No antibiotics
40-50% 1.14% Marine ingredients Feed conversion ratio (2020-2022)*

No hormones
Feed for farming at sea
Customised recipe

A large majority of the feed used for farming at sea is from Skretting. In January 2022, we started using a customised feed recipe that is high in marine ingredients rather than high in vegetable ingredients.

Reduction in CO2 since customising recipe

Most fish species used for fishmeal, such as blue whiting and mackerel, originate in salmon’s natural environment, the North Atlantic Ocean. Fishmeal used in the feeds
Feed for freshwater hatchery
from Skretting, Havsbrún and Biomar are not derived from any of the same species that they provide feeds for.

Fresh, delicious salmon should always have rich colour to match its flavour. Salmon flesh gets its reddish colour from a pigment called astaxanthin, which is added to the feed.
Salmon are unable to synthesise astaxanthin themselves, meaning they need a dietary supply for these vital functions.
The astaxanthin used by our feed providers is approved by all countries that we sell to.