He's Alive Christian News

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PAGE 11 | JUNE 2020 • Vol. 7, No. 6

BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome! By: Rev. Paula A. Struble Author: God’s Promise Of Healing

IS IT TIME FOR A SOCIAL EXPERIMENT? By: Dr. Rod Hoskins Visit: www.rodhoskinsministries.org Mayors and City Councils, of some cities like LA and Hollywood with THEIR GREAT MINDS think the state should defund the police departments. I am beginning to think the police departments in LA, Hollywood, and Hollywood Hills, should call in sick for a month, and let all the so-called

they are without excuse. abundance; but whoever 21 FOR EVEN THOUGH does not have, even what THEY KNEW GOD, THEY he has shall be taken away DID NOT HONOR HIM AS from him. 13 “Therefore GOD OR GIVE THANKS, but I speak to them in parathey became futile in their bles; because while seespeculations, and their ing they do not see, and foolish heart was dark- while hearing they do not ened. 22 PROFESSING TO hear, nor do they underBE WISE, THEY BECAME stand. 14 “ In their case FOOLS, 23 and EXCHANGED the prophecy of Isaiah is THE GLORY OF THE INCOR- being fulfilled, which says, INTELLECTUAL ELITES RUPTIBLE GOD FOR AN ‘YOU WILL KEEP ON HEARfind out what stupidity is IMAGE IN THE FORM OF ING, BUT WILL NOT UNDERfirsthand. These are the CORRUPTIBLE MAN and of STAND; YOU WILL KEEP same people that pro- birds and four-footed an- ON SEEING, BUT WILL NOT duce some great award imals and crawling crea- PERCEIVE; 15 FOR THE winning (not) movies like tures. NASU HEART OF THIS PEOPLE “The Purge” and the TV Prov 13:19-21 Desire ful- HAS BECOME DULL, WITH series “The Purge”. If it filled is sweet to the soul, THEIR EARS THEY SCARCEdoes not work, the worst but TURNING AWAY FROM LY HEAR, AND THEY HAVE we lose is LA, Hollywood, EVIL IS ABHORRENT TO CLOSED THEIR EYES, OTHand Hollywood Hills. We FOOLS. 20 He who walks ERWISE THEY WOULD SEE could even consider al- with the wise will become WITH THEIR EYES, HEAR ternatives like Chicago, wise, but THE COMPANION WITH THEIR EARS, AND Minneapolis, or even OF FOOLS WILL SUFFER. UNDERSTAND WITH THEIR New York City, as alter- 21 Evil pursues sinners, HEART AND RETURN, AND I natives. Keep in mind, but prosperity will reward WOULD HEAL THEM.’ NASU the citizens of these cities the righteous. CJB Heb 10:19-23 Therefore, elected these great lead- Sin in the heart of mankind brethren, since we have ers (sarcasm). will always seek to divide confidence to enter the IS IT UN-CHRISTIAN TO and produce hatred. For holy place by the blood of THINK LIKE THIS? Let us thousands of years, men Jesus, 20 by a new and consider that Jesus and have put laws in place to living way which He inauother passages in both address the sin in man- gurated for us through the the New and Old Testa- kind’s heart – to no avail. veil, that is, His flesh, 21 ments point out foolish The only way to address and since we have a great thinking of leaders. sin in the heart is to ex- priest over the house of Matt 23:16-18 Jesus said perience a spiritual heart God, 22 let us draw near - “WOE TO YOU, BLIND transplant. UNTIL THAT with a sincere heart in full GUIDES, who say, ‘ Who- HAPPENS, THERE WILL AL- assurance of faith, HAVING ever swears by the tem- WAYS BE HATRED AND DI- OUR HEARTS SPRINKLED ple, that is nothing; but VISION IN PEOPLE OF ALL CLEAN FROM AN EVIL CONwhoever swears by the COLORS. SIN IS A HEART SCIENCE AND OUR BODIES gold of the temple is ob- ISSUE, NOT A SKIN COLOR WASHED WITH PURE WAligated.’ 17 “YOU FOOLS ISSUE! TER (the Word of God). AND BLIND MEN! Which is Matt 13:10-15 And the NASU more important, the gold disciples came and said to Church, pray that the eyes or the temple that sancti- Him, “Why do You speak of their understanding will fied the gold?” NASU to them in parables?” 11 be opened, and they will Rom 1:20-23 For since Jesus answered them,“ To come to truth; or is it time the creation of the world you it has been granted to to allow the foolish to have His invisible attributes, know the mysteries of the their social experiment? His eternal power and kingdom of heaven, but We will see how many divine nature, have been to them it has not been votes that will get them! clearly seen, being un- granted. 12 “ For whoever derstood through what has, to him more shall be Rod Hoskins Ministries has been made, so that given, and he will have an rodhoskinsministries.org


Pastor Chuck & Sis Rlyn


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God gave me a dream back in 2014, almost 7 years ago, and God confirmed it with a drama piece, “Let the Church Rise”. The dream has begun to come to pass. I kept saying, “There is a storm coming, we have to get out of here. In the second dream I saw a tree, which at first; had lush, full, green leaves. I looked again and saw the silhouette of a huge gorilla (the image of the beast) which came out of it. God uses trees to describe people. I saw many people running and trying to get away from the beast. I believe the anti-Christ is already here, he just hasn’t appeared yet. Lawlessness has increased and he (God’s servant to you, law enforcement) is being taken out of the way. I believe this is just the beginning of the storm. God said, “Hear what the

Spirit is saying to the church in Rev. 2 and 3. Wake up, be hot (therapeutic) or cold (refreshing) and return to your first love. The last drama piece God gave me was last year to the music of: “Is He Worthy” It was about Jesus beginning to open the seals. Could this be the beginning of the seals being opened in Rev. 6. Verse 8 says, “Behold a ashypale horse, and its rider’s name was Death and Hades, and they were givenauthority and power over a fourth part of the earth to kill with sword, famineand plague (pestilence, disease).Rev. 3:10 says, “Because you have guarded and kept My word of patientendurance that I give you, I also will keep you safe from the hour of trial(testing) which is coming on the whole world to try

those who dwell upon the earth. I am coming quickly, hold fast what you have so that no one may robyou of your crown.When people are saying, All is well and secure, and There is peace and safety,then in a moment, unforeseen destruction (ruin and death) will come uponthem as suddenly as labor pains come upon a woman with child; there will beno escape, but you are not given up to the power of darkness, brethren forthat day to overtake you by surprise like a thief. (1 Thess.5) Faithful is He who is calling you to Himself and He will fulfill His call byhallowing and keeping you. He did not predestine us to receive His wrath. Could this (corona virus) be a forewarning of what is to come? +++


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