HENRY FORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE INNOVATION OF THE YEAR AWARD November 15, 2010 Henry Ford Community College is proud to be in its fifth year of participation in the National League for Innovation in Community Colleges “Innovation of the Year” competition. Each year, the League honors outstanding innovations that have been recognized by member institutions as their choice of Innovation of the Year. One winner will be selected from those presented by members of the HFCC community (see attached guidelines). The originators of the winning innovation will receive a certificate of honor from the league, have their project name inscribed on a multi-year plaque and be honored at a campus-wide recognition event in the Spring, 2011. The Innovation of the Year Award is designed to recognize members of the College community, whether as individuals or groups, who have designed and implemented a significant innovation. Characteristics of HFCC and national winning innovations have included: The involvement of diverse perspectives (multiple members, cross disciplinary) A brand new concept A project or idea that meets most or all of the league’s criteria Innovations with far-reaching implications for the institution Ideas that can be “branded” by the institution Projects that are mission driven Criteria: An innovation should meet one or more of the following criteria: 1. Quality - Students and/or staff agree that the innovation increases “quality” in the course, program, office, or institution. Evidence of quality may include student ratings or letters of support from colleagues. 2. Efficiency - There is evidence that the innovation contributes to a more efficient way of doing things. Student ratings, perceptions of outside consultants, and pre- and post-comparison of time involved are examples of evidence. 3. Cost Effectiveness - There is evidence that the innovation adds a value to the institution while at the same time containing or reducing costs. Cost data will serve as evidence. 4. Replication - The innovation selected can be replicated in other institutions with a minimum of difficulty. 5. Creativity - The innovation should be as original as possible or the adaptation should be creative. The description of the program or letters from experts are examples of evidence. 6. Timeliness - The innovation should not be more than five years old in the institution, but it must have been around long enough to have been tested so that it meets most of the criteria.
Descriptions of previous winners and the application procedure follows:
Last year, the winning HFCC 2010 Innovation of the Year was The Arab Cultural Studies Program, a 60 credit associate degree program anchored in a required course sequence in the Arabic language. This new program was developed knowing that Dearborn hosts the largest contingent Arab-American population in the US. Innovation Type: Learning and Teaching Samples of winners at other Community Colleges across the country included: PROJECT
Online Survey of Student Opinions
Teaching and Learning
Bringing Resource Awareness to Veterans in Education
Student Services/Activities
Accelerated Job Training Programs: Just-in-Time Training for in Demand Jobs
Workforce preparation
Greener for the 21 Century in Seattle
Resource Development
Environmental Sustainability within Delta and Abroad
Leadership and Organization
Column Prototype for Gas Chromatography
Research, Assessment & Accountability
Increasing High School Ohio Graduation Test Success Rates Using a Predictive Model
Basic Skills/Developmental Education
All descriptions of winning projects from last year may be viewed in their entirety at: Innovation of the Year Winners http://www.league.org/league/competitions/innovations/application1.cfm Click on Innovation of the Year box on left hand side of screen. If you have additional questions about the project, please contact one of the Innovation Committee Members: Chairs: Lisa Jones-Harris and Janice Caie-Lawrence Robin Adams Sam Bazzi Kevin Dewey Sam Greko Janet Hazamy Elizabeth Preston Marlene Wojtowicz This year, applicants will have an opportunity to present their projects in person to the Innovations Committee on either February 24 or 25 for a 5 minute time period between 9 AM – 12 PM. The Application deadline is Friday, February 4, 2011 -2-
Applications should be completed as an MS Word document and sent either by email to empreston@hfcc.edu or hard copy to Elizabeth Preston, Financial Aid Specialist, Office of Financial Aid, Learning Resource Center. Nominating Contact: First Name: Last Name: Title: Email Address: Campus Address: Telephone: Project Information: Project Name: Project Innovators: Project Date/Year: Please Classify Innovation Type (Check one) □ Learning and Teaching □ Student Services and Activities □ Resource Development □ Workforce Preparation and Development □ Leadership and Organization □ Basic Skills and Developmental Education □ Research, Assessment and Accountability □ Other Please select the criteria your project has met (Check all that apply) □ Quality □ Cost Effectiveness □ Timeliness □ Efficiency □ Creativity □ Replication □ Other Please describe the project in detail (100 words or less)