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"Yo u Tea ch w ho Yo u Ar e" : Visio n f o r Tea ching
Elena Hannach-Courard
EXACTLY ONEYEAR AGO, I decided I would submit my application to theMaster of Artsin Child Study and Education program at OISE. I remember translating my recommendation letterswhich were originally written in French and Spanish. It was Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year), the end of winter in the Southern hemisphere. I was drinking yerba mate on a cool breezy morning, wondering: How can I get into this program?
Wewerestayingat abeach housethat weekend My mother wasworking asagardener for arich family who ownsabeautiful country houseon thecoast of Valparaiso, Chile She planned the garden with native species exclusively, most of them with low water requirements due to climate change making thedroughtsworsen every year.
The Ontario College of Teachers Standards of Practice connect to everything I stand for as a teacher:I seemyself asan avid learner whodelivers from experience, becoming a teacher who can be trusted isoneof my top priorities, and my practice is enhanced by being active in my learning community. What I learn from other teachers allows me to reflect, make better decisions, and solveproblemsin acollaborativeenvironment with elevated ethical standards.
I think back on my teachers with the highest respect. When I lived with my father in 2001, he came out as gay, which was a big deal at the time.My grade8 teacherswereso supportive of me something I?ve never experienced again in my life and somethingI will never forget.
My boyfriend wasdigging holesunder my mother?s instructions, and I could hear them talk about the importance of preserving native species while I went through e-mails. I?m so proud of my mother, to whom I owe my sense of urgency for saving the planet
Now, one year later, I?m in Toronto in the program of my dreams and it?s mindblowing. I?m exactly where I want to be. I know it will be a transformativeexperience?my vision of theteacher I want to be has already taken on another dimension.
They were serious but friendly, asking me how I was feeling about the family news. Back in Chile, sexual orientation wastaboo. Gay men would livea ?double life,? ? often married with traditional familiesand in denial
I want to beableto deliver thesamesupport to my students I know the impact teachers can have on someone?s life, and it?s game-changing The responsibility is HUGE: we can positively impact youngpeople?slivesif wedoagood job
On the other hand, we could hinder their development and causemajor damageif wedo not know how tohandleachallengingsituation
There are teachers that students will remember for their wholelives, and thisistheteacher I want to be. Someone who encourages students to chase their dreams and inspires them to be engaged citizens. It isvery important to meto bethebest I can be for them. Being there for new generations givesmy lifemeaning
My social vocation is strong and I believe we are responsible for providing equal education to all. I seemyself engagingin projectsand communitiesin the future, building a strong foundation for less privileged studentsliving in difficult settings? not only standingfor equity but practicingit