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website guide 2011

Business is increasingly moving to the Web. These companies—all half-page or larger advertisers in this issue—realize that, and they have outfitted their websites to better serve their clients, incorporating features like dealer locators, large-format photo galleries and mobile optimization, just to name a few.

MAPE MA P I Co PE Corp p. The Th e Ga Garr r ison n Colle ollle ect ctiio ion ion


The Gaarri Th rrison son Collectionn sayss its its web we sititee prov pr ide d sa beautiful ga bea galle llery of fine hard ardwoo woodd floo oorin ring, g, as wel weelll as a conv onveni enient e downloaddabl blee broc b chur hure. e. War Warran ranty ty infoorm inf mati ation, gu guide id lines on car caree and and mai mainte ntenan nance, ce,, ce and in insta stallatioon instruc i uctio ti ns cann al also so be vie viewed wed on the site.

www ww w.tthheg w.th heg garririso iso sonc ncoll olle ol lecti ctio ct ion.co ion n.co com m


MAP APEI PEI hass recen rece cently tly im mple pl me mented easy-totocompre com prehen hend, onl on inee an andd inte nterac ractiv tivee solu solutitions to its websit web site that provi provide de tim im mely e as assis sistan tance ce to con contra tracto c rs, allowi all owing ng the them m to mor ore ree ef effificien ciently tly co contr ntribu ibute te to LEED LEE D proj roject ects. s. These hesee sol s utions ns ca cann be be foun foundd on on the the “Green “Gr een In Initi itiatiives es”” sec ect ction of o thhe MAPE MAPEII Amer America icass website. websit e.

ww ww w.m .maape apei ei.c .com om/US-EN E /good. d assp

Maxw Ma Max xwelll Ha Hard r wo w od Floo Fl oori ring ri ng Inc. nc c. Ma wel Max w l Hard Har woo oodd Floo F oorin ringg has rin h updat ate at ted its website to includ inc ludde its new Toowns wnnsend end Ad Addit ditiions line l of o unfinished engine eng ineere eredd floorin ring,, com comple plemen mentin tinng infoorma rm tion on its fu fulll line of unfinis nished hed soolid aannd unfinis ished h hed engine eng ineere ered floorin r g. Use Users r can view view pro produc ductt specifi spe cifica cations, waarra rranty nty infor informat mation ion an andd inst i talllati ation on instru ins tructi ct ons. Custome omers rs can al also find th the nea neares rest Maxwel Max wellll Hard ard rdwoo dwoo woodd dist wo isttrib is riibbuto uutto tor with with th a clilickk of of a butttton on. n

www ww ww. w.ma w.ma maxw xwellh ellh el lhar hard ardwoo ar dwoo dw oodfl dflo dfl ooor orin or ing in ng.co com

October|November 2011 ■ Hardwood Floors 61

website guide 2011

M ra Mi rage g /B Boa a-F - ranc Mirage sa Mirage says y its we website was sp speci ecifificall eci call a y designed d and create cre atedd withh indus dustry professi s ona si onals on ls in min m d. d With its modern mod ern lo l ok and user-friend nddlyy lay layout la out,, this th website contai con tainns all the esse sssential inf nform orm rmati ation on nee needed by archit arc hitects, s, des d ign igner ers rs an and cont ont n rac ractor tor o s. Als A o, a new new versio ver sion of the h Mir irage age ge w ge website iss now n av avail ailabl able for mo m bile hand a he hel eldd devi el devi vices vi ce , offe ce ces ferin rinng a si simpler, i stream eam mlin li edd usaability bility tyy.

www. ww w.mi mira raage ge-p -pro.com -pro c m


Mullican Floor orin ng Mullican Flooringg unveiledd a nnew, ew, ew w co consu nss mernsu driven website in 2010 that at ffeeatu at at res im mpro pr ved maneuverabil bility ity fo f r loc loca catitin ca ti products and also ting con onntai ta nss val valluable consumer educat catiion about hardwood floors annd inte n rior design concepts. The site alloows visitors to select Mullican products baased s on color needs, flooring ty type, yp or sppeci e es, or by browsing all of the comp om any n ’s 23 collec lee tions. lec

www. w mullicanflooorirng.com

Nati Na tio ti onal Woo onal ood d Fl Flo ooring oo ring ri g Asso As soci ciat a ion at n The hee NW N FA says its sit si e is is the “ultim mat aate te”” reso te s urc urcee for woood o floori ori or ring ring ri n pro professional nals. nal s The he site site featur featur fea urreess convenientt linkks to to ttech e hnic ec i al ppubblic icati at ons ons,, eeduc on ducati atioon scheduules leeess, con onvention in infor format for m ion ma mat ion,, degrree and certifi ifificcaattio tii n prog pro rog ogram ms, and a eexppla lanat nation i s of io ion of the th maaany bene man m benefits avai aiilab lable ble l ttoo NW NWF WFAA memb mem mbers rs.. Withh th this is easy-t eas y o-u o use se sit site, ite, vis vi itorss wil w l find th thee resourc r urces es th theyy the need in one need nee ne connven venien enien ientt plac ie plac acce, e, the he NWFA NW WFA sayys. s.

www. ww w.nw nwfa nwfa fa.o .org org g

Owens Fl Owe F oo oori ring ng g by C lo Co onial Cra rafft Ow Flo Owens Fl oring by Col Coloniall Cra Craftf recent ntly ly upd updated its webbsit site and gavve itit an a easi a er forrmat m to find n the photo toss andd informat in tion to annswe sw wer the most difficult questions raised byy com comme merci rcial al and re resid s dent en ial customers. It also prov rovides warrrant a y info nformation, ins nstallat ation ion instruucti c ons and cust us ome o r-exclusive inventory availa ilability for Plan lankfloor Solidlyy Eng E ineered Flooring or Select Factoory Finnis ishedd Flo Flooring.

www.colo onialcrraf aft.tco com/ m owens_ s plan pl ankfl ank kflo flooor or.htm or .hhtml ttm ml

62 Hardwood Floors ■ October|November 2011

Prem P miere re F Fin in nishi h ng & Co oatin ing g LL LLC C Preemie miere re Finishing & Coa Coatin ting’s g weebsi g’s b te is an inform mati ation on too tooll for for cus c tomers erss wh whoo are new ne too the th prefifinish pre nishing i busin business ess.. ItIt feat feature ture ress a vi re video deo of PF PFC’s C’s finish nish liline ne fro from m begi e nni ning ng to end end. In add en addi dditio tioon, the th sitee disp sit display layss a sc schem he ati aticc drraw aw wing off iits itts line line an andd a detail det ailed ed pro proces esss descrip d ptio tionn. n. Cusstom omers ers ca cann also also acc ccess ess PF PFC sstoc toock 24/7 2 /7 from m a secu secure re porrtal too thee company’s com y’ss in inven ve tor ory syst y em. m.

ww ww. w.pr prefi pr efin nis n ishfl is shfl hfloooor o s. or s.co coom

Sham Sh mro rock c P Pla ank F Floor orin or ing in g Onn its tss we websi bsitte, Shamr amrock oc Plank nk Flooring, a fifth--gen geneeraatio ti n fami amilyly-own o edd com mpany offeerin i g in flooring ng mad made in the ma he Un United Sttate ates, s off o ers fu fulllll prodduc pro ucctt inf nformatioon for for its t So Solid lid and Environeer eered edd (e gin (engi inneered floori ineer ring ng mad madee to to be be envi environ ro men m tal alllly con onseervat erva ive) floorin ingg prod products. Use Users r can ann also allso loc ocaate a dea dealer ler by zip zip code cod .

www. ww w.sh sham amro rock ckpl plan ankfl kflooorrin ing. g.co com m


She Sh S heo eoga H eoga Har a dw dwoo o d Floo Fl oo ori r ng & P Pan anel nel elin ing Inc. in She heeog heoga oga oga g ’s web ebsite is comprehensive, cont on ain ont on ining ing innfoorm inf mat atiion onn the t co th c mpany’ nyy s many man any ny flooring ing specie spe ci s,, ven cie vents ve ts and flfloo ts o in oor ing ac acces ces ce esssor soo ies. The sitititee also al hii hli hig h ghts ght h s the the com compan co pa yy’ss prefi pan prefinis ni hedd annd unfi u nished floori ring ng pro ng produc pr d ts ts. Fr Free ee sam s ple ples andd bro brochu c res es can be re reque queste sted, d, and an us users erss can loca ocate t the nea neearest arest distri dis tr buter off pro produc dduccts fro rom m Sheoga, wh which i hass beenn inn bbus buuusine iness ss since c 198 982. 82.

UrbanFloor UrbanFloor’s new and improved website launched in August 2011. It includes functions such as 24/7 Live Help via chat, a room calculator, an updated dealer locator, large thumbnails for easier navigation, and the company’s Floor Quick Finder, which assists users in selecting a floor by shade, texture and budget options. What’s more, the site is mobile-friendly.

Wagner Meters Wagner Meters’ website provides a variety of resources to help users find accurate information about lumber, woodworking and concrete moisture measurement, including videos, training information, articles, webinars by industry professionals, and an online storefront. What’s more, mor e, use users rs can follo follow w Wagn Wagner er Met Meters ers on Fa Faceb cebook ook or Twi Twitte tterr for for up up-to to-the the-minut minutee iinfo nforma rmatio tionn.


www.sh ww www. heo e gafloooriring n .ccom ng

www ww w.wa wagn g er gn erme mete ters rs.com com

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October|November 2011 ! Hardwood Floors 63

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