He's Alive News Aug 2022

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What's inside: Page 10: Digital ID’s every Real! ByMahonBenjamin for your glory as far as us coming together and you know being big in other marriages, or whatever it is Lord, you are saying you are in control. I will fast forward here a lot, but I will tell you it did not turn around. In fact, it got worse and worse. It got so bad that at one of the counseling sessions I was there for our mar riage counseling, which I went by myself. While I was there, one of the brothers in the church, a close friend went to check on Adrian and I was excit ed cause I thought maybe this is Becauseit. in the Bible in Matthew says that if a brother falls in sin and if you win them back. I was thinking, Yes! He is going and he is probably go ing to feel convicted and repent. But no, actually what happened is I was at marriage counseling and when he went to go knock on the door it was the girl that answered. So yeah, that was fun… Then we went even more downhill. The whole time I was just holding onto God and how He said, He was in control. And so it kept dwindling down to where I just was like Lord, I sur render. Because I don’t see. You know how we say that we walk by faith and not by sight, I thank God for that because if I walked by sight, I don’t think I would ever stand up to walk again. Looking at everything that was un folding, our marriage was not turning around. I al lowed the Lord to do what He was going to do. So now I stand here in 2022 and I am now a fulContinued on Page: 7 ministry, we pray that God moves and has His way. If I went by my feelings all the time I would not have gotten any where. Even after the other night texting her and then realizing I am to speak this Sunday was like, Lord what do I say. I haven’t served in ministry since 2019. I have not done anything for the Lord as far as ministry wise. I was thinking I can’t get up there Lord. So the Lord put on my heart, just share your story. So, I will share a small portion of it. In 2020 of March, my cousin Daniel texted me that God was in control. It was a random text with no other detail, he just told me “God is in con trol”. I said yes, amen, I believe that. Then we started to text and talk about how awesome God is; how amazing it is to be saved and ev erything. We went into talking about our weap ons that we use and how the word of God and worship and praise and fasting and just the full armor of weapons we have available. It was an amazing conversation, just amazing. He ended with saying "Ashley, I just wanted to tell you that God is in control." We said goodnight and soon as we ended out texting my phone rang and it was my ex-hus band. The call was not the usual "hey I am on my way home", it was instead, "Ashley I cheat ed". My world suddenly came to a stop. I said "No you didn’t". He con firmed that he did. We hung up and I was think ing of how I just got done texting my cousin and it was such an amazing time. I looked up and said, “God, you just said you are in control.” Did you know this phone call was about to happen? I was just standing there, and I am like OK… I talk to God a lot and so I told Him well God, you are saying you are in con trol and I believe that, so whether you are saying you are going to use this

The other night I re ceived a text at 2 am from my beautiful friend who is from California. She texted me that she needed prayer because she did not feel like she was built to be a young adult leader. I asked her why she felt that way and her response was that she had nothing to offer. There are two quotes that I constantly go back to when I start to think I am not qualified, or I am not worthy. The first quote I shared with her was the things I thought disqualified me from my purpose were the exact things that qualify me. The second quote was walking into your pur pose could possibly be one of the biggest weap ons we have to heal the broken soul. I shared with her that whatever ministry we serve in has nothing to do with it. And that I felt the same way she feels when I served in youth, and when I served in young adults and in a women’s book club. But it is God who works through us, and it is through building friend ships and speaking His truth that God takes that nothing and makes it something. We have a lot to offer by just being a friend and loving the way Christ loves us. As we step into God is in Control, but am I qualified?



choose you this day whom ye will serve; Joshua 24:15 The time has come for the Church to awak en and see the prophe sies of old are happen ing in our lifetime. Many prophets desired to see the day we now live in. It is truly exciting yet so bering.There are currently two major world chang ing events unfolding on earth. The Great Reset fueled by the billionaire oligarchs like the World Economic Forum and fol lowed by world powers such as the United Na tions and World Health Organization.Thenthereis the Great Awakening of the people of God to see what they are actually doing. Set ting the world up to welcome the coming An ti-Christ and his one world, one government system.Boldly they speak about their dastardly wicked in vention to hack humans with unemotional com puterized intelligence they claim is far superior to Gods perfect new cre ation, the Church. We live in an informa tion war with deception at its strongest. Propagan da by once trusted gov ernment agencies now lie, decieve and censor the facts when it goes against their agenda. But the Church knows the Truth, and the Truth makes us free from their tyranical exploits. The Bible is absolute truth and all that is written will happoen as it has been written from of old. It is the job of the church to discern the times and seek His direction on warning and winning the deceived.Onemust ask themselves; "which one am I following? Which one do I believe and put my trust in?" In my opinion one would have to be blind not to see the corruption, greed and power grab these elites are manip ulating before the entire world.Read the articles within this edition and scan the QR Codes to research further. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to truth and make sure you are not left behind!

Romans 13:11... knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep

to Police

PAGE 1 | AUGUST 2022 • Vol. 9, No. 08 FREE! FREE! FREE!


- By Ashley Joy

The Newspaper Of Proof He’s Alive! "I am He that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen" -Revelation 1:18


By: Pastor Chuck Kennedy

aspect of our Lives Page 12: My Good God Story, 100% Proof Positive He is


Dear Readers: As I write this to you, I am at the moment up on the white Earth Reser vation in Minnesota with my husband Bob. This is our twelfth time traveling here to bring the Gospel and gifts to evangelize and see old friends. It’s a long journey from Florida, and once again we pulled a cargo trail er packed with gifts plus our own traveling needs. One of our daughters ac companied us, and this time we also brought along our dear Chihua hua dog: he’s such a good traveler. In 2007 as we were traveling to Minneso ta, a large white trailer truck passed us. God gave me a vision which I passed on to Bob. I stat ed that we needed a sim ilar large truck with “God Across America” paint ed on the side to travel across the USA bringing the Good News Gospel about Jesus Christ: Sal vation, Healing, and Mir acles! Somehow God always makes a way for us to come so far. It seems impossible, but nothing is impossible if you put your trust in God! This year we have ministered with oth ers in three places on the Reservation: Nay-Tah-Waush, Pine Point, and White Earth. We are reaching out to Native American Ojibwe (also called Chippewa) people who populate this Thearea.White Earth Reser vation is absolutely gor geous with lakes, trees of all kinds, birds, deer, wild turkeys, bears bald and American eagles and other wildlife. We were blessed once to see a Golden eagle rise up from the roadway as we rounded a corner in our vehicle. It was huge and beautiful! Bob has seen a small black bear once and friends report sightings of them here and there. Yet, with all its beauty, the people here are iso lated with only a few vil lages on this very large Reservation. There are many unpaved roads and few stores and churches actually on the Rez, and not much for children and youth. The graveyards are full of young people (and older) who have lost their lives to car accidents, drugs, gangs, murder, suicides…. Many of the elderly live without their basic needs met. These Native Americans are a forgotten people, placed on reservations to remove them far away from mainstream Ameri can society. If you can’t see them, perhaps you don’t have to care…. Sure, the US Govern ment supplies funds for housing, medical and other needs. But we see the conditions under which they live, and it is not good, not the same as non-Native American people. Many of them cannot hold jobs in near by off-Rez towns due to prejudice and ill-will. I was saddened when I spoke with a neigh bor who had taken her grandchild to a Native Pow-Wow and saw them in their beautiful Native regalia, dancing to the beat of a drum. The child asked, “Grandma, are they real?” Some people think that they still live in teepees or that they were all killed off by cow boys, thanks to American films! How ignorant most American non-Natives are of their friends and neighbors living right among them! We need to educate our children with the truth about First Nations Peo ple. Adults need to be made aware that Na tive Americans are alive and trying to survive on Reservations throughout America. I understand that not everyone has a heart for this people group, but I am of the Cahuilla tribe, so natu rally this calling is born in me. My grandmother was born in Nueva Leon, Mexico, and my people migrated across the Rio Grande into San Anto nio, Yes,Texas.money is given to them, but until you actu ally get in among them and hear from their own hearts their needs and desperations, you will not really understand what their real needs are. We want to keep Gerald Derstine’s vision alive and keep coming up here to minister and help these people. He was instrumental in introduc ing us to the White Earth MatthewReservation.25:35-40: “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Then the righteous will answer him, “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?”

wants our lives to overflow with mercy, love, and compassion — the marks of His king dom. As followers of Je sus, we have a choice: respond to unsettling realities in fear and with draw or follow Him in re sponding to the greatest needs of our day with love and hope. (World Vision quote) Our colorful 245-page book, My Indian Sum mer, is available through mail from the address below for $35.00, which includes shipping. The book comes with a 45-minute DVD mov ie of the events which occurred on the White Earth Native Reserva tion in 2007 at the Holy Spirit Gathering of The First Nations and has many color photos of the events and people. Over a thousand people, Na tive and non-Native at tended these events for an entire week! Dr. Gerald Derstine, founder of Christian Re treat in Strawberry Lake, MN on the White Earth Reservation, has added his endorsement to this book. Also, Pastor Ga briel Ward of the Cahuilla Nation in California, has added his remarks in the forward to the book. You will find it a great treasure to add to your library! By the way, it is the only account ever written about this great event on White Earth. Your purchase of the book/DVD will help us greatly in our efforts to reach these and other Native American peo ples. During these End Times, let’s do all we can to reach the unreached for Jesus Christ! Please consider helping us to reach Native Amer icans and others across the USA with the Gospel. Please send your check to: Pastor Madeline Mon tez Duffany 1201 Glory Way Blvd., #19, Braden ton, Florida 34212 This is God’s Truth! (7


HE’S ALIVE Christian News & Views

The King will reply, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sis ters of mine, you did for Godme.”

Reverend Madeline Montez Duffany:

Eagles) Published the 10th of Each Month Published by HE’S ALIVE PUBLISHING COMPANY FAITH website:CHRISTIANINTERNATIONALCENTERP.O.BOX14931Bradenton,Fl.34280Phone:941-447-4538www.ficcwordchurch.org Publisher: Chuck Kennedy Designer: Rlyn Kennedy Contact inform email:www.hesalivenews.org:hesalivenews@cfaith.com Email subscriptions are free. Printed subscriptions any donation. Letters to the editor are welcomed and encouraged. Please notify us of address changes. If you wish to be removed, let us know. Check it out at www.hesalivenews.org or scan → YOUR AD COULD BE SEEN HERE BY THE moreTellCOMMUNITYCHRISTIANthemaboutyourchurchorevent!YourADis2-fold,helpingusreachplaces:Adsaredonationbasis www.hesalivenews.org Advertisehere. Contact us today. Email: hesalivenews@cfaith.com PAGE 2 | AUGUST 2022 • Vol. 9, No. 08 FREE - Donations Welcome! We need miracle testimonies and we are willing to pay for them! Be a blessing. Share your testimony and receive a financial blessing. Contact us for OrHesAliveNews@cfaith.comdetails:OrText:941-447-4538quickscan → By Rev. Madeline Montez Duffany Write to: Rev Madeline at PO Box 14931 Bradenton, FL34280 or Email: HesAliveNews@yahoo.com Not all letters are from readers. Letters may be fictitious in person but true in content. We reserve the right to edit or refuse any questions submitted. We made it all the way to MN!! Praise God for safe travels 4 Days!! -Madeline & Bob giveawaysSome Newpurchasedwenotused!! God Across America Madeline & Bob

... Continued on Page: 9 PAGE 3 | AUGUST 2022 • Vol. 9, No. 08 FREE - Donations Welcome! Community Food Pantry Every Thursday from 1:00 - 3:00 PM “We are an equal opportunity provider.” Resonate Life Church Pastor Becky Manassa | Phone: 941-756-7331 1820 53rd Ave W. Bradenton, FL 34207 www.fgbmfiusa.life | Youtube Channel: Ron Bauza visit: www.facebook.com/ron.bauza visit:Ronwww.fgbmfiusa.lifewww.facebook.com/fgbmfisarasota|941-545-4062Bauza,Chapter305Sarasota,FL “His Banner Over Us Is Love” Every 2nd Friday of every month. For more information, Please Contact: Jerry Miller - 941-223-0417 FULL GOSPEL BUSINESS MEN’S FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL All Are Welcome - Men and Women, We Invite YOU! TO OUR MAILING LIST Sign up for email delivery! Please tell us if; *You move *You want to start or stop your subscription *You want to suggest a friend or church Thank you! Email us: hesalivenews@cfaith.com Leave an Eternal Legacy! TITHE A LIFE INSURANCE POLICY to your Church, Christian School, or Missions, * inexpensive * many guaranteed acceptance Free consultation Chuck Kennedy c.kennedy@alphaandomegainsuranceagency.com DON'T MISS A SINGLE MONTH OF HE'S ALIVE NEWS Sign up for monthly email distribution IT'S FREE! SIGN UP AT: www.hesalivenews.orgContactusat: Hesalivenews@cfaith.com | Text: 941-447-4538 By Slavic AssociationGospel(SGA) Free self service insurance quotes 100% online Go Proceedswww.quotemyselfonline.comtohelpfundHe’sAlive,thank you. gjyost65@gmail.comGeorgiaContact:YostOrAmazon.com now.yourGetcopy YouVersion Launches New Features Designed to Help Churches Navigate Today's Hybrid Church Environment Scan for a free Quote By: YouVersion

July 28, 2022 /Christian Newswire/--

OKLAHOMA CITY, More peo ple are embracing a blend of digital and in-person experiences in their faith journey, which means church leaders need new ways to gauge and encourage spiritual engagement. As mod ern life and ministry in tersect, YouVersion, the creator of the world's most downloaded Bible app, is rolling out two new features built spe cifically with churches in mind: Church Profile and Insights. The new YouVersion for Church es tools will help church leaders meet the specific needs of their congrega "Intion. this hybrid church environment, it can be challenging for pastors to know what their con gregations need and whether their attenders are spiritually engaged when they aren't physi cally present," said Bob by Gruenewald, YouVer sion Founder and CEO. "We're excited to offer pastors the first-ever bird's-eye view into what digital spiritual engage ment looks like for their congregation as they lead their church in both digital and physical spac es." With Insights, church leaders will gain access to search trends, most highlighted verses, top books of the Bible, and other data that points to people's felt needs. They will be able to explore global trends and see how people in their area are engaging with Scrip ture. Additionally, pastors will be able to see aggre gated, anonymous data for people who choose to connect with their church in the app. This big-pic ture information can then be used to inform future sermons or ministry di rection. With Church Profile, church leaders can cre ate their own space in side YouVersion as a way to connect with peo ple and encourage them to engage in Scripture throughout the week. The feature makes a church discoverable to their at tenders and anyone in the YouVersion Commu nity who is searching for a church. Once a person taps "Set As My Church," they'll see key informa tion, including address, service times, and a church description, and receive notifications as updates happen. Addi tionally, to encourage the entire church to engage in Scripture outside of church services, pastors and church leaders can choose to feature one of the 25,000 Bible Plans available in the app on their Church Profile. "We're building tools to help churches con nect and minister to their attenders like nev er before," said Grue newald. "Imagine how much more effectively we could pastor our at tenders if we knew the content they were col lectively searching for and what they were struggling with on any given week. We're ex cited to see how these tools unlock ministry op portunities for churches around the world." YouVersion for Churches will showcase these new features during a special event Tuesday, August 16 at 1pm EDT. Church leaders and pastors can sign up to attend the on line event event.churchspecialyouversionat: Scan -> "We believe the future of the global church is bright because it's full of people who are passionate about reach ing people for Christ and building His Church," said Gruenewald. "We're honored to play a part in how God is moving by providing free resources that we believe will be game-changing for the global Church." YouVersion for Churches In 2021, goal


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You Version for Churches launched with the

"A red herring is some thing that MISLEADS OR DISTRACTS from a relevant or important question. It may be ei ther a logical fallacy or a literary device that leads readers or audiences to ward a false conclusion." The Facial Recognition Red Herring Though facial recogni tion is a definite reality and is indeed an op pressive tool in China, it too has been wrongly presented as the mark of the beast. Facial recog nition, with all of China's surveillance cameras, is used for control through public shaming, etc. and it suits their purposes well, but facial recogni tion is not the mark of the Thebeast.Bible states that the mark of the beast will be an actual mark (charag ma – scratch, stamp or etching in/on the right hand or forehead need ed to "buy or sell," ac cording to Revelation 13:16,17). The RFID Chip Red Her ring The RFID chip is NOT the mark of the beast 11

Continued on Page:


WASHINGTON, Penn., July 26, 2022 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following nerbysubmittedisDanCor-ofEvangelical Out Inreach:ourday when DECEIT is prospering (Dan 8:25), a couple of "red herrings" (decoys) have surfaced at this critical time - just before issuance of the real mark of the beast (Rev. 13:16, 17). So, what is a "red herring"?


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If you have questions, You can email us at: ficcpastor@cfaith.com. Thank you.

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HE’S manuscriptsPUBLISHINGALIVECOMPANYIsnowacceptingChristianforpublishingreview If selected

- REPENT AND ASK HIM TO FORGIVE YOUR SINS Romans 5:8 “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while wewere yet sinners, Christ died for us.”


confess now that Jesus is Lord of your life. Romans 10:9-10 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

- Admit that you are a sinner. Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”

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...Peter do you love me... Feed my sheep... Is a food distribution program that gives donated food to Hungry people and prevents food from going to waste. For more information or to sign up for food, email your name and phone number to: pet.mysheeps@gmail.com Or leave it at God is Real 24-hour recorded prayer line at 833 463 7325 www.ficcwordchurch.org | www.God-IsReal.com Brought to you by: Faith International Christian Center Revival starts on the heels of total surrender to the will and purposes of God for your life. Then that genuine walk with the Holy Spirit is ignited in others one by one, as they see your passion for Christ in your life. A total yielding to the work of the cross within one's soul is up to each individual as they pursue a deeper walk with the Lord. The church needs to get back to the foundations of the Word of God, the power of the cross, His Resurrection, the power of the blood, and the Holy Spirit’s work in one’s life. This involves a total meshing of your life with in the life of Christ, so that you hate the things he hates, and love the things He loves. So that your hearts prayer is a genuine cry of, "It is not I who live but Christ Je sus who lives within me!” That you truly desire to pray as He prays, do the things that you see Him do, and walk the walk He has for you day by day. This way your carnal flesh will not seek to re ceive any glory and get in the way, all glory goes to the Lord. Jeremiah eighteen, talks about the potters house. ing from clay, was spoiled in the hands of the pot ter; so, he made it over, reworking it into another vessel as it seemed good to the potter to make it”. Verse 5, Then the Word of the Lord came to me. Verse 6, “Oh house of Israel can I not do with you as the potter does? Says the Lord. Behold as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand.” This is still true today for the New Tes tament church made up of the born-again believ er. Every day we are to make the decision to be as clay in Pappa God’s hands and allow Him to remake us. To remold us into the vessel He has preplanned and pur posed for our lives be fore we were every born. He says, “Before you were born, I knew you”. Every situation we are going through needs to be placed in His hands. Every decision we must make, big or small, needs to be placed in His hands for the outcome to be as He sees fit. In Malachi three it says that He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver, and he will purify the priest, the sons of Levi, and re fine them like gold and in righteousness. With no excuses, this applies to every one of us if we want the deeper things of God and the greater blessings of His king dom. In John fifteen Jesus says that He is the True Vine, and Father God is the Vinedresser. Verse two says, ‘Any branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He cuts away and he cleanses and repeatedly prunes every branch that continues to bear fruit, to make it bear more and richer and more excellent fruit.” It continues to tell us that we are cleansed by the Word of God. As we lay ourselves on Fa ther God’s potters wheel, with our hearts desire for Him, He will do with us as He will, molding us and remolding us each day. Allowing God and the refining fire of the Holy Spirit to do within us as He sees fit, we will come forth as 24 carat gold, shining for the glory of AsGod.weallow God's prun ing shears to cut away all that is not of Him in our lives, we will know bless ings beyond our com prehension. Our daily prayer should be as Je sus prayed, “Not my will oh Lord, but thy will be ... Continued on Page: 7 PAGE 5 | AUGUST 2022 • Vol. 9, No. 08 FREE - Donations Welcome!

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Four-Time Emmy Award Winning TV Personality, Screenwriter and Best-Selling Author Brings Her Latest Work to Movie Theaters Nationwide for a Special One Night Event on Sept. 1st, Thursday sic and visual story telling, will reignite the passion for truth in to day's culture and in a younger generation." Moving stories from the Bible brought to life as you've never seen before written by four-time Emmy award-winning TV personality, actress, and best-selling au thor Kathie Lee Gif ford, and hit song writers Brett James, Louis York, David Pomeranz, Nicole C. Mullen, and Sal Oli veri. This set of ora torios merges the an cient with the modern - bringing to life bibli cal stories with con temporary orchestral arrangements, pow erful narration, and touching visuals. Over the course of 4 movements spanning 75 minutes, these pieces revolve around Kathie Lee as our narrator, a symphony orchestra, and a cast of musical stars singing tailor-made roles such as Ni cole C. Mullen, Dan ny Gokey, Jimmie Allen, Larry Gatlin, and BeBe Winans. Tickets for THE WAY can be purchased online and at partic ipating theater box offices. For more information on the film vis it Alsothewaymusic.com.releasingthis fall from bestselling authors Kathie Lee Gifford and Rabbi Jason Sobel is The God of the Way: A Jour ney into the Stories, People, and Faith That Changed the World Forever (W Publishing, August 30, 2022). Gifford and Sobel partner once again to connect ancient truths to the lives of to day’s readers in this companion book to the film. Phone: | ficcpastor@yahoo.com God-isReal.comSCANME→ START YOUR MORNING WITH GOD'S WORD! 5:30 am, Eastern time, Monday thru Friday with Pastor Chuck & Sis Rlyn Kennedy Join us LIVE on: Facebook /Godisreal2013 ← SCANME Email: ficcpastor@yahoo.com The theIdaho'stramplingofDepartmentJusticeisoncitizens,statelegislature,andthegovernor.

Answering the call for better communication among church mem bers, without sending them to outside so cial media platforms, ChurchSpring launches Groups. ROCK RAPIDS, Iowa, July 29, 2022 /Chris tian Newswire/ -ChurchSpring, the pre mier church website builder, is excited to an nounce the launch of its newest feature, Groups. People are the core of ChurchSpring. Bringing people into deep com munity is one of its big gest missions. Groups main benefit will be to help facilitate easier ad ministration of bringing people ChurchSpringtogether.was built with the great commis sion in mind. They are a company committed to creating tools that help the local church make disciples. ChurchSpring offers the most intui tive, affordable, frustra tion-free church web sites on the planet. Founder, Rohn Gibson explains, "We're really excited about the launch of our fully integrated Groups feature. Having a community-groups en abled church website allows a safe place for people to fellowship and get the information they need. Our technology isn't meant to be a vac uum to suck people in, like most social media platforms. Our technol ogy provides church members with the in formation they need, then helps them redirect away from the screen to engage in deep commu nity with other believers with the information they ChurchSpring'sgleaned." website builder allows church es to launch their own website in 90 seconds fast. Current exciting features such as the ful ly integrated free mobile app with every website, the online giving plat form, and live stream ing integration are just a few of the literally thou sands of features packed into the simple and easyto-use ChurchSpring platform, with U.S based support and no set up Withfees. the launch of Groups, churches can now create an area in their website and mo bile app that will clearly identify different com munity and ministry groups within the church of which they can be a part. ChurchSpring helps churches grow, and com municate better. If you'd like to learn more about ChurchSpring, visit com/demoChurchSpring.toseehow ChurchSpring n benefit your ministry, or reach out to: Kelly@ChurchSpring.com




NASHVILLE, July 26, 2022 /Christian Newswire/ Fathom Events and Kathie Lee Gifford announce the debut of the new musical production, THE WAY, a special one night event com ing to theaters Thurs day, September 1 at 7:00pm local time. The film highlights key Biblical stories in a modern way by presenting them with contemporary orches tral powerfularrangements,narration, touching visuals and an all-star group of artists including Ni cole C. Mullen, Danny Gokey, Jimmie Allen, Larry Gatlin, BeBe Winans and more. "I am so excited to bring these extraor dinary, epic stories to life on the big screen," said producer Kathie Lee Gifford. "Today's culture tends to view the Bible as an an cient text that is no longer relevant, but my hope is that this film, with modern muEDITH & SAMANTHA 447-1185 DKennedy3985@gmail.com Spirit

By Fathom Events

Contact: www.americasfrontlinedoctors.org

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KENNEDY Zoom Meeting ID: 562 038 3859 Zoom843742Password: Text or Call: (941)


Topic: The Holy

Produces Fruits...

Church Technology Firm Announces SpecialInspireFeature,Groups,NewtoChurchGrowthOneNightEventonSept.1st,KathieLeeGifford'sTHEWAYBringsBibleStoriestoLife

Galatians 5:22-23 [22]But the Holy Spir it produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kind ness, goodness, faithful [23]gentleness,ness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! -Thought provoking... since the Spirit produc es a fruit of self-control, what could that profit us? 1 Corinthians 6:12 [12]All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any. -Key Verse above! Pay attention! He said he will not be brought under the power of any! Is this not an example of self-con 1trol?Corinthians 10:23 [23]All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify. 1 Timothy 4:1-5 [1]Now the Spirit ex pressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spir its and doctrines of de mons, [2]speaking lies in hy pocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot [3]forbiddingiron, to marry, and commanding to ab stain from foods which God created to be re ceived with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. [4]For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is re ceived with thanksgiving; [5]for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. A Good Servant of Jesus Christ -The fruit of self-control is there for you to enjoy what God has given to you! Don't let anyone tell you different, Jesus came to give life and life abun dant! Don't be afraid, God didn't give you the spirit of fear! You've been redeemed from the curse of the law! You are now free in the law of grace in Jesus name! -Be Blessed today and forever! Amen!

By Anne Reed | Lifenews.com


WASHINGTON, Aug. 2, 2022 /Christian News wire/ -- This marks the first time the U.S. De partment of Justice has initiated action against a state's trigger law to ban abortions since Roe v. Wade was overturned in StantonJune. Public Policy Center/Purple Sash Rev olution is a women's ad vocacy and educational group that works on is sues of human rights and justice which empower and inspire women. It is affiliated with Stanton Healthcare which has life-affirming women's health clinics in America and internationally. Brandi Swindell, CEO and Founder of Stanton Public Policy Center/ Purple Sash Revolution, states: "It is deeply trou bling that the Biden ad ministration and the U.S. Department of Justice have chosen to ignore the citizens of Idaho by filing this federal lawsuit against Idaho's abortion trigger law. "This trigger law was passed by the Idaho legislature and signed by the governor who repre sent the people of Idaho. "With this lawsuit, the Department of Justice is trampling on Idaho's cit izens, the state legisla ture, and the governor. It is clearly an attempt to cir cumvent the Dobbs de cision and force their will on the people by decid ing Idaho's abortion laws and ignoring abortion vi olence." Linda Thomas, Director of Community Outreach with Stanton Healthcare, Continued on Page: 7

By: Stanton Public PolicySashCenter/PurpleRevolution ME → asbroughtBibletolifeyou'veneverseenbefore


and their voices are

when it comes to abortion. Women and children deserve better than abortion. In 2020, our


The Department of Justice is trampling on Idaho's citizens, the state legislature, and the governor. citizens of Idaho, clear legislature federal government Idahoans."+++

From Page 5 ... done." This will bring a genuine passion for the lost. Not reasons of the flesh, be cause we still carry the open wounds of life that yet need to be healed. As the world sees the genuine light and love that comes from above poured out from one’s heart for them, and the salt that is truly pure coming forth from one's soul and not contaminat ed with the works and reasons of the flesh and the world then; THE CHURCH IS READY TO SEE GENUINE REVIVAL UPON THE EARTH, BUT IT HAS TO START WITH US, IN DIVIDUALLY, AND AS THEY SEE THE LIGHT OF CHRIST WITHIN US, GENINUE RE VIVIL WILL THEN POUR OUT UPON THE EARTH. The key is total surren der in every area of our lives. We need to lay our lives down at the foot of the cross for all that is of our flesh and not of Him to be burned away. then His life and light that is within us can shine through. We are told in His Holy Word, to bring our bodies and our lives under submission to the Spirit of the living God and becoming a living sacrifice. The Word says for us to present our bod ies as a living and holy sacrifice acceptable to God, which is your spir itual service of worship. As we allow our carnal flesh to come under sub mission to the Lord of our life, Jesus Christ, and all that is not of Him to be consumed on His Al tar, then we will become next person on battling if we are qualified. So I take you to the faith chapter in the Bible, He brews Chapter 11, and encourage you to read and meditate it. I think of all these great people, and I am so thankful for them and their lives be cause we read all the good stuff. But I know that Moses had anger is sues. I know that David committed adultery, but we know he was a man a great relationship with a young family next door and are attending an As semblies of God church where we are in the early stages of being part of this family of God. We have done a little trav eling to familiar places we used to go to several years ago but the most fun is to drive 17 miles to a Wal Mart in a town called Ash Flat and on the way see beautiful countryside, with very little traffic, lots of cattle, some deer and experi ence the Ozarks with its four seasons. We do face the same challeng es of high gas prices, in flation, and the drought that surrounded the mid dle states. But the Lord has been our protector and provider through ev ery day of this journey we and feel blessed to have this experience. The physical and chal lenging part of the jour ney is about over, but now the spiritual one is beginning to unfold as the Lord is beginning to show us that this is where we belong until we move on to our eternal home in Glory. We can see His protection, blessing, and guidance every day. As I begin to share in future articles the many phases of God’s hand in our lives and those around us, I hope you too will begin to look at your life and sense the journey you could be on and where He is taking you. The key is not only the present and future, but to look back in how our Lord protected, provided, and blessed us every step of the way. Although we don’t see His reasons why He wanted us here, we are content to wait for His timing. I’m still a licensed coun selor and have even ministered to a few peo ple, and Nick is active as head of the Men’s ministry and has given a few sermons when the Sr. Pastor is out of town. Now we are looking at the present and choose to enjoy where we are at on the way to where we are going! Until next month. Bless ings and Love! Dr. Louise Alleva, D.Min, LCPC, CTC a vessel fit for use for the Holy Spirit to flow through. There will be no righteousness that will be called our own, but it will be Christ through us to the hope of glory. Our cry should be even as the Apostle Paul said, "It is not I who live, but Christ who lives within me." Even Jesus cried out to the Father before His death of the cross, 'Not my will , but thy will be Thisdone."should be our cry in every area of our lives, as we make the choice each and every day, in every decision and every situation we are facing. We make the choice, to surrender and cry out, " Not my will Oh Lord, but thy will in my life, in all areas, and situations that I face today." We then yield to receive His strength, and ability to trust Him to lead us ac cording to His perfect will. We know that all things will line up with His Holy Word as He leads us in the affairs of our lives. We know that the Word tells us that the Sheep hear His voice, and those that are Sons of God are led by the Spirit of the living God. When our hearts are right before God, we can have confidence that He hears our prayers, and if He hears us, the Word says, then we have the petitions that we are asking Him for. As our hearts are made right before Him by our yield ing all that we are and all that we have to Him, we can walk in total assurance in our lives all the time. So again, as we become His clay on the Potter’s Wheel, as we allow the Refiners Fire to do His work within our lives. As we allow the Pruning Shears to remove all that is not of Him so that we will shine forth with His shining light, and the im age of His likeness to a lost and dying world, we fulfill His will for our lives. Lord,PRAY. do the work that needs to be done in my life, so that it is not I who live but Christ Jesus the Messiah that lives within and through me to Your Helpglory. me to get on the potter’s wheel and allow you to remake me into the vessel you want me to be. Send me your refiners fire and burn up all the dross that is in my life. All that is displeasing to you My Lord. Burn out anything in my life that stands in Your way from bringing heav en down to earth though my life. Let my life be all to Your glory in Jesus name………. Many Blessings, Pastor Sarah Jansson Heart of Mercy Ministries An myGosarahjansson.comMinistryApostolic/ProphetictoAmazon.comforbooks (Out of Your Seats and Into the Streets, Break ing Loose, Deep Calls Unto Deep, The Divine DonationsVisitation) to Heart of PayPalMercy and Major Credit Cards mercy.net/donationhttps://heartof GREAT REVIVAL STARTS HERE I was going to check on you this morning to see if you are ok, but decided I didn't need to, because I know " He who started a good work in you will complete it " (Philippians 1:6) -Ken Carpenter ContinuesJourneyThe Dr. Louise Alleva, D.Min, LCPC, CTC Email: Louise.alleva@gmail.com

PAGE 7 | AUGUST 2022 • Vol. 9, No. 08 FREE - Donations Welcome!

has no busi ness interfering with the will of

Help & Encouragement after the death of a loved MONDAYSone.7-9 PM Griefshare is a special weekly seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life. Restoration Fellowship 5614 Richardson Rd. Sarasota, FL Contact: Phyllis at 941-284-1255 God is in Control, but am I qualified? - By Ashley Joy We invite you to our services:church * Sundays, 9AM to 12PM * Saturdays, Fouye Bib Leadership School, 9AM to 12PM We have High School Diploma. We need donations for Haiti Ourministry.Address: 7215 1st Ave West, Bradenton, FL 34209 For more info, contact: Rev. Byron Odman Charles, Founder / President Phone 941-462-6825number:/ 941-554-7701 Mission Statement: WE EXIST TO HELP YOU! SERVING THE PHYSICAL TO IMPACT THE SPIRITUAL Every Thursday Food Pantry10AM to 2PM Every Thursdays & Saturdays Thrift Store: 9am-1pm We accept Donations. visit our www.newhopecoalition.orgwebsite: Email:Odman.Charles@NHCoalition.org NewHopecMission2012@gmail.com

From Page 1 ... ly divorced woman, I am now in school, and do you want to know what I am in school for? Ok I will tell you. I am in school to be a licensed marriage and family ther apist. And I daily, since starting school, I battle with How am I in school to be a licensed marriage therapist and my own marriage did not work. I ruled this out because I am just as human as the after Gods own heart. I love that God literally takes the people that are not qualified and calls them qualified. It is a blessing that you and I can do that. There is nothing that you and I can do to earn that qual ification but it is by our faith. It was their faith and obedience in the Bi Ible.want to encourage you. It doesn’t matter where we come from or where we are going but it mat ters what God is going to do through it. I wanted to share just a small portion of my story because I did not think I could do this, but God…

From Page 6 ... adds: "This is a gross over reach by the federal government into a state issue. The overturning of Roe unquestionably placed decisions about abortion laws into the hands of citizens in each state. So why is the federal government attempting to override the will of the people of "IIdaho?meet every day with Hello folks! I hardly know where to begin. When I was invit ed by our dear friends Pastor Chuck and Arlyn Kennedy, to do Counsel or’s Corner articles for He’s Alive News even after we left Bradenton in mid-October 2021, I knew it was an answer to prayer. It had to be God’s timing to write again. But the experi ences of this huge effort to move out of state was much more challenging than we could have ever imagined, and I was just recently able to revive Counselor’s Corner. So here we are in Salem Arkansas, in our new home. It’s been nearly 10 months since the day we left and the process of just getting to where we are today would be a chapter in itself and I will be sharing more lat er. But now we are in our newly remodeled home and recently adopted a Golden Retriever puppy at age 8 weeks who is now a 7-month-old, af fectionate, fun lovable, feisty, lady named San dy. We have developed

Counselor’s Corner


fulfilled their role by listening to the voices of their con stituents and passing S.B. 1385. The

Class Wake-UpMandateOverSettlementActionShotIsaCall

CHICAGO, IL – The na tion’s first class action settlement involving a COVID shot mandate should be a wake-up call to every employer that did not accommodate or exempt employees who opposed the COVID shots for religious rea sons. NorthShore Uni versity HealthSystem will pay more than $10.3 million for unlawfully dis criminating against more than 500 current and for mer health care workers and for denying religious exemptions from the COVID shot mandate. There is no pause button on the federal employ ment law under Title VII. Employees do not lose their right to peoplelines.stopmentisguisecineernmentorbecausereligiousaccommodationreasonablefortheirbeliefssimplyanemployereventhefederalgovpushesavacmandateundertheofapandemic.ItpasttimeforemploylawattorneystosittingonthesideTheyneedtohelpobtainjustice.

By: Ride StateWashingtonfromtoFloridaKeysRaisesAwareness of Sex Trafficking

VANCOUVER, Wash., July 12, 2022 /Chris tian Newswire/ -- Si lent Bridge, a Washing ton-based nonprofit that fights sex trafficking, has a supporter biking from Blaine, Washington on the Canadian border to the Florida Keys. The #Bike4SilentBridge ride is self-funded with a goal of spreading awareness of sex trafficking and to raise at least $50,000 for Silent JamesBridge.has currently biked more than 1,500 miles and climbed nearly 100,000 feet. On Day 25 of his ride, James crossed the Golden Gate Bridge and turned inbound. On Day 32 he crossed the California-Nevada state line and he'll continue through Nevada and Utah towards Colorado on the Western Express. There he will connect with the TransAmerica Trail through Kansas, Missouri and Illinois until he reaches the Under ground Railroad Trail in Kentucky. From Kentucky he'll cut south through Mississippi to Mobile, Alabama before reaching Florida via the Southern Tier Route. James, who goes only by his first name to keep the bike ride about the mis sion rather than him, is a retired father and grand father. He visits local restaurants, bike shops and campgrounds on his ride, as well as organiza tions fighting trafficking in their local jurisdictions. James said of his nearly 5,000-mile ride: "I am a long-time friend and supporter of Silent Bridge, fighting human trafficking throughout our world. When the idea of a solo bicycle ride across the United States started to develop in late 2021, it felt right to connect this adventure to a Si lent Bridge fundraiser. I believe in the goodness and genuine caring of people. I plan to search for the heart of America during this journey, and I'm excited to meet peo ple and educate them on the Silent Bridge mis sion. It takes strength and community to stand up against evil." James .com4silentbridgeonhisdocumentingisbikeridewww.bikeorhis Instagram page, @bike 4silentbridge. Silent Bridge is a United States-based non-profit that exists to provide re covery and reintegration support for victims of hu man trafficking and sexu al exploitation throughout the world. Our goal is to end this grave injustice against the most vulner able while working to re store communities and those ravaged by the global human trafficking industry. Since 2019, its efforts in remote areas have included hygiene and nutritional deliveries as well as homes pro viding shelter, meals and education for sex traf ficking victims and their dependents. Learn more at www.silentbridge.org.

Court Grants Air Force Service Members Relief from Shot Mandate By: Liberty Counsel | www.lc.org

CINCINNATI, Ohio, July 14, 2022 /Christian Newswire/ -- A feder al district court in Ohio has granted a temporary restraining order for the entire class of the U.S. Air Force against the unlawful Department of Defense COVID shot mandate. Thousands of these service members who oppose receiving the shot due to their sin cerely held religious be liefs have been denied their religious exemp Intions.his order for Hunter Doster, et al. v. Hon Frank Kendall, et al., Judge Matthew McFarland stat ed that, "All active-duty and active reserve mem bers of the United States Air Force and Space Force, including but not limited to Air Force Acad emy Cadets, Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) Ca dets, Members of the Air Force Reserve Com mand, and any Airman who has sworn or af firmed the United States Uniformed Services Oath of Office and is current ly under command and could be deployed, who: (i) submitted a religious accommodation request to the Air Force from the Air Force's COVID-19 vaccination requirement, where the request was submitted or was pend ing, from September 1, 2021 to the present; (ii) were confirmed as hav ing had a sincerely held religious belief by or through Air Force Chap lains; and (iii) either had their requested accom modation denied or have not had action on that request" are covered in the temporary restraining Judgeorder. McFarland also wrote, "The proposed class satisfies the (b) (2) requirement. Defen dants' attempt to charac terize the relief sought as hinging on wouldsures.otherfrom"Theytiallybeenmandate.thecommodationtheproposedbeliefs.sincerelymodationingdeterminationsindividualizedconcerntheirreligiousaccomrequestsandheldreligiousButtherelieftheclassseeksissame:areligiousacrelatingtoCOVID-19vaccineAndtheyhaveharmedin'essenthesameway.'"faceseparationtheAirForceanddisciplinarymeaAsingleinjunctionprovidereliefto the entire class. Indeed, the main purpose of a (b)(2) class is to provide relief through a single injunction or declaratory judgment. Because Defendants have uniform ly maintained a policy of overriding Airmen's re ligious objections to the COVID-19 vaccine, they have acted 'on grounds that apply generally to the class.' Moreover, the class definition requires that a Chaplain certify that the airman's reli gious beliefs are sincere ly held. Finally, a single injunction would provide the proposed class with the relief they seek from the harm they stand to suffer," the court wrote. The Department of De fense has until July 21 to file a brief arguing why the temporary restraining order should not be ex tended into a preliminary Libertyinjunction.Counsel Found er and Chairman Mat Staver said, "This is a great decision that grants protection for the religious freedom for all Air Force personnel from Joe Biden's unlaw ful COVID shot man date. No service mem ber should be required to choose between ser vice to the country and service to God. Liberty Counsel will be pursuing class-wide protection for the remaining branches of the military."+++

Liberty Counsel has been working with thou sands of employees who face these abusive and unlawful mandates. Liberty Counsel settled the nation’s first class wide lawsuit for health care workers over a COVID shot mandate and NorthShore will pay $10,337,500 to compen sate these employees who were victims of re ligious discrimination, and who were punished for their religious beliefs against taking an in jection associated with aborted fetal cells. As part of the settlement agreement, NorthShore will also change its un lawful “no religious ac commodations” policy to make it consistent with the law, and to provide religious accommoda tions in every position across its numerous fa cilities. No position in any NorthShore facility will be considered off limits to unvaccinated employees with approved religious exemptions. In addition, employees who were ter- minated because of their religious refusal of the COVID shots will be eligible for rehire if they apply within 90 days of final settlement approv al by the court, and they will retain their previous seniority level. This is a historic, firstof-its-kind class action settlement against a pri vate employer who un lawfully denied hundreds of religious exemption requests to COVID-19 shots. The agreed upon settlement was filed in the federal Northern Dis trict Court of Illinois and must be approved by the court. Employees of NorthShore who were denied religious exemp tions will receive notice of the settlement, and will have an opportuni ty to comment, object, request to opt out, or submit a claim form for payment out of the set tlement fund, all in accor dance with deadlines that will be set by the court.

The amount of individual payments from the set tlement fund will depend

on how many valid and timely claim forms are submitted during the claims process. If the settlement is approved by the court and all or nearly all of the affect ed employees file valid and timely claims, it is estimated that employ ees who were terminat ed or resigned because of their religious refus al of a COVID shot will receive approximately $25,000 each, and em ployees who were forced to accept a COVID shot against their religious beliefs to keep their jobs will receive approximate ly $3,000 each. The 13 health care work ers who are lead plaintiffs in the lawsuit will receive an additional approxi mate payment of $20,000 each for their important role in bringing this law suit and representing the class of NorthShore health care workers. Liberty Counsel will re ceive 20 percent of the settlement sum, which equals $2,061,500, as payment for the signifi cant attorney’s fees and costs it has required to undertake a lawsuit against NorthShore and hold it accountable for its actions. This amount is far less than the typical 33 percent usually re quested by attorneys in class action litigation. In October 2021, Liberty Counsel sent a demand letter to NorthShore on behalf of numerous health care workers who had sincere religious ob jections to NorthShore’s “Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Policy.” If NorthShore had agreed then to follow the law and grant religious exemp tions, the matter would have been quickly re solved and it would have cost it nothing. But, when NorthShore refused to follow the law, and in stead denied all religious exemption and accom modation requests for employees working in its facilities, Liberty Counsel filed a class action law suit, along with a motion for a temporary restrain ing order and injunction.

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Liberty Counsel Vice President of Legal Af fairs and Chief Litigation Counsel Horatio G. Mihet said, “The policy change and substantial mone tary relief required by the settlement will bring a strong measure of justice to NorthShore’s employ ees who were callously forced to choose be tween their conscience and their jobs.” Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel said: “Let this case be a warning to employers that violated Title VII. It is especially significant and gratifying that this first classwide COVID settlement pro tects health care work ers. Health care workers are heroes who daily give their lives to protect and treat their patients. They are needed now more than ever.” +++ Don't let the hearse be the only way you get to church...



PAGE 8 | AUGUST 2022 • Vol. 9, No. 08 FREE - Donations Welcome!

SCAN → New CharismaticPentecostalStudy:andEvangelicals By: Infinity infinityconcepts.comConcepts If you enjoy reading He’s Alive News Take a minute and share your experience with us. Email: hesalivenews@cfaith.com | hesalivenews.org By mail: PO Box 14931 Bradenton, FL 34280 Testimonies are also welcome! Thank you. "And the gospel must first be published among all nations." - Mark 13:10 back!wantWefeed HE’S ALIVE is FREEPUBLISHEDthe10thofeachmonth Get your copy and don't forget to get some for everyone else you care about... YouVersion Launches New Features Designed to Help Churches Navigate Today's Hybrid Church Environment ← SCAN ME SCAN ME | ▼ Check out our Amazon Store on our website: www.HesAliveNews.org Proceeds help fund He's Alive Newspaper Please check us out...

→ On average, they spend a higher propor tion of their media use with specifically Christian media or content However, this greater level of spiritual engage ment does not extend to Renewalistsgenerosity. are as like ly as other evangelicals to give to church and/or charity, but the propor tion of their household in come that is given away tends to be lower. The average proportion given to church is 20% lower for Renewalists com pared to other evangel icals, while for charities and ministries outside of church, it is 28% lower. The study also points out that while Renewal ists give a lower proportion of their income to church, at the same time they have higher expecta tions for their church to be active in the commu nity, through more evan gelism, more community outreach, and more fo cus on social issues.

Renewalists are also more likely than oth er evangelicals to want their church to be dif ferent when it comes to political involvement, but the challenge is that they are about as likely to call for more political involve ment (19%) as they are to want less of it (23%). Finally, the majority of both Renewalist and non-Renewalist evan gelicals switched to on line church during the COVID-19 pandemic, but Renewalists are 35% more likely than oth er evangelicals to have "visited" online a church other than their own congregation, and 29% more likely than others to say their online church experience was better in at least one way than at tending in person. Dreistadt notes that all these issues combine to create some unique chal lenges for Pentecostal and Charismatic church leaders. "Renewalists provide less funding for their church, but at the same time have higher expectations for activi ties that require funding," he explained. "They of ten disagree with each other on the issue of church and politics. And a significant num ber have already visited other churches online. This paints a picture of potential concern for the growth and stability of churches that serve this sector of the evangelical community." For the full report, vis it infinityconcepts.com/ the-renewalists/

PAGE 9 | AUGUST 2022 • Vol. 9, No. 08 FREE - Donations Welcome! Located on the banks of the beautiful Manatee River in east Manatee County, Florida, Christian Retreat is a year-round conference center, resort, home of The Family Church, and so much more. An Oasis Of Spiritual Refreshment… www.christianretreat.org Ed McGraw Fountain Court Shopping Center Hours: Tuesday to Saturday 10AM - 5PM Sunday Opens 10AM 6387 Manatee Ave. W. Bradenton, FL 34209 (941) loveworksagain@gmail.com224-6696 TabernacleChristianSchool The best kept secret in Bradenton. 47th Year 1975-2022 Christian Education in a Christian Environment. Founder, Pastor John P. Marlow-61 yrs. in the pulpit of B.G.T. A SAFE, LOVELY, CHRISTIAN CAMPUS, Certified A.C.E. Teachers Grades K thru 12th Please visit or call our Campus. T.C.S. 1218 7th Avenue East Bradenton, Fl (941)746-191534208 E-mail: tschool9@tampabay.rr.com www.facebook.com/tschool9 EXPORT, Penn., Aug. 4, 2022 /Christian News wire/ -- A new study from Infinity Concepts and Grey Matter Research explores the world of Pentecostal and Char ismatic evangelicals, and how they differ from other evangelical Chris tians. The findings are detailed in The Renewalists: Pen tecostal and Charismat ic Evangelicals, a study of over 1,000 American evangelical Protestants released today. According to the authors, one of the greatest chal lenges was simply de fining what a Renewalist (Pentecostal or Charis matic) evangelical even "Threeis. main ways of defining Renewalists traditionally have been people who consider themselves to be Pen tecostal or Charismatic, attend a Pentecostal or Charismatic church, or speak in tongues," says Mark Dreistadt, found er and president of In finity Concepts. "The challenge is that there is relatively little overlap among these three defi Thenitions."study found that while 36% of all Ameri can evangelical Protes tants qualify as Renewal ists according to at least one of these definitions, only 6% qualify through all "Sixthree.out of ten peo ple who have spoken in tongues do not call themselves either Pen tecostal or Charismatic," explains Ron Sellers, president of Grey Matter Research. "Among those who self-identify as Pen tecostal or Charismat ic, 53% do not attend a clearly Pentecostal church or denomination, such as the Assemblies of God or Foursquare. "Among those attending a clearly Pentecostal church, 45% have nev er personally spoken in tongues," Sellers adds. "Many evangelicals are Renewalist through one definition, but not through others. That is why we chose in this study to qualify people as Renewalist through any one of those three Thedefinitions."research defines a Renewalist evangelical as anyone who self-iden tifies as Pentecostal or Charismatic or who at tends a clearly bethatThekenwhotal/CharismaticPentecoschurchorhaspersonallyspointongues.studydiscoveredRenewaliststendtosomewhatyounger than other evangelicals, more likely to be raising children, more ethnically diverse, and more likely to live in less traditional ly Christian parts of the country (Northeast and RenewalistsWest). also tend to be more spiritually en gaged in several ways:

→ They are more likely than others to at tend church more than once a week (32% to 18%)

About YouVersion Created by Life.Church, YouVersion designs bib lically centered experi ences that encourage and challenge people to seek God throughout each day. YouVersion offers a free Bible experi ence in more than 1,850 languages with an app that has been installed on more than 525 million unique devices. Bible App for Kids, which was developed in partnership with OneHope in 2013, helps children engage with the stories of the Bible through interactive animations and fun activ ities. It has been installed on more than 85 million unique devices. For more information about YouVersion,

From Page 3: ...of help ing churches build com munity through digital and in-person experiences. As part of YouVersion, the ministry provides church leaders and pastors with free tools and resources, in cluding Church Online Platform. For more in formation about YouVer sion for Churches, visit youversion.church.

→ They are more likely than other evan gelicals to read the Bible daily (48% to 36%)

→ They are more likely than others to par ticipate in a small group for Bible study or prayer (47% to 32%)

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European Union digital identity system is ‘Or wellian’ The European Union (“EU”) is moving quickly to adopt a transnational digital identity system. However, the EU propos al came under attack in the European Parliament several months ago for running the risk of repli cating Communist Chi na’s social credit system.

| Donna

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Read more: Nation First, 5 August 2022

Biometric Update, 1 2022March World Economic Forum dystopia The CovidPass was the brainchild of one of the World Economic Forum’s (“WEF’s”) Young Global Leaders (“YGL”), MokassMustaphaIt also involved other YGLs across 5 con tinents, including Muna AbuSulayman and Peg gy Liu. CovidPass uses blockchain technology to store encrypted data from individual blood tests. Read more: Could this COVID-19 ‘health pass port’ be the future of travel and events? EconomicWorld Forum, 30 July 2020 By August 2020, it was being called the CommonPass. By May 2021 the Com monPass was morphing into a “vaccine passport” or “e-vaccination certifi cation of compliance for border crossing regula tions.” Denmark was cre ating a digital passport”“vaccineCovid-19, which was to be rolled out in the first few months of 2021. Read more: What is a ‘vaccine passport’ and will you need one the next time you travel? World Economic Forum, 5 May 2021 By the end of March, WEF seems to be openly being presenting the world with a digital ID which was no longer Covid specific. In an article titled ‘Why a rul ing on digital ID by Ken ya’s High Court has glocome 39th St.E. (70 to Post Office then S. 1 Block) FL 34203 Kutinsky 941-806-7550 Kutinsky 941-685-7323 mail@moreofHim.org New biometrics identity credentials have been proposed or launched around the world as government digital identity schemes con tinue to roll out. Previously we wrote about the program Maslaunchedtercard for retailers to use biometric payment methods, like facial rec ognition and fingerprint scanning. As of May, the program had already gone live in five grocery stores in Sao Paulo, Brazil, with more trials planned for Asia and the Middle East. Mastercard said it planned to roll it out globally later this Butyear.it’s not only private companies dictating we use the technology they’ll use to track, trace and control us. From Australia to the Maldives to Uganda, governments are rolling out the WEF / UN digital IDs to usher in a global digitized police state. A state which will police every aspect of our lives. Australia’s Trusted Digital Identity Bill “While Australia lacks the corresponding techno logical infrastructure to utilize a Digital Identity to its sinister potential (such as China’s spying street lights and billboards), this Bill – whether in tentional or accidental – acts as the foundation for a China-style Social Credit System,” wrote Senator Malcolm Roberts. In warnedtorSena-FebruaryRoberts Australians about the “Trusted” Dig ital Identity Bill in a short video. “The so-called trusted digital identity bill represents a watershed moment in Australian history we stand at the divide between a free personal enterprise fu ture and a digital surveil lance age,” he said.


The French are fed up with Macron’s Covid tyranny Despite obvious resis tance, within days of Emmanuel Macron’s re-election, France be gan progressing with the fourth dose of Covid in jections for everyone and introduced a “digital iden tity assurance” app. Signed into law on 26 April by decree, the Digital Identity Guarantee Ser vice (“SGIN”) is in keep ing with a broader trend in the European Union, where more and more countries have started introducing support for some form of digital ID. Luxembourg launched its own mobile ID app in April, while France’s own bill was passed in an ef fort to comply with the European Commission’s latest Digital Identity Readguidelines.more: The Ex posé, 1 May 2022 and Mobil ID World, 3 May 2022 ippinesKenya,Vietnam,Phil-expanding

In a speech in monthmentParlia-last , Senator said:InsteadRoberts of working together to push Klaus Schwab’s World Eco nomic Forum plan based on United Nations pol icies, work together in stead for our country. Klaus Schwab’s life by subscription, quote, is re ally serfdom. It’s slavery. Billionaire globalist cor porations will own every thing, homes, factories, farms, cars, furniture, and everyday citizens will rent what they need if their social credit score Theallows.plan of the Great Reset is that you will die with nothing. To pull off this evil plan, Klaus Schwab’s World Eco nomic Forum will need to take more than just ma terial possessions from Australians. Senators in this very chamber today who support the Great Reset threaten our priva cy, freedom, and dignity. Yes, they’re in this sen ate Onechamber.Nation vehemently opposes the Great Re set, the Digital Identity Bill, theft of agricultural land use forcing farmers off their land, and all of the Great Reset. One Nation Has a Plan For A Better Australia, Speech in the Australian Parlia ment, 27 July 2022 Read more: Reclaim the Net, 6 August 2022 Canada, US officials see opportu nity for digital ID after pandemic Government officials in Canada and the Unit ed States gave their prognosis for how the Covid pandemic altered the direction of digital ID. Canada’s Treasury Board president says the pandemic was an accel erant for broader acceptance of digital ID. A US congressman, Bill Foster, proposed legis lation to promote verified digital ID as a means of clamping down on pan demic-related fraud gar nered interest at a con gressional hearing on the Theissue.billis not Foster’s first attempt at legislating national digital identity. Read more: Biometric Update, 16 June 2022 Dutch bank CEO proposes turning carbon usage into a tokenized commodity Barbara Baarsma, CEO of a Netherlands-based bank, created a stir on social media after openly advocating for a commu nist-style carbon credit system that would tax people for using their freedom of movement Herrights.carbon credit pro posal is a significant advance towards im plementing social credit systems that align with the notorious sustainable development goals laid out by the United Nations in its Agenda 2030 “sus tainable development goals” (SDGs). Read more: TimesVision, 6 August 2022 Greece rolls out digital ‘wallet’ for citizens; ID and driving license now on phone Greece has rolled out a digital wallet application for its citizens, bringing user experience and services in sync with contemporary life, allow ing people to carry their ID and driving license on their mobile phone among others. The new application “Gov.gr Wallet” providing a virtual wallet on mobile phones was rolling out as of 27 July 2022. Read more: Greek City times, 28 2022July Digital ID Tyranny is being Rolled Out Across the World, Digital ID’s to Police every aspect of our Lives (Editors Note: Could this be tied to the Mark of the Beast mentioned in Revelation Chapter 13? We believe so) By: Rhoda Wilson

more: Biometric Update, 1 March 2022

Future of Privacy Forum, 8 February 2022 The government of Vietnam has highlighted the impor tance of its population data resource as a tool for creating a digital identity ecosystem where citizens can have access to a va riety of public services. In the Philippines, public and private entities are being encouraged to ac cept the PhilID card as the single source of truth for people’s identity as well as a tool for financial Manyinclusion.elderly citizens in Uganda will soon be able to claim national ID cards as a special campaign has been rolled out by the government to allow them benefit from a social wel fare scheme. Meanwhile, in the Mal dives, a biometric nation al ID system will soon be in place, according to a government announce Readment.

dig ital ID uses in different sectors In October 2021, the high court in Kenya declared illegal the rollout of a bio metric ID scheme also known as Huduma Nam Asba. the DPIA was the sole requirement to proceed with issuing the Huduma Card, it was expected that the rollout will con tinue, unless further chal lenges are successfully made, Future Privacy Forum wrote in February Kenya2022. has announced plans to soon make the controversial Huduma Namba digital ID card a requirement for all digital financial transactions. Read more: 3 News, 14 and2021October

The Covid endgame: Global Governance, “Digital Tyranny” and the Depopulation Agenda

UN digital dystopia In November 2020, six months after WEF an nounced their Covid Pass, the UN announced its “award-winning solu tion using blockchain, biometrics and mobile” for employees: A “dig ital business solution for digital identity man agement across the UN Thefamily.”UN Digital ID is a digital wallet for UN per sonnel, for their person al, Human Resources, medical, travel, security, payroll and pension data kept over time, from on boarding into the UN to parting or retirement.

bal implications for online privacy’, the World Economic Fo rum lamented the not so seamless implemen tation of their digital ID due to the set-back in Kenya. Why a ruling on digital ID by Courtya’sKen-Highhas global impli cations for online priva cy, WEF, 31 March 2022

UN Digital ID – A Building Block for UN Digital Cooperation, UNICC, 13 November 2020

The enforcement of the depopulation agenda re quires a socially repres sive structure of “global governance” controlled by the financial estab Thelishment.Worldwide QR Ver ification Code project lays the groundwork for the instatement of a “Digitized Global Police State” controlled by the financial establishment. It’s part of what the late David Rockefeller enti tled “The March towards World Government” based on an alliance of bankers and intellectu Peterals. Koenig describes the QR Code as: “an all-electronic ID – linking despite all the noise made about it by various, influential and powerful voices. The RFID chip in the LEFT hand has been around for years in Swe den, but has been ren dered obsolete by newer technology (the Quan tum Dot Tattoo), which will provide far more ease and convenience to the recipients of the real and DEADLY mark of the beast, resulting in the CONDEMNATION OF their ETERNAL SOUL (Rev. 14:9-12). The Quantum Dot Tat too from the Micronee dle Vaccine According to various scientific publications, a coming microneedle patch vaccine will leave behind a LITERAL naked-eye,sible-to-the-invi- but scan nable mark (or stamp) on the physical body at the same time and location as the patch vaccine. Many of these sources have stated that TattooDotQuantumthe will provide proof of onvaccinationthephys-icalbody , but it is much more. The StampTrustand Mastercard has thisbeenalreadytestingtypeoftechnology in Africa for a couple years. Imagine banking (via Mastercard) being direct ly connected to a bodily

← Digital ID Tyranny is being Rolled Out Across the World, Digital ID’s to Police every aspect of our Lives →→ →→ Facial AnotherRecognition:MarkoftheBeast'RedHerring' From Page: 4 We are at the End of the End Times... Are you ready?

PAGE 11 | AUGUST 2022 • Vol. 9, No. 08 FREE - Donations Welcome! DON’T MISS A SINGLE COPY OF: HE’S CHRISTIANALIVENEWSANDVIEWS*Wewillemailyouthemostcurrenteditioneachmonthatyourrequest.*Filloutthisformandreturntousorgoonlineatwww.hesalivenews.org*Nomoneyisrequiredbutyourdonations,bigorsmall,helpuspaypostageandexpenses.YES!SENDMEHE’SALIVEEVERYMONTHBY:SNAILMAIL:___EMAIL:___BOTH:___NAME:________________________________ADDRESS:_____________________________CITY:_________________________________ST:________________ZIP:_______________EMAILADDRESS:______________________IWILLPRAYFORHE’SALIVE:___________SENDEXTRACOPIESFORMETODISTRIBUTE(no.ofcopies):______________ENCLOSEDISMYGIFTOF:______________MAILTO:He’sAliveNewsPOBox14931Bradenton,FL34280(MAKECHECKSPAYABLETOFAITHINTERNATIONALCHRISTIANCENTER)Youcanalsodonateonlineat:www.hesalivenews.org When you donate any amount to He’s Alive Christian news, we will send you 25 of these full color 8 page Gospel tracts. Mail your donation to: PO Box 14931 Bradenton, Florida 34280 PICK UP YOUR EXTRA COPIES AT THESE LOCATIONS: HE’S ALIVE - CORNER OF 75TH ST. WEST & 1ST AVE., WEST BESIDE PALMASOLA P.O. 75TH ST. WEST BEHIND BANK OF (ENTRANCEAMERICATOPUBLIX AND PENNACLE MEDICAL CENTER) - BEHIND DUFFY'S RESTAU RANT OFF UNIVERSITY PKWAY - LOVE WORKS AGAIN BOOK STORE 6387 MANATEE AVE. W. BRADENTON, FL 34209 The Parking lot of the Rod & Reel Pier, Anna Maria Island - IN FRONT OF GOODWILL STORE CORNER OF MANATEE AVE. AND 55TH ST. WEST - K & S CHECK CASHING 2607 9TH STREET WEST - KEY FOOD GROCERY STORE CORNER OF 14TH AND 21ST AVE. WEST - MAIN BUS DOWNTOWNTERMINALBRADENTON - FICC 9TH ST. MISSION 2001 9TH ST. WEST 34205 ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND - 59TH ST. ISLAND GRILL (CORNER MARINA DRIVE) - ANNA MARIA ISLAND BEACH 39TH ST. GULF DRIVE SKINNY'S BURGER - BAYSHORE GARDENS PLAZA 6800 BLOCK OF 14TH ST. WEST - CORNER OF 87TH ST EAST RANCH LAKE PLAZA ACROSS FROM SUNCOAST CR UNION - REGATTA POINT, CORNER OF 10TH AVE. WEST & RIVER SIDE DRIVE IN PALMETTO PASTOR CHUCK KENNEDY everything to everything of each individual (re cords of health, banking, personal and private, Consultationsetc.).” are also ongoing between WEF and central banks with a view to implementing a so-called Central Bank Digital Currency (“C BDC”) network. According to ScripacDavid: worldwide“Adigital ID sys tem is in the making. … The aim of the WEF— and of all the central banks [is] to implement a global system in which everyone’s personal data will be incorporated into the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) net work.” In early 2022, the WHO signed a major contract with Deutsche Telekom T Systems to develop a QR Verification App and Software which is to be applied Worldwide. The QR code-based software solution is slat ed to be used: “for oth er vaccinations as well, such as polio or yellow fever, T-Systems said in a statement … adding that the WHO would support its 194 mem ber states in building national and regional verification technolo gy.” According to a Deut sche Telekom I-T Sys tems Communique: “The WHO’s gateway service also serves as a bridge between regional sys tems, “which essentially implies a coordinated global structure of QR surveillance, which over sees the entire popula tion of Planet Earth. And once established: it will police “every aspect of our lives”, wherev er our location. “It can also be used as part of future vaccination cam paigns and home-based Readrecords.”more: Global Research, 30 July, 2022 stamp or tattoo received through a vaccine, espe cially when the mark of the beast is at the door. What could that be saying, especially in light of the coming digital ID and digi tal currency? Moreover, let's not forget that ID 2020 Alliance has been clear and open about NOT being able to "buy or sell" unless one participates in their agenda, and participation (and compliance) surely includes being up to date with their so-called "vac Thecines."imminent war on the saints (Rev. 13:7) is just as sure to occur as our own judgment before God. PREPARE NOW for the test of perse cution unto death and to MEET GOD To wisely reject their vaccination mark will cause some to hate and betray you, just as God's word warns (Mt. 24:10). HOLD ON and do not allow any man to get your crown (Rev. 3:11). We have been told how to overcome this test and not lose our soul in the process: "They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death" (Rev.12:11)

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Contact Today: www.LovingHands.net | www.facebook.com/LovingHandsMinistries |

PAGE 12 | AUGUST 2022 • Vol. 9, No. 08 FREE - Donations Welcome! Where to go for help against Covid19 DEATHS29,981 HOSPITALIZATIONS171,175 URGENT133,070CARE 201,489OFFICEDOCTORVISITS ANAPHYLAXIS9,817 BELL'S15,748PALSY Miscarriages4,900 Heart16,060Attacks Myocarditis/50,934Pericarditis Permanently56,021Disabled Lowcytopenia/Thrombo-8,789Platelet Threatening33,237Life Severe44,213AllergicReaction Shingles14,422 VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports 1,371,471 Reports Through JuLY 29, 2022 visit: https://openvaers.com/covid-data

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telling him, “Dad, I don’t have much of anybody left”. “I really need to change my whole life.” Well, he ended up com ing to get me with his girlfriend. They brought me down to Florida and I was doing ok for about eight months. Then I started messing up again and getting back into drugs. It ac tually ends up getting worse than what it was before. I started do ing massive amounts of drugs and I really didn’t know just what to do at that point. So I decide to come to Loving Hands. But eight months before that I met a guy in I-Hop back when I was doing drugs at Dade City. I met a gen tleman who was sitting at the counter. He looked like he had the touch of God on him. He was praying for me and loving on me. He was telling me about God and that He could change any thing, but I am not really listening to him because I am so high at the time. He understood. So I don’t see this guy again for a pretty long time. Well I decided to come to Loving Hands but I get into some trou ble. I get into a fist fight with my younger brother while helping my mom to Ithat.did not choose that path, instead I went to the streets and drugs. I had a hard time with going to jail too. I have been arrested probably twenty times! My mom tried her best to get me back on the right path, but I stole from her and I stole from my brothers. I never could really seem to get back on the right Eventuallypath. a lot of people started dying around me. I started doing drugs with them and they started passing away from over doses. I lost two girl friends which really up set my stature and who I was because I knew I was not raised that way. I knew I was not sup posed to be that way. I was raised in the church too. I was doing drugs with the people I went to church with. Just a few weeks ago a guy I went to church with for 25 years just passed away. He is about the last friend I had too. My biggest problem was having friends pass away and I had such dif ficulty with that. But I just turned to more drugs and more drugs. One time my father had gotten out of the peni tentiary, and I asked him to come get me. He agreed and I remember

My Good


Loving Hands Ministres/ July 2022/Bradenton, FL/ It was exactly this time last year I told my testimony to this church for the first time in Lov ing Hands program. It is pretty cool! That means I have been in Loving Hands one year exact ly. It is good stuff. God is working miracles in my life. He is transforming who I am into somebody who is completely differ ent. My family sees it, my mom sees it, and my dad sees it. When I was in the elev enth grade my mom and dad moved to Florida along with seven kids. Then my dad ended up in the penitentiary when I while I was in the twelfth grade. So I ended up losing my dad and my mom decided to move back to Tennessee. I didn’t do well losing my father. I don’t think any of us really did cause it absolutely wrecked our family. My mom had so many kids and she then was thrust into having to survive a really difficult life. But with miraculous faith I saw my mom put herself through college and raise seven kids at the same time. It was a four-year college too. She is now an X Ray Technician giving mam mograms and things like

To him be glo ry and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. Editors note: This is one of the many wonderful testimonies shared at Faith Interna tional Christian Church while the Loving Hands team was our guest one Sunday morning. They are available to come to your church also. Loving Hands is a faithbased Ministry solely supported by the obedi ence of Gods people to give liberally to “Save our Sons”. They are in Pal metto, FL and Dade City, FL with a new facility in the Atlanta, GA area. You can invite these young men for a testimo ny service at your church and you will be blessed hearing their lives dra matically and miracu lously changed. Contact them Lovingtoday.Hands 9511 36th Ave East, Palmetto, Florida 34221 move because I am drinking. We get into a fight, and I end up in jail again. This is the day be fore I am supposed to go to Loving Hands too. On the 20th of last year, I was supposed to go to Loving Hands but on the 19th I ended up getting put in jail for fist fighting my brother. After that, my Mom bails me out of jail. I have never had my mom bail me out of jail before, I have always had to sit in jail for quite some time. When I got out of jail the same guy from the I-Hop came to pick me up. He was actually from the Dade City Loving Hands, and I was arrested in Lay County, which is two hours away from Dade City. Now that is my God Story that really changed my life. That He would actually have somebody I did not even know come pick me up. I didn’t even know his name and God had him pick me up. I thought it was the crazi est thing. We are sitting in the car driving to Dade City be cause I thought we were going to Dade city at first. I did not know I was go ing to Palmetto instead. We start looking at each other and we are like, we know each other! That is the craziest thing, see how God works. This has to be God. It real ly was! That is my good God story that gives me a 100% guarantee I have a real God working in my Solife.ever since then I have done goandpletecom-notIUsuallyprobation.mywoulditjustbackto jail, but not this time. My Mom is so excited to see where my life is headed now. I saw her the other day and she was like, “you are where you need to be you need to stay in Ithere.”would be scared to leave out of here cause my mom would probably come find me. She has done it before. She has been known to do that for me. I would be out on the streets and her not even living in Florida, and she would come find me! A mothers love. Now I am past a year, and everything is going great. In the courtroom when I did my probation, it was the first time I had ever seen people con gratulate someone for going in the ministry. We got a standing ovation for the Lord whenever we told them I went into a Bible based program. Even the judge stood up and started clapping! It says in the Bible that ev ery knee shall bow. He is God, Jesus is King! It is awesome to see and experience that. My Bible verse I will leave you with is 1 Peter 1Pet5:10-11:5:10 But the God of all grace, who hath called Phone: 941-747-5683 God He Real!

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These websites have multiple resources to help you. Search and research them to win the battle against medical tyranny and covid us unto his eternal glo ry by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, set tle 1Petyou.5:11

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