OCTOBER 2017 • Vol. 4, No. 10
Page 6: NFL
Boycott will Continue
Page 5: The largest
mass shooting on American soil
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Page 6: Satanic
Temple erected in Boca Raton, FL.
He’s Alive
The Newspaper Of Proof He’s Alive “I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen.” -Revelation 1:18a
Ephesians 4:27 “Neither give place to the devil.”
“Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you..” 2 Corinthians 6:17
The Messiah is about to be revealed to the nations By Charles Gardner
UNITED NATIONS, NY (ANS – October 1, 2017) -As the earth is ravaged by an unprecedented series of natural disasters, accompanied with threats of war and terror, world leaders have been presented with a heavenly vision. In challenging the “fake history” of those who deny Jewish links with Israel’s holiest sites, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin “Bibi” Netanyahu has sounded a clarion call for the United Nations to acknowledge the divine authority of the world’s greatest book -the Bible. Three times he referenced the Bible in a powerful speech to the UN in which he claimed that Israel’s right to exist and prosper as a nation is rooted in God’s Word. Referring to July’s declaration of Hebron’s Tomb of the Patriarchs as a Palestinian World Heritage site,
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin “Bibi” Netanyahu speaking at the UN.
Charles Gardner with a copy of his book, Israel the Chosen. he said you won’t read the true facts of its history in the latest UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) report. “But you can read about it in a somewhat weightier publication-- it’s called the Bible,” he mocked, adding that it was “a great read,” that he read every week, and that they could purchase it from Amazon. How refreshing that at
least one nation’s leader takes his stand on the Bible, though it is entirely appropriate as Bibi leads the people who gave it to us! As well as a sacred book written by divine authority, it is also an historical record which validates Israel’s claim to the Promised Land they now occupy. But in making such a divine claim for the territo-
ry, Bibi must also seekto apply the Law -- that is, the Lord’s teaching on ethical matters – to his domain. He is right in saying that the words of the prophet Isaiah -- that God called Israel to be a light to the nations – is being fulfilled as the tiny Jewish state becomes a rising power. But their call “to bring salvation to the ends of
the earth” (Isaiah 49.6) must mean more than hitech innovation and being good neighbors through their search-and-rescue teams sent to disaster areas and medics tending to wounded Syrians on their northern border, though we praise God for all that. Israel is nevertheless rife with immorality -- and I am thinking particularly... Continuation on Page: 2
disturbing but necessary to understand the truth. Wednesday night, two movie screenings demonstrated that selling one’s body is never a choice. I am Jane Doe, by movie director Mary Mazzio and producer Alec Sokolow, highlighted the ongoing battle of American mothers against Backpage.com, the website where their children were sold for sex and abuse. Their legal case
is opposed by Google, George Soros and others, but fiercely fought for by Congresswomen Ann Wagner. “Internet has become a red-light district,” Wagner told the audience. The Missouri lawmaker has gained 148 co-sponsors for her bill to amend the 1996 law that gives blanket immunity to websites that sell children. She urged the audience to call their
audience with U.S. data on child-pornography. 19% of victims are under the age of three and 80% of child-pornography involves penetration. “This is what child pornography is about,” Cooper said, “not pictures of children taking a bath.” Movie director Benjamin representative in support. Camille Cooper, Director at PROTECT, shocked the Continuation on Page: 3
UN Event Names and Shames Purveyors of Child Rape, Trafficking
By Marianna Orlandi, Ph.D.
NEW YORK, September 29 (C-Fam) “Decriminalization of prostitution is the most monstrous, preposterous, counterproductive act we could possibly conceive,” a prostitution survivor declared at a UN high-level meeting on human trafficking yesterday. Rachel Moran, a modern day abolitionist, was a victim of prostitution from the age of fourteen to twenty-two. She condemned Amnesty International’s “sex-work” and “pro-decriminalization” language saying, “they do not have a right to call themselves a human rights organization.” Her rebuke came during
a two-day event hosted by the twenty-three countries making up the Group of Friends United Against Trafficking and C-Fam, publisher of the Friday Fax. Former Congresswoman and Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann moderated. It was the second human trafficking event they hosted in six months, reflecting the urgency of the issue and the frustration over lack of progress. Speakers focused on internet buying and selling of children, child sexual abuse, and child pornography. Panel chair Dr. Susan Yoshihara warned that some material was deeply
PAGE 2 | OCTOBER 2017 • Vol. 4, No. 10
ny tez Duffa n o M e n adeli By Rev. M
Of Truth
Dear Reverend, There is a feeling inside that always stops me from going with my girlfriend to a palm reader. I am a new Christian. I was recently saved at a little church in someone’s house. It just seems wrong to me. Am I being silly by refusing to go? My friend says it is harmless and a lot of fun. She
goes each week to find out about some mysterious love in her life. I’d like to know about my own future and love life too. I might just go see what it is all about.
from harm’s way. Forms of fortune telling are forbidden by the Bible. These include the following: 1. Palmistry 2. Tarot Cards 3. Astrology 4. Mirror mantic (crystal balls and rock - Looking for love, crystals) 5. Numerology --------------(numeric value of names Dear Looking, The feeling you have in- and birthdates reveal a side is the Holy Spirit con- person’s destiny and charvicting and protecting you acter) and many others. Denton, tells me of a conference held in Israel in 1996 at which Messianic leaders gathered to discuss the Jewish roots of Christianity. “Unknown to me until afterwards,” 650 doctors have signed he said, “it turned out a petition against it is very that the Knesset (Israel’s encouraging.5 parliament) was voting Paradoxically, the killing on an abortion law at the of innocents has accompa- very same time that we nied the greatest rescues were discussing Torah mankind has witnessed. (the Law of Moses). In fact Moses survived the edict the Knesset was struck of the Egyptian Pharaoh by lightning at that very calling for the slaughter of time.” all Hebrew babies to lead With innocents around his people out of slavery the world being butchered to the Promised Land. as never before, the MessiYeshua, the Jewish Messi- ah is about to be revealed ah, survived King Herod’s to the nations. Jesus inmassacre of infants – iron- dicated that his coming ically by fleeing with his again would be as in the family to Egypt in res- days of Noah (Luke 17.26) ponse to God’s warning when the world was full of – to bring salvation to the violence (Genesis 6.13). world through his sacri- Terrorism stalks the planficial death on a Roman et as unbelievable cruelty cross outside Jerusalem. mars even supposedly enMoses also received the lightened societies while Law of God; now Jesus nuclear holocausts have writes the Law on our become a distinct possibilhearts (Ezekiel 36.26, Jer- ity, with both North Korea emiah 31.33). Moses was and Iran making ominous hidden among the bul- noises. And all this while rushes of the Nile and nations reel under the febecame the savior of his rocious effects of earthpeople; Jesus was raised quakes and hurricanes – in the backwaters of Naza also spoken of as signs of reth but became the Savior the Messiah’s imminent of the world as he brought return (Luke 21.25-28), true freedom to all who especially when they folwould trust in his redeem- low in rapid succession ing blood (John 8.36). and increasing severity, as My colleague, Clifford on a woman with labour
The Messiah is about to be revealed From: Page 1 to the nations
about abortion, a killing of innocents that echoes previous turning points in Israel’s (and the world’s) history at the time of Moses and of Jesus. I appreciate that its practice in modern Israel is less prevalent than in most parts of the West3, but some 650,000 children4 have nevertheless been denied life in a country that gave God’s law to the world, including the commandment “Thou shall not kill.” In the UK, shockingly, nine million babies have been murdered in the 50 years since the passing of the Abortion Act, originally designed to prevent backstreet abortions and meant to apply only where a mother’s life was threatened. Now it is virtually a case of abortion on demand as further calls are made for relaxing the law. Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists president Lesley Regan believes terminations should be the same as any other medical procedure, requiring consent from only one doctor, just as if they were having a bunion removed. But the fact that
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Tea cup readings, coffee grounds, automatic writing and Ouija boards are all wrong. Spiritism has a record of deception and fraudulent practices. It preys on the gullible, grieving, ill-educated and emotionally unbalanced or even curious. God will “set His face against the person who turns to these practices” Lev 20:6. God’s Word has true answers, trust Him. This is God’s Truth! Rev. Madeline Montez Duffany -------Write to Rev Madeline at PO Box 14931 Bradenton, FL 34280 or by email at Hesalivenews@yahoo.com. Not all letters are from readers. Letters may be fictitious in person but true in content. We reserve the right to edit or refuse any questions submitted. +++ pains. (Matthew 24:8) Of the three major Jewish feasts, Jesus has fulfilled both Passover and Shavuot (Pentecost). Many Bible commentators believe he will soon fulfill the Feast of Tabernacles (shortly to be celebrated throughout the Jewish world) when he returns to reign from Jerusalem. The One who protects his people, and provides for them, as he did in the wilderness so long ago, will finally bring in the harvest of those who believe in him as he comes to ‘tabernacle’ (or live/ make his dwelling) among us. (See John 1.14) The day is coming -- very soon, it seems -- when the killing of the innocents will give way to the glorious return of the Son of Man “coming in a cloud with power and great glory” (Luke 21.27) to avenge every wrong as he passes judgment on a cruel world. Israel -- you are truly called to be a light to the nations, and indeed you have impressed so far with many marvelous inventions. But the brightest light is the fulfillment of the Law through Yeshua HaMashiach, who brings hope, not despair; and life, not death. The ASSIST News Service www.assistnews.net +++
“A CHURCH ALIVE IS WORTH A DRIVE.” Do not forsake the assembling of ourselves together. GO TO CHURCH. (Hebrews 10:25)
HE’S ALIVE Christian News & Views Published the 10th of Each Month
Published by HE’S ALIVE PUBLISHING COMPANY FAITH INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN CENTER P.O. BOX 14931 Bradenton, Fl. 34280 Phone: 941-447-4538 website: www.ficcwordchurch.org Publisher: Chuck Kennedy Designer: Rlyn Kennedy Contact information: www.hesalivenews.org email: hesalivenews@yahoo.com Email subscriptions are free. Printed subscriptions any donation. Letters to the editor are welcomed and encouraged. Help support us by shopping our list of spirit filled books and Amazon.com on our website. Check it out at www.hesalivenews.org or scan below.
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Counselor’s Corner:
One or Three?
Do you remember the saying “if you point an accusing finger at someone, you are also pointing three fingers at yourself ”? It was convicting when first I heard it because at the time I was doing just that. The quote told me that if I accused someone of hurting me emotionally, I should also look at myself and see how I have hurt others. In the last few articles I wrote of some warning signs of unsafe people in our lives and to be aware of whether we should continue a relationship with them. As my last article on this topic I am going to share what the three fingers pointed at us could mean. Three examples of how WE can be unsafe to others. 1. WE ARE ENVIOUS. I think we can tell when we are envious of someone else whether it is a family member, co-worker, minister or ministry, their wealth, their good health, etc. At times, we are unable to cheer some one’s success because they have what we don’t have. When we become envi-
ous, the very people who are loving, safe and generous become the bad guys in our eyes. That destroys relationships and the one finger pointed at them is nothing compared to the three fingers of emotional pain we can cause ourselves. 2. WE THINK WE ARE SELF SUFFICIENT. It all started with Satan in Isaiah 14:13 when he said he would raise his throne “above the stars of God.” He hated being dependent on God. The problem is that many parents raise their children to be self-sufficient as a positive trait. Many come to believe their personal wealth is due to their education, hard work, or family inheritance and yet spiritually they are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked (Rev.3:17). Then Christians who reach out for help when they are in depression, anxiety, have marriage problems and family issues tend to be told that they “don’t have enough faith” or aren’t “victorious enough”. Some
By : Louise Alleva of us even think maturity is when we hide our problems and lead others to believe we don’t have any problems. The key is to realize our needs and be willing to reach out for help. God designed us to draw us into relationship with him and how to be come His safe people. 3. WE SIN AGAINST GOD’S LAWS. Our sin nature violates boundaries that God has set down for us in the 10 Commandments. Adam and Eve had freedom in the Garden and God allowed them to have or do anything except for one thing. Do not eat from the tree of Good and Evil. They crossed the line and sin was born within them. From then on, breaking God’s rules became a deliberate choice. When we refuse to be kind to someone, or when we lie to each other, lash out in violence through our actions or with our tongue, we sinned. We can affect and even destroy our relationships because the enemy is out to weaken and destroy that relationship through
our sin or those being committed against us. This is how Satan works against all mankind. The three fingers pointed at us called envy, self-sufficiency and sin have even a more sinister outcome which is to harm us as well as those around us by ultimately pushing us further into isolation which usually causes some sort of breakdown. Like a car running out of gas we don’t function as well. We begin to “act out” our addictions, get depressed and our relationships begin to suffer. We may not even realize the symptoms of deeper problems and why we have trouble connecting with others. These three fingers are signs of the need to recognize the unsafe traits we have. The cure is to stop pointing and open our hand. Envy can be changed by a congratulatory pat on the back to someone who has succeeded, self-sufficiency can be changed with a raised hand of needing help, and two hands together in prayer for repentance, forgive ness will lead to a stronger faith in the One true God, and His Commandments. Reference: “How to Find Relationships That are Good for You”. Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend. Blessings and Love, Louise Alleva, D. Min, LCPC. CTC Louise.alleva@gmail.com for questions or personal counseling.
Have You Walked the Romans Road?
- Admit that you are a sinner. Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” - sinners suffer, their pay is death. Romans 6:23a “For the wages of sin is death...” - God’s gift to sinners is Jesus Christ, He came to save us. Romans 6:23b “...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” - Now give your life to God... Romans 5:8, “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” -Repent of your sins and call upon the grace of GodRomans 2:4 Or despisest thou the ri -ches of his goodness and
forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? - “Whosoever” includes everyone, no one is excluded. Romans 10:13 “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” - Believe God defeated death through Jesus and confess now that Jesus is Lord of your life. Tell everyone you are saved! Romans 10:9,10 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with
the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” Write to us for further help. FICC PO Box 14931 Bradenton, FL 34280 hesalivenews@yahoo.com www.ficcwordchurch.org Study more of the Word of God at: http://www. ficcwordchurch.org/fitcschool.htm
UN Event Names and Shames Purveyors of Child Rape, Trafficking
From Page 1
PAGE 3 | OCTOBER 2017 • Vol. 4, No. 10
Nolot’s documentary— Nefarious—shot in more than nineteen countries, showed how buying a child to rape is “as easy as ordering a pizza.” Often times, it is desperate parents who sell them, he said. Nolot named “the pornographic soul of our culture” as the root-cause. He presented his latest movie, Liberated—a shocking reportage on American teenagers’ addiction to porn and sex. “We are fighting for the soul of a generation.” Nolot endorsed Moran’s words and equally condemned the hypocrisy of the “sexwork” movement, fuelling slavery and commercial sex-demand. Rani Hong was stolen from her family at the age of seven and sold in a slave trade in India and then into illegal international adoption. She called on
the UN to find “solutions” and move beyond words. Laura Lederer, founder of Global Centurion, focused on the health consequences of trafficking: suicidal thoughts and attempts, multiple abortions, and substance abuse. Deidre Pujols, founder of Open Gate International and wife of a major league baseball player, addressed, “the people on the other team.” “You are not made to do that,” she said, addressing potential webcast viewers who are pimps, abusers, porn-addicts. “I promise you, the activity you found yourself in today, is not what you have been made for,” she said. View online at: https:// c-fam.org/f r iday_fax/ un-event-namesshames-purveyors-childrape-trafficking/ (Center for Family & Human Rights). www.c-fam.org
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Sunday Service: 10:00 am
Church Services:
“And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” -Revelation 20:15
“Read your
Sunday School: 9:15 am
Thursday Bible Study: 6:15 pm Tuesday Bible Study: 6:30 pm
BIBLE scare hell out of YOU.”
Luke 8:16 No man, when he hath lighted a candle, covereth it with a vessel, or putteth it under a bed; but setteth it on a candlestick, that they which enter in may see the light.
Luke 8:18 Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have.
The lesson, Jesus is lighting the way for all who will hear, BUT, He is the only way. Clinging to any other basis of salvation will be taken from you. Take heed how you hear Him, your eternity depends on it.
Luke 8:17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.
Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International SARASOTA, FLORIDA CHAPTER
Monthly Meeting Place: Der Dutchman Restaurant, 3713 Bahia Vista Street, Sarasota, FL, (Phone: 941- 955-8007) 2nd Friday every month
WHEN: November 10, 2017, Dinner 5:30 PM Meeting begins at 6:45 PM Cost: Dinner Buffet $20 (pay at the meeting)
Frank Baio November 10, 2017
Born in Italy he and his parents miraculously immigrated to the United States settling in Brooklyn, N. Y., where he was educated. We will need to know many to set up He served in the US Army and saw action for. Please call in your reservation in Viet Nam serving with the 168th Asby Wednesday, November 8 to Jerry sault Helicopter Company of the 1st AviaMiller at 941-223-0417. tion brigade during the Tet Offensive from
Contact: Jerry Miller 941-223-0417
6/1967-6/1968. After his discharge in 1969, he returned to Brooklyn to work in the family construction business. Soon thereafter he and his fiancé, Fran, were married. Seven years later, they were blessed with the birth of their son, James. They would also adopted two lovely girls, both now married, who have made them grandparents five times over. Frank has worked on Wall Street in Mutual Funds, Insurance and Financial Planning. He was the assistant to the Vice President of Home office sale
Bradenton Aglow Lighthouse
and was responsible for licensing and training all incoming sales reps in the area of Life and Health insurance and Mutual Funds. He has sold building materials for 38 years, traveling to New York, Southeaster US, and throughout the State of Florida. He has even owned his own construction company along the way. Frank currently serves with a number of organizations, including Life Link Missions, in various roles including Vice President and Corporate Secretary. He is also a teacher at the Institute of Ministry in Bradenton (at Christian Retreat) for the past 19 years and in August of 2014 he received his Doctorate Degree.
Help and encouragement after the death of a loved one. MONDAYS 7 - 9 PM Restoration Fellowship 5614 Richardson Rd. Sarasota, FL Contact: Phyllis at 941-284-1255
Griefshare is a special weekly seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life.
Invites you : NOVEMBER 11TH, SATURDAY, 9:30 AM with Sarah Jansson!
Come be refreshed and filled with the Love of God For more information call Be Aglow and Burning With President Wende Thompson: 941-720-2187 the Spirit Serving the Lord WHERE: In the Fellowship Hall of Resonate Life -Romans 10:11 (Amplified) 1820 53rd Avenue West, Bradenton, Florida 34207 Meets 2nd Saturday of every month 9:30am
You are invited
PAGE 5 | OCTOBER 2017 • Vol. 4, No. 10
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Shooters father was a notorious bank robber The largest mass shooting on American soil in US history By Dan Wooding
Stephen Paddock
Gunman’s brother speaks out. Stephen Paddock, the man police say killed at least 58 people on the Las Vegas Strip, was a retired accountant who enjoyed playing $100-a-hand poker, his brother says. Eric Paddock told CNN on Monday his brother had worked as an accountant and had plenty of money. “He was a wealthy guy playing video poker... on cruises,” he said, adding that his brother could afford anything he wanted and played $100-a-hand poker. Their father, a well-known bank robber and at one point was on the FBI’s 10 most wanted list, died a few years ago. Stephen Paddock had been married in the past and lived with his girlfriend, Eric Paddock said, but he didn’t know of any children. Stephen last communicated with his brother via a text, asking Eric about their mother, who’d lost power during Hurricane Irma. Eric also said Stephen spoke to his mother on the phone a week or two ago. He has no idea why his brother would kill anybody. The family found out about the shooting at 1 a.m., when police called. “He was my brother and it’s like an asteroid fell out of the sky,” Eric Paddock said. Media reports stated that Police said they had no information about Paddock’s motive, that he
Scene of the shooting. (ABC News). had no criminal record and was not believed to be connected to any militant group. Paddock killed himself before police entered the hotel room he was firing from, Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo told reporters. “We have no idea what his belief system was,” Lombardo said. Federal officials said there was no evidence to link Paddock to international militant groups. “As this event unfolds, we have determined to this point no connection with an international terrorist group,” FBI special agent in charge Aaron Rouse told reporters. One U.S. official discounted a claim of responsibility that was made by Islamic State. There was reason to believe that Paddock had a history of psychological problems, the official said. In its claim, Islamic State
said the gunman was a recent convert, according to the group’s news agency Amaq. Its claim did not include the gunman’s name and showed no proof. In the past, the group has also claimed responsibility for attacks without providing evidence. Lombardo said there were more than 10 rifles in the room where Paddock killed himself. He had checked into the hotel on Thursday. Police found several more weapons at Paddock’s home in Mesquite, about 90 miles northeast of Las Vegas, Mesquite police spokesman Quinn Averett told reporters. Billy Graham Rapid Response Team deployed to Las Vegas. The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team has deployed crisistrai ned chaplains to Las Vegas following the horrific mass
shooting on the Las Vegas Strip. A man lays on top of a woman as others flee the music festival grounds after an active shooter was reported on Oct. 1, 2017, “We mourn for in Las Vegas. The woman later was seen getting up with help. the families that lost loved ones, especially in such an evil and violent manner. We grieve for the survivors who will carry the emotional and physical scars the rest of their lives. The terror that took place last night in Las Vegas will forever be etched in Graham Evangelistic As- An initial group of chapthe minds of those who sociation, posted to his lains will arrive today and were present,” said Jack Facebook page: “This tomorrow to minister at Munday, international morning we awoke to the memorial sites. Additional director of the Billy Gra- tragic news that at least chaplains will be on standham Rapid Response 50 people were killed and by to respond as warrantTeam. “We will be there over 200 wounded last ed. to talk with and pray with night in a mass shooting The ASSIST News Service the hurting, offering the at a Las Vegas outdoor (www.assistnews.net). +++ hope and comfort of Jesus concert. Please join me in praying for the families of Christ in these dark days.” Franklin Graham, presi- those killed and for all the dent and CEO of the Billy injured.”
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PAGE 6 | OCTOBER 2017 • Vol. 4, No. 10
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NFL Boycott will Satanic Temple erected Continue Until in Boca Raton, Florida Anthem is ‘Properly Honored Again’
HANOVER, Penn., Sept. 27, 2017 /Christian Newswire/ -- Fans in the bleachers are irked by the politicization of football. In fact, Americans are pledging to boycott the National Football League (NFL) in large numbers, as long as its athletes continue to disrespect our nation’s symbols and Anthem. “Respect for the flag is a duty, not an option,” said John Horvat II, vice-president of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP). “The NFL is turning its back on America and bending its knee to political correctness,” Horvat said. “Respect for the National Anthem transcends petty politics. And every true American should stand with legitimate pride to honor the symbols of our beloved nation.”
Horvat launched an online boycott of the NFL and was surprised to pick up more than 20,000 boycott pledges in less than 24 hours. Those who signed the pledge promise to “Boycott NFL football until order is restored on the field and players again honor our national anthem in the traditional manner.” “By allowing players to disrespect the National Anthem, the NFL is insulting every American who cherishes and honors tradition,” Horvat stated. “For now the NFL may enjoy financial success, but it has lost its reputation and honor. America’s honor is not for sale. Because honor is a virtue that money can’t buy. It is earned with sacrifice.” “Thank God, outrage is growing, fans are tuning out, and ratings are dropping,” Horvat continued.
“Our boycott will continue until the flag and anthem are property honored again.” The boycott is taking on curious and unique expressions. For example, some restaurant owners are refusing to show football on their screens. Borio’s in upstate New York issued this statement: “Due to the recent decision of the Pittsburg Stealers (sic) team to stay in the locker room during our country’s National Anthem the Borio family will no longer show the NFL in our restaurant. If and when this show of disrespect ends we will be happy to show this product on (sic) our restaurant again. America is great we can all make decisions!”For more information, contact: John Horvat II: www.ReturnToOrder.org
3616 1st St. W, Bradenton Fl 342085
WARRENTON, Mo., Sept. 20, 2017 /Christian Newswire/ -- Atheists disguised as members of the Satanic Temple ended their short-lived after-school program at Point Defiance Elementary School in Tacoma. After their publicity stunt, their first meeting took place December 2016, with only one child joining the monthly club. The intention of this group was to target schools that host Good News Clubs, scare the faculty and especially the community so that they would be denied permission to hold their Satan Club and with that the Good News Club would be pushed out as well. In 2001 the US Supreme Court ruled overwhelmingly that Good News Clubs can take place on elementary public school campuses after the last bell rings and have equal treatment. Every child that attends a Good News Club has a parental permission slip. Moises Esteves, Vice Pres-
ident of Child Evangelism Fellowship said, “The Satanic Temple erected a 10-foot, 300-pound red pentagram in Boca Raton, Florida accompanied by the words: ‘May the children hail Satan.’ This is the reason the Tacoma club ended. Parents know that children today are confronted with many difficult issues such as violence, drugs, bullying and gangs. The last thing parents want for their children is for them to attend a Satan Club.” As the Satan Clubs are closing down, about 4,500 Good News Clubs are starting up this new school year all over the USA. Over 180,000 children will be enrolled in a high energy club that includes Bible stories, songs, games, etc. Children will receive moral and character development as well as learn respect for authority, based on biblical principles. Esteves stated, “Principals love Good News Clubs, because it makes their job
easier. As the children learn about God and the importance of loving and respecting others, their behavior improves. Better behavior means better education.” One principal said, “Since the Good News Club has been a part of our school, the office referrals have decreased.” Worldwide Child Evangelism Fellowship teaches over 6.4 million children on a weekly basis in 74,324 Good News Clubs. Child Evangelism Fellowship is an international, nonprofit, Christian ministry that has been teaching the Bible to children since 1937. CEF has 400 offices in the USA and is organized in most nations of the world, with over 3,400 paid staff and hundreds of thousands of volunteers. In its last ministry year, CEF ministered to over 20 million children in its face-toface teaching ministries.
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PAGE 7 | OCTOBER 2017 • Vol. 4, No. 10
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome! Pastor Andrew Brunson
Pray for imprisoned pastor in Turkey, a political hostage By Dan Wooding
Since October 7, 2016, Andrew Brunson has been one of these prisoners. He remains jailed without any written indictment explaining his alleged charges or providing any evidence against him. Judicial proceedings remain stalled, and his lawyer continues to be refused access to the sealed file of accusations against him. First detained to be deported as a “threat to national security,” Brunson had lived in Turkey for 23 years, involved in legally recognized church-related ministries. Two months after his surprise deten-
tion in the port city of Izmir, where he led the small Izmir Resurrection Church, he was formally arrested on accusations of involvement in unspecified “terrorism” activities. The presiding judge at his 9 December 2016 hearing referred verbally to allegations linking Brunson to the Gülen movement. World Watch Monitor went on to say that vague reports then appeared in the pro-government Turkish media, reiterating claims that Brunson’s “terrorism” charges were related to his alleged membership in the Islamic
cleric’s FETO network. This past March, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim denied that Brunson was being held as a political bargaining chip to obtain Gulen’s extradition, telling a visiting USA Today reporter that such an idea was “nonsensical. These matters are separate”. Then as recently as August 24th, Brunson was informed that even more allegations had been filed against him in an Izmir court, charging him with spying to obtain secret political and military information to “overthrow the
Turkish government” and undermine the country’s constitutional order. Erdoğan continues to insist that “more than enough” evidence has been provided to the United States for a legal basis to extradite Gülen, apparently expecting President Trump to issue an executive order to simply “trade” the controversial cleric for Brunson. World Watch Monitor
said, “But under US judicial procedures, extradition cases are decided by the federal court system, not the President or Congress. By contrast, under his new ‘state of emergency’ decree issued on August 25th, President Erdo-
ğan now has specific authority to arrange prisoner swaps to extradite foreigners jailed in Turkey. “The Turkish president is using this same decree to refuse to release German and other European citi-.. Continuation on Page: 8
When you donate any amount to He’s Alive Christian news, we will send you 25 of these full color, 8 page, Gospel tracts. Mail your donation to: PO Box 14931 Bradenton, Florida 34280
Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
By Pastor Chuck Kennedy
Mark 1:14B-15 Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
Romans 3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
Romans 4:25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.
2 Corinthians 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Accept by Faith that Jesus precious blood cleanses you... (Hebrews 9:12-14)
Suggested Prayer: Father in the name of Jesus, wash me in Your blood, forgive me of my sins please dear Lord. I believe Jesus is the Son of God and that You Father God raised Him from the dead. I now confess Jesus Christ is my Lord. Thank You for saving me, Father. I love You Jesus.
Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Romans 10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
For Additional information:
HE’S ALIVE Publishing Company P.O. Box 14931 Bradenton, FL 34280 websites: www.ficcwordchurch.org and www.hesalivenews.org Email: ficcpastor@yahoo.com Copyright 2017, HE’S ALIVE Publishing Company ISBN #: 978-0-9990531-1-9
PAGE 8 | OCTOBER 2017 • Vol. 4, No. 10
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
Pro-Life Leader Calls for McConnell’s Resignation Over Senate Inability to Defund Planned Parenthood
WASHINGTON, Sept. 27, 2017 /Christian Newswire/ -- Yesterday, it was announced that the Graham-Cassidy Repeal and Replace Obamacare bill was pulled due to three Republican defections, including Sen. John McCain of Arizona. That bill would have prevented over $500 million in tax dollars from going to Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the nation. The withdrawal of the bill kills any hope of defunding Planned Parenthood of Federal tax money until next year. “I am extremely disappointed in the Republican members of the U.S. Senate who could not band together to get this bill done. It angers me that we have to fund Planned Parenthood for another year. This means Planned Par-
enthood will have the resources it needs to continue its killing spree, and thousands of lives will be lost because of it,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue and Co-Founder of the Center for Medical Progress, which exposed Planned Parenthood’s participation in the illegal sale of organs and tissue obtained from aborted babies. Defunding Planned Parenthood was a high priority for the Trump administration, which promised to redirect funds from the abortion giant to legitimate health care providers that do not participate in abortions. “This repeated incapacity to get the job done is completely unacceptable. I call on Mitch McConnell to resign from his position as Senate Majority Leader
because of this leadership failure. Republicans must replace him with someone who can unite the majority and lead the Senate to accomplish President Trump’s agenda - and that includes saving in nocent lives by defunding Planned Parenthood,” said Newman. “This kind of betrayal of innocent chil-
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Parenthood shut down abortion centers in Chandler, Arizona; Vacaville, California; and Sioux City, Iowa. Additionally, Planned Parenthood announced it would close referral centers in Casper, Wyoming and Rio Rancho, New Mexico. “At all of those locations, faithful Christians prayed on the sidewalks outside during 40 Days for Life vigils,” Carney said. “All total, we are now aware of 90 abortion centers that have gone out of business permanently following 40 Days for Life vigils since our coordinated campaigns began in 2007. We don’t take credit. We just note that people prayed for an end to abortion in their communities, and the places that offered
abortions then closed. “Former Planned Parenthood employees have reported that the ‘no show’ rate for an abortion appointment goes as high as 75% when people are out in front praying,” Carney said. “Going out to these places is the ultimate way to defund the abortion giant.” Internationally, 40 Days for Life campaigns are being conducted for the first time in three new countries - Bosnia-Herzegovina, Hungary and Taiwan. “All of our prayers - gathered together as one - can make an enormous difference,” said Carney. 40 Days for Life consists of 40 days of prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil and community outreach. Two campaigns are conducted
each year - one in the fall, and one during the Christian season of lent. The dates for the current campaign are September 27 through November 5. The first 40 Days for Life vigil was conducted outside a Planned Parenthood abortion center in Bryan, Texas in 2004. That facility closed in 2013, and the former Planned Parenthood building now serves as 40 Days for Life’s international headquarters. Christian Communication Network, 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20006 +++
Erdoğan had declared in an August speech that the US must choose between Gülen and Turkey. “Sooner or later the US will make a choice… Either the coup-plotting terrorist FETO, or the democratic
country Turkey. The [US] has to make this choice.” Hours after Erdoğan’s latest speech suggesting a swap of Gülen to free Brunson, spokeswoman Heath er Nauert stated at a US State Department briefing, “I can’t imagine that we would go down that road.” “We have received extradition requests for him [Gülen],” she confirmed. “I have nothing new for you
on that. We continue to call based on our ad prices per for Pastor Brunson’s recolumn inch. We can design the lease… He was wrongfully imprisoned in Turkey.” ad if you get us the World Watch Monicontent and what you want to say. tor concluded by saying that US diplomatic officials last visited Brunson Partner with us and help us to blanket on September 18, 2017, our community with the Good News that in the maximum-security prison where he Jesus is Alive! is being held in Izmir. The ASSIST News Service EMAIL TO US AT: HESALIVENEWS@YAHOO.COM (ww w.assistnews.net). OUR WEB ADDRESS: WWW.HESALIVENEWS.ORG
From Page 7
Pray for imprisoned pastor in Turkey, a political hostage
... zens detained in Turkey in recent months on political allegations, demanding that their home countries first agree to extradite suspected Turkish FETO suspects applying for asylum abroad.”
dren must not happen SNAIL MAIL: ___________________________ again.” About Operation Rescue® EMAIL: _______________________________ Operation Rescue is one BOTH: ________________________________ of the leading pro-life ________________________________ Christian activist organizations in the nation and NAME: ________________________________ has become a strong voice ADDRESS: _____________________________ for the pro-life movement CITY: _________________________________ in America.
75% ‘No show’ rate for abortion appointment when people are in front praying BRYAN, Texas, Sept. 27, 2017 /Christian Newswire/ -- As 40 Days for Life begins its eleventh year as a coordinated pro-life outreach, Christians began prayer vigils today in more than 375 locations around the world - the largest campaign yet for this prolife movement. “More than 150 of these peaceful vigils will be taking place in front of Planned Parenthood facilities in the United States,” said 40 Days for Life president Shawn Carney. “While Planned Parenthood remains the largest abortion chain in the United States, 2017 has not been a good year for them.” As 40 Days for Life has grown even larger in 2017, just this summer Planned
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness...” -Isaiah 5:20
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