1 minute read
Favour i te Cam pus Spot - Vi ctor i a Col l ege Quad
My favourite spot on campus is definitely the Vic Quad and Queen?s Park Even thought both of these spots are really pretty my favourite part about them is the squirrels. When it was warmer out I used to take my Burwash dinner to go and eat outsidesothat I could feed and watch thesquirrels.
Favour i te Li br ar y - Em m an uel Col l ege Li br ar y
My favourite library is definitely the Emmanuel College library It is so beautiful inside it feels like you?re in a movie!! Also it has a big bonus because I don? t like studying in libraries but it has a really nice common room that is a really great study spot.
Favour i te Food Spot i n Tor on to - Sushi Cl ub
My favouritefood placeisdefinitely Sushi Club on CharlesSt. just beside Rabba's The first time I tried it was actually almost two years ago when I was visiting Toronto with my parents. As soon as I moved here I made it my most regular restaurant and I make sure to take ALL my friendsthereat least once!