He’s Alive
MAY 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 5
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
The Newspaper Of Proof He’s Alive REAL EVENTS, REAL ANSWERS, REAL BIBLE, REAL GOD, BECAUSE GOD IS REAL! “I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen.” -Revelation 1:18a For more info: Page 10
Goto: Page 2
Kris-lynn Williams testimony
From stripper to saint
September 22, 2013 was the day I met my Husband. I had been a stripper in Tampa, Miami & Vegas for the past 6 years and me and my girls were at the local Afterhours club where Justin and his brothers were selling molly, x, weed, and cocaine. Justin and I did all four.
And from that night we became inseparable. We were the IT couple and living a crazy life. Money, drugs, pimps. And strippers, Every night, that’s all we knew. A lot of you that “know” me are probably saying to yourself, “But wasn’t she a Pastor’s daughter growing up? At church every Wednesday, Thursday, and Sundays including Pastor Kid retreats, and youth camps? Yea, that was me. I could speak in tongues too. Been seeing things in the Spirit since I was a little girl and could finish any scripture you started. I had witnessed “religion” my whole life (not all bad) but honestly, the majority I wanted no part, in what it had to offer. All Satan ever replayed for me was a memory. Back in 2006.
Being pregnant at 18, and after burning all my bridges, I was sleeping on the floor at salvation army. (Thank God for SOLVE Homes) I felt worthless. I never wanted to feel like that again, so I determined in my mind not to feel anything at all, just get money. After I had met J, as I continued dancing, the holy spirit would start talking to me. I would run to the bathroom and do a line in the dressing room and yell, “ YOU STILL WANNA TALK?! Why don’t you just leave me alone?!” He never did. Talk about His Reckless Love? I started having visions of Satan in the crowd while I was on stage clapping for me. (Well he isn’t clapping now!) A few months later, Justin
goes to court and is supposed to be sentenced to 15 YEARS in prison. But God showed up in the court room and instead he gets put on house arrest for a year following 3 years of a 10 o’clock curfew. Lol. As we were walking out the court room, he says, “You’re not dancing no more!” I got Isaiah back from my Mom, who had been with her for that five month span, and we started to try the family thing. It was a year later on May 29, 2015 that we walked into Truth Outreach International Ministries and really experienced God like never before. We have been chasing after Him ever since! Did we stop smoking weed right away? Of course not. Did we never sin again? What... Continuation on Page: 5
Christian Missionary Tortured By ISIS in Prison, By Mark Ellis
Led 40 to Christ SUDAN (ANS-April 18, 2018) -- Charged with being a spy, Czech missionary Petr Jasek endured a 14-month imprisonment in Sudan where he was tortured by fellow cellmates. But Jesus supernaturally imparted peace during his confinement and he became a bold witness, winning many to Christ. In his role as the Africa regional director for Voice of the Martyrs (VOM), Jasek went to Sudan to
document the persecution of Christians, which was happening in the Nubah Mountains in clashes between the government and rebels. He was detained by the Sudanese police at Khartoum Airport in December 2015. It seems immigration staff found a duplicate passport Jasek carried for security purposes, which led to his immediate arrest and imprisonment. “I arrived at this cell at
about 1:30 am,” he told VOM. He found the cell overcrowded, with people covering the floor. “They had to squeeze a little bit so they would create some small room for me to lie down on the floor.” The conditions were sparse. “I had no blanket…two extra T-shirts and one extra pants and a toothbrush, toothpaste and soap; that was all.” Guards refused him blankets or a mattress, because he was from the Czech Republic and they told him they thought he should be used to cold weather. At 5:30 am he was awakened by the Islamic call for prayer. All six of his cellmates began praying fervently. “They showed me a place behind them where I was supposed to stand while they were praying. The rule is that me as a ... Continuation on Page: 4
PAGE 2 | MAY 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 5
ber that other people are not the enemy. The devil is behind negative words and thinking. Yes, it is definitely a battle royal, because you are in the fray! Don’t forget to put on the whole armor of God every day! Eph. 6:11 Don’t make a show of yourself by ‘putting others in their place’. Be at peace with yourself and at peace with others. Inside of you is a quiet revelation of who you are in Christ – a peace that passes all understanding (Phil. 4:7), a promise in your body, soul, and that is secure, an unshakspirit; here in the at- able faith! mosphere; here in your This is God’s Truth! Church; here all around Rev. MMD you; here in your children ---and relatives! Write to Rev Madeline at Then, it will return to the PO Box 14931 Bradenton, Lord, after it has accom- FL 34280 or by email at plished what it was sent Hesalivenews@yahoo.com. for!! Not all letters are from Are we going to speak the readers. Letters may be Word over a situation and fictitious in person but true not believe it will work? in content. We reserve the God says it will always right to edit or refuse any work depending on your questions submitted. faith. You see, the enemy wants Watch Rev. Madeliene and her Husband Rev. Bob you to fail, but God’s highDuffany: GOD ACROSS est desire is to see you AMERICA LIVE on her prosper, and be healthy personal FACEBOOK: and whole. 3rd John 1:2 madeline.duffany Continue to stand on Every Thursdays 6 am God’s Word, and remem-
ny tez Duffa n o M e n adeli By Rev. M
Of Truth
Dear Reverend: What about this healing that I read about in God’s Word? I want to stand on faith and not listen to “bad reports’ that come from other people. This is so hard. I hear some Christians bragging and saying, “Oh, this walk is so easy! I just sleep like a baby and breeze right through every trial.” My friends and relatives take a different approach by telling me how to solve a problem, and usually it is an alternative to trust ing God. They mean well, but because I live in the supranatural, my thoughts are not the same…my approach to
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matters are much different. Supranatural --Dear Supranatural: Wow! I really relate to this! You are taking a real faith stand on God’s Word! What about healing? Look in Isaiah 55:11: “So shall my Word be that goes forth out of my mouth: it shall not return to unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereunto I sent it.” Now, what does this mean? It means when you speak the Word and believe without doubting, God’s Word will make things happen here on earth; here
HE’S ALIVE Christian News & Views Published the 10th of Each Month
Published by HE’S ALIVE PUBLISHING COMPANY FAITH INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN CENTER P.O. BOX 14931 Bradenton, Fl. 34280 Phone: 941-447-4538 website: www.ficcwordchurch.org Publisher: Chuck Kennedy Designer: Rlyn Kennedy Contact information: www.hesalivenews.org email: hesalivenews@yahoo.com Email subscriptions are free. Printed subscriptions any donation. Letters to the editor are welcomed and encouraged. Help support us by shopping our list of spirit filled books and Amazon.com on our website. Check it out at www.hesalivenews.org or scan below.
Bible makes GQ’s list of books to not read By Beth Stolicker
United States (MNN) – The men’s fashion magazine, GQ, recently listed the Bible as one of the top “21 Books You Don’t Have to Read.” That brings up an interesting question. Is the Bible still relevant? If you believe it’s truly the Word of God and transformative, then nothing is more relevant. And as the President of the American Bible Society, Roy Peterson, would argue, everyone needs access to it. The Bible and Translation “It wasn’t until our generation that a missiological shift happened, that we realized in order for the earth to be evangelized, we had to translate the Bible for every single language. For them to hear Christ speak to them in their own heart language,” Peterson shares. “That knowledge has totally shifted and accelerated the missions movement because now we have the information about these people groups. No one ever knew before, how many people groups there were, what language they spoke, what was the best way to reach them. We have all of that at our access now.” In fact, this is why the Issachar Initiative exists. It’s meant to bring together
Bible translators and everyday Christians to finish the task of fulfilling the Great Commission. And it’ll only be fulfilled by reaching all nations with the Gospel. Advances in Translation Thanks to today’s technology, the achievement of translating the Bible into all languages is in sight. There are even more ways of sharing the Gospel with others besides ink and paper. God’s Word is being shared through oral stories, listening devices, the JESUS Film, video, and more. Furthermore, more people are taking ownership of putting the Scriptures into their heart language. “The minority people
groups of the world are stepping up and they’re saying, if you’ll help us, we’ll do our own translation. If you’ll help us, we’ll plant churches and we’ll evangelize,” Peterson explains. Currently, there are 7,000 living languages in the world. And while many representatives from these language groups have come to the United States over the years, not all the people groups are living in the US. So while it may seem like all ends of the earth have been reached with the Gospel, the truth is, they really haven’t. You’re Place in Translation Will you help? Just imagine what could happen if you said yes to God today.
“If Moses had to have the solution for the Red Sea, he would have never left Egypt. He took the first step out of Egypt not knowing how in the world he was going to cross that water with two million people,” Peterson says. “But he went by faith and God opened the way as he went. And we’ve had that same experience. We don’t know how we’re going to reach these people. But if we take a step and believe God’s with us, the way will open up for us in miraculous ways.” If you’re not sure where to start, start by praying. Pray for a specific people group that hasn’t yet been reached with God’s Word. Then take the prayers for this specific people group to your pastor and small group. Get others involved in this journey of prayer with you. After that, start researching information on the people group. Find out their language, their culture, and what needs to be done for the Gospel to be brought to them. Mission Network News www.mnnonline.org +++ For the word of God is quick, powerful, sharper than any twoedged sword... -Heb 4:12
Sister Beverly Vance is FICC’s Resource Officer For Your: Emergency food baskets or bills, rent, water, lights, phone and pharmacy cards Email: Beverly.Vance@yahoo.com
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PAGE 3 | MAY 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 5
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Counselor’s Corner:
Back to School
Email: Louise.alleva@gmail.com Recently I had the unique opportunity to spend 10 weeks with a local School of Ministry as a liaison/ counselor for over 50 adults of all ages and backgrounds. Some folks came from overseas, some came there among them. Since Iout of addictions, some were more mature in their walk, some still growing. Fifty people, all searching for a place in a Spirit filled ministry to which they have been called. We met almost daily and as the student liaison I was right didn’t have the homework required of them I was able sit back and listen, learn, glean not only from
the instructors, but to be available for them if they needed anything from the administrative staff, or someone to talk to. I did not realize what a unique opportunity it was to be an observer of how 50 people can be with each other with one common goal and yet so many different ways of coping with a strict schedule, interacting with each other, being supportive of each other, or not and yet some being so different that these few mavericks made it all the more interesting through personality conflicts, hurt feelings, homesickness, etc. It was like a church
By : Louise Alleva
community but for 8-10 hours per day and over four days a week. During some of their emotional ups and downs, I was also able to see where I was with my walk with God. What He wanted to show was not only how far I’ve come spiritually, but how I still needed to experience certain emotional challenges and conflicts that I needed to address. There are two major issues in our Christian walk that we all face. One is how do we handle failure and rejection from people, and secondly how do we see God as the answer to our well being and success in
the ministries we may be searching for. Let’s look at failure and rejection first by asking yourself these questions: Do you make decisions mainly to please others? Do you have trouble saying no to anyone? Do you have a conflict with someone and still try to gain their approval or justify your actions? Have you done a lot of good, but your failures dominate you instead? Do you find yourself limiting what you do to keep from failing? Do you think some past failure has ruined your life? This is still the reality in the lives of most believers. Even though we are saved by grace and our redemption is complete, we are still not doing well at exhibiting who God is in us or expressing His will because of our past. What are these qualities of God’s will? 2 Peter 1:5-9 describes them clearly. Moral excellence, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness and love. One of my husband’s favorite scrip-
tures is James 1:23-24. It says that we are to do God’s Word and not just hear it. If we find ourselves not doing what God says, we will consistently act like who we think we are, not who God wants us to be, which is more like Him. Then comes the second issue we all face. Do we even see God as the answer to our wellbeing and success in reaching our destinies? Just like the praise song says, “Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary pure and holy tried and true. With thanksgiving, I’ll be a living sanctuary for You”, we are asking God to prepare us for redeeming our destinies, but we have to be willing to let Him show us with thanksgiving. What I realized with the liaison opportunity, is that God knows just what we need for victory and then may allow us to encounter rejection and failure in some situations for a specific reason, to help us learn to become free from the emotions that has overwhelmed us and has
kept us from being closer to Him. To receiving His blessings and to reach the destinies we were all created to have, we must realize we cannot fulfill our own destinies. Sin always gets in the way. But when we take the opportunity of God’s salvation we have the chance to be complete in Him. I am thankful for what the Lord did show me. Not only the need for growth, but where I am spiritually and as a result I have a far greater peace, joy and victory in Him. I now see more clearly how important it is to reflect Him and His Word and not what people can do our say to me through their hurts. I hope you will recognize the challenges you have with others as a measure of what the Lord is showing you. Your destiny awaits. Blessings and Love Louise Alleva, D Min, LCPC, CTC louisea.alleva@gmail.com +++
2015 alone, there were several reports of abortion survivors: one in Michigan, five in Minnesota, and, as already mentioned, four in Florida — three in Alachua County and one
in Jackson County. That same year, 5,132 elective abortions were reportedly committed on women between the 13th and 24th week of pregnancy; that number has since been updated to 5,195 with a total of 5,695 for all reasons, including various ‘health’ reasons... “Infants born alive inside abortion facilities have haunted the abortion industry for many years, as Live Action News has documented several times. Infact, one national news outlet even dubbed the
term the ‘dreaded complication.’ In 2013, Live Action’s undercover cameras exposed the chilling admissions of abortionists inside America’s late-term abortion industry during third trimester abortions and partial-birth abortions.” [Dr. Chaps’ comment: The babies were alive before and after their births. Abortion does not undo a pregnancy, it makes a woman the mother of a dead child. Let’s save them all, born or unborn.]
6 babies born alive after failed Abortion attempts in Florida “A total of sixteen babies have been born alive after attempted abortions in the state of Florida” in recent years, reports Live Action. “The information, collected by the state from abortion providers, is compiled in the report, ‘ITOP Report of Infants Born Alive, By County Where Terminations Oc-
curred, Florida,’ on file at the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA). According to a spokesperson from the AHCA, ITOP stands for ‘Induced Termination of Pregnancy.’ “Thus far in 2018, one baby has been born alive in Florida during an abortion attempt. In 2017, there were 11 abortion
“The California Assembly passed legislation today broad enough to ban the sale of books that address helping people overcome unwanted samesex attractions,” reports LifeSite. AB 2943 cleared the chamber by a ‘bipartisan’ vote of 50-14, CBS Sacramento reports. The measure adds “advertising, offering to engage in, or engaging in sexual orientation change efforts with an individual” to the state’s list of illegal “unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices undertaken by any person in atransaction intended to result or that results in the
sale or lease of goods or services to any consumer.” “Sexual orientation change efforts are defined as ‘any practices that seek to change an individual’s sexual orientation.’ Other states have enacted narrower bans on ‘conversion therapy,’ also known as reparative therapy, for minors, but CBS Sacramento that California’s is the first in the nation that would also prevent adults from voluntarily obtaining the treatment. “The State of California has no right to deny its residents the resources to help them find happiness or to shut down
survivors. There were none recorded born alive in 2016 or 2013, but there were four abortion survi-vors in 2015. “A previous Live Action News report noted that in
California bans Bible sales & Christian Therapy
counselors, schools, and religious organizations that provide those services,” California Family Council president Jonathan Keller said of the vote. “Every person experiencing unwanted same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria must be allowed to pursue help in achieving their desired goals and outcomes.” “The bill is unprecedented for another reason, too: by classifying the subject under prohibited ‘goods,’ which critics say means it would go so far as to ban the sale of books endorsing the practice, as well as other forms of constitutionally-protected speech. “At its core, AB 2943 out
laws speech,” Alliance Defending Freedom’s (ADF) legal analysis of the bill reads. It says that licensed counseling, religious conferences, book sales, and paid speaking engagements could all potentially face legal penalties for promoting ways to reverse unwanted attractions or for expressing traditional Christian teachings on sexuality.”
[Dr. Chaps’ comment: They are banning Christian evangelism. They are banning Bibles. They are banning consenting voluntary speech between Christians and Gays, for the sole purpose of keeping people gay who don’t want to be homose xual anymore. If they’re so happy, why do they need laws to keep their population in their spiritual prison?] +++
“Feed your faith, starve your doubts.”
PAGE 4 | MAY 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 5
Christian Missionary
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Tortured By ISIS in Prison,
Led 40 to Christ From Page 1
From Page 1 Christian, I had to stay behind them so they would not look at me while they are praying.” After the prayers, they identified themselves as DAESH, the Arabic acronym for ISIS. All his cellmates were ISIS fighters! “Two days later they started to openly torture me and beat me…I was hit with their fists into my face many times. They called me ‘filthy pig’ or ‘filthy rat.’” One of the ISIS fighters barked an order: “Filthy pig, come here.” “I decided at first I would not respond to these rude names and when I did not respond I got hit with a wooden stick they unscrewed from the sweeper that was there to clean the floor.” Jasek was hit on the head, shoulders and fingers or they kicked him in the stomach and back with their boots. “At that time I was really thinking about the Lord Jesus what He had to go through when He was arrested and they also were beating Him with a wooden stick and were ridiculing Him, slapping Him. “I became like their slave,” he told VOM. “I was really [made] to wash their clothes, wash all the dishes, clean the toilet with my bare hands. They were just making fun of me. I did not resist.” “I could clearly see the Lord Jesus and how He suffered for us.” Then Jesus imparted something to him that was amazing and unexpected, considering the circumstances. “I received a won
derful peace at that time and surprisingly, when I was physically attacked I was experiencing the greatest peace in prison time ever, all these 14-1/2 months. “I could even pray during these beatings for my family members, I could pray for other fellow prisoners and I was not moved to the point when I used to be before, because I had this peace from the Lord at this time of the physical attacks on my body. When Jasek began to exalt and and glorify the Lord’s name during his beatings, this made them even more furious. “They decided to torture me even in much worse way. “Eventually, they decided to do waterboarding to me. It’s a way of torture where a person lays on his back and they cover his mouth and pour water, which gives you the feeling that you are getting drowned. The Sudanese guards had not intervened to stop Jasek’s torture, because they were intimidated by the ISIS fighters. “It is [thought] that if these Islamists get released they will get revenge on those guards.” Jasek didn’t have access to a Bible during his captivity, so he meditated on Scriptures he memorized as a young person. “I was literally asking the Lord that He will keep my mind sound and that I wouldn’t lose my mind through the situation,” Jasek said. “The Holy Spirit kept reminding me some of the verses that I had memorized. This was
MONTGOMERY, Ala., April 25, 2018 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Foundation for Moral Law (“the Foundation”), an Alabama-based nonprofit that fights for religious liberty, filed an amicus brief today in the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals defending the constitutionality of the clergy housing allowance permitted under the IRS Code. The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation brought an Establishment Clause challenge to the housing allowance law, claiming that it was unfair that ministers got the exemption
while nobody else did. The U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin agreed and declared the housing allowance unconstitutional. The federal government appealed, and the Foundation for Moral Law filed an amicus brief in its support, arguing that the Seventh Circuit should look to the law and our history of religious freedom announced in Marsh v. Chambers to determine whether the law is constitutional or not. Foundation President Kayla Moore noted, “The founding generation had a benevolent attitude toward Christianity and be-
Pastors Housing Allowance at Risk
just enough for me, to give me enough strength everyday to pray,” he told VOM. He also thought about Jesus’ teaching about loving enemies. He was startled when he heard his abusers weeping late at night when they could not sleep. “They were crying. They were also missing their family members. They were also crying to God for help,” he recounted. “That allowed me to easily continue to pray for them. I was praying for those fellow prisoners, the interrogators, for the guards, for the prosecutors and for the judge, that the Lord would reveal Himself as the Lord, Savior and God.” Remarkably, one of the guards intervened to prevent the waterboarding. Jasek said he felt the Lord used the guard to move him out of the cell. “Later on I told the guard that he saved my life and we became close friends,” Jasek said. “I gave my email address and I started to share the Gospel with him. He was very passionate. I told him that if he ever makes it to Europe, he can stay at my house and we will take care of him.” Then Jasek was moved to another prison where conditions were even worse. “We were squeezed in a small room — 15 by 18 feet. There were sometimes 40 of us. That was the situation and I was able to lead 40 Eritrean refugees to Christ,” he said. “It was like new revelation for me. I started to be courageous and openly shared the Gospel with other fellow prisoners. Later on, that lieved it was good for society. Historically, there have always been tax exemptions for ministers, and the framers of the First Amendment did not intend to change that.” Foundation Attorney Matt Clark added: “Congress enacted the clergy housing allowance in 1954. In reliance on this law, many churches ceased providing parsonages to their ministers and relied on the housing allowance instead. Many pastors have relied on that law to purchase a home. Striking down the housing-allowance law would not only hurt the pastors who have relied on it but also convey the message that the federal government is hostile-not neutral-towards religion.”
Petr behind bars with other Christian prisoners resulted in them putting me in solitary confinement again.” Shortly after being placed in solitary confinement, Czech consular officers were able to bring him a Bible. “I didn’t have to do anything else but read the Bible all day. I could not read the Bible all day because I could only read when there was enough light, which was about 8 [a.m.] … until 4:30 p.m. I had to stand reading on the bars so that I could have enough light. I was so hungry for Scripture. I read from Genesis to Revelation within three weeks.” Jasek noted that he gained a profound “new understanding of Scripture.” He was eventually removed from solitary confinement and moved to a larger prison that can hold about 10,000 people. “I went from solitary to a cell where there were like 100 people in one cell,” he explained. “We were squeezed. There were 75 beds. Only 75 could have a bed and 25 had to stay on the floor.” Amazingly, guards at the new prison allowed him and two incarcerated Sudanese pastors to hold
worship services. “The first day I came to the chapel to spend time in Scripture with the Lord. They asked me to preach. I would preach once a week, sometimes twice a week,” Jasek said. “Of course, they were monitoring us and they were reporting what we were teaching about. There were two other pastors from Sudan and we knew that nothing worse could happen to us.” Preaching in prison allowed Jasek and the other pastors to witness to “people that were hopeless.” “They were real criminals — murderers, rapists, thieves, drug dealers. It was such a wonderful time,” Jasek said. “They responded to our teaching. We were just teaching the Gospel. It was so wonderful to see the changed life of those who dedicated their lives to Christ.” In February 2017, he was granted a presidential pardon and Sudanese President Umar al-Bashir ordered his immediate release. He returned to the Czech Republic on February 26, 2017. During the time Jasek was interrogated by the jihadis in prison his wife was in a Bible study back home
and the leader stopped the study to pray for the “situation that he is right now in.” “They stopped reading and started to pray for the Lord’s presence over the situation,” Jasek said. “When I came home, I realized that was exactly the time when I was on my knees before the Islamists and they were beating me. But I was experiencing a supernatural peace.” “I came for four days to Sudan. But I was there 445 days,” Jasek told VOM. “When you think about all the hardships and seeing what the Lord was able to do through us, then what else can we say but the Lord’s ways are much better than our ways.” “We know from the words of apostle Paul that everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. I felt like I received my life back. I was first threatened to be sentenced to be executed. [Then] later on, life imprisonment. Then, my life was returned back to me. I told the Lord, ‘My life does not belong to me anymore. It belongs to the Lord.’” The ASSIST News Service (www.assistnews.net).
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Call 888-761-1490 for Prayer and Support “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” - John 3:16
PAGE 5 | MAY 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 5
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Kris-lynn Williams testimony
From stripper to saint
do you think? But we never stopped going to church. The more we fell in love with Him, the less we wanted to hurt Him and now we are drug free. His heartbeat became our own. People would say “Well you can’t turn a hoe into a housewife!” But I am living proof that God can turn you into what you were CREATED to be in the first place! I went from watching my husband chase money, women, and his brothers’ approval, to chasing God, even waking up in the middle of the night with him on the bedroom floor literally crying out “NOT MY WILL BUT YOURS GOD!” I’ll never know why He chased us. The song “Reckless Love” touches my SOUL. A Love so
From Page 1
Reckless that in the middle of a strip club He thought about me?! He chased me?! My husband has four felonies, absolutely no church background and He wants him to preach the gospel? To go back into the very trap
houses and clubs we hung out in and deliver His people?! All I know is God is REAL. He will never fit in this box that we subconsciously, religiously try to contain Him in. He saved my life. He saved Justin’s
LGBT Activists
Vow to Shut Down Christian Ministry
No longer content with widespread acceptance, activists are fighting to eliminate any program aimed at helping those struggling with same-sex attraction or gender identity OKLAHOMA CITY, April 3, 2018 /Christian Newswire/ -- “The level of hatred and bullying is not like anything we’ve seen,” says Stephen Black, who lived as a gay man for 8 years, over 35 years ago, and now Executive Director of First Stone Ministries is in the crosshairs of gay activists. Black is the author of a ground-breaking book that reveals that 70-percent of people who want freedom from a destructive same-sex lifestyle find it. In Freedom Realized Black and his colleagues examined 25 years of case files and found incontrovertible evidence that people can and do change. On April 6, First Stone Ministries (firststone.org)
is hosting a public screening of the documentary film, Tranzformed: Finding Peace with Your God-Given Gender (tranzformed.org/). “This documentary is about 15 people who were unhappy as homosexuals and transgendered and wanted more in their relationship with Jesus Christ,” says Black. Gay activists have already sent death threats to a Michigan pastor and his family and are now setting their sights on Black. Gay advocate and protestor, Sara Cunningham, vowed to close First Stone Ministries (she appealed for a $25,000 grant from Starbucks for her mission). Her goal is to mobilize and eliminate any mention of the possibility of change, even if people want it and even if it means a transformed life. “To agree to disagree on this issue and this type of ministry is no longer acceptable,” says Cunning-
ham. But Black sees it differently, “In the last ten years, there has been an increasing attack on the gospel-centered message of freedom from homosexuality.” Activists are intent on shutting down any counseling that leads to new life in Christ and freedom from homosexuality. Black is the board chairman for the national Restored Hope Network, a coalition of sixty regional agencies that help those who struggle with samesex attraction. He says the idea of “gay Christianity” is an affront to everything Christ died for and giving people hope is what we should be about as sincere Christians, not just enabling them to stay stuck in a harmful lifestyle. “Freedom from homosexuality comes only through a new life of absolute surrender and a complete dependence on Jesus Christ,” says Black.
“A CHURCH ALIVE IS WORTH A DRIVE.” Do not forsake the assembling of ourselves together.
GO TO CHURCH. (Hebrews 10:25)
life. How could we not follow Him?! It’s not protocol, it’s not a chore, but an honor. He took filthy rags and made us whole. He calls me....me...beautiful He’s such a good, good Father and He is the reason why
I can even sit here today and tell my testimony, Unashamed. Oh how I love me some Justin, Oh how I love the Lord even more. The 1st pic below is of Me and Justin at AfterHours when we first met. The 2nd one is standing before our
spiritual mother Apostle Michelle Kelly our first time meeting her and The Words of Truth doing something on the inside of Us. The third picture.... When 2 became 1 OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD!
A Community of Local Churches United to Share the Gospel in the Streets of the Community. Second Saturday of the month in Sarasota, Fourth Saturday in Manatee Counties.
GO TO www.
ONE CHURCH ONE MESSAGE ONE AT A TIME In John 17:23, Jesus prays for believers “that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.”
As Christians we must unify around the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for there is salvation in no one else (Acts 4:12).
In Luke 15, Jesus tells the Parable of the Lost Sheep, where the shepherd leaves the 99 sheep to go after the one who is lost so that he might be saved.
If you could, Would you? Give $10k, $25k, $100k, or more to your favorite church or ministry? If I can show you how you can for only a few dollars a month, would you? If you have a heart to give to fund the Gospel, this is something you need to look at. Contact me: Chuck Kennedy
Email: ficcpastor@yahoo.com
PAGE 6 | MAY 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 5
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
Pat Boone believes that he will meet Hollywood star, Rock Hudson, again in heaven By Dan Wooding
BEVERLY HILLS, CA (ANS – March 19, 2018) – Veteran singer, actor and author, Pat Boone, has revealed that he believes he will again meet with Hollywood star, Rock Hudson, in heaven, after ministering to him at his Beverly Hills home just before his death on October 2, 1985, of complications from AIDS. Boone, who had been friends with Rock Hudson, also known as Roy Fitzgerald, during his Hollywood acting days, said in an extraordinary interview for my “Front Page Radio” show, that he, his wife Shirley, and a Christian lady from New Zealand, had visited him as the hours ticked down before his passing, and were able to pray for him. Boone, who had not talked publically before about his role in the death-bed conversation of Rock Hudson, explained that by the time they went to see him, he could not speak because of the ravages of AIDS, but responded with his eyes. Pat Boone said: “I had known Rock when we were both making movies and we spent some time once at Western Costuming, when we were both trying on costumes for roles that we were going to play. He was such a manly guy.
“It there was anybody that Shirley would have swooned over, it would have been Rock Hudson, and it never occurred to me that maybe he might have preferred my company to Shirley’s, but in any case, he never betrayed that to me at all, and we were just kind of buddies.” Boone said that he had come back into Hudson’s life when it became known that he was suffering from AIDS. “He was dying at that point, and nobody really knew how it was transferred, so a lot of his own friends were not coming to see him in those last days,” he said. “But we knew where he lived up in the hills of Beverly Hills and we had met a couple of Christian nurses who were taking care of him. They told Shirley that they had prayed with Rock and that he was in very poor state, but very open to the Gospel, wanting to be known to the Lord as a believer -- a Christian. Rock knew he was soon to meet God face-to-face; and he wanted to meet him as a Child of God, and the nurses were conveying this to him and he had even taken communion with them. “So Shirley asked if it would be possible for us to come see him and they made the arrangement with his buddy, Tom, who
was looking after him in Rock’s house. We went up twice just to meet and pray with him. He was emaciated, but even though he couldn’t speak because his throat had been ravaged by the disease, his eyes were shiny bright out of sunken sockets. He didn’t look like the Rock Hudson anybody had ever seen in his many films. “He welcomed us even though he couldn’t speak, but you could tell by the eyes, that he was glad that we were there. We prayed with him and then we asked if we could come back again and he nodded ‘yes.’ So about two nights later Shirley and I, and a dear friend of ours from New Zealand, went back to see him again.” As an elder of The Church on the Way in Van Nuys, California, Boone knew of the scripture which says that if any of you are sick, let him call for el-
Doris Day and Rock Hudson speak at a news conference in Monterey, California, on July 18, 1985.
Rock Hudson on the cover of LIFE magazine
Shirley & Pat Boone, who prayed for Rock Hudson
Hudson (left) with President Ronald Reagan and first lady Nancy Reagan at a White House state dinner, May 1984, less than three weeks before he was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. ders of the church and let them anoint the sick with oil and pray over them in the name of the Lord and he can be healed. “The next morning, we got
the word on the news that Rock Hudson had died. Well we couldn’t believe it. Shirley and her friend went up the hill to the house again, and there was
the hearse. They had not taken him out, but they were getting some things together. Tom, Shirley, and her friend, were allowed Continuation to Page: 11
Turkish President
renews hostage swap demand in American pastor’s case By Lyndsey Koh Turkey (MNN) — If there was any question about whether or not American Pastor Andrew Brunson is still being used as a political hostage in Turkey, there is no doubt about it now. Brunson served as a pastor in Turkey for 23 years until he was arrested a year and a half ago on false charges of terrorism and espionage. On April 21, Turkish Pres-
ident Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a live interview that if the United States government wants Brunson to be released, they must extradite Fethullah Gulen and hand him over to Turkey. Gulen is a Muslim cleric residing in the United States whom the Turkish government believes orchestrated the failed 2016 coup. Erdogan declared, “The US is behind [Gulen]….
If you want Brunson, look at the steps you have taken in the past. Why don’t you deport this man in accordance with the extradition treaty?” By isn’t Julie Bourdon This the first time Erdogan has connected Brunson and Gulen. But the US is not interested in a hostage swap. And it seems Erdogan is not in any hurry to lose his Brunson bargaining chip. Open Doors USA’s Presi-
dent and CEO David Curry says, “[Erdogan] is using this need to have revenge on a political rival as a reason to hold hostage Pastor Brunson in Turkey…. It’s really had a chilling effect on this case with Pastor Brunson because he is essentially an innocent person who has been arrested, we believe, for his faith. He’s obviously not a political actor in any way. So we’re at a bit
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Image courtesy of World Economic Forum, Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic | Wikimedia Commons)
of a stalemate if this is truly going to be [Erdogan’s] position.” A question many people have asked in Brunson’s case is, why him? Curry explains, “A lot of times when we see the rise of religious persecution through the lens of nationalism like we’re seeing here in Turkey, people will
say any American who is a Christian is a foreign agent and they will use that as a leaping-off point to make whatever case they choose to make. “I think people need to understand that Christianity is a spiritual movement. It’s not about Americanism, it’s not about the... Continuation on Page: 7
PAGE 7 | MAY 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 5
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
BORN IN BABYLON PART 2 How the incorrect doctrine of mother and son worship began By Bro. Thomas Marks
Get your copy of April edition for Part 1
The doctrines as well as the actual characters of mythical Babylonian worship are difficult to accurately describe. The imaginations of men’s hearts account for the diversity of beliefs and countless name changes of their deities. History confirms that the actual characters did exist and played an important part within their societies and through the ages. Babylon had no written laws from God, and so created their own gods and goddesses to serve. However, Israel did receive a set of written laws to guide them and still they deviated from the words of God to serve false gods. The prophet Ezekiel proclaimed the abominations Israel was doing, believing that God did not see them worshiping other gods. “Then he (The Lord) brought me to the door of the gate of the Lord’s house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz”. (Eze. 8:14) Man tends to change doctrines or establish new gods better suited to his purpose in order to justify his sinfulness and resist change. The definition of a Christian is one who follows Jesus Christ. Unlike Babylon, Christ has given us His written word, (all scriptures) for profitable doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for instruction in righteousness (2 Tim. 3:16). Israel turned from God and worshipped Babylonian gods by their own names. Some Chris-
tians today have utilized the same worship practices utilizing biblical names without knowing the source or underlying doctrines. The Papal Church places a great emphasis on Mary, the mother of Jesus. After comparing the church’s doctrine on Mary with the Holy Bible, one might wonder where this doctrine originated. Was it man’s imaginations or was it religious whoredoms of the great goddess mother, the “Mystery Babylon” in Revelations? Mary was the blessed of God as the vessel used to birth Jesus, but the mother of Jesus is not the same ‘Blessed Virgin’ of the Papal Church. There are several concepts in Mariology that exalts Mary beyond the role of the biblical mother of Christ. One concept is the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception. “The Blessed Virgin Mary, at the first instant of her conception, by a singular privilege and grace of the omnipotent God, in consideration of the merits of Jesus Christ, the savior of mankind, was preserved from all stain of original sin.” It affirms: (1) this immunity was a special grace from God, (2) Through the foreseen merits of Christ, (3) Mary was exempt from original sin contracted by the rest of mankind, and (4) the exemption took place at the first moment of her conception in the womb of her mother. 15 Catholic doctrine states “Mary is above the appe-
tites of conappetites of concupiscence 16 which is the effects of inherited sin” – “a virgin ever virgin”. 17 Another concept in Mariology, places Mary as a co-partner with Christ in triumphanting over Satan. This situation is in the reference to Genesis 3:15 which Catholicism interprets as she “crushed him, (Satan) with her immaculate foot”. This implies that Mary, and equal with Christ in ridding the world of Satan and his power over mankind, becomes a partner in that salvation for which Christ came into this world. See Picture at the end. The third concept concerns her assumption into heaven and her role as mediatrix. Pope Pius XII pronounced in 1950 that “by the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ,…. and by Our Own authority, we pronounce…. as divinely revealed dogma: The Immaculate Mother of God, Mary ever Virgin, after her life on earth, was assumed, body and soul to the glory of heaven.” Pope Pius XII asserted the Church’s right to discern what is revelation no matter how cryptic the contents. The Church also titles her, Mediatrix, Advocate, Auxiliatrix and Adjurtrix because she cooperated uniquely with Christ’s redemptive labors on earth, and continues being Mediatrix in heaven
Turkish President renews hostage swap demand in American pastor’s case From Page 6
..ideals of the West, it’s not a Western idea, as much as it may have popularity here in the States or the West. “But people like Erdogan and others are trying to make that case. But [Brunson] is clearly not a political actor, a spy, any of these kinds of things. He is a pastor who has worked in Turkey for many, many years and clearly loves the people there.” Brunson’s first court hearing was on April 16 and his next hearing is scheduled for May 7. Curry says these latest remarks from Erdogan could definitely
affect Brunson’s trial. “I think this has certainly been their sticking point the whole time they have tried to make this case. It is very, very thin. I think our government has done the right thing and is being very vocal in support of Pastor Brunson. And I think at this point the American people just need to continue to let their voice be heard, that we don’t want American citizens being held hostage for diplomatic reasons essentially, political reasons.” Two-thirds of the US Senate has signed a petition to
Erdogan asking that “justice would be done and Pastor Brunson would be reunited with his family”. Curry shares, “We are so grateful at Open Doors to see some of the statements of many senators. In particular, Ambassador Brownback has been very on-point about this as has been Senator Lankford from Oklahoma. We need to let our voice be heard to more senators to make sure we are sending all the right political messages and diplomatic messages that the United States government is unified in supporting our citizen who
today. With just these few doctrines of Mary, based on Man’s imaginations and not scripture, we can see how the Mary of the Papal Church is exalted like the mortals of Babylon who became goddesses. The Immaculate Conception, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus said, “my spirit hath rejoiced in God my savior: (Luke 1:47). Jesus came into the world to save the lost sinners and if Mary had been without sin, she would not have need of a savior. Mary didn’t know she was without sin as the Papal Church declared. If she had known, she would not have offered two turtledoves and two young pigeons for a sin offering as required by the Law of Moses in Leviticus (12:6). See (Luke 2:22). Born under the law and subject to its’ requirements, Mary needed a savior and sacrifice offerings for atonement of sin. “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23). Mary, needing a savhas been unfairly arrested and detained in Turkey.” But the most important thing you can do is pray to our God who is sovereign over the kings of this world. “Turkey is a country that can go either way and clearly in the last year or two it has become more stringent, more virulent in its Islamic agenda, and more unpredictable, frankly, as we’re moving into dictatorship territory. I think the West has always looked to Turkey for
Brother Thomas Marks
ior for her sins, eliminates her as a co-partner with Christ in salvation. God said to the serpent, “I will put enmity between the serpent and the woman, and between they seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel”. (Gen 3:15) The gender used here is male and means Satan would bruise Jesus’ heel, putting Him on the Cross and a blow to Satan’s head was Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. Salvation was through Christ and that resurrection. These few scriptures alone invalidate the theory that Mary was a some stabilizing influence, so I think we need to be prayerful about how that government is moving, for the Church there, for the believers there who have some very legitimate concerns.” Please also be in continued prayer for Brunson and his family, that they would be spiritually encouraged and comforted at this time. Pray also for Brunson’s swift release. Mission Network News www.mnnonline.org +++
co-partner with Jesus and the theory of Immaculate Conception. Christ explained the Blessedness of his mother Mary. When a woman said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bare thee, and the pap’s which thou has sucked.” (Luke 11:27), Jesus replied, “Yes, rather blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.” (Luke 11:28). Jesus implied that those who hear and obey His word are as blessed or more blessed than His mother. Moreover, during the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said...
be continued next month
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Andrew and Norine Brunson (Photo courtesy of Open Doors USA)
PAGE 8 | MAY 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 5
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
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“And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” -Revelation 20:15
“Read your
Sunday School: 9:15 am
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th Faithfulness Tru Lies Adultery
Mark 7:15 There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man.
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Mark 7:18 whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile him;
Mark 7: 20 And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man.
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Pastor Don is deeply committed to his relationship with Jesus Christ, believing that the light that shines the brightest at the core will shine furthest into darkness. For this to take place, he has devoted himself to personal worship, prayer, fasting, and dedicated study of the Word of God. His passion is contend for a culture that manifests the atmosphere of Heaven & perpetually demonstrates the love, wisdom & miraculous power of God.
Loving God, loving people, proclaiming and demonstrating the Gospel of the Kingdom has been his heart for over 30 years. He was a karate school owner and a state, national and world ranked competitor in the late seventies to the early eighties. In 1984 he gave his heart and his life to Jesus Christ. He served from the mid-eighties to the early nineties as a full-time Youth/Young Adult Pastor at a Church in Largo, Florida. With seasoned experience in
the ministry and in the market place, Pastor Don has a unique ability to relate to people from all walks of life. He also serves as the Chaplin for the Bradenton Police Department, and is a writer for the Bradenton Hearld’s Faith Section. In 1985, at a conference, the Lord placed a seed in his heart that created a deep desire and passion to understand the Kingdom of God. In January, 2006, he along with his wife of 28 years, Trish, who also
Bradenton Aglow Lighthouse
Mark 7: 21 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,
The Lesson: It starts in your heart, proceeds out your mouth then becomes an action, make sure you guard your heart with all diligence. -Proverbs 4:23
Guest Speaker:
Don Sturiano June 8, 2018 At Der Dutchman
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You are invited
PAGE 9 | MAY 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 5
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
Men now Manslaughter trial of abortionist Robert Rho Competing as Women QUEENS, N.Y., April 26, 2018 /Christian Newswire/ -- The manslaughter trial of abortionist Robert Rho resumed on Wednesday with a short day of testimony. Rho is standing trial on one count of Second Degree Manslaughter (Reckless Homicide), a Class C Felony, for causing the death of Jaime Morales, 30, during a severely botched second trimester abortion in 2016. An observer for Operation Rescue, Lauren Handy, has been in the courtroom all week. No other media outlets have had a presence in court. The most significant testimony heard this week, was that of Dr. Steven Chasen, who sits on the Executive Board of the New York City Planned Parenthood.
Chasen served as an expert witness for the prosecution, using autopsy photos to point out to the jury internal injuries Morales suffered during her botched late-term abortion. Chasen had testified that Rho had lacerated her uterus and uterine artery, sliced through her cervix and cut deep into her vagina during the dismemberment abortion. Morales was bleeding so badly that Rho returned her to the procedure room for a second abortion. While there, he attempted to suture her injuries, but he could not repair them all. Finally, in an attempt to make it appear that her bleeding had stopped, Rho “cinched” her cervix shut, forcing the blood to pool
into her abdominal cavity. Even though she was non-responsive, Rho released her at approximately 6:30 p.m. “It is shocking that Rho did not call an ambulance for Moralas. He had to understand that she was still hemorrhaging internally. Instead, from what we know so far, he butchered her and her baby then kicked her to the curb to die,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. Testimony from Wednesday centered on execution of a search warrant and testimony about the fact Morales’ baby was six months gestation, yet Rho attempted a dismemberment abortion in a single day.
MADISON, Wis., April 10, 2018 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Boston, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, and London marathons will allow transgenders to compete without hormone therapy or re-assignment surgery. The following is a statement from 4 Winds Christian Athletics President Steve McConkey: “The LGBT movement is expanding in sports. In 2003, we were the only ones standing against the Olympic Committee for allowing transgenders in the Olympics. From there, it spread to high schools, the NCAA, pro leagues, and the military. We have fought this LGBT sports agenda every step of the
way. “Pseudo-science has allowed this agenda to happen without protests from those who know better. Everyone knows that men have an unfair advantage over women. Even if a person takes hormones for a year, men still have muscle and bone advantages over females. “In the women’s 800 meters at the Rio Olympics, it is reported that the medal winners were intersex. Though not transgender, these athletes were born with male parts and were not tested for testosterone. One of the athletes was reported to have three times the testosterone level of a normal woman. “The Bible says being
transgender is sinful. Whenever, you mess with God’s creation, there are problems. Pseudo scientists deny the truth they learned while at universities. They are trying to rewrite the DNA code given to each athlete.” Steve McConkey is the founder and president of 4 Winds Christian Athletics (4 WINDS). Steve and Liz started in worldclass track and field ministries in 1981. In 2014, 4 WINDS started ministering to athletes in all sports. Steve graduated from Western Kentucky University (Master of Public Health). 4 WINDS produces 4WindsUSA. com. +++
“For there is one God, and one mediator be-
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PAGE 10 | MAY 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 5
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
13-Year-Old Wakes Up Iowa Law stops as Doctors Prepare to abortion when Harvest His Organs heartbeat can be detected NATIONAL MICAIAH BILGER MAY 7, 2018 | 2:37PM WASHINGTON, DC - LIFENEWS.COM Trenton McKinley is a walking miracle. Two months ago, the Mobile, Alabama teen suffered severe injuries when a small utility trailer that he was riding in flipped over, CBS News reports. Initially, doctors thought his brain injuries were so severe that he would never regain consciousness, and his parents agreed to remove his life support and donate his organs, the report states. But just before that happened, the 13-year-old showed signs of life. Jennifer Reindl, Trenton’s mom, said she initially thought she lost her young son to the accident. She told Fox News that he showed no vital signs for a full 15 minutes. Eventually, she signed the papers to donate his organs, believing his life would help save other children’s. “A man from the UAB organ donation came and talked to us in the family conference room about donating five organs to UAB children’s hospital that would save five other children. We said yes, that also insured that they would continue to keep
Trenton alive to clean his organs for the donation,” Reindl told CBS News on Sunday. Then, Trenton shocked everyone. “The next day he was scheduled to have his final brain wave test to call his time of death but his vitals spiked so they canceled the test,” Reindl said. Now, Trenton is not only awake, but he also can walk, read and even do math problems again, his parents said. Trenton still is suffering from pain and seizures from seven skull fractures, and he will need surgery again in the future, ac
cording to the report. But for now, he is at home receiving therapy and beginning to heal. Speaking recently to the local news, the young man said he thinks he was in heaven for a little while after the accident. “I was in an open filed walking straight,” he told reporters. “There’s no other explanation but God.” His parents also praised God for their son’s recovery. “All glory to God … I am so thankful for every second I get to spend my time with my son,” Reindl wrote Sunday on Facebook.
“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” -Jeremiah 29:11
Heartbeat Law--Most Protective Law in the Nation! WASHINGTON, May 4, 2018 /Christian Newswire/ -- Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed the state Heartbeat Bill into law today, legally protecting unborn babies in Iowa whose beating hearts can be detected. “We thank Gov. Reynolds and the leaders in the Iowa State Senate and House who worked tirelessly to keep hearts beating,” said Janet Porter, President of Faith2Action, who authored the nation’s first Heartbeat Bills at the state and federal level. “We call on Speaker Paul Ryan to follow Iowa’s lead and call an immediate floor vote on the federal Heartbeat Bill (H.R. 490), now with 171 co-sponsors--more than any prolife bill in Congress,” declared Porter. Former Majority Leader Tom DeLay testified for the Iowa Heartbeat Bill in committee and has been
leading the team fighting for passage of the federal Heartbeat Bill in Washington, sponsored by Congressman Steve King, from Iowa. “Leaving Congress without ending abortion is my biggest regret--a regret Speaker Ryan doesn’t have to have,” said DeLay. “Speaker Ryan can call for a floor vote to end abortion for every baby whose heartbeat can be heard right now--there’s nothing stopping him,” stated DeLay. DeLay also offered advice to the Speaker and the Republicans in Congress: “Nothing will bring out the Republican base in the midterm elections more than keeping your prolife promises by passing the federal Heartbeat Bill, H.R. 490.” Leader Delay was fully exonerated from every trumped-up charge against him. In the last two weeks, more than 300,000 faxes were sent to Speaker Ryan, leadership, and members
of Congress calling for a vote of the federal Heartbeat Bill. Porter added, “In addition to Congress, other states will soon be introducing and passing Heartbeat Bills. It’s common sense--to ignore a fetal heartbeat is to deny science.” Free faxes can be sent to Speaker Ryan’s Washington, D.C. and three Wisconsin district offices by simply clicking the “Free Fax” icon at www.Faith2Action.org. As Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “Not to act is to act. God will not hold us guiltless.” This is your chance to make history to call for a vote to save every child whose heartbeat can be heard before you leave office. Please don’t miss it. Proverbs 24:11-12 (NLT) Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to die; Save them as they stagger to their death. Do not excuse yourself by saying, “Look, we did not know....”
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He’s Alive Christian News has an opening for a part-time sales person Welcomes: LOVE WORKS AGAIN Email: ficcpastor@yahoo.com or Text: 941-447-4538 When you donate any amount to He’s Alive Christian news, we will send you 25 of these full color, 8 page, Gospel tracts. Mail your donation to: PO Box 14931 Bradenton, Florida 34280
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PAGE 11 | MAY 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 5
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
Pat Boone believes that he will meet Hollywood star,
Rock Hudson, again in heaven From Page 6
... to go in and Shirley put her hands on Rock’s cold feet and prayed for him and asked the Lord to raise him. Tom told Shirley that he had opened the shutters to let the morning sunrise come in, and Rock passed looking at the rising sun propped up in bed. “We all wept afterwards, and I told Shirley, ‘You know it was a happy day. He went to be with the Lord. He was raised through a brand new body. AIDS had ruined his nor-
mal physical body, but now the Bible says we’re given new bodies eternal bodies. And now we believe that Roy Fitzgerald, better known as RockHudson, is there with the Lord and he’ll welcome us when we come to our eternal habitations. So that’s the story. In a previous interview, Susan Stafford, the original hostess of “Wheel of Fortune,” had revealed how she was present when a Catholic priest led Rock
Hudson in the “sinner’s prayer” to receive Jesus Christ into his life, just hours before his death. Stafford, who preceded Vanna White as the first hostess on the popular American game show, “Wheel of Fortune,” (from January 6, 1975 until she left on October 22, 1982), told me, “Yes, it is true that Rock Hudson accepted Jesus Christ on his death bed,” she told me. “I was staying with Rock Hudson at his home at the time,
and Pat and Shirley Boone and also ‘Love Boat’ captain, Gavin MacLeod and his wife, Patti, came to pray with him.” A born-again Christian, Stafford said that also there at that time was Fr. Terrance A. Sweeney, a five-time Emmy Award winning producer, an ex-Jesuit priest who was ordained to the priesthood on June 15, 1973. “Rock was a Roman Catholic and so we called in Fr. Sweeney and he prayed the ‘sinner’s prayer,’ with him and then I prayed as did one of his nurses called Toni,” she said. “I later did Rock’s funeral.” The ASSIST News Service (www.assistnews.net).
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By Chris Vercelli
PAGE 12 | MAY 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 5
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
33-Year-Old Woman, Born Blind in One Eye, Instantly Gets Her Sight Back. Here’s How…
I know its super weird to read a headline like that in your local newspaper, but I think you’ll be glad that you paid close attention to this because what happened was totally supernatural. Way cooler than any sci-fi movie. Here’s the short story. Myself and close to 100 others were at a 4-day retreat at Wekiwa Springs State Park, which is just outside of Orlando. One of the people there was 33-year-old Naya Toledo who came to get a respite from the busyness of life and to reconnect with God. Naya is a single mom who works really hard for her family and as someone who has known Naya for close to a year, I can say that with her, what you see is what you get. Naya is not like you and me though, she was born with a rare genetic condition that causes blindness. Thankfully, Naya was only born blind in her left eye, and she somehow managed to live, work, drive, go to school, and raise kids for 33 years 5 months and 26 days without ever seeing a single thing out of it. Her retina, her pupil and her optic nerve were essentially useless and even the muscles of her eye didn’t work, which caused her eye to be “lazy.” Cover one eye right now
Naya Toledo several months before the healing of her left eye. Flowers courtesy of photoshop. to see how Naya saw all her life. Crazy, right?! Well, the story does have a happy ending because on the morning of January 13th, 2018, just after breakfast, we were all together at the retreat center singing songs when the healing power of God suddenly came upon her. As Naya explains in her testimony video, her friends were praying for her sore throat (not for her eye) and while they were, she had a vision of Jesus
HE’S ALIVE CHRISTIAN NEWS AND VIEWS * We will email you the most current edition each month at your request. * Fill out this form and return to us or go online at www.hesalivenews.org * No money is required but your donations, big or small, help us pay postage and expenses.
see. She even went to her eye doctor (whom she’d been under the care of for years) and he also verified that this was a supernatural event. It’s a funny story. She thought she would get into a debate with him about what happened, but when he realized she could clearly read all the letters on the eye chart except the bottom row, the doctor said “yep, God did this. It’s a miracle.” She YES! SEND ME HE’S ALIVE EVERY MONTH BY: was shocked! SNAIL MAIL: ___________________________ To add another layer of amazing to this miracle, EMAIL: _______________________________ the healing moments were BOTH: ________________________________ actually caught on video! ________________________________ The video is now on YouTube and it is only 37 sec- NAME: ________________________________ onds long. I’ve watched ADDRESS: _____________________________ it about 50 times already CITY: _________________________________ and writing about it ST: ________________ ZIP:_______________ makes me want to watch it EMAIL ADDRESS: ______________________ again! Every time I watch it, I relive that moment I WILL PRAY FOR HE’S ALIVE: ___________ when I realized beyond SEND EXTRA COPIES FOR ME TO any shadow of any doubt DISTRIBUTE: __________________________ that God is real and He is exactly who He says He ENCLOSED IS MY GIFT OF: ______________ is in the Bible. I’d love to (MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO FAITH share those videos with INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN CENTER) you for free. I believe they will encourage your faith You can also donate online through paypal at enormously. www.hesalivenews.org To see Naya’s testimony video and the video of the miracle taking place, go to www.NonFictionFitness. com and click on the tab “articles.” The article is titled “I’ll NEVER Be the Same After I Saw This…” partner with us: www.hesalivenews.org .
Christ. Jesus covered her good eye (her right eye) and when He did, she saw light come into her blind eye. Startled by this, she closed both her eyes and when she did, she again had a vision of Jesus covering her good eye. This time, when she opened her eyes, she could see clearly out of both of them! Everyone in the room was in total shock. It’s now been over four months since Naya was healed and she can still With Love, Chris Vercelli MATm, CPT Non-Fiction Fitness, Inc.
Three days of Youth outreach! June 5th, 6th & 7th 10 am to 12:30 By House of Covenant
Ministries From Grant, ALABAMA To be held At
We invite you to join us every Sunday Free Groceries every Thursday. For more information, please contact: Rev. Byron Odman Charles, Founder / President Phone number: 941-462-6825 941-554-7701
Email: Odman.Charles@NHCoalition.org visit: www.NHCoalition.org NEW ADDRESS: 7215 1st Ave W, Bradenton, FL 34209
Faith International Christian Center
Drama, Dance, Worship, Bible Study, Prayer
With Pastors Floyd & Nurse Phyllis Kimbrell and their Redeemed Drama Team! Bring your children for a time of refreshing in the Lord! 2001 9th Street West, Bradenton, FL 34205 Phone: 941-447-4538