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website guide 2011

Business is increasingly moving to the Web. These companies—all half-page or larger advertisers in this issue—realize that, and they have outfitted their websites to better serve their clients, incorporating features like dealer locators, large-format photo galleries and mobile optimization, just to name a few.

MAPE MA P I Co PE Corp p. The Th e Ga Garr r ison n Colle ollle ect ctiio ion ion


The Gaarri Th rrison son Collectionn sayss its its web we sititee prov pr ide d sa beautiful ga bea galle llery of fine hard ardwoo woodd floo oorin ring, g, as wel weelll as a conv onveni enient e downloaddabl blee broc b chur hure. e. War Warran ranty ty infoorm inf mati ation, gu guide id lines on car caree and and mai mainte ntenan nance, ce,, ce and in insta stallatioon instruc i uctio ti ns cann al also so be vie viewed wed on the site.

www ww w.tthheg w.th heg garririso iso sonc ncoll olle ol lecti ctio ct ion.co ion n.co com m


MAP APEI PEI hass recen rece cently tly im mple pl me mented easy-totocompre com prehen hend, onl on inee an andd inte nterac ractiv tivee solu solutitions to its websit web site that provi provide de tim im mely e as assis sistan tance ce to con contra tracto c rs, allowi all owing ng the them m to mor ore ree ef effificien ciently tly co contr ntribu ibute te to LEED LEE D proj roject ects. s. These hesee sol s utions ns ca cann be be foun foundd on on the the “Green “Gr een In Initi itiatiives es”” sec ect ction of o thhe MAPE MAPEII Amer America icass website. websit e.

ww ww w.m .maape apei ei.c .com om/US-EN E /good. d assp

Maxw Ma Max xwelll Ha Hard r wo w od Floo Fl oori ring ri ng Inc. nc c. Ma wel Max w l Hard Har woo oodd Floo F oorin ringg has rin h updat ate at ted its website to includ inc ludde its new Toowns wnnsend end Ad Addit ditiions line l of o unfinished engine eng ineere eredd floorin ring,, com comple plemen mentin tinng infoorma rm tion on its fu fulll line of unfinis nished hed soolid aannd unfinis ished h hed engine eng ineere ered floorin r g. Use Users r can view view pro produc ductt specifi spe cifica cations, waarra rranty nty infor informat mation ion an andd inst i talllati ation on instru ins tructi ct ons. Custome omers rs can al also find th the nea neares rest Maxwel Max wellll Hard ard rdwoo dwoo woodd dist wo isttrib is riibbuto uutto tor with with th a clilickk of of a butttton on. n

www ww ww. w.ma w.ma maxw xwellh ellh el lhar hard ardwoo ar dwoo dw oodfl dflo dfl ooor orin or ing in ng.co com

October|November 2011 ■ Hardwood Floors 61

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