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Brand Imagery
Imagery chosen for the use with Zorvec™ active family of products should reflect the brand’s position. Imagery should be bold, rich, elegant and of excellent quality. Imagery for this family of products should reflect the concept of successful crops, focusing on beautiful, lush crops; an abundant harvest; and prosperity. See below and the following pages for guidance when choosing images depicting growing crops, harvested or in-field crop portraits, or growers interacting with growing or harvested crops. Please download assets for Zorvec from the Corteva Agrisciences™ Brand Center at Home/Crop Protection/Resources/Active Ingredient Branding Resources and use this link https://brandcenter.corteva.com/content/ index/guid/active_ingredient_branding_ resources?parent=726 In general, please follow these guidelines: • Use high-quality, high-resolution photography. Avoid images that are too dark or too light, have poor composition, or are out of focus. • Use bright, vibrant images with visual depth. • Select and capture images that are not restricted by geographic or usage limits for more complete and effective use in other areas where possible. • Look for visually rich images employing strong colors and interesting textures or angles. • Images should quickly convey the essence of the brand personality and attributes of Zorvec: achievement, impact, beauty, success, aspirational, unique, special,
“perfect combination,” “seeing is believing,” fast, intelligent.
IN-FIELD CROP IMAGE SELECTION Choose clean, bright crops that are healthy, uniform and abundant. Select images that represent the benefits of effective disease control, such as healthy leaves, blemish-free vegetables or grapes, or uniform potatoes. Focus on an individual plant, vegetable or small group to reinforce the value of healthy plants. Use brilliant color to reinforce a beautiful harvest.

GRAPHIC CROP PORTRAITS IMAGE SELECTION Choose clean, bright, beautiful examples of growing or harvested crops. Growing crops should look healthy and uniform. Harvested crops should depict uniformity, abundance, beauty and perfection. Include elements with bright, natural colors. Consider using produce with complementary colors for added interest. Consider interesting or unexpected angles or viewpoints, focusing on textures — individual leaves, bunches, potatoes, etc. — or other aspects of the plant or harvested crop that add interest and appeal. Depth of field (selective focus) can be used to add interest or to isolate areas of an individual plant or piece of produce. Situations lit by clear, natural daylight/ sunlight are preferred.

GROWERS INTERACTING WITH CROPS IMAGE SELECTION Use photos that portray a grower’s pride in his or her bountiful harvest. Depict the grower interacting with the developing crop, the crop at harvest time or harvested produce. Close-ups, including those showing only hands and crops or produce, are suitable. Situations lit by clear, natural daylight/ sunlight are preferred. Avoid very low, dramatic or unnatural light. Choose clean, bright, beautiful examples of growing or harvested crops. Growing crops should look healthy and uniform. Harvested crops should depict uniformity, abundance, beauty and perfection. Include elements with bright, natural colors, either in produce, the grower’s clothing, or another appropriate element, such as a bowl, plate or crate. Any props used should be realistic for the crop or situation. Depth of field (selective focus) can be used to add interest or isolate areas of an individual plant or piece of produce.