Surfaces Showcase
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nce again, the flooring industry will descend on Las Vegas in January for Surfaces, the largest floor covering expo in the U.S. The wood flooring industry will be there, including the following companies (who are also advertisers in this issue). The following pages contain a preview of what you can expect at the show, and when you get there don’t forget to pick up our Surfaces Pocket Guide, which will include a listing of all NWFA-member exhibitors at the big show and our exclusive map highlighting NWFA members.
2012 Po cket Guid OF TH E NW e FA M EM BE R EXHI BIT OR S
Albert Floorotex Booth B2435 Floorotex is a temporary protective floor roll that is breathable and waterproof; what’s more, it will not slip nor tear. It can be rolled over any surface, including tile, wood, carpet or countertops, among others. Once the job is done, Floorotex can be reused by shaking out the dirt and rolling it up. Floorotex is partly made out of recycled plastic bottles. Bostik Inc. Booth B3641 Vapor-Lock is a one-part, trowel-applied, rapid-tacking, moisture-cure urethane adhesive and vapor-retarding membrane. Bostik says it has very low permeability, and that it does not contain water. The product is virtually odorless and has zero percent VOCs. Bostik adds that Vapor-Lock offers a tenacious waterproof bond to a variety of substrates and is not adversely affected by exposure to moisture, water or alkalinity. The Garrison Collection Booth S6587 The Garrison Collection’s top-selling French Connection line features engineered European French white oak. The wire-brushed planks are 5⁄8 inch thick and 7 inches wide, and the company says they are oil-finished in a beautiful array of colors. In the future, this line will also include 91⁄2- and 111⁄2-inch widths, as well as lengths up to 12 feet.
Flickr | Evan Leeson
Lignomat USA Ltd. Booth 4439 Lignomat’s Versa-Tec meter is a non-destructive, dual-depth (1⁄2 inch or 3⁄4 inch) scan meter that can instantly measure concrete slabs, hardwood (solid or engineered) or bamboo. An optional pin electrode or RH probe can be connected for in-situ RH concrete moisture measuring according to ASTM F2170. In addition, Lignomat offers a new line of floor monitoring devices.
December 2011|January 2012 n Hardwood Floors 61