1 minute read

RapidFire:brainswea t orgymsweat?orBOTH !

Daniela Pucci: Brain sweat first and then gym sweat toreleasethestressfrom thinkingsomuch!

Zhehui Cecilia Xie: Ahealthy balanceof both! --- I realized that I wasstressingout abit becauseI haven't been headingtothe gym for thelast twoweeks,but it could alsobetheoppositeand that becauseI'm recoveringfrom all theassignmentsand have thecapacity togo.I'm still figuringthat oneout.


Jake Parsons: I would gowith gym sweat,nobetter feeling than really exertingyourself after thegym, playingsports,or speedwalkingtoclassand beinguncomfortably wet asyou sit down in alecturehall Not surewhat brain sweat is,but if your brain sweatswhen you think toohard you might need to seeadoctor for that.

Nongtach Mason Amornvivat: Definitely brain sweat or better yet sleep sweat?!

William Kilbride: Brain sweat (but only figuratively)

Cynthia Sa: Brain sweat,definitely.Almost all of what I'm studyingmeansbrain sweat,so might aswell enjoy it instead of endureit in my opinion.

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