Slow Aging Down by Exercising

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Exercise More Age Less Many people are in search of shortcuts to boosting their lif e expectancy and they don’t take advantage of available research inf ormation.

Here is an example that is almost guaranteed to increase your lif e span. As we age, we tend to lose lung capacity, f lexibility, and strength. [1] Even the f ittest will gradually become slower, weaker, and less f lexible and that’s f or people starting at their peak. Most of us are not there, in f act, most of us are not even close. Good news is we can actually become biological “younger” by getting into better shape. T hink about that f or a minute. No medications or surgery and you can still make yourself younger. It’s possible to become quicker, stronger, and more f lexible if you put your mind to it. [2] More than two-thirds of American adults are clinically over-weight and it’s no surprise that six in ten Americans surveyed said they rarely participate in any vigorous, leisure physical activity. [3] It is not necessary to be a top athlete to get the benef its of exercise. Lif ting weights, riding a bike, walking, and jogging can all help the lungs and heart. A study published in the Journal of the American Collage of Cardiology f ound much of the drop in exercise ability as we age is not f rom our cardiovascular system getting older but instead f rom the result of lack of inactivity. [4] Sedentary seniors who added a daily exercise program of walking or jogging, bicycling, and stretching were able to improve their ability at sending oxygen to operational muscles that approached levels to that of 20 and 30 year olds. Strength training can help reduce the symptoms of a number of diseases and chronic conditions, such as diabetes, obesity, back pain, depression, and arthritis. It can also boost metabolism by 15 percent.

# 1 Anti-Aging Exercise T he simple bench press can do wonders to increase your lif e span. T his exercise opens up the ribs and the chest cavity. T hat, in turn, gives our lungs more room and makes us less prone to pneumonia as we get older. T his one exercise because of its ability to ward of f pneumonia later in lif e, is worth paying attention to. [5] Many people do not like going to the gym, and particularly if they have not had much exercise lately. Gymnasiums are not necessary to get good workouts. T he Centers f or Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) calculated the metabolic expenditure f or various activities. What they discovered is very interesting. Climbing stairs was more rigorous than playing doubles tennis. Shoveling in the garden was more metabolically challenging than playing golf .

Simply walking half an hour a day will do wonders f or your cardiovascular health. What you may not know is that the benef its extend not only to your heart, but also your lungs, and your sense of well being. You will become healthy at the cellular level. Your mitochondria – your cells’ power plants – will become stronger and more activated.

How to stimulate natural human growth hormone (HGH) production. Exercise is a primary triggers for HGH secretion. Why this happens is still a mystery is scientif ic circles, and yet, researchers suggest that increases in nitric oxide, adrenaline, blood lactate, acidity or nerve activity can act individually or as a group to cause increases in HGH production. [6] Research reveals that to activate human growth hormone (HGH) production beyond the minimum a person must exercise f or at least ten minutes at or beyond the lactate threshold.

HGH human growth hormone exercise recommendations Exercise at least 3 times per week, each involving at least 10 minutes above lactate threshold During exercise drink plenty of plain water Af ter exercise avoid sugar f or two hours but do eat at least 25g of protein Along with an exercise program, adding a high quality HGH supplement into your diet can help increase natural HGH production a lot. References: [1] Harvard Medical School. Exercise and aging: Can you walk away f rom Father Time? Available f rom: rom_Father_Time.htm [2] Medical News Today. Exercise Appears To Reduce Cellular Aging Caused By Stress. Available f rom: [3] Sports Science. AGING AND EXERCISE f rom: [4] University of New Mexico. T he Age Antidote. Available f rom: older/age.html [5] Psych Central. Regular Exercise Reduces Risk of Dementia, Slows Aging. Available f rom: -dementia-slows-aging/20946.html [6] ShareCare. How does exercise decrease the ef f ects of aging? Available f rom: f ects-aging

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