1 minute read


Favour i te Cam pus Spot - Cat?s Eye


My favouritespot is100%Cat?sEye There?salwaysfun eventsgoing on in thereand I lovehangingout in thegamesroom playingsome pool or sittingon thecouches

Favour i te Li br ar y - E J Pr att

My favourite library is E.J. Pratt. There?s always someone I know studying in the rooms downstairs and it provides for a peaceful work environment.

Favour i te Food Spot i n Tor on to - M cDon al d?s

My favourite place to eat is McDonald?s because it is closeto campusand it?scheap One timeI went in there and was ordering on the machines (3 breakfast sandwiches, no beverage) and when I tapped my card the whole thing shut down and the power went out. I havenever felt morepoor

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