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You Made Me Cry, But You’ll Never Know That

You Made Me Cry, But You’ll Never Know That

Travis Jones


You made me cry when

You told me about how

You couldn’t get out of bed

This morning

How every step is but a memory

Of a life without pain

Of a life without the Big C

Of a life that no longer feels yours

You didn’t see the tears

Welling in the corners of my eyes

You didn’t feel my heart shatter

You only saw my somber face

I stood there, still, watching as

You stared at the white sterilized floor

I cried but I quickly wiped the tears S

o you wouldn’t see when you looked up

I cried as I looked at your x-ray

Because your cancer-riddled bones

Looked young again, but I knew

They didn’t feel that way

-Travis Jones is a senior in the UNC School of Nursing from Raleigh, NC.-

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