Life Smart
There’s book smart. There’s street smart. And at St. Robert School, there’s Life Smart.
Preparing students for the classroom called life. For one hundred years, St. Robert School has been fulfilling its mission “to educate and sanctify children for Christian leadership in accordance with the highest standards of knowledge and human ideals.” We are proud that our school has maintained its relevance throughout these many decades. One of the key reasons for our long, successful history - even in the face of today’s rapidly changing culture — is that our program design is intentional. It is based on an ever-present awareness of the realities of the contemporary workplace, careful adoption of evidence-based instructional practices, and, most fundamentally, the measuring of all strategic decisions against the benchmarks of our core values.
I wish you could see what I see and encounter as I walk through our parish school. I see your gift at work making a difference in the lives of our students. Catholic schools are first and foremost a ministry of the Church. St. Robert of Newminster Parish has sustained Catholic education here for the past 100 years. We are committed to providing not only a solid educational foundation, but also the skills and faith needed for our students to make a positive contribution to society. We are shaping the future right now, with the manner in which we are educating our children here. St. Robert School is a leader in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Your gift is making this possible. I say to you the only words that can convey my appreciation — Thank You. Fr. Dennis Dirkx Pastor, St. Robert Parish
St. Robert School
“Life Smart” is more than just a brand. It’s our commitment to nurture a kind of smart that goes beyond books and serves something bigger than ourselves. It’s marked by innovative ways to reach for high standards of excellence with new methods of learning that include workshop-style classes, integrated technology, personalized learning, inquiry-based projects, and data-driven teaching and learning. In our school, leadership is not only an outcome, but a way of working. Just as we prepare our students to transform the communities they will influence, we are proud that our professional staff lead the way in implementation and teaching of best practices in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. These accomplishments are born in a diverse community where all are welcome — because we are, first and foremost, a holy people, formed in the beautiful truths of our faith, ever-seeking to live that faith in the messy realities of everyday life. Excellence, innovation, holiness. Leadership, community, diversity. Although time and technologies march ever-forward, these markers of our identity have withstood unfolding history and formed legions of students who are Life Smart saints and leaders. This publication highlights some of the particular ways these core values come to life in 2015. Know that the gifts you contributed in the past year made these successes possible, and that every dollar you contribute reaches into the future by touching the children who will lead it. Our next century may look different from our first — not only because we are responsive to the culture around us, but because the needs and resources of our community are changing. Your continued support is critical to the implementation of innovative visions for a sustainable future. Can we count on your partnership to assure that generations to come will have the option of a Life Smart Catholic education? Lauren Beckmann Principal, St. Robert School
A LOOK AT OUR YEAR 2014-15 Financial Summary
Revenue Tuition and registration fees School Society Annual Fund Parish subsidy Home & School Association Band and strings fees Scholarship grants Other contributions and fees
$1,205,083 $300,000 $188,269 $179,400 $147,775 $61,223 $44,000 $5,009
Total Income
Scholarship grants Other contributions and fees
Home & School Association Parish subsidy Annual Fund School Society
Field trips
Expenses Salaries and benefits $1,754,689 Estimated facilities $225,000 Technology and instructional resources $63,903 Field trips $24,228 Other* $62,939 Total Expenses
Band and strings fees
Technology and instructional resources Estimated facilities
*Includes: office supplies, photocopying, postage, tuition service and other professional fees, professional development, archdiocesan schools assessment, advancement
Salaries and benefits
Average class size at St. Robert School
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Dollars to be raised by H&S to support the school operating budget
St. Robert School Home & School Association The St. Robert Home & School Association is an organization of parents of the students of St. Robert School. One of the key missions of the Home & School Association is to organize fundraising events that provide direct financial support to St. Robert School for the purchase of items that meet identified needs for individual classrooms, the physical environment of the school as a whole, capital purchases that fall outside the school budget, or other identified improvements or enhancements. Our primary sources of fundraising are the Emerald Auction, the Calendar Raffle and the Rummage Sale. The parents of St. Robert School volunteer at over 50 Home & School Association-sponsored programs and events each year, enabling us to collaborate with the school leadership, the faculty and the parish to build a strong community, enhance our children’s educational experience, and keep our school vibrant and flourishing. We thank you for all your efforts. For the 2015–16 school year, the Home & School Association has committed $181,000 to support the school operating budget and H&S events and programs. Susan Sprenger, President and Carrie Killoran, Immediate Past President
The number of parent volunteers working together to carry out the mission of H&S
Home & School Financial Statements Balance Sheet
As of September 30, 2015
Cash $128,056 Investments $142,256 Uncollected Revenue $300 Prepaid $550 Total Assets
Operating Reserve $145,000 Technology Commitment $29,253 Middle School Showcase Commitment $8,164 Total Current Liabilities $17,847 Equity $70,898 Total Liabilities & Equity
Income Statement
July 2014 – June 2015
Revenue Fundraising Income Other Income
$268,115 $6,651
Total Income
Expenses School Budget Contribution $137,000 Staff & Principal Discretionary $11,000 Technology Fund $10,000 Teacher Appreciation $2,500 Library $240 Fundraising & School Events $73,854 Administrative $708 Total Expenses Net Income
$235,302 $39,464 *
*This surplus will be used during the 2015-16 academic year for technology upgrades, curriculum materials and furnishings.
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FORMULA FOR SUCCESS Nationally-regarded Progressive Math Initiative integrates quantitative thinking across the curriculum — and into real life.
Smart comes in many languages. We start Spanish in 1st grade, and are the only school in the Archdiocese to teach French.
BEYOND THE CLASSROOM Kids do not thrive on books alone — hence after-school programs like Lego engineering, theater arts, and creative writing.
French and Spanish Art and Music Physical Education Reading and Literacy Learning Disabilities Special Education Technology Math Science English Language Arts
BEAKERS AND BUNSEN BURNERS Next Generation science curriculum puts theory into practice, from concept to engineering design practice.
WORKSHOP-STYLE CLASSES Modern, collaborative learning approach gives kids a jumpstart to authentic workplace practices.
Our 7th and 8th graders placed 1st and 2nd in the prestigious St. Thomas More High School Math Meet.
MIDDLE SCHOOL DRAMA (On the stage, not the hallways.) Students can participate in a professionally-directed musical each year. Previous productions include State Fair, Peter Pan, and Mulan.
ANDROID OR APPLE? LAPTOP OR TABLET? Learning is personal, and so is technology preference, so students bring their own best-fit devices — just like in the mobile world around them.
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Students baptized into our community of faith
Percentage of teachers with a Master’s Degree
Hours that middle school students spent on service projects for the elderly, the disabled, children, and the poor
GIVE US THIS DAY Student-led morning prayer Cantors and alter servers Rich seasonal prayer journeys
Hours spent per month by teachers on collaborative professional learning
PARENT COMMITTEES Marketing & Recruitment Development Education & Formation Technology Policy Budget & Finance Environment
LIVING THE MISSION AWARD Given to our principal Lauren Beckmann by Marquette University’s Educational Policy and Leadership Program
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LOVE ONE ANOTHER Big buddies Playground pals Morning cadets
WHO WE ARE: Milwaukee 63% Shorewood 28% Whitefish Bay 3% Glendale 2% Other 4%
Students who participate in our instrumental music programs
White 80% Bi/multiracial 10% Black 5% Hispanic 4% Asian 1%
Catholic 82% Non-Catholic Christians 18%
$60,270 Total amount of financial aid granted this year
PARTICIPATING STUDENTS: Volleyball 116 Basketball 121 Track 60
$13,200 – Angelique Allen Fund $47,070 – General and Fr. Hank Scholarship Funds
PARTNERSHIP Through the Catholic Urban Scholars Program, St. Robert School partners with central city Catholic parishes to offer a non-Choice Catholic school option to low income families
CLASS OF 2015: Cedarburg High School 1 Divine Savior Holy Angels High School 8 Dominican High School 10 Marquette University High School 5 Nicolet High School 3 Pius XI High School 1 Rufus King High School 2 Shorewood HIgh School 6
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Thank You 2014-2015 Donors The 2014-15 Annual Fund Thank you to everyone who invested in the mission of St. Robert School with a gift to the 2014-15 Annual Fund. Tuition alone does not cover the full cost to educate a student. The Annual Fund, along with Home & School Association fundraising, interest income from the School Society Endowment Fund, and a subsidy from St. Robert Parish bridge that gap. Your unrestricted and individual gifts, ranging from $10 to $10,000, totaled $188,269. We are grateful stewards of the funds you entrust to us.
Christopher & Chris Adams Mary Kamps Addison ‘49 John Allen & Johanna Mattern Allen Frank & Katherine Almond Tom & Kay Anderson Anthony J. Geiger Family Foundation, Inc. John ‘70 & Kathleen Foran ‘71 Ardellini Sue Armstrong Matthew & Kristine Krueger ‘84 Arndt Artisan Partners Limited Partnership Gerald & Diane Davis ‘51 Aschenbrenner Baird Foundation, Inc. Bank of America Charitable Foundation Leslie Barbi Leonard & Linda Bareman Michael & Mary Lu Barron James T. Barry, Jr. ‘47 Jeffrey & Nancy Dean ‘69 Bassindale John & Lynn Bauer Mary Ann Beckius (deceased) Mark & Lauren Beckmann Marion Spence Behling ‘37 Richard & Ruth Beiler Greg & Louise O’Brien ‘75 Berg Dorothy Berlincourt Janet Berlincourt Sue Ann Whaling Bethia ‘47 Evelyn Beyer Marc & Marta Bianchini Thomas E. Bolger ‘47 John & Mary Borman David Borowski & Jody Tabak Dorothy Mai Coe Boyd ‘44 Mark Bradley & Anne Hansen Joseph ‘57 & Karen Branch Michael & Margaret Sankovitz ‘76 Brauer Joe & Linda Bremner Jeanne Regan Brossard ‘43 (deceased) Suzanne Manschot Bruner ‘51 David A. Buechel Sean Burns & Jina Amaro-Burns Timothy & Sharlene Byrne Carl & Eileen Cahill Elizabeth Caldwell Liam & Susan Callanan Collette Campion Michael & Nina Capati Anne Catalane ‘58 James Cauley & Brenda Andrews
Craigh & Diane Cepukenas Rev. Richard J. Cerpich John ‘40 & Liselotte Chamberlain Peter ‘79 & Kim Christenson Joseph & Kari Cincotta Circle Ladies Andrew Clarke ‘61 William & Sara Coffou Margaret Collins John & Grace Collopy James ‘62 & Teresa Connell Timothy & Jane Connell Dennis & Amy Connolly John & Joan Conzemius Margot Cordes ‘46 Frank & Nancy Crivello Bob Crowley ‘47 Ron ‘75 & Mary Curtis Betty Curtis Daily Draw Calendar Raffle Robert Dallman Mario & Charolette D’Angelo Tom & Gretchen Dean John P. Dean ‘59 John Deinlein ‘65 Donal ‘70 & Mary Demet Margadette Moffatt Demet Michael & Margaret DeMichele Robert & Carole DeRoche Bill & Karen Desing Bernadette Murphy Desmond (deceased) Mario & Mary DeStefanis Neal ‘67 & Paula Devitt Mary Alice Dineen ‘59 Robert E. Dineen, Jr. ‘54 Rev. Dennis Dirkx Tom & Mary Wohlrabe ‘62 Domer Joan K. Downey ‘39 John ‘85 & Bryna Dulmes John & Tamara Dunn Kevin & Suzi Schulist ‘80 Earhart Mickey Gearhard Effinger ‘44 Paul & Amy Egan Jeff & Colleen Eimers Bob & Ann Eisenbrown Elizabeth E. End ‘94 J. Michael & Joan End Thomas E. Ewens ‘47 Jeff & Lisa Featherstone
Deenie Desmond Feerick ‘58 Micah & Brenda Feinberg John ‘66 & Gail Firer Terrance ‘50 & Lois Fisher Mark & Martha Millen ‘71 Flaherty Ralph Fleege ‘57 Charles W. Foran James Fox & Terry Ann Marino ‘76 Lawrence & Margaret Fox Jennifer Fox Matthew Fox Michael & Lauren Schmidt ‘95 Foy John & Gabrielle Franke Shane & Michelle Frazier Robert & Merridith Frediani Molly Foy Gallagher ‘82 Patrick Gallagher G. Jeffrey Gallun & Mariann Willing Clark & Holly Gamblin Brian & Holly Ganther Thomas J. Gardner Barry ‘52 & Moira Gault Tom & Alyson Gerdes John Gesser ‘45 Karl ‘47 & Diana Glunz Laura Grenfell ‘97 Ronald & Dana-Marie Grennier John & Denise Grogan Mary Anne Gross Norbert & Teresa Grzechowiak Steve & Liz Haas Siobhan Haggerty Phil & Ellen Halley Christopher Hamm ‘56 Robert & Heidi Keck ‘57 Hanley Patsy Hardt & Tony Gilbert Harley-Davidson Foundation, Inc Mary Laffey Harrison ‘49 Michael ‘57 & Kathy Hart James & Sara Mathews ‘83 Harwood Patricia Haugh ‘69 David ‘72 & Ann Haugh Marianna Griffith Haugh ‘39 (deceased) John & Ellen Hayes Linda Heiderer Tim & Alison Henkhaus Herbert H. Kohl Charities, Inc. Thomas & Mary Herrmann Robin Hetrick Baker ‘66
The donors on these lists contributed gifts to St. Robert School for the fiscal year July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. We sincerely regret any errors and/or omissions. Please contact the Director of School Advancement at (414) 332-1164 ext. 3024 or llesjak@strobert.org with any questions.
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Sally Langhoff Hickey ‘50 Jeffrey & Melissa Hicks Matthew & Amy Hietpas David & Lila Hillman Matthew & Jayne Hladio Alice Haugh Hodek ‘67 Steve & Cathy Hoelter David & Diane Long Hoeveler John & Jeanne Hormuth ‘42 Hoff David & Joan Hojnacki Fred ‘53 & Sharon Holzknecht Honeywell International Corporation Gerald Houk ‘52 James Hoy ‘81 Eugenia Mullaney Hoy ‘42 Lorre Inda Mary Janowiak Kevin P. Janowiak ‘94 Matt & Sharon Jarosz Stephanie Jepsen William ‘42 & Jean Jermain Brian Johnsen & Patrice McNair David & Edna Strom ‘37 Johnson Trust Kevin & Susan Joy Patricia Purtell Julien ‘47 Margaret McCarthy Junker ‘42 Brian & Kate Sankovitz ‘80 Jurgens Gregory & Giordana Kaftan Charles & Mary Stehling ‘46 Kamps Nancy Gregory Karmazin ‘47 James & Elizabeth Wick ‘56 Kasdorf Dane & Katherine Kasper Stephen ‘57 & Kathleen Malaney ‘58 Keane Steven & Mary Beth Keane Kevin & Ann Keenan James E. Kelley John ‘40 & Rita Kelly Mary Ann Kenney Susan Rozga Ketterhagen ‘79 Paul ‘64 & Susan Schmitz ‘74 Keyser Grant & Carrie Killoran Rev. Peter Patrick Kimani James & Jane Kircher Rick Kissell & Anna Maria Espinoza Kevin & Jennifer Kloehn Beverly Becker Koenen ‘40 Michael & Laurie Kohler Rick & Carrie Kohloff Audrey J. Komarek ‘35 Eugenia Kosidowski Robert E. Koster ‘81 Frank & Marina Krejci Kathryn Krieg Sy & Carol Krieg Thomas ‘46 (deceased) & Claudette Krizek Thomas Krueger ‘55 Thomas Ladky ‘61 Kay McNamara Lafferty ‘48 Thomas Pauken & Michael Laliberte Cynthia Lancelle & Family James & Vida Langenkamp Stephen Langhoff ‘57 Helen Shaughnessy Langhoff ‘45 Frank Langley & Kate Sullivan Don ‘49 & Judy McCotter ‘50 Laub JoAnn Leeder Albert Lehr
Katie Mehigan Leonard ‘50 Mary Lesjak Mark Levenhagen David & Nora Lewis Tom & Sarah Liebenthal Thomas ‘76 & Patrice Linn Paul ‘72 (deceased) & Colleen McKeown ‘76 Linn Matthew ‘79 & Patty Linn James ‘67 & Jean Linn Ty ‘63 & Mary Haugh ‘63 Linn John Littrell & Kathlyn Fletcher Joan Madden Lucke ‘47 Mike & Mitzi MacKedon Edward & Allison Madell Abdo Madi & Lucie Wehbe Daniel Madigan, III Thomas ‘63 & Sherry Mahoney Kent & Laura Maly Patrick & Alicia Manning Sr. Helen Martin, OP Lauren Demet Mathews ‘98 Richard Mathews ‘50 Molly Mathews ‘84 Jeff & Linda May Peter D. McBride III ‘68 Mary Ellen McCarty ‘48 Thomas ‘39 & Kathleen Scannell ‘47 McCormick John M. McDonald ‘47 (deceased) Patrick & Laura McGartland Margaret Toal McGinnis ‘55 Steve & Ruth Haese ‘75 McGuire Jim & Kathleen McKeown Douglas ‘57 & Mary-Alicia J. McRae James ‘79 & Despina Mehail Mary Stark Mellinger ‘41 Catherine Mercuri Ric Mercuri Andrew & Mary Meurer Grace Millen John Miner ‘60 George & Wendy Mireles Susan D. Mischler ‘62 David & Claudia Mitchell Ted & Lynne Moreau Julie Morrison Carole Mukai-Tyrrell Peter & Maria Mullaney William J. Mulligan ‘50 Thad Nation & Anna Varley Edgar Neel & Betsy Shumaker ‘75 Harold & Mary Neville Joseph & Maggie Newbold Chris & Maureen Haugh ‘80 Nichols Bonita Niemczyk Paul ‘59 & Carolyn Noelke Gary ‘70 & Meg Nolan Patrick & Geraldine Honish ‘47 Noonan Northwestern Mutual Foundation Chris Oberle & Rebecca Bortner Kathleen O’Brien ‘62 Daniel J. O’Brien ‘68 Daniel & Karalyn Ochalek Patricia O’Connor Martin & Kathleen O’Donnell Thomas & Tricia Ognar
Bradley ‘85 & Jennifer O’Keef Robert ‘61 & Sheila O’Keef Kathryn O’Keef ‘03 David & Judith Scannell ‘54 Olson Colleen O’Malley Joseph & Tara O’Neill Elizabeth Otero Michael & Jill Page Peter Paik & Nan Kim-Paik Sr. Ann Marie Palmisano, OP ‘55 Stephen ‘77 & Sally Pandl Mary Balthasar Pape ‘95 John & Cindy Patrick Neal Pease & Ewa Barczyk-Pease Ruth Anders Peterson ‘34 Greg & Laura Pfaff Peter W. Pick ‘58 Elly M. Pick ‘63 Roy A. Potter ‘55 James Potter & Jenny Moralez Potter Maribeth Barry Price ‘40 Rev. John Pulice Craig & Melissa Pytel Eugene A. Ranney ‘46 Cathy Reed Randall & Anne Reesing Jacob & Kristen Reynolds David & Jody Rhodes Harold & Maura Richardson Eileen A. Riordan Rockwell Automation Charitable Corporation Trust Jose & Zular Rodriguez Anthony ‘80 & Liz Rojahn Timothy & Maria Roloff Timothy Rorabeck & Alice Stephens Howard J. Roughen ‘45 Alice Rozek Allen & Judi Ruppel Paul Sagan & Lisa Lesjak Homer & Marianne Sambar Kathleen Sanborn Wojtowicz James & Celestina Sanders Richard Sankovitz ‘72 & Kathryn West James & Margaret Mathews ‘47 Sankovitz Therese Sankovitz ‘73 Patrick Sankovitz ‘75 Doug Savage & Stephanie Bloomingdale Joshua & Jennifer Schafer Kevin & Theresa Scheu William Schlise & Karen Parr Nick & Kelly Schmidt Susan Behling Schmitt ‘63 Alice Schmitz Jon Schoenbeck & Mary Jo Zimmer Michael & Susan Haugh ‘64 Scholz Mary A. Schroedl Michael & Ann Schueller Patricia Litcher Schulte ‘47 Joanne M. Schulte ‘51 Beverly Scott Sr. Monica Seelman, BVM ‘54 Joan Sherlock Tom & Donna Shriner Thomas Slater ‘56 Alexander & Kathryn Smith
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Steve & Mary Smith Robert & Cile Sherburne ‘45 Smith Dan & Soley Somma Karlos Soriano & Megan Todd Special Tree, Ltd. Matthew & Sara Spors Tyler & Susan Sprenger SPX Foundation Bob & Kathy Blazel ‘58 Stange Rosalie Steiner Marjorie Steinmetz Erik & Erin Stilp Sr. Virginia M. Stone, BVM ‘43 Robert & Alice Griffith ‘45 Streicher Kristi Strode Liz Sullivan Robert Sullivan & Doris Brosnan Paul & Lisa Sweeney Gerald & Myrna Sweetland Sally Swetnam Robert & Mary Ellen Greene ‘37 Taubenheim
John Teevan Patricia Teik-Schadow ‘71 The Lynde & Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. Jim & Jessica Ticus Brian & Carolyn Timmis Edmund & Kathleen Tobin The Tolbert Family Cindy Tomasello Mary Margaret Tormey ‘45 Angela Turner UBS Foundation David Vahl Andrew Velde ‘98 Kent & Marcia Velde J. Arturo & Mary Ann Viveros Barbara J. Wagner Wendy Wallace Greater Milwaukee Foundation Harry & Martha Walsh Fund Alan & Catherine Haugh ‘76 Ward WE Energies Foundation
Bob & Michele Weinschrott Richard & Clara Weir Wells Fargo Foundation Paul & Nadine Weske Neil & Marsha Wester George ‘47 & Susan E. Whalen Catherine Boehm Wick ‘29 Charles Wiener ‘68 Ross & Angela Williams J. Michael and Margaret Wilson Greg Womack & Becky Mokrohisky Jim Wudi Allan & Kristine Dicristo ‘65 Wulz David & Betsy Wyatt David & Kathy Wyatt Daniel & Cory Wycklendt Karl & Claire Linn ‘70 Wycklendt Daniel Wycklendt (deceased) Tom & Sally Zale Joe Ziebert & Barbara Henderson
Scholarship Donors Every family pays some tuition to attend St. Robert School. The amount of financial need is determined via a third party confidential process. This includes our Catholic Urban Scholars, a program begun last year in partnership with Milwaukee parishes in our district that currently do not sponsor a parish school. Through the generosity of these donors, we were able to offer the gift of a St. Robert education to families in need. Steve Acosta & Anne Feldner-Acosta Christopher & Chris Adams John & Johanna Allen Frank & Kate Almond Archdiocese of Milwaukee Matthew & Kristine Kreuger ‘84 Arndt Blaise & Denise Beaulier Marc & Mary Becker Mark & Lauren Beckmann Marc & Marta Bianchini Tim & Sharlene Byrne Carl & Eileen Cahill Liam & Susan Callanan Joe & Kari Cincotta Peter Coffaro & Lorna Dilley Willie & Sara Coffou Dennis & Amy Connolly John & Grace Collopy Nick & Andrea Costello Tom & Gretchen Dean Donal ‘70 & Mary Demet Michael & Margaret DeMichele Bill & Karen Desing Dominican High School John ’85 & Bryna Dulmes John & Tamara Dunn Steve & Michelle Dziedzic Faith in our Future Trust Ken & Stacey Force Matt Fox Michael & Lauren Schmidt ‘95 Foy Shane & Michelle Frazier Molly Foy Gallagher ‘82 Brian & Holly Ganther Mitchell & Marion Gottschalk
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Joe Halaiko & Michelle Roder Tony Gilbert & Patsy Hardt Jim & Sara Mathews ‘83 Harwood John & Ellen Hayes Tim & Alison Henkhaus Matt & Amy Hietpas Matthew & Jayne Hladio Tim & Laura Holmstrom Brian Johnsen & Patti McNair Brian & Kate Sankovitz ‘80 Jurgens Steven & Mary Beth Keane Grant & Carrie Killoran Kevin & Jennifer Kloehn Michael & Laurie Kohler Rick & Carrie Kohloff Kevin & Dawn Lesjak Matt ‘79 & Patty Linn Jack Litrell & Kathy Fletcher Ron Longley & Corey Persyk Norby Lopez Matt Lueder Travis & Yvonne Luzney Ed & Allison Madell Kent & Laura Maly Richard Mathews ‘50 Greg & Denise McCarthy Patrick & Laura McGartland Fessahaye Mebrahtu & Tsebaot Hailemichael Catherine Mercuri Katie Meyer David & Claudia Mitchell Daniel & Katherine Murray Joseph & Maggie Newbold Chris Oberle & Rebecca Bortner
Daniel & Kara Ochalek Dave & Colleen Patzer Greg & Laura Pfaff Craig & Melissa Pytel David & Jody Rhodes Tim & Maria Roloff Paul Sagan & Lisa Lesjak John Salemi James & Celestina Sanders Jim & Margaret Mathews ‘47 Sankovitz Josh & Jennifer Schafer Mary Beth Schell Joe & Wendy Scherwenka Kevin & Theresa Scheu Bill Schlise & Karen Parr Nick & Kelly Schmidt Carsten & Denise Schnese Jared Scholz & Nduta Kamau Bill & Julie Sellars Dan & Soley Somma Patrick & Rebecca Sommerfield Tyler & Susan Sprenger Erik & Erin Stilp Robert Sullivan & Doris Brosnan Eric Waldron & Sarah Coleman Mike & Katie Weber Bob & Michele Weinschrott Paul & Nadine Weske Ross & Angela Williams Dave & Betsy Wyatt Dan & Cory Wycklendt Tom & Sally Zale Joe Ziebert & Barbara Henderson Shane & Julie Zolper
Fr. Hank Scholarship Fund Donors
School Society Endowment Fund Donors
David & Sandy Baumeister Donal ‘70 & Mary Demet John & Tamara Dunn Christopher Hamm ‘56 Thomas & Mary Herrmann Beverly Becker Koenen ‘40 Kathryn Krieg Ben & Ursula Lackey Richard & Ruth Laughlin Donald & Jean Magarian George & Regina Manning Mike & Sarah McQuillen Ken & Ceil Mueller Kurt & Annette Mueller Kenneth Payne Jonathan Patrick Payne ‘84 Jackie Piano Bob & Kathy Blazel ‘58 Stange Justin Weber Carol Young
Harvey & Jacqueline Barnett Liam & Susan Callanan Stuart & Cheryl Carron Thomas & Mary Herrmann Kathryn Krieg Raymond ‘51 & Patricia Laub Richard & Ruth Laughlin Paul ‘45 & Elise Meyer The Estate of Gerald ‘37 & Mary Mullaney Jackie Piano Rod & Marian Schlise David Well Carol Young
Restricted Gift Donors Bank of America Charitable Foundation William & Sara Coffou Dennis & Amy Connolly Barbara Dietz Lisa Lesjak James & Margaret Mathews ‘47 Sankovitz Wendy Wallace
Donations-In-Kind Amy’s Barefoot Books Timothy & Sharlene Byrne Stuart & Cheryl Carron Gerald Dean Molly Foy Gallagher ‘82 Matthew & Amy Hietpas James & Margaret Mathews ‘47 Sankovitz Bob & Michele Weinschrott
Honor and Memorial Gifts We are sincerely grateful for these thoughtful contributions to honor both the deceased and the living. We received gifts during 2014-15 dedicated to the following:
In Honor of:
Class of 1945 1968 Basketball Catholic League Champions Madeline ’15 & Olivia Connell Happy Birthday Elizabeth End ‘94 Gardner/Demet Family Maggie & Owen Killoran James & Margaret Mathews ’47 Sankovitz
In Memory of:
Elizabeth M. Baker Ted & Kay Blazel Jacqueline Blazewick William Carey ‘34 Robert ’29 & Kathleen Dean Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Dean, Sr. Mary Ellen Connell Dolmseth ‘63 Florence Firer ‘24 Fliss & Beyer Children Eileen Stark Gallagher ‘44 Dr. & Mrs. Mark Garry Patricia Burke Girard Sheila Stone Groth ‘45
Loranne Haggerty Franklin Halley R. Christie Hanna ‘44 Dr. John & Marianna Griffith ’39 Haugh Marianna Griffith Haugh ‘39 Anne Hetrick Richard Hoy Russell J. Janowiak Rosemary C. Kelley Marion Kohlmetz Kowalsky ‘37 Richard Lesjak Ollie Linn Marianne Schmitz Mahoney ‘39 Mary Ann Seelman Mathews ‘56 Kathleen Mattingly ‘66 Mary Elizabeth Mattingly Mary McBride ‘58 Mr. & Mrs. James E. McCarty John M. McDonald ‘47 Irving & Katherine Mehigan Mrs. Julie Miner Fred & Clarinda Mischler Elizabeth Schranck Moreau ‘35
Ben Otero Joseph Palmisano ‘61 Fred Parker Hiram H. & Gertrude G. Peck Susan Dicristo Plant ‘61 Bernadine Puccinelli The A. Riedel Family John Roughen ‘41 Lois Sagan The Schroedls William & Esther Shaughnessy Frank & Cecile Sherburne John B. & Eulalia Stark Juliana Downey Sullivan ‘48 Jean McCormick Taggett ‘37 Frank W. Wick ‘28 Jane Brenk Williams ‘47 James Wohlrabe James & Joan Wohlrabe Tommy Wohlrabe ‘76 Daniel A. Wycklendt
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St. Robert School St. Robert Congregation 2200 E. Capitol Dr. Shorewood, WI 53211
From top to bottom, left to right: St. Robert School students and staff celebrated our centennial year 2015-16 • Class of 2015 graduates joined their parents as St. Robert School alumni • A few of the more than 250 participants prepped for our Centennial 5K Run/Walk • Archbishop Listecki presided over a wonderful centennial celebration liturgy • Our 2nd grade saints honored All Saints’ Day • Middle school students performed in the spring musical production of State Fair • Bobcat fans cheered on the 8th grade basketball teams at the prestigious Padre Serra Tournament • 8th grade students pitched in to help at the Emerald Auction