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"Separated" by Sarah Jansson
PAGE 4 | FEBRUARY 2020 • Vol. 7, No. 2 BRADENTON FLORIDA | Stepping out, stepping up-shifting into your next season…. Where does it all start?
In the book of John verse seventeen, Jesus prayed for those that the Father gave Him out of the world to be His and enjoy Eternal Life. This is one of my favorite chapters in the book of John. You can truly see the heart of Jesus concerning us in this chapter. Jesus prayed to the Father for those that were given to Him out of the world, to be sanctified, which means to be purified, consecrated, separated for Himself. He prayed for all of us who will believe in, trust in, cling to and rely on Him, to be dedicated, consecrated, and make holy in the Truth. As we also seek to be filled with His precious Holy Spirit, this becomes His continual work in us, as we yield and surrender every day with each decision that we must make. “Not my will, but thy will be done in me,” is my prayer.
The key here is surrender, and to allow the Holy Spirit to cut our ties with the world and separate us unto a life that is pleasing to the Father. The Word tells us we are in the world but not of the world, so all the strongholds and soul ties to the things of the world must go now. Jesus prayed in the same chapter that we would be one, just as the Father was in Jesus, and Jesus was in the Father, when He was on earth. He also prayed that we who accepted Jesus within our lives would be one in the Father and the Son, Jesus. In verse twenty-three Jesus prayed unto the Father, “I in them and You in Me.”
So, we are called by God Himself to be separated and set-apart to be holy even as He is holy. So again, as we yield and surrender to the Holy Spirit within us, more and more, He brings to manifestation the outcome that we are now the children of God, bearing His image and likeness.
We now understand that we are a spirit, and we have soul which is our mind, will and emotions, and we live in a body. The Holy Spirit lives within our spirit-man now and takes preeminence as we continue to learn by His Word and His Spirit to give over the controls to his leading over the thoughts in our mind, our will and our emotions and the actions we chose to walk in, or not walk in. We learn to allow God to be God over our lives, the things we say and the things we do, as we receive revelation knowledge of His Word within our spirits. We separated ourselves from the desires of the flesh and crucify the carnal, giving the controls over to Him, and Him alone.
This enables us to walk as victorious and overcoming Christians, as we learn to wield the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. As we continue on this journey, we will find a friend that is closer than a brother, a Father that never leaves us, the bridegroom that is awaiting His glorious bride, the Comforter and strengthener of our soul who is always there, within us and for us.
Many Blessings,
Sarah Jansson Heart of Mercy Ministries -An Apostolic/Prophetic Ministry
Visit: Amazon.com for my books: (Out of Your Seats and Into the Streets, Breaking Loose, Deep Calls Unto Deep, The Divine Visitation)