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the ultimate immunity biohack

How to recover your leptin function with food


In a very short time, the average person—and not just here in America— has learned a lot about self-protection to stay well. Social distancing, washing hands, and even self-isolation when we’re sick all play key roles in preventing the spread of novel diseases. And because you read this magazine, I’m guessing you’re pretty well-versed in the supplements and herbs that can bolster your immunity, such as vitamins D and C, zinc, and medicinal mushrooms.

But are you optimizing your immunity with your food choices? If you carry extra pounds, are diabetic, or deal with cravings, energy swings, or insomnia—in spite of all that you do to stay healthy—you may need to address another issue that dramatically impacts immunity: leptin resistance.

Leptin Resistance & Immunity

Leptin is the body’s “master hormone” that regulates human immune function, according to research. Poor leptin function, or “leptin resistance,” can hamper proper immune response, contributing to both inadequate and overactive (autoimmune) imbalances in the immune system.

My own experience regarding the immune-regulating eff ects of leptin happened 30 years ago, before leptin was even discovered. I had several serious autoimmune issues aff ecting my skin, gut, and liver, as well as thyroid problems that contributed to my obesity and overall infl amed state. By unwittingly reestablishing leptin’s function and signaling in my brain, through years of symptom-based dietary experimentation, I was able to correct my immune response and resolve infl ammation throughout my body.

Regaining proper leptin function not only ended my 12-year binge-eating disorder and obesity, but also healed my gut and microbiome (read: immunity), liver, underactive thyroid, and rash-ravaged skin—all by giving up the highsugar (including starches, juices, and even sweet fruits) and fat-phobic food choices that had caused my leptin resistance in the fi rst place.

Leptin, Thymus function, T-Cells, & Immunity

As we know, the elderly, have increased vulnerability to infectious diseases, even to common fl u and cold viruses. This is partially due to the fact that the thymus gland shrinks and becomes less active as we age, producing fewer T-cells that fi ght pathogens we’ve never been exposed to before. Zinc supplements have been shown to prevent some of that lost function. So can reestablishing leptin sensitivity, which, according to research, also bolsters thymus function.

Activating Stem Cells

Another fascinating consideration is the current observational reports of stem cell treatments reducing lung infl ammation and assisting virus suff erers in regaining lung function. Interestingly enough, leptin sensitivity has been proven to reduce body-wide infl ammation and activate mesenchymal stem cells in humans.

Dietary Dos & Don’ts

Consistent and life-long maintenance of proper leptin function involves shifting the body into its intended fat-burning state, often with some transitional discomfort due to yeast die-off and energy interruption. Because everyone’s leptin-optimizing fat, carb, and protein ratios will be slightly diff erent, the best way to go about it on your own is to gradually cut carbs and replace them with a wide variety of quality plant and animal fats (always grass-fed) until you experience symptoms of leptin sensitivity—decreased appetite, loss of excess fl uid, clearing of brain fog, better sleep, and balanced energy.

Of course you must not eat any processed foods. Dark greens are your best plant foods (even too many cooked vegetables can throw you off here). It took me almost 2 years before a quantum and sudden “leap” into leptin sensitivity took place. But when it does, those symptoms I just mentioned will only be the beginning of a new era aff ecting every aspect of your health. In this way, you can elevate your own radiant potential—including your mood and ability to cope with changing circumstances—in one of the most powerful ways possible.

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