1 minute read

Wha t isyourfavouritestudyspot/gym?

Cynthia Sa: My favourite study spot hastobeeither the third floor CSstudy loungeor thesecond floor CSstudy lounge It'stheperfect spot to sit down at atable,plugyour laptop in,and block out the world for asolid several hours.It feelsdecently isolated and freefrom distractionswhilestill feeling rather spacious.

Emily Hand: My favouritestudy spot on campus istheUCquad duringthefall and thespring.As an English major, alargeportion of my weekly work isreading,and nothingseemsbetter than sittingamongst student lifewith acoffee,abook, and awarm breeze


Zhehui Cecilia Xie: My favourite study spot is Robarts5th floor...

I alwaysget work doneherewith a medium latte--- writingresponsesfrom thisspot rn Gym: I doloveGoldringvery much, lotsof sun!

Samia Ahmed Islam: On asummer day- I lovetostudy on my patioor balcony. Winter day- Robarts study rooms Cozy and niceviews.:)

Nongtach Mason Amornvivat: Probably my bedroom haha.I love library but I prefer tostudy in bed all day long!

William Kilbride: E.J. Pratt Library! Thisis admittedly themandatory answer for me based on thecontent of my article,but it's alsogenuinely my favouritespot on campus. You can catch mein asecond floor study carrel moreoften than not

Daniela Pucci: My favourite gym isdefinitely theAthletic Center! Therearesomany different piecesof equipment and lotsof spacetodo bodyweight exercises

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