Project Life Cycle 101

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Project Delivery: Project Life Cycle 101 a closer look at what we do

LifeProjectCycle Initiation Starting the Project Organizing + PreparingCarrying Out the Work Closing the Project Project CloseoutDesignProcess Project + Resource Planning Due ProposalsClientDiligencePartnership+Contracts PlanningClosureExecution

Initiation PreparingProject DiligencePlanningPartnershipContractsProcessPlanning


+ProposalsContracts Process Please note that the proposal and contracts process can vary depending on the client and/or project. It can be linear, meaning each phase depends on the deliverables of the previous one or there may be some out of sequence tasks. This provides the framework for a typical proposal and contracts process from initiation to closeout.

Starting the Project Client Partnership Client Partnerships are developing effective relationships with client(s) through engagement, assessments to identify problems or needs, and creating tactical plans to provide solutions to client needs. We evaluate the relationships based upon a sliding scale of vendor to advisor.

Opportunities are identified as potential future contracts for projects or programs from current or new clients. During the opportunity phase we further define the client goals, key issues for client, scope, scale, timing, and fee potential using our customer relationship management (CRM) tool. We develop our win strategy, which will eventually lead to a response to a Request for Proposal and/or Request for Qualifications (RFP/RFQ), and contract negotiations. Request for Proposal (RFP)/ Request for Qualifications (RFQ) An RFP is a pricing exercise requesting fees for a specific scope of work or services. An RFQ is similar to a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) but may have specific criteria to address requiring a specific response and format, as well as including a pricing request.



Organizing + Preparing Project + Resource Planning Project leads perform project management and resource planning duties to include creating timelines, budgets, schedules, deliverables, etc.

Due Diligence

Due Diligence is a comprehensive approach to ensure the project will remain on schedule and within budget. Any of these activities could be performed to ensure accurate project scheduling/budgeting during this phase – building/site visits to verify existing conditions, coordination with civil for geotech, survey, other civil due diligence as required, and permitting research to include Project Setup During this phase, the project is setup in our internal systems. Project Proposal The basis for the project proposal can be established within the initial RFP. During this phase, we prepare Exhibits A (scope of work), B (Fee proposal), C (Billing rates), and select applicable terms and conditions through negotiations with the client. Project Contract During this phase, we package the proposal exhibits, terms and conditions and sign with the client.

Project Award Client awarded HFA the project and has given a notice to proceed.

For more information on one of our concept design solutions, Matchstick by HFA, please reach out to Nicole Poole directly at nicole.

Concept Design Every project’s design journey begins with the seed of an idea—helping it grow into an exciting vision is the goal of concept design. Concept design processes can vary widely by project, client, and design team. These processes usually begin after or concurrently with the programming phase, where critical information is gathered to inform the Workflowsdesign. will often result in illustrative diagrams and drawings like bubble/ programming plans, architectural form and massing studies, experiential quality studies, and more. Renderings are usually created to visualize the idea for a client. Images of example details, materials, textures, precedent studies and experiences (to name a few) will also be used to help convey the essence of a conceptual idea to a client.

Schematic Design

Execution Carrying Out the Work Design Process

Creative problem solving through a series of phases as defined below. Please note that the design process can include one, some, or all the phases below and is iterative based on the project scope and type. To ensure project delivery excellence, there are milestones that happen throughout the entirety of the design process, as well as each phase outlined below such as project kickoff, quality control, etc.

Programming Programming is a pre-design phase that determines “what” should be designed through research and decision making with the client. It is the process of discovering the owner/client’s requirements and desires for a project and setting them down in written, numerical, and graphic form.

At HFA, we have a variety of schematic design processes that vary by program and client type and can range from a short and quick phase of a project to an intensive process that spans months. Examples can include conceptual site layout, master planning, site planning, tenant branding and identity studies, etc.

In most cases, client approval of a Concept Design is needed before Schematic Design can begin. While concept design focuses on the creation of a vision for any given project, Schematic Design articulates that vision through more technically oriented drawings. Schematic Design workflows will often result in the production of basic floor plans, elevations, and perspectives and will yield a basic understanding of building materials and details that will be used for construction.


Bidding Bidding involves the establishment and administration of the bidding process, issuance of addenda, evaluation of proposed substitutions, review of bidder qualifications, analysis of bids, and selection of the contractor(s).

Construction Administration Construction Administration occurs after all drawings have been completed, approved, and construction begins. Construction administrators and/or discipline representatives coordinate with the owner and contractor to observe for compliance with construction documents and report when out of compliance. There are many responsibilities during this phase, most notably creating, receiving, tracking, managing, and responding to RFIs and submittals. Other responsibilities can include facilitating project communication, maintaining project records, reviewing and certifying amounts due to contractors, and preparing change orders. These services ensure the client receives quality project delivery every time. Commissioning Commissioning is a quality assurance process for ensuring building systems are installed, tested, and placed into operation as intended. For more information, reach out to Scott West directly at

Permitting Permitting ensures the construction plans and design adheres to the jurisdictions’ specific codes through permit applications, signed drawings, and applicable forms. Entitlement focuses on the land and structure’s intended use, conformity to an overall city plan, and design/look of the proposed structure.

This step occurs after the owner/client has approved the schematic design. During this phase, a project’s schematic design is refined, including designing details and selecting materials.

Design Development

Construction Documents Construction Documents include the written and graphic instructions, specifications, interdisciplinary coordination, and details used for construction of the project. These documents must be accurate, consistent, complete, and easily understandable.

Entitlements and permits must be obtained before construction may begin.

Closure Closing the Project Project Closeout The final phase of the project includes BIM data management, proper closeout of all permits and inspections, submission of archived plans, if applicable, and an opportunity for lessons learned both with the design teams and the client for future improvements. Client Partnership Review As the client partnerships mature, we evaluate the client relationship on how to improve our performance to exceed their expectations, identify opportunities to provide them other solutions, and advance our scope of services beyond original contracts.

The Operations Team is dedicated to streamlining and improving the way that you work by establishing and improving processes. We support all of HFA to include the studio and studio support teams to achieve operational excellence. Our number one goal is to maximize effectiveness and efficiency to create more opportunities, have the ability to easily collaborate and work together and achieve project delivery excellence. We believe in process with a purpose and are here to aid in HFA’s growth and progression. We Are

what is project delivery? what are project delivery systems? Let’s talk . Jasmin Beauchamp, msom jasmin.beauchamp@hfa-ae.comOperationsSpecialist an HFA system focused on aligning studio processes, procedures, and disciplines to deliver the highest quality documents and exceptional client service achieving maximum efficiency and collaboration across the studio the tools, processes, and workflows that we use as a studio to help us deliver high-quality architecture and engineering services


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