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Miracle Healings in Orlando, FL
Miracle Healings Usher in Revive Orlando -- A Move of God in Orlando
ORLANDO, Fla., June 30, 2022 /Christian Newswire/ -- Nations Church, the Central Florida-based church plant, partnered with Shake the Nations Ministries and Christ for all Nations ministry to host three days of vibrant and powerful worship and ministry called "Revive Orlando." The vision started on a Sunday morning at Nations Church when Evangelist Nathan Morris (from Shake the Nations) heard the Spirit of God saying, I want to breathe the breath of life into this place. I want to move afresh again. He told Lead Pastor Daniel Kolenda, who himself had been feeling the same, and together they planned to Revive Orlando... three days of worship, preaching, miracles, consecration, and impartation. When describing the event, Pastor Kolenda said, "Our DNA is revival; that's all we know. It's a move of the Spirit. The people in Nations Church are so hungry."
Revive Orlando began on June 17th with Matt Gilman leading worship and Evangelist Morris preaching about hunger for God and encountering Jesus on the narrow road to revival. The crowd was electric as people worshipped, danced, and cried out for God to move, individually and corporately. Night two, Eddie James and his team led worship with fire and passion. Pastor Kolenda shared about putting on Christ and trusting Him with absolutely everything. He called for the Christ for all Nations Evangelism Bootcamp graduates to come on stage to pray. Healings broke out across the room as God did what only He can do! One woman suffered from plantar fasciitis for years, with pain that felt like "walking on burning coals after a long period of walking or standing." When Bootcamp graduate, Ev. Peter La point released a word about problems in the feet hindering people from preaching the Gospel; her hands shot up in the air! Her feet had been burning with pain from standing all night, but as Peter declared healing, it felt like a cool breeze swept across her feet, removing all the pain! She felt the Holy Spirit say, Go, now, teach my word! I give you fresh boldness and truth! She ran up to the stage, desperate to share what Jesus had done. Since then, she has had the freedom and boldness to share the goodness of God like never before!
As a word of knowledge for abdominal pain was released, a man received the prayer for his hernia. It was instantly gone, "as far as the east is from the west!" His wife, who has been a nurse for twenty years, verified that she could feel the hernia before, but not anymore! Praise Jesus! Legs were healed from years of pain, arms were healed, hearts were refreshed, and many lives were impacted for eternity! The event culminated on Father's Day as Jeri Hill recounted the story of the Brownsville Revival, which began on Father's Day in 1995. Pastor Kolenda spoke about Acts 3, when the Holy Spirit empowered the disciples. He urged attendees to be all in for God in every area of their lives: all or nothing! The Holy Spirit poured out joy, healings, and miracles - many were in tears. Service was officially over, but no one wanted to leave. Many stayed for hours at the altar. It was truly a fresh move of God to awaken, renew and revive! The next Revive Orlando will celebrate Nations Church's first anniversary in August. Stay tuned!
To learn more about Nations Church, visit www. wearenations.church or CfaN, visit www.cfan.org. +++
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