HE’S ALIVE September 2020 • Vol. 7, No. 9
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
“I am He that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen.” - Revelation 1:18a
Man Arrested as Captain America During Burglary Turns Hero BY Good Landing Recovery
Visit Facebook: www.facebook.com/goodlandingrecovery
ATLANTA, Sept. 2, 2020 / ET, the laughter will turn Christian Newswire/ -- A to applause for 37-yearMississippi man who was old Hobbs. After strugarrested after dressing gling with drug addiction up as Captain America since he was 15 and to commit a break-in has amassing multiple arrests, Hobbs will receive turned real-life hero. a one-year sobriety What a di-erence one year has made for David award during a pastor’s Hobbs. His very public ar- conference (https://www. rest in Sept. 2019 for bur- pastoraladdictionsumglarizing the shed of an mit.com/) at Good Landarmed former Marine in ing Recovery, the holistic Clarksdale, Miss.--while faith-based organization comically dressed up in a where David received Captain America costume treatment and now helps with padded chest and counsel other addicts. fairy wings—captured the The event is open to attention of Newsweek, working press and will be Los Angeles Times, New held at Good Landing’s York Post and other me- headquarters at 256 Mcdia, while going viral on Millan Rd, Dacula, GA 30019. social media. This Sept. 18 at 11:30 AM “So the judge said, ‘Okay, if you want to go to rehab, I ‘ma let you,’” Hobbs fondly recalled the Mississippi judge who sentenced him to complete a drug rehabilitation program in lieu of serving more jail time. “I’ve never been to any rehab before in my life. Thirty days come, and you know, I’m like, you know what? I’m gonna stay 60 days, and then, next thing you know, it was 90 days,” he said. David’s Comeback Story Good Landing Founder and CEO Trey Lewis will share David’s comeback storywww.facebook.com/ goodlandingrecovery
What’s Inside?
Page 5: The IMAGE of the Beast or the Antichrist
leiden 0,000, a D d i v : Da ned $60 i F Page 8P r e y a r Needs d Parenthood Planne
and present him with the much-anticipated award during the scheduled pastor’s conference, Page 11: 61 MILLION babies designed to inform and educate area leaders murdered - VOTE Pro-LIFE! “there is addiction in your church, whether you know it or not.” “David came to us at rock bottom. Websites and news outlets around the globe picked up on his moment of weakness and mocked him. Literally millions of people saw his story and laughed— but God...” Lewis remembered, continuing “within just a short time, David’s life has come full circle!! He’s sober, he’s helping others beat addiction and God is getting all the glory! No one is laughing now at this amazing transformation.” “We understand that no addiction is just a physical or mental battle, and it doesn’t just a-ect one person’s life. Our goal David Hobbs To Be Celebrated at Atlanta Recovery Event is a total transformation Sept. 18 -- One Year after National Mockery of “Weakest Moment” of each person, inside and out, so we can re- people who were writing addiction.” er of addiction by creatturn them to a healthy, me o- and laughing now “God’s blessing my life ing an atmosphere where safe, and healing family ‘like’ anything I post on and I want to bless some- God can restore families environment,” said Lewis Facebook or anything body else. The person and lives through the body, of the unique mission of that I’m doing...they’re I was and the person I spirit, and soul, uses an inGood Landing Recovery. telling me how proud am are two di-erent-peo tegrative approach to each Two Di-erent David they are of me. Some of ple—the person before no person’s recovery emphaHobbs those same people are longer lives inside me,” sizes healing and growth in Social media ridicule has messaging me on Face- Hobbs said. every area of their life. For turned into praise and book asking me for ad- About Good Landing information, visit https:// admiration for Hobbs, vice, to help bring other Good Landing Recovery goodlandingrecovery.com/. who said, “The same people they know out of exists to destroy the pow+++
WHAT YOU NEED TO DO, IS SIMPLY: - Admit that you are a sinner. Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”
and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?” - Now give your life to God. Romans 5:8 “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while wewere yet sinners, Christ died for us.” - “Whosoever” includes everyone, no one is excluded. Romans 10:13 “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” - Believe God defeated death through Jesus and confess now that Jesus is Lord of your life. Tell everyone you are saved! Romans 10:9-10 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to let us know how we can help you regarding this matter. And we will get back with you. You can email us at: ficcpastor@yahoo.com.Thankyou. - God’s gift to sinners is Jesus Christ, He came to save us. Romans 6:23 “...but thegift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our - Pastor Chuck Kennedy Lord.” - Sinners suffer, their pay is death. Romans 6:23a “For the wages of sin is death...”
Romans 2:4 “Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance
visit: www.ficcwordchurch.org
PAGE 2 | September 2020 • Vol. 7, No. 9
The Spirit Of Truth
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
any ntez Duff o M e n li e ad By Rev. M
Dear Reverend,
thing seems at a stand- of us can’t do certain still. things because of chilWhy doesn’t God ex- How do I keep the vi- dren,finances,jobs. peditiously answer my sions? There are so many things prayers? we can do right where Here is an example: For Minister ----we live, until God opens over twenty years I have Dear Minister: doors that no man can tried to pursue God’s shut. Read Rev. 3:7-8. calling on my life to evan- I do understand, as I Are you weary in well-dogelize in song and by the have experienced this ing? God is in complete Word. I had a rather feeling of being a bit of control. Trust him to grandiose expectation flotsam washing in and open and close doors. (if I am to be honest) of out on the current. He has the key. I can churches calling me and Let me give you a defi- recount many times that a calendar filled up with nition that will help you. God has protected me by ministry meetings! “Domesticate: to habitu- keeping me at home. At times, it is like being ate to home life; to tame.” I did not understand that on a roller coaster – way Yes, this could apply to a I was not ready, so I up high, only to plummet wild horse, but it could went through exasperatrapidly downwards! apply to us also! ing times making phone How can I remain effec- When I was initially calls, sending out letters, tive in these precarious saved, I wanted to do it pushing – all to no avail. times? Churches are all: travel, speak, do mis- Be on the lookout for shut down and every- sionary work. But some open doors and God’s
guidance to go through them. But, in the meanwhile, do not waste time! Do not neglect your homelife or your family: ministry begins at home. Can you believe this? There is joy in cooking, cleaning, writing, reading, communing with God, and helping in your local church! Make some home videos to share! Take walks and read scriptures as you go along. It helps so much! Look at all these bountiful promises God gives us: -Salvation -Prosperity -Healing and health -Wants and needs Keep working in the Kingdom and remember, “You Can’t Hurry God!” His timing is just perfect! This is God’s Truth! The Spirit of Truth! Reverend MMD Write to Rev Madeline at PO Box 14931 Bradenton, FL 34280 or by email at Hesalivenews@ yahoo.com. Not all letters are from readers. Letters may be fictitious in person but true in content. We reserve the right to edit or refuse any questions submitted.
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Published by HE’S ALIVE PUBLISHING COMPANY FAITH INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN CENTER P.O. BOX 14931 Bradenton, Fl. 34280 Phone: 941-447-4538 website: www.ficcwordchurch.org Publisher: Chuck Kennedy Designer: Rlyn Kennedy Contact inform : www.hesalivenews.org email: hesalivenews@yahoo.com Email subscriptions are free. Printed subscriptions any donation. Letters to the editor are welcomed and encouraged. Please notify us of address changes. If you wish to be removed, let us know. Check it out at www.hesalivenews.org or scan below.
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PAGE 3 | September 2020 • Vol. 7, No. 9
Counselor’s Corner:
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CHRISTIANS MUST REGISTER AND VOTE!!! - Last Presidential election (2016), 25MILLION Christians / Evangelicals DID NOT VOTE! PLEASE REGISTER AND VOTE! Visit www.myfaithvotes.org
For easy & efficient help to At the heart of almost ev- holds to protect our- that comes against God ery counseling session selves like “I will nev- and taking every thought Register and provide over the years the prima- er trust again, or” I will captive to the obedience fundamental truth about ry focus is on two things. never love again”, or to of Christ. Just ask God Elections and Candidates. 1. The temperament of be accepted by drinking to help you to remember, the client and their reac- alcohol or taking drugs repent, forgive and foltion to emotional hurts because friends do it, low Jesus, his example and unforgiveness that or the family did it. We of love, forgiveness, and lead them to counseling also can carry a strong- how He sees you and and 2. How the genera- hold of unforgiveness loves you for who you Every Thursday from 1:00 - 3:00 PM tion before them; mom, for those who hurt us. are in Him. “We are an equal opportunity provider.” dad, brothers, sisters, These are strongholds I have an urgent need to close relatives, etc. could that can keep us from share that God is searchResonate Life Church negatively overshadow experiencing repentance ing for whole, spiritually healthy people of God their lives today because of our sins, forgiving othPastor Becky Manassa | Phone: 941-756-7331 of our unforgiveness. ers, and from seeking to prepare for their des1820 53rd Ave W. Bradenton, FL 34207 This pain touches any- the Lord in a way that tinies in God’s Kingdom one who was either emo- will break this habitual on earth. As our world tionally hurt by others or fortress of thoughts and is becoming spiritually who have caused phys- emotion built in them. darker, we must become ical and emotional pain They also prevent us lighterandwillingtoo-er to others. It is known as from having the victory, light to others. We want bitter root strongholds. peace and love we could people to see that the promise of peace and What is a stronghold? In have. Biblical times a strong- So, before we can help rest is still there for all hold was a fortress built others, we must begin of God’s people. At the with walls and defens- with ourselves. Do you end of this journey we es to provide protection feel unloved? Do you will surely rest with God. against the enemy. Usu- have trust issues? Do But we are also called www.resonatelifechurch.com ally they were built on you have a sharp and to bring as many with us as we can into His Kinga hill, so attackers had critical tongue? Do you to climb up to reach the gossip? Do you feel you dom. Ephesians 4:22-24 fortress. Enemy invaders are not good enough, says it all. “ In reference would build catapults to rich enough, too old, too to your former manner hurl boulders against the fat, too skinny to name a of life, you lay aside the walls and gates trying to few? We all have strong- old self, which is being findaweakspot.Orthey holds of protection built corrupted in accordance would hurl fire bombs around us that we still with the lusts of deceit over the walls to create hide behind because of and that you be renewed havoc and destruction. the hurt or pain caused in the spirit of your mind, So, what is a stronghold by others. Every strong- and put on the new self, which in the likeness of like in person’s life? It is hold of the flesh causes walls of sinful habits that unrest and we continual- God has been created in we have developed to ly strive to bring comfort righteousness and holiprotect ourselves from to our lives. This can be ness of the truth”. Time being hurt again. They a real drain our energy is short. We must reach are building blocks of sin and we cannot keep our as many people as we can for the Lord. AMEN that we take on by using focus on God. excuses such as, “that’s We do have weapons to Blessings and Love, the way I’ve always fight these kinds of- spiri Louise Alleva, D.Min, been, this is the way my tual battles. In 2 Corinthi- LCPC, CTC family is, this is how I was ans 10:4,5 it is described +++ raised”. We build strong as destroying anything JESUS IS LORD!
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PAGE 4 | September 2020 • Vol. 7, No. 9
Trials, Testings, and Temptations
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
Survey: Many US adults not familiar with the Biblical story By Kevin Zeller
By Sarah Jansson, Evangelist/Prophet | sarahjansson.com
(Photo courtesy of Keys for Kids Ministries)
1Peter Chapter 1 v 6-You saints, it’s one thing to fare, and that is exactly The header photo shows a stained glass window depicting should be exceeding sing about how strong what it is, is warfare, with a biblical scene. (Image by Andrea Don from Pixabay) glad on this account, we are when we are the enemy of your soul, though now for a little in church, or as we go that is looking to take while you may be dis- about our day when all you down anyway he tressed by trials and suf- is going well. It’s another can. No, your weapons fer temptations, V-7-So thing when you have to are your sword which is that the genuineness of live it out, like when they the Word of God. Your USA (MNN) — A new faith. We want that to hapyour faith may be test- is not enough money to weapons are your shield survey suggests that pen. And then we want ed (your faith) which is pay the bills; your boss which is your faith in while as many as half of to give them the ability to infinitely more precious tells you that you are not Christ Jesus. Your weap- U.S. adults do believe defend their faith. So by than the perishable gold needed anymore, thank ons are the breastplate in some idea of eternal the time they begin readwhich is tested and puri- you. It’s another thing of righteousness, which life (Heaven, bodily res- ing [Keys for Kids] and by fied by fire (this proving when you’re facing fore- is right standing and right urrection, etc.), a signifi - the time they stop readof your faith is intend- closure, or the doctor doing in Christ Jesus cantly lower number be- ing Unlocked at 18 or 19 ed) to redound to (your) gives you a bad report, no matter what comes lieves it comes only from years old, we hope that praise and glory and or your spouse leaves against you. Doing what the death and resurrec- they not only know who honor when Jesus Christ you for someone else, you know is right in the tion of Jesus. Jesus is, they not only (the Messiah, the Anoint- and your kids are going sight of Jesus Christ, It’s not that many people know the Gospel, but they ed One) is revealed. haywire on you. no matter what the oth- don’t have contact with can share it with their As the days to the end Now suddenly you have er person is doing. Your the Bible, Greg Yoder friends and family.” of age is approaching, I to live out what you sing, weapon is your shoes of of Keys for Kids Minis- False narratives am noticing that so many andthat’sadi-erent - peace, sto keeping on you tries says. But they hav- When churches don’t Christians are under spir- ry, and it’s not as easy. the peace of God in your en’t encountered it as the treat the Bible as the stoitual attack more than PULLING DOWN STRONG- heart and mind, trusting story of what Jesus has ry of Jesus and His love ever these days. The dev- HOLDS WHILE WALKING Him to work it out, and done. “It’s not enough to for us, Yoder says, it can eted. At one point it was il who has read the bible ON! not lose your cool. Being share a story about bib- be used to prop up false 300% over the previous more than a lot of people, A scripture that the Lord strong in the Lord and in lical truth. But it is the ideologies. “You know the year. And as we look knows that his days are has been reminding the Power of His Might whole Gospel. It is Know- churches who are talking ahead to more homesshort. You might be say- me often lately is “The and standing steadfast ing that Adam and Eve about the prosperity gos- chool families (Because ing “The devil has read weapons of my war- against the wiles of the sinned, that they couldn’t pel, that if you do these of COVID) we need to the bible? Yea, how else fare are NOT carnal but enemy to the pulling keep the law, nor can things that you’ll have all make sure that we have did he quote scriptures Mighty before God to the down of strongholds. anyone. That because this money come back the resources and the to Jesus? The enemy pulling down of strong- In dealing with people we fall short of that law, to you. And if you do all material that we need to knows your weakness- holds” and “We are not you may have to shut we had to have a sacri- these wonderful things, it get it in the hands of fames and that is where he dealing with flesh and your eyes and repeat fice.Andtheonlyperfect will be returned multiple ily members. Because seems to hit on, which is blood but Powers and these scriptures to your- sacrificewecouldhave we’re seeing more family times.” is di-erent for each individ - principalities, and spiri- self and then ask the Jesus Christ, who came Pray that through Keys time than ever before in ual in the body of Christ. tual wickedness of dark- Holy Spirit to give you to Earth who lived a per- for Kids and Unlocked, probably modern AmeriTrials come in all -di-ness”. er Boy, if the body of wisdom in the situation fect life, who died a sin- many would see the Bi- can history.” ent shapes and forms Christ can only get that~! and to see it from His ner’s death. He was bur- ble as Jesus’ story, and You can subscribe to and the enemy does not So when your husband eyes. ied, and he rose again, find their place in it.Keys Now, for Kids at: www. care which trial he uses or wife starts yelling at So Now that you’ve en- and he is alive.” Yoder with COVID-19 disrupt- keysforkids.org/Programto bring you down, just you about something, listed in the army of God says that’s why Keys for ing prosperity, many are ming/Keys-for-Kids-Daias long as the job is ac- or just does not do the go forth with His Might Kids exists. “We’re shar- searching. “Ever since ly-Devotional/Get-Keys complished. John 10 v things you know they and Power and endure ing the Gospel. We’re COVID, the demand for and Unlocked at www.un10 says “The thief comes should be doing, or the and conquer like a good helping kids grow in their our material has skyrock- locked.org/subscribe/. but to steal, kill and de- kids wake up like they soldier for the Lord. For stroy” Now Jesus does have been eating sugar He is coming back soon not send the trails and all night long, and won’t and His reward is with temptations. Jesus came listen, the boss is in a Him! to give us life and give it bad mood, the girls at to us abundantly John 10 church that you thought Many Blessings, v 10 also says. James were your friends are Sarah Jansson, An Apchapter one verse 17 now taking your dirty ostolic/Prophetic Minissays’” Every good and laundry all over town, try, Heart of Mercy Minperfect gift is from above; etc., etc. Just remem- istries it comes down from the ber you’re not dealing Father of all that (gives withfleshandblood,and s a r a h _ j a n s s o- n @ h o t light) in whom there is no your old carnal weap- mail.com variation or shadow cast ons like yelling back, by His turning”. God is a getting even, or trying to www.heartofmercy.net good God and only good, get one up on them, etc, Go to Amazon.com for giving us only good etc. won’t work either, my books: things, and the devil is because that is exactly (Out of Your Seats and evil, but in the process what the enemy wants Into the Streets, Breakof life we are tested as to that’s running the whole ing Loose, Deep Calls what choices we are go- show anyway. No, the Unto Deep, The Divine ing to make. Let’s face it weap ons of your war- Visitation)
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PAGE 5 | September 2020 • Vol. 7, No. 9
The IMAGE of the Beast or the Antichrist
BY Evangelical Outreach
W A S H I N G T O N , AI neural TTS and holo- to heaven are those who
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. He will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever. There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone who receives the mark of his name.’ This calls for PATIENT ENDURANCE
The Passing of Dr. Terry Law, Founder of World www.worldcompassion.tv Compassion
Penn., Sept. 1, 2020 / grams at Microsoft In- choose “beheading” over Christian Newswire/ -- A spire 2019” on youtube. the mark of the beast: istering with his -first HOLOGRAM is a three-di- com] Hologram technolo- “...And I saw the souls ing Sound team in South mensional image created gy, etc. could be the per- of those who had been Africa. by light sources. In 2020, fectfitwiththecoming BEHEADED of because of “I am going to send you a hologram can now look the Antichrist [the man of their testimony for Jeto minister among the EXACTLY like a person sin or lawless one] in ac- sus and because of closed countries of the and even SPEAK a for- cordance with the work the word of God. They world. You will do things eign language unknown of Satan and LYING won- had NOT worshiped the that most people will beON THE PART OF THE by said person, but rep- ders: beast or his image and lieve impossible. If you resented in his own voice “The coming of the law- had NOT received his SAINTS who obey God’s trust Me and are obeditonesandinflections!less End one will be in ac- mark on their foreheads commandments and REent, I will protect you.“ times DECEPTION via ho- cordance with the work or their hands. They MAIN FAITHFUL TO JEThis led to his over 50SUS .” (Rev 14:9-12) logram technology might of Satan displayed in all came to life and reigned year journey of ministry be the very way the false kinds of COUNTERFEIT with Christ a thou- [FYI: The numeric value to become an influential prophet will DECEIVE peo- MIRACLES, SIGNS AND sand years.” (Rev 20:4) of the name BILL GATES III voice to nations hostile ple with “counterfeit mira- WONDERS, and in every Do NOT receive the mark (all caps) in ASCII is 666; to the Gospel including the term “corona” as in cles” (2 Thess. 2:9) cen- sort of evil that DECEIVES of the beast or you will be Russia, China, North corona virus has 6 letters tering around a breathing those who are perishing. eternally lost: Korea, Afghanistan, Iran and speaking IMAGE of They perish because “A third angel followed and the numeric value of and Iraq. the beast: they refused to love the them and said in a loud it is 66 using the English Using a compassion alphabet of a=1, b=2, “And he [the false prophet] truth and so be saved.” voice: ‘If anyone worevangelism model of performed great and mi- (2 Thess. 2:9,10) ships the beast and his c=3, etc. thereby yielding ministry helped shape raculous signs, even The people who receive image and receives his three 6s (666); the last 6 We are saddened to rewho World Compassion causingfiretocomedown the mark of the beast will mark on the forehead digits of the Microsoft patport that the founder of is today — transforming ent ID2020 is 060606.] from heaven to earth in be DECEIVED by “miracu- or on the hand, he, too, World Compassion, Ter- lives by meeting both +++ full view of men. Because lous signs:” will drink of the wine of ry Law, passed from this their physical and spirituof the signs he was givlife and joined the great al needs. en power to do on behalf great cloud of witnesses We celebrate Terry Law’s of the first beast,DEhe (described by the writ- legacy and purpose to CEIVED the inhabitants er of Hebrews) on Au- continue to reach the unof the earth. He ordered gust 31st, 2020 in Tulsa, reached, which he examthem to set up an IMAGE Oklahoma. pled with his life these 77 [Greek = resemblance] In the midst of our tears, years. in honor of the beast we celebrate Terry’s life, Thank you for rememwho was wounded by his boldness, his vision bering to pray for the the sword and yet lived. and his courage to go Law family at this time. He was given power to where few were willing “I have fought the good give breath to the IMAGE to go — to reach the fight, I have finished the [Greek = resemblance] unreached with the sav- race, I have kept the faith. of the first beast, so that ing message of Jesus Finally, there is laid up for it could speak and cause Christ. We are convinced me the crown of righteousall who refused to worship that his life influenced ness, which the Lord, the the IMAGE [Greek = remillions to embrace the righteous Judge, will give semblance] to be killed.” good news of the Gospel. to me on that Day, and not (Rev 13:13-15) The microneedle coronavirus vaccine will leave behind a “Quantum Dot We remember today the to me only but also to all ** IMPORTANT: The Greek Tattoo” or invisible mark on one’s body, which can be scanned as the meaning of the word “im- “digital certificate” and “immunity passport” to get around in society. mandate that Terry ini- who have loved His aptially received while min- pearing.” II Timothy 4:7-8 age” [eikon] is - statute; likeness; representation; “But the beast was capresemblance; image. tured, and with him the ** The DECEPTION will false prophet who had come from “miraculous performed the miracusigns” associated with lous signs on his behalf. the “IMAGE”, that is, the WITH THESE SIGNS HE likeness, representa- HAD DELUDED those who tion; resemblance; image had received the mark of of the Antichrist so that the beast and worshiped • Your group can Enroll anytime it has BREATH and can his image. The two of SPEAK. Again, that can them were thrown alive • Groups as small as you and 1 employee now be accomplished in into thefierylakeofburn • Guaranteed Issue to you and employees 2020 with HOLOGRAMS. ing sulfur.” (Rev 19:20) [See “Demo: The magic of The saints who make it
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PAGE 6 | September 2020 • Vol. 7, No. 9
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
Church Fights Back Church Takes Gavin Newsom to Court Over His Against Washington State’s Mandate to Fund Ban on All Worship Services By Steven Ertelt By Alliance Defending Freedom Abortions www.lifenews.com www.lifenews.com
Harvest Rock Church able by up to one year in people in the same and Harvest Interna- prison. building where worship tional Ministry has ap- The lawsuit challeng- services occur, Newsom pealed its case to the es both the total ban on argues that only the worNinth Circuit Court of Ap- in-person worship (in- ship services should be A Seattle-area church can or should be forced State o-cials thus- delib peals regarding Governor cluding in private homes) prohibited while the othfiled its opening to do. And Cedar Park erately targeted houses Gavin Newsom’s uncon- in the counties on the er non-religious services brief Wednesday with doesn’t simply believe in of worship for mandatory stitutional orders. The “County Monitoring List,” should be allowed. the U.S. Court of Ap- the importance of human abortion coverage and, in governor’s orders prohibit and the ban on singing Concerning home Bible peals for the 9th Circuit, life, it puts those beliefs so doing, intentionally vio- ALL worship, including and chanting in the re- studies, Newsom argues asking for reversal of a into practice by partner- lated their religious beliefs home Bible studies and maining counties. In addi- that he has authority to lower court decision that ing with a local pregnan- about the sanctity of hu- fellowship with anyone tion to in-person worship prohibit home fellowship dismissed the church’s cy care center, hosting man life.” who does not live in the at Harvest Rock Church, groups. As to protests, lawsuit against the state an annual camp for foster “Washington state is bul- home. Yet, Gov. Newsom the church also has many Newsom publicly enof Washington. The law- care children, and minis- lying churches and oth- continues to encourage “Life Groups,” which are courages them, saying suit challenges a state tering to hundreds of cou- er religious nonprofits mass gatherings of pro- home Bible studies and “God bless you. Keep law forcing churches to ples struggling with infer- through the force of law, testors throughout the fellowship groups. These doing it.” cover elective abortions tility. The state has no compelling them to violate state. too are prohibited under Liberty Counsel Foundin their health insurance legitimate legal basis to their beliefs by covering Following the argument on Gov. Newsom’s July 6 er and Chairman Mat plans. force this church—or any abortions in their health August 12, Judge Jesus (no singing and chanting) Staver said, “Now that Alliance Defending Free- other—into contradicting plans. That’s why we have G. Bernal orally denied and July 13 (no worship) we have the written ordom attorneys represent its foundational belief that asked the 9th Circuit to the request for a prelimi- orders. Yet while he dis- der from the court, we Cedar Park Assembly human life is sacred.” take a look at this case,” nary injunction. However, criminates against church- can finally move for of God, challenging the The lawsuit, Cedar Park said ADF Vice President he waited until Septem- es, home Bible studies ward with the appeal. constitutionality of the Assembly of God of Kirk- of Appellate Advocacy ber 2 to release the writ- and fellowship meetings, The Supreme Court has state’s mandate requir- land v. Kreidler, challeng- and Senior Counsel John ten order. The appeal was the governor continues clearly stated that under ing the church to cover es the constitutionality of Bursch. “The 9th Circuit filed, but it could not to be encourage thousands the First Amendment, abortion if it provides its Washington State Sen- recently said that a district e-ective until a written of protestors to gather the state cannot prohibsta- members maternity ate Bill 6219, legislation court was wrong to dis- order was issued. Now throughout the state. Like it people from attending coverage in their group signed into law in March miss a similar ADF case in that the order has been Gov. Newsom, Pasadena church against their will. health insurance. As a 2018. The legislation re- California, and the 9th Cir- issued, the appeal can has allowed hundreds and Yet, that is what Gov. result of the state’s man- quires Cedar Park to pro- cuit should allow this case proceed. Liberty Coun- thousands of protestors. Newsom has done. The date, the church’s insur- vide coverage for abor- to proceed for the same sel will also file for - an Neither in the Pasadena church has been essenance carrier inserted sur- tion if the church also reasons. Furthermore, junction pending appeal. Public Health Department tial for 2,000 years, and gical abortion coverage o-ersmaternitycare - the cov Supreme Court has On August 13, the Pas- nor the Pasadena Prose- the First Amendment directly into the church’s erage to its employees, consistently held that gov- adena Assistant Prose- cutor have attempted to recognizes that the free health plan. The insurer orfacefinesandcriminal ernment hostility toward cutor in the Criminal Di- stop the protests in which exercise of religion is indicated that it would re- penalties, including im- people of faith is unconsti- vision sent Harvest Rock people are crowded to- essential. The church is move the o-ensive cov - prisonment. tutional and has no place Church and Pastor Che’ gether, many of them not now more essential than erage if a court were to As the church’s 9th Cir- in our society. And Wash- Ahn a letter demanding wearing masks. ever because there are hold that the state law is cuit brief explains, SB ington state’s policy is that ALL in-person wor- In Governor Newsom’s re- so many hurting people, unconstitutional. 6219 “contains no reli- indeed hostile: It crushes ship services cease. The sponse to the motion for especially in California, “No church should be gious exception despite dissent and violates the letter threatens daily cric- the temporary restraining where the governor has forced to cover abor- many religious organiza- First Amendment’s Free riminal charges and fines order and preliminary in- decimated the economy tions, and certainly not tions’ belief in the sanctity Exercise Clause by tar- to Pastor Ahn, the church, junction, he argues that and hurt many people a church that dedicates of human life and strong geting the church’s legiti- sta-, and parishioners. churches are not “essen- by his draconian restricits ministry to protecting opposition to abortion. mate internal policies and The letter states that each tial.” Regarding feeding, tions.” and celebrating life like When churches protest- religious beliefs.” criminal charge is punish- counseling and housing +++ Cedar Park does,” said ed, the bill’s sponsor sugADF Legal Counsel Elis- gested they sue if they sa Graves. “Cedar Park did not wish to comply. be lieves and teaches This extreme abor- COIN LAUNDROMAT that every human life be- tion-coverage mandate - FICC 9TH ST. MISSION 1115 7TH ST. NORTH (BY THE 2001 9TH ST. WEST 34205 gins at conception and is had its desired e-ect: - in GREEN TURTLE GIFTS) worthy of protection until surance providers began - BANTAM PLAZA BRADENTON BEACH natural death, so provid- inserting abortion coverCORNER OF CORTEZ RD. - CORNER OF 75TH ST. ing insurance coverage age into ministries’ health & ROYAL PALM DR. WEST for abortions is clearly plans in direct violation of WEST & 1ST AVE., WEST not something the church their religious teachings... - MAIN BUS TERMINAL BESIDE THE PALMASOLA DOWNTOWN BRADENTON
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PAGE 7 | September 2020 • Vol. 7, No. 9
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
Call center introduces angry Iranians to Christ
By Katey Hearth
Header image is a representative stock photo courtesy of Petr Macháček via Unsplash.
(Pho Iran (MNN) — There are 4Iran Presito co plenty of circumstances dent Mike urtes y He fueling Iranian anger. The An sari says. art4I ran) economy is failing, and Emad’s story One angry governmental denial frus- Iranian, Emad, recenttrates working-class citi- ly phoned into Heart4I- of understanding, and he zens. The second wave ran’s 24-hour call center. agreed. of COVID-19 stokes fiery Ansari writes in an email The Iranian regime strictindignation. update: ly forbids a Gospel witSuppressed by authori- He expressed to one of ness. Iranians discover tarian rule, most Iranians our counselors that our the Christian call center direct their rage at the ministry is “a waste of time through MohabatTV, analleged “source” of all un- because God doesn’t care other Heart4Iran platform. happiness. about the hurt and suf- “By watching Mohabat “Anger, hate, and resent- fering in the world.” The on satellite and following ment towards God and counselor then asked us online, or through our religion are very common Emad if he would be social media and chats, among Iranians,” Heart open to pray for a heart many Iranians are learn-
ing about Jesus Christ Iran’s strict Islamic and His love for them,” laws forbid believers from Ansari says. sharing their faith. How“When they contact us, ever, the Iranian people we spend quality time respect Jesus and those in answering their ques- who follow Him. As a tions, provide counseling result, many Iranians do for them, and identify bib- not hesitate to phone into lical applications to their a Christian call center. crisis. This allows us to “The Persians have a share the Gospel with perception of a Christhem. The choice is al- tian person as kind and ways with them to accept truthful. They love Jesus or deny Christ.” as a prophet and believe After a few follow-up He is merciful, so in their sessions with believers, desperate situation, they Emad surprised call cen- call a Christian to pray for ter sta- when he asked them,” Ansari notes. for a Bible to call his own. Those prayers “often get “I have found peace be- answered because of cause of this,” Emad told their faith, and that allows the counselor. us to share the Gospel “I am ready to receive with them!” Christ as my Lord and Support the call center Savior!” to help desperate IraniNext steps ans discover Christ. AcPray for Emad as he cording to a recent study, grows in his new faith. nearly two-percent of Pray the Lord connects Iranians identify as Chris other frustrated Iranians tians despite the risk of with Heart4Iran’s call persecution. center and introduces “Donations allow us to be them to the hope and available and online 24/7; peace only available mail them a hard copy of through Christ. the Farsi Bible; provide
Dr. Michael L. Brown Turns Up the Volume with a Call to a Holy Moral and Cultural Uprising in Updated, New Edition of His BY Charisma House Bestseller, ‘Revolution’ ORLANDO, Fla., Aug. 25, 2020 /Christian Newswire/ -- If ever there was a time for a fresh Jesus revolution, that time is now. But is the church of America ready? Are God’s people awake and engaged? On October 6, 2020, Michael L. Brown, PhD, founder and president of AskDrBrown Ministries, president of FIRE School of Ministry, and syndicated radio show host, is releasing an updated edition of his bestseller, “Revolution: An Urgent Call to a Holy Uprising,” to spark a Jesus-centered, Wordbased, Spirit-empowered, coast-to-coast, moral and cultural revolution. The book is not a call to the violent overthrow of the government, nor is it a call to take up arms or political activism in and of itself. It is a call to something far more extreme: a call to live out the gospel with all its radical claims; a call for this generation of believers to spark the most sweep-
Bradenton Aglow Lighthouse Invites you to join Aglow Outreach
ing counterculture movement in our nation’s history; a call to take back the moral high ground that has been stolen from under our feet. “I must admit this book was jarring to do this update. So much has changed for the worst in the last 20 years. The cultural degradation has become much more severe, and so much of what we warned about in 2000 has come to pass,” says Dr. Brown. “In short, if we desperately needed a moral and cultural revolution back then, how much more today?” “Revolution” answers such questions as: * What is the role of the Christian and the church during these tumultuous times? * How are we to respond to the racial upheaval happening in our nation? * What is the church’s role in healing the
divide in our fractured, divided country? The purpose of this book, now available in an updated edition, is to awaken and equip this generation of believers, young and old alike, to arise in the fullness of the Spirit, ablaze with love for God and neighbor, and to shake America from coast to coast with the gospel. “Revolution: An Urgent Call to a Holy Uprising” is released by Charisma House, which publishes books that challenge, encourage, teach and equip Christians. Stay in touch with Dr. Brown: Facebook: @AskDrBrown Instagram: @DrMichaelBrown Twitter: @DrMichaelLBrown Website: askdrbrown.org Title: Revolution: An Urgent Call to a Holy Uprising | Retail: US $18.99 | Release Date: October 6, 2020 | ISBN-13: 9781-62999-959-3 | E-Book ISBN: 978-1-62999-9609 | Audio Download: 9781-62999-961-6 |
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materials to help them grow in their faith; attend a new beginners’ class; private counseling [sessions]; connect with underground house churches, and much more,” Ansari says. Support the call center: www.raisedonors.com/ heart4iran/emad Mission Network News www.mnnonline.org
10AM to 2PM Every Thursdays &Saturdays Thrift Store: 9am-1pm We accept Donations. visit our website: www.newhopecoalition.org
PAGE 8 | September 2020 • Vol. 7, No. 9
If David Daleiden Can’t Pay $600,000 Fine, Planned Parenthood Will Seize His Assets
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
First and Fourteenth Planned Parenthood re- Planned Parenthood’s Amendment civil rights. peatedly has denied all skill in obtaining “intact “The California Attorney allegations of wrong-do- fetal cadavers” and how General first admitted ing, and many news out- her “research” departthat they are enforcing lets now parrot its talking ment “contributes so the video recording law points that the undercov- much to the bottom line solely based on how they er videos were deceptive- of our organization here, feel about the message ly edited or debunked, you know we’re one of being published, and even though that is not the largest a-liates, ou then further admitted true. An independent fo- Research Department is they are not even trying rensics investigation veri- the largest in the United to follow the text of the fied that the videosStates.” were law as written,” Daleiden authentic. * In the sixth video: Holsaid. Some undercover vid- ly O’Donnell described The lawsuit says Harris, eos show how Planned technicians taking fetal the former attorney gen- Parenthood employees parts without patient coneral, and Becerra used callously and flippantly sent: “There were times state video-recording negotiated the price of when they would just laws as a “political weap- tiny baby hearts, lungs, take what they wanted. on” to silence speech livers and brains. Other And these mothers don’t that they disagree with. evidence indicates the know. And there’s no way It also accuses the politi- abortion giant may have they would know.” cians of seeking to “chill broken HIPAA patient pri- * In the seventh: and other journalists from vacy laws. perhaps most disturbing investigating” potential The expose videos catch- video: Holly O’Donnell wrong-doing – some ing Planned Parenthood described the harvesting, thing even liberal news o-cials selling the body or “procurement,” of oroutlets and scholars parts of aborted babies gans from a nearly intact warned against when have shocked the nation. late-term fetus aborted at they learned of the pros- Here is a list of all 14: Planned Parenthood Mar ecution. * In the first video: Monte’s Alameda clinic in Daleiden’s undercover Dr. Deborah Nucato- San Jose, CA. “‘You want investigation shocked la of Planned Parent- to see something kind of the world with its expose hood commented on cool,’” O’Donnell says of Planned Parenthood’s baby-crushing: “We’ve her supervisor asked Micaiah Bilger | Washington, DC baby body parts harvest- been very good at getting her. “And she just taps -- LIFENEWS.COM ing practices. It led to nu- heart, lung, liver, because the heart, and it starts The young man risked against Daleiden and More Society, the pro-life merous state and federal we know that, so I’m not beating. And I’m sitting everything to expose won last year. U.S. District legal organization repre- investigations. U.S. Sen- gonna crush that part, here and I’m looking at ate and House commit- I’m gonna basically crush this fetus, and its heart is Planned Parenthood’s Judge William Orrick, who senting him. horrific aborted baby presided over the trial, has Daleiden also is facing tee investigations both below, I’m gonna crush beating, and I don’t know body parts dealings in close ties to Planned Par- criminal charges in a concluded with referrals above, and I’m gonna see what to think.” * In the eighth video: an undercover investi- enthood. separate unjust prose- to the Department of Jus- if I can get it all intact.” gation. Now, he not only Orrick issued a ruling last cution by the California tice for criminal prosecu- * In the second vid- StemExpress CEO Cate eo: Planned Parent- Dyer admits Planned is facing an unjust pros- week giving the abortion Attorney General’s Of- tion. Later, two of Planned hood’s Dr. Mary Gatter Parenthood sells “a lot ecution that could lead chain permission to seize fice.Itinitiallybeganwith Parenthood’s business joked, “I want a Lambo- of” fully intact aborted bato jail, but he also could Daleiden’s property. Ac- former Attorney General in Orange rghini” as she negotiated bies. lose all of his posses- cording to the report, the Kamala Harris, who now partners sions. judge “denied post-trial is Joe Biden’s vice-presi- County, California ad- the best price for baby * The ninth video: catchmitted to selling aborted parts. es a Planned Parenthood The Christian Post re- motions from the defen- dential running mate. baby body parts in a $7.8 * In the third video: Holly medical director discussports a federal judge dants seeking a reduc- The California Attorney gave permission on tion of charges after a General’s O-ce is pur - million settlement with O’Donnell, a former Stem ing how the abortion Aug. 19 to begin seizing judgment was rendered suing felony charges the county district attor- Express employee who company sells fully intact worked inside a Planned aborted babies — includDaleiden’s assets and against Daleiden, CMP against Daleiden and ney’so-ce. Their undercover vidParenthood clinic, de- ing one who “just fell out” those of the Center for and his CMP colleagues.” fellow undercover inves- of the un womb. Medical Progress un- Daleiden also must pay tigator Sandra Merritt, eos did a lot of damage tailed first-hand the less he raises $600,000 $2.3 million in damages claiming they broke the to Planned Parenthood speakable atrocities and * The 10th video: catchto pay an appeal bond. to the abortion chain as a law by filming conver - when they revealed the how she fainted in horror es the nation’s biggest “If we cannot post a result of the lawsuit. sations with abortionists abortion giant’s baby over handling baby legs. abortion business selling $600,000 bond in this Breen told the news outlet and others without their body parts operation. Not * In the fourth vid- specific body parts — in 14-day period, Planned that they are continuing to consent. Daleiden and only did the Center for eo: Planned Parent- cluding the heart, eyes Parenthood’s high- fight for Daleiden and Merritt the are facing possi- Medical Progress inves- hood’s Dr. Savita Ginde and “gonads” of unborn tigation priced collections law- Center for Medical Prog- ble jail time and fines if raise concerns stated, “We don’t want babies. The video also about potentially illegal to do just a flat-fee (per shows the shocking ways yers can come after Da- ress, but the situation is convicted. vid with asset seizures, “dire.” In May, the Center for sales of human body baby) of like, $200. A per- in which Planned Parentgarnishments and strip “You can’t even imag- Medical Progress and parts, but it also uncov- item thing works a little hood o-cials admit that ered evidence of abor- better, just because we they are breaking federhim and the Center for ine the tools that shrewd Daleiden filed a lawsuit Medical Progress bare,” collections lawyers have against Harris for prose- tionists allegedly putting can see how much we al law by selling aborted Breen said. “They can at their disposal to take cuting him unjustly for his women’s lives at greater can get out of it.” She also babybodypartsforprofit. take everything. They every dime you have, or undercover investigative risk by altering abortion laughed while looking at a Unreleased Videos: Uncan take all of his pos- nearly every dime you work. The lawsuit accus- procedures to better har- plate of fetal kidneys that released videos from CMP show Deb Vansessions. They can have, in situations like es Harris, current Cali- vest aborted baby parts. were “good to go.” even come get his car.” this,” he said. fornia Attorney General The investigators also * In the fifth video: Me- derhei of Planned ParThe bond involves a Donations to Daleiden’s Xavier Becerra, Planned found evidence of possi- lissa Farrell of Planned enthood caught on tape about how... civil case that Planned legal defense may be Parenthood and others ble patient privacy viola- Parenthood-Gulf Coast talking in Houston boasted of Continuation on Page:9 Parenthood launched made to the Thomas of conspiracy to violate tions.
PAGE 9 | September 2020 • Vol. 7, No. 9
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
If David Daleiden Can’t Pay US Freedom of Religion $600,000 Fine, Planned Under Attack? Parenthood Will Seize His Assets California Bans Singing Continuation from Page 8 by Alex Murashko in Church ... Feucht tweeted Friday: “Welcome to California. We encourage you to shout with thousands during protests but have banned you from singing in church to God.”
pic.twitter.com/ SJi93SY298— Sean Feucht (@seanfeucht) July 3, 2020 Conservative politicians and Christian leaders alike in the United States railed against California legislators for a new coronavirus-related regulation that bans singing in any indoor religious services, even with masks on, under new guidelines issued Wednesday (7/1/20) by the Department of Public Health. And after pointing out the irony of unfettered protests in the US amidst the ongoing pandemic, Bethel Music worship leader, Sean Feucht, posted a photo of his reaction (featured/ above). Several influential ers, including Pastor Jentezen Franklin, said that the government order was discriminatory and goes
against the First Amend- recite mass; Evangelicals ment’s Freedom of Relig- can’t worship out loud. ion clause which states The very definition of disthat everyone in the US crimination is to allow has the right to practice his thousands to march and or her own religion. Frank- scream without masks lin also pointed to the gov- or less that you cannot ernment’s apparent green sing. light to the recent march- — Jentezen Franklin (@ es in the US. “California’s Jentezen) July 3, 2020 Governor just banned sing- Senator Ted Cruz of Texas ing/chanting at church,” also weighed in on Twitter, Franklin tweeted Friday. calling the order “grossly, “Catholics can’t recite transparently unconstitumass; Evangelicals can’t tional.” worship out loud. The very ???????? This is the text definition of discrimination of an actual government is to allow thousands to order: “Places of worship march and scream without must therefore discontinue masks while telling church- singing….” es 100 or less that you can- Grossly, transparently unlead not sing.” constitutional. https://t.co/ California’s Governor just PmmCe0T9yI banned singing/chanting at — Ted Cruz church. Catholics can’t (@tedcruz) July 3, 2020
* Continue to support non-in person attendace of services and other related activities by those who are vulnerable to COVID-19 including older adults and those with co-morbidities.
Considerations for Places of Worship
is caught on tape describing an illegal partial-birth abortion procePlanned Parenthood dure to terminate living, abortionbusinessa-liates late-term unborn babies may “want to increase rev- which she hopes will enue [from selling baby yield intact fetal heads parts] but we can’t stop for brain harvesting. them…” Another video has *The 12th video: in the a woman talking about the series shows new foot“financial incentives” age of of Jennefer Russelling aborted baby body so, medical director at parts. Planned Parenthood * The 11th video: catches in Orange County, Cala Texas Planned Parent- ifornia, describing to hood abortionist planning undercover investigato sell the intact heads tors how her abortion of aborted babies for re- business tries to harsearch. Amna Dermish vest intact aborted ba-
By: Daniel Kennedy Join Daniel’s Zoom Bible study 8:30 PM Central Time Contact him thru Facebook: facebook.com/daniel.kennedy.33633 Matthew 15:11,16-20 [11]It’s not what goes into your mouth that defiles you; you are defiled by the words that come out of your mouth.” [16]“Don’t you understand yet?” Jesus asked. [17]“Anything you eat passes through the stomach and then goes into the sewer. [18]But the words you speak come from the heart—that’s what defiles you. [19] For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander. [20]These are what defile you. Eating with unwashed hands will never defile you.” A clear example of sin leading to sickness, disease and ultimately death. Our words have power, the power comes from our belief or unbelief! What we say is what we believe, and what we believe is what we have. If we believe in Jesus, we have everlasting life! If we believe in the world, what we have is everlasting death! Jesus is making it very clear here that we don’t get sick from what we put into ourselves, we get sick from what comes out of and what is already inside our hearts! Ask Jesus to wash you clean, to remove the unbelief from deep inside your heart! Ask Him to open your eyes to what you may not even see yourself and to begin to walk in everlasting life forever, Amen!
* Discontinue o-ering self-service food and beverages. Do not hold potlucks or similar family-style eating and drinking events that increase the risk of cross contamination. If food and beverages must be served, provide items in single-serve, disposable containers whenever possible. Workers or volunteers serving food should wash hands frequently and wear disposable gloves. * Discontinue singing (in rehearsals, services, etc.), chanting and other practices and performances where there is increased likelihood for transmission from contaminated exhaled droplets. Consider practicing these activities through alternative methods (such as internet streaming) that ensure individual congregation members perform these activities separately in their own homes.
bies’ bodies for a local for-profit biotech - com pany and changes the abortion procedure to do so. * The 13th video: exposes a Planned Parenthoodmedical director admitting that babies born alive after abortion are sometimes killed. * The 14th video: catches Planned Parenthood executives discussing gruesome abortion procedures and the sale of body parts from aborted babiesforprofit. +++
All Are Welcome - Men and Women
www.fgbmfiusa.life | Youtube Channel: Sarasota Chapter - FGBMFI SARASOTA, FLORIDA CHAPTER
Meetings arethat now online. Please contact Brother Consider * modifyingpracticesthatarespecifictoparticularfaith traditions might encourage the spread of COVID-19. Examples are discontinuing kissing Ron Bauza: 941-545-4062 or Brother Jerry Miller: of ritual objects, allowing rites to be performed by fewer people, avoiding the 941-223-0417 for more information. useofacommoncup,o-eringcommunioninthehandinsteadofonthetongue, providing pre-packed communion items on chairs prior to service, etc., in accordance with CDC Guidelines. New Guidelines: maximum of 100 attendEven with adherence to ees, whichever is lowphysical distancing, con- er. Local Health Officers vening in a congregational are advised to consider setting of multiple dierent limitations on appropriate households to practice a outdoor attendance capersonal faith carries a rel- pacities, factoring their juatively higher risk for wide- risdiction’s key COVID- 19 spread transmission of the health indicators. At a minCOVID-19 virus, and may imum, outdoor attendance result in increased rates should be limited naturally of infection, hospitaliza- through implementation tion, and death, especially of strict physical distancamong more vulnerable ing measures of a minipopulations. In particular, mum of six feet between activities such as singing attendees from different and chanting negate the households, in addition risk- reduction achieved to other relevant protothrough six feet of physical cols within this document. distancing. Journalist commenta*Places of worship must tor Todd Starnes reported therefore discontinue on his site: singing and chanting Dr. Paul Chappell, the pasactivities and limit in- tor of Lancaster Baptist door attendance to 25% Church, a mega-church of building capacity or a north of Los Angeles, told
The Todd Starnes Show that his congregation plans on singing even louder. “First the state told us when to worship. Now they are telling us “how” to worship,” he said. “We have been patient, and safe (even wearing masks). Our church will sing to the Lord Sunday. The heavens declare His glory and so will we.” It really is the only proper pastoral response to such an unconstitutional edict. “We have watched our elected leaders pray and sing with demonstrators in the streets. We invite them to join us Sunday to see we actually practice social distancing and we will obey the scripture to sing and admonish one another in the Lord,” the pastor said. www.assistnews.net
“His Banner Over Us Is Love”
Ron Bauza, President Chapter 305 Sarasota, FL visit: www.facebook.com/ron.bauza visit: www.facebook.com/fgbmfisarasota 941-545-4062 | www.fgbmfiusa.life
FICC’s RESOURCE OFFICER FOR YOUR: Emergency food baskets or bills, rent, water, lights, phone & pharnacycards
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941-730-7514 Beverley.Vance@yahoo.com
PAGE 10 | September 2020 • Vol. 7, No. 9
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
PAGE 11 | September 2020 • Vol. 7, No. 9
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
61 Million Babies Like This Have Been Killed in Abortions, They Need You to Vote Pro-Life
abortion takeover of the state legislature could mean the death of our popular Abortion Control Act, which outlaws abortions after 24 weeks except to save the life of the mother. Our Governor, a former Planned Parenthood clinic escort, would quickly and unapologetically sign any legislation to loosen (or obliterate) limits on abortion. The Commonwealth could quickly become Abortion Central, with abortion totals rising faster than you can say “election results.” Everyabortionsnu-sout the life of an innocent, By Maria Gallagher Sep 2, 2020 | Washington, DC -- LIFENEWS.COM unrepeatable human being. Those abortions performed in the later stages also kill smiles. At a time when the COVID-19 pandemic Do a Google search for which hold such prom- so hard for decades to es- ions, where babies continues to upend lives, “images for ultrasound ise and possibility. Their tablish. If these pro-abor- are cruelly torn limb by and families struggle baby smiles,” and you will smiles are contagious and tionists are successful, we limb from their mothers’ with Coronavirus-related find some incredible - stir viwithin me a joy for the could lose valuable safe- wombs. Most Americans unemployment, smiles sions of the beauty of the wild ride that is life. guards such as parental are horrified by such can seem to be in short baby in the womb. The Sadly, some politicians consent, informed con- abortions, as demon- supply. expressions are delight- continue to push for abor- sent, and waiting periods strated in numerous na- All the more reason not ful, and they demonstrate tion without limits. for abortion—just to name tional public opinion polls, to elect public o-cials quite clearly the humanity They are promoting legis- three laws that protect but that has no impact who would expand aborof the preborn child. lation to eliminate any and girls, women, and families. on abortion extremists. tion, leading to the loss I could spend all day gaz- all of the state protections We could also see an up- In Pennsylvania, where of untold numbers of ing at these lovely faces, that pro-lifers have worked surge in late-term abort- I make my home, a pro- smiles.
“Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.”
Psalm 82:3
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PAGE 12 | September 2020 • Vol. 7, No. 9
The Mark of the Beast Penalty is Included in ID2020 Alliance
This is from ID2020 Alliance. Here are the last 2 paragraphs showing the same restrictions for not having the infamous
Mark of the Beast.
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome! who wisely reject the mark of the beast: captivity or decapitation (Rev. 13:10 cf. 20:4). So, how can the righteous victoriously overcome? Here are the details: “If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity he will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword he will be killed. This calls for PATIENT ENDURANCE AND FAITHFULNESS on the
part of the saints.” (Rev 13:10) “They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; THEY DID NOT LOVE THEIR LIVES
* We will email you the most current edition each month at your request. * Fill out this form and return to us or go online at www.hesalivenews.org * No money is required but your donations, big or small, help us pay postage and expenses.
If the Alliance’s goal is a globally recognized digital identity for everyone SO MUCH AS TO SHRINK from birth to death, will that become a global mandate? How will it be en- FROM DEATH.” (Rev forced and by whom? What happens to those individuals who are unwilling 12:11) to participate? Will they be persecuted? And how will the implementation of Jesus taught: “DO NOT BE AFRAID OF identificationevolvewithtechnologybeyondsmartphones? Will wearables, implant’s like those being used in Swedish subways or some form of digital THOSE WHO KILL THE BODY BUT CANNOT KILL tattoo become the norm? THE SOUL. Rather, be As more and more transactions become digital in nature and are built afraid of the One who YES! SEND ME HE’S ALIVE EVERY MONTH can destroy both soul around a single global identification standard, supported by Microsoft, the and body in hell.” (Mat question of who will govern this evolving global community and economy 10:28) becomes relevant. Especially since nonparticipants in the system would be “I am coming soon. HOLD SNAIL MAIL: ___ EMAIL: ___ BOTH: ___ unable to buy or sell goods or services. ON TO WHAT YOU HAVE, so that no one will take NAME: ________________________________ BY Dan Corner, Evangelical Outreach of his name.’ This calls your crown.” (Rev 3:11) W A S H I N G T O N , his forehead, so that NO for patient endurance on “But whoever disowns ADDRESS: _____________________________ Penn., Aug. 25, 2020 / ONE COULD BUY OR the part of the saints who me before men, I WILL CITY: _________________________________ Christian Newswire/ SELL UNLESS HE HAD obey God’s command- DISOWN HIM before my -- The following is sub- THE MARK, which is the ments and remain faithful Father in heaven.” (Mat ST: ________________ ZIP:_______________ mitted by Dan Corner name of the beast or the to Jesus.” (Rev 14:9-12) 10:33) EMAIL ADDRESS: ______________________ of Evangelical Outreach: number of his name. This The devil, through the And God from Have you heard of the calls for wisdom. If any- antichrist, is trying to get his throne stated: I WILL PRAY FOR HE’S ALIVE: ___________ ID2020 Alliance? More one has insight, let him your soul and if he can “He who overcomes will SEND EXTRA COPIES FOR ME TO importantly, do you know calculate the number of deceive you into receiv- inherit all this, and I will DISTRIBUTE (no. of copies): ______________ what it says? Among the beast, for it is man’s ing the mark, he will suc- be his God and he will other things, besides a number. His number is ceed. Our world has rad- be my son. But the COW- ENCLOSED IS MY GIFT OF: ______________ universal digital - 666.” identifi (Rev 13:16-18) ically change since 2020 ARDLY, the unbelieving, cation for all, it states the The seriousness of the and is speeding along the vile, the murderers, following from the last “saints” receiving that towards a cashless, dig- the sexually immoral, paragraph: mark on their body to itally-ruled monetary those who practice magic He’s Alive News “As more and more trans- buy or sell is explicit- system controlled to arts, the idolaters and all actions become digital ly revealed here, which such a tight degree, that liars--their place will be in PO Box 14931 in nature and are built also counters both of the one’s complete financial the fiery lake of burning Bradenton, FL 34280 around a single global biggest religious myths transactions will be ter- sulfur. This is the secidentification standard, of our day: the Pre Trib minated unless he fully ond death.” (Rev 21:7,8) (MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO FAITH supported by Microsoft, Rapture and Eternal Se- complies with the sys- It takes godly courage to the question of who will curity (Once Saved Al- tem. Related to ID2020 follow Jesus, while the INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN CENTER) govern this evolving ways Saved). is WO2020060606 COWARDLYare the first You can also donate online at: global community and “A third angel followed CRYPTOCURRENCY on the list as those who economy becomes rel- them and said in a loud SYSTEM USING BODY will go to the lake of fire. www.hesalivenews.org evant. Especially since voice: ‘If anyone wor- ACTIVITY DATA! [https:// Spread the word. Pass nonparticipants in this ships the beast and his patentscope.wipo.int/ this timely message on system would be unable image and receives his search/en/detail.jsf?do- to those you care about. to buy or sell goods or mark on the forehead cId=WO2020060606] services.” or on the hand, he, too, Notice the last 6 digits of Editor’s note: Al[ h t t p s : / / w w w . w i n - will drink of the wine of that patent number. though this article has d o w s c e n t r a l . c o m / God’s fury, which has Coming in due time will much truth in it, and evm i c r o s o f t - u n i v e r - been poured full strength be the “war on the saints” eryone should take heed, s a l - d i g i t a l - i d e n t i - into the cup of his wrath. (Rev. 13:7) with multi- I personally believe the f i c a t i o n - a n d - y o u ] He will be tormented with tudes of righteous people Scriptures clearly teach Please verify that for burning sulfur in the pres- from around the globe this will not be fully imyourself and note the ence of the holy angels wisely refusing the mark plemented until the rapsimilarity to the bibli- and of the Lamb. And the of the beast and remain- ture of the church. Thus, cal mark of the beast, smoke of their torment ing faithful to Jesus un- I and He’s Alive are Pre which is most alarming: rises for ever and ever. til the end; these will be Tribulation Rapture be“He also forced every- There is no rest day or martyred and thereafter lievers. In any event, By Georgia Yost one, small and great, night for those who wor- going to Paradise, their you need to be ready rich and poor, free and ship the beast and his true home (Rev 7:9). and willing to give your slave, to receive a mark image, or for anyone There are only two pos- life if need be. Many be- James 4:7 “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Reon his right hand or on who receives the mark sibilities for the people fore you already have. sist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Excellent book broke down in three parts. The book has inspiring messages. •What the Word Of God is •How to Study •God compared to man •Our relationship to God •Know your enemy •How to operate in God’s authority Christians should know how to fight. We are in a fallOffering the Homeschooling paren world and nothing here is perfect. God has given ent *Support *children us everything we would have need of to live this life interaction *Field trips victoriously. 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