING), Shane Harper (GOD’S NOT DEAD), Ted McGinley (Married with Children), Jennifer Taylor (Two and a Half Men), and Academy Award® winner Tatum
O’Neal (PAPER MOON). Additional cast includes Emmy Award® winner Gregory Alan Williams, Mike C. Manning, Samantha Boscarino, rap artist Shwayze, Jennifer Cipolla, and music legend Dr. Cissy Houston. Reprising their roles from GOD’S NOT DEAD are actors Shane Harper (“Josh”) and Benjamin Onyango (“Reverend Jude”). GOD’S NOT DEAD: A LIGHT IN DARKNESS is an inspirational drama that centers on Pastor Dave (David A.R. White) and the unimaginable tragedy he endures when his church, located on the grounds of the local university, is burned down. But his dreams of rebuilding the church face an unexpected setback when university officials reject his plans to rebuild, de-
termining that the church is no longer relevant in today’s society. Trusting in the motto that he has lived by that “God is good all the time,” Pastor Dave enlists the legal help of his estranged brother Pearce (John Corbett), who is an attorney but also an atheist. As they partner together for a united cause, the brothers come to understand that not every victory requires defeating the opposition, and there is a greater win when you heal and rebuild with compassion and respect for others. “Audiences have continued to show support and interest in the GOD’S NOT DEAD films and their relatable characters who endure similar challenges in their personal faith and lives,” says Michael Scott, Pure Flix founding partner. “Our hope is that these films offer entertainment and encouragement, with a starting point for sharing faith in a respectable and compassionate manner.” GOD’S NOT DEAD: A LIGHT IN DARKNESS is the latest addition in the film franchise, which started with GOD’S NOT DEAD, the highest-grossing independent faith film of 2014, taking in more than $60 million at the box office. GOD’S NOT DEAD: A LIGHT IN DARKNESS is Directed by Michael Mason and Produced by David A.R. White, Michael Scott, Brittany Yost, Elizabeth Travis, and Alysoun Wolfe, and Executive Produced by Troy Duhon and Robert Katz. Moviegoers can follow the film on the official web site at www. GodsNotDead.com, on Facebook at www.facebook.com/GodsNotDeadTheMovie, or on Twitter @ GodsNotDeadFilm
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13, 2017 /Christian Newswire/ -- Operation Outcry and The Justice Foundation filed a Supreme Court Amicus brief including the testimony of Cynthia Collins and 10 women of Operation Outcry, in Case No. 17-689, Andrew March v. Janet T. Mills, as Attorney General of Maine, et al. The issue in this case is whether a preacher should be allowed freedom of speech to preach against abortion on a sidewalk outside the abortion facility. Operation Outcry, a ministry of The Justice Foundation, has collected approximately 4,500 written testimonies of women traumatized by abortion in their past, who are now bravely breaking silence. Here are some quotes from this Supreme Court Brief: “Those who stand on the sidewalks have helped many women who did not know there was help to have their baby or that anyone cared. ... It might have saved me years of suffering depression, guilt, miscarriage, medical problems conceiving. I carried trauma into my marriage relationship.” Cynthia Collins “Since January 1973, millions of women like myself have come to regret their abortions. How I wish there had been someone to counsel me before the appointment to abort.” Myra Jean Myers “If someone had stopped me entering that abortion clinic with my sister and Mom and told us the impact of abortion complications, risk factors and fetal development and gave us other options, I would never have chosen abortion or suffered so much pain and grief of losing six babies. I completely support sidewalk counseling in front of abortion clinics.” Nona Ellington. For more info, Contact: info@txjf.org
PAGE 12 | JANUARY 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 1
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
Annual Thanksgiving / Christmas party @ The 9th Street Mission was well received
Thank you to the local restaurants! And ministries who donated!
Bradenton, FL Dec 2017 es and conditions while common for the home– The Ninth Street Mis- others enjoyed live sing- less to not only sit in sion aka Faith International Christian Center held their annual feeding and gift giving for the community this past December 4th. There was a great turnout of hungry folks who were blessed with a hot meal, all they could eat, and some nice gifts for Christmas. Many local restaurants donated hot food and several ministries donated their time and gifts for the event. There were some there that gave their life to Jesus as the Gospel was boldly proclaimed outdoors over the loudspeaker as the people assembled and registered to eat and receive gifts. Many received prayer for various illness-
ing and Gospel preaching. A list of the local restaurants that donated are below. Please visit them in the coming months and let them know how much you appreciate their support for the less fortunate. Faith International holds this event annually to celebrate Jesus birth and to extend a hand of friendship to all who would receive. Faith International is a non-denominational Bible believing church presently meeting at 2001 9th street West, Bradenton. FICC offers food every service to anyone in need with bags filled with a variety of canned goods and boxed foods. It is not un-
on the service, but also to take away some food for their sustenance. For more information contact us on our website at: www.ficcwordchurch.org
Danny’s Pizzeria, Dave, 7220 Manatee Ave West, sarah_jansson@hotmail.com Bradenton, FL Blue Jasper, Casey MM Hospital Aux. & Crystal, Thrift Shop, Jason, 5718 Cortez Rd West, Manatee Ave, Bradenton, FL Bradenton, FL Shanghai Chinese Land of a Thousand Restaurant, Helen, Hills Coffee Shop, Julie 7226 Manatee Ave West, Taylor, 59th Avenue Bradenton, FL West, Bradenton, FL Evang. Sarah Johnson
“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”
-Philippians 4:19
HE’S ALIVE CHRISTIAN NEWS AND VIEWS * We will email you the most current edition each month at your request. * Fill out this form and return to us or go online at www.hesalivenews.org * No money is required but your donations, big or small, help us pay postage and expenses.
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Thank you to the following contributors to the FICC outreach on Dec. 2, 2017:
Heart Of Mercy Ministry
Sunset Volkswagen Automotive Group, Pastor Chuck Kennedy 5005 S Tamiami Trl, Sarasota, Florida Bealls Department Store, Bradenton, FL Staples at Beachway Plaza, 7350 Manatee Ave West, Bradenton, FL
Golden Corral, Janny Ramey, 5525 Cortez Ave West, Bradenton, FL Hideaway Storage, Pam, Cortez Road West at 32nd St, Bradenton, FL Hungry Howies, Pierre, 4211 59th St West, Bradenton, FL P.J. Burls, Gator Electric Hibachi Grill & Supreme Buffet 3616 1st St. West Brdenton, 342085 Anna Maria Oyster Bar 6906 14th St. West Bradenton FL. 34207 The Hair Company 7304 Manatee Ave West, Bradenton, FL
NAME: ________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________ CITY: _________________________________ ST: ________________ ZIP:_______________ EMAIL ADDRESS: ______________________ I WILL PRAY FOR HE’S ALIVE: ___________ SEND EXTRA COPIES FOR ME TO DISTRIBUTE: __________________________ ENCLOSED IS MY GIFT OF: ______________ (MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO FAITH INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN CENTER) You can also donate online through paypal at www.hesalivenews.org
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