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This is my Testimony, AnnMarie Early July Edition of HE'S ALIVE NEWS JULY 2022

Delivered from Drugs, Drinking and Relationships, This is my Testimony..


I grew up in a small town in North Alabama. My parents divorced when I was little but I was fortunate enough to grow up in church. I was saved when I was twelve years old, but I did not know what a relationship with Jesus looked like.

By the time I was fourteen I had completely turned my back on God and turned to drugs, drinking, and relationships to attempt to fill the void in my heart that only Jesus could fill. This lasted for eight years of my life. During this time I felt alone and had severe anxiety and depression. This led to thoughts of suicide that plagued me. I was hopeless, lost, ready to give up. I had hit rock bottom and was in a pit I did not know how to get out of. I had completely turned my back on God and doubted his existence.

It was in those moments that I cried out to God, “Lord if you are real, please show yourself to me because I can’t do this anymore.” Before the words could get off of my lips the Holy Spirit filled my room so heavy, that I felt the overwhelming love and peace of God.

After that moment I knew that the Lord was real and had a plan for my life, however, I still struggled to lay my life down for the Lord – but I never gave up. The summer between my freshman and sophomore year I began praying that God would place Christians in my path who loved Jesus. By the grace of God, I was accepted into Auburn University where I found a group of believers in a campus ministry called Chi Alpha. This ministry helped me walk through and overcome addictions, past hurt, trauma, and helped me learn about the Jesus that sacrificed His life for our sake.

I had friends who fasted and prayed for years in order for me to come into the Kingdom. They never gave up on me and in 2021 I rededicated my life to God and it has been the best year of my life. I graduated from Auburn University and now serve as a missionary on Auburn’s campus - finding, feeding, and fighting for the students that were in the same situation that I was in. I have been able to pour into this ministry that poured so much into me. It has been amazing to see God refine and reshape my character through Chi Alpha Campus Ministry.

AnnMarie serves as a missionary to the college students at Auburn University and is supported by faith in the Lord.

Her home church is Covenant House in Grant, AL, with Pastors Floyd and Phyllis Kimbrell.

She works full time with Chi alpha. (Christs Ambassadors) Interdenominational campus ministry as a Missionary. Email her at Aearly215@gmail.com


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