Cisco final creative strategy

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key research We researched the definition of thought leadership and what it means to us individually. A thorough SWOT analysis of Cisco Consulting determined market strengths and opportunities to overcome Cisco’s weaknesses. We incorporated various cultures and visual languages in our creative campaign. We played with word association and analyzed qualitative research to tap into the human mindset of our audience. The group defined technology, humanity, and connected, and began drawing hidden parallels. We studied how technology can enable humanity through the “art of possibility”. We researched Cisco Consulting services and their social responsibility initiatives. To differentiate Cisco we conducted a competitor analysis. During our research, we discussed various forms of storytelling and identified those forms most effective for our creative campaign. We explored various themes arriving at the concept of the environmental impact of two leaders, Cisco and the wolf. We compared the leadership and influence of the wolf upon its ecosystem to Cisco’s potential business and societal impact. This has the power to change every way humanity lives, learns, laughs, loves and leads. After identifying our story platform, we considered the 4p’s (price, product, promotion, and place) and the feasibility of our ideas.

big idea Following the process of defining t e ch n o l o g y, h u m a n i t y, a n d connected, a group member associated our Cisco campaign with the YouTube video “How Wolves Change Rivers”. The video tells the true story of how wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park in 1995. By 1997 the flow of rivers changed as a result of species and vegetation balance. We drew an instant parallel: the wolves were thought leaders of Yellowstone National Park’s ecosystem. Our research concluded that without a thought leader to cultivate change, any established system will fall apart.

big idea The video “How Wolves Change Rivers” inspired our group to create a running metaphor throughout our creative pitch. The pitch incorporated a metaphorical idea of what a thought leader is (wolf) and how one must present themselves to be the innovators of their field (leader of the pack). Thought leaders and innovators, are much like alpha wolves. Comparatively, Cisco is an alpha leader for they influence the thought leaders of tomorrow by being a constant provider of technological change.

big idea In the human portion of our video, we show how Cisco and their innovative guidance allow the next generation of thought leaders to flourish. Our big idea is to show how they will play a hand in developing the technological ecosystem in which we all live. Much like wolves, Cisco p l ay s a p ivo t a l r o l e i n influencing our way of life while shaping the world around us. campaign When observing wolves, one may not initially think they can impact the ecosystem, but on closer inspection, we realized wolves are the thought leaders of the wilderness. By reintroducing wolves to Yellowstone National Park, the entire ecosystem, rivers, trees, vegetation, deer, beaver, and birds, morphed into today’s beautiful reserve. From these observations, we drew parallels between Cisco and the wolves. We realized they were connected. Cisco is also the engineer of their ecosystem yet isn’t commonly recognized as a leader. Connecting the unconnected is a Cisco trademark. The unconnected, which Cisco is successfully connecting is the relationship between technology and humanity.


connected unconnected evolu.on humanity

Idea.on pinterest

Idea.on pinterest

Idea.on pinterest

Idea.on pinterest

M O C K C O M M E R C I A L a technological ecosystem


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how wolves change rivers


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strategy  Tomorrow Starts Here Cisco hosts an annual networking event, Cisco Collaboration Summit, which gives “top solution providers from around the world opportunities to differentiate their businesses and give their customers a competitive advantage with Cisco Collaboration solutions.â€? The next step for Cisco is to create a youth development program focusing on the thought leaders of tomorrow. Children and young adults will not only be taught key skills and concepts, but given the opportunity to network and build professional relationships at an early age. We believe educating the youth is key in maintaining a balanced technological ecosystem. Through this initiative Cisco has the ability to create great promise for future generations.

strategy Connecting the Unconnected It is imperative for Cisco to stay connected with their consumers through the vast social networks enabled by the “Internet of Everything.” Through outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn Cisco Consulting could communicate directly with consumers through compelling social media campaigns. These campaigns educate consumers on the intricacies of thought leadership and the benefits of Cisco Consulting services. In addition, the use of press conferences and brand ambassadors comprise beneficial brand-building tactics.

strategy The Internet of Everything Through interactive out-of-home media Cisco has the ability to disrupt entire markets and create a global shift in the perception of technology. By creating interactive and technologically advanced advertisements in subway stations, bus stops, freeways, and central locations Cisco could showcase how the “Internet of Everything” is evolving and affecting humanity in the way society lives, thinks, and perceives.

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