2014-15 Heart of Florida United Way Annual Report

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 75th Anniversary Retrospective............................................................4-6 2014-15: A Year in Review...................................................................... 7 Education.............................................................................................8-9 Income.............................................................................................10-11 Health..............................................................................................12-13 Basic Needs.....................................................................................14-15 2014-15 Partner Agencies...............................................................16-17 Direct Service & Programs...............................................................18-19 Give..................................................................................................20-21 Campaign...................................................................................22-23 Women’s Leadership Council.......................................................24-25 Chef’s Gala..................................................................................26-27 Philanthropy................................................................................28-29 Top Giving Organizations............................................................30-31 Advocate..........................................................................................32-33 Mission United................................................................................. 34 ALICE............................................................................................... 35 Volunteer..........................................................................................36-37 Day of Caring................................................................................... 38 Day of Action.................................................................................... 39 Our Volunteers..................................................................................40-41 Board of Directors................................................................................. 42 Total Financial Resources..................................................................... 43



THE BOARD CHAIR & PRESIDENT As we reflect on 75 years of Heart of Florida United Way’s impact on Central Florida and on our efforts of the past year, it is heart warming to see the progress that has been made in our communities. We should all feel an immense source of pride in the positive change United Way has brought to our neighborhoods. This is our opportunity to reflect on an amazing year and inspire one another to achieve even more moving forward. It is not enough to simply “keep the ball rolling.” We challenge all of us — staff, volunteers, donors, partner agencies and corporate supporters — to leap into this next stage motivated to fulfill our goal of helping all people achieve their full potential.

As far back as 1939 we knew working together was the best way to solve our community’s problems. Orlando Mayor Bob Carr forms the groundwork for what would become the Heart of Florida United Way, then termed Community Chest.

1939 4

This has been a dynamic year and it is difficult to capture our accomplishments in just a few pages. But it’s a nice problem to have! We implemented innovative new programs to address our community’s biggest needs, such as the launch of Mission United to aid Central Florida’s veterans. We managed over $26 million across all four of our focus areas — education, income, health and basic needs — to help those in need and we demonstrated our strength as conveners and influencers of change. On behalf of Heart of Florida United Way, we thank our volunteers, donors and supporters who helped us serve hundreds of thousands of people across our community.

E. Ann McGee, Ed.D.

Robert H. (Bob) Brown

Board Chair Heart of Florida United Way President Seminole State College

President/CEO Heart of Florida United Way

1955 United We Stand United Way Hits the Air Waves United Way campaigns enter American living rooms with the first nationally televised presidential appeal.


Orlando attorney Charles Andrews combines 30 agencies into the United Appeal.

Two is Greater than One Osceola County joins the United Way campaign.

Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide Jiminy Cricket volunteers as a symbol of the United Way national campaign.


1963 5

1972 A Look For the Future Saul Bass designs the new, now iconic, United Way logo.

1999 A Place to Call Home

1968 Reaching New Heights Orange County United Appeal breaks the $1 million level for campaign contributions.


Working Together For Change Tri-county agencies unite to form Heart of Florida United Way.


Heart of Florida United Way now calls 1940 Traylor Blvd. home thanks to the generosity of Dr. Phillip Charities and Dr. Nelson Ying.




of clients remained stable following United Way intervention







of clients served were children (ages birth to 19)










,434 661 total clients served More than





EDUCATION As a result of those impacted by United Way-funded programs in the Central Florida community:



of K-5 students performed at grade level in reading & math




of youth are on-track for transition to high school

88 of high school seniors graduated on time


We believe that education is the single most influential factor in determining a child’s opportunity for a good life. Our $4.2 million investment in education support services and initiatives is part of a strategy to boost every child’s chance for success in school, work and life. Through our cradle to career model, we ensure that more students will graduate and attain the needed credentials necessary in the 21st century workforce.

UNITED WAY AT WORK City Year Orlando

As one of the organizations responsible for bringing City Year to Orlando, United Way is especially proud of the impact this program has made on the region in its three years in the area. Heart of Florida United Way funded 10 City Year AmeriCorps members who served at Evans High School, where those members directly interacted with students and changed their lives. One of those students was Michael, a freshman struggling to deal with the demands of high school. With a 1.0 GPA and a below-average reading level, he was not where he needed to be to succeed and also had attendance issues. A City Year Orlando AmeriCorps member named Diane identified Michael and worked with him as a near-peer mentor to help him achieve his full potential. She pushed him to attend tutoring sessions and afterschool programs twice a week, and she set goals for him to help his attendance. She spent time with him each week to keep him motivated and focused. The results were staggering. Michael’s GPA went up. He became more engaged and participated in class. At the end of the year, he even earned an “A” in English—the first “A” of his academic career. Diane went above and beyond and her effort showed in Michael’s progress. For the first time, he realized that someone else saw potential in him. For the first time, he had hope for a better future. Michael has a second chance at life and it wouldn’t have been possible without City Year Orlando. 9

Heart of Florida United Way invests in programs and initiatives that help families in Central Florida achieve financial stability. We work with our corporate supporters, community partners and partner agencies to provide workforce development, job training and other services that will prepare adults for employment.

INCOME As a result of those impacted by United Way-funded programs in the Central Florida community:

92 obtained or maintained affordable housing





improved employability skills



increased their overall assets

We aim to provide support services and initiatives to empower low-income working families to succeed in the five building blocks of financial stability: sustaining employment, income supports, affordable housing, manageable budgets and increased savings and assets. By helping these families develop these five building blocks, we can help them achieve longterm stability.


Lighthouse Central Florida’s Job Readiness & Skills Program Unemployment is difficult for anyone, but for those with visual impairment, the struggle to find work and provide for their family is especially difficult. Lighthouse Central Florida’s United Way-funded Job Readiness and Skills program aims to help those who have lost their vision support their families and maintain a good job. Training includes using adaptive technology to allow blind persons to perform normal job functions and master different computer applications. By teaching different techniques, individuals are able to keep up their professional lives and establish a solid career. Karynn had been a nurse for 12 years, earning a good income. Due to a worsening eye condition, a complication from diabetes, Karynn’s vision was severely impaired, causing her to have to leave her job. She was referred to the United Way-funded Lighthouse Central Florida’s Job Readiness and Skills program so that she could learn new skills to make her more employable. Through the program, Karynn learned practical life skills as well, such as how to put together outfits, a difficult problem for those suffering from vision impairment. With Lighthouse Central Florida’s assistance, Karynn was able to get a job in a restaurant and is again a productive member of the workforce. “I’m not working in healthcare anymore, but I’m doing an honest day’s work which is so gratifying and my sense of independence has been restored,” said Karynn. “I’m thrilled to be part of a team, earning wages and feeling productive.”


For a community to flourish, its members must be healthy. Because of this, Heart of Florida United Way strategically invests in programs that provide adults and children with access to health and wellness care. We are focused on improving the health of children and families through partnerships that promote mental, physical and social well-being for all. This is achieved by:

HEALTH As a result of those impacted by United Way-funded programs in the Central Florida community:

95 of individuals were able to access healthcare services





of adults increased their knowledge of healthy food and exercise options

94 of parents and caregivers improved parenting skills



Preventing unhealthy behaviors and addressing environments that threaten the health and wellbeing of children and families.


Promoting behaviors and environments that enhance the health and well-being of children and families.


Fostering supportive conditions at home and in our community that allow all generations to thrive together.

UNITED WAY AT WORK Dental Care Access Foundation Fluoride Program

For most of us, going to the dentist or the doctor is a chore, but necessary. But, for too many in our community, routine medical or dental care is not an option due to cost and a lack of access. For children, not receiving care can lead to serious health problems and even impact their school performance due to health-related absences. The United Way-funded Dental Care Access Foundation’s Fluoride program addresses this by going directly to Orange County Public Schools. Through the program, they offer one-on-one dental education, where they teach proper dental hygiene, brushing tutorials and nutrition information. Each child is also provided with an age-appropriate dental hygiene kit, including a toothbrush, toothpaste and floss. Afterwards, they then apply a topical fluoride varnish to help prevent cavities from developing. Ryan was one student served by the program. At 8 years old, Ryan is the youngest of four children. His family struggles to make ends meet, and health care is low on the list of priorities. Ryan never owned his own toothbrush and instead shared one with his siblings. Through the United Way-funded fluoride program, Ryan had a fluoride treatment applied to his teeth to prevent cavities and received his own dental care packet — including a toothbrush of his very own — so he could maintain his teeth. The Dental Care Access Foundation also referred Ryan and his family to no-cost clinics for on-going care. Because of this program, issues were caught early, helping Ryan stay healthy and in school.


In Central Florida, nearly 20% of the population lives in poverty and another 30% are Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed (ALICE). Among them are society’s most vulnerable: infants, children, seniors and the disabled. Others are those most deserving of our help: our nation’s veterans. These people are unable to afford basic needs like housing, healthcare, food, childcare and transportation.

BASIC NEEDS As a result of those impacted by United Way-funded programs in the Central Florida community:



of families who received help remained stable after 30 days




of seniors improved/ maintained physical & mental wellbeing



of clients increased their income

The effects of long-term poverty limit progress in other areas like education, healthcare and public safety – impacting the prosperity of the community as a whole. As the tri-county region’s largest funder of local hunger and homelessness programs, Heart of Florida United Way has distributed millions over the past five years to address and prevent these growing problems.


Emergency & Homelessness Services Central Florida is home to 118,000 veterans; over forty percent of these veterans report difficulties finding employment, accessing and completing education, and securing and maintaining stable housing. Recent research shows that many of the issues veterans face arise not from a lack of assistance programs, but from a lack of collaboration, coordination, and collective purpose between myriad government and community offerings. Heart of Florida United Way’s Mission United connects our community and pre-existing programs to create a comprehensive system of care that positively impacts the lives of veterans and their families in Central Florida. By convening stakeholders and services, Mission United creates a centralized point of entry for veterans and their families to access services. Angel served in the Army for several years until he was honorably discharged. After returning to Central Florida from his time in Afghanistan, he struggled to find work and he was in danger of losing his house. His wife Diane did some research and discovered Mission United through United Way’s 2-1-1 Information and Assistance Helpline. Angel and Diane were put in touch with a case manager and assistance programs in the area. The assistance programs helped cover their mortgage costs and keep the utilities on while Angel and Diane looked for work. Now their family has stabilized and they are building a secure future. Mission United allowed them to keep their house while they got back on their feet and now they look forward to a white picket fence of their own.



2014-2015 PARTNER AGENCIES Over the course of the recession, United Way affirmed its focus on prevention – helping people become healthier, safer and more financially stable. While still responding to immediate needs, United Way and our partner agencies continue to focus on the future. Investing in Results is more than United Way’s funding model – it’s also our promise. Together, United Way and our partner agencies are strategically investing and positively influencing lasting change in our community.


Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida, Inc.

B.E.T.A. Center, Inc. Catholic Charities Adult Literacy League, Inc. of Central Florida, Inc. After School Programs, Inc. HEALTH Christian Service Center Boys & Girls Clubs for Central Florida, Inc. Aspire Health Partners of Central Florida, Inc. (Lakeside Behavioral Coalition for the Homeless City Year Orlando Healthcare, Inc.) of Central Florida, Inc. Devereux Florida B.E.T.A. Center, Inc. Harbor House (Orange County Center Foundation for Seminole Children’s Home Against Domestic Violence) County Public Schools Society of Florida – Central Florida Division Help Now of Osceola, Inc. Hope CommUnity Center Community Jewish Family Services Orlando Community Health Centers, Inc. of Greater Orlando, Inc. & Youth Trust Dental Care Access Meals on Wheels Etc., Inc. Orlando Day Nursery Foundation, Inc. Association, Inc. Osceola Council on Aging, Inc. Winter Park Day Nursery, Inc. Florida Hospital Foundation Rescue Outreach Mission Healthy Start Coalition of Central Florida YMCA of Central Florida of Orange County, Inc. Safehouse of Seminole The Howard Phillips Center (Seminole County Victims’ INCOME for Children & Families Rights Coalition) Christian Help Foundation, Inc. IMPOWER, Inc. The Salvation Army Community Coordinated of Orange County Lighthouse Central Florida Care for Children, Inc. (4C) Osceola Council on Aging, Inc. The Salvation Army Early Learning of Seminole County YMCA of Central Florida Coalition of Seminole Second Harvest Food Bank Lighthouse Central Florida of Central Florida, Inc. BASIC NEEDS Orlando Community Seniors First, Inc. & Youth Trust American Red Cross of Central Florida














60 Funded Programs


Dollars Allocated by focus area:

2014-2015 Program Portfolio


DIRECT SERVICE & PROGRAMS When some people think about United Way’s impact, they think of fundraising. And that’s a significant part of the work we do. In 2014-2015, Heart of Florida United Way raised $26.1 million to fund strategic community programs that drive long-term change. But in addition to raising money on behalf of other nonprofits, United Way also provides direct services and runs programs that are vitally important to the Central Florida community.


United Way’s 2-1-1 Information and Assistance Helpline is the link between someone in distress and the help they need. This vital in-house resource is powerful enough to provide more than individual assistance on basic needs. Call specialists stand-by 24/7/365 to assist in suicide intervention, regional or national disasters.



1. Housing 2. Utilities 3. Food 4. Medical assistance 5. Mental health


Nearly of 2-1-1 contacts are made by first-time callers


Central Florida College Access Network (CFCAN) aims to increase the number of local residents with a high-quality credential or degree to keep up with the changing workforce. In addition to advocating for systemic change around FAFSA completion and financial aid, the CFCAN aims to reduce barriers to post-secondary education by providing information via texts through its Going2College Texting Project. Since the program’s launch in 2014, more than 680 students have registered and 24 institutions are participating, including University of Central Florida, Rollins College, Valencia College and Seminole State College.

United Way distributed free FamilyWize prescription drug cards. Accepted nationwide at over 60,000 pharmacies, the FamilyWize card provides an average savings of $20 per prescription. More than $2.4 million was saved by thousands of cardholders last year.

United Way VISTAs (Volunteers in Service to America) in Title I schools focused on recruiting volunteers to serve as role models to improve student attendance, behavior, course performance and college access. More than 4,500 students were served by the 1,208 volunteers recruited by the VISTAs, yielding close to 10,000 volunteer hours and $152,000 in donations.


For thousands of homeless students whose families are struggling with basic needs like shelter and food, clothing is not a priority, but it is important. Heart of Florida United Way launched the Dress2Learn program to provide clothing to homeless students in Orange and Osceola counties. Close to 4,700 students were impacted by this program.

Dress Learn

United Way’s Financial Stability Coalition assists low-to-moderate income families with free tax assistance and claiming the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). EITC is credited with lifting more children out of poverty than any other federal program. More than 2,100 EITC claims were filed at United Way’s sites, returning $6.8 million in credits. More than 54,397 tri-county residents facing impending homelessness, hunger and other emergencies received help through Emergency & Homelessness Services (EHS). 42,919 residents received emergency food and shelter support and 5,823 residents were able to keep their lights on through utility assistance. AmeriCorps Pathways to Success members provided academic support and college/career mentoring for 10th – 12th grade students attending Evans and Oak Ridge High Schools. The 21 AmeriCorps members provided 29,483 hours of service to ensure 468 students were on track and ready for their next step after graduation. United Way serves as the lead agency for Ryan White Part B/General Revenue, a Florida Department of Health funded program that provides care and support to HIV/AIDS consumers in Orange, Osceola, Seminole and Brevard counties. In 2014-15, United Way managed and distributed $2.1 million in funds to serve more than 4,600 consumers.


In Kind Center

The Gifts in Kind Center collected and distributed nearly $1.6 million in donated supplies and materials to local nonprofits – a 7% increase from the prior year.


GIVE At Heart of Florida United Way, we believe that investing in programs and services that build stronger, healthier and more financially stable individuals and families will create a better life for everyone in our community. But the value of investing with United Way goes beyond that. When you give to Heart of Florida United Way, you join thousands of other donors in creating lasting and measurable change. By maximizing impact, multiplying dollars and tracking outcomes, United Way significantly amplifies funds to create even more value for the community. Last year, the value added back to the Central Florida community through Heart of Florida United Way totaled $41 million in impact. 20




Each year, community-minded employers lend key personnel to United Way to serve as a full-time fundraiser during the campaign. These Loaned Executives give us the essential “people power” to take our message to workplaces throughout the region. Community Coordinated Care for Children (4C) Lockheed Martin Corporation OUC—The Reliable One


Publix Super Markets, Inc. Tupperware Brands UPS Walt Disney World Resort

“In addition to learning to facilitate new audiences within my own company, I learned how to gain credibility with outside organizations. These audiences included a substantial number of senior level executives.” – Nancy Vidarte, Loaned Executive, Walt Disney World

To commemorate Heart of Florida United Way’s 75th anniversary, guests of the campaign kick off event were reminded that there is “no place like home.” Carrying a theme from the Wizard of Oz, also marking its diamond anniversary, the kick off event inspired supporters to run milestone campaigns. And they did. In April, Campaign Chair Tony Massey, President & COO of Massey Services Inc., announced the effort had raised more than $18.5 million for local community programs.





2014-15 Campaign Cabinet Campaign Chair

Tony Massey

Massey Services, Inc.

Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A.

Campaign Vice Chair

David E. Fuller

Harold Mills ZeroChaos

Campaign Vice Chair

Deborah German, M.D. University of Central Florida

John Moskos

Wells Fargo Wealth Management

A Message from Campaign Chair Tony Massey:

United Way is many things to many people. But really, the mission is simple: get people on pathways out of poverty, and help them from ever getting there in the first place. With thanks to many of your contributions during the 201415 Workplace Giving Campaign, our United Way has been able to do just that, by funding programs and providing direct service in the areas of education, income, health and basic needs. As a business community, we must invest and feel confident that our dollar goes far, but makes a big difference close to home with Heart of Florida United Way.

Thomas K. Sittema CNL Financial Group, Inc.

David Ruiz UPS, Florida

Shawn Bartelt

WFTV Channel 9 and WRDQ 27

William (Bill) Dymond

Diana Bolivar

Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metro Orlando

Sean DeMartino

Balfour Beatty Construction Company

SunTrust Bank, Central Florida

Roseann Harrington OUC—The Reliable One

Sandy Hostetter

CNLBank, Central Florida

James Bobby Kuykendall Kuykendall Gardner

Robert Newland

Career Partners International Florida/Caribbean

Ruth Patrick B.E.T.A. Center

Kay Rawlins Orlando City SC

Kate Wilson

Wells Fargo Bank




“Women who mean business… for a good cause,” is how one Women’s Leadership Council member describes the notable group. Locally, more than 400 members combine philanthropy and volunteerism to make a remarkable impact on the Central Florida community. The Women’s Leadership Council is focused on education, particularly supporting early grade reading initiatives. Last year, the Council brought an online reader program to 10 Title-I schools, providing access to thousands of books to 6,304 students.


The 2015 Women’s Leadership Luncheon keynote speaker, Cheryl Strayed, knows all about the power that reading and books can have on a life. After a chance encounter with a book about the Pacific Crest Trail, she took more than a bold step to conquer her demons and cope with the grief of losing her mother. She hiked over 1,000 miles. She recounted that journey in her best-selling book, Wild, and with more than 1,100 attendees at the 8th annual Women’s Leadership Luncheon. The sell-out crowd was inspired by Strayed’s candid connection to United Way’s work.



Women’s Leadership Council Steering Committee Chair

Karen Dee

Retired Bank Executive Vice Chair

Pat Engfer

Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress Chair Emerita

Helen Donegan

University of Central Florida

Tobi Allen

Lockheed Martin Corporation

Tracy Barwick Tax Partner

Andrea Batchelor Orlando Ballet

Kathy Brown

Thumbprint Marketing

Fonda Cerenzio

Cerenzio & Associates

Val B. Demings

Orlando Police Department (retired)

“I was that kid. I am a product of the work that United Way does…”

Cheryl Strayed, author of “Wild” and keynote speaker

Patty DeYoung

Community Philanthropist

Tracey Ellerson

Community Philanthropist

Claire Fournier Orlando Health

Sanda Harker

UPS Florida District

Harriett Lake

Community Philanthropist

Linda Landman Gonzalez Orlando Magic

Meredith Level

Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A.

Yolanda Londoño

Tupperware Brands Corporation

Samantha Kearns-O’Lenick Florida Hospital

Mary Recchia-Brown The Recchia Group

Lisa Schultz

CNL Financial Group

Jill Schwartz

Jill S. Schwartz & Associates, P.A.

Jennifer Spooner

Cross, Fernandez & Riley, LLP

Ellen Titen-Wojcik ET Consultants

Dr. Ann O. Wehr AvMed

Julie Wolf Wells Fargo


CHEF’S GALA Host & Sponsor

Title Sponsor

In its 23rd year, Chef’s Gala continues to shine as United Way’s single largest fundraiser of the year. More than 20 of Central Florida’s top chefs put on a culinary show for more than 1,000 guests indulging their senses at Walt Disney World’s Epcot World Showplace. The 2015 event raised nearly $300,000. Ninety-five cents of every dollar raised from the event benefits Central Floridians in need. 26


Chef’s Gala Host Committee Co-Chair

Dr. Antonia Novello

Steve Jamieson


Peter Kacheris

Former U.S. Surgeon General Florida Hospital (Retired)

John Pisan

Waldorf Astoria Orlando Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek


Diana Simaan Kessler

Wells Fargo Wealth Management Group

Jackie Bozzuto

Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A.

Shawn Bartelt

A Tasteful Way to Make a Difference

WFTV and Central Florida’s TV 27

Kim Bergin

Fifth Third Bank (Retired)

David Dawkins Wells Fargo

Diana Simaan Inc.

Michael Manuel

BRWHP Properties, LLP

Keith Swider

SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment

Jim Taylor

Career Partners International

Todd Thornley Wells Fargo

Jane Garrard

Tupperware Brands Corporation (Retired)

John Gyllin, Ed. D.

A Tasteful Way to Make a Difference

The Mall at Millenia

Foundation for Seminole State College of Florida

Sandy Hostetter

Richard Watkins

Generational Playbooks, LLC

Bill Wilson

Holland & Knight LLP

Kate Wilson Wells Fargo

CNLBank of Central Florida

A Tasteful Way to Make a Difference



Alexis de Tocqueville Society members represent the highest levels of personal philanthropy with annual gifts of $10,000 or more. This generosity makes a profound, life-changing difference for many residents. We are deeply grateful to all of our Alexis de Tocqueville members.

La Table Ronde des Million de Dollars

PHILANTHROPY When a person with influence stands up and says, “This is important,� others pay attention. That is what Leadership Giving is all about. Leadership Donors support the community with annual gifts of $1,000 or more, and in doing so, they make a declaration that supporting United Way is not a casual act, it is something of real importance. More than 2,500 Leadership Donors contributed a combined total of $4,591,389 last year. Their commitment has a real impact on the community in that it provides critical funding while setting an example for others to follow.

Dr. P. Phillips

Helen & Richard DeVos The Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation


Ted Crowell

Dr. Nelson Ying

Contributed in the name of The Baron and Baroness of Balquhain Ying of Balquhain

Ordre d’Egalité $50,000 to $74,999 Jim Seneff CNL Financial Group, Inc.

Mrs. Ramona Spears in memory of Mr. W. E. Jock Spears

Robert H. Brown & Mary Recchia-Brown Heart of Florida United Way

Brian Bulger UPS Florida District

William T. & Jennifer Dymond Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, PA

Ordre d’Egalité $25,000 to $49,999

Ann & David Fuller

William Fluke

Lillian & Raymond Garcia

SunTrust Foundation

PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP

Tupperware Brands Corporation

Mr. & Mrs. Giles K. Kemp

April Hastings

Wayne P. & Dr. Robin R. Roberts Central Florida Foundaton

David Ruiz & Carmen Aida Vera UPS Florida District

City of Orlando

Leslie Hazenfield FedEx

Karl & Wendy Holz Walt Disney World Resort

Members de la Société $10,000 to $24,999

Andrew Hyltin

Jim & Elli Atchison

Mark Jones

CNL Financial Group, Inc.

SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment

Orlando Health

Carol & Barney Barnett Publix Super Markets Inc

Harriett Lake in memory of Hy Lake

Andrew Brennan

Mr. & Mrs. Kim A. Lopdrup

City of Orlando

Red Lobster

Matt & Alana Brenner

Alex & Juliet Martins

Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, PA

Orlando Magic

Michael & Renee Mueller

David Lee Neel Michael & Beth Pattillo Ernst & Young LLP

Michael Powell City of Orlando

Denise J. Riccio Orlando Community And Youth Trust Inc

Brad & Nancy Richmond Darden Restaurants, Inc.

Marty Rubin Smart City Telecom

Michael & Theresa Ryan Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, PA

Mr. & Mrs. Tracy & Jerri Schmidt CNL Financial Group, Inc.

Salli & Gregory Setta Red Lobster

2014 United Way Leadership Donor Appreciation Event at SeaWorld Orlando Because Leadership Donors are so highly valued, they receive special recognition during United Way’s annual Leadership Donor Appreciation event at SeaWorld Orlando.

Jeff & Shelly Shafer CNL Financial Group, Inc.

Jayne & Thomas K. Sittema CNL Financial Group, Inc.

Craig Strickland UPS Florida District

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Thorsen, III Raymond James & Associates Inc.

Craig Watson Wells Fargo Financial

Health Central





Listed by gift amount

Million Dollar Champions

CELEBRATE LIVE UNITED Awards Chairman’s Award:

$3.7 million (363)*


$1.1 million (274)*

$500,000+ Donors

AT&T (15)*

Bank of America (49)*

SunTrust Bank of Central Florida (103)*

Tupperware Brands Corporation (53)*

Siemens Energy, Inc. (46)*

Darden Restaurants, Inc. (40)*

University of Central Florida (47)*

Wells Fargo (41)*

FedEx Corporation (7)*

Adventist Health System

$400,000+ Donors

Phenomenal Executive Champion:

Florida Hospital (142)*

District Manager for Publix Super Markets, Inc.

$100,000+ Donors

SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment (43)*

$300,000+ Donors

CNL Financial Group, Inc. (28)*

Duke Energy (26)*

Spirit Award:

UPS Florida (67)*

CenturyLink (9)*


Enterprise Rent-A-Car (41)*

City of Orlando (100)*

OUC—The Reliable One (38)*

Orlando Health (22)*

Exceptional Employee Campaign Manager:

Orange County Government (113)*

Adventist Health System (50)*

Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A. (30)*

Talent Development Manager with Enterprise Rent-A-Car

2,574 LEADERSHIP DONORS $4,591,389 *Number of Leadership Donors (Individuals who give $1,000+)

Chad Wilson

Karen Clesen


$3.3 million

TOP DIVISION LEADERS RAISING $10,000 OR MORE *Listed by industry and gift amount Accounting

PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP Ernst & Young, LLP Cross, Fernandez and Riley, LLP

Building and Design

Brasfield & Gorrie, LLC PCL Construction Services, Inc. Balfour Beatty Construction

Business and Industry

Massey Services, Inc. McLane Suneast Orlando Magic Hobart Corporation Greater Orlando Aviation Authority Florida Municipal Power Agency C&S Wholesale Grocers Mears Transportation Group

Combined Federal Campaign

NASA - John F. Kennedy Space Center Patrick Air Force Base- 45th Space Wing DOJ- Federal Correctional Complex Coleman Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division US Army PEO STRI Dept of VA - Orlando VA Medical Center Transportation Security Administration - Orlando Customs and Border Protection Dept of VA - Outpatient Clinic - Viera Dept of VA - FL Caribbean CPAC

USPS - Orlando P&DC Customs and Border Protection Communications - Lakemont USPS - Seminole P&DC Defense Contract Management Agency DCMA Internal Revenue Service - Maitland


Seminole County Public Schools Orange County Public Schools Osceola County Public Schools Valencia College Seminole State College of Florida


Bank of New York Mellon Fifth Third Bank Raymond James & Associates Inc. Regions Bank BB&T Travelers Companies, Inc. Aetna Life & Casualty Fairwinds Credit Union The Hartford Insurance Group Orlando Regional Office Synchrony Financial CNLBank TD Bank State Farm Harland Financial Solutions BMO Harris Bank, N. A. Deloitte Consulting LLP


Elizabeth Morse Genius Foundation Gordon J. Barnett Memorial Foundation Shell Oil Company Foundation Frank Hubbard Family Fund


Florida Blue Express Scripts United Healthcare of Florida

High Tech

Microsoft General Dynamics C4 Systems Sprint Smart City Telecom Ricoh IBM Corporation Landmark Center One Pitney-Bowes


Red Lobster Orlando / Orange County Convention & Visitors Bureau


Heart of Florida United Way Inc. Aspire Health Partners Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida Community Coordinated Care for Children

Public Service

Reedy Creek Improvement District City of Kissimmee


Macy’s Costco Wholesale JCPenney Best Buy Dillard’s, Inc. Wal-Mart

IN 2014-15:




companies participated in a workplace campaign

Holland & Knight, LLP BakerHostetler, LLP Orlando Sentinel Communications WFTV - Channel 9 / Central Florida’s Channel 27 Cox Enterprises



of all United Way funds ($26.1 million) came from a workplace giving campaign


ADVOCATE Advocacy is about championing a cause. It’s about taking time to understand the issues, educating the community and motivating action on important issues. United Way is focused on serving as a voice for those who are seldom heard – children, the elderly, veterans and those who are down on their luck. Achieving real, sustained change in community conditions requires the engagement of everyday citizens, as well as policy leaders and decision makers at the local, state and national level. Through the work of our supporters, we have begun to move the needle for veterans through Mission United and for the ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) population. 32





MISSION UNITED Launched in June 2015, Mission United is a collective effort that addresses the complicated and fragmented systems for veteran services currently in place. It is a community collaboration that serves as a central contact for veterans to access community support, ensuring that service members and their families are never more than two steps from the help they need. Mission United identifies gaps and creates systemic change in the areas of legal assistance, employment and education.




15% POVERTY 55%



More than 203,000 tri-county households fall into what United Way calls the ALICE population (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed). These are households earning more than the U.S. poverty level, but less than the basic cost of living. Nearly 50% of Central Florida families do not earn enough to consistently cover the basic living expenses highlighted by the ALICE threshold. This is a population that United Way has been serving for over 75 years, but awareness and advocacy efforts have brought business and community leaders together to begin to identify workable and sustainable solutions for affordable housing, childcare, healthcare and access to transportation that can help bring stability to the ALICE population. 35

VOLUNTEER Our volunteers are one of our most valuable resources. With donations of time, energy and expertise, they facilitate change that impacts people’s lives. Whether it’s serving on one of our advisory committees or participating in a United Way-organized project, our volunteers inspire hope and create opportunities for a better tomorrow. Heart of Florida United Way’s Volunteer Resource Center organized events and volunteer experiences benefitting nonprofit organizations throughout Central Florida in 2014-2015, ultimately impacting thousands of individuals and bettering lives. 36



’14 VOLUNTEER 25 companies… 1,600 volunteers … 40 projects, all make one really big impact. The 23rd annual Day of Caring, a massive, one-day volunteer effort, featured projects like building garden vegetable boxes for seniors, serving meals to the homeless, reading to students and painting homes for low-income, first-time homebuyers. In all, our region’s leading companies and organizations took part and showed our community once again what we can do when we LIVE UNITED.



Access to books is a major factor in summer slide, the gradual decline of reading skills over the summer months. With the help of the community, United Way collected more than 30,000 books to hand out to children as part of Day of Action, a one-day community-wide volunteer event focused on promoting literacy. More than 400 volunteers participated in fun interactive literacy related activities and helped to distribute books to 2,556 kids in need. Research shows that by reading just 4 books over the break, students can maintain or even build their reading skills. Day of Action provided 6 books to low-income students to read all year long.


OUR VOLUNTEERS Investing in Results Council Jacob Stuart Ed Timberlake, Chair

Chairman of the Central Florida Board Seaside National Bank & Trust

Mark Brewer, CAP, Vice Chair President / CEO Central Florida Foundation

Robert H. (Bob) Brown President / CEO Heart of Florida United Way

Michael Frumkin, Ph.D.

Chair, Alleviating Hunger & Homelessness Cabinet Dean, College of Health & Public Affairs University of Central Florida

Mark A. Jones

President Orlando Regional Medical Center

Debra Knox, M.S., CCC-SLP

Joy W. Taylor, Ed.D.

Chair, Building Safe Communities through Education Cabinet Director, Title I Federal Programs Orange County Public Schools

Dana Schafer

Public Information Officer Osceola School District

Improving Financial Stability Cabinet

Laureen A. Wells

Edelman Financial Services

Bill Wilson

Developing Healthy Children & Families Cabinet

Chair, Improving Financial Stability Cabinet Edelman Financial Services

Executive Partner Holland & Knight LLP

Building Safe Communities through Education Cabinet Joy W. Taylor, Ed.D., Chair Director, Title I Federal Programs Orange County Public Schools

Patty Maddox

Mike Blasewitz, Ed.D.

Cornell Professor of Management and Academic Director of the Center for Leadership Development Rollins College

Karen Willis

Program Manager, Youth Shelter Orange County Government

Chris Toadvine

Hon. Alicia L. Latimore, Vice Chair

Ronald F. Piccolo, Ph.D.

Tracy Salem, Ed.D.

Business Performance Advisor Insperity

Chair, Developing Healthy Children & Families Cabinet Clinical Educator and Coordinator of the Board of Clinical Educators University of Central Florida

President / CEO Winter Park Health Foundation


President / CEO Central Florida Partnership

Circuit Judge Ninth Judicial Circuit Court

Executive Director Secondary Education, High Schools Seminole County Public Schools

Lauren Chianese

Director of Community Engagement The Foundation for Florida’s Future

Brendan Lynch

Senior Associate Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A.

Heart of Florida United Way is grateful to the many volunteers who serve as strategic advisors on a variety of committees, cabinets and councils. Their leadership, expertise and guidance allows us to better serve the Central Florida community.

Debra Knox, M.S., CCC-SLP, Chair Clinical Educator and Coordinator of the Board of Clinical Educators University of Central Florida

Nancy Ellis, Ph.D.

Director Center for Community Partnerships University of Central Florida

Therry Feroldi

Senior Health Planner The Health Council of East Central Florida

Merewyn “Libba” Lyons Proposal and Grant Developer Learning Sciences International

Brantley M. Muscato Managing Director M2 Payment Solutions, Inc.

Debbie Watson

Vice President Winter Park Health Foundation

Chief Executive Officer Early Learning Coalition of Orange County

Chris Toadvine, Chair Nilda Blanco

Compliance Director CareerSource Central Florida

Jason K. Chepenik Managing Partner Chepenik Financial

Carol Ivey

Community Volunteer

Steve Miglietta

Corporate Director of Financial Planning Orlando Health

Dawn Murray

Access Regional Operations Manager Florida Department of Children & Families

Nana Robertson, Ed.D.

Program Manager, Early Childhood Dept. Seminole State College

Mike Schafer

Partner Schafer, Tschopp, Whitcomb, Mitchell &

Kate Wilson

Vice President & Community Affairs Officer Wells Fargo Bank

Alleviating Hunger & Homeless Cabinet

Michael Frumkin, Ph.D., Chair Dean, College of Health & Public Affairs University of Central Florida

John Hillenmeyer, Vice Chair Chief Executive Officer Emeritus Orlando Health, Inc.

Lisa Barkely, M.D.

Assistant Dean for Diversity & Inclusion Assistant Professor of Medicine College of Medicine University of Central Florida

Danny de Armas

Senior Associate Pastor First Baptist Church of Orlando

Carolann Duncan

Regional SAMH Director Substance Abuse/Mental Health Program Florida Department of Children & Families Region C-Circuit 5,9,10,18,19

Kenneth Goldberg, M.D.

Chief of Staff U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs Orlando VA Medical Center

Robert Spivey

Manager, Code Enforcement Division Orange County Government

James D. “Jim” Wright, Ph.D.

Provost Distinguished Research Professor College of Sciences, Sociology University of Central Florida

Marketing Advisory Committee John Fadool, Chair

Executive Vice President/Marketing LongHorn Steakhouse

Shawn Bartelt

Vice President & General Manager WFTV, Channel 9 and WRDQ, Channel 27

Steve Blount

President Digital Marketing Ninja

Kathy Brown

President Thumbprint Marketing

Jennifer DeWitt

Associate Director of Interactive Communications Rollins College

Anne Howie

President Howie & Partners

Tyler Koon

Co-Owner Lawton Printers

Beth Lowell

Single Copy Marketing Manager Orlando Sentinel

Manley Ludwig

Community Volunteer

Michelle Stevens

Manager Community Affairs & Station Events WFTV Channel 9 & WRDQ Central Florida’s TV 27

Financial Review Committee Fred Bates AARP

Kim Dapkus

Senior Manager, Compliance and Governance Lockheed Martin

Karen Dual

Human Resource Manager Averett Warmus Durkee

Ralph Perrino

CEO Quality Project Control

Edward Dimayauga

Christine Falkowski Director, Marketing & Sales The Transition House

Mike Schafer

Mara Frazier

Tannia Steele

Accounting Manager Marriott Vacations Worldwide

Sandeep Wilkhu

IPAO Review Manager NASA – Kennedy Space Center

Mission United Council

Tommy Boroughs, Co-Chair Partner Holland & Knight

Douglas Metcalf, Co-Chair

President/Vice-President Communications Consultants Central Florida

Tom Barthel

Vice President/Chief Lockheed Martin

Bruce Blackwell

President Florida Bar Association Foundation

Homer Boone

Director, Customer Service Career Source of Central Florida

Bill Wilson, Chair Executive Partner Holland & Knight

Attorney Legal Aid Society of the Orange County Bar Association

Ralph Perrino, CPA

Partner Schafer, Tschopp, Whitcomb, Mitchell & Sheridan, LLP

Nominating Committee

Karen Connors

Sr. Director, Community Affairs Westgate Foundation

Kenneth Mueller

Robert H. (Bob) Brown President / CEO Heart of Florida United Way

C. Josef Ghosn, Ed.D.

Sr. VP, Chief Strategy Officer Florida Division of Adventist Health System

John Moskos Senior Vice President Wells Fargo

HCHV Program Manager Department of Veteran Affairs

Compensation Committee

Snak Nakagawa

Chairman of the Central Florida Board Seaside National Bank & Trust

Director, Workforce Programs Florida High Tech Corridor

Jovanna Nelson

Owner/Event Manager Good 2 Go Event Management

Tony Ortiz

Ed Timberlake, Chair

Jane Garrard

(Ret.) Vice President and CFO Tupperware U.S. & Canada

E. Ann McGee, Ed.D. President Seminole State College

Commissioner, District 2 City of Orlando

John Moskos

Joseph Sarrubbo, Jr

Senior Vice President Wells Fargo

Dean of Students, East Campus Valencia College

Xiomara Torres Case Manager Veterans’ Court

Mark Waltrip

Chief Operating Officer Westgate Resort

How United Way Makes A Difference At United Way, our goal is simple: feed the hungry, shelter the homeless and take preventative steps to help others avoid crisis. Through strategic United Way-funded programs, we’ve made a significant impact.




E. Ann McGee, Ed.D.

Joel Glass

Robert Newland

Jeffrey R. Shafer

Retired Bank Executive

Sr. Vice President of Communications Orlando Magic

President & CEO Career Partners International

President CNL Securities Corp.

President Seminole State College

Malcolm C. Barnes

Michael L. Harding

Commissioner Tony Ortiz

Eddie Soler

(Ret) Partner, Deloitte & Touche LLP

City of Orlando, District 2


Residential Markets – Operations Leader Progress/Duke Energy

Shawn Bartelt

Avido Khahaifa

Ruth Patrick

Executive VP and Chief Financial Officer Florida Hospital

Editor/Sr.VP/Director of Content-Florida Orlando Sentinel

President/CEO BETA Center

Roseann Harrington

Michael E. Pattillo

Vice President, Tactical Missiles and Combat Maneuver Systems Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control

VP of Marketing, Communications & Community Relations Orlando Utilities Commission

Managing Partner – Orlando Ernst & Young, LLP

Keith Swider

Sandy Hostetter

Sam Pero

Director of Business Analysis SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment

Regional Director, Southern Jacksonville Division Publix Super Markets, Inc.

Ed Timberlake

Ronald F. Piccolo, Ph.D

Chairman of the Central Florida Board Seaside National Bank & Trust

Richard A. Watkins


David E. Fuller President SunTrust Foundation SECRETARY

Karen Dee

Vice President & General Manager WFTV, Channel 9 and WRDQ, Channel 27

John Pisan, CFP

Maribeth Bisienere

Regional Managing Director Wealth Management Wells Fargo Bank

Senior Vice President Downtown Disney, ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex, Water Parks & Mini-Golf Walt Disney Parks and Resorts

James B. Cross

Diana Bolivar

President CNLBank, Central Florida

Managing Partner Cross, Fernandez & Riley, LLP

President Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metro Orlando

Mark A. Jones

Sean DeMartino

President Orlando Regional Medical Center

Associate Professor of Management Rollins College Crummer Graduate School of Business

Balfour Beatty Construction Division President

Byron Knibbs

Ronald O. Rogers

Chief Val B. Demings (Ret.)

VP of Customer Service and Sustainability Orlando Utilities Commission

President Ronald O. Rogers & Associates, LLC

Patricia Maddox

Chief Paul Rooney (Ret.)

President/CEO Winter Park Health Foundation

Assistant Vice President Safety, Security & Risk Mgmt. Valencia College



Jane Garrard

(Ret) Vice President and CFO Tupperware U.S. and Canada CEO

Former Chief of Police, City of Orlando

President / CEO Heart of Florida United Way

John Fadool

Robert H. (Bob) Brown


Executive Vice President, Marketing LongHorn Steakhouse

John Moskos

Linda Landman Gonzalez

Senior Vice President Wells Fargo

VP of Philanthropy & Multicultural Insights Orlando Magic

Michael Frumkin, Ph.D.


Board Members from July 2014-June 2015

Dean and Professor College of Health and Public Affairs UCF

Marie Martinez Operations Manager Howard Phillips Center for Children & Families

Chief John W. Mina Chief of Police City of Orlando Police Department

Gerald Roux Central Florida Area Executive Bank of America

David Ruiz President, Florida District UPS

Frank St. John

President Generational Playbooks, LLC

Bill Wilson Executive Partner Holland & Knight



The $26.1 million raised, managed and distributed by United Way during fiscal year 2014-2015 is referred to as “total resources.” Fundraising totals include monies raised through the community campaign, special events and other donor-related activities. When combined with other programs, services and resources, total resources make Heart of Florida United Way the tri-county region’s largest supporter of health and human services agencies.

Finance Committee Jane Garrard, Chair

(Ret.) Vice President and CFO Tupperware U.S. & Canada

Jim Cross

Partner Cross, Fernandez & Riley

Stephen J. Graham

Senior Financial Manager/Consultant Dr. P Phillips Hospital

Tim Hyslop Senior Vice President Synovus Bank

Peter L. Lopez, Esq.

Partner Lowndes Drosdick, Doster, Kantor, & Reed, PA

Robert H. Maiocco

Financial Advisor Conrad Santiago & Associates

Keith Swider

Director of Business Analysis SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment

Richard A. Watkins President Generational Playbooks, LLC

Audit Committee

Michael Harding, Chair (Ret.) Partner Deloitte & Touche LLP

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION The following is an overview of Heart of Florida United Way’s financial performance, comparing fiscal years 2014-2015 and 2013-2014, ending June 30.

ASSETS Cash $ Investments Campaign pledges receivable, less allowance for uncollectible pledges of $2,595,121 and $1,945,195 in 2015 and 2014, respectively Grants receivable Other receivables Prepaid expenses Gift-in-kind inventory Property and equipment, net Total Assets $

2015 2014 9,289,376 $ 10,946,307 9,698,429 9,587,230

7,602,926 7,236,964 1,326,952 885,561 90,553 15,530 165,441 122,567 336,116 281,301 3,890,776 3,933,863 32,400,569 $ 33,009,323

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ 729,748 $ 566,629 Accrued expenses 532,307 459,541 Campaign pledges due to designated agencies 3,410,260 3,751,766 Campaign pledges due to other United Way organizations 325,265 361,704 Grant advances 211,780 163,533 Other liabilities 162,328 144,318 Total Liabilities 5,371,688 5,447,491 NET ASSETS Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets $

15,215,385 11,013,496 800,000 27,028,881 32,400,569 $

15,438,873 11,322,959 800,000 27,561,832 33,009,323

Phil Nix

Partner Deloitte & Touche LLP

Amy Racicot

CFO Give Kids the World

Anne-Marie Salamone Controller 4R Smokehouse


Dr. Nelson Ying Center 1940 Traylor Blvd. | Orlando, FL 32804 | www.HFUW.org | (407) 835-0900


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