A/S12 Green Advertorial

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Green Power

THE NAHB HAS DETERMINED that companies building and remodeling green have a leg up on competition. To do so, you need to use the right products, like the ones offered by these manufacturers, who are all advertisers in this issue. Read on, and make informed buying decisions.

D iT Dr i ac Flooring g Pr Prod oduc od ucts uc ts s LLC LC

DDriTac say ayss it itss Mo Mois istu ture Block 3-Inn 1 is an inno nova vati tive ve,, gr gree eenn co conc ncretee moi oist ssttur uree co c ntrol u ethane woo ur oodd flfloo oori ring ng adh dhesive that alsso ac acts ts aass a cr crac ackk su supp ppressannt. Connta tain innin ingg zero VOCs andd ze zero ro ssol olve vent nts, s, the h eco-frien endl dlyy Mo Mois istu ture re BBlo lock ck 33-I-nn 1 is a one nee-c -com o ponent product thaat of offe fers rs m maj ajor or time and la labo borr sa savi ving ngss fo forr in inst stal alliling ng hhardwoood flflooring when a concrette mo mois istu ture re control syssteem is rreq equi uire redd or ppre refe ferr rred ed,, Dr D iTac say ays, ay s s, addi ad d ng thaat thhe prodduc uctt is ccer erti t fified by the Carp rpet et and RRug ug Ins nstitutee’s GGre reen en Labell Plus Pl us PPro rogr gram am for o ind ndoo oorr ai airr qu qual a ity.

www. ww w.dr drit itac ac.c .com om

Dura Du ra Sea eall

Du DuraSeal says its DuraClear Water-Ba Base s d Po Poly lyuuret etthane etha hane ha ne iis a high g -perfoorm rmannce, lowlo w-VO VOCC alternative to oil-based finis ishe h s. Ide I eal for or lig ight hter er colored wood, d Dur d, uraClear sp spre read adss ea easilyy with exceptionaal flow and nd levvel e inng ffoor a non-ambeeriing ng flfloooorr finish wittho hout ut an ad addi diti tion onal hardener,r, DDur u aSeaal says ys,, addding that floors ys rss ret etaaiin this tthhiss commercial-gradee ddur co urab abililit ityy lo long afterr aapp pplicati tioon.

www. ww w.du d raseal.com m

Lignom Lig om ma att U USA SA Ltd SA td..

Lig om Lign omaat’’ss contr ontr on trol ol sys yste ste tems m for kilns ms ns ooff fffer ene nerg rgyy effificcien rg ciency, as well as an ec econ onom om micall waay to ca t dry ry lum umbe berr fa fast st, the compan anyy sa says ys. Pl Plus us,, wiith us t its hand-held moi oist stur uree meete ters r for use se oonn jo jobb si site tes, s Lignomatt sa s ys it he help lpps pr p otec ectt co cont ntra ract ctor orss fr from om hhav avin ingg to teaar out and waste da dam magedd luumb mber e bbyy gi er givi v ng tthhe hem toool olss to eens nsur uree a qualityy inst stal alla lattion from thhe st staart.t.

ww ww.liliignom omat at.c .com om m

Satyas | Dreamstime.com

MA M APE PE Corp PEI Co orp p.

Ultr Ult tr bon trab ond EC ECOO 98 9855 is MAP A EI E ’ss premi m um ssin mi ingl g e compon gl onen ent,t, hhyb ybri r d-po p lymeer-baseed wo po w od o flflooor oori ring ng aadh dhes e iv ive. e. It iss 1000 pe per erce cent nt ssol o idds, isoocy cyan a tee-f -fre reee and easyy to clea ean up up, MAAPE P I says. Ultrab abon ondd EC E O 98 9855 pr prov ovid ides es a sstr tron ongg bo bond nd anndd eexxxccel elle lent nt ssou ound nd rreeducti tioon pro rope perties t while it it prrot oteccts woood flflooo otec oorriing ing ng fro rom m mo mois istu ture re vap apor orr emi missio sssions coming thro rouugh ugh co conc ncre nc rete e slabs, th thee comp mpan any ad addds.

www. ww ww. w.maape pei. eii..co com


August|September 2012 ■ Hardwood Floors 61

Green Power


MP Global Products s

MP GGlo l baal Pr lo P od oduc ucts ts ssay ayss it res espe pects th the enviroonm mennt and ta take kess it itss so soci cial al ree spoonsi sp onsibi biliiti ties es to th the plannet ser erio ious u ly. Th The co comp m an a y beeliieves eco co-f -fri rien enddlyy fifiberba acoustic under based e laym ym men entt is a ssma mart rt,, re resp spon onsi nsi s bl b e ch choi o ce uund nder er llam amin inat a e, engi g neered wood, floatinng wo wood od, ha hard rdwo wood od aand ndd ttilililee flfloo oors rs. Thhe co comp mpan any’ y’s third-party-certified fibe b r un unde derl de rlay ayme ment n s, nt s incclu ludi d ng QQui di u et ui e Wa Walk and VVer ersa saWa Walk, are odorlesss, VOC--fr free eee andd mad adee fr from om at le leas a t 94 per as erce cent ce n ppos nt ost-inndu dust stri rial al/p /pre recons nsum umer er tex exti tile l was le aste te,, di te dive vert ve r in rt ingg ov over err 99,1120 ton onss of was aste tee or sc scra rapp an annu nual ally ly from om lan andfi d lls dfi ls..

www.quuie ietw twal alk. al k.co k. coom

Mu ull llic ican ic an Flooring

A lo long n ti t me supporter of sustainabl b e fo forests, s, M Muullican is a cha haartter m mem e berr em off the h NWFA’s Responsibl b e Pr Proc o urement Pr Proogram (RRPP PP) an andd has has achi hievvedd mult mu l iple certifications to show its supppor ortt of pprro ropeer fo rope fore r st re s management. Allll of Mullican’s domestic products are alllo lowe w d to car arryy the he ““Ve Veri Ve r fied Sustainable ab le”” se seal a of the Appalachian Hardwoood M Manufac actu t reers r Inc nc., and the company nyy also man anuf ufac actu ture ress pr p od o ucts that meet the strict st stanndaarrdds ooff the Forest Stew wardship Councill (FFSC SC)) an andd U. U S. Green Builddin ing Counnci cil’s (U (USG S BBCC) LEED standarrd SG for green building. fo

www. ww w.mullicanflooriing ng.c .com om

Nati Na tion onal a W Woo ood d Fl Floo oori ring ng g Ass ssoc ocia iati ia tion ti on

NWFA FA’s Respons nsib ible le Pro rocu cureement Program (RPP) recognizes wood od floo o ri ring ng compani nies es ttha hatt work too su sust stai ainn ou ourr wo worl rld’s forests. The he prrog ogram m is suppoort rted ed by the Fo Fore rest st SSte tewa ward rdsh ship Couunc ncilil-U -USS as w wel elll as tthe he FSCC Family Fo F rests Al Allilan ancee, wh whic icch bo b th t rec recog ogni n ze the NWF WFAA RPP as a vval a id incrementtal app pproac acch to towa ward rd ssoc occiaalll y an andd en environmentally responsible fores estry. y. The he pro rogr gram am is tr tran ansi siti si tion ti onal on a ttoo high al gheer levels of en envi vironmental resp sponnsi sibi b lility ty bas ased edd on in incr creaasi sing n tiers rs oof volu lunt ntar aryy pa part rtic icip ipation and as asso soci ciat iated ed cer erti tififica cati tion on.

www. w rp rppr prog ograam. m.or orgg

Olde Woo Ol od Lt Ltd.. Ltd.

Olddee W Olde Ol Woo oodd saays ys iits ts rec ts ecla laim imed eedd flooor orin or inng andd ti timb mbers are widelly mb ly acccepte tedd fo forr th thei eirr inhe hereent vval aluuuee wit ithi thinn th thee gr gree eeen bu buildi buil ldiing n iind ndus ustr try. y. The he ccom ompppaany tak akes pri rized woood o s frrom old strruccture turess se tu sett fo forr de d mooliliti tionn and rec ti ecla laim imss annd reepurppos oses tthe hem m in into t gor orgeouus widde de pla lank flooor orinng, int n erioor/ r/ex exxte teri rior or des esig ign so solu luti tiioonns annd ti timb mber accenntss. Whhat’s at’s mor oree, e, woo o d by b prod oduc ucts ts aare re uuti tililize zedd ttoo hhea e t th thee coom mppanny’s bu builildi ding ngss an andd k lns, min ki inim mizin izinng ma mate terial te alss co connttri cont ribuuting tingg ttoo tthhe wa ti wast stee st stre reeam am,, and and company owne nerr Tommyy San Sanc ncic iiss an act c ivve paart r ic icip icip ipa pant in in tthe he onnggoi he oing oing n rres esto es t ra rati rati tionn of the nearrly exttin tion inct c ct Ameriican ic n cheest s nutt trree. ee ee

w w ww w..olddeewo wood odllttd. d.co com

62 Hardwood Floors ■ August|September 2012



Green Power

Ow wen ns Flloo oori ring ng b ng by y Qu Quan ane an ex Bui ex Build ldin ing g Pr Prod duc ucts ts s

Ow wens Flooori ring ng bby Quan anex ex BBui u ldding Prrod oduc u ts says it i rig igorrouusly tests ev ever eryy run of eenngi gineered ed floooring to aass ssur uree qu qual alit ityy in installaati tion ons, s, bbec ecau ause s it beliiev eves es “gr g een” n is doin do i g itt rig in ight ht the first ttim ime. e. BByy ut utililiz izin ing a st stab a lee plyywo ab wood od ppla latfor orm m wi with th ultraa-l-loow e is em i sion onss annd foormal alde dehy hyde de-f -fre reee PURR gl glue u , alll of iits tss pro rodu duccts arre CA CARB Pha hase se II ccer e tifified. Wh What at’ss more, Oweens ccaan sup uppl p y FSSCC-ce cert ce r ifi rt ifieedd pr prod o ucts to qu qual alififfy for for Leeaadder ersh s ip iinn En Ener ergy gy and Envvir iron o meent ntal a Des e ig ignn (LLEE EED) D) cer erti tififica cati t on ppoi oint n s. nt

ww ww.ow owen enss-fl floo oori ring ng.com

PrroT P oTea eam m In I c. c

PPrroTTea eam Inc. says protectingg the environment—both indooor orss an andd oouut—is is aatt th the forefront of its oppeerraattions. Every vacuum um tthe he ccom ompany manufactures—frrom our first vac va uum inventioon, the lighhtw twei e ght commercial al bbac ackp kpac ack, k, to its currrent suite of 20+ 0++ vacuu acuums m for every clean an-ing needd—iss de d signed with ma maxi ximu mum m fifiltrationn, ef effifici cien ency cy, er ergo gonom mics and sustainabilitty. The comp mppan a y says itt is a leader in cleaning deeep e err and faster with t lesss user effort or sttra rain in,, re requ quuir irinng fe fewe werr repairs and replacem ment pa part rts, s, and improovinng cost savings and inndo door or aair ir qua u lity liit .

ww ww. w.pr proo-te team te am m.com

Shamro oc ck k Plank Floor orrin o ng

Shhaam mro rock ck say ays its En E vi viro rone neer ered ed PPla l nk Flo loor orin ingg is tthe he next generaati tion on ooff suussttaina n bl b e flflooring, an andd, iinn an a effort to extend nature’s precious resoources, thhe comp coomp m an a y ha hass cr c eaated a lilinne off en engi gine neeerred flooring desiign gned ed to be eennviroonm n en enta enta tallllly co conserrva vative. En E vi viro rone neeer ered e utilizes only one ed ne-q -qua uarter of the hard ha r w woood o uuse sedd iinn ssol o id ol i flooring, g, preese serv rvin ingg th thee same wea earr liliffe as and extending thhe uusse of hharrdw in wood oo re resourrce cess. TThe he pproduct ct’ss ccor oree is i mad adee fr from om fas faste terrgrrow winng pl p antation gro rown w bir irch ch, wh whic ichh allo ll ws an in i cr crease se iin the structural s abil st abb lit ity wh whililee mi m ni nimi mizi z ng zi ng the amoounnt of o hardwoood ha harv rves e te ted. d.

ww ww w..sham mro rock ckpl plan pl ankfl an kfloorrin i g. g com

Sheoga ga a Har ardw dwoo o d Floo ori r ng & Pan anel elin in ng

Sheoga Sheo ga H Har arrdwood Flloo oori ring ng & Paneling sa s ys it is commi mitt tted ed ttoo resppons onsi on sible manu ma nufa fact ctuuringg. Much of its inc ncom oming lumb mber er is sour urce ced fr f om loc ocal Amis mish sawmills that still use horsees wiithhin the ffor ores e t, and its woo oodd wa w st ste boiler ste er, whic ich powers the comp co mpan a y’s kiiln lns iss fire lns, redd wi w th t saw awddust, saving ng iitt th thee cost of 25 2 0,,0000 ga gallons of fuel perr ye pe yeaar ar. Whhat’s morre, She heog oga wa w s an earrly m mem mbbeer in thee NWFFA’ A’s Re As Respon spponsible n Proc Pr o urrement Prog ograam (R (RPP PP) annd in 2011, iitt earn rnned ed the t Forres est St Stew war ardsship Coouncil (FFSC) Chaiin of CCussto t dyy ccer erti er tififica cation (cert rtifi ificat atio at ionn numbberr FFSCC-C io -C10 10888883377).).

www. ww w.sshheo eoggaafl floo ooori rinngg..ccom ring om


August|September 2012 ■ Hardwood Floors 63

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